gEDA-user: Hurray for GUI!

2010-02-11 Thread John P. Doty
Yesterday, I made a bunch of symbols with the web version of djboxsym. 
Very handy. GUI as it should be: an effective assist to a necessarily 
manual graphical process. Thanks DJ!

But may I make a feature request? The majority of my from scratch box 
symbols do not represent things with pin numbers: they represent 
hierarchical subcircuits. djboxsym uses the numbers both for visible 
pinnumber= and invisible pinseq= attributes (good). But I'd like an 
option to have only the pinseq= attributes.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why separate xgsch2pcb?

2010-02-11 Thread John P. Doty

Mark Stanley wrote:

And I understand how the schematic might be automated as it is just a visual 
representation of a net list, but I just can't imagine how on earth you could 
layout a board without ever looking at it.  Or is that even what you are talking 

Think of it as two processes: design and layout.

In the design process, the human inputs are schematics, text, tables, 
source code, etc. The data products are netlists, BOMs, simulations, 
graphics, documentation, programs, etc. Ideally in design automation, 
the flow from the inputs to the data products is fully automatable, so a 
single command can generate all of the data products from the inputs. If 
you change a drawing, you shouldn't have to push a bunch of buttons to 
get it into the documentation, for example.

Layout takes some of the data products  from design, and with additional 
human inputs, produces more data products: gerbers, pick and place, mask 
sets, layout-derived netlists, more documentation, etc. Again, it is 
desirable to be able to get the data products hands off once the human 
inputs are in.

It is good to have an interface here. The automation breaks at the start 
of layout, for the reasons you note. My customers all have their 
preferred layout people and processes: gEDA supports them all well (so 
easy to write a gnetlist back end). And nobody will ever do an ASIC 
layout with pcb.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: why separate xgsch2pcb?

2010-02-11 Thread John P. Doty

John Griessen wrote:

DJ Delorie wrote:

Probably the simplest approach (which I'm leaning towards) is to
treat the netlist file as the target, keep that up-to-date, then let

With the new PCB import code, there's no more netlist file :-O

No more netlist file!  :-O  Oh Nooo...  :-O

Just kidding, but...  This needs to be clarified before John Doty sees 
it or ?

Why would that bother me? There's a file that contains netlist 
information and more. That happens in other flows, too. Very often some 
BOM data makes it into the netlist.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Ubuntu package for 1.6 and footprints

2009-11-02 Thread John P. Doty
R. Bosch wrote:

 B.t.w.: Just noticed that it's almost a year since 20081128 was 
 released. Any idea why it never came in Ubuntu? Which is still at 
 20080202... :-/
Hmm, Ubuntu Jaunty is at:
gEDA/gschem version

Be nice if 1.6 was there, but it's not as bad as you say.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: multi-part symbol support

2009-07-27 Thread John P. Doty
Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 It took me quite a while to flex my hacking muscles. Anyway, finally my 
 little hacking project reached a stage that actually represents an 

 When dealing with footprints my local version of gnetlist does not care 
 for the order of symbols anymore. If there is a set of symbols with the 
 same refdes, only one needs to bear a footprint attribute. It doesn't 
 matter which one. The generic case is symbols with power pins split to a 
 separate power symbol.  

This is indeed an improvement. Your logic is good. But it's only a 
partial fix. There are many attributes that need similar treatment. 
Anything that goes into a BOM, for example. That's an open ended list, 
since I think many of us use custom attributes for our flows. A one-shot 
solution for each attribute won't work. Nor, I think, is it right to do 
this for all attributes, as source is potentially properly multiple, 
and we shouldn't preclude other such attributes. Now, source is 
handled by the front end, so at the moment it's outside this discussion, 
but I consider that to be a bug, too: it precludes making hierarchical 
back ends.

I think it would be better to have a function 
gnetlist:get-all-attributes that returns a list of lists of (name, 
value) pairs, e. g.

   (refdes R1)
   (footprint 0603)
   (value 680)
   (refdes C1)
   (footprint 0805)
   (value 470 pF)

Then, change gnetlist:get-package-attribute to a scheme procedure in 
gnetlist.scm, with your logic implemented there for all attributes. That 
shouldn't break any existing back ends, since 
gnetlist:get-package-attribute only returns a single attribute value 
anyway, but it puts the control in the back end, where it's flexible and 
configurable. Where it belongs.

If you want to collaborate on this, I'll volunteer to do the easy part 
;-). That, of course, is the handful of lines of Scheme that need to be 
added to gnetlist.scm (filtering data structures is easy). You've 
already done the really hard part, which is penetrating the logical 
structure of the front end: all you'd need to do is compose 

 In addition, gnetlist detects if there are different footprints attached 
 to a single refdes and warns accordingly. 

 Unlike what I had in mind last week, this this not achieved by merging 
 symbols in the internal representation. Instead, gnetlist copies the 
 footprint attribute to all symbols with the same refdes. So no data is 
 lost during this additional preprocessing stage. 

 I'd like to see this bug fixed in the main distribution of geda, too. 
 How would I go ahead? Should I send the patch files to this list for a 
 review? Or should I attach them to a bug report?


John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: merge multi symbol components

2009-07-25 Thread John P. Doty
DJ Delorie wrote:
 Well, you have to *use* its scriptability, and not fight against it.  

 I don't consider it scriptable unless you can invoke the script from
 within the tool and have it operate on the live data. 
Different kind of scriptabilty than I'm talking about. The question is: 
can a scripting program like make practically operate the tool, or is 
a human operator required? Power tool versus hand cranked tool.

Layout is necessarily a sore spot here, as it requires human input. So, 
barring improvements in AI technology, it's necessarily a barrier to 
scriptability. Can't complain there.

But design and layout are not all there is. Documentation, simulation, 
device drivers, etc., etc. It's a real time saver to have the builds of 
all of these things automated. Check the files out from the revision 
control system, then make to get all of the project data products: 
printable graphics, text, programs, etc. gEDA's strength is that it 
works extremely well in this kind of approach: it doesn't unnecessarily 
demand human input, and it plays well with other power tools.

  You should be
 able to, for example, right-click on a menu button and edit the script
 it will run, then left-click on it to run it.
No buttons, no clicks. Just text. That's scripting.
 Even pcb with all its actions is only half way there.
 A specialized internal language is a poor way to get scriptability.

 I don't consider pcb's actions scripts, more of a batch file.
 However, you have to *start* with a solid collection of verbs and
 nouns before you can build a scripting system around it.

 geda-user mailing list


John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: g_list_sort() or local mergesort?

2009-07-19 Thread John P. Doty
Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 For my gnetlist hacking I need to sort the netlist according to refdes. 
 There are two options:

 a) use the function g_list_sort() provided by glib
 This would involve routines to convert NETLIST to GList and back.

 b) add a sorting algorithm to libgeda. A sensible choice would be 

 Which option do you prefer?

How about:

c) Crib the refdes sorting code from spice-sdb.scm?


John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist missing features

2009-07-01 Thread John P. Doty
Stefan Salewski wrote:
 There was some discussion about netlist generation on this list
 recently, so maybe it is a good time to speak about missing features:

 I have some OpAmps with power down pins (active low) in my schematics, I
 have connected an io symbol to it with an attribute like

 If I connect this io symbol (a copy) to an other device, i.e. to a pin
 of an FPGA all is fine. Now I decide this OpAmp should be always on, so
 I make a copy of this io symbols and connect it to a (lonesome) power
 symbol with a net attribute like net=3.3V:1. So the power symbol and
 one instance of the io symbol are connected to each other, with no
 direct connection to other real hardware. I think this will not work
 correctly, the power down pin of the OpAmp will not be connected to the
 3.3V rail as desired.

You've told gnetlist to short PreAmpPD to 3.3V. What happens then is 
undefined. My experience is that gnetlist's behavior is difficult to 
predict in such cases: sometimes it chooses one net name over another, 
and sometimes it leaves the nets unconnected. Another example is a 
subcircuit containing a short circuit between two external connections. 
The nets in the higher level schematic don't get connected. But this is 
a perfectly reasonable object when you consider that a subcircuit may 
have different implementations in different versions of a circuit whose 
higher level description doesn't change.

The question then is: what is a simple set of logical rules that should 
govern shorted nets? These should somehow capture the intuitive 
understanding the designer has when drawing such a thing. What is this? 
Is your understanding similar to mine? Are additional attributes needed 
to describe this? Will such attributes be comprehensible to the designer?

The most pressing need here is for gnetlist to detect shorts and warn 
the user of their resolution.
 It would be very nice if this would work -- I think we had a discussion
 about this problem long time ago on the list.

 The other topic: There are ICs with multiple power- or output pins for
 low impedances. It would be nice to allow pinnumber=4,5,6,7 in symbols
 to indicate that this visible power pin in the schematic should indicate
 a connection to pins 4,5,6,7 of the related footprint. (My current
 solution is to make a local copy of the footprint, have pinnumber=4 in
 the symbol and rename pads 4,5,6,7 to 4,4,4,4 in the footprint and so

 Best wishes,

 Stefan Salewski

 geda-user mailing list


John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released

2009-06-30 Thread John P. Doty
Anthony Shanks wrote:

 More of a beta/trial release, but I've done considerable testing with
 both my symbol libraries and the default gEDA libraries and everything
 for the most part seems smooth. For those of you who aren't familar
 with spNet, it's a spice netlister for gEDA that can netlist
 hierarchical schematics using the spice .subckt directive (which are
 easier to read and simulate faster).
Note that there was never any serious difficulty doing this with 
gnetlist -g spice-sdb and a makefile.
  It also has many more features
 detailed in the documentation (up to date now on the homepage). If
 anybody has any questions or any issues with spNet let me know.

 geda-user mailing list


John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released

2009-06-30 Thread John P. Doty
A.Burinskiy wrote:

 Could you please explain in detail, what does your comment mean?

Start with

It is useful to disable gnetlist hierarchy traversal as described in

Then, set up your makefile to turn each subcircuit schematic into a 
circuit file. A handy rule might be:

%.cir : %.sch
gnetlist -q -g spice-sdb -I --nomunge -o $@ $^

Then, maybe assemble the combined file as follows:

CIRCUITS=top.cir sub1.cir sub2.cir

combined.cir : $(CIRCUITS)
cat $(CIRCUITS) combined.cir

So, when you type make combined.cir you'll update subcircuit files as 
necessary and combine them into the final product. This is especially 
useful when additional processing (e.g. is needed and when 
some subcircuits are generated by some other tool than gnetlist. Simple 
and extremely flexible.

This is a stripped-down version of the more elaborate flow I use for IC 
design, and may require tweaking for your flow. But the important thing 
is that it's easy to customize: you're not trapped by the decisions 
somebody else made to support *their* flow. That's the gEDA way. That's 
why gEDA is so much better than other packages.

 /* Note that there was never any serious difficulty doing this with gnetlist 
 -g spice-sdb and a makefile.


 On 06/30/2009 11:48 AM, John P. Doty wrote:
 Anthony Shanks wrote:

 More of a beta/trial release, but I've done considerable testing with
 both my symbol libraries and the default gEDA libraries and everything
 for the most part seems smooth. For those of you who aren't familar
 with spNet, it's a spice netlister for gEDA that can netlist
 hierarchical schematics using the spice .subckt directive (which are
 easier to read and simulate faster).
 Note that there was never any serious difficulty doing this with
 gnetlist -g spice-sdb and a makefile.

   It also has many more features
 detailed in the documentation (up to date now on the homepage). If
 anybody has any questions or any issues with spNet let me know.

 geda-user mailing list



 geda-user mailing list


John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released

2009-06-30 Thread John P. Doty
Anthony Shanks wrote:
 What do you mean?

 Unless you mean downloaded subckts from vendors, spice-sdb is
 irrelevant in hierarchically netlisting schematics you have drawn

I do it all the time. I've designed several mixed-signal IC's that way. 
It's easy. Think flexible toolkit, rather than expecting an  
inflexible integrated tool.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released

2009-06-30 Thread John P. Doty
Anthony Shanks wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Bill wrote:
 John P. Doty wrote:
 Anthony Shanks wrote:

 More of a beta/trial release, but I've done considerable testing with
 both my symbol libraries and the default gEDA libraries and everything
 for the most part seems smooth. For those of you who aren't familar
 with spNet, it's a spice netlister for gEDA that can netlist
 hierarchical schematics using the spice .subckt directive (which are
 easier to read and simulate faster).

 Note that there was never any serious difficulty doing this with
 gnetlist -g spice-sdb and a makefile.

 You're a real buzzkill this week, you know that?  :)

 First you don't like my idea, and now you don't like Anthony's either!
 :) :)


 Haha yeah, except I'm not sure what he says is accurate and I'm not
 sure what the resistance is against a hierarchical netlister (without
 workarounds like makefiles and such).

A makefile isn't a workaround. It's a place to implement more flexibility.

  Every single industry level
 netlister I have ever seen does this and I have worked with plenty as
 a student and now an engineer in the industry.

gEDA is superior to those tools: it does not take away your flexibility 
the way they do. It even plays nicely with tools that aren't designed to 
play nicely.

  As someone who manually
 looks at netlists on a daily basis, flat netlists are very hard to
 read and simulate slow in spice simulators.

Agreed. But you if you thing gEDA is restricted to generating flat 
netlists, you don't understand it. You can't improve what you don't 

  I'm not even sure a
 makefile solution would really work anyway since flat netlisting each
 cell separately in a makefile (which I assume John was talking about)
 would not be able to automatically produce the subckt statements need
 inside the main spice file. Correct me if I am wrong.

You're wrong. Haven't you studied spice-sdb?

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released

2009-06-30 Thread John P. Doty
Anthony Shanks wrote:
 I suppose makefiles are a matter of perspective. What you call
 flexibility I call a missing feature. In my opinion a robust spice
 netlister includes hierarchical netlisting and other features I
 included in spNet that I see out in industry. In your opinion
 netlisters should be bare bones and makefiles should be included in
 your flow.

One of the best programmers of all time once said A program should do 
one thing well. So much waste could be avoided if people would just 
understand this simple principle.

  Ok thats fine. Whats the problem here? Are you always this
 hostile to people who try to contribute to the community? 

You have spread serious misinformation on this list.

You claim hierarchical netlists cannot be generated using gnetlist.

You have misrepresented how the existing gEDA SPICE netlisting works in 
other ways: you plainly don't understand the usage of the model= and 
model-name= attributes.

That makes me hostile.

 As someone
 who is relatively new to the gEDA community I saw a huge gap in
 gnetlist and gspiceui for people interested in using gEDA for IC
 simulations so I thought I'd contribute.

The gap is largely a result of not doing your homework. Study Stuart's 
stuff first.

  I started with making a new
 netlister and plan on making a new simulation gui comparable to what
 you see in industry. Again, why so hostile? This is the first time
 I've contributed to a open source project and never thought I'd be met
 with such hostility.

Contributions are welcome. Misinformation isn't.

On the positive side, your netlister does not get in the way: it is a 
separate program that one can ignore. That's a good thing. But please, 
don't claim advantages where you are ignorant of what you're comparing 
it to. From where I sit, gnetlist is an amazing tool. It's the main 
thing that makes gEDA a superior toolkit.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released

2009-06-30 Thread John P. Doty
Anthony Shanks wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 2:39 PM, John P. wrote:
 Anthony Shanks wrote:
 I suppose makefiles are a matter of perspective. What you call
 flexibility I call a missing feature. In my opinion a robust spice
 netlister includes hierarchical netlisting and other features I
 included in spNet that I see out in industry. In your opinion
 netlisters should be bare bones and makefiles should be included in
 your flow.
 One of the best programmers of all time once said A program should do
 one thing well. So much waste could be avoided if people would just
 understand this simple principle.


 Ok? Not sure how this is relevant to spNet.

When program 1 does function X, and program 2 does function Y, and they 
don't get in each others' way, it is folly to combine functions. 
Gnetlist is a *wonderful* netlister, radically flexible. Make is a 
wonderful orchestrator of processes and combiner of the results, 
radically flexible and efficient. It makes no sense to make something 
that cannot do a single thing that the combination of make and gnetlist 
can do, but combines them in a way that's much less flexible.

  Ok thats fine. Whats the problem here? Are you always this
 hostile to people who try to contribute to the community?
 You have spread serious misinformation on this list.

 You claim hierarchical netlists cannot be generated using gnetlist.

 I said gnetlist cannot generate hierarchical schematics. How is that not true?

It's like saying your car can't go coast to coast. Of course it can't by 
itself, it needs a driver, gasoline stations, etc. Gnetlist does a 
wonderful job of creating netlists. Orchestrating SPICE hierarchy using 
gnetlist is a trivial scripting problem: it doesn't require a whole new 
tool. But you are welcome to provide such a tool: it won't be able to do 
most of the things you can do with the existing kit, but that's OK. You 
are not welcome to lie about the existing toolkit.

 You have misrepresented how the existing gEDA SPICE netlisting works in
 other ways: you plainly don't understand the usage of the model= and
 model-name= attributes.

 That makes me hostile.


 I'm not misrepresenting anything.

Of course you are. I have working silicon that proves you can construct 
hierarchical SPICE netlists using the existing toolkit.

  All I stated in my original post is
 that I created a netlister that does hierarchical netlisting among
 other feature that gnetlist doesn't provide.

The toolkit that includes gnetlist provides them.

  Which is true.

Only in a narrow, legalistic sense. Misrepresentation.

  Why would
 that make you or anybody else hostile?

Because you are making false claims.

  Others here are appreciating my
 work without being hostile nor have I been hostile to anybody on this
 list, nor have I insulted anyone.

The people who seem to appreciate your work don't seem to understand 
gEDA. They expect something like the do everything poorly with one 
tool approach that is so distressingly common in software these days. A 
kit of tools, each of which does one thing well, is alien. But that's 
gEDA, that's its strength.

 As someone
 who is relatively new to the gEDA community I saw a huge gap in
 gnetlist and gspiceui for people interested in using gEDA for IC
 simulations so I thought I'd contribute.
 The gap is largely a result of not doing your homework. Study Stuart's
 stuff first.


 I admit I am not a veteran of the gEDA community but in my opinion I
 am filling a gap that the gEDA flow doesn't offer out of the box.

You say that out of ignorance. You haven't done your homework.

 you disagree that's fine but no reason to be hostile about it.

If your tool is a good tool, you should not need to sell it by claiming 
the existing tools have limitations that only reflect your refusal to 
use the whole toolkit. Most of us don't need a hammer that also 
functions as a saw, and if you'd created one and claimed you can't 
build a house with a hammer it would be a misrepresentation.

  I started with making a new
 netlister and plan on making a new simulation gui comparable to what
 you see in industry. Again, why so hostile? This is the first time
 I've contributed to a open source project and never thought I'd be met
 with such hostility.

 Contributions are welcome. Misinformation isn't.

 Again, where have I given any misinformation? All you have done so far
 is prove there are workarounds the current flow.

You don't understand a modular toolkit. Using each simple tool to do its 
job, and not burdening other tools with that job, is  not a 
workaround: on the contrary it is the best way to get work done.

 On the positive side, your netlister does not get in the way: it is a
 separate program that one can ignore. That's a good thing. But please,
 don't claim advantages where you are ignorant of what you're 

Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released

2009-06-30 Thread John P. Doty
Bill Gatliff wrote:
 John P. Doty wrote:
 The people who seem to appreciate your work don't seem to understand 
 gEDA. They expect something like the do everything poorly with one 
 tool approach that is so distressingly common in software these days. A 
 kit of tools, each of which does one thing well, is alien. But that's 
 gEDA, that's its strength.

 For the record, I just said I liked his documentation and website--- and
 pled ignorance on everything else.  :)

 Look, I'll first apologize for starting this whole thing by calling you
 names, John.  I intended it in jest, but obviously my email didn't make
 that clear enough.  Sorry.  It was inappropriate behavior from me, to
 say the least.

No need to apologize: I've a pretty thick skin. I don't even recall what 
you said. It had nothing to do with my distress.

 I agree that one of gEDA's strengths is that each component does one
 thing, and does it very well.  That fact alone has made it much easier
 for me to get my head around the small parts of it that I need to get my
 relatively modest designs done.

 It looks like Anthony has re-invented a wheel, and that's difficult to
 accept.  But his motivation to contribute is no less commendable as a
 result, and I really do appreciate his effort--- and I suspect that you
 do too, John.  I know he would love to hear that.

I appreciate his positive effort, indeed. But why must he falsely 
disparage what we already have?

gEDA is a miracle: a lean, flexible toolkit in an age of complex, 
inflexible bloatware.

 In the bigger picture, I'll note that the tutorials and FAQs I've seen
 for gEDA all focus on a pretty specific workflow, which is to turn a
 schematic into a circuit board layout.  There are obviously a zillion
 different ways that the tools would be useful, and I would really
 appreciate it if someone would write a few of them down!

I'm working on a gnetlist back end tutorial. I think that the 
capabilities of gnetlist are underappreciated, and that specialized back 
ends could be very useful.

 I'm a Contributing Editor for Embedded Systems Design magazine.  If
 anyone wants to help me co-author a few short articles on using gEDA for
 things like circuit board layout, schematic capture, simulations, and
 whatever else it's good for, I'd be more than happy to give you ample
 credit and to assist in whatever capacity I can to see to it that the
 documents get published.  They should be good candidates for the Wiki, too!

 If we can get some word out, and commit to documenting some of the
 really cool ways people are solving problems with gEDA, then I think
 we'll all get along a _lot_ better.  We'll focus our efforts on the
 parts of gEDA that are truly lacking (and even identify them!).  And
 we'd call more attention to the project, too.


 Now who's with me?




John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released

2009-06-30 Thread John P. Doty
Bill Gatliff wrote:
 John P. Doty wrote:
 I'm working on a gnetlist back end tutorial. I think that the 
 capabilities of gnetlist are underappreciated, and that specialized back 
 ends could be very useful.

 Is your work-in-progress viewable on the wiki, or somewhere?

I gotta learn to use the wiki. I showed people a fragment on the gEDA 
IRC a few weeks ago...



John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released

2009-06-30 Thread John P. Doty
Anthony Shanks wrote:
 Yes I know exactly what you mean now and I have seen (and have used)
 that kind of hierarchy control present in very high end tools (like
 cadence) but it is usually at the schematic capture level like you
 stated rather at the netlister level. gschem would have to drastically
 change to support that level of hierarchical maniuplation.

Not in the makefile approach. Define suitable attributes, process with a 
script, use the results to build the netlist from the pieces. Use the 
toolkit, don't fight it.

 Theoretically I can add some netlisting directive object at the top
 level schematic/testbench to handle this in spNet, but I'd have to
 look into how much work that would take. It would definately be a
 great feature though I agree with you.

 On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:06 PM, wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Anthony wrote:
 - hierarchy configuration from top-level schematic,
 What do you mean by this?
 Say, you want to modify a subcircuit somewhere deep down the hierarchy
 or use an extracted netlist for some of sub-blocks. If there is no
 hierarchy configuration, you would have to modify all cells in the
 design starting from the swapped one up to the top level. With
 hierarchy configuration, you can specify that the sub-cell should be
 mapped to a particular cell view/architecture (e.g. extracted or

 If this could be integrated with gschem, so that it knew which
 schematic it should descend to, that would be perfect. Unfortunately,
 AFAIK gschem has neither the notion of cell view nor the hierarchy

 One idea would be to add a text-like component on the top level
 schematic, say hierarchyConfiguration, where the user could write
 something like this:

 # original_file_name file_name_to_be_used
 preamp.sch preamp_for_openloop_sim.sch
 analoglatch.sch analoglatch_extracted.sp
 # path_to_instance file_name
 /X5/X1/something something_else.sch

 IMHO, having this information present and displayed on the top level
 schematic (testbench) is very convenient from the design management
 point of view. If it was to be added in a GUI or in makefile the
 information would have to be stored and handled separately.


 geda-user mailing list


 geda-user mailing list


John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist - Found unknown component. Refdes..

2009-04-20 Thread John P. Doty
Csanyi Pal wrote:

 I'm using gedasuite20080328 installed from tarball.

 When I'm running:
 gnetlist -v -g spice-sdb -o
 WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.sch gnetlist_error

 I get the messages:
Much, perhaps all, of your trouble seems to be due to your use of the 
toxic IEC417/ground.sym, which is not a proper ground symbol. In 
general, you should not be using the IEC417 library symbols in 
schematics: they are only for block diagrams. Stuart fixed the ground 
symbol anyway (it's the most likely to cause trouble) at the January 
code sprint, but I suppose it hasn't made it to the version you're 
using. Use  power/gnd-1.sym.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist - Found unknown component. Refdes..

2009-04-20 Thread John P. Doty
Csanyi Pal wrote:
 John P. Doty writes:

 Csanyi Pal wrote:
 I'm using gedasuite20080328 installed from tarball.

 When I'm running:
 gnetlist -v -g spice-sdb -o
 WPB_F18_PCB_v2_Prog.sch gnetlist_error

 I get the messages:
 Much, perhaps all, of your trouble seems to be due to your use of the 
 toxic IEC417/ground.sym, which is not a proper ground symbol. In 
 general, you should not be using the IEC417 library symbols in 
 schematics: they are only for block diagrams. Stuart fixed the ground 
 symbol anyway (it's the most likely to cause trouble) at the January 
 code sprint, but I suppose it hasn't made it to the version you're 
 using. Use  power/gnd-1.sym.

 Thanks, I used Power rails/gnd-1.sym and the error gone.

I note that using a SPICE netlister on a schematic intended for PCB 
layout is not generally useful. A SPICE simulation needs sources that 
aren't in the schematic, and SPICE will think your connectors are FETs 
(J) and capacitors (C). In cases like this, I tend to snip out the piece 
I really need to understand and make a separate simulation schematic.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Found pins without the 'pintype' attribute:

2009-04-20 Thread John P. Doty
Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 12:37:09 -0600, John Doty wrote:

 You can ignore this. You can ignore most complaints from drc2: its model
 of reality is that you are designing pure logic circuits using a single
 logic family.

 To the developers: why bludgeon newbies with the need to use a tool
 that requires deep understanding of its limitations to be at all useful?

 Full ack. to this one. This lead me to not using DRC at all. 

I used it to help find Csanyi Pal's problem this morning. The combined 
messages from spice-sdb and drc2 led me quickly to the trouble But I 
needed my eight years of experience with gEDA to recognize the syndrome: 
none of the messages was a direct indication of what was wrong.
 I Assume, a better DRC is already on the agenda of features to be.

Not that I know of. Can of worms...

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Using .global statements in GNUcap and mult transistors

2009-03-04 Thread John P. Doty
al davis wrote:
 The Gnucap behavior is consistent with Hspice and Spectre.  At 
 least that is what I have been told.  I don't have access to 
 them to check it out.

 The behavior is an artifact of the implementation.  In 
 Gnucap, m works for all devices, including plugin models and 
 subcircuits, even when the models as supplied do not explicitly 
 implement it.  
I hope you haven't implemented the ngspice brain damage that causes it 
to apply the m= multiplier repeatedly for each successive analysis 
(your transistors grow as you proceed).

I think I'd be using gnucap if it could do noise analysis. But I have a 
hacked up ngspice/spicepp combination that works with TSMC parameter 
sets, making it hard to change for just part of job.

John Doty
Noqsi Aerospace Limited

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Google SoC : Potential Candidate seeking Info

2009-02-21 Thread John P. Doty
Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 On Tue, 17 Feb 2009 06:31:57 -0500, John Doty wrote:

 We concluded that Sage isn't quite ready to support this

 Would one of the following be fit for the job:


Don't know. It takes work to find out. Can any of these associate a 
value with a *pattern* (not just a function or variable)? Mathematica's 
capabilities here are helpful.

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