Re: gEDA-user: Source file not found

2010-05-29 Thread Stephan Boettcher
Mike Bushroe writes:

   Thanks for the clarification. I checked and I have created a unique
 'name':'number' for each net attribute, and matched input to output names.
 If a net is formed for each unique name:number, and all inputs and outputs
 with that unique name are combined together, then that was exactly what I
 was looking for.

The number must be :1 in all cases, because it is pin 1 of the
IO-symbol, that your net connects to.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Used LPKF ProtoMat S62 PCB Router for sale

2010-05-29 Thread Bob Paddock
In the past (see list archives) I'd mentioned that I'd worked with a
LPKF ProtoMat S62 circuit board router.  The owner of that equipment passed on
unexpectedly.  The estate asked me to pass on this message, to anyone
that might put the equipment to good use:

LPKF ProtoMat S62 for sale:

I am looking to sell our circuit board plotter.  I'm selling the
plotter, press, computer, vacuum pump, UV lamp and miscellaneous
consumables for $20,000.00.

Plotter and peripheral equipment  produce multilayer PCBs, eight
layers seems to be the max, up to 9 in x 12 in size, with plated
through-hole support.
It took me about four hours to make a four layer board the first time
I used this system.

I know the equipment was well take care of, and cost about $60k+ when
it was bought new in 2006.  Sold only as the complete set and you must
pick it up in the Pittsburgh/Cleveland region,
due to the weight, which is several hundred pounds for the press
alone.  May be able to get it delivered via one of the principles
pickup truck if necessary.

For full disclosure I was offered a commission to sell this, which I
declined, just want to see the family move on with their lives, and
funerals are far more expensive than most people realize.

Send me an email off list if you are interested.  I might see if I can
get the Boss to buy this but business is very slow, so I'm reasonably
sure the accounts will kill this idea.

Life is short, we never know when our number is going to be up...


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: On Deprecation of GtkTearoffMenuItem

2010-05-29 Thread Paul Tan


For those who care or use menu/submenu tear-off feature
(GtkTearOffMenuItem), please read:

Also please read:

* revise 'deprecatable' list
- GtkTearoffMenuItem (used by a vocal minority, complicates GtkMenu 


I, along with some others, have expressed our views on this issue,
and would like the GTK+ development team members to kindly reconsider
this issue. We would also like to hear from other GTK+ developers/
Application-developers/users on their usages of GtkTearOffMenuItem,
so that all of us can get a better understanding of what is at stake 

Best Regards,
Paul Tan

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb to pcb error

2010-05-29 Thread Mike Bushroe
 Are you footprints in the directories you indicate, or
 of the directories you indicate?
 Are you running gsch2pcb project to use that project file?
 You might also have a file name that matches an M4 macro name.  I
 to put a suffix on mine to prevent that, like 0603dj.fp instead of

   First off, thanks to all! I FINALLY got PCB to open a file, and an
   un-edited one straight from gsch2cpb! However, many elements have no,
   or at most only 1 rat line, so I still need to find what is wrong a fix
   those. I have never successfully added rat lines in PCB, I always had
   to uncheck drc and draw in the traces and then drc back on.
   DJ, thanks again for all the help. No, there are no subdirectories.
   I have an unsorted pile of downloaded and home made footprints in the
   package directory. And no they don't match M4 macros. Before I copied
   them all into /usr/share gsch2pcb reported them as unfindable, and
   therefore items not added to the layout. And yes, that is exactly the
   way I call gsch2pcb. I could not conceive of typing all the schematic
   files names by hand each time. I am REAL glad that there is a project
   file that does that for me!
   During the night, I had trouble finding the duplicate footprint
   symbols and so used gedit. When I next ran gsch2pcb I got a  'Tried to
   attach a non-text item as an attribute' error message multiple times.
   It appeared to be localised to ROV_2010_analog.sch, but I could not
   find exactly where or what it was complaining about. Perhaps I needed a
   Hex editor to see non-printing characters, Have the error message
   mention the last successful refdes in the error message would help
   localise the problem if it shows up again in the future. This time I
   copied a slightly older version of the file over and went back to
   trying to make the fixes through gschem and gattrib. I also tried using
   gnetlist with drc2 to locate the errors, but it always did a segfault
   before leaving any text on screen or in the file.
  It looks like geda symbol nmos-2 uses pinnumber S,G,D instead of
   1,2,3, and that might be causing some of my missing rat lines. I am
   just about to try changing the symbol file and see how much that fixes.
   Then the scary job of placing all those components, connectors, and

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb to pcb error

2010-05-29 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2010-05-29 at 11:31 -0700, Mike Bushroe wrote:

   It looks like geda symbol nmos-2 uses pinnumber S,G,D instead of
1,2,3, and that might be causing some of my missing rat lines. 

Sure, Symbols and Footprints have to match, so use SDG in both, or 123
in both. I think SDG should indicate a generic one -- replace SDG by 123
in correct order matching your footprint and rename the symbol to the
name of the exact device name. That is what I did for some bipolar
devices, see my area a gedasymbols.
It seems that you had really much trouble -- more than me in the last 3
years since I started using gEDA/PCB. Maybe you can make a summary of
the most serious problems and someone can put that list in the wiki.
Unintended use of M4 macros seems to be one of your problems, I had that
problem long ago too, but I can not remember details.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb to pcb error

2010-05-29 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-05-28 at 21:28 -0700, Mike Bushroe wrote:

I forgot to mention I put several lines in the project file. I am still
new enough to just call it 'project'. The file is:
component-library /home/mike/gaf/symbols
element-library /home/mike/gaf/packages
element-dir /home/mike/gaf/packages
schematics ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch
ROV_2010_power.sch ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch
ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch ROV_2010_camera.sch
output -name ROV-2010_motherboard

You may note, in a gsch2pcb project file lines with
component-library and element-library should not exist.

You need elements-dir for your footprint directories.
And all files following schematics keyword have to be in one long line!
You may try the entry skip-m4 to ignore M4, for testing.

I have 

ste...@amd64x2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/DAD $ cat p1
schematics FPGA_Power.sch FPGA_B0B1.sch FPGA_B2B3.sch RAM.sch ADC.sch TDC.sch 
Digital_In_A.sch Digital_In_B.sch Digital_In_C.sch InputDividerCh1.sch 
InputDividerCh2.sch AmplifierCh1.sch AmplifierCh2.sch Controller.sch 
PowerManager.sch DC_DC_Converter.sch Lin_Regulators.sch Misc.sch AmpCommon.sch
output-name b1
elements-dir /usr/local/share/pcb-symbols-jcl_2008-4-25
elements-dir ../imported-footprints
elements-dir ../gedasymbols.org_salewski_footprints
elements-dir ../custom-footprints
#elements-dir local-footprints

ste...@amd64x2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/DAD $ cat gschemrc 
(define default-titleblock Titleblock_A4-1.sym)
(paper-size 11.69 8.27) ; A4
(window-size 1400 990) ; Good size for 1600x1200
(print-command lp -d pdf-printer)
;(postscript-font-scale 1.2)

ste...@amd64x2 /mnt/data/stefan/gEDA/DAD $ cat gafrc 
(debug-options (list 'stack 20))
(component-library ../imported-symbols/)
(component-library ../gedasymbols.org_salewski_symbols/)
(component-library ../custom-symbols/)
;(component-library local-symbols/)

Maybe you should start with only one schematics sheet, to find which
sheet and which symbols/footprints make trouble.

Did you read the tutorials

Best wishes

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb to pcb error

2010-05-29 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sat, 2010-05-29 at 11:31 -0700, Mike Bushroe wrote:

During the night, I had trouble finding the duplicate footprint
symbols and so used gedit. When I next ran gsch2pcb I got a  'Tried to
attach a non-text item as an attribute' error message multiple times.

Strange -- what can be the reason for duplicate footprints in symbols? I
think I have seen at least one symbol with something like footprint2=
or #footprint= to indicate alternate footprints? I think gschem shows
us such duplicate alternatives, maybe gattrib not?

Modifying the .pcb file with an texteditor may be waste of your time,
because gsch2pcb may try to revert your changes when you call it next
time. I would suggest to use the editor to find the footprints
duplicates, then use gschem to correct the symbols and then generate a
new correct pcb board with gsch2pcb.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: On Deprecation of GtkTearoffMenuItem

2010-05-29 Thread timecop
This is the best news I've read on this list since subscribing.
I've complained about tear-off menus since at least  year 2000.
Shit is annoying, gets in the way, prevents proper keyboard operation, yadayada.
Kill it with fire.


On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 2:57 AM, Paul Tan wrote:

 For those who care or use menu/submenu tear-off feature
 (GtkTearOffMenuItem), please read:

 Also please read:

 * revise 'deprecatable' list
 - GtkTearoffMenuItem (used by a vocal minority, complicates GtkMenu


 I, along with some others, have expressed our views on this issue,
 and would like the GTK+ development team members to kindly reconsider
 this issue. We would also like to hear from other GTK+ developers/
 Application-developers/users on their usages of GtkTearOffMenuItem,
 so that all of us can get a better understanding of what is at stake there.

 Best Regards,
 Paul Tan

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB 45 degree lines

2010-05-29 Thread gene glick


I know we've gone over this before, but I still can't get a decent 45 
degree line.  I've changed to the ,45 line type instead of -/ type 
and have the same problem.  Last time I brought this up, I was trying to 
attach to an already drawn line segment and right at the connection 
point there is some jaggedness.  Well this hasn't gotten better.  But 
worse, is when drawing one complete line from pad to pad, with a long 45 
angle, the raged lines appear.  It passes DRC, but just looks kind of lousy.

I'm using 8 mil lines, 8 mil space and 1 mill grid space - if that helps 



geda-user mailing list