Re: gEDA-user: Working on a tiny schematics editor

2010-10-07 Thread Steve Morss
 Go for it!  I think your idea is really neat.  I'm a hard core Ruby 
programmer and have had similar experiences - you can say a lot in a 
little bit of space, the code is very readable, and coding goes 
quickly.  I can think of some other useful applications for a Ruby 
version of gschem.  A small, highly portable version of gschem that 
works without the user having to deal with Makefiles and such (if you've 
got Ruby and the needed gems, it just works).  And the second idea: 
Ruby/Rails is a popular framework for building websites.  It might be 
possible to use your gschem core and a different front end (javascript) 
to make a web version of gschem (so anyone could run it from any web 
enabled device) - I have a need for something like this today.


On 10/7/10 1:31 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:

Some weeks ago I started working on a very basic schematics editor,
compatible with current gschem file format. I am writing it in Ruby,
using GTK/Cairo.

You may ask: Do we really need one?

No, gschem works fine.

You may say: That is wasting of your time.


You may say: You should better use QT, C++, Java, Python, OpenGL...


So why I started that task, and why do I write this text?
Some weeks ago there was a discussion about subnet support for gschem.
The conclusion was, that I have to learn some guile to implement it. OK,
some day I may do that, but currently my motivation is not really great.

On the other hand, I am currently learning Ruby and GTK/Cairo, and I do
not really love programming in C.

So I started a Ruby parser for gschem schematic files, just for fun, and
progress was really fast. Current state, after only 150 hours of work,
is that I can read in most basic shapes and write a cairo PNG file. (OK,
currently only embedded symbols work...)

So chances are not too bade that I will continue working on it in the
next months -- it is really easy and fun. A basic GUI and export of PCB
netlist should be not too difficult. I am not sure if I will ever
support hierachical design and other netlist formats -- that may be
really complicated?

A copy of the Ruby source text, and the png output is here.

Please note, I am NOT looking for support. Smart programmer should
better support PCB and gEDA development, that is much more useful. But
of course, if someone is really interested in this project, he may
contact me.

Can you remember, some years ago someone wrote about a Python editor on
this list, I never have heard about it again. Maybe the same for my
stupid idea.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

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Re: gEDA-user: FT232R

2009-04-15 Thread Steve Morss
My guess is that there is something different about the 
designs/applications which are experiencing the lockups/malfunctions - 
too many products use the FTDI USB to UART parts successfully.  Among 
many others are the Arduino Decimila and (Digi) XBEE daughter boards.

Peter TB Brett wrote:
 On Wednesday 08 April 2009 22:57:02 DJ Delorie wrote:
 The FTDI USB UARTs have noise immunity issues.  They tend to lock up
 after running for an hour or so.  And worst of all they only reset
 themselves when the USB cable has been physically removed.  It's a
 well known problem.  I would avoid this chip for new designs.
 Is this an urban legend, or do we have proof?  I've never had any
 problems with the FTDI parts, and I've run them for days on end.

 Suggest looking at something from SiLabs.
 FTDI has better Linux support.


 I've been *badly* stung by silicon bugs in FTDI devices before (4-figures 



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Re: gEDA-user: terminators

2009-04-05 Thread Steve Morss
I built a very similar circuit using an Altera FPGA and a 100MHz SDRAM 
with good results.  To keep things easy, I did a couple of things.  One, 
I kept the signals to the SDRAM as short as possible (around an inch 
long, in most cases).  Second, I made sure that the clock that the SDRAM 
controller sees and the clock of the SDRAM have minimal skew.  I did 
this by running the original clock into the FPGA and then running it out 
2 pins.  One went to the SDRAMs and the other went back into the FPGA, 
but the etch length was the same as the length that went to the SDRAMs.  
Then, I used a PLL in the FPGA to look at the arriving clock and skew 
it (which are really the output clocks) to match the clock of the SDRAM 
controller.  That way, I could be sure that the clock that the SDRAM 
sees and the clock of the controller were the same.  Without that, it's 
very hard to meet all the max/min setup and hold times of the SDRAM and 
SDRAM contoller.


DJ Delorie wrote:
 That's what I'd do.  At the sort of volumes you and I work with it's
 a lot cheaper to use a FPGA big enough to include
 chipscope/signaltap even in the full design than to allow for an LA

 I'm limited to QFP packages, though.  I picked the 3A family for some
 reason, ah, power - the 3A doesn't need a 2.5v interface block.
 I haven't tried synthesizing into the 3A yet to see how much space I'm

 Why not just use chipscope?  I thought you could get that for free
 these days (although admittedly I use Altera mainly for free Signaltap

 Well, if chipscope is freely downloadable, I'm OK with that.

 Hard to believe the LA expects signals that fast without active probes.

 Well, I said Ms/s, not MHz.  It's mostly useful for measuring skew and
 jitter relative to other pins.  I usually run at one of the slower
 speeds, as the LA's compression doesn't work at the fastest speed.

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Re: gEDA-user: GNUdino V0.2 (ARDUINO Board Designed using gEDA)

2009-03-23 Thread Steve Morss
Looks like the silkscreen on the diodes is going over the pad/holes.  
The paint may interfere with the solder flow during assembly.  Best to 
keep the silkscreen off the pads.

Steve wrote:

I have once more designed a revised version of GNUdino.
Please check it and report errors if any.

Last time I had asked an error. I got a good reply . The errors were
pointed out. Special thanks to those who had pointed out the

Jeffrey Antony




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Re: gEDA-user: OT: Recommendations for laptop?

2008-12-26 Thread Steve Morss
I've also been using a MacBook (Pro).  Very solid, easy to use GUI with 
lots of point and click support for different file formats (handy when 
viewing/porting graphics files), and it's *nix.  People have ported lots 
of open source tools to the Mac (See Fink, MacPorts).  I have 4GB of RAM 
and run Fusion (VMWare), so I can also run stock x86 Linuxes (for 
testing), and I even have an XP image for the occasional tool that has 
to run under Windows (still a few out there).  I think owning both the 
HW and the OS gives Apple a more stable system than most others, since 
they only have to test for a few HW configurations (not for 1000s of 
PCs).  I've had less trouble running VMWare Linux images on the Mac than 
I have running them on bare PC hardware - they just work.  I tend to run 
MacOS all the time and run all my delopment tools and OSs on top of it.  
Stays up for weeks (usually power cycle only for updates).

Base units aren't too expensive (probably some used ones out there for 
$500 - $750).  The memory is easy and cheap to upgrade (uses standard 
DIMMs).  The hard drive is also replaceable (I just put in a 500GB drive 
in mine - $115 from NewEgg).  Hard drive replacement isn't as easy as 
the RAM, but it only takes an hour or two.


I've owned some Dells in the past, but
Dave N6NZ wrote:
 Stuart Brorson wrote:
 So, does anybody in here have recommendations for a good laptop?  Or
 do you have any laptops to avoid?

 Well, when I was looking for a *nix laptop that was minimum hassle to 
 maintain, I went with a Macbook, and it was a good decision.  gEDA and 
 all of my other *nix tools work fine on OS X, and keeping the system up 
 to date and working isn't a research project.  It plays very well with 
 my Linux-based home network -- I keep a git repo of all my projects on 
 the home file server and sync up that way.

 As to Lenovo laptops, I have one of those for those times when I am 
 forced to use Windows (like my current contract... Windows *and* PICs... 
 a pain in each of *both* butt cheeks...).  Anyway, my Lenovo machine has 
 been good, no complaints.




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Re: gEDA-user: modify footprint and update layout

2008-12-17 Thread Steve Morss
Take a look at  There are 
source files in there and a README file that tells you how to set up and 
run a script that replaces footprints in a pcb file.


Steve Meier wrote:

 Sure sounds like a good starting point.

 Steve M.

 On Wed, 2008-12-17 at 00:23 -0500, Steve Morss wrote:
 A year or two ago, I made a footprint replacement program which worked 
 very well for me (I used it to swap out a few hundred parts with about 
 50 different footprints).  It worked like this ...  It assumed the 
 description was the file name.  Then it looked at the parts in the pcb 
 file, compared them to the new parts (with the same name), and put the 
 new footprints on the same side of the board with the same rotation.  It 
 tried not to make too many assumptions about the relationship between 
 the old and new parts.  The origins needed to be in the same relative 
 spots and the pin numbering order couldn't change (too much).   For each 
 footprint, it tried rotations of 0, 90,180, 270 degrees, and if all the 
 pins ended up in the same quadrants, it assumed the rotation was good 
 and used it.  If it couldn't find a rotation, it told you so.  This 
 algorithm allows silkscreens to change aribitrarily and pad sizes and 
 shapes to change arbitrarily.  If things go well, it writes a new pcb 
 file with all the footprints updated.  It was all very scriptable - I 
 ran it as part of a Makefile.  It's all written in Perl.  If you are 
 interested, I could pull together a set of files and post them.


 DJ Delorie wrote:
 What are the most common reasons that you need to change land patterns?
 Silkscreen changes

 Thermal pads - mostly for making paste masks

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Re: gEDA-user: modify footprint and update layout

2008-12-16 Thread Steve Morss
A year or two ago, I made a footprint replacement program which worked 
very well for me (I used it to swap out a few hundred parts with about 
50 different footprints).  It worked like this ...  It assumed the 
description was the file name.  Then it looked at the parts in the pcb 
file, compared them to the new parts (with the same name), and put the 
new footprints on the same side of the board with the same rotation.  It 
tried not to make too many assumptions about the relationship between 
the old and new parts.  The origins needed to be in the same relative 
spots and the pin numbering order couldn't change (too much).   For each 
footprint, it tried rotations of 0, 90,180, 270 degrees, and if all the 
pins ended up in the same quadrants, it assumed the rotation was good 
and used it.  If it couldn't find a rotation, it told you so.  This 
algorithm allows silkscreens to change aribitrarily and pad sizes and 
shapes to change arbitrarily.  If things go well, it writes a new pcb 
file with all the footprints updated.  It was all very scriptable - I 
ran it as part of a Makefile.  It's all written in Perl.  If you are 
interested, I could pull together a set of files and post them.


DJ Delorie wrote:
 What are the most common reasons that you need to change land patterns?

 Silkscreen changes

 Thermal pads - mostly for making paste masks

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Re: gEDA-user: [OT] MIT Flea

2008-09-21 Thread Steve Morss
John Luciani wrote:
 Pictures I took at today's MIT Flea Market are at
 Enigma machines, an Arp Quartet, free advice and a chainsaw.

 Pictures of the MIT Gehry building are at the bottom of the page.

 (* jcl *)

You think those Enigma machines are real?  They are pretty historic (and 
probably aren't too many of them).

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Free Dog gathering on Thursday 9.4.2007 in Reading, MA!

2007-09-04 Thread Steve Morss
I'm planning on being there and bringing an operational one of my Linux 
on an FPGA boards and SW development systems.

See you Thursday,

Stuart Brorson wrote:
 --   Free Dog Gathering Announcement 

 *** Note *** Since the ESC is in Boston this month, we'll also try to
 have a second gathering this September.   We'll probably hold the
 second gathering in downtown Boston, hear the convention center.  More
 info is TBA.

 The Free EDA Users Group will meet this coming *Thursday*, September 
 6th.  This month, we'll be back at our Reading meeting place:  Bear
 Rock Cafe in Reading, MA.   We're using this venue becuase it's 
 convenient to Mass Route 128 (America's Technology Highway), has a
 comfortable seating area near a fireplace, and (most importantly) has
 free wireless access!

 *** Feature! ***  John Doty, a long time Free Dogger will be present
 since he's in town for a visit.

 The meeting will be an open and informal working session.  Bring your
 laptop *and* wireless card!  Some items on the agenda are:

 *  What's John up to these days?
 *  John's Mathematica back-end for gnetlist
 *  Google SoC update
 *  Fritzing -- the Berlin-based design collaborative 
 *  Levente's database driven component chooser
 *  Bernd's abstract symbol proposal
 *  Whatever you're interested in!

 Free Dog is an association of like-minded hackers and engineers
 interested in free and open EDA tools. We hold monthly meetings 
 around the Boston area featuring informal networking, speakers, and 
 camaraderie. Our goals are to learn more about CAD, engineering and
 scientific software, share ideas about our current projects, and --
 most importantly -- have fun with like-minded people. We welcome new
 members and participants of all ages.  Students are particularly

 Date: Thursday, Sept 6th, 2007.  (*** Note day ***)
 Time: 7:00pm, Eastern US Time.
 Location: Bear Rock Cafe,  26 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading, Mass.
(*** Note location ***)

 ==  The Bear Rock Cafe is located in the same mall as the gigantic
   Jordan's Furniture IMax cinema right off Rt 128 exit 39.

 IRC:  #geda

 For more details, please contact me privately at sdb (* AT *) 
 cloud9 (* DOT *) net.

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gEDA-user: pcblander Landpattern Generator Update

2007-07-02 Thread Steve Morss
Since the initial release of pcblander, there's a new capability.  In 
addition to flexible generation of footprints from source files, now 
pcblander can append the source code into the landpattern, so you never 
loose it and always know what the landpattern is. If want to know 
exactly what a landpattern is, all you have to do is browse the top of 
the landpattern file.  The pcblander code is commented out from pcb, so 
the landpattern will load without a problem.  If you edit the human 
readable top part of the file, the landpattern can rebuild itself if you 
type it at the command line.

Here's an example of an 0603 resistor landpattern:

#!/usr/bin/env pcblander
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| include( # macros
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| include( common constraints
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| num_pads = 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| pad_width = 1.1mm
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| pad_height = 1.1mm
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| padgap_x = 0.6mm # horizontal gap between left and right 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| keepout = 20mils # center-silk to edge of pads
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| SO(0,0)# 2 padded SO package, centered 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| # write it all out
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| mywriteland_and_source(0603.sfp)
Element[0x0 0 0 0 0 100 0x]
Pad[-3346 0 -3346 0 4331 1200 4831 1 1 0x0100]
Pad[3346 0 3346 0 4331 1200 4831 2 2 0x0100]
ElementLine [7512 4165 -7512 4165 1000]
ElementLine [-7512 4165 -7512 -4165 1000]
ElementLine [-7512 -4165 7512 -4165 1000]
ElementLine [7512 -4165 7512 4165 1000]

If you wanted to change the pad gap from 0.6mm to 0.8mm, you could edit 
the line with padgap_x = 0.6mm, save the file and type 0603.sfp at 
the command line, and the footprint would rebuild itself.  This works 
for any pcblander script.  To create a footprint/source from an existing 
source, change mywriteland(...) to mywriteland_and_source(...), follow 
it with exit() (so pcblander doesn't try to execute the pcb footprint 
text), and put #!/usr/bin/env pcblander at the top.  Run the file and 
a new one will be created with the commented source and footprint 
inside.  The release, more examples, and additional documentation is at


 From May 1, 2007:

Recently, I built a board using lots of custom surface mount parts, as 
well as a number of unusual through hole parts.  When it came time to 
generate the footprints, I needed to design a number of new footprints.  
I looked into the tools available, and found some graphical tools and 
specialized scripting tools, but they either were hard to use, or I 
couldn't get them to build some of my footprints (sorry in advance, if I 
misrepresented someone's tool).  To solve my problems, I came up with 
pcblander, which has been very effective for me.  It uses human 
readable scripts as input.  The scripts are pretty easy to follow, as 
they are mostly assignment statements and a few function calls.  For 
those of you who use Darrell Harmon's footgen program, it has a number 
of similarities to that - I got myself started on pcblander by learning 
how footgen works.  pcblander is quite flexible and extensible - if 
there's something missing, I should be able to add it in quickly (or if 
you prefer, you can do it by writing macros or, if you want complete 
flexibility, functions in perl).

If you are interested, I've got a release at containing the program and source code, a 
readme, and some footprint examples.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: speaker reconing?

2007-05-25 Thread Steve Morss
Christian Treldal wrote:
 ons, 23 05 2007 kl. 23:44 -0400, skrev Darryl Gibson:

 Since we are OT, and on the subject of speakers, has anybody heard how
 to recone a speaker? I've heard it can be done, but haven't found any
 info. on it?

 It can be done. I've done it several times with PA speakers, but not
 recently. Today the magic word are electronic crossovers;-)

 Here is a Danish guy who has a lot of experience.

 off course in a beautiful Danish 
I haven't done a reconing, but the rubber gasket around the sides of 
speaker cone often dries out and flakes away (on woofers).  Ebay has 
some vendors that will sell you a kit for $25 or so.  What's involved is 
scraping off the old gasket and gluing a new one in its place.  It's not 
that hard (takes an hour or two).  The key is to make sure you use the 
spacers provided to make sure the back of the cone (the part with the 
coil), is centered around the magnet.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: New Tool for Making pcb footprints - new demo

2007-05-08 Thread Steve Morss
I just added a file to the directory.  It contains some 
pcblander macros for making BGAs, TQFPs, SOICs, DIPs, SIPs, test pins 
and surface mount 2 padded devices.  There's a file called 
footprints.pdf with a sample output, so you can see what the macros 
can do (it's a big footprint with a bunch of footprints laid out 
together).  There's a file footprints.lander that generates the layout 
in footprints.pdf.  Type pcblander footprints.lander and you'll get a 
pcb file called footprints.

With the new macros, you can generate pcb common footprints with only a 
few lines of text.  Still, they are flexible enough to handle most 
common footprints, and you can add and tweak them by modifying 
footprints.lander or your footprint scripts.


Steve Morss wrote:
Recently, I built a board using lots of custom surface mount parts, as 
well as a number of unusual through hole parts.  When it came time to 
generate the footprints, I needed to design a number of new 
footprints.  I looked into the tools available, and found some 
graphical tools and specialized scripting tools, but they either were 
hard to use, or I couldn't get them to build some of my footprints 
(sorry in advance, if I misrepresented someone's tool).  To solve my 
problems, I came up with pcblander, which has been very effective 
for me.  It uses human readable scripts as input.  The scripts are 
pretty easy to follow, as they are mostly assignment statements and a 
few function calls.  For those of you who use Darrell Harmon's 
footgen program, it has a number of similarities to that - I got 
myself started on pcblander by learning how footgen works.  pcblander 
is quite flexible and extensible - if there's something missing, I 
should be able to add it in quickly (or if you prefer, you can do it 
by writing macros or, if you want complete flexibility, functions in 

If you are interested, I've got a release at containing the program and source code, 
a readme, and some footprint examples.


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Re: gEDA-user: refdes_renum changes, anybody?

2007-04-15 Thread Steve Morss
I vote for gentle, too.  If this is a problem, it would be better if the 
renum came back and said something like Are you sure you want to 
renumber all of your refdeses (this will destroy your current 
assignments)?.  In general, if a tool is going to delete a bunch of 
existing work, it's always nice to ask the user first.

Thanks for putting this in,

Dan McMahill wrote:

Stuart Brorson wrote:

Thanks!  That's three votes for --gentle by default.

Anybody object to this default?  Otherwise I'll change the default
behavior tonight (if I can carve out time).


for the record, I also like gentle by default and a different option 
that forces a complete renumbering.


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Re: gEDA-user: VMWare image of Ubuntu distribution of Linux with gEDA installed.

2007-04-03 Thread Steve Morss

I ran md5 on the image and I get:
MD5 (ubuntu-custom-live_3.iso) = 220343841c25e2d1f4c5ab698ae05812

The file is a .iso file that can be mounted as a CD image and booted 
from in VMWare.  You can also burn it to a CD and boot from the CD 
without using VMWare at all.  When it boots, you'll see what looks like 
the normal Ubuntu 6.10 live CD.  If you go to the 
Applications-Education menu pick, you'll see gEDA apps.  You can also 
invoke them from the shell.

John, thanks again for putting this up on your site.


John Griessen wrote:
Steve Morss's VMWare image with gEDA is available on my server until 
people use up too much

bandwidth.  That will happen after 50 downloads

See   the link   gEDA-on-Linux-on-VMWare

John Griessen

PS  I have not tested it yet.   Do you have a checksum for it Steve?

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Re: gEDA-user: Is the OrCAD Library Active?

2007-03-01 Thread Steve Morss
You might want to take a look at Perl as well.  It's been around the 
longest, and one of its primary goals was to do good text parsing (it 
has built in pattern matching and replacement).  Ruby was actually 
written by a Perl affectionado, and has many of Perl's  text handling 
attributes.  Perl also has a huge library (CPAN) of available addon 
functions, and has lots of people who know how to write in it.


Arthur Baldwin wrote:

Dear Patrick,

Thanks for the update.  There is a project labeled olib which 
stands for OrCAD Library and which is already part of the gEDA 
project.  The problem with that side project is that it was 
designed for OrCAD version 4.0 (fairly old version).  And the author 
says that there are several bugs in it.  In my current study of Ruby, 
it seems like that language is well suited to parsing the native 
files of OrCAD (which by the way are ALL plain text files).  The key 
to making olib complete is to choose a language whose strength is 
searching text and grouping the results of that text search into C++ 
based objects.  The objects can then be manipulated to fit the object 
model of gEDA.  Both Python and Ruby are fairly new to me, so I'm 
really expert in neither.  But it is important to me to help 
develop a good solution to this problem.  I can't see the point in 
spending 10K USD per seat for the latest version of OrCAD and then 
having to deal with the dongle on the parallel portjust to 
print out the schematic for an existing OrCAD project.  Especially 
when every single data file in OrCAD is plain ordinary text with a 
structure similar to AutoCAD drawing files.  There's no need to 
export from OrCAD into an intermediate format before conversion 
to gEDA...because of the fact that OrCAD uses plain text for all 
data.  What will eat up our development time is figuring out what 
current structure methodology is used inside the OrCAD data files 
and then designing a parser to work with that structure.  Ideally we 
should understand the structure well enough to be able to fix 
corrupted OrCAD data files during conversion.

I'm looking forward to the day when users of gEDA will feel totally 
comfortable with converting in either direction...even with complex 



- Original Message 
From: Patrick Doyle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: gEDA user mailing list
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:39:05 PM
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: Is the OrCAD Library Active?

On 2/28/07, Arthur Baldwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My company is interested in being able to take existing OrCAD 
schematics and
 PCB layouts and converting them into gEDA format(s).  If there is 
 working on this already, I'm all ears and ready to begin 
assisting them in

 the development process.

I thought about this a couple of months ago in terms of bringing
schematics from work (where we use Orcad 10.5) to home (where I use
gschem) and back again.  Looking around, I couldn't find any
documentation on the Orcad file format, so I tried exporting my design
to an EDIF file and started writing a parser for that in python.  I
never got as far as outputting (or is it outing-put?) the design into
the gschem format, primarily because I couldn't see the point.  I had
no guarantee that once I translated a design to gschem, edited it, and
translated it back to an EDIF file, I would be able to import that
EDIF back into Orcad.  Not being able to see the light at the end of
the tunnel, I abandoned the project, settling for the start of a
parser that extracted some specific information about a specific

I don't think it would be too difficult to resurrect the parser, and I
can see the light at the end of the tunnel for a tool that would take
an Orcad generated EDIF file and produce a gschem schematic (set), but
I don't have any experience at all with the Orcad PCB tool.


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Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.* 

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Re: gEDA-user: PCB Element for a Molex 71661-2068?

2007-02-24 Thread Steve Morss

Thanks for the feedback.  I didn't know about that pinout - I didn't see 
it in the first document you sent, but I saw it in the second.   Anyway, 
I 've been working on a tool for doing footprints more easily, and your 
part looked different from the ones I've been doing, so I thought I'd 
try it out.  I've updated the footprint with the pinout and hole changes 
(though it sounds like you've already added those changes plus an outline).


Ben Jackson wrote:

On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 12:09:02PM -0500, Steve Morss wrote:
Here's something that looks like it will work.  I haven't used it, 
so you should make sure it looks right to you.

Thanks very much.  There are a few issues with it, in case anyone else
wants to use it.  The more detailed doc is:

1)  The pin numbering is wrong.  The pin numbering is based on the
fingers in the connector running from 1..n/2 across the top and 
n/2+1..n on the bottom, so the pin marked 18 is actually 2 and

the pin marked 2 is actually 3 and so on.

2)  The mounting pins are plastic, so the holes should be unplated,
I would think.  I don't know if there's a standard for this in pcb

3)  I'm going to add an outline to the silk layer so I don't do 

silly like put a resistor under the edge or recess it too far from the
edge of the board!

Thanks again to Steve for putting me on the right track.


Element[0x0 0 0 0 0 100 0x]
Pin[ 82500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 1 1 0x]
Pin[ 77500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 2 2 0x]
Pin[ 72500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 3 3 0x]
Pin[ 67500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 4 4 0x]
Pin[ 62500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 5 5 0x]
Pin[ 57500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 6 6 0x]
Pin[ 52500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 7 7 0x]
Pin[ 47500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 8 8 0x]
Pin[ 42500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 9 9 0x]
Pin[ 37500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 10 10 0x]
Pin[ 32500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 11 11 0x]
Pin[ 27500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 12 12 0x]
Pin[ 22500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 13 13 0x]
Pin[ 17500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 14 14 0x]
Pin[ 12500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 15 15 0x]
Pin[ 7500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 16 16 0x]
Pin[ 2500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 17 17 0x]
Pin[ -2500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 18 18 0x]
Pin[ -7500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 19 19 0x]
Pin[ -12500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 20 20 0x]
Pin[ -17500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 21 21 0x]
Pin[ -22500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 22 22 0x]
Pin[ -27500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 23 23 0x]
Pin[ -32500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 24 24 0x]
Pin[ -37500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 25 25 0x]
Pin[ -42500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 26 26 0x]
Pin[ -47500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 27 27 0x]
Pin[ -52500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 28 28 0x]
Pin[ -57500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 29 29 0x]
Pin[ -62500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 30 30 0x]
Pin[ -67500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 31 31 0x]
Pin[ -72500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 32 32 0x]
Pin[ -77500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 33 33 0x]
Pin[ -82500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 34 34 0x]
Pin[ 82500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 35 35 0x]
Pin[ 77500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 36 36 0x]
Pin[ 72500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 37 37 0x]
Pin[ 67500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 38 38 0x]
Pin[ 62500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 39 39 0x]
Pin[ 57500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 40 40 0x]
Pin[ 52500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 41 41 0x]
Pin[ 47500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 42 42 0x]
Pin[ 42500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 43 43 0x]
Pin[ 37500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 44 44 0x]
Pin[ 32500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 45 45 0x]
Pin[ 27500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 46 46 0x]
Pin[ 22500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 47 47 0x]
Pin[ 17500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 48 48 0x]
Pin[ 12500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 49 49 0x]
Pin[ 7500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 50 50 0x]
Pin[ 2500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 51 51 0x]
Pin[ -2500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 52 52 0x]
Pin[ -7500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 53 53 0x]
Pin[ -12500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 54 54 0x]
Pin[ -17500 -7500 6100 1200

Re: gEDA-user: PCB Element for a Molex 71661-2068?

2007-02-23 Thread Steve Morss
Here's something that looks like it will work.  I haven't used it, so 
you should make sure it looks right to you.


Ben Jackson wrote:

I need a PCB element for a Molex 71661-2068:

It's got 4 rows of staggered .010 pins (17 ea for the 68 pin) plus two
mounting index holes.

I haven't learned how to make PCB elements yet, so a pointer to a similar
element and/or script would be great.


Element[0x0 0 0 0 0 100 0x]
Pin[ 82500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 1 1 0x]
Pin[ 72500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 2 2 0x]
Pin[ 62500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 3 3 0x]
Pin[ 52500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 4 4 0x]
Pin[ 42500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 5 5 0x]
Pin[ 32500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 6 6 0x]
Pin[ 22500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 7 7 0x]
Pin[ 12500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 8 8 0x]
Pin[ 2500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 9 9 0x]
Pin[ -7500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 10 10 0x]
Pin[ -17500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 11 11 0x]
Pin[ -27500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 12 12 0x]
Pin[ -37500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 13 13 0x]
Pin[ -47500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 14 14 0x]
Pin[ -57500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 15 15 0x]
Pin[ -67500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 16 16 0x]
Pin[ -77500 -22500 6100 1200 6600 3100 17 17 0x]
Pin[ 77500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 18 18 0x]
Pin[ 67500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 19 19 0x]
Pin[ 57500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 20 20 0x]
Pin[ 47500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 21 21 0x]
Pin[ 37500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 22 22 0x]
Pin[ 27500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 23 23 0x]
Pin[ 17500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 24 24 0x]
Pin[ 7500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 25 25 0x]
Pin[ -2500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 26 26 0x]
Pin[ -12500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 27 27 0x]
Pin[ -22500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 28 28 0x]
Pin[ -32500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 29 29 0x]
Pin[ -42500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 30 30 0x]
Pin[ -52500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 31 31 0x]
Pin[ -62500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 32 32 0x]
Pin[ -72500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 33 33 0x]
Pin[ -82500 -15000 6100 1200 6600 3100 34 34 0x]
Pin[ 82500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 35 35 0x]
Pin[ 72500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 36 36 0x]
Pin[ 62500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 37 37 0x]
Pin[ 52500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 38 38 0x]
Pin[ 42500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 39 39 0x]
Pin[ 32500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 40 40 0x]
Pin[ 22500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 41 41 0x]
Pin[ 12500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 42 42 0x]
Pin[ 2500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 43 43 0x]
Pin[ -7500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 44 44 0x]
Pin[ -17500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 45 45 0x]
Pin[ -27500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 46 46 0x]
Pin[ -37500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 47 47 0x]
Pin[ -47500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 48 48 0x]
Pin[ -57500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 49 49 0x]
Pin[ -67500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 50 50 0x]
Pin[ -77500 -7500 6100 1200 6600 3100 51 51 0x]
Pin[ 77500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 52 52 0x]
Pin[ 67500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 53 53 0x]
Pin[ 57500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 54 54 0x]
Pin[ 47500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 55 55 0x]
Pin[ 37500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 56 56 0x]
Pin[ 27500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 57 57 0x]
Pin[ 17500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 58 58 0x]
Pin[ 7500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 59 59 0x]
Pin[ -2500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 60 60 0x]
Pin[ -12500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 61 61 0x]
Pin[ -22500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 62 62 0x]
Pin[ -32500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 63 63 0x]
Pin[ -42500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 64 64 0x]
Pin[ -52500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 65 65 0x]
Pin[ -62500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 66 66 0x]
Pin[ -72500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 67 67 0x]
Pin[ -82500 0 6100 1200 6600 3100 68 68 0x]
Pin[ -97050 0 16200 1200 16700 10200 100 100 0x]
Pin[ 97050 0 16200 1200 16700 10200 101 101 0x]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: VMPlayer Image

2007-02-20 Thread Steve Morss
I've been thinking about VMWare vs a live CD for gEDA, and it seems that 
both should be available.  A VMWare image is great for all the reasons 
that have been talked about.  A live CD is good for people who just want 
to try something (no installation required).  I've been working on a 
live CD version which I would be happy to share (if people are 
interested and if there is a Web site I could post it onto).

It's not perfect yet, but this is what it is.  It's an Ubuntu Edgey Live 
CD with gschem, pcb , gnucap, iverilog, and the support utilities all 
installed.  I pulled out some of the Edgey language support and the 
Evolution app to make room for the gEDA.  Once you boot off of it, it 
also gives you the option of installing Ubuntu on your hard drive.  
(This has some interesting possibilities for VMWare users.  You can boot 
it under VMWare,  and install it to create a VMWare image.)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: VMPlayer Image

2007-02-20 Thread Steve Morss
It's a full CD, so the ISO is ~700MB.  It's got a complete Ubuntu 
installation kit on it, and the live CD part has a pretty good 
development environment and set of Unix applications (all from Edgey).  
If you let me know where I should put it, I'll put it there for you.

John Griessen wrote:

Steve Morss wrote:
 It's an Ubuntu Edgey Live
CD with gschem, pcb , gnucap, iverilog, and the support utilities all 

gives you the option of installing Ubuntu on your hard drive.
(This has some interesting possibilities for VMWare users.  You can 
boot it under VMWare,  and install it to create a VMWare image.)

How large?

I'll put it up, (for a while even if it fills a CD), on my webserver...

John G

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