gEDA-user: Need help finding Conexant CX25874-24 (TV chip)

2010-03-23 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
We've got OGD1 boards at the assembly house, and we've run into a
supply problem.  The Conexant CX25874-24, the TV output chip we
selected, has reached end-of-life, and we're having trouble finding a
broker who will supply them at a reasonable price.  For instance, one
broker we contacted hasn't even responded to our inquiries.

So, we're asking for help on this one.  We need to find the best price
on 25 to 30 of these chips.  Our original quote (which we had factored
into the budget) was $9.68 each.

We should also discuss the option of skipping this altogether, which
would save us time and money.  Plus, if the best price is too high,
we'll skip it anyhow.  We can come up with a clever FPGA solution that
involves using the VGA DAC to generate s-video.

The Conexant CX25874-24 is in a 64-pin TQFP package.

P.S. I wanted to be sure to thank those of you who helped with my
previous question regarding the fried FPGA dev board.  We're in the
process or locating replacements for the capacitor, diode, and the
voltage regulators.

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Need help finding Conexant CX25874-24 (TV chip)

2010-03-23 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
We now have multiple quotes, so we're all set.  Thanks to those who responded.

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Timothy Normand Miller wrote:
 We've got OGD1 boards at the assembly house, and we've run into a
 supply problem.  The Conexant CX25874-24, the TV output chip we
 selected, has reached end-of-life, and we're having trouble finding a
 broker who will supply them at a reasonable price.  For instance, one
 broker we contacted hasn't even responded to our inquiries.

 So, we're asking for help on this one.  We need to find the best price
 on 25 to 30 of these chips.  Our original quote (which we had factored
 into the budget) was $9.68 each.

 We should also discuss the option of skipping this altogether, which
 would save us time and money.  Plus, if the best price is too high,
 we'll skip it anyhow.  We can come up with a clever FPGA solution that
 involves using the VGA DAC to generate s-video.

 The Conexant CX25874-24 is in a 64-pin TQFP package.

 P.S. I wanted to be sure to thank those of you who helped with my
 previous question regarding the fried FPGA dev board.  We're in the
 process or locating replacements for the capacitor, diode, and the
 voltage regulators.

 Timothy Normand Miller
 Open Graphics Project

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Need help repairing a damaged FPGA board (GR-PCI-XC2V)

2010-03-01 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
A relatively new professor here at OSU had one of these FPGA boards:

Unfortunately, some students recently fried part of the power
regulation circuit.  We don't have the expertise to repair it
ourselves, and we don't have the budget to buy something new.  This
board was being shared by multiple students, one of whom was using it
for his masters thesis work.  So its loss is rather painful and

I was wondering if anyone could advise us on repairing this.  Perhaps
there is someone whom we could ask to repair it for us?  Trying to get
the original manufacturer to repair it would probably cost more than
it's worth.  The damage was done to at least the C12 and D9 components
(lower left in the picture).

Any suggestions and help would be most appreciated!

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Recommendations for laptop?

2008-12-26 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
 on it, and it will work fine, although you may
have some challenges with the wireless.

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Pay someone to do PCB work for me?

2008-06-03 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 9:47 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 02 Jun 2008 10:36:01 -0400, Timothy Normand Miller wrote:

 Is it okay to ask on this list to hire someone to do a PCB design?

 It is ok. IMHO, it is still ok, if the resulting design design were
 closed source. That said, I definitively appreaciate the free as in
 freedom approach.

 Probably no more than 4 layers, and a relatively simple design.

 Can you be a little bit more specific? How many components? Any special,
 non standard footprints? What size? Digital, or analog? How much power?
 What frequencies are involved? (...)

Mostly just a SoC, some power supplies, headers, and other connectors.
 However, one of our guys wants to integrate resistors and small caps
into the PCB, because it's cheaper in large volume.  I understand that
the free tools can't do that, at least not directly.  Is there an
indirect way to do it?  By and large, this should be a simple board,
except for certain issues like that.

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Pay someone to do PCB work for me?

2008-06-03 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:19 AM, John Luciani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am assuming you want low values of resistance and capacitance.
 What kind of tolerances do you require? For a cap you could create a
 with parallel pads on the component and solder sides.
 For resistances create a footprint consisting of a series of overlapping

Can you _control_ those values?  I'm assuming the typical process
involves specifying a value, and there's a way to make the board to

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Pay someone to do PCB work for me?

2008-06-02 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
Is it okay to ask on this list to hire someone to do a PCB design?
Some friends and I have a little project we're working on and some
money to hire someone to do the PCB.  We just don't have someone to do
the board.  Probably no more than 4 layers, and a relatively simple
design.  Also, we intend to release the schematics and artwork under
liberal licenses.


Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Problem with OGD1: Can anyone advise on good low-jitter

2007-12-06 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
BTW, I just wanted to thank everyone for the help with the clock
generation problem.  Lots of useful information!

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Problem with OGD1: Can anyone advise on good low-jitter

2007-11-28 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
Sorry about the cross-post.  We're -- THIS close to getting OGD1
done, with artwork in the hands of board makers who are working on
quotes, and we've discovered a problem that could make the video
output unacceptable.

We've discovered that the clock generators in the Xilinx FPGA part are
lousy for generating video clocks.  We're seeing like 900ps of jitter,
which causes artifacts on DVI monitors at resolutions as low as
1280x1024 when the cable gets beyond a certain length.  (I don't
recall all the details.)

One option is to use the clock generators in the Lattice part, but
even they have like 400ps of jitter, and they also severely limit the
range of frequencies we can generate.

So the best solution we can come up with is to put on some external
clock generators.  One for each video head.  Problems:  (1) more time
to mod the design, (2) up to $15 each for the generators, (3) we have
no idea what generators to use, how good they are, how to wire them.

Does anyone know anything about these?  Do you have experience with
specific high-frequency clock generators and know how they perform and
what kind of jitter they produce?

Unfortunately, it could take quite a long time for us to find
suppliers of clock generators, get samples, wire them up and test
them, etc., so we just need find out if someone out there already has
the right answer or knows where to look for it.

Thank you for your time!

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Forwarding?

2007-11-28 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
Does this list forward automatically to gEDA-dev?

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Forwarding?

2007-11-28 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
On 11/28/07, Peter Clifton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 14:21 -0500, Timothy Normand Miller wrote:
  Does this list forward automatically to gEDA-dev?

 No, although most of the geda-dev subscribers will probably be
 subscribed to geda-user.

Ok.  Because when I posted to both gEDA-dev and gEDA-user, I got back
THREE emails, one of which had both gEDA-dev and gEDA-user prepended
to the subject.  Odd.

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: C++ (was Re: interesting links)

2007-08-31 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
On 8/30/07, Dave McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 30, 2007, at 9:26 PM, Timothy Normand Miller wrote:
  I'm no longer obsessed with maximizing performance of the machine.
  Now, I want to maximize my performance as a programmer.

Be very, very careful with that attitude.  Back in the 1970s, some
 blithering idiot came up with the idea that programmer time is more
 important than processor time.  This has given rise to things like
 Windows, which takes hundreds of megabytes of RAM and multi-GHz
 processors to do even the very simplest of things.  That moron back
 in the 1970s (whoever it was) should be put up against a wall and shot.

Well, don't misinterpret me.  I still like to write tight, efficient
code.  And in fact, Ruby makes that easier, I believe.  If you were to
rewrite that same code in C++, it would be faster and not require the
Ruby runtime environment.  But it would take a heck of a lot longer to
code and be much more difficult to modify.  (Or course, if everything
were writtn in Ruby, the VM memory overhead would amortize out.)

I took a computational linguistics class last Spring quarter, and I
decided to do the class project (an Earley parser) in Ruby.  A direct
port of the Java program to Ruby was remarkably slower.  However a bit
of profiling and some other clever optimizations later (not all
mine--another student was using Ruby too and shared some ideas), and I
was beating the best time of any Java program by an order of
magnitude.  Ok, so sure, I spent extra time working on it, but that's
okay, because it was FUN.  :)

The lesson:  Profilers are your friends.

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: OFF TOPIC: Tech Source job openings

2007-08-30 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
Well, I wanted to make sure I didn't get any objections.  I got two
people telling me it's okay and no other responses, so I'm going to
assume it's okay.

Since posting job openings is bad form anyhow, instead of pasting them
into the email, I've put them onto this web page:

Thank you very much for letting me post these, and please pardon the intrusion.

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-dev mailing list

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: C++ (was Re: interesting links)

2007-08-30 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
On 8/30/07, Randall Nortman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It was right around 1999/2000 (when I was also enthralled with CORBA
 and all the wonderful things it was going to do for the world) that I
 finally got seriously fed up with C++.  It is a complex, non-sensical,

You and I have seem to have a similar history here.  I read like 7
books cover to cover and became an expert on C++.  I guess I took a
little longer than you to get fed up with it, though.

My C++ usage really came to an end when I started using Ruby.  SOOO
much easier and more consistent.  User friendly.  Now, I use Ruby for
everything, except GUIs, where I use Java.  For school, I'm using Ruby
for genetic algorithms.  When I desperately need performance, I write
a C extension for Ruby.

I'm no longer obsessed with maximizing performance of the machine.
Now, I want to maximize my performance as a programmer.

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Off Topic: Permission to post job openings?

2007-08-23 Thread Timothy Normand Miller
I've been on the geda-dev mailing list for some time.  Some months
back, I asked them if it would be okay for me to post some engineering
job openings that I thought would be relevant to some of the list
members.  They were very gracious and allowed me to do so.  At least
one of the members there suggested that people on THIS list might be
even more interested.  So I thought I would ask for permission to post
here too.

If you feel that this is an intrusion, feel free to tell me to take a
flying leap, and I'll apologetically go away with my head hung in

Thank you for your time.

Timothy Normand Miller
Open Graphics Project

geda-user mailing list