Re: gEDA-user: OT: help needed; asymmetric load after rectifier seems to disrupt its working.

2011-06-24 Thread myken

Vcc and Vss are still sensitive to load. So if the design requires  
both Vss and Vee be equal and opposite, then it needs regulation - 
zener, for example.

Your absolutely right, but that's what comes next. It is the regulators 
how create the difference in load balance.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: help needed; asymmetric load after rectifier seems to disrupt its working.

2011-06-19 Thread myken
Hello all,

As a remark on your observation Andy I would like to say in my defence
that I simplified and reduced the problem/information simply to avoid
wasting anyone’s time with details and (in my opinion) irrelevant side
effects. That the two load resistors are in fact a representation of two
complete sub-systems is in my opinion not relevant to the question I was
asking.  But maybe that was a mistake.

Nevertheless I got very very great and useful feedback from this list with
the information I provided. I decided that I need C1 to eliminate any DC
component from the input signal and the hits for using a transformer has
let me to understand my error in thinking.

It was never my intention to waste anyone time by holding back information
but it was my intention not to waste anyone's time by reducing the number
of details ;-)

What I should do in the future is be more clear about the kind of
information I would like to get from this list.
a. complete design
b. detailed design solution
c. tutorial on electronics
d. coffee-machine feedback

I was looking for the last one, just some feedback from other
professionals to get me on track to a solution.
And that's what I got, in our situation the solution is to use a
transformer, thanks everyone!

Cheers, Robert.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: help needed; asymmetric load after rectifier seems to disrupt its working.

2011-06-17 Thread myken
Yeap, it should be a very low power power supply. Vx is not important 
Vcc and Vss are.
Vin can be anything from 15Khz to 28Khz so a transformer is not the most 
desired option.
I have designed two SMPS for Vcc and Vss but there load to the rectifier 
are not the same, with the described result.

I will try the options suggested in this list today.

On 17/06/11 04:13, gene glick wrote:

On 06/16/2011 02:30 PM, myken wrote:

Hello all,

I would appreciate some expert advice.

Are you trying to make a low current power supply?

I agree with DJ - the unequal loading on + and - cycle will average to 
something other than zero (unequal capacitors, unequal diodes, etc) If 
Vx must always be average zero - you'll need to do something else.

If you can handle a little voltage drop, don't care what happens to 
Vx, and don't mind adding a few parts, make a cheapo regulator with a 
zener and BJT? (Or maybe use TL31 instead of zener)

What about a small transformer, one winding on primary, center tapped 
on secondary.  Add a diode and a cap for each leg - and there you go!

Anyway, there's lots of ways to do this.  If regulated output is what 
you want, a little more work is required.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: help needed; asymmetric load after rectifier seems to disrupt its working.

2011-06-16 Thread myken

Thanks DJ,

I had the same thought that Vx was floating somewhere unwanted, that's 
why I added the resistor (which didn't work).
Gazing at this problem for a couple of days make me miss the obvious, 
just split the filter. Brilliant.

I'll give it a try.


On 16/06/11 20:48, DJ Delorie wrote:

When you put two capacitors in series, there's no way to know what the
voltage between them will be.  You have three with a common central
connection Vx.  V1 acts to charge the node, the loads act to discharge
it, so an unequal load means unequal discharging and thus nonzero
average node voltage.

Since D1 and D2 may have different average currents through them, Vx
will adjust until the average current through R2 is the same as the
net current throuth the two diodes.

Can you split the filter into two filters, one for each load?  or at
least move C1 to the Vx side of the filter, and split it into two

geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Solving the light/heavy symbol problem

2011-05-24 Thread myken

How we organize the data, and how the user interacts with it, need not
be the same :-)
I didn't read the complete threat so if I miss the point or if I repeat 
anyone I'm sorry.

Is it not possible to make a top level program that launches the 
different programs (gschem, pcb, simtools, .)?
The top level program can have it's own file with the meta data and 
cross references to the other files (the refdes maybe).
The top level program can have a wizard to help new users to heavyfy the 
standard symbols.
The top level program can have a check/lead to help setting up a 
simulation project/layout project/IC design project/whatever project.

The top level program can call gnetlist to connect it all together.
The top level program can have an import/export function to include 
sheets/pcb designs from other projects.

This way you also have a backwards compatibility path (all additional 
data is stored in the TLP file), not important I know, but still...

Just my €0.02

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Solving the light/heavy symbol problem

2011-05-24 Thread myken

What I think users want is to have the underlying tools be more aware
of the other sources of data in the design, and each other, so that
the GUIs appear to be more integrated despite being individual tools
and datasets underneath.  This may require some high-level these are
the files in your design also, but it's a slightly different problem
to solve.
So if I understand correctly each program in the gEDA tool chain will 
need a pipe/gate/threat/port/whatever through which it can communicate 
to a TLP or the N-1 and N+1 tool in the work flow. Something like a 
multi master serial communication link (I'm more a hardware engineer 
than a software engineer ;-)

But an even different is the problem of what *design* data goes in
which file.  This part is not backwards compatible, because we'd want
to move data out of the other files (sch, pcb, whatever) into a new
This shouldn't be a problem, the file format of gschem is an excellent 
example of flexibility. If you have a TLP which can gather information 
from the various files and make a new file with the meta data it didn't 
find then your OK. For the user it doesn't matter where the information 
is stored as long as it is stored. For a script or a text-file junkie it 
might be hell.

Or am I missing something?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: This morning's treat

2011-05-23 Thread myken

Well done!
And pictures would be nice.


On 23/05/11 03:57, John Doty wrote:

Well, here I am in Osaka. It's Monday morning, and I just saw the prototype 
Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) for the ASTRO-H space mission under test. Much of the 
electronics, a large, complex circuit board and some mixed-signal ASICs, is of 
my design, using gEDA. I've been working on this for six years, now, and it's 
wonderful to see it all built and plugged together.

So, thank you to all who made this possible. It's a beautiful morning.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB: adding information to gerber output, anyone?

2011-02-09 Thread myken

Hello all,

I didn't see any reply on my question so I guess the very busy and 
overloaded knowledge base of this list didn't find the time to look at 
it, so please consider this a friendly reminder ;-)

Or am I asking a very silly question? (didn't find a answer by google)

The question was:
I was wondering if it is possible to add more information to the 
fabrication layer output of the gerber export (*.fab).
Added: I like to do this through PCB, is there a variable I need to set? 
Or a command executed? So that every time the gerber is generated by PCB 
this information is stored automatically in the gerber fabrication layer 
output file.
I like to add the copper thickness for that specific pcb (preferably for 
ever layer individually (inner/outer layer)).
So far I came up with adding this information to the outline layer (but 
that doesn't end up in the fab-file).

Sorry for pinging again.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB: adding information to gerber output.

2011-02-03 Thread myken

Hello all,

I was wondering if it is possible to add more information to the 
fabrication layer output of the gerber export (*.fab).
I like to add the copper thickness for that specific pcb (preferably for 
ever layer individually (inner/outer layer)).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Time tracking

2011-02-03 Thread myken
I'm using Time Tracker (Project Hamster)

It's a gnome applet. Very easy to use.
Billing I do through the TSV file save output.

Just my $0.02

On 02/02/11 14:43, Bob Paddock wrote:

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Darryl  wrote:

I'm curious what folks are using for time tracking and/or billing?

Something that I just came across and am going to give a try:

geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: FUNDING (was: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB)

2010-12-09 Thread myken
Hello all,

On Thu, 2010-12-09 at 21:55 +1100, Stephen Ecob wrote:
  I'm aiming to finish University in a few months..  if people would
  like to fund work on the toporouter, then I would be pretty keen to
  work on it full time.
 Good, we've established that money could help to improve gEDA :)  What
 I'm *very* unsure of is whether we could raise enough to make a
 difference.  Does anyone have any idea of how many of us make
 commercial use of gEDA ?
 As a business user I face the fact that if I choose to use commercial
 EDA software such as Altium then I'll pay $4K every year for a program
 that will make me go prematurely bald as I pull my hair out in
 frustration at bugs that I have no power to fix.  I've chosen to use
 free software instead.  Yes, PCB has many shortcomings - but I'm free
 to fix them.  My business is just starting up, so cashflow is tight.
 At this stage I'm more inclined to contribute to gEDA by coding myself
 than by paying others to do it for me - but in the future I may have
 less time and more money.  At that stage paying others to improve gEDA
 would make good business sense.  I could easily justify $4K per year,
 perhaps more - businesses who use Cadence or Zuken are probably paying
 $20K per year.  One business contributing $4K per year is almost
 insignificant - but 10 could achieve something worthwhile, 50 could
 fund a full time developer.  But it's nothing more than a pipe dream
 unless there are others out there who think the same.
 Does anyone else think the same ?

I think the same, but I am also in the same position (start-up, tight
cashflow). I use gEDA professionally (as a freelancer) but only for a
few (1 or 2) small projects a year. If my situation changes (more money,
more projects) I have no objection to a donation to the gEDA project.
I'm trying to contribute to the project but it's a steep learning curve.
I also agree with Levente, as the cheap Dutchman that I am, I like to
see where my money will be spend.

Just my €0,02


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Weird DRC error

2010-06-20 Thread myken
Hello DJ,

Sorry, almost but not quite. If I apply the patch the DRC error in the
original file disappears, but if I move the small polygon to the larger
one keeping 6 mill distance no DRC error reappears. (DRC distance is set
to 10 mill). If I make the distance between the two 5 mill then I get a
DRC warning.

I have looked in the source code and in my opinion the following code
adjustment is also needed (in addition to your patch below):
In the function IsLineInPolygon()
--  if (!(lp = LinePoly (Line, Line-Thickness + Bloat )))
++  if (!(lp = LinePoly (Line, Line-Thickness + (2 * Bloat) )))

Sorry for the clumsy way of showing this.
The 2 * is needed because in LinePoly it will be divided by two.

If I do this then it almost works ;-)
If I move the two polygons 10.01 mill apart no DRC error appears and if I
move the two polygons 10.00 mill apart a DRC error does appear (?).
Looking at the log window I see Rules are minspace 10.01 But I have set
it to 10.00 mill. Where does the 0.01 mill come from?
I will keep looking at it but if I'm barking up the wrong tree please let
me know.

Regards, Robert

On Sun, 2010-06-20 at 00:19 -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
Try this...

 diff --git a/src/find.c b/src/find.c
 index 6fb62b6..30a0bc5 100644
 --- a/src/find.c
 +++ b/src/find.c
 @@ -2747,7 +2747,8 @@ IsPolygonInPolygon (PolygonTypePtr P1,
PolygonTypePtr P2)

line.Point1.X = v-point[0];
line.Point1.Y = v-point[1];
 -  line.Thickness = 2 * Bloat;
 +   /* Bloat is added by IsLineInPolygon, don't add it here too.  */
 +  line.Thickness = 0;
line.Clearance = 0;
line.Flags = NoFlags ();
for (v = v-next; v != c-head; v = v-next)

 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Power rail net clarification

2010-06-19 Thread myken
Hello Nikos,

The net attribute inside a symbol has the form
Please also see:
In your case pin 1 and pin 3V are both connected to VCC.
So probably you want something like net=3V:1 or net=3V:pwr

If you instantiate a power rail you can double click on this symbol and
you will get the attribute dialogue window. In this window you click the
Show inherited attributes box. Now you should see the net attribute.
right click on the net attribute and select promote. Now you should have
two attributes, the promoted one you can edit and will prevail over the
old one.

I hope this helps.
Regards, Robert.

   I just want to make sure I understand this correctly. When I
   instantiate a power rail, there is an inherited attribute called net
   with a default value of VCC:1, which I cannot change. My understanding
   is that if I add my own net attribute, say net=VCC:3V, that attribute
   will override the inherited one. I will not have this power rail
   connected to both the VCC:1 net and the VCC:3V net, only the VCC:3V
   Is this correct?
   --Nikos Arechiga

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Weird DRC error

2010-06-19 Thread myken
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I need some assistance with a DRC error.
The file attached produces a DRC error (Copper areas too close). However
if I disconnect the large polygon from D203 (hover over the polygon and
press s) the DRC error disappears.
But the weird thing is that if I do not disconnect the polygon from D203
but instead I make the large point in the polygon smaller/lower the DRC
error also disappears.
If I disconnect the polygon from D203 (no DRC error) and I connect the two
by adding a track/line over the pad the DRC error reappears.
The minimum copper spacing is set to 10.0 mill and the distance between
the two polygons is 15 mill.

I'm lost ;-(

I think I'm missing something but I don't know what.
Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Robert.
Additional information:
version 20091103
Compiled on May  3 2010 at 10:18:24
- Compile Time Options -
gtk : Gtk - The Gimp Toolkit
ps : Postscript export.
eps : Encapsulated Postscript
gerber : RS-274X (Gerber) export.
nelma : Numerical analysis package export.
bom : Exports a Bill of Materials
png : GIF/JPEG/PNG export.
lpr : Postscript print.

Description: Binary data

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: BUG: gschem Segmentation fault

2010-06-02 Thread myken
Hello all,

I was playing around with a suggestion Kai-Martin has made in a previous
post Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb to pcb error.
Being: You can assemble frequently needed subcircuits in a special
symbol and add them with one click to your sheet.

So I took a fresh sheet, removed the titleblock, added sum components
(include_component_as_individual_objects), added sum nets, then I did
a symbol translate (=0) and saved my new symbol (rommel.sym -

Then I took a new sheet, included my new symbol and tried to connect a
net to the one from the included symbol (does not matter which one). I
can draw the net but as soon as I click once I get a segmentation fault.

I attached the backtrace (using gdb) backtrace.txt
My system is ubuntu (x86_64) release 10.04 (lucid)
Kernel linux 2.6.32-22-generic
Gnome 2.30.0

Am I doing anything wrong? Or am I missing anything? Or is this simply a
bug? I had no problems with gschem before I tried to do this.

Regards, Robert.

Description: application/geda-symbol
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.0
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type show copying
and show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /home/robert/local/bin/gschem...done.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/robert/local/bin/gschem 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0051 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0051 in ?? ()
#1  0x00424743 in o_redraw (w_current=0x695250, object_list=value 
optimized out, draw_selected=1) at o_basic.c:211
#2  0x00424ef2 in o_redraw_rects (w_current=0x695250, rectangles=value 
optimized out, n_rectangles=value optimized out) at o_basic.c:100
#3  0x00444f13 in x_event_expose (widget=0x7945e0, 
event=0x7fffda80, w_current=0x695250) at x_event.c:73
#4  0x778fc0b8 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#5  0x74b7a5de in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/
#6  0x74b8e598 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#7  0x74b8f8b9 in g_signal_emit_valist () from 
#8  0x74b90033 in g_signal_emit () from /usr/lib/
#9  0x77a12e9f in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#10 0x778f58c6 in gtk_main_do_event () from /usr/lib/
#11 0x775508ea in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#12 0x77550897 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#13 0x7754d37b in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#14 0x7754f1f1 in gdk_window_process_all_updates () from 
#15 0x7754f259 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#16 0x7752bd56 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#17 0x746c98c2 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /lib/
#18 0x746cd748 in ?? () from /lib/
#19 0x746cdc55 in g_main_loop_run () from /lib/
#20 0x778f5af7 in gtk_main () from /usr/lib/
#21 0x0041a51a in main_prog (closure=value optimized out, argc=1, 
argv=0x7fffe258) at gschem.c:334
#22 0x75b5da5f in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#23 0x75b33d6a in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#24 0x75b9a72d in scm_c_catch () from /usr/lib/
#25 0x75b34207 in scm_i_with_continuation_barrier () from 
#26 0x75b342a0 in scm_c_with_continuation_barrier () from 
#27 0x75b99634 in scm_i_with_guile_and_parent () from 
#28 0x75b5da15 in scm_boot_guile () from /usr/lib/
#29 0x0041a0b1 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffe258) at gschem.c:359
(gdb) quit
A debugging session is active.

Inferior 1 [process 2585] will be killed.

Quit anyway? (y or n) 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: BUG: gschem Segmentation fault

2010-06-02 Thread myken
Hello Patrick,

Thanks. That's the trick. It does not segfault now.
Well is it a bug or a case of not UTFM (Understanding The F** Manual)?
Anyway thanks for your help.
@ core developers: should I make a bug report out of this?

Regards, Robert.

On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 12:38 +0200, Patrick Bernaud wrote:
 Hello Robert,
 myken writes:
   So I took a fresh sheet, removed the titleblock, added sum components
   (include_component_as_individual_objects), added sum nets, then I did
   a symbol translate (=0) and saved my new symbol (rommel.sym -
   Then I took a new sheet, included my new symbol and tried to connect a
   net to the one from the included symbol (does not matter which one). I
   can draw the net but as soon as I click once I get a segmentation fault.
 You should not select the include_component_as_individual_objets
 options when drawing your symbol, but instead only when instantiating the
 composite symbol (when drawing the schematics).
 Still it should not segfault, so you may want to fill in a bug report
 if it does not get fixed in a day or two.
 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Unable to assign models to diodes,transistors

2010-05-26 Thread myken
Please take a look here: 

I had trouble in the past with gEDA - SPICE because of the rule:
Note that if the file holds a .MODEL, the refdes should start with U; if
the file holds a .SUBCKT, the refdes should start with X.

If the refdes starts with D SPICE will assume the internal model.

This is what I remember, hope it helps.

Regards, Robert.

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 13:34 +0530, hari venkatesh wrote:
 I am new user of gEDA i have seen the ngspice manual and implemented
the rc circuit given in the ngspice manual. But when i tried to
implement Fullwave Rectifier cicuit given in the manual, i was not
getting the transient response properly.
After entering $ ngspice [1]
It is giving error unable to find defination of the model 1n4148
default assumed
i have tried to give model in single line specification by selecting
attribute model IS=1pA RS=10 BV=100, but still same error was comming
even tried to assign model file but still same error was comming
help mee
 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: error: unable to find definition of model 1n750 - default assumed

2010-05-26 Thread myken
in gschem add the following items to your symbol:
* devive: 1N750
* model-name: 1n750 
(or whatever the name of the model is called inside your spice model)
Look at your spice file for something like 
.MODEL 1n750 d
   ^- this is the model-name attribute (upper and lower case do
and add
* file: /full/path/to/your/spice/model/1N750.sp3

save and run gnetlist again.

It has been a while for me since I used spice so don't shoot me for
trying to help.

Good luck, Robert.

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 21:36 +0530, hari venkatesh wrote:
 I am new to ubuntu and  gEDA, am using ubuntu 9.10. I have installed
the gEDA packeges from SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER. But it doesnot include
Ngspice. I have installed Ngspice using   sudo dpkg --force -all -i
sudo dpkg --force -all -i /home/user/ngspice- 
 i want to implement fullwave rectifier which is given in ngspice
manual but am getting the following error which i have given below. i
have tried the attribute file , model, model-name..But no use
* Spice netlister for gnetlist
R1 n1 Vdd 10k
V1 n0 0 SIN(0 10 50Hz)
D4 0 n1 1N750
D3 Vdd n0 1N750
D2 Vdd 0 1N750
D1 n0 n1 1N750
Circuit: * Spice netlister for gnetlist
Error on line 4 : d4 0 n1 1n750
 unable to find definition of model 1n750 - default assumed
Error on line 5 : d3 vdd n0 1n750
 unable to find definition of model 1n750 - default assumed
Error on line 6 : d2 vdd 0 1n750
 unable to find definition of model 1n750 - default assumed
Error on line 7 : d1 n0 n1 1n750
 unable to find definition of model 1n750 - default assumed
ngspice 98 - quit
 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How do I mark the connection point on a pad?

2010-05-08 Thread myken
 This wiki page might be useful:
 It is more complete than the online help in the menu.

I have looked at the wiki page above and found difference with my
(standard) configuration.
\ thin-draw toggles thin draw mode
for me it only works with
shift-\ or (|) thin-draw
Is this an error in the wiki of in my configuration?
Just trying to be helpful.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How do I mark the connection point on a pad?

2010-05-07 Thread myken
If you hover above a pad and hit the F key (Find Connections) all
connections that are attached to that pad will be marked.
It helps me to find out which pad is connected to what without the use of
the schematic.
I hope I understand your problem correctly.

Yes, but when there are multiple lines laying on top of one another,
it's hard to figure out where they go without refering back to the
schematic.  :)  Anyway it's now a moot point.



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Is this type of footprint possible?

2010-03-29 Thread myken
Hello all,

I want to use a component with the attached footprint.
Is it possible to make a footprint with an arc inside?

Any help appreciated.

Regards, Robert

attachment: Wurth-elektronik-744043120.jpg

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Is this type of footprint possible?

2010-03-29 Thread myken
Thanks, I will try this approach, although the simplicity of Duncan's
solution also appeals to me, but I don't know if I get into trouble with
manufacturing (placement) tolerances using such a simple footprint.
Any way, thanks for your reply.
Regards, Robert.

On Mon, 2010-03-29 at 18:04 +, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
 On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:29:34 +0200, myken-kVLBEChPVFc wrote:
  Is it possible to make a footprint with an arc inside?
 Not with real arcs, but arbitrarily close. The pads of footprints can
 be composed of multiple straight tracks. If they all get the same number, 
 pcb considers them to be part of the same pad.
 The GUI of pcb provides no easy way to draw such complex shapes. The best
 bet is to draw the footprint with a vector drawing application like 
 inkscape, save as postscript and convert to pcb with ps2edit. See the 
 wiki for more detailed instruction:
 Hope, this helps,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: (Solved) Compiling PCB 20001103 - missing libraries

2010-03-26 Thread myken
Thanks Dan,

I have found my mistake, see previous posting.


-Original Message-
From: Dan McMahill
Reply-to: gEDA user mailing list
To: gEDA user mailing list
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: Compiling PCB 20001103 - missing libraries
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 23:16:30 -0400
Mailer: Thunderbird (Windows/20100228) wrote:
 Hello All,
 I'm trying to compile and install PCB (version 20091103) and I have an
 I have created two (/home/me/tools/bin, /home/me/tools/share) directories.

you shouldn't have to create those by hand.  the install should do it.

 Then I use:
 ./configure --prefix=/home/me/tools/ --with-exporters=ps gerber nelma bom
 make install

looks reasonable

 So far so good.
 PCB compiles fine and works great.
 BUT the log says:
 Can't scan directory
 opendir() returned: 'No such file or directory'

is there any sort of /home/me/tools/share/pcb directory?

 Do I need to do something extra to install the libraries?
 ./configure --help does not suggest any additional option.

that should have worked.

can you post the log from 'make install'?  You can get this with either:

if your shell is tcsh/csh:

make install | tee /tmp/install.log

if your shell is sh/bash

make install 21 | tee /tmp/install.log


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gEDA-user: SFlags definition question

2010-03-26 Thread myken
Hello All,

Sorry to bother you again with a novice question. I'm in the proces of
understanding PCB so please be gentle.

I have a component (DPAK) on the top (component) side of my pcb,
surrounded by a polygon. I have connected one pad to the polygon by
using copper trackes. I also have a polygon on the bottom (solder) side
of my pcb, right beneath the one on top. I have connected the two
polygons through via's with a solid connection to the plane (polygon).

Now I want to free the via's of any soldermask on both sides of the pcb.
So I press the K key until the clearance is OK.

So far so good. Now my question:
I like to fully understand how PCB works so I look in the .pcb file with
a text editor and found.

Via[312000 28 4000 2000 0 2000  selected,thermal(3S)]
Via[302000 261000 4000 2000 4000 2000  selected,thermal(0S,3S)]

I understand that the first one has no clearance and the second one has.
Question 1: is the clearance valid for both sides of the pcb?

Question 2:
In the documentation (pcb.pdf generated during installation) I find in
section 8.8.28 Via that the last argument is an SFlags. 
In F.1.76 SetThermal I find that Style = 3 means a solid connection.
So I do not understand what thermal(3--S--) means or (0S,3S).
Can anyone help me? Where can I find this kind of information (e.g.
definition of SFlags)?

I hope you can help, thanks.
Regards, Robert

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: SFlags definition question

2010-03-26 Thread myken
 I think your question concerns solder mask, not copper clearance. So you
 can use the Solder Mask button on the left (GTK) to make solder mask
 relief visible.
 If you need this via as thermal via for parts with thermal center pad,
 and you want a rectangular shape: You may use a footprint with center
 pad on the top, and maybe on the bottom too. I used thermal pads on the
 top only, but for hand soldering I needed a rectangular area free of
 solder mask in the bottom, so I put single rectangular pads at that
 location on the bottom side, with some thermal vias on it.

Yes I means Solder mask. Thanks for your suggestion I will try that.

 Only developers should need more details.
Well I'm working my way up:
novice - user - power user - developer
If I start absorbing details only when I start to develop it may be a
bit late. Besides that I am a bit of a control freak and I really like
to know what's what in my designs.
On the other hand I understand that you developers do not have the time
to explain every small detain to every novice that comes along claiming
he wants to become a developer.
But if the PCB project needs more developers they need to be grown (I
read that here on the list some time ago ;-), not that I claim to be
developer material but I like to understand PCB as much as possible and
maybe how knows..some day..

Just point me in the right direction with my silly questions and tell me
here to look (here in the sources?, here on the internet?, ?)

Thanks for all your time.
Regards, Robert.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: (Solved) SFlags definition question

2010-03-26 Thread myken
I don't fully understand the source code and I don't know if anyone is
interested but this is what I found.

Apparently there are 5 types of thermals:
1. a X shape with straight spokes
2. a X shape with round spokes
3. a + shape with straight spokes
4. a + shape with round spokes
5. a solid shape

In the PCB file they are represented by:
1. a nothing
2. a X
3. a +
4. a t
5. a S

The thermal SFlags attribute follows the structure:

Via[10 10 5500 2000 0 3000  thermal(0X)]
is a via with a X shape thermal with straight spokes connected to layer

Via[10 10 5500 2000 0 3000  thermal(1t)]
is a via with a + shape thermal with round spokes connected to layer 1.

Via[10 10 5500 2000 0 3000  thermal(0S,1-3+,4)]
is a via with:
a solid thermal connected to layer 0,
a + shape with straight spokes connected to layers 1 through 3,
a X shape with straight spokes connected to layer 4

Thanks everyone.
Regards, Robert.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Compiling PCB 20001103 - missing libraries

2010-03-25 Thread myken
Hello All,

I'm trying to compile and install PCB (version 20091103) and I have an

I have created two (/home/me/tools/bin, /home/me/tools/share) directories.
Then I use:
./configure --prefix=/home/me/tools/ --with-exporters=ps gerber nelma bom
make install

So far so good.
PCB compiles fine and works great.
BUT the log says:
Can't scan directory
opendir() returned: 'No such file or directory'

Do I need to do something extra to install the libraries?
./configure --help does not suggest any additional option.

Thanks for any reply.
Regards Robert.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Compiling PCB 20001103 - missing libraries

2010-03-25 Thread myken
Hello All,

I have re-compiled pcb using the same commands and for some reason all
is OK now. I have the standard footprint libraries available.

I have no idea what when wrong, but sorry to waste your time with this.

Regards, Robert

-Original Message-
Reply-to: gEDA user mailing list
Subject: gEDA-user: Compiling PCB 20001103 - missing libraries
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 13:56:15 +0100 (CET)
Mailer: SquirrelMail (version 1.2.8)

Hello All,

I'm trying to compile and install PCB (version 20091103) and I have an

I have created two (/home/me/tools/bin, /home/me/tools/share) directories.
Then I use:
./configure --prefix=/home/me/tools/ --with-exporters=ps gerber nelma bom
make install

So far so good.
PCB compiles fine and works great.
BUT the log says:
Can't scan directory
opendir() returned: 'No such file or directory'

Do I need to do something extra to install the libraries?
./configure --help does not suggest any additional option.

Thanks for any reply.
Regards Robert.

geda-user mailing list

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Re: gEDA-user: Compiling PCB 20001103 - missing libraries

2010-03-25 Thread myken
Sorry all,

Found the problem: classic mistake of not RTFM
The INSTALL file says:

After running ./configure with your selected options, run
to build PCB.  You can try out the program by running
  cd src
prior to installation.
To install PCB after it has been built run:
  make install
from the top level directory.

Forgot to cd .. back to the top level dir. for the make install.

Again sorry to waste your time.
Regards, Robert

-Original Message-
From: myken
Reply-to: gEDA user mailing list
To: gEDA user mailing list
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: Compiling PCB 20001103 - missing libraries
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 21:25:21 +0100
Mailer: Evolution 2.28.1

Hello All,

I have re-compiled pcb using the same commands and for some reason all
is OK now. I have the standard footprint libraries available.

I have no idea what when wrong, but sorry to waste your time with this.

Regards, Robert

-Original Message-
Reply-to: gEDA user mailing list
Subject: gEDA-user: Compiling PCB 20001103 - missing libraries
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 13:56:15 +0100 (CET)
Mailer: SquirrelMail (version 1.2.8)

Hello All,

I'm trying to compile and install PCB (version 20091103) and I have an

I have created two (/home/me/tools/bin, /home/me/tools/share) directories.
Then I use:
./configure --prefix=/home/me/tools/ --with-exporters=ps gerber nelma bom
make install

So far so good.
PCB compiles fine and works great.
BUT the log says:
Can't scan directory
opendir() returned: 'No such file or directory'

Do I need to do something extra to install the libraries?
./configure --help does not suggest any additional option.

Thanks for any reply.
Regards Robert.

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Re: gEDA-user: Is it possible to do square holes in PCB?

2010-02-23 Thread myken
Hello all,

I did an oval shape hole once by using three overlapping round drill
holes, worked fine. maybe you can do the same with 6 small round holes:

Cheers, Robert

-Original Message-
From: Dave N6NZ
Reply-to: gEDA user mailing list
To: gEDA user mailing list
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: Is it possible to do square holes in PCB?
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 15:08:15 -0800
Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1077)

On Feb 21, 2010, at 2:01 PM, Mark Rages wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Anthony Shanks wrote:
 Some parts have mounting brackets that are square, not round. Yes I
 know I can make a equivalent circlular hole that would fit but it
 wastes a lot of space doing that and it interferes with routing.
 Have you talked to your board house about this?
 I wonder what happens if you specify a reuleaux drill in the fab drawing...

How large is the square that you need?  At some point, this is just another 
routed cut-out.  You end up with a corner radius the size of the router bit in 
use, or else you can route a little past the corner to clear the corner of your 
square bracket.  You would have to talk to your PCB house, but I'd be thinking 
along the lines of agreeing on what router bit is going to be used, and then 
adding a layer where the tracks represent the centerline of the routing 
operations.  Wacky board shapes done by a CNC router are nothing new, routed 
cut-outs fall into that category. I'm sure your PCB house has a preferred way 
of getting the information.  They will no doubt charge you the full freight, 
though, I don't know of any prototype service that does non-rectangular boards, 
although they might exist.


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gEDA-user: gschem: Is it possible to draw a thicker net?

2009-09-03 Thread myken
Hallo all,

I'm new to this mailinglist so please be gentle.

My question:
Is it possible to make a net thicker in gschem (not a line but a net).
I want to indicate in my schematic than the net is a high current power

Thanks for your answers.
Best regards, Robert.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem: Is it possible to draw a thicker net?

2009-09-03 Thread myken
Hallo Andy,

Thanks for your answer.
I have also found this option but it does not solve my problem.
My design contains both power nets (thick nets) and normal nets (thin or
normal nets) and I wish to distinguish between the two in one schematic.
I know it is only cosmetic and it will have no further meaning in the
process towards a PCB. But for documentation purposes I like to indicate
to users the difference between to two.

Sorry if my question was not clear about that.

Regards, Robert.

-Original Message-
From: Andy Fierman
Reply-to: gEDA user mailing list
To: gEDA user mailing list
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: gschem: Is it possible to draw a thicker net?
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 21:45:02 +0100

Hi Robert,

I think if you look for the system-gschemrc file (probably in
/etc/gEDA/) then you'll find a section in there

;  net-style string
;  Set to thin if you want thin nets.
;  Set to thick if you want thick nets.
;  This mode also determines what net style gets printed
;(net-style thin)
(net-style thick)

(there are similar sections below that for bus, pin and line styles)

If you net style edit this file (as root) then you'll alter the net
style for all new schematics (after a quick check: it seems to apply
to all schematics as they are opened).

Now, if you read through this:

and look carefully at the section on


you'll see that you can put a gschemrc file into ~/.gEDA that will
allow you to set any preferred net style for all your projects.

I think it is possible to put a gschemrc file in each project that
will apply just to that project but I haven't managed to make that
work in a quick play.

I'm sure there are people with more experience who can tell you about
some of the other ways that you can customise gEDA but I hope this
gets you off in the right direction.



2009/9/3 myken
 Hallo all,

 I'm new to this mailinglist so please be gentle.

 My question:
 Is it possible to make a net thicker in gschem (not a line but a net).
 I want to indicate in my schematic than the net is a high current power

 Thanks for your answers.
 Best regards, Robert.

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