2009-07-13 Thread AJ
This is really horrible. I hope  your partner is alright now. 
Best wishes,

--- On Sun, 7/12/09, Aditya Bondyopadhyay  wrote:

From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay 
To: "Sogi" 
Date: Sunday, July 12, 2009, 2:16 AM

It is 2AM in Kolkata and I am writing out of great concern about a phone that I 
just received from my partner. He is in Delhi and has been attending a gay 
party that was organised in a farmhouse by Aseem and Girish, just outside of 
the Badarpur Border in Delhi. There are atleast 200 people who are attending 
the party.
At the pool of this farmhouse, in front of scores of people my partner was 
approached by a young guy of about 22-23 who was wearing an orange T-shirt, who 
asked him he was the same person who was seen on TV after the High Court 
Judgement on 377. When my partner confirmed this, he proceeded to say that he 
was from some islamic group which opposes the judgement and thereafter slash my 
partner in the arm and leg with a piece of broken glass. My partner said he is 
bleeding profusely and that after slashing him the person and two other ran 
away in full sight of everyone...
Even though he was bleeeding badly, my partner contated the organisers of the 
party immideately, whose main concern at that moment was apparentlly to hush 
things so that no alarm is raised. They did not do anything to either apprehend 
the offenders or to provide any kind of first aid even They just asked my 
partner to leave immideately and see a doctor.
Right now, my BF is in a car with another friend being taken to the hospital. I 
am very worried. I asked him if he wanted to file a police complaint, but he is 
too scared to do so. The fact that I am not there at this moment and am in 
Kolkata is also making him more scared. I will update you as soon as I get news 
of what the doctor has said. I will try and convince him to file a police 
report soon
But this raises two issue of concern. 
First the opposition is now infiltrating gay spaces and even these spaces are 
not safe. I fear that such attacks may recur, so everyone needs to be very 
The second pertains to the social responsibility of organisers of such parties. 
They should not be so blinded by their economic and money making concerns that 
they give a total go by to all aspects of safety. This is exactly what they did 
by first not cheking the antecedents of those coming in (anyone who pays up is 
welcome), nor did they help by trying to keep things quiet and neither trying 
to catch the culprit nor help the injured.
I urge all to be safe, especially in spaces where many gays come. I urge social 
responsibility be exhibited by the organisers beyond mere profit motives. I 
will keep you all updated. Right now I am worried sick...
Aditya Bondyopadhyay


g_b wanting to meet Gays in Mumbai Area

2008-07-25 Thread prince aj
I am Asim, male39 from mumbai.i am wheatish, 5.6h, 32w, discreetly gay with 
Like everything safe.
Lemme know.

g_b andheri

2007-02-22 Thread prince aj
  I am asim, m 38 mumbai. wheatish cleanshvd, goodlooking decent bi bsnsman.
  5.6" tall  

g_b hi

2007-02-21 Thread prince aj
  I am asim, m 38 mumbai, wheatish clnshvd goodlooking decent bsnsman. 5.6" tal 
  anyone from or visiting mumbai ??
  interested ???

g_b arithmetically correct

2006-04-22 Thread AJ

Hi Aditya...GREAT mails dude...Keep it up..     just wanted to point out (for fun) that it will work out to 2.34 million men if one considers that maximum 4 women per men are allowed..You will need to progress the calculation for the 1.75m women who will be deprived of men with this conversion... and so on...i.e.  the Total =  1.755  +0.43875  +0.109688  +0.027422  +0.006855  +0.001714  +0.000428  +0.000107  +2.68E-05  +6.69E-06  +     = 2.339998 million (calculated to the last person involved)  cheers  aj  Aditya Bondyopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Darling Messenger,      I read the biography of Phrophet Muhhamad for the first time when I was in VIIIth Standard. It was a children's book published by IBH. Since then I have read many versions from many scholars, belonging to many denominations of the Islamic faith. I have also read  a few written by non-islamic scholars, one by a feminist scholar, and at least one by a pretend-muslim bigot. I use the word pretend-muslim very consciously, for I am convinced that the prophet would have cringed in horror at what
 this person had to say in his name.      Getting back to the biography, almost every time I read about him, I was impressed. I do not really care a great deal about whether his ideas were home grown or came to him through direct telepathy from God. The ideas are impressive by themselves. I marvelled at his political astuteness, the timings of his phrophesies and directions [almost always in time to enforce a needed change in law, or to fit a political or other requirement of the hour], his military strategies, his leadership abilities, his democratc emphasis on the jamaat, and his administrative acumen. But mostly I marvelled at his jurisprudence, which was much ahead of his time, much liberal, and needless to say much required.      If pre-islamic Arabs were burying female infants alive, undoubtedly this liberal gentleman would have been horrified. But his keen understanding of empowerment meant that he did not
 just pass a direction against female infanticide. He through his laws, for the first time in history, gave true power to the female. He instituted Mehr [ i.e. Dower, while before dowry was the norm], he gave her a say in consenting to her marriage, he gave her one third of her father's property as inheritance, He gave her the right to seek Khula [or divorce from an uncaring husband], all unheard of before that time. He singlehandedly changed the status of women from being their men's chattel to being valued individuals in their own right, who could live life independently and with dignity.      Which brings me to Muslims, the so called followers of this liberal gentleman. All you need to do is spend 24 hours in any average city in Saudi Arabia to see what these staunch wahabi keepers of the islamic flame have done to the nobel ideas of the Phrophet about women. Without much ado, let me just say, that by calling themselves muslims, they
 are actually shaming the phrophet. Their actions are repulsive to everything the Phrophet stood for, and worked his entire life for. Sorry to say this, but most entrenched muslim power blocks today do not deserve to have this great man as their phrophet. And if the Phrophet were around today, I think he would agree.      The laws that the phrophet gave, were all good for their time, based on the understanding, science, and knowledge of their time, and needed in their time as a reforming influence. If there is one common undercurrent to these laws, it was punish the guilty - harshly if needed, but otherwise make laws that are good for the greatest numbers, that benefit the most, that are liberal, and that promote peace and harmony. The staunchest keepers of the Islamic faith today is totally blind to this ethos of the Phrophet, and that is the great shame of the muslim world.      Reform, a key word in the
 phrophet's life and actions, was lost in the political power-mongering of his successors across the centuries, and the great islamic jurisprudence has therefore today crystallised into a time-warped pre-medeaval deadwood, unsuited to the times. Reform, the one legacy of the phrophet that should have been the guiding light of islamic jurisprudence has been made into its anathema. Muslims have successfully failed their Phrophet, ironically while invoking the Phrophet himself for everything. Congratulations..!!      Which brings me to the question of homosexuality. In a world where numbers are important, and infant mortality high, the state or any other political power that be would invariably undertake to ensure larger degrees of procreation. An example is the consession that the phrophet made regarding polygamy, in an age when there were more war widows, and less men, it was important that these women be protected, and their reproductive rights
 promoted within an state recognised and sanctioned system. So he allowed each m

Re: g_b hanuman pic

2005-12-28 Thread prince aj
I strongly recommend moderator to keep religion out of this group . this is not 
place to send Shri Hanuman picture .Its simply disgrace to feelings of Hindus . 


someone posted a nice pic of lord hanuman, so allowed it 

what's wrong? 

i thought it was a goood pic 



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Re: g_b Annie Proulx Brokeback Mountain - Transgendered Voices - Wyoming

2005-12-27 Thread AJ

HI EJ, how can you be so sure that JAcks wife got hime killed. its just your interepretation right (?).. I saw  the film a few days ago and thoroghly enjoyed it...But i wondered if i would enjoy the film as much if the two leads were not as good looking..  On the whole i guess the film is pretty good and  i was rather surprised that 90% of the viewers in my show were straight couples...  cheers  aj[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Annie Proulx -     I had the great pleasure of seeing Brokeback Mountain at the 10 AM showing at the Mayan in Denver on Christmas..     I feel that your story has been very respectfully filmed in
 light of the current needs to produce a box office worthy movie..     It is with the possible exception of Philadelphia Story the most accessible serious film with gay characters for the day-to-day non-gay public that I have or in India..     As you can imagine of great importance to me are the story's setting in Wyoming...which has been unfairly bashed in the world media...since the senseless killing of Matthew Shepard by simple thieving criminals from families as familiar to you on your side of Laramie as they were on Iron Mountain...     The culture and people of Wyoming are interpreted by the actors in an  honest manner from the two cowboys to Ennis's daughter and to Jack's parents..     I felt a little embarrassed by  the awkward representations of murder of gay men in Wyoming in Texas and sadly felt that they had been undeftly edited and
 placed in the movie to get the greatest buzz from certain members of the public who require gore to validate their own personal preconceptions...but these two murders were not major in the time elapsed and were good foils to help focus attention on the brutal response that can erupt from people unable to understand the objects of their own personal fears...     i.e.      the rural cowboy population of Jack Twists whichboth you and I know from our friends and acquaintances in Wyoming... homosexual behaviour has always been a private, but common entity that was generally not flashed around as a public ideal in the conservative and family oriented society...just as extramarital sex and prostitution though very common are not given any kudos either..     and     the frustration of Jack's wife at being excluded from an unknown endeavor
 that obviously gave her husband Jack a great deal of pleasure..     almost certainly she found out about the details of Jacks extracurriclar activities the same accidental way that Ennis's wife and the line boss of the sheep ranch did before her...and had Jack killed and then moved on with her new life with a ranch manager who treated  her better..     Jack and Ennis are very much like many of the gay working cowboys that I know today...both in their incredible strengths and fatal flaws...I am happy that the story was told in pre-HIV. 1960s that the veiwers could focus on the incredible web of interpersonal relationships that even simple people weave around themselves...and to then allow us to objectively analyze both the good and poor choices anyone can make in life...and the frequently disastrous outcomes that can come from a self-centered individual's frequently confused thought process...
 instead of being diverted by the present war on AIDS that has engulfed much of the gay media and thought..     I currently have an order into for three copies of Brokeback Mountain to use in our Bangalore and Calcutta, India programs to show married sex addicts who feel that their compulsive daliences with female prostitutes, gay men and hijara/eunuchs can do to destroy not just the lives of their innocent wives and children...but ultimately themselves as well..     India is a patriarchal culture where the women rarely dare to act as Jack's wife did and generally are not given the outlet of honourable and equitable divorce that Ennis' wife chose...the movie thus could be used in assisting the disenfranchised married women of India too..      Have a great Winter...I feel much like Tom Horn exiled to burial in the cemetery in Boulder, Colorado these I am sure you might
 have heard that I have sold my beloved Iron Mountain Ranch to facilitate my work assisting the hijara/eunuch population in least unlike Tom I can walk away into a new and intriguing life instead of being dropped into the black hole of eternity at the end of a rope..     I will forward copies of this email to Sampoorna an Indian TG group, Sappho a Calcutta lesbian group, Gaybombay a Mumbai gay group and Ashok Row Kavi my icon of Indian social work through his Humsafar Trust..     Best..     Elizabeth Jeffords  Transgendered Voices     
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g_b crusing places in bombay

2005-11-12 Thread prince aj

any one with knowledge of gay cruising places in bombay other than walls and woodo's at colaba, please let me know.
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