Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-28 Thread John Griessen

DJ Delorie wrote:

However, if PCB can find your footprints in the library window, try
using the new importer (File-Import Schematics). 

I've not tried that yet.  Any chance it will work with flattened hierarchic 
schematics with repeated subschematics?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-28 Thread DJ Delorie

 I've not tried that yet.  Any chance it will work with flattened
 hierarchic named schematics with repeated subschematics?

It supports whatever gnetlist supports.  It just doesn't use gsch2pcb
to do the merge.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-28 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
On Thu, 27 May 2010 10:03:27 -0700, Mike Bushroe wrote:

Could someone explain to me how to create a footprint in PCB with
 and assign names/numbers to them?

Karel Kullhavy compiled a comprehensive howto here:

There is a link to the howto in the geda wiki:

Kai-Martin Knaak  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik  fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
GPG key:

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gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-27 Thread Mike Bushroe
   I was trying to make footprints for the screw terminals I am using in
   my current project. They are on 5 mm spacing, not inches, so I was
   hesitant to start with a different footprint and try to change it for
   fear of getting the units mixed up and creating a mess. So I switched
   PCB to mm with 0.5mm grid spacing. I had no trouble laying out a
   silkscreen outline, and little trouble adding vias for the three
   through holes. But then I could not figure out how to change the vias
   to pins to assign them numbers and or names. And I am still confused on
   how to make sure that the pins in a footprint I make will match up with
   the correct nets from the schematic symbol pins. I looked through every
   drop down menu several times, and checked the key mapping info. I am
   sure that there is a tutorial somewhere that helps with this, but the
   only ones I have read seem to skip over the pin creation and naming,
   and verifying that they associate with the correct pins on the symbol.
  Could someone explain to me how to create a footprint in PCB with
   pins and assign names/numbers to them? And what information is needed
   to get gscht2pcb to correctly assign nets to pads? Is there any way to
   test a symbol - gsch2pcb - footprint translation without making a
   whole schematic? And is there a better tutorial on making footprints
   with PCB for gschem symbols that I should have been reading instead
   (and if so, where can I find it)?
   I managed to gerrymander a 2 row header perl script in inches into
   making the mm spaced single row of holes for the screw terminals using
   Luciani's perl scripts, but I was doubtful until they finally worked.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-27 Thread DJ Delorie

Could someone explain to me how to create a footprint in PCB with pins
 and assign names/numbers to them? And what information is needed to get
 gscht2pcb to correctly assign nets to pads?

The second Your first board has that.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-27 Thread Mike Bushroe
   Thanks DJ. The first part of that looks familiar. I guess I never read
   down far enough to get the footprint creation. I now realize that my
   problem was that the menu did not indicate that converting the buffer
   to an element converted vias to pins. I had no idea at all how the pin
   numbers were assigned.
  Is there a way to change the pin numbers if you create the vias in
   the wrong order? Or do you have to cut the element back to the buffer,
   break the element back to pieces, and manually move the vias around to
   get the pin numbers in the right places? And also how do you add names
   to the pins? I know that the gschem symbols have a pin number, a pin
   sequence number, and a pin label (John Doty is probably snarling
   already at how heavy this makes the symbols :)). Which governs the
   association of symbol pin to footprint pin? The pin number, or the pin
   name/label? And what does the pin sequence number do? Does adding a pin
   label override the pin numbers if they disagree?
  Hopefully at this point, most of these questions are for future
   learning. I _think_ I have the schematics ready to populate the board.
   The last big hold out, and what was going to be my first plea for help,
   was CONN8 finding the RJ45 footprint, then not finding it. In the
   process of documenting all the relevant files, I found that my RJ45.fp
   footprint was actually the html code for the page that gave the link to
   the footprint file! It found the file, but failed to make a footprint
   of it. Now that I have that solved, I should be able to get all
   elements to load tonight.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-27 Thread DJ Delorie

Is there a way to change the pin numbers if you create the vias
 in the wrong order?

The easiest way is to use a text editor.

 And also how do you add names to the pins?

gsch2pcb and pcb's File-Import do that automatically, based on the
pin names in the schematic.

 Which governs the association of symbol pin to footprint pin? The
 pin number, or the pin name/label?

Pin number.

 And what does the pin sequence number do?

It determines the order in which the pins are printed in the netlist.
Not really useful for PCB, but useful for simulation models.

 Does adding a pin label override the pin numbers if they disagree?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-27 Thread John Doty

On May 27, 2010, at 2:13 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

 And what does the pin sequence number do?
 It determines the order in which the pins are printed in the netlist.
 Not really useful for PCB, but useful for simulation models.

Also needed for slotting.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-27 Thread Mike Bushroe
   Thanks and DJ and John. Now I finally begin to feel comfortable with
   creating footprints in PCB.
   But I am still finding another problem with getting the whole pile to
   translate. I have made or downloaded several custom symbols and
   footprints. But not matter how many times I insert a gafrc into /gaf or
   /myproject, it still fails to help gsch2pcb find the custom footprints.
   For awhile, I was getting an error message saying possible unbalanced
   parenthesis, but that has gone away, even though I have not changed the
   parenthesis in either gafrc file. Only the project file seems to
   actually register when I use the double verbose mode, but even though
   the element-library is correctly mentioned, it is not searched when
   looking for footprints. Here is the gafrc in the /gaf directory:
   (component-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/symbols)
   (element-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/footprints)
   (element-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/packages)
   And here is the one from the project directory
   (component-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/symbols)
   (element-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/footprints)
   (element-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/packages)
   These are currently setup to run off my USB drive so that I can work
   off a KNOPPIX disk at work that has gschem and pcb, but the same files
   ar eon my home drive, with /media/TOSHIBA replaced with /home/mike.
   The project file is:
   component-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/symbols
   element-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/packages
   schematics ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch
   ROV_2010_power.sch ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch
   ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch ROV_2010_camera.sch
   output -name ROV-2010_motherboard
   When processed, the verbose output is :
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Using the m4 processor for pcb footprints
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Loading schematic
   Reading project file: project
   component-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/symbols
   element-library /media/TOSHIBA/gaf/packages
   schematics ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch
   ROV_2010_power.sch ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch
   ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch ROV_2010_camera.sch
   output -name ROV-2010_motherboard
   Adding /usr/share/pcb/pcblib-newlib to the newlib search path
   Adding /usr/share/pcb/newlib to the newlib search path
   Running command:
   gnetlist -g pcbpins -o ATMega164P_motherboard.cmd
   ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch ROV_2010_power.sch
   ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch
   Running command:
   gnetlist -g PCB -o
   ATMega164P_motherboard.sch ROV_2010_analog.sch ROV_2010_power.sch
   ROV_2010_Hydraulics.sch ROV_2010_I2C.sch ROV_2010_subprocesser.sch
   Default m4-pcbdir: /usr/share/pcb/m4
   gnet-gsch2pcb-tmp.scm override file:
   (define m4-pcbdir /usr/share/pcb/m4)
   (define gsch2pcb:use-m4 #t)
   Running command:
   gnetlist -g gsch2pcb -o ATMega164P_motherboard.pcb -m

Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

2010-05-27 Thread DJ Delorie

Here's one of my project files (for gsch2pcb):

-- laminator.prj --
m4-pcbdir /envy/dj/geda/share/pcb/m4
elements-dir /envy/dj/geda/gedasymbols/www/user/dj_delorie/footprints
elements-dir ./footprints
schematics laminator.sch
output-name laminator
--   --

However, if PCB can find your footprints in the library window, try
using the new importer (File-Import Schematics).  If you have more
than one toplevel *.sch you'll need to read the docs on the Import()
action to see how to add the names, but it uses PCB's internal library
path instead of gsc2pcb's paths.

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