Re: g_b The last castrato: Moreschi: the Angel of Rome

2008-12-11 Thread asfan
Perhaps you may be aware that modern day singers who sound like contraltos are 
called counter-tenors.  No, they are NOT castrated and very often sport beards 
and moustaches to prove that!
The best-known today are David Daniels (gay), Paul Bowman and a Parsi - Bejon 
Mehta. The latter is a relative of Zubin Mehta, the conductor.
I had the pleasure of hearing the former in the flesh in London.  What a voice!

--- On Wed, 10/12/08,  wrote:

Subject: Re: g_b The last castrato: Moreschi: the Angel of Rome
Date: Wednesday, 10 December, 2008, 3:28 PM

In a message dated 12/9/2008 10:26:05 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
adit.b...@gmail. com writes:

Hi Elizabeth, Thanks for lettingme know. I will try and look it up and if 
possible in my next trip to Bangkok get a pirated copy. :-)
BTW one reason why I posted the article was also because I was kind of 
fascinated by the similarity with Hijras (I know the differences are stark 
too). The fact that music, often devotional was the reason for castration.. 
..being one.
Aditya B

Possibly if we could catch them sooner...we could have some singers to put Asha 
and Lata to shame..
But in India it is illegal to castrate before 18 without a parents permission.. 
.and most already cannot keep a less falsetto or high that age..
In Bangkok and US drag bars most of the kathoey singers lip-synch... like most 
movie stars in India..
Though probably not castrated... Michael Jackson remains my favorite...kathoey 
real singer and dancer..

Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one 
place. Try it now. 

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

g_b dubai

2008-12-11 Thread Boby Chati
Any one from Dubai..?
Dubai only..pls


g_b All is well in my world

2008-12-11 Thread b m

Dear Guys
   I was just going through old collections of books and i found this book 
lying.The name of the book is "You Can Change Your Life" and the author is 
Louise Hay. She has other books also like The Power Is Within You andHeal Your 
  In this book she talks about how, our thinking pattern,  makes or  harms 
our present and future too.And she states that if u are going through a bad 
patch now then it has to be your way of upbringing and the way you used to 
think when u were child.

 It is not possible for me to script down the book here but i am giving 
some of the poems which will help you, give your negetive mental ptterns,a way. 
A positive way. There are excerpts of every chapter in kind of poems. And i m 
giving those poems here. It is my own experience that even if you try and relax 
yourself for 5 mins and say these poems to yourself, you should start getting 
the results at the same time. It depends on how u relax urself. 
  U will get the books at croswords and all major book stores.


In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect
Whole, and complete, and yet life is ever changing.
There is no beginning and no end,
Only constant cycling and recycling
Of substances and experiences.
Life is never stuck or static or stale,
For each moment is ever new and fresh.
I am one with the very Power that created me and this Power 
Has given me the power to create my own circumstances.
I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the power 
Of my own mind to use in any way I choose.
Every moment of life id a new beginning point 
As we move from the old. This moment is a new point 
Of beginning for me right here and right now.
In the infinity of life where I am, 
All is perfect, whole and complete.
I believe in a power greater than I am 
That flows through me every moment of every day.
I open myself to the wisdom within,
Knowing that there is only one Intelligence in this Universe.
Out of this One Intelligence comes all the answers,
All the solutions, all the healings, all the new creations.
I trust this Power and Intelligence,
Knowing that whatever I need to know is revealed to me,
And that whatever I need comes to me
In the right time, space and sequence.
In the infinity of life where I am,
All is perfect, whole and complete.
I am always Divinely protected and guided.
It is safe for me to look within myself.
It is safe for me to look in the past.
It is safe for me to enlarge my viewpoint of my life.
I am far more than my personality- past, present or future.
I now choose to rise above my personality problems
To recognize the magnificence of my being.
I am totally willing to learn to love myself.
In the infinity of life where I am ,
All is perfect, whole and complete.
The past had no power over me
Because I am willing to learn and to change.
I see past as necessary to bring me where I am today.
I am willing to begin where I m right now
To clean the rooms of my mental house.
I know it does not matter where I start,
So I now begin with smallest and easiest rooms,
And in that way I will see results quickly.
I am thrilled to be in the middle of this adventire,
For I know I will never go through
This particular experience again.
I am willing to set myself free.
In the infinity of life where I am,
All is perfect, whole and complete.
I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lacks.
I now choose to begin to see myself
As the Universe sees me- perfect, whole and complete.
The truth of my Being is that I was created
Perfect, whole and complete.
I will always be perfect, whole and complete.
I now choose to live my life from this understanding.
I am in the right place at the right time and doing the right things.
In the infinity of life where I am 
All is perfect, whole and complete.
I now choose calmly and objectively to see my old patterns,
And I am willing to make changes.
I am teachable. I can learn. I am willing to change.
I choose to have fun doing this.
I choose to react as though I have found a treasure
When I discover something else to release.
I see and feel myself changing moment by moment.
Thoughts no longer have any power over me.
I am the power in the world. I choose to be free.
In the infinity of life where I am 
All is perfect, whole and complete.
I see any resistance patterns within me
Only as something else to release.
They have no power over me. I am the power in my world.
I flow with the changes taking place in my life as best as I can.
I approve of myself and the way I am changing.
I am doing the best I can. Each day gets easier.
I rejoice that I am in the rhythm and the flow
Of my ever-changing life.
Today is a wonderful day.
I choose to make it so.
In the infinity of life where I am 
All is perfect, whole and com

g_b "Dirty" joke

2008-12-11 Thread asfan

*Two male flies are buzzing around, cruising for good-looking females. 
One spots a real cutie sitting on a pile of cow manure and dives down toward 
her. "Pardon me" he asks, turning on his best charm... but is this stool taken?"

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

g_b Gay Marriage Ban Inspires New Wave of Activists

2008-12-11 Thread asfan
December 10, 2008

Gay Marriage Ban Inspires New Wave of Activists 

SAN FRANCISCO — They’re calling it Stonewall 2.0.

Outraged by California voters’ ban on same-sex marriage, a new wave of 
advocates, shaken out of a generational apathy, have pushed to the forefront of 
the gay rights movement, using freshly minted grass-roots groups and embracing 
not only new technologies but also old-school methods like sit-ins and sickouts.

Matt Palazzolo, 23, a self-described “video artist-actor turned gay activist,” 
founded one group, Equal Roots Coalition, with a group of friends about 10 days 
ago. “I’d been focused on other things in my life,” Mr. Palazzolo said. “Then 
Nov. 4 happened, and it woke me up.”

Often young and politically inexperienced, the new campaigners include an 
unlikely set of leaders, among them a San Francisco chess teacher, a 
search-engine marketer from Seattle and a former contestant on “American 
Gladiators,” who jokingly suggested that he had become involved in the movement 
as a way of making up for his poor performance on the show.

“We’re a gay couple in West Hollywood, neither of us involved in activism, but 
we just wanted to help,” said Sean Hetherington, 30, a stand-up comic who was 
the first openly gay contestant ever to do battle, however briefly, in the 
Gladiator Arena. “And we were amazed at what happened.”

Mr. Hetherington and his companion were among several people surprised by the 
strength of positive reaction after starting Web sites geared toward a 
demonstration planned for Wednesday, “Day Without a Gay.” Its organizers are 
asking gay rights supporters to avoid going to work by “calling in gay” and 
volunteering in the movement instead.

Many grass-roots leaders say the emergence of new faces, and acceptance of 
tactics that are more confrontational, amount to an implicit rejection of the 
measured approach of established gay rights groups, a course that, some gay men 
and lesbians maintain, allowed passage of the ban, Proposition 8.
“I think we are demanding as a community that we democratize our processes and 
ensure we all have a voice,” said Molly McKay, media director of the volunteer 
group Marriage Equality USA. “Because we are not a campaign. We are a movement.”

The executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell, 
a member of the No on 8 campaign’s executive committee, said the criticism was 

“Even from my vantage point, I would have a wish list of things I would have 
done differently,” Ms. Kendell said, adding that she would have preferred “to 
give our community a greater level of engagement.” 

Now, however, the ballot initiative’s passage has forced many in the gay 
community “out of our stupor” and opened the door for new leaders, she said. 
“It’s totally legitimate to say that the normal way of doing things did not get 
us to the finish line,” Ms. Kendell said. “And now some of those groups need to 
move over a couple of lanes to make room.”

On Tuesday, another group behind the failed campaign, Equality California, 
announced that it would add several new board members to reflect a surge in 
interest. The group has also added two “faith leaders,” reflecting the opinion 
of many critics that the campaign should have courted the religious vote. 

The new activists have impressed some gay rights veterans. 

“They’ve shown a clear ability to turn out large numbers of people,” said Cleve 
Jones, a longtime gay rights advocate and labor organizer. “It’s also clear 
that they are skeptical of the established L.G.B.T. organizations. And I would 
say they have reason to be.” 

The ban, which passed with 52 percent of the vote, overturned a decision by the 
California Supreme Court in May legalizing same-sex marriage. The same court is 
currently considering a challenge to Proposition 8. 

But many activists seem unwilling to wait for a legal solution and have planned 
a series of events to keep the issue in the public eye, including a nationwide 
candlelight vigil later this month, a Million Gay March in Washington next 
spring and continued protests at county clerks’ offices throughout California. 

“We’re doing an end run around the mainstream organizations that run our 
causes,” said David Craig, a movie producer who is an organizer of Wednesday’s 
“call in gay” protest. “And the Internet has given us the tool to create these 

Indeed, in much the same way a previous generation used phone trees and 
megaphones, Amy Balliet used Facebook and Twitter to spread the word about 
protests on Nov. 15 that drew tens of thousands of people in scores of cities 
and towns across the nation. 

Ms. Balliet said the skills she used had been learned in her work at a 
search-engine marketing firm in Seattle. “I’m good at driving traffic to Web 
sites; that’s what I do,” said Ms. Balliet, 26, who with a friend, Willow 
Witte, founded a group called Join the Impact last month.


Re: g_b The last castrato: Moreschi: the Angel of Rome

2008-12-11 Thread MyOnePenny
In a message dated 12/9/2008 10:26:05 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  

Hi Elizabeth, Thanks for lettingme know. I will try and look it up and if  
possible in my next trip to Bangkok get a pirated copy. :-)
BTW one reason why I posted the article was also because I was kind of  
fascinated by the similarity with Hijras (I know the differences are stark  
too...). The fact that music, often devotional was the reason for  
one rea
Aditya B

Possibly if we could catch them sooner...we could have some singers to put  
Asha and Lata to shame..
But in India it is illegal to castrate before 18 without a parents  
permission...and most already cannot keep a less  
falsetto or 
high that age..
In Bangkok and US drag bars most of the kathoey  singers 
most movie stars in India..
Though probably not castrated...Michael Jackson remains my  
favorite...kathoey real singer and dancer..
**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 

g_b gujarat

2008-12-11 Thread vishal.patel93
Nayan ,
My Self Vishal Patel from Anand in Gujarat INDIA
How R U,
Frist I am Male
We are Good Friend & Any More... Thinking You... It your
My self  24 Y Male
Hight: 6.01'
Wigth: 67Kgs.
Hair : Black
My Hoby : Reading Books & Newsparer, Watching Movi (Hindi & Engilsh )
Playing Games Internet Games , Cricket , Footboll, Soonker ,& Indoor
I am  Management Studend in Anand In Gujarat
I Inviting You & Come Gujarat & My Home City Anand  and Any More
Place .In Gujarat
I am Wating Your Answer..


Vishal Patel
(Anand )