I've also been using a MacBook (Pro).  Very solid, easy to use GUI with 
lots of point and click support for different file formats (handy when 
viewing/porting graphics files), and it's *nix.  People have ported lots 
of open source tools to the Mac (See Fink, MacPorts).  I have 4GB of RAM 
and run Fusion (VMWare), so I can also run stock x86 Linuxes (for 
testing), and I even have an XP image for the occasional tool that has 
to run under Windows (still a few out there).  I think owning both the 
HW and the OS gives Apple a more stable system than most others, since 
they only have to test for a few HW configurations (not for 1000s of 
PCs).  I've had less trouble running VMWare Linux images on the Mac than 
I have running them on bare PC hardware - they just work.  I tend to run 
MacOS all the time and run all my delopment tools and OSs on top of it.  
Stays up for weeks (usually power cycle only for updates).

Base units aren't too expensive (probably some used ones out there for 
$500 - $750).  The memory is easy and cheap to upgrade (uses standard 
DIMMs).  The hard drive is also replaceable (I just put in a 500GB drive 
in mine - $115 from NewEgg).  Hard drive replacement isn't as easy as 
the RAM, but it only takes an hour or two.


I've owned some Dells in the past, but
Dave N6NZ wrote:
> Stuart Brorson wrote:
>> So, does anybody in here have recommendations for a good laptop?  Or
>> do you have any laptops to avoid?
> Well, when I was looking for a *nix laptop that was minimum hassle to 
> maintain, I went with a Macbook, and it was a good decision.  gEDA and 
> all of my other *nix tools work fine on OS X, and keeping the system up 
> to date and working isn't a research project.  It plays very well with 
> my Linux-based home network -- I keep a git repo of all my projects on 
> the home file server and sync up that way.
> As to Lenovo laptops, I have one of those for those times when I am 
> forced to use Windows (like my current contract... Windows *and* PICs... 
> a pain in each of *both* butt cheeks...).  Anyway, my Lenovo machine has 
> been good, no complaints.
> -dave
>> Thanks,
>> Stuart
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