Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-05 Thread jaliya skye
The slipgate post actually cracked me up.  And I could understand some of 
where he was coming from. But what I will say is that while some may be 
addicted to mudding, there are other addictions out there too. Like coding 
for a game that you apparently don't want to deal with.  Hence it being 
closed down.  So I guess that was a moot point, which is the best that I can 
come up with at the moment.

I guess I said all of that to say this:  Don't take it seriously or 


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Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-05 Thread jaliya skye
Now, Thomas wrote a much more eloquent message that said most of what I was 
trying to say.  I'm just going to leave all the talking to you since I can't 
think properly this late at night.

I'm a big proponent of the fact that if you don't tell people that they 
can't, they most likely will.  If it isn't written out in stone, people 
won't know to do it. But sometimes even when written out in stone, there are 
those who try to lawyer around those rules and find loopholes.

I wish that we could play the graphical games as our sighted counterparts.

I'm really done now.

Jal, falling over.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at 
the moment, too

As for me personally I don't agree with the general tone of his
announcement, but I can agree with many of the points he made in that
announcement. He pointed out that MOOs are technologically out of date.
That to a large degree is true. We have now reached the point where pvp
and good roll playing games are done through 3D graphical clients
capable of doing far more for a sighted gamer than text based MOOs. Like
everything else that is computer related the sighted users tend to go
where they can get the best visual and graphical effects, and those left
behind are those with visual impairments that can't use the new
graphical software, or those geeks that like the text based MOOs for
their own personal reasons.
As far as creativity and imagination goes I think he may have a valid
point. Far too many mud players tend to use ship and character names
from their favorite television shows instead of actually thinking up
something a little more unique and personally creative. If, for example,
you are playing a mud and discover the ship you are about to fight is
named Voyager, Enterprise, or Defiant you would naturally assume the
player is a Star Trek fan, and he is most likely pretending the mud is
an extention of Star Trek. If you were to engage a ship with a name like
the Exicuter, Milennium Falcon, etc you might then assume the player was
imagining himself to be in the Star Wars universe. This isn't really all
that creative, unique, and may detract from the mud for those players
wanting something specifically related to the mud universe and not bring
in Star Wars, Star Trek, Battle Star Galactica, etc.
As a game developer myself I can understand the developers desire to
complain about having to compete with big name science fiction ships and
characters as he probably wants the players to use there creativity to
improve the mud. To make the mud universe more interesting, more
creatively diverse, and not mix and match big name science fiction
people, places, and things in the mud.
His complaint about players coming up with generic or common names like
the Salvager is understandable, but a bit over critical. Not everyone is
as gifted with creativity and imagination as he thinks he is, and people
just joined to have a good time. Trying to think up a cool ship name and
unique character profile does take time, and careful thought. I am
guessing the majority of the players just signed up, put any old name
they felt like on there ships, and got on with there adventure. Yeah, it
might b boring, drab, but for that player it is acceptable. He or she
was not informed in advanced they had to think up something cool or
unique before joining the mud, and then the developer gets angry at them
for their lack of creativity and imagination.
Finally, the developer does bring up the issue of people with physical
impairments as a type of player that frequents his game. Putting us down
as he did was just flat out wrong. We aren't able to move on to bigger
and better graphical RPG style games, and he knows that. Treating me or
anyone else with a physical impairment as a seperate species of human
not worth his time is unfairr, but not really surprising.
After all, the majority of the people on this list already know what
sighted people generally think of blind people anyway. They either think
we are inferior to them and can't do anything they can do, or they see
an item on the news about a blind musician and collectively assume that
blind people are all going to have equal musical talents. There are all
kinds of eronious assumptions sighted people make about blind people,
and what we are seeing here is some of that coming to the surface in a
negative way from a sighted software developer ready to get out of his
current business
Do I find his message offensive? No, I don't really find it offensive. I
have known for a very long time that many sighted people secretly have
negative opinions of people with physical impairments such as blindness.
In some cases the opinion is justified when their only encounter is with
a blind person who has an attitude of being very winy, complains a lot,
or gets

Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-05 Thread Willem
It's worse because some parents spoil their children more because they are 
- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at 
the moment, too

 Mind you I know of plenty of sighted whingy whiny game players that
 are abusive and complain about this and that, I dont think you can
 put it down to just people who can't see.  Sighted children are often
 spoiled and given everything they want too.
 At 11:55 AM 4/09/2008, you wrote:
As for me personally I don't agree with the general tone of his
announcement, but I can agree with many of the points he made in that
announcement. He pointed out that MOOs are technologically out of date.
That to a large degree is true. We have now reached the point where pvp
and good roll playing games are done through 3D graphical clients
capable of doing far more for a sighted gamer than text based MOOs. Like
everything else that is computer related the sighted users tend to go
where they can get the best visual and graphical effects, and those left
behind are those with visual impairments that can't use the new
graphical software, or those geeks that like the text based MOOs for
their own personal reasons.
As far as creativity and imagination goes I think he may have a valid
point. Far too many mud players tend to use ship and character names
from their favorite television shows instead of actually thinking up
something a little more unique and personally creative. If, for example,
you are playing a mud and discover the ship you are about to fight is
named Voyager, Enterprise, or Defiant you would naturally assume the
player is a Star Trek fan, and he is most likely pretending the mud is
an extention of Star Trek. If you were to engage a ship with a name like
the Exicuter, Milennium Falcon, etc you might then assume the player was
imagining himself to be in the Star Wars universe. This isn't really all
that creative, unique, and may detract from the mud for those players
wanting something specifically related to the mud universe and not bring
in Star Wars, Star Trek, Battle Star Galactica, etc.
As a game developer myself I can understand the developers desire to
complain about having to compete with big name science fiction ships and
characters as he probably wants the players to use there creativity to
improve the mud. To make the mud universe more interesting, more
creatively diverse, and not mix and match big name science fiction
people, places, and things in the mud.
His complaint about players coming up with generic or common names like
the Salvager is understandable, but a bit over critical. Not everyone is
as gifted with creativity and imagination as he thinks he is, and people
just joined to have a good time. Trying to think up a cool ship name and
unique character profile does take time, and careful thought. I am
guessing the majority of the players just signed up, put any old name
they felt like on there ships, and got on with there adventure. Yeah, it
might b boring, drab, but for that player it is acceptable. He or she
was not informed in advanced they had to think up something cool or
unique before joining the mud, and then the developer gets angry at them
for their lack of creativity and imagination.
Finally, the developer does bring up the issue of people with physical
impairments as a type of player that frequents his game. Putting us down
as he did was just flat out wrong. We aren't able to move on to bigger
and better graphical RPG style games, and he knows that. Treating me or
anyone else with a physical impairment as a seperate species of human
not worth his time is unfairr, but not really surprising.
After all, the majority of the people on this list already know what
sighted people generally think of blind people anyway. They either think
we are inferior to them and can't do anything they can do, or they see
an item on the news about a blind musician and collectively assume that
blind people are all going to have equal musical talents. There are all
kinds of eronious assumptions sighted people make about blind people,
and what we are seeing here is some of that coming to the surface in a
negative way from a sighted software developer ready to get out of his
current business
Do I find his message offensive? No, I don't really find it offensive. I
have known for a very long time that many sighted people secretly have
negative opinions of people with physical impairments such as blindness.
In some cases the opinion is justified when their only encounter is with
a blind person who has an attitude of being very winy, complains a lot,
or gets angry when things don't go his/her way. As a game developer
myself I have encountered a handful of such a group of blind gamers that
were very winy, do nothing but complain endlessly about this or that, or
were very verbally abusive when

Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-04 Thread Stephen
Mind you I know of plenty of sighted whingy whiny game players that 
are abusive and complain about this and that, I dont think you can 
put it down to just people who can't see.  Sighted children are often 
spoiled and given everything they want too.
At 11:55 AM 4/09/2008, you wrote:
As for me personally I don't agree with the general tone of his
announcement, but I can agree with many of the points he made in that
announcement. He pointed out that MOOs are technologically out of date.
That to a large degree is true. We have now reached the point where pvp
and good roll playing games are done through 3D graphical clients
capable of doing far more for a sighted gamer than text based MOOs. Like
everything else that is computer related the sighted users tend to go
where they can get the best visual and graphical effects, and those left
behind are those with visual impairments that can't use the new
graphical software, or those geeks that like the text based MOOs for
their own personal reasons.
As far as creativity and imagination goes I think he may have a valid
point. Far too many mud players tend to use ship and character names
from their favorite television shows instead of actually thinking up
something a little more unique and personally creative. If, for example,
you are playing a mud and discover the ship you are about to fight is
named Voyager, Enterprise, or Defiant you would naturally assume the
player is a Star Trek fan, and he is most likely pretending the mud is
an extention of Star Trek. If you were to engage a ship with a name like
the Exicuter, Milennium Falcon, etc you might then assume the player was
imagining himself to be in the Star Wars universe. This isn't really all
that creative, unique, and may detract from the mud for those players
wanting something specifically related to the mud universe and not bring
in Star Wars, Star Trek, Battle Star Galactica, etc.
As a game developer myself I can understand the developers desire to
complain about having to compete with big name science fiction ships and
characters as he probably wants the players to use there creativity to
improve the mud. To make the mud universe more interesting, more
creatively diverse, and not mix and match big name science fiction
people, places, and things in the mud.
His complaint about players coming up with generic or common names like
the Salvager is understandable, but a bit over critical. Not everyone is
as gifted with creativity and imagination as he thinks he is, and people
just joined to have a good time. Trying to think up a cool ship name and
unique character profile does take time, and careful thought. I am
guessing the majority of the players just signed up, put any old name
they felt like on there ships, and got on with there adventure. Yeah, it
might b boring, drab, but for that player it is acceptable. He or she
was not informed in advanced they had to think up something cool or
unique before joining the mud, and then the developer gets angry at them
for their lack of creativity and imagination.
Finally, the developer does bring up the issue of people with physical
impairments as a type of player that frequents his game. Putting us down
as he did was just flat out wrong. We aren't able to move on to bigger
and better graphical RPG style games, and he knows that. Treating me or
anyone else with a physical impairment as a seperate species of human
not worth his time is unfairr, but not really surprising.
After all, the majority of the people on this list already know what
sighted people generally think of blind people anyway. They either think
we are inferior to them and can't do anything they can do, or they see
an item on the news about a blind musician and collectively assume that
blind people are all going to have equal musical talents. There are all
kinds of eronious assumptions sighted people make about blind people,
and what we are seeing here is some of that coming to the surface in a
negative way from a sighted software developer ready to get out of his
current business
Do I find his message offensive? No, I don't really find it offensive. I
have known for a very long time that many sighted people secretly have
negative opinions of people with physical impairments such as blindness.
In some cases the opinion is justified when their only encounter is with
a blind person who has an attitude of being very winy, complains a lot,
or gets angry when things don't go his/her way. As a game developer
myself I have encountered a handful of such a group of blind gamers that
were very winy, do nothing but complain endlessly about this or that, or
were very verbally abusive when requesting information about one of my
game projects. If they take that same attitude and point it at a
mainstream sighted developer they will find they simply won't put up
with it. They will also will find they will have left that sighted
developer with the opinion that blind gamers have no life, that they are
winy, have bad 

Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-04 Thread Stephen
I'm sure the same thing would have happened with diablo or any other 
3d rpg game if their servers have been offline.  This guy sounds like 
he has a few issues of his own, this problem isn't just limited to 
muds, he just sounds like one very shallow bitter individual.
At 10:35 AM 4/09/2008, you wrote:
I don't think he's insulting us as blind people, however, he is insulting
the people that are just stuck to muds/games/mindless droning on muds.  If
it's offensive, yeah, I can agree, however, 27 people on miriani 7 minutes
after it reopened?  Wow, guys, that is a bit rediculous.

- Original Message -
From: Valiant8086 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed,a bit offended at
the moment, too

  Aww, I've been hearing that that was a good mud, shucks!
  - Original Message -
  From: constantine (on laptop) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Gamers Discussion list
  Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 8:40 PM
  Subject: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed,a bit offended at
  moment, too
  Hi there
  Check out It seems that the very friendly
  lead developer there decided that people such as ourselves aren't worth
  developing for- insisting that moOs are outdated and boring, and are for,
  as he puts it, Brainless addicts. He also thinks that we are stupid
  some people are, anyway), because the majority of people who played there
  were visually impaired, if I'm not mistaken. Its sad when a Mud Dev has
  sink so low as that--very, very sad- but, if this is the atitude he
  projects, I sure am glad to be shed of him.
  Does this offend anyone else?
  Have a good day from Tyler C. Wood!
  contact details:
  skype: the_conman283
  system details:
  Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
  AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 1024 mb DDR ram,
  Fujitsu 100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive, connecsant AC-link audio
  Gamers mailing list __
  If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
  You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
  All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
  please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Gamers mailing list __
  If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
  You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
  All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
  please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-04 Thread constantine (on laptop)
That game was, in all honesty, also in Alpha testing stages. Which basically 
means it came out about a month before it closed. So, being out for a month, 
it was pretty good. What do you think Miriani was like when it first came 
out? Probably boring too, but now look at it.

contact details:


and others
skype: the_conman283

system details:
Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 1024 mb DDR ram, Fujitsu 
100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive, connecsant AC-link audio
- Original Message - 
From: Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed,a bit offended at 
the moment, too

 thank god slipgate closed.
 really thank god.
 that game was boring, extremely  boring, at least it's down
 -Mensagem original-
 Para: Gamers Discussion list
 Data: Sexta, 05 de Setembro de 2008 09:23
 Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed,a bit  offended 
 at the moment, too

 Mind you I know of plenty of sighted whingy whiny game players that
 are abusive and complain about this and that, I dont think you can
 put it down to just people who can't see.  Sighted children are often
 spoiled and given everything they want too.
 At 11:55 AM 4/09/2008, you wrote:
As for me personally I don't agree with the general tone of his
announcement, but I can agree with many of the points he made in that
announcement. He pointed out that MOOs are technologically out of date.
That to a large degree is true. We have now reached the point where pvp
and good roll playing games are done through 3D graphical clients
capable of doing far more for a sighted gamer than text based MOOs. Like
everything else that is computer related the sighted users tend to go
where they can get the best visual and graphical effects, and those left
behind are those with visual impairments that can't use the new
graphical software, or those geeks that like the text based MOOs for
their own personal reasons.
As far as creativity and imagination goes I think he may have a valid
point. Far too many mud players tend to use ship and character names
from their favorite television shows instead of actually thinking up
something a little more unique and personally creative. If, for example,
you are playing a mud and discover the ship you are about to fight is
named Voyager, Enterprise, or Defiant you would naturally assume the
player is a Star Trek fan, and he is most likely pretending the mud is
an extention of Star Trek. If you were to engage a ship with a name like
the Exicuter, Milennium Falcon, etc you might then assume the player was
imagining himself to be in the Star Wars universe. This isn't really all
that creative, unique, and may detract from the mud for those players
wanting something specifically related to the mud universe and not bring
in Star Wars, Star Trek, Battle Star Galactica, etc.
As a game developer myself I can understand the developers desire to
complain about having to compete with big name science fiction ships and
characters as he probably wants the players to use there creativity to
improve the mud. To make the mud universe more interesting, more
creatively diverse, and not mix and match big name science fiction
people, places, and things in the mud.
His complaint about players coming up with generic or common names like
the Salvager is understandable, but a bit over critical. Not everyone is
as gifted with creativity and imagination as he thinks he is, and people
just joined to have a good time. Trying to think up a cool ship name and
unique character profile does take time, and careful thought. I am
guessing the majority of the players just signed up, put any old name
they felt like on there ships, and got on with there adventure. Yeah, it
might b boring, drab, but for that player it is acceptable. He or she
was not informed in advanced they had to think up something cool or
unique before joining the mud, and then the developer gets angry at them
for their lack of creativity and imagination.
Finally, the developer does bring up the issue of people with physical
impairments as a type of player that frequents his game. Putting us down
as he did was just flat out wrong. We aren't able to move on to bigger
and better graphical RPG style games, and he knows that. Treating me or
anyone else with a physical impairment as a seperate species of human
not worth his time is unfairr, but not really surprising.
After all, the majority of the people on this list already know what
sighted people generally think of blind people anyway. They either think
we are inferior to them and can't do anything they can do, or they see
an item on the news about a blind musician and collectively assume that
blind people are all going to have equal musical talents

[Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-03 Thread constantine (on laptop)
Hi there

Check out It seems that the very friendly lead 
developer there decided that people such as ourselves aren't worth developing 
for- insisting that moOs are outdated and boring, and are for, as he puts it, 
Brainless addicts. He also thinks that we are stupid (or, some people are, 
anyway), because the majority of people who played there were visually 
impaired, if I'm not mistaken. Its sad when a Mud Dev has to sink so low as 
that--very, very sad- but, if this is the atitude he projects, I sure am glad 
to be shed of him.

Does this offend anyone else? 

Have a good day from Tyler C. Wood!

contact details:

skype: the_conman283

system details:
Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 1024 mb DDR ram, Fujitsu 100 
gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive, connecsant AC-link audio
Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-03 Thread Valiant8086
Aww, I've been hearing that that was a good mud, shucks!
- Original Message - 
From: constantine (on laptop) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 8:40 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed,a bit offended at the 
moment, too

 Hi there

 Check out It seems that the very friendly 
 lead developer there decided that people such as ourselves aren't worth 
 developing for- insisting that moOs are outdated and boring, and are for, 
 as he puts it, Brainless addicts. He also thinks that we are stupid (or, 
 some people are, anyway), because the majority of people who played there 
 were visually impaired, if I'm not mistaken. Its sad when a Mud Dev has to 
 sink so low as that--very, very sad- but, if this is the atitude he 
 projects, I sure am glad to be shed of him.

 Does this offend anyone else?

 Have a good day from Tyler C. Wood!

 contact details:

 skype: the_conman283

 system details:
 Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
 AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 1024 mb DDR ram, 
 Fujitsu 100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive, connecsant AC-link audio
 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-03 Thread Tj
I don't think he's insulting us as blind people, however, he is insulting 
the people that are just stuck to muds/games/mindless droning on muds.  If 
it's offensive, yeah, I can agree, however, 27 people on miriani 7 minutes 
after it reopened?  Wow, guys, that is a bit rediculous.

- Original Message - 
From: Valiant8086 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed,a bit offended at 
the moment, too

 Aww, I've been hearing that that was a good mud, shucks!
 - Original Message - 
 From: constantine (on laptop) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 8:40 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed,a bit offended at 
 moment, too

 Hi there

 Check out It seems that the very friendly
 lead developer there decided that people such as ourselves aren't worth
 developing for- insisting that moOs are outdated and boring, and are for,
 as he puts it, Brainless addicts. He also thinks that we are stupid 
 some people are, anyway), because the majority of people who played there
 were visually impaired, if I'm not mistaken. Its sad when a Mud Dev has 
 sink so low as that--very, very sad- but, if this is the atitude he
 projects, I sure am glad to be shed of him.

 Does this offend anyone else?

 Have a good day from Tyler C. Wood!

 contact details:

 skype: the_conman283

 system details:
 Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
 AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 1024 mb DDR ram,
 Fujitsu 100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive, connecsant AC-link audio
 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
 please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-03 Thread Thomas Ward
As for me personally I don't agree with the general tone of his 
announcement, but I can agree with many of the points he made in that 
announcement. He pointed out that MOOs are technologically out of date. 
That to a large degree is true. We have now reached the point where pvp 
and good roll playing games are done through 3D graphical clients 
capable of doing far more for a sighted gamer than text based MOOs. Like 
everything else that is computer related the sighted users tend to go 
where they can get the best visual and graphical effects, and those left 
behind are those with visual impairments that can't use the new 
graphical software, or those geeks that like the text based MOOs for 
their own personal reasons.
As far as creativity and imagination goes I think he may have a valid 
point. Far too many mud players tend to use ship and character names 
from their favorite television shows instead of actually thinking up 
something a little more unique and personally creative. If, for example, 
you are playing a mud and discover the ship you are about to fight is 
named Voyager, Enterprise, or Defiant you would naturally assume the 
player is a Star Trek fan, and he is most likely pretending the mud is 
an extention of Star Trek. If you were to engage a ship with a name like 
the Exicuter, Milennium Falcon, etc you might then assume the player was 
imagining himself to be in the Star Wars universe. This isn't really all 
that creative, unique, and may detract from the mud for those players 
wanting something specifically related to the mud universe and not bring 
in Star Wars, Star Trek, Battle Star Galactica, etc.
As a game developer myself I can understand the developers desire to 
complain about having to compete with big name science fiction ships and 
characters as he probably wants the players to use there creativity to 
improve the mud. To make the mud universe more interesting, more 
creatively diverse, and not mix and match big name science fiction 
people, places, and things in the mud.
His complaint about players coming up with generic or common names like 
the Salvager is understandable, but a bit over critical. Not everyone is 
as gifted with creativity and imagination as he thinks he is, and people 
just joined to have a good time. Trying to think up a cool ship name and 
unique character profile does take time, and careful thought. I am 
guessing the majority of the players just signed up, put any old name 
they felt like on there ships, and got on with there adventure. Yeah, it 
might b boring, drab, but for that player it is acceptable. He or she 
was not informed in advanced they had to think up something cool or 
unique before joining the mud, and then the developer gets angry at them 
for their lack of creativity and imagination.
Finally, the developer does bring up the issue of people with physical 
impairments as a type of player that frequents his game. Putting us down 
as he did was just flat out wrong. We aren't able to move on to bigger 
and better graphical RPG style games, and he knows that. Treating me or 
anyone else with a physical impairment as a seperate species of human 
not worth his time is unfairr, but not really surprising.
After all, the majority of the people on this list already know what 
sighted people generally think of blind people anyway. They either think 
we are inferior to them and can't do anything they can do, or they see 
an item on the news about a blind musician and collectively assume that 
blind people are all going to have equal musical talents. There are all 
kinds of eronious assumptions sighted people make about blind people, 
and what we are seeing here is some of that coming to the surface in a 
negative way from a sighted software developer ready to get out of his 
current business
Do I find his message offensive? No, I don't really find it offensive. I 
have known for a very long time that many sighted people secretly have 
negative opinions of people with physical impairments such as blindness. 
In some cases the opinion is justified when their only encounter is with 
a blind person who has an attitude of being very winy, complains a lot, 
or gets angry when things don't go his/her way. As a game developer 
myself I have encountered a handful of such a group of blind gamers that 
were very winy, do nothing but complain endlessly about this or that, or 
were very verbally abusive when requesting information about one of my 
game projects. If they take that same attitude and point it at a 
mainstream sighted developer they will find they simply won't put up 
with it. They will also will find they will have left that sighted 
developer with the opinion that blind gamers have no life, that they are 
winy, have bad attitudes, and aren't worth helping. So if that happened 
to this developer I can't find what he said too offensive.
One last thought before I go. His point about the 27 players that got 
back on Meriani 7 minutes after it 

Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at the moment, too

2008-09-03 Thread constantine (on laptop)
Well, personally, I just logged in for 2 seconds, logged out, and went to 
bed (on miriani, anyway). And yeah, I agree holeheartedly on what you said.

Have a good day from Tyler C. Wood!

contact details:

skype: the_conman283

system details:
Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 1024 mb DDR ram, Fujitsu 
100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive, connecsant AC-link audio
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] slipgate legacy officially closed, a bit offended at 
the moment, too

 As for me personally I don't agree with the general tone of his
 announcement, but I can agree with many of the points he made in that
 announcement. He pointed out that MOOs are technologically out of date.
 That to a large degree is true. We have now reached the point where pvp
 and good roll playing games are done through 3D graphical clients
 capable of doing far more for a sighted gamer than text based MOOs. Like
 everything else that is computer related the sighted users tend to go
 where they can get the best visual and graphical effects, and those left
 behind are those with visual impairments that can't use the new
 graphical software, or those geeks that like the text based MOOs for
 their own personal reasons.
 As far as creativity and imagination goes I think he may have a valid
 point. Far too many mud players tend to use ship and character names
 from their favorite television shows instead of actually thinking up
 something a little more unique and personally creative. If, for example,
 you are playing a mud and discover the ship you are about to fight is
 named Voyager, Enterprise, or Defiant you would naturally assume the
 player is a Star Trek fan, and he is most likely pretending the mud is
 an extention of Star Trek. If you were to engage a ship with a name like
 the Exicuter, Milennium Falcon, etc you might then assume the player was
 imagining himself to be in the Star Wars universe. This isn't really all
 that creative, unique, and may detract from the mud for those players
 wanting something specifically related to the mud universe and not bring
 in Star Wars, Star Trek, Battle Star Galactica, etc.
 As a game developer myself I can understand the developers desire to
 complain about having to compete with big name science fiction ships and
 characters as he probably wants the players to use there creativity to
 improve the mud. To make the mud universe more interesting, more
 creatively diverse, and not mix and match big name science fiction
 people, places, and things in the mud.
 His complaint about players coming up with generic or common names like
 the Salvager is understandable, but a bit over critical. Not everyone is
 as gifted with creativity and imagination as he thinks he is, and people
 just joined to have a good time. Trying to think up a cool ship name and
 unique character profile does take time, and careful thought. I am
 guessing the majority of the players just signed up, put any old name
 they felt like on there ships, and got on with there adventure. Yeah, it
 might b boring, drab, but for that player it is acceptable. He or she
 was not informed in advanced they had to think up something cool or
 unique before joining the mud, and then the developer gets angry at them
 for their lack of creativity and imagination.
 Finally, the developer does bring up the issue of people with physical
 impairments as a type of player that frequents his game. Putting us down
 as he did was just flat out wrong. We aren't able to move on to bigger
 and better graphical RPG style games, and he knows that. Treating me or
 anyone else with a physical impairment as a seperate species of human
 not worth his time is unfairr, but not really surprising.
 After all, the majority of the people on this list already know what
 sighted people generally think of blind people anyway. They either think
 we are inferior to them and can't do anything they can do, or they see
 an item on the news about a blind musician and collectively assume that
 blind people are all going to have equal musical talents. There are all
 kinds of eronious assumptions sighted people make about blind people,
 and what we are seeing here is some of that coming to the surface in a
 negative way from a sighted software developer ready to get out of his
 current business
 Do I find his message offensive? No, I don't really find it offensive. I
 have known for a very long time that many sighted people secretly have
 negative opinions of people with physical impairments such as blindness.
 In some cases the opinion is justified when their only encounter is with
 a blind person who has an attitude of being very winy, complains a lot,
 or gets angry when things don't go his/her way. As a game developer
 myself I have