Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

2009-05-13 Thread Brendan Howell
Hi gEDAns,
  I'm one of the developers of Fritzing.  I know I'm coming to this 
thread rather late but I have a few comments and clarifications...

  First, I think some of the initial debate and criticism was based on 
looking at our old ( web site that had a bunch of 
early stuff that is completely obsolete.  This first proof-of-concept 
version of Fritzing was written using Java on top of multiple Eclipse 
frameworks and for expediency we hacked up a quick output to Eagle.  
While the demo was cool, it quickly turned into an unpleasant experience 
for coders as we reached the limitations of the GUI framework (not to 
mention the problems of being dependent on proprietary CAD tools).  So, 
last summer we threw all the old code out and started over from scratch.
  We decided to go with Qt for aesthetic as well as technical reasons.  
For us, it makes coding C++ almost as easy as working in a higher level 
language, while still giving us every increment of speed that we want.  
It has support for 90% of what we need without external libs.  Docs are 
great.  It's very portable; we release on 4 platforms with just a few 
ifdefs.  We looked at easily a dozen different GUI frameworks before 
chosing Qt.
  We don't really see Fritzing as competing with the other open 
source/free EDA tools.  Our target audience is largely hobbyists, 
students, designers and artists: essentially, non-engineers. 
  Our long-term goal is to support file interchange with other EDAs, 
especially gEDA and KiCAD so that as users reach the limits of what is 
possible with Fritzing, they can move their project over to more 
professional tools.
  With that in mind, it would be great to collaborate.  I'm currently 
working on a gEDA/PCB footprint importer to take advantage of the great 
library that you guys have.  I also have export to gEDA on my list as 
it would be really great to be able to export a netlist that gnetlist 
can understand.
  Please feel free drop in on our forums to give us comments, critique 
and code.  Although we don't use gEDA as a backend, I've learned an 
awful lot by reading your code, docs and discussions.  It's great stuff! 

Brendan Howell

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Greetings from Fritzing

2009-01-22 Thread Brendan Howell
Hello gEDAns,

I am one of the developers of Fritzing, a simple FLOSS EDA made for less
technical (non-engineer) users.  Our project is young but we have been
posting frequent releases since November.

I am also a gEDA user since 2005.  I want to thank all the developers
for producing such a powerful piece of software.  Quite a few ideas (but
no code) in Fritzing were based on your designs.

Introductions aside, I was hoping to start a dialogue between our
groups.  We see our project as fitting into the EDA world in a different
space from gEDA.  Most of our target audience have limited experience
with electronics and are interested in realizing small, low-complexity
prototypes.  However, as our software is limited (intentionally) in
scope, some users may reach a stage where they need the more advanced
EDA features of a package like gEDA.  

Right now, I'm working on a gEDA-PCB footprint import component that
converts gEDA footprint files to our internal SVG based files.  In the
long term we would be interested in supporting some sort of export path
so that users can export Fritzing projects and continue working on them
in gEDA.

Feel free to try out our latest builds, give us feedback, tips, gripes,
etc.  And we are totally open to any kind of collaboration.

Brendan Howell

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: geda-user Digest, Vol 32, Issue 92

2009-01-22 Thread Brendan Howell
On Thu, 2009-01-22 at 11:26 -0500,

  I am one of the developers of Fritzing, a simple FLOSS EDA made for
  technical (non-engineer) users.  Our project is young but we have
  posting frequent releases since November.
 Yeah, we're aware of the project.  I pestered you guys about a year
 ago to get invovled with gEDA.  Welcome, and congratulations on
 getting Fritzing off the ground!

There was an initial version of Fritzing made with Java/Eclipse that
ended up being more of a proof-of-concept.  We threw out most of the
code and started over this summer with Qt/C++ and we are much much
happier and making much better progress.

  Introductions aside, I was hoping to start a dialogue between our
  groups.  We see our project as fitting into the EDA world in a
  space from gEDA.  Most of our target audience have limited
  with electronics and are interested in realizing small,
  prototypes.  However, as our software is limited (intentionally) in
  scope, some users may reach a stage where they need the more
  EDA features of a package like gEDA.
 Yeah, the protoboard paradigm for doing a design is very different
 from the traditional PCB design flow (which is one thing gEDA tries to
 do).  It's an interesting approach for electronics newbies
 Reading your bulletin board, I see many people who like the interface
 a lot.  Getting a user interface to be natural and intuitive is very
 difficult!  (Particularly in an open-source project)

Yeah it is tough.  We are supported by the Interaction Design department
at the FH-Potsdam so usability is a major focus for us.

 One thing.   Fritzing's close tie-in with Eagle is, um, out of
 tune for an open-source/open-hardware project IMO.  But that's not my
 decision to  make, and we're happy to see you guys are contacting us
 (a real open-source EDA project).

I agree with you.  Since our summer restart, we have ditched all the
dependencies on Eagle and now have our own simple but functional PCB
view.  We may eventually support an export to Eagle option but our core
goal is a fully FLOSS production process.

  Right now, I'm working on a gEDA-PCB footprint import component that
  converts gEDA footprint files to our internal SVG based files.  In
  long term we would be interested in supporting some sort of export
  so that users can export Fritzing projects and continue working on
  in gEDA.
 Very cool!  Being able to convert gEDA/PCB footprints - Fritzing
 footprints (both ways) would be very nice.  A big win would be that
 one could use any SVG drawing program to create the footprints, and
 then convert to a gEDA/PCB .fp file.
 The question here is:  What is the structure of a Fritzing footprint?
 That is, a footprint assumes a certain layer structure.  For example,
 a through-hole footprint assumes you have top silk, top
 mask, paste and metal, some clearance structure for inner layers, and
 then bottom silk, mask, paste, and metal.  Also, one might also want
 to provide a keepout layer and also other layers which I have
 So...  Is the footprint structure documented anywhere?  (I admit I
 haven't looked.)

Docs... heh.  Who has time for docs?  Actually, I should work on that.
If you guys are interested, then I will try to put something on our web
site explaining the SVG formatting.  Basically, all the paths for each
layer are stuck in a group which is tagged with the id for that layer.
At the moment we only support single sided boards but we will need to
add the bits on the back of the board at some point as well. 


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