Re: [Audyssey] This message is for Dark

2013-11-21 Thread shaun everiss

on an interesting sidenote a show talking on various things talked 
about the state of echonomic affairs of the world and the western 
world in general.
WHat I was told was that right now capatalism dirty and bad though it 
is is at this moment the only viable and workable system to keep 
things going for now.

THat other systems had not built up to it yet.
I was unfortunately traveling in the car to a friends place and 
arrived there just as it was getting interesting.

We can get from this a couple of things.
1.  the current system sucks but so what or.
2.  the current system sucks but its all we have right now but 
another system may take over in the near future.

So there is hope.
Saying that the system we have now wasn't always bad.
We needed it when things got started, but just like a hard drive its 
getting to full of files.

its running out of ram and well it needs upgrading.
It doesn't help then when things break which they will tend to do 
that well who knows.

I agree with nvda though.
Its growing quite fast and yess eventually the collective may have 
power over the others.

But There is a question.
If we have power to crush the others do we become what we hate so much.
If I was a pirate that was going after copywrite holders of stuff 
because of prices and such.

If I ever managed to get big would I end up doing what I was my swarn enemy.
Would I be the person doing the evil deed.
The scary thing is I think I would.
Greed is one of the human trates that has existed since the beginning 
and will continue to do so.

Its vary possible that it will go round and round.
ants will become giants eventually that will step on ants that were 
once like themselves.

This is getting to complex for a sunday.
However in the case with nvda its worth noting that there are people 
in the industry that even if they don't put it out publically do 
acknowledge at least privately  some being my friends that nvda is 
one of the moovers.

Its not like its a secret ofcause.
Ofcause the big thing will be when they become a big threat when the 
big guys realise they are about to become ants and then attack on mass.

If we survive a suit or 2 maybe we will survive.
I hope blind games can get to the point where if we need to fight we 
can do so and win.
I am not sure how many such fights we need to be rated among the big 
guys but still.

Then again not all giants are bad, only sertain types in sertain arieas.

At 01:59 PM 11/17/2013, you wrote:

Hi Shaun,

Unfortunately, that is all too common when it comes to corporate
capitalism. It seems the larger and more well known the company in
question the people at the top of the corporate ladder are less and
less likely to care about their customers and only think about money,
money, money. It has always been that way, and it is the very reason
the United States government has had to step in and break up
monopolies, because once a corporation grew to a certain size they
began to abuse their wealth and power by charging high prices for
products and services, ignoring accessibility concerns, whatever.
However, there is always a counter balance that shift things back in
the other direction eventually.

To pud it this way, you said the corporations see us as ants. That may
be true, but in the wild get enough ants together and they can bring
down an elephant. Individually they might be weak, but as a single
unit the aunts are stronger than any single animal that happens to
step on their ant hill. The corporate markets work in a similar way.

Here in the USA and around the world Freedom Scientific has
consistently tried to monopolize the access technology market. They
have all kinds of deals going with state agencies, other corporations,
and have cared less and less about their customer base. However, some
of the customers are fighting back by creating a free/low cost screen
reader like NVDA, and everyone who can contribute to NVDA does so. As
a result in the space of five years or so NVDA has taken a huge chunk
of Freedom Scientific's screen reader market a lot of that was due to
their high prices, bad tech support, buggy software, and NVDA has made
a big difference for people like myself who couldn't afford the price
Freedom Scientific were charging for Jaws. Those customers who chose
to drop Jaws for NVDA may have been akin to ants initially, but get a
few thousand or more customers to leave Jaws for NVDA and Freedom
Scientific stands to lose millions of dollars because of their greedy
practices. As I said there are always checks and balances even for the
mightiest corporations.


On 11/15/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well I was talking on  the subject of copywrite on another list.
 And I have come to the sad conclusion that the bigger the companies
 get the smaller their customers get and the less they actually care.
 The sharks care about anyting that can pose a threat in the case of
 companies these are others bigger than them or the same 

Re: [Audyssey] This message is for Dark

2013-11-16 Thread shaun everiss

Well I was talking on  the subject of copywrite on another list.
And I have come to the sad conclusion that the bigger the companies 
get the smaller their customers get and the less they actually care.
The sharks care about anyting that can pose a threat in the case of 
companies these are others bigger than them or the same sise or 
slightly smaller.
Nz is a small country which doesn't help but disabled anyone, imagine 
how small we are.
We do not have the power to fight fish such as those what companies 
are made of.

And they know we are small so they don't care.
Even the big companies loose in the ongoing progress wars.
We are little more than ants and thats the only conclusion I can make 
without swearing on list.

Its the only thing I can think of.

At 06:46 PM 11/15/2013, you wrote:

Hi Steven,

Well, I think your message was intended for me not Dark, but in any
case I'll address your message anyway.

To begin with while I realize you were just stating an opinion I still
think you were bordering on inflammatory when you failed to give
reasons for your opinion. Calling something like Linux inferior
without any explanation as to why you think and feel that way is
unproductive in a discussion like this one. It also happens to be
untrue as Linux is superior to Windows in a number of areas, and so is
a viable option for some users who happen to like the OS for reasons
of their own. So while I won't take your opinion personally I do think
it may be a misinformed opinion.

At any rate, to answer your question I think Apple should make a
version of iTunes available for Linux simply to increase compatibility
with their devices. If I am going to go out and pay $199 for a new
iPhone I think I should be able to use it with any computer and
operating system I choose regardless if it is running Windows, Mac,
Linux, whatever. Weather Linux is inferior or not has nothing to do
with it. I am a customer of theirs and I think I have the right to use
their devices with whatever platform I happen to like best, or I
simply do not buy their devices. End of story.

I guess in a broader sense this is exactly what open source is all
about. It is the freedom of choice. A person is not restricted to one
choice of operating system. Most open source initiatives like Firefox,
Thunderbird, Audacity, LibreOffice, to name a few give the end user a
choice what platform and operating system they wish to use. A lot of
closed source software usually only target one platform and one
operating system restricting a persons choices to whatever the
developer chooses.

We are in fact facing this issue right now with audio games. As you
know many audio games were developed specifically for Windows, but
many blind users are migrating to Mac OS X. In order to play games
they are having to run Windows in a virtual machine or to run Windows
side by side with Mac OS. The best solution is to release a version of
the game for both platforms. However, as the developers aren't
interested in doing that the end user, the customer, is stuck doing

Well, my feeling about iTunes is largely the same principle. I use
Linux on several different computers because it is cheaper, does what
I want it to do, and if an Apple iPhone isn't compatible with Linux
then I'll simply have to find a different phone that is. If Apple is
concerned about my business, which I am certain they aren't, they will
make it possible for me to sink files to and from my Apple device with
Linux. Perhaps if Apple's iPhone was the only show in town I might
have a different opinion, but they aren't. Android is slowly but
surely getting better, and it will do what I want it to do. So when it
comes to freedom of choice Android is better.


On 11/14/13, steven wrote:
 Dear Dark,

 For games, buying an iphone is much better than buying an Anddroid. I
 Iphone, being the superior phone that it is, has more games than the
 Anddroid. However, I do see the cost issue and some compatibility issues.
 But why would Apple make Itutes for something as inferior as Linux? This is
 my opinion, and should not be taken personally.


 Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfrick Brian Dumbledore.

 Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

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Re: [Audyssey] This message is for Dark

2013-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Unfortunately, that is all too common when it comes to corporate
capitalism. It seems the larger and more well known the company in
question the people at the top of the corporate ladder are less and
less likely to care about their customers and only think about money,
money, money. It has always been that way, and it is the very reason
the United States government has had to step in and break up
monopolies, because once a corporation grew to a certain size they
began to abuse their wealth and power by charging high prices for
products and services, ignoring accessibility concerns, whatever.
However, there is always a counter balance that shift things back in
the other direction eventually.

To pud it this way, you said the corporations see us as ants. That may
be true, but in the wild get enough ants together and they can bring
down an elephant. Individually they might be weak, but as a single
unit the aunts are stronger than any single animal that happens to
step on their ant hill. The corporate markets work in a similar way.

Here in the USA and around the world Freedom Scientific has
consistently tried to monopolize the access technology market. They
have all kinds of deals going with state agencies, other corporations,
and have cared less and less about their customer base. However, some
of the customers are fighting back by creating a free/low cost screen
reader like NVDA, and everyone who can contribute to NVDA does so. As
a result in the space of five years or so NVDA has taken a huge chunk
of Freedom Scientific's screen reader market a lot of that was due to
their high prices, bad tech support, buggy software, and NVDA has made
a big difference for people like myself who couldn't afford the price
Freedom Scientific were charging for Jaws. Those customers who chose
to drop Jaws for NVDA may have been akin to ants initially, but get a
few thousand or more customers to leave Jaws for NVDA and Freedom
Scientific stands to lose millions of dollars because of their greedy
practices. As I said there are always checks and balances even for the
mightiest corporations.


On 11/15/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well I was talking on  the subject of copywrite on another list.
 And I have come to the sad conclusion that the bigger the companies
 get the smaller their customers get and the less they actually care.
 The sharks care about anyting that can pose a threat in the case of
 companies these are others bigger than them or the same sise or
 slightly smaller.
 Nz is a small country which doesn't help but disabled anyone, imagine
 how small we are.
 We do not have the power to fight fish such as those what companies
 are made of.
 And they know we are small so they don't care.
 Even the big companies loose in the ongoing progress wars.
 We are little more than ants and thats the only conclusion I can make
 without swearing on list.
 Its the only thing I can think of.

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Re: [Audyssey] This message is for Dark

2013-11-16 Thread Teresa Cochran
I was just getting used to NVDA when I switched to the Mac. I had a little pang 
of regret, because at the time, I thought NVDA had a lot of promise. I still 
think it’s a great solution. It’s still installed on my husband’s Windows 
computer in case I need it, and I have a portable copy to use on friends’ PCs.

Anyway, Thomas, I agree with you. We have power if we get together and use it.


The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve.--Pete Graham

On Nov 16, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Thomas Ward wrote:

 Hi Shaun,
 Unfortunately, that is all too common when it comes to corporate
 capitalism. It seems the larger and more well known the company in
 question the people at the top of the corporate ladder are less and
 less likely to care about their customers and only think about money,
 money, money. It has always been that way, and it is the very reason
 the United States government has had to step in and break up
 monopolies, because once a corporation grew to a certain size they
 began to abuse their wealth and power by charging high prices for
 products and services, ignoring accessibility concerns, whatever.
 However, there is always a counter balance that shift things back in
 the other direction eventually.
 To pud it this way, you said the corporations see us as ants. That may
 be true, but in the wild get enough ants together and they can bring
 down an elephant. Individually they might be weak, but as a single
 unit the aunts are stronger than any single animal that happens to
 step on their ant hill. The corporate markets work in a similar way.
 Here in the USA and around the world Freedom Scientific has
 consistently tried to monopolize the access technology market. They
 have all kinds of deals going with state agencies, other corporations,
 and have cared less and less about their customer base. However, some
 of the customers are fighting back by creating a free/low cost screen
 reader like NVDA, and everyone who can contribute to NVDA does so. As
 a result in the space of five years or so NVDA has taken a huge chunk
 of Freedom Scientific's screen reader market a lot of that was due to
 their high prices, bad tech support, buggy software, and NVDA has made
 a big difference for people like myself who couldn't afford the price
 Freedom Scientific were charging for Jaws. Those customers who chose
 to drop Jaws for NVDA may have been akin to ants initially, but get a
 few thousand or more customers to leave Jaws for NVDA and Freedom
 Scientific stands to lose millions of dollars because of their greedy
 practices. As I said there are always checks and balances even for the
 mightiest corporations.
 On 11/15/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well I was talking on  the subject of copywrite on another list.
 And I have come to the sad conclusion that the bigger the companies
 get the smaller their customers get and the less they actually care.
 The sharks care about anyting that can pose a threat in the case of
 companies these are others bigger than them or the same sise or
 slightly smaller.
 Nz is a small country which doesn't help but disabled anyone, imagine
 how small we are.
 We do not have the power to fight fish such as those what companies
 are made of.
 And they know we are small so they don't care.
 Even the big companies loose in the ongoing progress wars.
 We are little more than ants and thats the only conclusion I can make
 without swearing on list.
 Its the only thing I can think of.
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Re: [Audyssey] This message is for Dark

2013-11-15 Thread dark

Mmmm, steven what has this to do with me?

I agree that there are more games for the Iphone, I own an iphone and enjoy 
it, however I don't agree that linux is an inferior platform, for all it's 
never attracted my interest due to it just not providing any of the things I 
want a computer to do much easier than windows xp.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: steven

Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 3:53 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] This message is for Dark

Dear Dark,

For games, buying an iphone is much better than buying an Anddroid. I 
Iphone, being the superior phone that it is, has more games than the 
Anddroid. However, I do see the cost issue and some compatibility issues. 
But why would Apple make Itutes for something as inferior as Linux? This 
is my opinion, and should not be taken personally.


Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfrick Brian Dumbledore.

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

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[Audyssey] This message is for Dark

2013-11-14 Thread steven
Dear Dark, 

For games, buying an iphone is much better than buying an Anddroid. I Iphone, 
being the superior phone that it is, has more games than the Anddroid. However, 
I do see the cost issue and some compatibility issues. But why would Apple make 
Itutes for something as inferior as Linux? This is my opinion, and should not 
be taken personally. 


Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfrick Brian Dumbledore.

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix 

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Re: [Audyssey] This message is for Dark

2013-11-14 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Steven,

Well, I think your message was intended for me not Dark, but in any
case I'll address your message anyway.

To begin with while I realize you were just stating an opinion I still
think you were bordering on inflammatory when you failed to give
reasons for your opinion. Calling something like Linux inferior
without any explanation as to why you think and feel that way is
unproductive in a discussion like this one. It also happens to be
untrue as Linux is superior to Windows in a number of areas, and so is
a viable option for some users who happen to like the OS for reasons
of their own. So while I won't take your opinion personally I do think
it may be a misinformed opinion.

At any rate, to answer your question I think Apple should make a
version of iTunes available for Linux simply to increase compatibility
with their devices. If I am going to go out and pay $199 for a new
iPhone I think I should be able to use it with any computer and
operating system I choose regardless if it is running Windows, Mac,
Linux, whatever. Weather Linux is inferior or not has nothing to do
with it. I am a customer of theirs and I think I have the right to use
their devices with whatever platform I happen to like best, or I
simply do not buy their devices. End of story.

I guess in a broader sense this is exactly what open source is all
about. It is the freedom of choice. A person is not restricted to one
choice of operating system. Most open source initiatives like Firefox,
Thunderbird, Audacity, LibreOffice, to name a few give the end user a
choice what platform and operating system they wish to use. A lot of
closed source software usually only target one platform and one
operating system restricting a persons choices to whatever the
developer chooses.

We are in fact facing this issue right now with audio games. As you
know many audio games were developed specifically for Windows, but
many blind users are migrating to Mac OS X. In order to play games
they are having to run Windows in a virtual machine or to run Windows
side by side with Mac OS. The best solution is to release a version of
the game for both platforms. However, as the developers aren't
interested in doing that the end user, the customer, is stuck doing

Well, my feeling about iTunes is largely the same principle. I use
Linux on several different computers because it is cheaper, does what
I want it to do, and if an Apple iPhone isn't compatible with Linux
then I'll simply have to find a different phone that is. If Apple is
concerned about my business, which I am certain they aren't, they will
make it possible for me to sink files to and from my Apple device with
Linux. Perhaps if Apple's iPhone was the only show in town I might
have a different opinion, but they aren't. Android is slowly but
surely getting better, and it will do what I want it to do. So when it
comes to freedom of choice Android is better.


On 11/14/13, steven wrote:
 Dear Dark,

 For games, buying an iphone is much better than buying an Anddroid. I
 Iphone, being the superior phone that it is, has more games than the
 Anddroid. However, I do see the cost issue and some compatibility issues.
 But why would Apple make Itutes for something as inferior as Linux? This is
 my opinion, and should not be taken personally.


 Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfrick Brian Dumbledore.

 Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

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