[gem5-users] Re: Stores always cause SC_Failed in Ruby/SLICC protocol

2020-07-06 Thread Jason Lowe-Power via gem5-users
Hi Theo,

There are a number of poorly documented "rules" to writing SLICC protocols.
One rule is that you should not do *anything* other than trigger a
transition (call trigger()) in a in_port. This sounds like the
underlying problem that you ran into.

Another rule that isn't documented is that the only place you should use a
'if' statement is in in_ports. You should never use an 'if' (to take two
different actions) in an 'action' block.

The reason for these two rules is that before a transition is triggered
(and its actions happen) Ruby checks all of the actions, etc. to make sure
that the resources required are available. If they're not, then a "protocol
stall" or a "resource stall" is returned instead of success by the
"in_port". If you bypass these mechanisms, strange things happen :).

Hopefully this makes it a bit more clear. Great questions, BTW!


On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 5:00 AM tolausso--- via gem5-users <
gem5-users@gem5.org> wrote:

> Hi Jason,
> Thank you for your very helpful (and prompt) reply!
> You were right that the SC_Failed was a red herring.
> After playing around with my protocol a bit more, the issue seems to have
> been that I was making the callback for load and store hits (e.g.
> `sequencer.{x}Callback(address, entry, false)`) directly in the
> mandatoryQueue_in definition, rather than by invoking a transition which
> then made the callback -- it appears this makes the callback silently fail.
> What's a bit strange is that callbacks for external hits (e.g.
> `sequencer.{x}(address, entry, true, {data-source})`) seem to work just
> fine when you declare them directly in an in_port rather than as part of an
> invoked transition... Not sure if this is either because the mandatoryQueue
> is a bit special, or if its because of the "initial access was a miss" flag.
> Thank you once again for taking the time to help out a less experienced
> fisherman :)
> Best,
> Theo
> ___
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[gem5-users] Re: Stores always cause SC_Failed in Ruby/SLICC protocol

2020-07-04 Thread tolausso--- via gem5-users
Hi Jason,

Thank you for your very helpful (and prompt) reply!

You were right that the SC_Failed was a red herring.
After playing around with my protocol a bit more, the issue seems to have been 
that I was making the callback for load and store hits (e.g. 
`sequencer.{x}Callback(address, entry, false)`) directly in the 
mandatoryQueue_in definition, rather than by invoking a transition which then 
made the callback -- it appears this makes the callback silently fail.
What's a bit strange is that callbacks for external hits (e.g. 
`sequencer.{x}(address, entry, true, {data-source})`) seem to work just fine 
when you declare them directly in an in_port rather than as part of an invoked 
transition... Not sure if this is either because the mandatoryQueue is a bit 
special, or if its because of the "initial access was a miss" flag.

Thank you once again for taking the time to help out a less experienced 
fisherman :)

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[gem5-users] Re: Stores always cause SC_Failed in Ruby/SLICC protocol

2020-07-03 Thread Jason Lowe-Power via gem5-users
Hi Theo,

Yes, it's quite fishy that you're seeing SC_Failed when running an x86

Looking at the code, and to stay with the fish metaphor, I think that it's
a red herring. See line 287 in Sequencer.cc. It just always prints
llscSuccess whether or not the instruction is an LLSC instruction! I think
we should probably fix this and make that DRPRINTF a bit clearer. I made a
Jira issue: https://gem5.atlassian.net/browse/GEM5-662. Feel free to
provide more info :).

Deadlocks are often tricky to track down. I would start with the address
that the deadlock checker fails on (e.g., the address of the request that's
been in the memory system for the deadlock threshold) and trace that
address through the system. Hopefully, you'll find the deadlock that way. I
often use ProtocolTrace and grep for the address I care about :).

I hope this helps a bit!


On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 10:11 AM tolausso--- via gem5-users <
gem5-users@gem5.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to learn how to implement cache coherence protocols in gem5
> using SLICC.
> I am currently working on an MSI protocol, similar to the one described in
> the gem5 book.
> The protocol passes the random tester for X86
> (`configs/learning_gem5/part3/ruby_test.py`), even when faced with a very
> large workload (4+ cores, 100k+ accesses).
> It however does not pass the tester which executes the pre-compiled
> "threads" binary (`configs/learning_gem5/part3/simple_ruby.py`), citing a
> deadlock.
> Inspecting the generated error trace, I find no obvious reason for a
> deadlock (e.g. repeating sequences of messages). This combined with the
> fact that the random tester is unable to find any issues leads me to think
> the error is not caused by for example improper allocation of the messages
> to the different networks causing circular dependencies. Instead,
> inspecting the error trace I find that Store events are always followed by
> "SC_Failed" instead of "Done", which I presume means "Store Conditional
> Failed". I take it that the X86 "threads" binary uses
> Load-Link/Store-Conditional to implement some mutex/synchronization.
> Consider the following section of the error trace:
> ```
> 533000   0Seq   Begin   >   [0x2b9a8, line
> 0x2b980] ST
> 534000: system.caches.controllers0: MSI-cache.sm:1072: Store in state I at
> line 0x2b980
> ... *cache0 and directory transition to M* ...
> 585000   0Seq   SC_Failed   >   [0x2b9a8, line
> 0x2b980] 0 cycles
> 586000   0Seq   Begin   >   [0x9898, line
> 0x9880] IFETCH -- Note this load is to a line separate from the
> stores
> 587000   0SeqDone   >   [0x9898, line
> 0x9880] 0 cycles
> 588000   0Seq   Begin   >   [0x2b998, line
> 0x2b980] ST -- Store to same line as before
> 589000: system.caches.controllers0: MSI-cache.sm:1072: Store in state M at
> line 0x2b980
> 589000   0Seq   SC_Failed   >   [0x2b998, line
> 0x2b980] 0 cycles
> 589000   0L1Cache   store_hit  M>M  [0x2b980, line
> 0x2b980]
> ```
> In this short trace we first see a store to line 0x2b980, which is not
> present in the cache. This finishes with the event "SC_Failed", which seems
> reasonable to me given that the store required a coherence transaction. We
> then see a load to an irrelevant line, which does not evict the line
> 0x2b980. Finally we see another store to line 0x2b980, which this time hits
> in M state, yet it is once again followed by SC_Failed instead of Done. I
> also find it a bit weird that it is reported that SC_Failed before the
> store_hit event (which is the only event triggered when the cache receives
> a ST event to a line in M state) is reported as having taken place.
> My code for handling the store_hit in M state is as follows:
> ```
> assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
> cache.setMRU(cache_entry);
> sequencer.writeCallback(in_msg.LineAddress, entry.cache_line, false);
> mandatory_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
> ```
> I realise my question thus far is a bit vague, which I apologise for. What
> I am hoping is that someone more knowledgeable than me could help me
> understand the following:
> 1. Is my interpretation of SC_Failed as "Store Conditional Failed"
> correct? (I thought x86 didn't support LL/SC, so this seems a bit fishy to
> me...)
> 2. Am I right in thinking that if stores are always followed by SC_Fail,
> this might cause a deadlock when executing the "threads"
> (`tests/test-progs/threads/bin/X86/linux/threads`) binary?
> 3. Any suggestions as to why it might be that I always get SC_Failed
> despite for example stores hitting in M only invoke setMRU and
> writeCallback?
> Apologies for the lengthy question!
> Best Regards,
> Theo Olausson
> ___
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