gEDA-user: DIY thermographic camera?

2008-11-05 Thread Randall Nortman
Thermographic (IR) imaging cameras, such as you might use for an
energy audit on your home, are $5k+.  Could one get reasonably useful
results from a hacked camcorder or digital camera with appropriate
filters?  Absolute accuracy would not matter, but I'd want it to be
able to resolve relative temperature differences pretty well over a
range of, say, 0C - 50C.

Any thoughts?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: DIY thermographic camera?

2008-11-05 Thread Randall Nortman
On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 07:49:26PM -0500, Bob Paddock wrote:
 Would this get you what you need?:
 have a couple of samples of them laying here but have not done anything with 
 them yet.

Alas, I'm looking for something that provides a multi-pixel image.
What you have is a single-element sensor.  Maybe with scanning optics
and a lot of patience...  ;)

Thanks anyway,


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Way OT: Architectural CAD programs

2008-07-02 Thread Randall Nortman
I know this really has nothing to do with gEDA, but I figure there's
likely some overlap in knowledge.  I'm looking for a program to create
building plans with -- floor plans and elevations would be the key
outputs.  Preferrably this would be free, open-source, and run on
Linux, and would already have standard floor plan symbols (doors,
etc.) built in so I don't have to draw that stuff by hand.  I would
really prefer a CAD program rather than a vector drawing program if
possible -- i.e., I create a model of the building, and it can spit
out plans and elevations from that model.  I don't need really fancy
engineering features like load analysis, though.  Anybody have any



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Export to Orcad?

2008-05-08 Thread Randall Nortman
I'm pretty sure the answer is still, as it has always been, no, but
just to check: Can I get gschem to export to Orcad format, or any
other schematic format?  I need to send my design to the
professionals for further work, who of course are not gEDA-friendly.
I think it's probably going to come down to me giving them
postscript/pdf and them re-entering the design in their own preferred
package, unless there's a converter I'm not aware of.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Using 60Hz mains frequency for timing?

2008-05-02 Thread Randall Nortman
Just a quick non-gEDA design question -- I have the choice between
using the zero crossings of the 60Hz mains voltage or my MCU clock
(generated from an 18.432MHz quartz crystal producing a 48MHz CPU
clock via PLL built into the MCU) for low-resolution timing.  The
crystal is not designed as a watch crystal, so its tolerance is
probably pretty poor, and furthermore this board will see wide
temperature swings, which I think has an affect on the crystal
frequency as well.  I have no idea how precise the 60Hz line frequency
from the power utility is, but it at least is probably not
temperature-dependant.  Either one is easy to use -- I just want to be
as accurate as possible.

Anybody have suggestions?  TIA,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Using 60Hz mains frequency for timing?

2008-05-02 Thread Randall Nortman
Thanks very much to all who responded... and so quickly.  I should
have included more information on the application -- This is for
building a power meter (watts and watt-hr) for measuring power
consumption of particular circuits as well as the whole house (but not
for billing purposes -- just informational).  To give you an idea of
what I mean by low resolution, The timing will affect primarily the
watts output, which is calculated as 15-second averages.  It is also
somewhat important that the watt-hr accumulation correlate with the
*monthly* energy bill, which comes from the utility's meter on the
outside of the house.  I am sure that older electromechanical meters
rely on the 60Hz signal for timing; I'm not sure what newer digital
ones do.

It sounds to me like my 15-second periods will perhaps be slightly
more stable with the crystal, but the 60Hz should get close enough.
For the monthly comparison with the utility power meter, it sounds
like the long-term stability of the 60Hz is likely to be far better.
I get either signal for free already (with good glitch filtering on
the zero-crossing detect), so neither is more convenient.  Given all
that, I think I will go for the 60Hz signal.  Or maybe if I have some
spare time I'll test one against the other -- assume the 60Hz is
stable on a daily basis and check the drift of the crystal against it.

Thanks for all the info.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: random project idea

2008-03-27 Thread Randall Nortman
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 06:36:38PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
 ATX motherboard (or any pc motherboard shape, really, like micro-atx
 or some laptop).  PCI/PCIe slots, ISA slots, standard connectors,
 SDRAM - whatever.
 A huge FPGA in the middle.

My understanding is that with the GHz busses on modern mobos you need
to pay serious attention to matching trace lengths and impedances
exactly for the different lines of the bus.  I thought it was
basically impossible to get it right without assistance from the CAD

Am I wrong?  Is this actually practically feasible with a dumb CAD
tool like pcb?  No offense, really -- I love pcb!  But it's dumb in
the sense that it doesn't really contribute to the layout, just does a
pretty good job of letting you do the layout.  I've never had much
luck with the autorouter even for moderately complex stuff, nevermind
creating balanced busses.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: anyone has had success with 0.2mm?

2007-12-03 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 10:07:23AM -0800, Lope De Vega wrote:
 I'm trying to build a circuit with a cp2102, which has
 0.5 mm between pins' center (actually 0.2mm between
 pins). It is a qfn-28 package.

I have never played with toner transfer schemes, but I have done
boards with 0.5mm pitch packages and had them professionally printed,
then I soldered the chips on by hand.  I have done it both with a
toaster oven reflow process and with a plain old soldering iron.  Each
method has advantages and disadvantages, but it is doable.  Whether or
not you can do a toner transfer board with that kind of precision is
another matter, and I'm sure DJ can say something about that.

Having boards fabbed can be pretty cheap, especially if they're just
one or two layers, and especially if you don't want soldermask.  It
was cheap enough that I skipped right past trying to etch boards
myself.  These days I do 4-layer boards mostly, so home etching is
just not an option anyway.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: four-layer builds (was: anyone has had success with 0.2mm?)

2007-12-03 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 11:30:05AM -0800, Ben Jackson wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 01:28:36PM -0500, Randall Nortman wrote:
  These days I do 4-layer boards mostly, so home etching is
  just not an option anyway.
 Who are you using for 4 layer?  I just submitted the order that got me
 started (and then sidetracked several times!) on gEDA/PCB:  5x10 4 layer
 silk/mask on both sides, 3 for $201 (plus about $20 2-day shipping) for
 a 10-day turn at Sierra Proto Express.  (was 60 sq in x3 for $150 when
 I started!)

I have used a few places so far: Very good prices for qty 5, but less than 5 is not
an option and more than 5 doesn't get you any discount.  Good quality,
standard 5-day turn.  $50 per order (not per board) extra charge for
fine-pitch SMT (0.65mm I think). (owned by Sunstone): Good prices for medium quantities,
like 20 boards.  I was unimpressed with the quality when I ordered
(nearly 2 years ago).  There were two problems: first, they ignored
the part of pcb's gerber output that removes silkscreen from pads,
which caused a few soldering headaches.  Secondly, the drill
tolerances were not great, and the preset drill sizes didn't match my
board anyway.  So with them rounding down my hole size, plus sloppy
tolerances on finished hole size, I had to hammer (literally) some of
my 100-mil headers in. (Sierra): My recent orders have all been from here.
Excellent quality, expedite at reasonable cost, very reasonable prices
for small quantities.

Everyboard raves about, but so far I've never ordered from
them because they're usually pretty expensive, at least for the sort
of quantities I do.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA for mass production?

2007-12-03 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 02:28:13PM -0600, John Griessen wrote:
 Stefan Salewski wrote:
  til now I only did hand soldering of prototypes.
  But I am curious, can gEDA (pcb) data be used for automatic placement
  and soldering of boards? (This may be a stupid question, but currently I
  do not know which data board manufactures use for placement of devices.)
 The footprint origin is available and can be gotten somehow -- I have not 
 done it yet.
 You will need to make your footprints compatible with the process; probably 
 with origin at pads centroid, or if you know there is an optimum grab
 point on top of the package that is not at footprint centroid, make sure that 
 has its origin there.

I have only gotten as far as getting quotes, and for that the gerbers,
BOM, and xy file were adequate.  I think that because of the lack of
any standard for defining the centroid and rotation precisely,
assemblers are used to using the provided information as a starting
point with manual review.  I envision a simple CAD tool that includes
a database of package dimensions and takes gerbers, BOM, and an xy
file as inputs.  A little manual intervention lets the tool find the
correct package for each part number in the BOM, and then uses the xy
file to draw a shadow/outline of the package over the gerber.  The
operator adjusts position and rotation manually.  If the tool is
smart, it will rember the postion/rotation offsets for that particular
footprint and use them as defaults for any other parts of the same
footprint.  I don't think this would take long, and the assembly
quotes I got all included NRE (non-recurring engineering) charges
which would more than pay for the half an hour of labor to do all
that.  (NREs also included stencils and frames that hold the boards
in place through the process.)

If the industry has its act together enough to make that fully
automated, I'd be surprised and pleased.  I think that small-quantity
prototype assembly doesn't even bother with all that and uses
manually-guided pick and place machines.  Those would presumably zoom
to the coordinates provided in the xy file but then the operator
finishes the job with a joystick.

I will know early next year what it takes to actually go beyond the
quoting step.

I should also note that many of the shops I got quotes for wanted to
handle getting the boards fabbed as well.  They outsource this --
usually to Advanced Circuits/ for low volume -- but I think
they like to get their hands on the gerbers to adjust things like
soldermask aperatures to fit their own particular process -- including
the properties of the solder paste they intend to use.  They also have
to manufacture stencils appropriate for their process -- I doubt they
just use the paste layer unmodified, since the ideal aperature depends
entirely on the type of paste, stencil thickness, etc.  The shops
specializing in low-volume prototype assembly (which I think is
largely manual) were happy to allow me to provide the boards.  They
still made the stencils from the gerbers.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [pcb] global puller

2007-11-27 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sat, Nov 24, 2007 at 09:52:26PM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
 Ok, I added the global puller to pcb cvs.  It works mostly but
 always save before using it.  Sometimes it goes nuts and you have to
 Ctrl-C pcb, sometimes it just adds scribbles to parts of your board,
 so treat it with some skepticism.

This is very exciting, but given the dangerous nature of the command,
I think it might be a good idea to add a layer of protection around it
to keep the newbies safe.  Perhaps require something to be manually
added to the config file in order to enable the command, or pop up a
warning the first time it's used to ask for confirmation -- something
like that.  Not everybody will have read the mailing list discussions
carefully enough to realize how dangerous it is.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: firmware and the GPL license

2007-11-15 Thread Randall Nortman
On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 11:10:11AM -0500, al davis wrote:
 RMS has claimed that GPL is not appropriate for hardware.  

I think he said this in reference to the actual hardware design, not
so much the firmware that runs on it.  But the statement is really
just as true of the firmware.  Imagine the firmware running on your
microcontroller-based refrigerator, which has no accessible user
interface, and no way to get data in or out of the hardware without
physically hacking it.  What does it mean to make the software
available to the user in this case?  Even in the case of BSD-type
licenses that require credit to be given in the documentation
accompanying the software, what documentation?  Sure, you could stick
it in the manual for the appliance, but that would be confusing to the
average consumer.  What if the embedded device is truly embedded in
such a way that the consumer doesn't even realize there's a computing
device present -- maybe it's embedded into the structure of their home
in the form of, say, moisture sensors that detect water leaks.  The
homeowner probably won't even see a manual or any documentation for
something like that.  Maybe it's buried inside the intelligent LED
light bulbs intended to replace incandescent bulbs.

Even the LGPL (which is used by uClibc, for example) isn't really
appropriate for this kind of thing, since you still need to make the
source of the library itself available to the users.  That's just an
obnoxious requirement for the manufacturer of those light bulbs, for
example.  The users will never take them up on it.  Instead of using
uClibc, they will just write their own code from scratch or purchase
proprietary libraries.  Admittedly, the light bulb example is a bit
contrived, but I think it illustrates the point -- software is going
to be increasingly embedded *everywhere*, and just for the sake of
economic efficiency, it would be nice if it were largely based on
free/open-source software, but the current licenses are not friendly
to this sort of thing.  So instead everybody reinvents the wheel, and
as a result more bugs creep into your refrigerator.  (And the
development tools for those proprietary libraries are, of course,
Windows-only, which isn't good for open-source either.)

I would like to see uClibc in particular released under a more
embedded-friendly license.

Sorry to rant here, as it's not really relevant to gEDA.  I should be
ranting on the uClibc mailing list, I guess.  I'm sure I wouldn't be
the first.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 13mm X 27mm board

2007-11-11 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 10:29:28AM -0800, Dave N6NZ wrote:
 I need to make a 13x27mm board.  pcb won't let me set any board 
 dimension smaller than 15.something.

Aside from changing the source and recompiling, you could also let PCB
think the board is bigger and draw your outline on an unused layer.
Name it outline, and tell the fab house to use that layer for
routing out the board.  I seems to me that 13x27mm isn't really enough
room to maneuver when placing components and such anyway, so you might
find it useful to have some space outside the outline as a temporary
holding area for components.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 13mm X 27mm board

2007-11-11 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 01:58:24PM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
  I seems to me that 13x27mm isn't really enough room to maneuver when
  placing components and such anyway,
 The smallest board I've hand-populated was 5mm x 12mm.  You get used
 to it.

Sorry, I wasn't being clear.  I meant placing components virtually, in
pcb, during layout.  I wasn't talking about actual assembly and
soldering.  I often start boards in pcb about 50% larger than I
actually want them to be initially, draw an outline, and use the space
outside the outline for temporary staging of components.  This reduces
clutter in my working area, and gives me a place to paste in groups of
new components.  Once everything has found a home inside the outline,
I reduce the board size setting in pcb to be the actual size.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: hotplate DEsoldering

2007-11-10 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sat, Nov 10, 2007 at 04:10:43PM -0800, Dave N6NZ wrote:
 DJ Delorie wrote:
  I just had an occasion to remove a bunch of SMT parts from a proto
  board (so they can be moved to the production board).  I used the
  hotplate, because many of them had solder under the part, not next to.
 What are you using for a hot plate?
 The SparkFun site talks about using a cheap US$20 hot plate from Target. 
   They mention uneven heating. A friend who happens to be a Mech E with 
 a specialty in heat transfer suggested using one of the liquid filled 
 hot plates, which are more expensive, but have a hollow core filled with 
 oil or something that distributes the heat more evenly by convection.

I recently used a very cheap aluminum-core stainless steel skillet on
my stovetop to do some soldering.  (Cheap knock-off of the All-Clad
style tri-ply cookware.)  This was to handle a chip that had an
exposed pad on the bottom, not accessible to a soldering iron.  I only
did that chip that way, not the whole board, so it wasn't really a
great test of evenness of heating, but I suspect it wasn't too bad.
Anyway, that was a 4-layer board with two inner planes, which should
have augmented the aluminum core of the skillet somewhat in spreading

I am a little nervous about the SparkFun suggestion, since it involves
a non-stick coating.  Don't those start to break down at right around
the same temperature that solder melts, leading to the release of
toxic fumes?

Anyway, if you have a skillet that you trust to distribute heat evenly
for cooking, give it a try.  Just be sure to avoid getting any lead
solder on something you intend to cook with in the future.
Double-sided boards that come from a real fab will have solder coating
on any exposed copper on the bottom.  I used some parchment paper
between the board and the skillet.  The paper got a bit blackened, but
never actually smoked or caught fire.  (The stuff is meant to go in
the oven, after all.)  I wonder if the paper improved or degraded the
evenness of heating?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf capabilities

2007-11-07 Thread Randall Nortman
On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 09:44:24AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am looking using gEDA/gaf for my own activities and ran across an archived
 newsgroup exchange providing a critique of gEDA/gaf and a call for user input
 on what's important to them.  Is there a gEDA/gaf page with a checklist of
 capabilities, e.g. ?

I think it would be easier to list the things gEDA/gaf *can't* to than
the things it can.  I have used it to make fairly complex multi-layout
boards, and never come across something I really needed that it
couldn't do.

The common complaint with the gEDA tools is that the learning curve is
very, very steep.  There are a handful of tutorials out there, but
even after you go through those you have a lot left to learn on your
own (at least last time I checked, which was a couple of years ago).
Also, the tools are being developed faster than the documentation can
keep up in some cases.  Also, gEDA/gaf is a true example of a
TMTOWTDI (tim-tow-dee) design, which is an old Perl acronym
meaning there's more than one way to do it.  There are many ways to
use gEDA/gaf, and there's never consensus on the right way.  So,
you're left to make your own decisions, and in general you end up
doing a lot of work yourself to get your whole workflow figured out.
But once you invest that effort, the results are definitely worth it.

Another annoyance is the lack of good symbol/footprint libraries
relative to commercial tools.  I end up making a lot of footprints
myself, but again I have assembled a set of tools that automate that
to a large extent, so it is not really a big deal.  (Manufacturers
often make ready-made symbols and footprints available in the common
proprietary formats -- I wonder if anybody has thought of making a
converter so we could import these into gschem/pcb?)

If you have some specific concerns about capabilities you need, ask
and we'll tell you if it can be done with gEDA.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Schottky symbol polarity

2007-10-14 Thread Randall Nortman
This was mentioned by somebody else on the list last year, but the
discussion turned to problems with simulating SMPS's on ngspice, and
the original issue was never really addressed:

The issue is that schottky-1.sym has the cathode on pin 1 while all
the other diodes (that I've checked) have pin 2 as the cathode.  Is
this just an old mistake that can't be fixed now because we have to
preserve backward-compatibility?  Or is there some logic to this?  Is
there any way to add a visible warning to the symbol (as an attribute,
presumably, or permanent text) without breaking backward compatibility,
and then create schottky-2.sym with the correct polarity?

I ask because I just ran into it (again) myself, and it was only a
little voice inside my head saying Wait, wasn't there some problem
with this symbol that you ran into last time? that kept me from doing
it wrong again.  Granted, it only makes the silkscreen wrong, so once
you figure out you've made the mistake you can just mount the part the
other way.  But still, that's a mistake that could fry some components
if you don't catch it in time.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Dropping a few volts

2007-10-12 Thread Randall Nortman
So I have a 42VDC supply that I want to feed into a linear regulator.
But almost all linear regulators want 40V absolute maximum, and the
ones that have higher maximums are not reliably stocked anywhere.  So
I need to drop that down by at least 5V or so.  The good news is that
I'm only pulling around 70mA on this, so whatever drops it doesn't
have to dissipate much power.  It occured to me to use a normal shunt
zener, but that will end up dissipating extra power through the zener,
which is just wasteful.  It also occured to me to put a bunch of
diodes in series and use their Vf drops, but that would require quite
a few diodes.  So why not use a 5V zener (reverse biased) in *series*
with the load?  It will never dissipate extra power, only what is
required by the load.

Except then it occured to me that zeners have some sort of minimum
current to keep them stable, which seems to be around 0.25mA.  What
would happen if my load started drawing 1mA, or was just disconnected
entirely (leaving only the quiescent current of the linear regulator)?
I *think*, from looking at the V vs I charts, that the zener would
start leaking current with very little voltage drop, thereby
subjecting the linear regulator to higher than its rated voltage.
Though this would be only at a very small current, so maybe it
wouldn't hurt?  I dunno, but I suspect that operating it in that range
24/7 for a while would do some damage no matter what.

So the idea I had is to put a resistor in parallel with the load sized
to draw the zener's minimum current in all cases.  That gets me back
to wasting current -- but only ~0.25mA, which is orders of magnitude
less than I'd waste in a shunt arrangement.  (That works out to ~9mW).
In terms of total power dissipation, this would be roughly the same as
a zener plus an emitter follower (zener carries minimum zener current,
transistor carries load current), but without the extra parts.

Any thoughts?  Am I crazy?



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Dropping a few volts

2007-10-12 Thread Randall Nortman
On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 09:48:12AM -0600, John Doty wrote:
 On Oct 12, 2007, at 7:20 AM, Randall Nortman wrote:
  So I have a 42VDC supply that I want to feed into a linear regulator.
  But almost all linear regulators want 40V absolute maximum, and the
  ones that have higher maximums are not reliably stocked anywhere.
 What's wrong with an LM317HV?

Nothing at all.  Great minds think alike, even if some of them are a
bit slow -- I received your response while composing my previous
message, in which I came to exactly the same conclusion.  (And it only
took me all morning to get there!  Oh wait, I went to bed thinking
about this problem -- how pitiful is that?)  I don't even think I need
the HV version, since my Vin-Vout is quite a bit below 40V.

 Another trick is to notice that the three terminal  
 adjustable types aren't grounded: what matters in input-output  
 differential. So, limit that with something like a 33V zener between  
 input and output (to handle power on), and all will be fine.

Oh, now there's an important tip.  I hadn't thought about the startup
voltages.  Can I get away with putting a low-value resistor in front
of the input capacitor, which would limit inrush current and cause Vin
to ramp up slowly when power is connected?  That might be cheaper and
smaller than the zener.  Plus, even zeners have a non-zero response
time -- might the regulator be damaged during those microseconds?


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Outline patch for Sierra (

2007-10-08 Thread Randall Nortman
I'm trying DJ's patch to export gerbers that Sierra will like
(below).  I take it from reading the code that I am required to create
a separate layer called outline which contains my board outline?
And then this will automatically end up on one or both soldermask

This seems to be a bit of a problem, as I have pcb set so that the
available board area *is* my outline, and therefore it won't let me
draw a line with its center at the very edge of the board.  If I
increase the board size, I'm going to have to move everything that's
there now and be very careful about lining up the outline.  Perhaps I
should just create the outline with ye olde text editor?

On Fri, Aug 31, 2007 at 02:35:19PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
 The first two chunks have to do with when pins are drawn; we don't
 want them on outline layers for example.  The last chunk is the one
 that adds the outline to the mask.  I'm not sure what to do with it,
 as I don't think it should be the default.
 Index: draw.c
 RCS file: /cvsroot/pcb/pcb/src/draw.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.79
 diff -p -U3 -b -w -r1.79 draw.c
 --- draw.c6 Aug 2007 02:18:30 -   1.79
 +++ draw.c31 Aug 2007 18:34:07 -
 @@ -458,7 +458,6 @@ DrawEverything (BoxTypePtr drawn_area)
   pad_callback, NULL);
 SWAP_IDENT = save_swap;
 - }
 if (!gui-gui)
 @@ -471,6 +470,7 @@ DrawEverything (BoxTypePtr drawn_area)
 @@ -749,6 +749,7 @@ DrawMask (BoxType * screen)
struct pin_info info;
 +  int i;
OutputType *out = Output;
 @@ -783,6 +784,16 @@ DrawMask (BoxType * screen)
gui-use_mask (HID_MASK_OFF);
 +  if (!gui-gui)
 +  for (i=PCB-Data-LayerN; i=0; i--)
 + {
 +   LayerTypePtr Layer = PCB-Data-Layer + i;
 +   if (strcmp (Layer-Name, outline) ==0)
 + DrawLayer (Layer, screen);
 + }
  static int
 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Updating footprints in place

2007-10-07 Thread Randall Nortman
If I have made a change to a footprint, is there an easy way to update
a layout that uses that footprint, the way gschem can update embedded
symbols?  That is, replace the element on the layout with the new
footprint, using the same position and rotation.  (Obviously, a DRC
check would be highly advisable after doing something like this.)

I recognize that I could do this manually, but that sounds like a lot
of trouble.  If anybody has already scripted this, that would be very
helpful.  It seems like it should be possible, since the original
footprint name seems to be stored in the pcb file (at least when it
was put there by gsch2pcb, which is how all of mine get there).  In
the worst case, I think some cut  paste with a text editor on the pcb
file is probably easier than trying to do it manually in the GUI and
get everything lined up properly (at least for newlib footprints -- m4
is not friendly to cut  paste).  Am I right?  Copy and paste the new
footprint, copy in coordinates and rotation from old footprint, remove
old footprint?  And the coordinates within the element seem to be
relative to the element's base coordinates and rotation, so nothing
else to do, right?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Updating footprints in place

2007-10-07 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sun, Oct 07, 2007 at 12:45:47PM -0400, John Luciani wrote:
 You could definately do it with a script but unless you have a lot of 
 to update or have to update a number of layouts it may not be worth it.

Well, if the script is generic (rather than hard-coding which
footprints you're looking for), it only ever has to be written once,
and then used for many different footprints/layouts.  The hardest part
is searching paths for the updated footprints -- that part could be
ripped from gsch2pcb (except that's written in C and this is a natural
job for a higher-level language).

 The cleanup after the script finishes may be more difficult than the cleanup
 prior to doing a manual replace.

If footprint changes are minor -- clearances, mask, silkscreen, etc.,
then cleanup should not be too bad.  If you change pad widths or
lengths, you might have problems.  If you change the internal
coordinate reference, fuggedaboutit.

 If your components are on the grid manual replacement goes quickly.

Well, that all depends on what the grid means.  I usually end up
with boards that have components on different grids, and I often set
up a module/cluster of components on one grid, then select and move it
as a single mass, possibly onto another grid, and so the components
then end up on a fractional grid of some sort.  This is particularly
likely when I'm using a metric grid on one module and imperial on
another.  The part I'm looking at right now ended up with its center
on (1410.50,409.10), for one or both of those reasons (I can't really

For now, I have fixed my immediate problem with the power of emacs.
Maybe I'll write that generic script, someday.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: QFP fan-out tips

2007-10-06 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 07:21:22AM -0400, Bob Paddock wrote:
  I route power inwards under the chip, with vias to the power planes and
  the decoupling cap on the other side.
 Sometimes doing that adds enough inductance to cause problems,
 in high frequency boards.

What does high frequency mean?  I'm in the 50MHz range.  Do bigger
vias provide significantly less inductance than smaller ones?  I have
been trying to use big vias for my high-current connections, but maybe
that's just a waste of board space?

Speaking of vias -- Anybody have any experience putting them right
under an SMD pad?  I'm not thinking of doing that for the little 0.5mm
pitch pads (not enough room), but rather doing under 0603 or 0805
capacitor pads, to provide the connection to the plane layer.  That
would certainly save me some board space.  I also have a couple of
parts with exposed thermal pads, and the datasheets recommend vias
underneath the pad to conduct heat to the other layers.  But won't
this cause wicking of the solder to the underside of the board?  Is
there any way to get a little ring of soldermask around a via that's
in the middle of a pad?

DJ -- you mentioned using 0402 caps.  How tweezer-friendly are those?
I find I lose maybe 10% of 0603 parts as they fly out of the tweezers
and across the room.

Thanks to all for the good advice, as usual.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: QFP fan-out tips

2007-10-05 Thread Randall Nortman
I've got a tiny little 100-pin 0.5mm pitch TQFP chip that needs a
whole lotta I/O connected to it.  I'm doing a 4-layer board (internal
VCC and GND planes), but I'm still getting all tied up in knots, with
vias all over the place.  The connections tend to go off in different
directions -- these aren't pretty 16-channel busses.  Anybody have any
general tips for dealing with this?  I have seen that some layout
programs do automatic fan-out on chips like this.  I could certainly
do that manually, but I'm not sure it will really help a whole lot.  I
still have a lot of signals to connect, and plus several of these pins
are power pins that require their own decoupling capacitor and specify
that it needs to be as close to the pin as possible.  I find I might
have to redefine as close as possible as I try to cram more
connections in there.  (Needless to say, the autorouter shrieks and
flees in terror at the sight of this ratsnest, so I am stuck doing it
all manually.)

One thing that would help would be if I could use the internal VCC/GND
planes for routing the odd trace or two, but I have heard that it is a
bad idea to run traces through the planes.  Anybody have any thoughts
on this?

I don't suppose anybody has written any fan-out scripts or plugins?
Would it help?  (I've never done it myself.)



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Arc to line connections?

2007-09-27 Thread Randall Nortman
I am trying to draw connections to pads with arcs, so that I can use
the puller.  (The normal -- not global -- puller only works with
arc/line intersections, right?)  The manual says I can just switch
tools in the middle of a trace using the right keys (F2/F3 in the
lesstif HID).  This works when going from a straight line to an arc,
but when I try switching from arc to line it does not work properly.
It switches to the line tool, but cancels the current trace, so that I
have to manually click on the same point again.  When I'm using a fine
grid setting, it can be quite difficult to make sure I hit the same
point.  Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?  I'm using the
lesstif interface and the latest release (20070912).

Of course, I also don't feel like I have a good handle on the puller
tool yet.  Any tips on how to use it properly?  I gater the idea is
mostly to reduce trace lengths by using truly straight paths, rather
than confining everything to 45-deg increments.  Of course, I can use
all-direction lines for that, so the main advantage of the puller
seems to be in avoiding sharp corners.  Are most folks out there still
using 45-deg lines, or are we starting to transition to ugly boards
with lines going every which way?  Professional boards seem to use
only 45-deg increments -- just judging by what I see when I open up
computers and consumer products.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Exposed copper -- still need to make a pad?

2007-09-27 Thread Randall Nortman
I need to make an exposed area of copper (no soldermask), to act as a
heat radiator.  Last time I checked, the answer was to create a big
SMD pad.  Is this still a limitation?  It sure would be nice to be
able to draw arbitrary polygons and set a flag on them to clear


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Exposed copper -- still need to make a pad?

2007-09-27 Thread Randall Nortman
On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 09:44:36AM -0600, John Doty wrote:
 On Sep 27, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Randall Nortman wrote:
  I need to make an exposed area of copper (no soldermask), to act as a
  heat radiator.
 Why no soldermask? I'll bet its infrared emissivity is better than  
 copper's, making a better radiator. In space, the radiator tape we  
 use has a thin layer of teflon over the metal for this reason.

As sayeth the datasheet, so do-eth the designer!  In fact, any exposed
copper is going to be covered in shiny silver stuff (tin/lead/silver,
depending on process) during board fab.  Would that not have pretty
darned good emissivity?  It would certainly have better conductivity,
which is important when you're not designing for vacuum.  I suspect
that most of my cooling is going to be from conduction to air and
subsequent convection (natural convection; no fan), though a big chunk
of it will be radiation.  (I did say heat radiator in my post --
probably heat sink would have been more appropriate.)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Arc to line connections?

2007-09-27 Thread Randall Nortman
On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 02:01:44PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  The manual says I can just switch tools in the middle of a trace
  using the right keys (F2/F3 in the lesstif HID).  This works when
  going from a straight line to an arc, but when I try switching from
  arc to line it does not work properly.
 Whenever you switch tools or layers, you always click on the LAST
 point, then switch tools.  So, you should be finishing up the arc,
 starting a new arc, switching that to a line, and drawing the line.

Yup, that's what I've been doing.  Just to test, I started a new blank
board and it worked just fine.  So I started turning things off in the
settings menu until I narrowed it down to Auto-enforce DRC
clearance.  If that is enabled, I cannot go from arc to line (but I
can go from line to arc).  If it is disabled, everything works just

 However, the new topological autorouters won't be limited to 45's
 any more, so we may start seeing more any-way lines.

Speaking of which, as I was playing with all-direction lines, I
noticed that they do not enforce clearance properly.  They will
enforce clearance of pads, but not other traces.  It happily lets me
come too close to another trace with an all-direction line, and even
to touch it.  If I then run a DRC check (or just redraw the rat's
nest) it complains about the touching copper.

While I'm complaining about quirks -- here's another couple that I
noticed.  One I seem to be able to reproduce reliably: Set up two
netlist-connected pads that aren't connected by traces yet. Start
drawing a trace (45-degree) at one of the pads, connect it to the
other, then hit 'U' to undo that last segmen, without ending the
drawing operation.  For me, it will indeed undo the segment, but the
start point of the current segment (that I'm in the middle of drawing)
will stay on the pad I just connected, instead of reverting to the
previous starting point.  (So that pad actually ends up unconnected,
since it just undid the segment that connected to it, but the start
point of the current segment is wrong.)  It works fine if I undo
before I contact another pad.

I have also noticed, but cannot reliably reproduce yet, that it
sometimes spontaneously inserts vias at the endpoints of segments of
my traces, also possibly associated with undo operations.  I might be
fat-fingering the U key?  I dunno, but it happened to me several
times today.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Auto-enforce DRC clearance (was Arc to line connections)

2007-09-27 Thread Randall Nortman
[Apologies if this goes to the list twice; I sent it out the first
time from the wrong address, so I think the list software will block
that copy.]

On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 03:47:18PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  So I started turning things off in the settings menu until I
  narrowed it down to Auto-enforce DRC clearance.
 For reference, I never use that setting.

I find it invaluable, as it tells me in real time exactly how close I
can bring my trace to things it's not supposed to touch.  I like to
pack things quite tightly.  Without auto-enforce, I'd be constantly
running the DRC checker and re-drawing traces.  It seems like it would
be quite tedious.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Alarm clocks and switching regulators

2007-09-24 Thread Randall Nortman
A few months ago I posted some questions about switching regulator
design, and got quite a lot of useful info.  One of the things briefly
discussed was using a low-ESR ceramic on the input to the switcher to
handle switching frequency ripple, and then big bulk electrolytics to
handle 120Hz ripple from the rectifier, but with an inductor or choke
between the ceramic and electrolytics to protect the bulk capacitors
from the switching frequency ripple (which might age them

DJ -- I notice from looking at your alarm clock boards that you seem
to have tried something like this.  Would you care to share your
approach and results?  I'd greatly appreciate it.  Looks like you have
a diode in there too -- for preventing resonance?



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Alarm clocks and switching regulators

2007-09-24 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 11:25:01AM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  DJ -- I notice from looking at your alarm clock boards that you seem
  to have tried something like this.  Would you care to share your
  approach and results?  I'd greatly appreciate it.  Looks like you
  have a diode in there too -- for preventing resonance?
 Yes, the diode is for limiting resonance, and also (in my thinking at
 least) to prevent the other regulators and circuits from leaching off
 the switcher's input filter.

I wonder what would really happen if that diode weren't there?  This
is where I start bumping into the limits of my analog design
knowledge.  With your design, when the diode is reverse biased and
shuts off, there doesn't seem to be any conduction path for the
inductor -- wouldn't this cause the voltage across the inductor to
spike and eventually hit the breakdown voltage of the diode, so that
it conducts in reverse?  And wouldn't that eventually wear out a diode
not designed for it?

If these are stupid newbie questions, my apologies.  I am really a
software guy, and much of these analog stuff is black magic to me.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Alarm clocks and switching regulators

2007-09-24 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 12:06:48PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
 Which diode?  There are a couple...

I meant the one between bulk cap and inductor, on the input side.

 For the 15v to switcher catch diode... The inductor never has a
 negative flux.  It's always conducting towards the switcher.  If the
 inductor starts to forward spike it quickly exceeds Vf of the diode,
 and the diode conducts, drawing charge from the bulk cap.  The
 inductor never spikes the other way, because there's no way to produce
 current in that direction to charge it.

Right, of course, that terminal of the inductor goes negative, not
positive, which will always forward-bias the diode.  I was not
thinking straight.  But then... what about when you disconnect the
power and drain the bulk cap?  I guess that before you fully drain the
bulk cap, you'll hit the switcher's minimum frequency and it will stop
pulling current, the residual flux in the inductor will keep charging
the smaller cap, which might make the switcher oscillate on and off a
few times as voltage at that input pin oscillates around the minimum
voltage of the switcher, but eventually things will settle down once
the currents flowing through the inductor get really small.  The
capacitors will presumably be slowly drained by internal leakage and
also leakage through the switcher.  It just always makes me nervous to
see inductors where one leg can be completely switched off (as your
diode does here), mostly because my understanding of these things is a
bit shaky.  (Isn't it obvious?)

I guess what really makes me nervous about your design is that I
haven't seen it suggested anywhere in references on the subject.  I
have seen various sorts of LC filters recommended, but without that
diode.  The diode seems to make sense, but why then isn't it a common
design?  Perhaps there really is no reason to be worried about
resonance, and so the diode is overkill?  (I'm not criticising, just
trying to understand.)

 For the switcher's diode... the switcher charges the inductor.  When
 it shuts off, the inductor draws current from that diode (which is now
 forward biased).  This allows a somewhat steady current to flow in the
 big inductor, which maintains a steady charge on its output cap.

That much I understand.  Wouldn't be undertaking switcher design if I
couldn't at least grasp that.  (Though I admit I had to read through
the description of how buck regulators work a few times to convince
myself that everything was kosher.)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Alarm clocks and switching regulators

2007-09-24 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 10:34:58AM -0600, John Doty wrote:
 But the truth is, D401 isn't very useful where it is. L400 is going  
 to keep it in conduction, so it just acts like a resistor of value ~ 
 (kT)/(qI), or ~25 milliohms at 1 amp. That's smaller than the series  
 resistances of L400 or C402, so those are where the damping's going  
 to be. And it's pretty good: the characteristic impedance of the  
 filter is sqrt(L/C), or about 250 milliohms. That's about the same as  
 the sum of the series resistances of L400 and C402, so the Q will be  
 about 1, not a serious resonance problem.

Gak!  As soon as the discussion turns to characteristic impedances and
Q's, my eyes glaze over.  It's a mental block I have.  I suppose I
could go dig up one of my electronics textbooks and figure it out.
You're talking about the LC filter formed by L400 and C402 -- but the
presence of C400 turns this into a CLC filter and makes me worry about
this being a funky multi-pole filter with strange resonance points.
Because, as I've said already, analog is black magic to me, and I
don't trust myself to think too hard about it.  But you're saying
there's nothing to worry about, even without D401?

(Of course, it's even more complicated than a CLC filter, since other
components are between C400 and L400: the 5V regulator, LED, and
whatever might connect to J401.  But I'm assuming those are all small
enough current draws that they can be ignored.)

Now -- here's where I break down and cry like a baby: How should I
size L400 and C402 for my own design?  Mine operates at ~600kHz
switching frequency, and the goal is to attenuate that frequency (to,
say, -3dB) upstream of the inductor, so that the bulk caps don't see
it and my power supply lines don't broadcast it to the neighbors.  All
the equations I've been able to dig up require me to know load
impedance -- that is, the impedance of my switcher and everything
downstream of it.  I have no clue, and there's so much stuff there it
would be pretty difficult to calculate.  And it will vary a lot in
real life anyway, depending on what the electronics are doing moment
by moment.  So where do I start?  (The bulk caps will be sized to
handle the 120Hz ripple from my rectifier, so I just need to figure
how the other two values.)

I could just overkill it, of course, but I'm trying to save board
space as much as possible, and L's and C's can get really big and


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Alarm clocks and switching regulators

2007-09-24 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 02:36:01PM -0600, John Doty wrote:
 What power? This isn't a minimalist design. The LM2595 is a 500 mA  
 regulator, but other components are rated well above that. DJ seems  
 to have wanted to keep the parts variety down here.

I am dropping anywhere from 20V to 42V (peak) down to 3.3V.  I am
pretty much guessing on current draw: 50mA min, 150mA avg, 500mA peak.
I am designing for 1A peak.  I'm also expecting to see temperatures in
the neighborhood of 65C.  I am looking for 60V and 105C minimum specs
on the capacitors on the input side.  My current draw is low, so I'm
not having trouble staying well within the ripple current ratings.

Your calculations were extremely useful!  Easy as pie, except for
having to find the ESR ratings for different capacitor models -- they
really like to make that difficult, it seems.  And in the end I have
to look at a log plot of ESR vs frequency and visually interpolate.
Visual interpolation on a log plot is pretty annoying.

 In general, especially at the higher switching frequencies, this is  
 what you'll see with Al or Ta electrolytics: ripple current ratings  
 will drive you to a design with reasonably low ripple voltage and low  
 Q at the input of the switcher.

I'm using a small (2uF) ceramic capacitor at the switcher input.  So I
have a somewhat lower ESR but a much lower capacitance, so my ripple
is more influenced by the capacitance.  But my switching frequency is
higher, so I see more attenuation from the same inductor value.  Or,
since I need to save board space, I can use a smaller inductor and
still get good attenuation.

My bulk capacitors are Al electrolytics.  Speaking of board real
estate -- yikes!  But how else am I going to get ~700uF of capacitance
to deal with the 120Hz ripple?  (Without spending $30 each on
high-tech capacitors, that is.)

Of course, it has occured to me to just accept a bigger 120Hz ripple
and use smaller bulk caps.  It would make the switcher more efficient
in general, reduce peak currents in the capacitors and transformer,
and save me board space.  I would think that a 620kHz switcher should
be reasonably good at regulating out that 120Hz, right?  I'm using one
of the new emulated current mode controllers (LM25575) from
National, which in theory provides excellent line regulation.  (At
least, that is my interpretation of what the phrase inherent line
voltage feed-forward from the product literature means -- it adapts
quickly to changes in line voltage by maintaining a constant current
in the switched inductor.)  So long as the caps keep the voltage well
above the switcher's minimum frequency, I might be just fine.

Thanks for all your help!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Alarm clocks and switching regulators

2007-09-24 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 06:27:19PM -0500, John Griessen wrote:
 Randall Nortman wrote:
  I am dropping anywhere from 20V to 42V (peak) down to 3.3V. 
   it has occured to me to just accept a bigger 120Hz ripple
  and use smaller bulk caps.
 Sure.  That's a good direction to explore.  Figure the absolute value you need
 and keep it above that  by knowing how much your current draws are.
 Let the switcher input see  5 to 42 Volts and its constant inductor current 
 will have to exercise some, and you can help it filter out ripple with 
 to grounds and guard voltage zones in your layout.

Make that 6-42V for my switcher - it needs at least 6V to provide its
own internal Vcc.  And I like 8-42V for margin.  But after I wrote
that, I realized that I'm also driving a low-current 5V linear
regulator off the same bulk caps, and it probably won't like huge
ripple.  I'll check the specs and think about how much I can
reasonably get away with.  I guess that since it is supplying only
very low current circuits, I could help it out with a relatively fat
capacitor on its output (but still way smaller than big bulk caps).
That should help it smooth out line ripple, no?  Or I could even put
in a diode and then a special bulk capacitor just for the linear
regulator, which would not need to be nearly as large to deal with the
ripple due to the low current draw.

 Keep all that primary side switching off to one side.

I'm doing this on a 4-layer board, so I have both ground and 3.3v
planes.  My plan was to put all the power stuff in one corner of the
board, and carve moats around it in the power planes, with just one
fairly narrow channel in each plane to the rest of the board.  I would
take care to line up the moats/channels in the planes, so that the
return current flows right underneath the supply current, which I
gather is a good thing.  (That's something I read online somewhere
about split power planes and making sure that there is a return
current path immediately underneath each circuit trace to minimize
impedances, prevent ground loops, EMI, something wacky like that.
It's all black magic to me.  I just remember that if you put moats in
your ground plane, you're not supposed to let any traces cross the


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Footprint for test points?

2007-09-16 Thread Randall Nortman
Seems a trivial thing, but what do you all use as a footprint for test
points on the board?  I'm just looking for something I can stick a
meter probe onto easily, and maybe solder a wire onto if I need to
modify the circuit in an unanticipated way.  I am thinking that either
a fairly fat pin (which will end up plated through) or just a circular
SMT pad would be about right -- and how do I make a circular SMT pad?
I guess a square pad would be fine except for aesthetics and
expectations.  If anybody has a ready-made footprint, I'd appreciate a
pointer to it.  (I searched on and didn't find any
footprints -- though DJ did have an appropriate gschem symbol.)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Footprint for test points?

2007-09-16 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 08:11:40PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  Seems a trivial thing, but what do you all use as a footprint for test
  points on the board?
 I usually just add vias wherever I need one; mine aren't official in
 that they're not in the schematics.

Except when you have your boards fabbed with soldermask, vias end up
covered.  My smaller vias are often plugged up with mask, though
larger ones do usually end up as holes, but the annular ring is
still covered.  Either way, it's hard to get a solid connection to it
with a test probe.

  and how do I make a circular SMT pad?
 Create a line.  Drag one end to overlap the other, creating a
 zero-length line.  Cut to the buffer and convert to an element.  Poof!
 Circular pad.

Right, I knew this, as I use this trick to make silkscreen dots.  I
should have guess it would work for pads too.



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Whatever happened to the puller?

2007-09-13 Thread Randall Nortman
I remember a while back DJ posted some really sweet screenshots of his
puller plugin for pcb, which would create nice curved traces from
straight ones.  Two questions: What has become of it, and (no offense
intended) what exactly was the point, other than looking cool?  Does
it reduce RF pickup/emissions, trace coupling/inductance, or some
other such effect?  Does it make fabbing via toner transfer easier?
Or does it just look really neat?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: buzzing board

2007-09-13 Thread Randall Nortman
On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 08:35:35PM -0400, evan foss wrote:
 I have had audio amplifiers and large transistors in general buzz on
 their own. Are you sure it is really on standby?

One good way to address this and other such possibilities would be to
start de-soldering each component that is not strictly necessary to
drive the OLED.  Do them one at a time, and test between each one.
Sounds like a fun way to spend an afternoon.  If you have a spare
board and components, it might be easier to start from scratch, and
add one thing at a time.  (Which would also help catch bad solder

If you get down to just the CPU, OLED, and required support
components, I would go so far as to remove the CPU and its required
components, and solder on wires to drive the OLED from off-board.
Then you'd have it pretty well narrowed down, I'd say.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: C++ (was Re: interesting links)

2007-08-30 Thread Randall Nortman
While we're having an off-topic discussion, I'll throw in my tuppence
about C and C++.  I have written software in both languages
professionally (and personally), and during the mid/late 90's I was a
serious C++ zealot.  At that point, ANSI was still frantically trying
to actually complete the formal language and library specification,
and in the process turning up all the various ambiguities in previous
specifications and implementation bugs in all of the compilers.
Certain things in draft specifications were actually provably
impossible to implement, IIRC.  There was no compiler that was
actually correct at that point, and anyway there was no complete and
consistent specification to conform to.  Java was an obscure project
for set top boxes being worked on by some guy in some back room at
Sun; nevermind Python and Ruby.  And so despite the mess, everybody
was using C++.  (Better alternatives -- Eiffel for example -- were not
marketed well enough to get any attention.)

It was right around 1999/2000 (when I was also enthralled with CORBA
and all the wonderful things it was going to do for the world) that I
finally got seriously fed up with C++.  It is a complex, non-sensical,
twelve-headed dragon-horse-goat-chimera-frankenstein-beast designed by
committee and assembled by vandals.  It is like Perl in this regard,
but unlike Perl, it masquerades as a clean, serious language, and as
such eschews all of the various kludges and convenience features that
Perl has added to help you deal with its ugliness.  Perl is a goopy,
tacky mess of glue that you can squirt into any crevice and it will
hold everything together.  C++ is a fragile, crystalline structure
held together by tinsel and prayers.  You cannot squeeze it into the
space you need it to be in.  You have to form the space around it.

To illustrate the point, I have in my library a truly wonderful book
written around that time called Large Scale C++ Software Design.  It
is quite a hefty book, and dense with information.  It was my bible,
and I thought it was one of the most insightful technical books I had
ever read.  Eventually I recognized that the entire book was about how
to use C++ safely -- how to avoid all the dangers and pitfalls that
attack you from every angle if you actually want to use all of the
complex features of C++.  Once I quit using C++, there were very few
insights in that book that were transferrable to any other language.
And therein lies the book's greatest lesson.

C++ was a fantasically useful stepping stone from C, to bridge C
developers into the OO world.  Objective C might be better at this; I
don't know, as I never really used it much.  C++ is quite usable if
you use it simply as a better C, and ignore 90% of what makes it
different from C and just use the 10% that is actually an
improvement.  I am referring to basic inheritence, polymorphism, and
maybe, if you're careful, exceptions and simple templates.  The
standard library is to be avoided at all costs, along with most of the
fancier language features.

Starting a new project in C++ is a questionable move at this point.
It makes sense if you actually need high performance that can't be
squeezed out of a higher level language, and in that case you are
certainly going to be avoiding the nasty features anyway, and simply
using it as a better C.  But C can also be a better C, if you
similarly avoid all of the things in it that are dangerous and ugly.
And if you don't need really high performance, in the modern era you
should almost always look to Python, Ruby, et al., or else just go
back to the root of all such languages, Lisp.

Admittedly, I have not done any significant amount of work in C++
since 2001-ish.  Maybe things have gotten better.  I don't
particularly care, because I don't need C++ anymore.  Who really does?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: C++ (was Re: interesting links)

2007-08-30 Thread Randall Nortman
On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 08:25:14PM -0400, Bob Paddock wrote:
 In today's up and coming world of multi-core processors,
 as anyone here looked at erlang?

I looked at it a few years ago.  It has a rather nice concurrency
model, but it also pretty much forces you into that model, which would
seem to make it a bit unpractical in the real world, where you need to
interface with other things that might have different models.  My
general thought on that sort of thing is that when you have a clever
idea for how to organize/structure/architect your code, you should
implement it as a library/framework within an architecture-neutral
general purpose language.  That way, when you have to interface to
other stuff, you can do so without resorting to ugly kludges.  Good
languages can be naturally extended to support whatever such
architectures you like in a convenient and straightforward way.

Also, such languages never gain widespread acceptance, precisely
because of that fact that in order to use the language, you have to
buy into the architecture it dictates.  There is limited flexibility
to do things differently, and in the real world that's a major

If you strip out the concurrency model, Erlang seems to be just
another functional langauge, and why do we need another one of those?
That said, the current implementations seem to be remarkably robust
for such a fringe language.  That, I suppose, is a testament to its


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Luxeon footprints

2007-08-11 Thread Randall Nortman
On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 08:41:05PM -0600, Jeffrey Bridge wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I have been doing bigger and bigger layouts using gschem and PCB
 recently, and I've gotten pretty used to working around various quirks.
 However, I have run into a problem which does not seem to have any
 solution beyond modifying the code for PCB to add some capabilities. I
 would like to make a footprint for any of the Lumileds LUXEON power LEDs
 to add to my project. They have three basic housing designs, from oldest
 to newest the I/III/V, the K2, and the Rebel.
 The Luxeon K2 requires a hexagonal soldermask hole inside of a larger
 filled copper area, as seen on page 14 of

I believe that pads can be rotated arbitrarily; you specify them by
the endpoints.  A regular hexagon can be created with just three
rectangles, centered on the same point but rotated 60 degrees from one
another.  The short sides of each rectangle form opposite sides of the
hexagon.  That will create the pad and soldermask hole.  To create the
large copper area (which functions as a heatsink, I suppose), I think
you will have to draw that in with polygons after placing the element,
rather than make it part of the element.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Multi-page, non-hierarchical schematics?

2007-07-13 Thread Randall Nortman
I have a schematic split into multiple pages just for convenience and
ease of editing, not so much because it's hierarchical.  I'd like to
use the refdes renumbering feature to generate refdeses which are
unique across all the pages, but it only seems to work that way if you
have the pages in a hierarchy.  Unless I'm missing something.

But assuming I'm not, what is the absolute simplest way to create a
flat hierarchy?  My understanding is that I have to draw symbols for
each sub-schematic -- I suppose the symbol should just be a box with
no inputs or outputs?  I make connections across pages by using
netname attributes -- I assume this will work within a hierarchy as
well?  Even just creating a box seems like a fair amount of overhead
for such a simple case.  Is there an easier way to do this?

There are also a few parts of my schematic that are basically copy 
paste operations, so I'm also considering using hierarchies to handle
that repetition better, but I'm a little confused about the details.
The docs on hierarchy seem to be pretty lacking in general.  (Not a
criticism -- I'd rather the developers spent their limited time
writing code than documentation, to an extent.)  For example, does
slotting work across sub-sheets?  If I have, for example, and analog
input section that includes an op-amp, and I make that a sub-sheet and
then put multiple copies of it on the top-level sheet, will the
individual sections be able to be lumped into different slots of a
quad op-amp?  Can I control that process by manually editing

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Modular designs (was Re: Multi-page, non-hierarchical schematics?)

2007-07-13 Thread Randall Nortman
On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 06:36:25PM +0100, Peter TB Brett wrote:
 On Friday 13 July 2007 18:26:09 Randall Nortman wrote:
  But assuming I'm not, what is the absolute simplest way to create a
  flat hierarchy?  
 (1) Create each page as a separate .sch file.
 (2) Use the autonumbering dialog to number your parts, with refdes starting 
 from 100 on the first page, 200 on the second page, 300 on the third page, 
 (3) Put *all* the .sch files as arguments to the gnetlist (or gsch2pcb) 

If only I'd planned this all out from the start.  The problem is that
I'm taking an already completed project (schemated and layout),
snipping out part of it and adding more on.  For the part that's
already done, I already have refdeses assigned and matching between
schematic and layout, and I don't know of any convenient, ready-made
way to renumber a .sch and .pcb in parallel (short of writing my own
script to do it, which does not count as ready-made).

Of course, even though the current refdes assignments are all over the
map, I could still pick some number greater than any currently
assigned and start from there on the new pages.  It just won't be
particularly clean that way -- lots of skipped numbers.  But that's
really only a problem if you're obsessive-compulsive like me. ;)

This has actually gotten me thinking about modular designs in general
-- I find myself wanting to do small runs of semi-customized boards,
each of which is a mix and match of bits of boards that I've already
designed.  It would be nice if this modularity could be captured well
in both gschem and pcb, so that I can mix and match my modules in
gschem and then import that into pcb, which already knows the layout
of each module.  Then for each new semi-custom board I only have to
draw the connections between the modules.  How doable is this right
now or in the near future?  Seems to me that I can copy  paste in
both gschem and pcb, but getting the refdeses to match up would be
very difficult, unless I'm missing something.

Maybe actually a pretty simple script could do it -- design each
module with refdeses starting at 1, then have a script which can just
add an offset to each refdes in both a .sch and .pcb file and write
out the new files, and tell you what the offset should be for the next
file to avoid refdes conflicts.  Then you load all the .sch files into
gschem and set up the connections to get a netlist file, then open up
pcb and load/paste each sub-layout in, then make the inter-module
connections.  This method creates a lot of temporary files, and a lot
of manual bookkeeping, but it would work, right?  Well, except for
slotted parts, which would be difficult to share between modules at
the layout level.

I assume I'm not the only one who has wanted to make mix  match
boards like this -- how have other people handled it?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: liquid tin

2007-07-05 Thread Randall Nortman
On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 01:28:24AM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
 Both 3.3 and 5v work fine.  I'm getting about 18mV P-P ripple on the
 3.3v line, at about 150Khz (the switcher's freq) plus a smaller 6MHz
 ripple, probably from the ATX power supply I'm using.  Shorting the
 3uH output inductor has no affect.

Is that the secondary output inductor, after the first output inductor
and capacitor?  If so, I suspect that's because you don't have a
secondary capacitor or any other load after the secondary inductor
(not counting your scope, which I assume has very high input impedence
and doesn't count as a load).  If you don't allow an inductor to pass
current, it will not allow a voltage to develop across its terminals,
and so just looks like a conductor.  Until you let it pass current by
putting a load on it.

V = L * dI/dt

I = 0
= dI/dt = 0
= V = 0

Stick a capacitive load on there and you'll see a reduction in that
ripple, I bet.  (A resistive load would result in a much smaller
reduction; possibly not even measurable.)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Switching regulator question

2007-06-18 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 10:48:52AM -0500, John Griessen wrote:
 Randall Nortman wrote:
  On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 08:53:37PM -0400, Dan McMahill wrote:
  Personally I avoid aluminum electrolytics like the plague. 
  And I'm in the unfortunate situation of designing for 70C ambient,
  natural air convection for cooling. 
 That temp means some expensive caps, so you could design for minimizing
 number of high quality caps -- like a spacecraft design.  How much power?

Well that's the good news -- this is a low-power board.  I am assuming
a peak of about 350mA and average of 100mA.  The peak is mostly due to
a Zigbee wireless transceiver, and that's probably an overestimate.
The switcher is putting that out at 5V, and then I have a linear
regulator to take that down to 3.3V, with some analog components using
5V and all the digital stuff (incl. radio) using 3.3V.  I am
over-designing the power supply to provide at least 1.5A at 70C.  I will
take an efficiency hit by over-designing that much, but I don't think
I'd feel comfortable with less margin.

 Do give ceramic multilayer caps a look.  They are much more dense
 now than ten years ago, and Taiwanese and Chinese and making them
 high quality and low cost if you need to plan for production.

A quick check on digikey shows that the biggest ceramic they stock
that's rated to at least 50V (I will see 40V, with a MOV to handle
transients) is 22uF, and those are $5 each.  I'm going to need on the
order of 100-500uF to deal with the 120Hz ripple, I think, so I think
ceramic just isn't going to get me there.  But I could certainly have
a couple of small ceramics to help with the ripple at the switching
frequency, right?  How about I have some big aluminum caps front of
the rectifier to do the 120Hz, then a ferrite bead, then a couple of
small low-ESR ceramics right in front of the switcher?  (A pi filter,
in other words.)  The ferrite bead would attenuate the switching
ripple seen by the big caps and protect them from those ripple
currents.  As a plus, I would leak less switching noise upstream.  Is
that a dumb idea for some reason?  Ferrite beads are a heck of a lot
cheaper than the fancy capacitors.

I am beginning to think that maybe I should step back on the basic
idea of powering 3.3V logic from 24VAC in this kind of environment.
What would be wrong with putting a small 4:1 pcb-mount transformer on
there to get that down to 6VAC and then use a linear regulator?  I
still need some big caps to deal with 120Hz ripple, but I don't need
to worry about the extra complexities of a switcher.  A transformer
designed for 115VAC shouldn't care if I drive the primary at 24VAC,
should it?  I suppose I would need to increase the VA rating to
account for the low power factor, though.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Switching regulator question

2007-06-18 Thread Randall Nortman
On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 10:46:31AM -0700, Steven Michalske wrote:
 Putting a LC filter on the output of the bridge rectifier will help  
 you out.

I looked briefly at LC filters to handle 120Hz ripple.  Requires some
pretty large, expensive inductors if I'm not mistaken.  Seems cheaper
in both board space and money to have more capacitance.

 Be careful with over sizing switching power supplies,  what is the  
 minimum operating current of your design?

My understanding is that with low currents that switcher will enter
discontinuous mode (where inductor current goes to zero at the end of
each cycle), and this will cause higher output ripple at the switching
frequency and more overshoot on the voltage.  This is not a big
problem in my application.  Is there something else that I need to be
aware of?

I haven't calculated minimum current, but I'm guessing 50mA.  (Peak is
around 350mA, designing for 1.5A. so that's a big range.)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Switching regulator question

2007-06-17 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 09:53:39PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  24VAC RMS means 34V peak,
 HA!  24VAC means 38V peak (i.e. after the bulk caps) on my board.  Had
 to change modules because I designed for 34V.

Eeep, that concerns me.  What's the Vf drop on your rectifier?  I
calculated a peak-to-peak voltage of 37.3V allowing for 10% head room,
and then when you subtract diode drops 36V ought to do it.  I'm
planning to put a 40V MOV or similar on there to handle transients, of
course, which will no doubt exceed the normal sine wave peaks.  I
wonder if your HVAC system might be wired wrong -- most of them have
two ways to hook up their 24V transformer, one for 208V and one for
240V, I think.  You might be running 240V into the 208V terminal.  Or
else your mains is 110% of nominal even after line losses, or else
your rectifier has impossibly low Vf drops.  Or I guess the
transformer could have bad tolerances on its winding count.

  so I would ideally aim to have the largest input ripple possible,
  which coincidentally allows me to choose a smaller, cheaper input
 What I did was put in four smaller caps in a row, which reduces the
 ripple current through each.  That helps keep cost down too.

Wow.. 4x820uF = 3.3mF total input capacitance.  That's motor-start
capacitor territory there.  How much current are you intending to

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Element file format questions

2007-06-17 Thread Randall Nortman
I'm a big fan of drawing my footprints with either a text editor or
a python script.  It's been a while since I last did this, and I know
that pcb keeps changing.  Is the documentation at correct for the
20070208 snapshot?  (Or is there any compelling reason to us the CVS

Second question: if I want to draw a dot on the silk layer (i.e., a
filled-in circle), am I to use the ElementArc command with x,y at the
center, thickness equal to the desired radius, a width and height
equal to half the radius, and a delta angle of 360?  (Or is that angle
in radians?)

And lastly, what is the best practice on placing the mark and
element text?  Seems to me that the mark should either be in the
center of the element body or centered on pin/pad 1.  I've always just
left the text at the origin and moved/rotated it during layout.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Switching regulator question

2007-06-17 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 08:53:37PM -0400, Dan McMahill wrote:
 Personally I avoid aluminum electrolytics like the plague.  If 
 you have to use them be sure to look at the ripple current rating and 
 also figure out what temperature the cap will operate at.  Aluminum 
 electrolytics have a temp rating and a lifetime at that temp.  Some are 
 85 deg C, 2000 hour.  Think about it, 2000 hours is not much.  You get a 
 factor of 2 more for every 10 degrees you back off.  Still for an 85 
 degree cap, you have to back off a lot.  If it were me I'd want 105 deg 
 C caps, 5000 hour so you have a better lifetime.

And I'm in the unfortunate situation of designing for 70C ambient,
natural air convection for cooling.  And that 70C is something that I
know this board is going to be subjected to, not just a well, it
might get up to 60C once or twice, let's design for 70C -- it will
see 70C repetatively for a few hours at a time.  (These boards are
going in uninsulated attics.)  They may also see temps on the order of
-10C; I am less certain about what the low end will be, but I'll know
come winter, one way or another.  I looked for plug-in power bricks
that could hack that temperature range and came up empty.  It's a
nasty environment to design for.

So yes, I'm definitely going to be giving those capacitor specs a good
look.  This is part of why I want to figure out how little total
capacitance I can get away with, so I can afford better capacitors.

How do aluminum caps fail -- open or closed?  Does it buy me anything
to have redundancy -- several different capacitors, maybe some
aluminum and some tantalum?  I will have a low-ESR ceramic or two, but
it will be relatively small, meant to deal with the high frequency
switching of the regulator, not the 120Hz ripple.

 Your comment about lower input voltage giving higher efficieny is more 
 for a linear regulator.  For a switcher it will depend on many things.

Yes, and that's why I'm going with a switcher, but I have noticed that
looking at the efficiency curves, as a general rule you will do better
with a lower differential between input and output.  The effect is
much more subtle than what you get with linear regulators;
appropriately enough, the efficiency of those is pretty much linear
with the dropout voltage.  In theory, the efficiency of an ideal
switcher would not depend on dropout voltage, I understand.  If
anybody happens to have a supplier for an ideal switcher, please
forward me the datasheet.

Thanks to everybody who has responded.  As usually, I can always count
on this group to take a question and run with it, and I end up with
lots of bits of knowledge I didn't even know I needed.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Switching regulator question

2007-06-16 Thread Randall Nortman
Anybody here knowledgeable in the field of switching power supply
design?  I'm designing my first one, to knock 24VAC down to 5VDC/0.5A,
so it's a fairly small supply, but I don't think I'd want to do that
much of a drop with a linear regulator.  I'm settling on the TPS5420
integrated switcher (controller with on-chip MOSFET) from TI, which
has a switching frequency of 500kHz.  (Mostly chosen because of its
large input range -- 24VAC RMS means 34V peak, plus I have to assume
that it might be as much as 10% above nominal, then subtract the diode
drops from the rectifier, so I'm designing for 36V peak.)

My question (one among many) is how much do I need to filter the
ripple coming out of the full-wave rectifier?  Given a switching
frequency of 500kHz, I would think that 120Hz ripple on the input
would not bother the thing, even if it's large ripple, so long as the
voltage never drops below the minimum required to still enable a 5V
output (i.e., about 8V).  It seems that the lower the average input
voltage, the higher the average efficiency of the regulator is going
to be, so I would ideally aim to have the largest input ripple
possible, which coincidentally allows me to choose a smaller, cheaper
input capacitor.  That also means lower peak currents through the
rectifier and a better power factor.

But it can't be that easy.  Smaller and cheaper is never better, so
what am I missing?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Transformer as voltage transducer?

2007-05-28 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sun, May 27, 2007 at 11:16:18PM -0400, Steven Michalske wrote:
 as for voltage monitoring, I wouldn't worry much about using the  
 resistors.  put in a fast acting fuse at a reasonable low current.

How do you suppose insurance companies feel about non-UL stuff on
mains power?  Just in case I should happen to start a fire...

 If you get the one that supports the di/dt Rogowski coil like the  
 ADE7753 then you won't have to disconnect the mains.  Some thing that  
 the electrician probably won't do with out pulling the meter.

Yeah, I was looking at the Rogowski coil option, but I can't find
anywhere to buy the things.  Do anybody know of a supplier?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Transformer as voltage transducer?

2007-05-27 Thread Randall Nortman
Thanks for all the feedback so far.  You have softened some of my
paranoia, but also raised some other issues I hadn't thought about --
in particular the fact that transformer response is
frequency-dependent, and anything too far from the 60Hz a power
transformer is meant to transmit will be attenuated -- i.e., spikes,
dips, and switching noise.  Right?

On Sun, May 27, 2007 at 01:31:31AM -0400, Darryl Gibson wrote:
 Without knowing what the application is, it's environment, signal
 source, etc... it is difficult to make specific recommendations.

The application is a power analyzer to show me instantaneous and
average true power, apparent power, power factor, RMS voltage, and
line frequency, plus kWh accumulated over time.  There are some great
chips from Analog Devices now that integrate all this into one package
with a digital output -- I just need to supply the current and voltage
transducers.  (I know you can get cheap devices like the Kill-A-Watt
now to monitor plug loads, but I'm wanting to watch hard-wired
appliances like HVAC, plus the actual main service for the whole
house.  And of course I want it to feed data straight to a PC and log
it over time, which the Kill-A-Watt can't do.)

The environment is a metal box in a garage, right next to the breaker
panel.  It will be cold in the winter and hot in the summer, but
nothing that will seriously affect electronics, so long as my power
supply is designed for it.  Signal source will be CTs (current
transformers -- donuts) put over the mains lines inside the breaker
panel, plus whatever I settle on as voltage transducers.  The voltage
transducers will most likely sit outside the breaker panel, just plug
into a regular three-prong outlet.  I'm not sure how else I could do
it without violating code in a big way.  Well, if I use transformers,
I could hard-wire them in, but I think I'd still be doing that outside
the breaker panel.  And yes, I will have a certified electrician to
handle everything happening inside the breaker panel, like slipping
the donuts over the mains lines.  Of course, the downside of that is
that he damned sure isn't going to violate code for me.

So now I have to figure out if I really care about those 60Hz spikes,
dips, and noise.  I am thinking not, so transformers should be just
fine.  Then again, the reference designs for these Analog Devices
chips just put a resistor divider between hot and neutral and feed it
straight in without isolation.  They use neutral as DC circuit ground
and derive power from the hot line, so the whole circuit is tied to
mains without isolation.  If I did that, I would of course have to
make sure that the digital interface between my measurement system and
the PC that captures the data is isolated, which is pretty easy.  Any
thoughts on that setup?

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Transformer as voltage transducer?

2007-05-25 Thread Randall Nortman
I would like to measure mains voltage (110-240V, 60Hz), but I want my
measurement circuit to be isolated from the voltage being measured.  I
am going to be sampling the waveform at a high sample rate (relative
to the 60Hz waveform being measured) and comparing that with the
current on the same lines with (near-)simultaneous measurement.  So it
is important to me that the voltage waveform not be distorted or
phase-shifted, and the voltage I see should be related to the source
voltage by a simple linear ratio.

Seems like a simple transformer will do it, in theory.  But I'm not
sure about how they will work in the real world.  Do transformers
distort the voltage waveform or phase?  What happens if I put a load
on the secondary of more than a few nA?  What non-linearities are
there?  What sort of transformers are going to give me the best

Or if the transformer idea is awful, any other ideas for isolated
voltage transducers?



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: USB Digital Microscopes

2007-05-13 Thread Randall Nortman
I'm looking for a relatively cheap (less than about $200) USB
microscope for inspecting solder joints and wasting time looking at
random stuff around the house at 200x.  I figure there are a few folks
on this list with the same unexplainable urges, so what have you
found?  I've found this:

Which seems to be made by the same folks as this:

Except the latter seems to have higher resolution.  They are the same
price, except that ThinkGeek throws in a stand.  I wonder if the
microscopes are actually the same, and one site or the other has the
specs wrong.  Might be a confusion on ThinkGeek's part about image
capture resolution vs. video capture resolution.  There's also the
bulkier QX5 microscope made by a company apparently now owned by
Intel, which cleans 640x480 resolution and sells for half the price.

But the annoying thing is that neither microscope claims Linux
support.  Would ThinkGeek sell something that doesn't work with Linux?
Aren't they marketing to, well, geeks?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Looking for a project

2007-03-30 Thread Randall Nortman
On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 09:05:06PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
  I know everybody's got a long list of projects tucked away in the
  back corner of a desk... Is there one that you'd like a jump-start
 Clock radio with ethernet (ntp, remote alarm set, wake up to mp3s,
 etc).  Mine is a couple of decades old, time for an upgrade.

I've been thinking the same thing, except the key feature I'm after is
a morning alertness test: to turn off the alarm, you have to play a
game of simon, repeating some random pattern on four buttons, or
maybe even doing some math or something.  The point of all that is
that I too often turn off the alarm without ever becoming fully awake,
and something like that would force my brain to wake up a bit.

And don't forget automatic weekday/weekend adjustments.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: SSRs vs. discrete triacs

2007-03-04 Thread Randall Nortman
On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 09:06:26PM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
  I need to switch 1A @ 24VAC loads,
 Been there.
 I use an opto-triac and an alternistor.  Alternistors handle the two
 polarities with different silicon, which helps with inductive loads,
 which is what I've got.  No additional discretes are required, except
 for a 38 ohm current limiting resistor between the opto and the

Nice design.  Your MCU-controlled zero-cross scheme is very nice, but
not applicable in my case because I am not guaranteed that all the
loads I'm switching will be in phase, so I'd need several phase
detectors, and I'd rather just get zero-cross triacs (and I will pay
attention to turn-on voltage -- thanks for pointing that out).

On an unrelated note, how do you like the Weidmuller spring-clamp
terminal blocks on that board?  I had given up on terminal blocks for
field connections myself -- these days I solder 3-6 of 22ga discrete
wire, and then use wirenuts to make the connection in the field (and
by in the field I mean not in the lab/workshop -- i.e., while lying
on your back in a gravel crawlspace at 95F/98%RH with poor lighting
and dirt getting into all of your bodily orifices).  But those
connectors look nice and are reasonably priced.  The one thing they
don't have that my wirenut system does is the ability to gang several
wires together (e.g., shared common).  Still I can always just stick a
5 length of wire in one of those connectors and fall back on my
wirenut system when necessary.


geda-user mailing list