gEDA-user: gschem gnetlist problem

2011-07-12 Thread Girvin R. Herr

Hello all,
I am trying to use gnetlist for the first time to create a Bill Of 
Materials (BOM) from my schematic.  This is a test case of mine to come 
up with a procedure to do this.  I keep getting the following:

   536:$gnetlist -g bom xx.sch
   Loading schematic
   In current input:
   1: 0* [bom]
   In /usr/local/share/gEDA/scheme/gnet-bom.scm:
  37: 1  (let ((port #) (attriblist #)) (bom:printlist (cons #
   attriblist) port) ...)
  40: 2* [bom:parseconfig ...
  40: 3*  [open-input-file attribs]
   In unknown file:
   ?: 4   [open-file attribs r]

   unnamed port: In procedure open-file in expression (open-file str
   unnamed port: No such file or directory: attribs

It produces essentially the same error when using bom2.
Of course, the file is empty.

What is this attribs file it seems to be looking for and not finding?
Am I supposed to create this file?  If so, where can I find a 
description of it?

I have looked at the manpage, the gnetlist User's Guide, did some 
searching on the web for this error (gnetlist [open-file attribs r] 
), and looked at the distribution for more documentation, all to no avail.

For the record, I am using gEDA, KDE 3.5.10, Slackware 
Linux 12.2 (k2.6.27.7).  I am not a schema/guile/lisp programmer, but I 
do program in other languages.

I would appreciate any hints to get me back on track with gnetlist.
Thanks in advance.
Girvin Herr

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem gnetlist problem

2011-07-12 Thread Girvin R. Herr

DJ Delorie wrote:

What is this attribs file it seems to be looking for and not finding?
Am I supposed to create this file?  If so, where can I find a
description of it?

It's a list of attributes for which you want extracts.


Thanks!  That got it going.  I thought it was something like that, but 
wasn't sure.

Onward and upward!

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Re: gEDA-user: gschem unresponsive to keyboard input

2010-08-30 Thread Girvin R. Herr

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

Hash: SHA1


One of the electronics newbies I teach geda, hit a strange input mode in 
gschem today. The GUI did not respond to the usual key-accels (ee, m, 
i...). Instead, on the bottom right of the window the status line 
displayed the letters just typed in upper case. [return] , [escape] or 
any combinations we came up with did not end the mode. In the end, we 
restarted the session to bring back the expected behavior.

What is this mode supposed to do?
How would it be entered?
How can it be ended?


Can I assume you tried Caps Lock?
I am always forgetting to remove Caps Lock and gschem exhibits the 
behavior you describe.  The commands are case sensitive.

Girvin Herr

- ---)kaimartin(---
- -- 
Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895

Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: gEDA-user: Refreshing symbol libraries ?

2010-04-16 Thread Girvin R. Herr

I had this problem too, until I found the refresh icon:

Add - component
In the Select Component... window, click on the circular arrows icon to 
the right of the Filter box.  That should refresh the listing without 
restarting gschem.

Still using gschem  I sure hope they didn't drop that 
feature in the later versions...

Girvin Herr

Amand Tihon wrote:


Is there a way to have gschem rescan its component libraries while running ?
Currently, when I copy or create a new symbol into the project directory, I 
have to restart gschem to make it visible in the component browser.



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Re: gEDA-user: Open Source mechanical CAD on the horizon

2010-02-24 Thread Girvin R. Herr

Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
I just got aware of the open source mechanical CAD project freecad. It 
hit the debian repository a month ago. Although it is still lacking 
important features, much of the basic infrastructure is already up and 


Have you, or anyone in the group, used FreeCAD for any useful work?
I just downloaded the source code for Linux and took a look at the 
docs.  Although they may not be up to date (file date of Jan 7, 2010), 
they have no substance.  It is proclaiming there isn't yet much in the 
way of GUI commands to implement the internal drawing functions.

I am looking for a free and Open Source mechanical drawing program to 
complement gEDA.  i.e.: Okay, we have the PWB out for fab, now let's 
design and document an enclosure!  I have been using gschem's drawing 
capability for much of my projects' mechanical documentation.  For the 
most part, it is acceptable for that, however, gschem has a few 
limitations, such as lack of drawing ellipses for oval speaker cutouts, 
that real mechanical drawing programs support.  FreeCAD looks promising 
on the surface; however, before I install and/or update a lot of Linux 
system support libraries for FreeCAD, I would like to hear from someone 
who actually found FreeCAD useful at this stage of its development 
(version 0.9.2646).

Girvin Herr

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Standard refdes for a crystal?

2009-04-20 Thread Girvin R. Herr

Rob Butts wrote:
What is the standard refdes for a crystal, I'm blanking?  The generic
is a U, is this correct?


 geda-user mailing list
ANSI Y32.16 Reference Designations for Electrical and Electronics Parts 
and Equipments specifies Y as a crystal refdes.  X is supposed to 
be reserved for sockets.  For example, XY2 is a socket for Y2 and XQ1 
is a socket for Q1.
So, the Wikipedia is correct.
Girvin Herr

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: arcs and circles in PCB via gui

2009-04-09 Thread Girvin R. Herr

DJ Delorie wrote:
 I was thinking of an edit-arc option that lets you grab the endpoints
 and drag them to new angles.  If you grab the center, it moves the
 arc.  If you grab an enclosing-rectangle-corner, it resizes the arc.

 geda-user mailing list

DJ, et al,
Have you looked at gschem's arc GUI code?  That is the way its arcs can 
be edited. Selecting the arc displays tags on the arc endpoints.  
Dragging one end (I am not sure which end) rotates the arc around the 
axis.  Dragging the other end changes the length of the arc.  Although I 
have not used PCB yet, I can see advantages to having the PCB and gschem 
GUIs be consistent.

Girvin Herr

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: the joy and sadness of new boards

2009-03-31 Thread Girvin R. Herr

DJ Delorie wrote:
 Just got a box of panels from Advanced Circuits.  Five panels, ten
 boards per panel (two each powermeter, usb-gpio pod, and three pod
 modules - ten sets of boards total).  Joy!

 Unfortunately, I have no way of separating them into individual boards
 yet.  Sadness!

 But I do have a 60 degree v-scoring bit for my router table.  Joy!

 Last time I used it, the pcbs were too flexible for the big hole the
 table had around the bit.  Sadness!

 I was thinking of taking an old 7 table saw blade and re-grinding it
 to a 60 degree point.  I can make a zero-clearance insert for it, to
 ensure correct cuts.  Joy!

 However, I don't have any of the parts for the boards yet.  Sadness!

 But now I get to go through the BOMs, figure out the best parts to
 use, put together a digikey order, come up with some hobby money, and
 wait for it all to arrive.  Joy!  No, wait... sadness?  Crap.

 geda-user mailing list

You don't say, but I assume you have .062 or thinner G10 panels.
Do you know anyone with a sheet metal shear?
I used that in the past, although the glass fiber is a bit hard on the 
shear.  On the other hand, there is a lot less fiberglass/copper/plastic 
dust than a saw or router bit.
Harbor Freight has a small 30 shear that should be big enough for 15 
panels. It is a few hundred dollars to buy it, however.

If you are intent on sawing, how about a Dremel cutoff disk?
That should be low-cost.  Wear a dust mask, though.

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