Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-02 Thread Steven Michalske
FYI gerbv will put the xy file generated by pcb onto your gerbers.


On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Steven Michalske wrote:
 As you guys continue to debate this...  Look at how pcb makes the xyrs data 
 files. You'll findout that it generates it from the pcb file not the library. 
  It takes the center of the part from the pins and pads.  Then it puts pin 1 
 somewhere consistent.  See the source for details.

 On Oct 2, 2010, at 5:55 AM, Rick Collins wrote:

 At 05:34 PM 10/1/2010, you wrote:
 Rick Collins wrote:

 If for whatever reason the designer used 2 different footprints for
 the same part occuring
 several times on a board, if the footprints are position/rotation
  I have no idea why anyone would do that.

 Real world example:
 PhD student Foo designs some super noiseless detector circuit. The
 measurements turn out a success. Researcher Bar, a long time friend who
 works on some unrelated project, asks Foo for help to get him started on
 noiseless detector. PhD Foo gladly provides the schematic and layout. For
 his project Bar needs to add some minor features to the hardware. Of course,
 she uses a different local library than Foo ...

  Sure the designer can totally screw up a design.

 I wouldn't call this totally screwed.

 If you work on a design and use a different, incompatible library from the 
 original without checking for consistency, yes, the designer totally screwed 

 I really have no idea how things work in the gEDA/PCB world.  With FreePCB 
 the library has a default orientation for parts and there is a centroid 
 vector to allow the pin 1 orientation to be set compatibly with the Gerber 
 files.  If you use someone else's design you need to verify that their 
 library parts were done correctly or you need to use the same footprints 
 which are a part of the layout and so are available.  There is no reason to 
 screw up something as simple as this.

 Oh, I almost forgot, NEVER ask a PhD anything to design PCBs.  What the 
 heck are you thinking???


 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: new footprint guidelines

2010-10-02 Thread Rick Collins
How does that work?  I'd like to try that.  I guess it will only work 
for an XYRS file generated by PCB.  What is that format?  Maybe I can 
convert my XYRS file into that and check it.


At 03:56 AM 10/2/2010, you wrote:

FYI gerbv will put the xy file generated by pcb onto your gerbers.


On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Steven Michalske wrote:
 As you guys continue to debate this...  Look at how pcb makes the 
xyrs data files. You'll findout that it generates it from the pcb 
file not the library.  It takes the center of the part from the 
pins and pads.  Then it puts pin 1 somewhere consistent.  See the 
source for details.

 On Oct 2, 2010, at 5:55 AM, Rick Collins wrote:

 At 05:34 PM 10/1/2010, you wrote:
 Rick Collins wrote:

 If for whatever reason the designer used 2 different footprints for
 the same part occuring
 several times on a board, if the footprints are position/rotation
  I have no idea why anyone would do that.

 Real world example:
 PhD student Foo designs some super noiseless detector circuit. The
 measurements turn out a success. Researcher Bar, a long time friend who
 works on some unrelated project, asks Foo for help to get him started on
 noiseless detector. PhD Foo gladly provides the schematic and layout. For
 his project Bar needs to add some minor features to the 
hardware. Of course,

 she uses a different local library than Foo ...

  Sure the designer can totally screw up a design.

 I wouldn't call this totally screwed.

 If you work on a design and use a different, incompatible 
library from the original without checking for consistency, yes, 
the designer totally screwed up.

 I really have no idea how things work in the gEDA/PCB 
world.  With FreePCB the library has a default orientation for 
parts and there is a centroid vector to allow the pin 1 orientation 
to be set compatibly with the Gerber files.  If you use someone 
else's design you need to verify that their library parts were done 
correctly or you need to use the same footprints which are a part 
of the layout and so are available.  There is no reason to screw up 
something as simple as this.

 Oh, I almost forgot, NEVER ask a PhD anything to design 
PCBs.  What the heck are you thinking???


 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB: Change default file-filter in open-dialog

2010-10-02 Thread Felix Ruoff


here is (a first version) of my patch to store the last used file-filter 
of the file-open-dialog. It recovers the last used filter-setting on 
start-up of the file-open-dialog.
It uses GKeyFiles to store this information. I am not sure if this is a 
good choice, because there already is something implemented to store 
settings. But - I did not completely understand it. For this reason I 
introduce this (new) g(tk)-type of setting-handling.

If the main-developer like this GKeyFiles, perhaps the actual 
setting-handling can be migrated to use this functions. Perhaps - as 
written, I have not understand the code completely - this will reduce 
some code size (especially for the parser) and makes it easier for new 
developer to understand the code. Perhaps, they had already used this 
functions in other projects. If we will migrate to this GKeyFiles we 
have to pay attention to storing double-values. This is only available 
since GTK 2.12 :-(.

If the main-developer don't like this GKeyFiles, perhaps you can give me 
a hint to a documentation of the actual system or a point where I can 
easily start to learn it?

It would be very welcome to me, if some of you 'out there' can test my 
patch and give some feedback!

Kind regards,
diff --git a/src/hid/gtk/gui-config.c b/src/hid/gtk/gui-config.c
index 36277eb..ab71072 100644
--- a/src/hid/gtk/gui-config.c
+++ b/src/hid/gtk/gui-config.c
@@ -176,6 +176,83 @@ static ConfigAttribute config_attributes[] = {
   {layer-name-8, CONFIG_Unused, NULL},
+ * Get path for key-file
+ */
+const gchar*
+  gchar *homedir;
+  homedir = (gchar *) g_get_home_dir ();
+  if (!homedir)
+  g_message (key_file_path: Can't get home directory!);
+  return NULL;
+  if (!config_dir)
+  config_dir =
+g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, homedir, PCB_CONFIG_DIR, NULL);
+  if (!g_file_test (config_dir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)
+	   mkdir (config_dir, 0755)  0)
+  g_message(key_file_path: Can't make \%s\ directory!,
+	config_dir);
+  g_free (config_dir);
+  config_dir = NULL;
+  return NULL;
+  return g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, config_dir, gpcb_gui.conf, NULL);
+ * Initialize GKeyFile-Stucture.
+ */
+key_file_open() {
+  GKeyFileFlags flags;
+  GError *error = NULL;
+  const gchar *filepath;
+  /* Create a new GKeyFile object */
+  key_file = g_key_file_new ();
+  g_key_file_set_list_separator (key_file, ';');
+  filepath = key_file_path();
+  if ((filepath == NULL
+  || g_key_file_load_from_file (key_file, filepath, flags, error) == FALSE))
+  // If file not found, create a new file when saving.
+  // Therefore add comments at the beginning of the file here.
+  const gchar *comment;
+  comment = This file contains (gtk-gui-related) settings for pcb.\nYou can reset each setting to the default by removing the propreate key\nor delete the whole file to reset all values.;
+  g_key_file_set_comment(key_file, NULL, NULL, comment, NULL);
+ * Save keys to file.
+ */
+  GString *output;
+  const gchar* file = key_file_path();
+  if(file != NULL)
+  output = g_string_new(g_key_file_to_data(key_file, NULL, NULL));
+  g_file_set_contents(file, output-str, output-len, NULL);
+  g_string_free(output, TRUE);
+  g_key_file_free(key_file);
 static FILE *
 config_file_open (gchar * mode)
@@ -697,6 +774,7 @@ ghid_config_files_read (gint * argc, gchar *** argv)
   ghidgui = _ghidgui;
+  key_file_open();
   ghid_config_init ();
   load_rc_files ();
   config_file_read ();
@@ -731,6 +809,8 @@ ghid_config_files_write (void)
   FILE *f;
   ConfigAttribute *ca;
+  key_file_save();
   if (!ghidgui-config_modified || (f = config_file_open (w)) == NULL)
diff --git a/src/hid/gtk/gui-dialog.c b/src/hid/gtk/gui-dialog.c
index ec91233..9c3d64e 100644
--- a/src/hid/gtk/gui-dialog.c
+++ b/src/hid/gtk/gui-dialog.c
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ ghid_dialog_file_select_open (gchar * title, gchar ** path, gchar * shortcuts)
   gchar *result = NULL, *folder, *seed;
   GHidPort *out = ghid_port;
   GtkFileFilter *no_filter;
+  gint last_filter_index = 0;
   dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (title,
 	GTK_WINDOW (out-top_window),
@@ -298,6 +299,9 @@ ghid_dialog_file_select_open (gchar * title, gchar ** path, gchar * shortcuts)
 gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (fp_filter, *.fp);
 gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (fp_filter, *.FP);
 gtk_file_chooser_add_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), fp_filter);
+if(g_key_file_get_integer(key_file, OpenDialog, FilterIndexLoadFootprint, NULL) == 1) {
+  gtk_file_chooser_set_filter(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), fp_filter);
   /* in case we have a dialog for loading a layout file */

gEDA-user: Modifications to the main-menu of PCB

2010-10-02 Thread Felix Ruoff


there was/is a discussion about modifying the main-menu of pcb at the 
thread PCB: Change default file-filter in open-dialog. I think it will 
be more clearly arranged if we continue this discussion at an extra 
thread which I like to start with this mail :-).

I am currently spending some time with thinking about the 
menu-structure. Therefor my first question: Is anybody else working at 
this point?

One of the reasons for me to modify the menu is, to adapt it to the 
human-interface-guidelines (hid-guidelines) of GNOME 
( Anywhere on the geda-webside 
I found the hint, that the geda (and pcb???)-GUI should be adopted to 
the rules described there. This does some problems with the 
keyboard-shortcuts. E.g. Ctrl+P is actually used for 'Auto place 
selected elements' and should be for 'Print' in the guidelines.

I will prefere using the shortcuts suggested in the document given above.
In some cases it might be nice to support some new and the old shortcuts 
the same time. Does anyone of you know if it is possible in the actual 
implementation to define two shortcuts for the same action?

The hid-guidelines suggesting Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- as shortcuts for zooming 
in and out. Using the plus and minus-sign for keyboard shortcuts is not 
possible in the actual implementation. The appended patch fixes this.

In the old thread there was some discussion about the menu-entries. 
Thank you all for your suggestions! I tried to merge them to a new 
discussion-basis here. First, it's just about the File-menu.

  New   Ctrl+N
  Open Layout...Ctrl+O
Element Data to Paste Buffer... // perhaps, this two entries 
can be merged at a later stage.
Layout Data to Paste Buffer...  // needs some coding (am 
working at this). Perhaps, moving this two to the 'Buffer'-menu?

Netlist File...
Vendor Resource...
  Save Layout   Ctrl+S
  Save Layout As... Shift+Ctrl+S
  Save Connection Data of
a Single Element
All Elements
Unused Pins
  Save Buffer to Footprint   // Don't know if this should 
be added here. Perhaps this should stay at the 'Buffer'-menu.

  Update from Schematic...
To Saved
To Backup// Don't know the action to 
fill in here. Is this implemented in the core already?

  Calibrate Printer...  (or perhaps 'Page Setup' when there will be a 
new page-setup-dialog)

  Print Layout...Ctrl+P
  Export Layout...
List of recent files // I did some work on this. It 
works but it is not well integrated jet. Will send a patch when ready 
(or I gave up)

  // Here was the 'Preferences'-entry. I think we can move it to 'Edit' 
(as also suggested in the ghi-guidelines) to make this menu shorter
  Close layout   Ctrl-W  // if and when multiple 
layouts are supported ;-)
  Close all layouts  // if and when multiple 
layouts are supported ;-)

  Quit   Ctrl+Q

These are my thoughts about the file-menu. Perhaps, you have some more 
comments or other hints?

Kind regards,

From 6863d938a06a5a1e425d61f2bdae5a3ebe257725 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Felix Ruoff
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 22:58:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add plus and minus to possible keyboard-shortcuts

Adds the possibility to use plus- and minus-keys for keyboard-shortcuts.
 src/hid/gtk/gui-top-window.c |4 +++-
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/hid/gtk/gui-top-window.c b/src/hid/gtk/gui-top-window.c
index 9c30a93..e02bd03 100644
--- a/src/hid/gtk/gui-top-window.c
+++ b/src/hid/gtk/gui-top-window.c
@@ -3079,7 +3079,9 @@ static KeyTable key_table[] =
 {'[', bracketleft},
 {']', bracketright},
 {'.', period},
-{'|', bar}
+{'|', bar},
+{'+', plus},
+{'-', minus}
 static int n_key_table = sizeof (key_table) / sizeof (key_table[0]);

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Zero length pins

2010-10-02 Thread kai-martin knaak
John Doty wrote:

 You and I have very different ideas of what constitutes good

Your comment referred to me adding a note to the wiki. Since this list 
of tips does not aim to be the documentation of gschem, I fail to see 
your point.

 Is there any engineering culture that uses a system different
 from the latin-arabic system commonly used for this like this?

You claimed radical flexibility as an indispensable ingredient. Now you 
argue, that nobody needs it ...

 But that's inconsistent with your view above. If I want my company
 logo on a schematic, I must import pixels: it's based on an
 astronomical image.

It still does not fit the workflow. You pay for the less than optimum 
choice by the management. Even, if you are perfectly fine with fuzzy 
pixelized graphics it does not support your claim of flexibility. A 
flexible approach would allow the inclusion of vectorized graphics as 
vectorized objects. Hardly any logo is pixel based (for a reason).

 Similarly, the stick drawings you complain about are a consequence
 of using a vector format.

not true, unless you call graphics like these stick figures:

 For example, printing to PDF 
 via cups-pdf barfs on PNGs. 
 But export of graphics to PS works pretty well in gEDA. Specialized
 tools need not and should not support every graphics format.

Supporting a graphics feature with some standard output engines but not 
with others is trapping users. Other applications like gimp or eog have 
no trouble printing png images to cups-pdf. 

 The way xfig incorporates LaTeX may be worth a closer look.
 That's real *inflexibility*.

You've got a somewhat private definition of inflexibilty. With xfig you 
can choose to include latex formatted text or you can go with plain 
text in one of the default postscript fonts. With gschem you are 
confined to a single font. Formula typesetting is not available at all. 
Which of the two is more flexible?

 Users should not be required to use LaTeX, make, or any other
 specific tool, 

Neither do xfig users.

 but should be able to easily get gEDA to cooperate with these

Which is currently only marginally available. Export of a portable 
graphics format is a very weak form of cooperation. Import is only 
possible in a crippled pixelized way.

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Zero length pins

2010-10-02 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Sun, 2010-10-03 at 00:08 +0200, kai-martin knaak wrote:

  but should be able to easily get gEDA to cooperate with these
 Which is currently only marginally available. Export of a portable 
 graphics format is a very weak form of cooperation. Import is only 
 possible in a crippled pixelized way.

What is your intention? Should gschem support fancy svg graphics like
inkscape? I guess that would make all very complicated. The basic gschem
file format is very simple, lines, circles, arcs, rectangles...
Current version supports pictures and simple paths, which is is more
than necessary in my opinion.

For me, tools should be not overloaded and fat, like OpenOffice and
Mozilla. Keep the tools slim. gschem can never be a powerful svg editor
-- loading in svg graphics may be possible, but I guess even simple
manipulation like rotating oval arcs can be complicated.

SVG export is easy with cairo, so we can import into inkscape.

Indeed, a schematics mode for inkscape may be fine -- teaching
inkscape to understand symbols, pins, nets, attributes. May be possible,
but do we really need that? And a PCB mode, teaching it to watch for
clearance, and do gerber export.

Maybe I missed your real intention, I was not able to follow the whole
discussion, sorry.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Modifications to the main-menu of PCB

2010-10-02 Thread Andrew Poelstra
On Sat, Oct 02, 2010 at 11:56:56PM +0200, Felix Ruoff wrote:
 there was/is a discussion about modifying the main-menu of pcb at
 the thread PCB: Change default file-filter in open-dialog. I think
 it will be more clearly arranged if we continue this discussion at
 an extra thread which I like to start with this mail :-).
 I am currently spending some time with thinking about the
 menu-structure. Therefor my first question: Is anybody else working
 at this point?

I spent a short while working on keyboard shortcuts. I got through
the low-hanging fruit (open/save/close/quit) and discovered what you
did: there are a *lot* of little functions in pcb that have keybindings,
and mapping them all is hard work.

Initially, I had wanted there to be a keybinding for every single
operation. But since we have a command mode, perhaps this would be
a Bad Thing? How many times have you screwed up an application by
holding Ctrl and hitting the wrong key?
 One of the reasons for me to modify the menu is, to adapt it to the
 human-interface-guidelines (hid-guidelines) of GNOME
 ( Anywhere on the
 geda-webside I found the hint, that the geda (and pcb???)-GUI should
 be adopted to the rules described there. This does some problems
 with the keyboard-shortcuts. E.g. Ctrl+P is actually used for 'Auto
 place selected elements' and should be for 'Print' in the

Agreed. If somebody put out a patch to clean up the gpcb-menu.res file
and make the shortcuts standard and sane, I would welcome it. But then
the same effort needs to be done for gschem.

 I will prefere using the shortcuts suggested in the document given above.
 In some cases it might be nice to support some new and the old
 shortcuts the same time. Does anyone of you know if it is possible
 in the actual implementation to define two shortcuts for the same

No. You can define the same shortcut twice, but IIRC only one of them
will work. Nothing will complain, but the program will feel broken.

 The hid-guidelines suggesting Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- as shortcuts for
 zooming in and out. Using the plus and minus-sign for keyboard
 shortcuts is not possible in the actual implementation. The appended
 patch fixes this.

 In the old thread there was some discussion about the menu-entries.
 Thank you all for your suggestions! I tried to merge them to a new
 discussion-basis here. First, it's just about the File-menu.
   New   Ctrl+N
   Open Layout...Ctrl+O
 Element Data to Paste Buffer... // perhaps, this two entries
 can be merged at a later stage.
 Layout Data to Paste Buffer...  // needs some coding (am
 working at this). Perhaps, moving this two to the 'Buffer'-menu?
 Netlist File...
 Vendor Resource...
   Save Layout   Ctrl+S
   Save Layout As... Shift+Ctrl+S
   Save Connection Data of
 a Single Element
 All Elements
 Unused Pins

So far so good.

   Save Buffer to Footprint   // Don't know if this

Personally, I don't like this at all. I think that footprints should
be an export option, as well as the default save behavior in footprint
mode. Also, we should have a footprint mode.

 should be added here. Perhaps this should stay at the 'Buffer'-menu.
   Update from Schematic...
 To Saved
 To Backup// Don't know the action to
 fill in here. Is this implemented in the core already?

I think this is source control's job. One of the points made in the
file-format discussion was that we want something more diff-friendly.
Git integration would be cool, but that certainly doesn't belong in
the core.

   Calibrate Printer...  (or perhaps 'Page Setup' when there will be
 a new page-setup-dialog)
   Print Layout...Ctrl+P
   Export Layout...
 List of recent files // I did some work on this.
 It works but it is not well integrated jet. Will send a patch when
 ready (or I gave up)

A first step to this would be to create (or find) a decent unified
API for storing user settings and data under the ~/.pcb directory.

   // Here was the 'Preferences'-entry. I think we can move it to
 'Edit' (as also suggested in the ghi-guidelines) to make this menu
   Close layout   Ctrl-W  // if and when multiple
 layouts are supported ;-)
   Close all layouts  // if and when multiple
 layouts are supported ;-)
   Quit   Ctrl+Q

 These are my thoughts about the file-menu. Perhaps, you have some
 more comments or other hints?

Our menu system is pretty goofy right now. In cleaning it up, we
have to consider a few things:

  1. Default keybindings (of course) and menu structure (of course)
  2. Customizable keybindings
  3. Customizable menus
  4. Dockable menus, toolbars, etc
  5. Command-mode improvements.
  6. Removal of unused menu items

It's such 

Re: gEDA-user: Modifications to the main-menu of PCB

2010-10-02 Thread kai-martin knaak
Felix Ruoff wrote:

 if we continue this discussion at an
 extra thread which I like to start with this mail :-).

Well, in my newsreader, this email is part of the thread that started 
as PCB: Change default file-filter in open-dialog. But I am ok with 
it. ;-)

 I am currently spending some time with thinking about the 
 menu-structure. Therefor my first question: Is anybody else
 working at this point?

Not really working on it. But I too think, the menus of the GUI show 
their age. There quite an number of menu related entries in my local 
list of pcb bugs'n warts...

 One of the reasons for me to modify the menu is, to adapt it to the 
 human-interface-guidelines (hid-guidelines) of GNOME 

The less the interface deviates from the standards in the hig-book, the 
lower the entry-barrier to newbies. And yes, geda/pcb needs to be nice 
to new users. Else, the project will loose too many eyes and minds to 

The other, even more important GUI goal is consistency with gschem. It 
is a real PITA if a common key stroke do different things in the two 
applications. Worst example at the moment is the [n] key. This is edit 
name in pcb and draw connection in gschem. 

Yes, to fix this kind of inconsistency, only one application can keep 
its traditional key binding. The fix will break long standing habits of 
power users. Maybe an alternative traditional/compatible toggle would 
make everyone happy... Shouldn't be too hard to implement. It just 
requires an action to load a gmenu.res on demand.

 In some cases it might be nice to support some new and the old 
 shortcuts the same time. 
 Does anyone of you know if it is possible in the actual 
 implementation to define two shortcuts for the same action?

A working example in the current default gmenu.res is the undo action. 
It can be triggered with [u] and alternatively by [ctrl-z]. 

 The hid-guidelines suggesting Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- as shortcuts for
 zooming in and out. 

The hig also suggests the mouse wheel should up-down pan by default and 
require ctrl modifier for zoom. However, this is a pain in graphics 
applications. Inkscape is clearly a project to look at in terms of GUI-
standards. It features a preference toggle to choose the mouse 

 Using the plus and minus-sign for keyboard 
 shortcuts is not 
 possible in the actual implementation. The appended patch fixes this.

Nice. Remember, in this project you have to do some nagging to get a 
patch applied.

 First, it's just about the File-menu.

The real buggers are in edit/select/settings. But let's start easy :-)

New   Ctrl+N

Should be New...   Ctrl+N. A dialog should open to set some start-up 
values like layout name,  

Open Layout...Ctrl+O

Make this Open...  Ctrl+O. See below.

  Element Data to Paste Buffer... // perhaps, this two entries 
 can be merged at a later stage.
  Layout Data to Paste Buffer...  // needs some coding (am 
 working at this). Perhaps, moving this two to the 'Buffer'-menu?

IMHO, the two paste buffer load actions should be merged. The 
application should be able to see by itself which kind of data it gets 
and act accordingly. Please don't move a file action to the buffer 
menu. Instead, the save_buffer_to_file action should be moved to the 
file menu.

  Netlist File...
  Vendor Resource...

Again, these types of files should be recognized by the application. 
Then load layout, load netlist and load vendor resource can be merged 
to a general open command. 

Save Layout   Ctrl+S
Save Layout As... Shift+Ctrl+S
Save Connection Data of
  a Single Element
  All Elements
  Unused Pins

I never used these. What are they good for?

Save Buffer to Footprint// Don't know if this 
should be added here.

Sure, it should be here. A save anywhere else than in the file menu is 
an oddball.

Update from Schematic...
  To Saved
  To Backup// Don't know the action to 
 fill in here. Is this implemented in the core already?

Why is revert to backup needed at all? I only think about think about 
backups, if something really screwed up. In this case, I don't want 
anything automatic to happen, as this might screw it even more. Since 
revert is nothing but load layout, I'd choose this action manually. 
Revert to backup should not be frequent in the first place. In fact, I 
can hardly remember the last time I needed a pcb backup :-) 

Calibrate Printer...  (or perhaps 'Page Setup' when there will
   be a new page-setup-dialog)

Should be included into the print... dialog. -- An item less on the 

Print Layout...Ctrl+P
Export Layout...
 List of recent files // I did some work on this. It 

Re: gEDA-user: Modifications to the main-menu of PCB

2010-10-02 Thread kai-martin knaak
Andrew Poelstra wrote:

 Initially, I had wanted there to be a keybinding for every single
 operation. But since we have a command mode, perhaps this would be
 a Bad Thing? How many times have you screwed up an application by
 holding Ctrl and hitting the wrong key?

IMHO, the more imortant goal is to have all actions available in the 
menu. There are still some actions that can only be reached via the 
command line interface. And then there are these command parameters 
that can't be set in the GUI...

 then the same effort needs to be done for gschem.

And we should see to make the interfaces as compatible as possible. 

   Save Buffer to Footprint   // Don't know if this

This item should stay save buffer to file. In addition to its use 
during footprint creation, it provides a way to save part of the layout 
for future use.

 Personally, I don't like this at all. I think that footprints should
 be an export option, as well as the default save behavior in
 footprint mode. 

Still, there should be a way to save the buffer to file. 

 Also, we should have a footprint mode.

Yes, please.

 should be added here. Perhaps this should stay at the 'Buffer'-menu.
   Update from Schematic...
 To Saved
 To Backup// Don't know the action to
 fill in here. Is this implemented in the core already?
 I think this is source control's job.

True. But a simple revert to the last saved version is conceptually 
simple. It does not need any external software requirement, which is a 
good. Think windows versions, somebody preferring some other source 
control application, newbies not versed in source control at all...

Note, currently revert has an important (mis-) use as a workaround for 
the absence of a better way to trigger polygon recalculation. 
Of course, this this a GUI-wart, that should be tackled, anyway.

 A first step to this would be to create (or find) a decent unified
 API for storing user settings and data under the ~/.pcb directory.

currently, it is mangled with other settings in .pcb/preferences

   1. Default keybindings (of course) and menu structure (of course)
   2. Customizable keybindings

Let Gnome do it. You can already customize keys on the fly the gnome 
way: Just enter the menu and type the desired key combo. It will 
instantly be the accel to the menu item. If it collides with some other 
menu accel, the other menu will be overruled. However, pcb currently 
does not save these settings. So they are lost at the end of the 

   3. Customizable menus

There is a down side: A fixed menu provides an easy, universal way to 
communicate usage-howtos. (Choose Only_names from the settings menu) 
If every power user designs their own, private menu, this common ground 
would be lost. I have been there, seen that, with mechanical CAD.

   4. Dockable menus, toolbars, etc

Note, dockable is not friendly to multi monitor work places.

   5. Command-mode improvements.
   6. Removal of unused menu items

I'd veto against this. There are very few menu items I haven't used, 
yet. By contrast, I'd advocate to make sure, all actions are available 
via the menu one way, or another. 

 As for the command mode:
   1. Tab-completion (huge)
   2. Callback (a little clunky now)
   3. Escape/lost focus should get out of command-mode
   4. Output display
 4a. For internal commands a single line could be shown in the 
status bar
 4b. For lots of output, a log panel built into pcb would be nice
 4c. However, this needs to be 100% out of the way when not in use
   5. External application support (similar in vi how you can do 
:!make or
  :!pdflatex %).

How about a little embedded bash, enriched with pcb's action commands? 
This would give us all the above, real scripting and all the power the 
shell can deliver. Plus, documentation already spread on every unixoid 
box ;-)

Kai-Martin Knaak
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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB: Change default file-filter in open-dialog

2010-10-02 Thread DJ Delorie

I don't like having gtk store settings in two different places, but I
don't particularly care which one is used.

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