g_b Same-sex couple forced apart

2008-10-13 Thread rohan r
This is really sad! And the reasons even sadder.

Praying for Rinku and Tanusree.

Same-sex couple forced apart
13 Oct 2008, 0305 hrs IST, Jhimli Mukherjee Pandey  Pinaki Das,TNN 

KOLKATA: You can’t miss the Manna tenement at Panchla’s Gabberia village. The 
modest two-room dwelling is the focus of everyone’s attention, as is e 
vident from the crowd that remains stationed there day and night. 

It has been like this since Wednesday, ever since the second daughter of the 
household, Tanusree, returned home. The crowd keeps vigil lest Tanusree escapes 
and unites with her ‘wife’, Rinku. The two had eloped, married and are now 
living under forcible separation. 

The news of this gay ‘married’ couple returning home from Rajasthan had created 
headlines on October 9. They had gone missing on September 22, leading their 
families to lodge missing complaints with Panchla police. Tanusree’s parents 
had even said in their complaint that Rinku’s sister and brother-in-law were 
involved in arranging a passage for the duo. 

The two were discovered in Jaipur, a fortnight after they had eloped, living in 
a rented house as man and wife. Tanusree, with her characteristic masculine 
looks and attire (you will always find her in men’s shirt and trousers, hair 
cropped short), didn’t elicit any queries when she identified herself as 
Rinku’s husband. The latter, on the other hand, was found wearing a saree, 
vermilion smeared on her forehead and shankha-pola - the marks of a 
Bengali married woman. 

Despite the fact that parents of both girls had accepted the duo as married 
partners in the district court where police had produced them, they decided to 
forcibly separate the two immediately thereafter. The two girls vehemently 
protested, but in vain. While Tanusree was taken to Gabberia, Rinku was taken 
by her brothers to their parental home in Manikpir, Nayachak, about 5 km away. 

No matter what we said that day on record, we cannot accept such an evil 
alliance. Have you ever heard of a girl marrying another girl? Someone might 
have cast a spell on Tanusree and we have managed to wrest her back from 
there, said father Kanai Manna. Ever since the pucca road to Domjur was laid 
near the village, claiming his grocery shop like many others of the village, 
Kanai idles away at home, while his three unmarried daughters run the household 
by doing zari embroidery. We were desperate to get Tanusree back, not only 
because she is our daughter but also because she is a key breadwinner for us. I 
am perennially ill and cannot work. I cannot afford to let go of the Rs 2,000 
that she earns, Kanai says. 

Villagers at Gabberia are taking turns to keep an eye on Tanusree because they 
think she is bold enough to break free once again. We cannot let two women 
live as man and wife in this village, said neighbours Madan Pal, Kamal Hazra 
and Raju Pal, all zari workers. Panchayat member Dipankar Mondal was more 
specific. We have allowed Tanusree to stay in her parents’ house despite 
having lived with another woman as her partner with the understanding that she 
will never try to bring Rinku with her. The panchayat will discuss the matter 
after Lakshmi Puja once again and put a seal on the issue, he said. 

But Tanusree is indomitable. She hasn’t even changed her clothes ever since she 
came back home and refuses to eat till she is allowed to meet Rinku. On Friday, 
when TOI visited her, she said: Why is everyone after us? We were living 
blissfully like any other couple in Jaipur and no one bothered us. I will once 
again escape with Rinku, come what may. If I fail, I will have to take some 
other drastic step to teach everyone a lesson. 

She has forced her parents to return her cellphone to her so that she can call 
Rinku. This happened after she reportedly tried to hang herself on Thursday 
night, though police are yet to confirm this. This has even forced the Mondals 
(Rinku’s family) to allow her to speak to her ‘husband’ on the phone. 

I can earn a living for the two of us, Tanusree said, reiterating her urge to 
break free. When Panchla OC Gautam Talukdar met Tanusree on Sunday morning, she 
urged him to ensure that she can keep in touch with Rinku. 

Rinku could not be traced at her house and TOI was told that she had been sent 
to her maternal uncle’s place at Polgustia. Her cousins, however, not only 
denied this, but reiterated that they will not give shelter to such a fallen 
woman who calls another woman her husband. She is nothing but a witch, said 
cousins Raju and Ananda Jhaj. Another cousin, Prakash, who is also a panchayat 
member, said: Rinku’s family is strange. 
Earlier, another girl had eloped with a Muslim boy, but she was brought back 
and made to marry a Hindu boy. They should do the same with Rinku too! 

Panchla panchayat samity member Samir Fouzdar, who is the Mondals’ neighbour, 
feels that 

Re: g_b Is it something with gays and cricket or is it just me?

2006-05-13 Thread rohan r

Yep. Though its completely wrong to stereotype and I
am sure I am wrong at many ends, there are two things
a lot of gay guys do not like - Cricket  heavy Metal

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Re: g_b Coming out to my parents

2006-05-02 Thread rohan r

Hello there again!

I am sorry for not writing in earlier. After coming
back from home, I promptly fell in and then work
overwhelmed me to the extent that I couldn't check my

Yes, I did it!

I went home. Parents all smiling and loving.
Everything was hunky - dory till Wednesday evening. 

In the evening, we were sitting outside, my parents
and I, under the bright half-moon light. It was muggy
and hot. I had been procrastinating about how to tell
them and when and then I decided to make it a
quick event. I started out by saying that I was their
son and I loved them both very much and I knew that
they both loved me very much too. And that nothing is
ever going to change.

Then I went ahead and told them. Told them about me,
my preferences, my boyfriend, my future plans
everything. I told them I realized it will be very
difficult for them, but I am telling them this because
I couldn't live a lie anymore, a lie I had been living
for the past 15 years.

There was a shocked silence. And then Dad said, Are
you sure? It's not the right thing. Do you want to go
to a counselor? Is there any defect in you? Why did
you choose this kind of lifestyle? What will happen to
you if your boyfriend decides to leave you? What if
your BF's parents convince him to leave you? 

We had a long discussion. One of the things that
touched me was when he said that he realized it had
taken me great courage to come out and tell them this
and that he was proud of me for doing that. Knowing
that he did not approve of my lifestyle, yet say this,
told me how much he loved me. Then he said something
that has he has told me all my life: Its your life.
You have to decide how to live it. We, as parents will
worry about you and your future. If you have decided
on something, we wont force you. We will support you
and love you.

Mom was silent. My mom is very religious. When I asked
her about her views, she just shrugged. It had hit her
badly. The next time she spoke to me was a day
after... she told me it was against God and bible.
This is wrong and then I should have come to Dad a
longer time ago for this problem, while we could have
done something about it. And stuff. Said that she will
never accept it.

I knew I had hurt them both very much and I was sad
for doing so and was angry at the society for making
it so hard.

We had a discussion again, on Saturday. And then again
Dad asked me whether I wanted to get counseled. In the
end I realized that all his fears were about I having
to live alone and no wife and no kids to take care of
me in my old age. He is so sweet! He said that if I am
sure about what I want to do and how I want to lead my
life, they will stand by me.

Now that I am back in Bangalore, things are pretty
normal. The phone calls are regular and full of love.
Mom is back to normal. I know that it will be along
long time before things will return to normal, or
before my boyfriend will be accepted as my partner.
But I will live for that day and will try to help my
parents move along.

Anyways, I am glad I did it. Now I don't feel like a
liar. And that my parents know who I am. I know that
they will still love me and they might not stand up
and applaud every move I make, I will always have
their love and support. 

Thank you guys, for all your support and care and
concern! Without it, I know that I wouldn't have made
it through. 


--- rohan r [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am planning to come out to my parents next week. Going home for Easter. Guess Jesus is not the only one who is going to be crucified and coming out. Though mine will be in reverse order.

I come from a religious Mallu Catholic family. Anybody who knows how we function can understand me freaking out. There is hundres of butterflies in my stomach playing with a big ball of lead they got from somewhere.

The biggest problem is going to be communicating to them. I have lived outside home (hostels n others) all my life. So the language at home is a mixture of Malayalam, English and Hindi. So you see, I dont even know whether they wud understand it, if I were to say I am gay. So I will have to go into more details, which is making me a lil squeamish.

I am expecting a lot of 'Against God  Bible' and then some 'Society' and 'Nature' talk. I will get the hospital emergency numbers with me before I sit down with them, in case either of them decides to go coronary on me. (Was that bad humor?)

Anyways, will let you guys know how it went.

If any of you have gone thru the same experience, tips, Dos  Donts, and suggestions welcome!

Thanks! r

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RE: g_b Re: Coming out to my parents

2006-04-07 Thread rohan r
Hi MG,

Thanks for the mail and the words of support.

I will be staying with my parents for only a week. So
I have to make this a clean quick jerk event, rather
than a long drawn out plan of hints. Wish I could do

And I am not effeminate, so that is out of question. I
ahve come out to a couple of my friends and they are
cool with me being gay.

I wish you good luck in your 'coming out'. Hope its a
good experience.

Thanks again for the mail!

God bless!


--- Mountain Goat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi r,
 Way to go Hunny! Best Of LucK! I hope they
 understand. But don't haste. If 
 you are with them for a few weeks or days give them
 hints. If u r effeminate 
 I believe it will get easier (like in my case)! LOL!
 Well I am not out with my parents. But Im out to 5
 of my freinds over  last 
 6 - 8 month old regime. I am not out with my parents
 right now since my mom 
 is not doing very well health wise and ONE VERY IMP.
 WITH THEM. I dont have a house or have not rented a
 flat of my own as yet - 
 which i guess ill need once i tell them. LOL!.
 If u r dependent and have 
 the urge of comming out I suggest u first come out
 with friends - as u said 
 u have lived in a hostel for most of ur life. They
 will be in a better 
 position to understand - provided u chose the right
 friends. May God Bless 
 U! :)
 Reply-To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
 To: gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: g_b Re: Coming out to my parents
 Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:25:41 -
 Hi r,
 All I could say is All the Best. This is THE most
 important step in
 lives of people like us. God Bless.
 --- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, rohan r
   I am planning to come out to my parents next
   Going home for Easter. Guess Jesus is not the
 only one
   who is going to be crucified and coming out.
   mine will be in reverse order.
   I come from a religious Mallu Catholic family.
   who knows how we function can understand me
   out. There is hundres of butterflies in my
   playing with a big ball of lead they got from
   The biggest problem is going to be communicating
   them. I have lived outside home (hostels n
 others) all
   my life. So the language at home is a mixture of
   Malayalam, English and Hindi. So you see, I dont
   know whether they wud understand it, if I were
 to say
   I am gay. So I will have to go into more
   which is making me a lil squeamish.
   I am expecting a lot of 'Against God  Bible'
 and then
   some 'Society' and 'Nature' talk. I  will get
   hospital emergency numbers with me before I sit
   with them, in case either of them decides to go
   coronary on me. (Was that bad humor?)
   Anyways, will let you guys know how it went.
   If any of you have gone thru the same
   tips, Dos  Donts, and suggestions welcome!
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g_b Indian Cher

2006-03-17 Thread rohan r
The other day, my boyfriend and I were watching TV and
Asha Bhonsle came on with her '1-2 Cha Cha Cha' song.
This is when my BF commented that Asha B is the Indian
Cher. The way she keeps on reinventing herself, been
there for ever and ever, being a style icon and most
importantly ;-),a favourite of all gay men, the same
way Cher is in the western music world.

I agree with him wholeheartedly. What do you guys have
to say about it? Do we have any other personalities
that are gay icons/favourites?


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g_b Fear Factor Hunks

2006-03-13 Thread rohan r

I was surfing channels yesterday and came across
SONY's Fear Factor Show. There were three guys - Model
Chetan Hansraj, TV actor Rohit Roy, and one more guys
from the TV shows.

What surprised me was that these guys stripped down to
their small swim suits and undies for nearly every
stunt. Chetan to his print swim trunks for one, purple
ones for another and his black boxer briefs for one.
And the other TV chap also went the same way. Coudnt
catch Rohit coz he got eliminated the first time

Did anybody else catch it?

SET Feat Factor has one more dedicated viewer now :o)

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Re: g_b Hate mail

2005-01-30 Thread rohan r

well, i didnt know reading hate mails could be so much

clearly this guy means business and if i were you, i
would pray that mr. paul smith does not become a
millionare. and that 'indean' tracker...h! nasty!

and that bit about the shit and the penis is really
scary. and he also involves God in this. I didnt know
the old man upstairs had a bias against small penises.
Well, anyways if I were you, I would be careful.

You know I have never gotten any such mails... I wish
I would; it would be such a welcome change from the
usual 'Miraculous-Penis-Enlargement-Drugs' and
'Hey-I-got-a-million-dollars-for-you' mails.

And all of this to make you call a number... I wonder
what would happen if...


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