Re: [Audyssey] Mapping, item collecting and puzzles in games

2012-08-15 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Interesting. The Amnion do sound pretty unique. That is what I like to
see in a sci-fi series because the more less human an alien species is
the more alien it will be.That in turn will make the game more

For instance, right now I am reading a Star Trek book called Doctor's
Orders which I've never read before. The over all story itself is
so-so, but I am interested in the aliens   described in the book. As
Dianne Dwane describes them they appear to be round balls of
protoplasm, with black eye stalks, have no internal organs, can assume
any shape they want, and speak with  a chittering sound. they have no
government, no religion to speak of, and live from moment to moment
without anysense of organisation or planning. They are truly strange
by human standards.

Bottom line, the more diversity we could put in a game besides the
typical humanoids the better. It will make exploring the game universe
more interesting I think.


On 8/14/12, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 To bring things back on track however, this does raise some interesting
 possibilities for alien races and cultures, sinse the more we can believe
 that any views we hold are mutable, the more possible it is to considder the

 views of different times, places, or alien races.

 For instance, in Steven donaldson's gap cycle he imagines humanity coming
 into conflict with a race called the amneon. The amneon are not actually
 evil as we would understand evil, sinse they do not feel animosity or hatred

 to humanity or wish to destroy humanity at all, indeed they have a strong
 sense of honour and reputation. Yet, they are driven by an absolute drive to

 genetically alter any species they come across, to make that species
 resemble themselves genetically.

 This is not like the borg say, sinse anyone infected by the amneon remains
 an individual, but the amneon themselves don't realize that the process of
 having someone's body mutate will drive them literally insane.

 Yet, the Amneon are desperate to maintain trading links with humans, sinse
 they are able to recognize aimes that will fulfill their ultimate goal and
 contribute to their survival, so they often trade with outlaw captains,
 particularly for specimins of technology sinse their own biologically based

 technology is less than efficient at mass production of anything (they thus

 have far fewer space vessels than humanity), and of course for human
 subjects to convert into amneon. It's indeed suggested that the amneon's
 desire to convert others is simply a base survival instinct and a wish to
 reproduce, but still one tempered by reason.

 They're one of the most unique alien races I've seen in an sf setting, apart

 from the fact that Donaldson's descriptions of them, their easthetics and
 technology is extremely disturbing, and very different from what you'd
 expect. I Also admire the completeness of the amneon because the gap cycle
 involves just! the conflict betwene the amneon, privateer captains, and the

 united mining company which through economic mite now controls all space
 going vessels.

 it is exactly this sort of explanation of different modes of thinking,
 cultures and points of view that I really enjoy in sf,  or indeed in
 fantasy, and primarily the only difference I see betwene them is that sf is

 tempered by what could exist, albeit at the stretching of some scientific

 principles, while fantasy begins with the idea of the exploration of what
 could never exist, though consistancy, good characterization, and decent
 plotting apply just as well to both forms of literature and I hate formula
 fantasy as much if not more as I hate formula sf.

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Mapping, item collecting and puzzles in games

2012-08-15 Thread dark

Hi tom.

the gap cycle generally is an incredibly good and deeply plotted series, 
though they are not easy to read by any stretch of the imagination, either 
in writing style or settin, and the amneon were just another expression of 

With alien races I actually like the idea that something such as babylon 5 
had, of having a few alien races whome you understand in more! detail, even 
if the b5 races were a little humanized in culture, outlook and detail they 
were at least just as unique as any human nation, just look at the way 
je'kar progresses throughout the series, from an incredibly pushy 
nationalistic leader of a newly liberated people who is very touchy about 
all his traditions and hates! his enemies, to someone who actually is able 
to move on, forgive and see the value in no longer seaking revenge, indeed 
the entire plotline surrounding londo and Je'kar is one of the most 
fascinating in the series I found.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] cyberassault updates and announcement

2012-08-15 Thread Greg Wocher

I have been trying it out.  First, I cant figure out the monkeyterm 
client at all.  How do you actually connect to the mud after opening the 
cyberassault.xml?  For now Iam just using VIP to connect. Secondly, Iam 
having a heck of a time getting anywhere.  I keep trying some of the 
supposed level 15 quests from the shop keepers and cant complete them.  
The mobs I have to kill are way to hard. Thirdly, I am lvl15 and cant 
find much in the way of decent gear.  I have a few pieces I bought off 
of auction and from the vending machines but it does not seem to be 
enough.  Anyone have any tips?

Greg Wocher
On 8/14/2012 4:58 PM, dan cook wrote:

the website has definitely been improved, couldn't access it a year ago.
right, time to get back on!

On 8/14/12, Johnny Tai wrote:

It's a MUD: a online multi user text game. For more info read info on

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Re: [Audyssey] cyberassault updates and announcement

2012-08-15 Thread Greg Wocher

I forgot to mention that I am a lvl15 Predator at the moment.
Greg W.
On 8/15/2012 7:59 PM, Greg Wocher wrote:

I have been trying it out.  First, I cant figure out the monkeyterm 
client at all.  How do you actually connect to the mud after opening 
the cyberassault.xml?  For now Iam just using VIP to connect. 
Secondly, Iam having a heck of a time getting anywhere. I keep trying 
some of the supposed level 15 quests from the shop keepers and cant 
complete them.  The mobs I have to kill are way to hard. Thirdly, I am 
lvl15 and cant find much in the way of decent gear.  I have a few 
pieces I bought off of auction and from the vending machines but it 
does not seem to be enough.  Anyone have any tips?

Greg Wocher
On 8/14/2012 4:58 PM, dan cook wrote:

the website has definitely been improved, couldn't access it a year ago.
right, time to get back on!

On 8/14/12, Johnny Tai wrote:

It's a MUD: a online multi user text game. For more info read info on

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Re: [Audyssey] cyberassault updates and announcement

2012-08-15 Thread Johnny Tai
Not sure about the MT part, but as to quests...some of lev15 ones are on the 
tough side if you're not suited up for them. Especially ones that require 
killing something. Pets make good tank though, buy one and use the order 
pet protect your name command and they can tank some of the hits for 
you. Also the fabricator 2e of recall sells buff potion that can heal you in 
As far as equipments go, ask on gossip will generall get good things 
marketed for you. The vending machine has great items, the logo rings for 
example, can be worn on multiple spot- if you get 7 of them that'd buff your 
character a great deal.
Also, at lower level melee fighting can be quite tough since you don't yet 
have the muscle power to do high damage, so energy weapons might be a good 
way to go- vending machine sells a basic energy gun, and I'm sure others 
would be able to market better ones if asked.

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