[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpInfrastructure by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

+ == Gump on vmgump.apache.org ==
+ [http://vmgump.apache.org/ vmgump] is currently the main installation for 
gump. See VmgumpConfig
+ == Gump on gump.zones.apache.org ==
+ [http://gump.zones.apache.org/gump/test/ gump.zones] currently runs the 
test profile. See GumpZonesConfig
+ == Gump on gump.osuosl.org ==
+ [http://gump.osuosl.org/ gump.osuosl.org] is waiting to be configured. See 
  == Gump on brutus.apache.org ==
- [http://brutus.apache.org/ brutus] currently is the main installation for 
gump. See BrutusConfig
+ [http://brutus.apache.org/ brutus] used to be the main installation for gump. 
It's no longer active. See BrutusConfig
  == Gump on moof.apache.org ==
@@ -12, +24 @@

  == Gump on gump.try.apache.org ==
- Note: Usually an experimental server...
+ Note: This server does not appear to be maintained any more. 
  See http://gump.try.apache.org
  == Gump on coderage.org (a.k.a. coderage.no-ip.info) ==
+ Note: This server does not appear to be maintained any more. 
  Note: This is a 3rd party experimental server.
  == Gump on lsd.student.utwente.nl ==
- 'Gump on LSD is currently not running. It's been redirected to the main 
brutus installation. This is probably not permanent.'
+ 'Gump on LSD has been disabled.'
  [http://lsd.student.utwente.nl/ lsd] is a duron machine running a near-full 
install of Fedora Core 1 and some optional packages from freshrpms, atrpms, 
jpackage, sun, nvidia, etc, which are supposed to be kept in the /data/packages 
directory. About 30GB of disk is allocated to gump. 
[http://lsd.student.utwente.nl/ Results] are published every night (run starts 
at 1:00AM GMT, usually finished at about 10AM GMT). Leo Simons is the (only) 
root on the machine, with several people in a 'gump' group that log in via ssh 
to help admin the gump installation.

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpBranches by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

- = Gump SVN *Active* Branches =
+ = Gump2 SVN *Active* Branches =
  Gump maintains (currently) two branches '''trunk''' (it's main working 
branch, used by the test flavour) and '''live''' which is used for live public 
runs (public and jdk15 flavours).

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[Gump Wiki] Update of FrontPage by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

   '''[wiki:NewUserIntroduction New User Introduction]'''
 Work is in progress on a new paper introducing gump to its average new 
user. Intended for printing and leasury coffee table reading.
- = Development =
+ = Gump2 Development =
 Description of the history of the python version of gump that is replacing 
the old java+xslt based version. 

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[Gump Wiki] Update of NightlyBuilds by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

  = What facilities do we have for nightly builds? =
- The ASF has a few new boxen to set up; one of those is [wiki:BrutusConfig 
brutus]. This machine is intended to run a dedicated gump installation; another 
similar machine is supposed to be set up for nightly builds. Since that's not 
happening just yet, in the meantime we're experimenting with setting up some 
[wiki:BrutusConfig/NightlyBuild nightly builds on brutus].
+ The ASF has a few new boxen to set up; one of those is 
[http://www.apache.org/dev/solaris-zones.html Helios]. Different Top-Level 
projects can be provided with solaris zones on that machine for doing nightly 
- Another option you have available is to produce nightly builds on a non-ASF 
machine, then upload these every night to your private webspace on minotaur. If 
you're interested in doing this, please talk to the infrastructure team first, 
as there's some security concerns there as well that deserve addressing.
+ Another option you have available is to produce nightly builds on a non-ASF 
machine, then upload these every night to your private webspace on minotaur, or 
to http://cvs.apache.org/builds/. If you're interested in doing this, please 
talk to the infrastructure team first, as there's some security concerns there 
as well that deserve addressing.

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[Gump Wiki] Update of BrutusConfig by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

+ 'Brutus no longer runs gump!'
  === Debian ===
  Install the following via {{{apt-get install}}}:

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[Gump Wiki] Update of BrutusConfig/NightlyBuild by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

  Gump is not so suitable for nightly builds as its not trusted 
([wiki:NightlyBuilds read this]). Might make sense to configure some nightly 
build support on brutus. This document details how I set the basics for that up 
on brutus. If you want brutus to build nightlies for you, 
[wiki:BrutusConfig/RequestANightlyBuild request a nightly build].

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[Gump Wiki] Update of BrutusConfig/RequestANightlyBuild by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

  #pragma section-numbers off
  Brutus runs gump. Gump should ideally not be used for generation of nightly 
builds, since its not very safe. You '''could''' be tempted to set up your own 
nightly builds in your shell account on minotaur, but ''you really shouldn't''. 
 Minotaur runs vital services for us (like the websites, cvs and svn) and is 
not intended for cpu crunching. If you would like us to set it up for you on 
brutus, read [wiki:BrutusConfig/NightlyBuild this page], then add your request 
below using the template provided. ''Disclaimer:'' all this is currently just 
an experiment, and no-one knows if we're going to keep offering this service...

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[Gump Wiki] Update of HistoricalResultsDatabase by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
Outdated and unused info

- = HistoricalResultsDatabase =
+ deleted
- = Requirements =
-  * Needs to be supported/supportable/available by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-  * Needs to be accessible by Python 2.2
-  * Needs to be able to store 1 year or more of data (more?)
-  * Needs to be resilient over time (changing in projects/metadata)
- = Assumptions =
-  * This will be an RDBMS repository
- = Issues =
- = Schema = 
- = Proposal #1: MySQL database =

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[Gump Wiki] Update of ArtifactRepository by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
concept replaced with Gump3 persistence engine

- = Artifact Repository =
+ deleted
- /!\  '''WORK IN PROGRESS''' /!\
- == Overview ==
- Gump consumes and produces artifacts (today, typically JAR files of Java 
code). Providing access to the artefact repository that Gump produces has a 
number of benefits. Providing Gump with access to alternate artifact 
repositories (not just it's packaged projects area) has yet more.
- == Gump Artifact Repository ==
- Gump currently generates artefacts and stores them in a hierarchical 
directory structure, ala ASF Repository Format (although more Maven Repository 
Format w/o the .MD5s 'yet'). These artifacts can be made available online, and 
become available for cascading Gumps to download.
- == Gump Accessing Artifacts ==
- Gump currently takes packages from it's local repository of installed 
packages. This is a manually maintained 'repository', with manual metadata 
changes made to point to these entries. This capability is needed when (for 
licensing reason) one may not download artifacts, but for other cases is too 
much manual effort.
- === Metadata Changes ===
- Gump recognized CVS and SVN repositories (that contain source code/projects). 
Adding a third 'Artifact' repository is proposed. The artifact repository is 
available to be read/queried by an artifact downloader tool. This repository 
type is 
- {{{
- repository name=artifact_repository1 type=artifact
-   titleArtifact Repository 1/title
-   home-pagehttp://gump.apache.org//home-page
-   urlhttp://gump.apache.org/repository/url
-   redistributable/
- /repository
- }}}
-  Depot 
- [http://incubator.apache.org/depot/update Apache Depot] is one tool for 
downloading artifacts.
-  Module Action 
- There are two choices of module action :
- || '''choice''' || '''action''' ||
- || cascade || Get from an upstream Gump. ||
- || update  || Get from the CVS|SVN|Jars repository. ||

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[Gump Wiki] Update of ArtefactsRepository by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
replaced by Gump3 persistence module

- = Artefacts Repository =
+ deleted
- /!\  '''WORK IN PROGRESS''' /!\
- /!\  '''WORK IN PROGRESS''' /!\
- /!\  '''WORK IN PROGRESS''' /!\
- /!\  '''WORK IN PROGRESS''' /!\
- Please don't waste your time reading this... *yet*
-  I am saving this regularly (and working on it in background) 'cos when I
- went to go get HelpOnFormatting the brower window chosen was this one, and
- despite attempts to be back/reload, I lost my in-memory edits.
- /!\  '''WORK IN PROGRESS''' /!\
- /!\  '''WORK IN PROGRESS''' /!\
- /!\  '''WORK IN PROGRESS''' /!\
- /!\  '''WORK IN PROGRESS''' /!\
- == Overview ==
- Gump generates and consumes artefacts. Providing access to the artefact 
repository that Gump produces has a number of benefits. Providing Gump with 
access to alternate artefact repositories (not just it's packaged projects 
area) has yet more.
- == Gump Artefact Repository ==
- Gump currently generates artefacts and stores them in a hierarchical 
directory structure, ala ASF Repository Format (more Maven Repository Format 
w/o the .MD5s 'yet'). These artefacts can be made available online, and become 
available for cascading Gumps to download.
- == Gump Accessing Artefacts ==
- Gump currently takes packages from it's local repository of installed 
packages. This is a manually maintained 'repository', with manual metadata 
changes made to poitn to these entries.
- === Metadata ===
- Gump recognized CVS and SVN repositories (that contain source code/projects). 
Adding a third 'Artefact' repository is proposed:
- === Depot ===
- [http://incubator.apache.org/depot Apache Depot] has one tool for downloading 

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[Gump Wiki] Update of FrontPage by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

 Design and documentation on gump and maven interaction. [GumpAndMaven]
+  '''GumpTerminology'''
  = Infrastructure =
@@ -76, +78 @@

 How do people interact with gump? How do they expect to interact with gump?
- = Documentation To Write/Transfer to Site =
-  '''GumpTerminology'''
  = Old stuff =

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[Gump Wiki] Update of FrontPage by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

   '''[wiki:NewUserIntroduction New User Introduction]'''
 Work is in progress on a new paper introducing gump to its average new 
user. Intended for printing and leasury coffee table reading.
+ = Gump3 Development =
+  '''Gump3Installation'''
+Very basic installation notes.
+  '''Gump3Debugging'''
+A howto for debugging gump 3.
+  '''GumpAndMaven'''
+Design and documentation on gump and maven interaction. [GumpAndMaven]
  = Gump2 Development =
@@ -46, +57 @@

 Some notes on Gump's interactions with RDF. [GumpRDF]
-  '''GumpAndMaven'''
-Design and documentation on gump and maven interaction. [GumpAndMaven]

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpAndMaven by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
Strip some stuff from adam's email and add it here

+ = Task Description =
  Allowing gump3 to run maven without changing the maven descriptor files
+ = Task List =
  '''Need to:'''
@@ -14, +18 @@

  ***Currently being built into gump3
+ = Notes =
+ Gump2 has an integration with Maven, albeit at the runtime interface (Gump2
+ can launch Maven) but not the metadata level, i.e. the Maven project
+ descriptor. This means that Gump2 processes it's own (Gump) metadata format
+ [1] to understand how interact with Maven, and not Maven's native version
+ [2], which contain the same information. This duplication makes it harder
+ for Maven projects to exist in Gump, even though a tool exists [4] that maps
+ the formats. The truism if data exists in two places one of them is wrong
+ holds, and often the Gump metadata is out of date/wrong.
+ We are looking for Gump3 to consume a Maven project descriptors [2]
+ directly. Also, one thing we wish to resolve is [3]. As such, the Gump3 code
+ is in SVN, at [5], although we'll figure out a better way for you to access
+ it.
+ = References =
+ [1]http://gump.apache.org/metadata/index.html
+ [2]
+ [3]http://wiki.apache.org/gump/MavenId
+ [4]http://maven.apache.org/reference/plugins/gump/
+ [5]http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3/

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[Gump Wiki] Update of Gump3OnWindows by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
Seperate windows stuff out from GumpThree page

New page:
= Gump3 on windows =

You need at least:

 * [http://www.cygwin.com/ Cygwin]. Make sure to get at least the base and 
development packages sort-of completely; without the which and hostname 
commands you'll be in trouble for sure. Probably a good idea to add 
C:\cygwin\bin and C:\cygwin\sbin to your PATH, which you can do via right 
clicking My Computer  Properties  Advanced  Environment Variables  
 * Cygwin ssh (can be installed with setup)
 * [http://www.python.org/ Python]. You need version 2.4 or later. Make sure to 
add the location you installed it (usually C:\Python24) to your PATH *before* 
the cygwin paths, or otherwise make sure you don't install the cygwin versions 
of python.
 * [http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion client]. I recommend the latest 
stable version. The installer modifies your PATH for you.
 * [http://www.mysql.com/ MySQL]. I recommend the latest stable version.
 * [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python MySQLdb Python library]
 * [http://java.sun.com/ Java]. I recommend the latest version in the 1.4.x 
series. Set JAVA_HOME to point to wherever you install it

Fire up a command window. Do something like:

rem or wherever you do your development...
cd c:\
mkdir svn
cd svn
rem this will take long, Gump is a big download!
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3 gump3
cd gump3
rem ...this should show some useful help output...
bash gump help
rem ...this will show you prerequisite failures...
bash gump test
rem ...this will show database errors...
bash gump run
rem so lets install a database
rem you can create a database using:
mysqldbadmin [-u root -p] create gump
rem create a gump user with permissions to the gump database first
rem (e.g. using MySql Administrator), and then
mysql -u root -p gump  gumpdb/src/sql/gump3-database-definition.sql
rem cross your fingers! It might work...
bash gump run

There is some more stuff you need in addition to bash, python and svn. The 
script will attempt to inform you about that. Try and do what it says. Once you 
get stuck (no doubt there'll be unixisms), let us know!

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpThree by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

- Gump3 is a substantial rewrite effort for gump. This is a collection of 
semi-random notes. If you're not a gump developer, you're not interested :-D
+ This info has moved onto the FrontPage.
- = Gump3 on windows =
- You need at least:
-  * [http://www.cygwin.com/ Cygwin]. Make sure to get at least the base and 
development packages sort-of completely; without the which and hostname 
commands you'll be in trouble for sure. Probably a good idea to add 
C:\cygwin\bin and C:\cygwin\sbin to your PATH, which you can do via right 
clicking My Computer  Properties  Advanced  Environment Variables  
-  * Cygwin ssh (can be installed with setup)
-  * [http://www.python.org/ Python]. You need version 2.4 or later. Make sure 
to add the location you installed it (usually C:\Python24) to your PATH 
*before* the cygwin paths, or otherwise make sure you don't install the cygwin 
versions of python.
-  * [http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion client]. I recommend the latest 
stable version. The installer modifies your PATH for you.
-  * [http://www.mysql.com/ MySQL]. I recommend the latest stable version.
-  * [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python MySQLdb Python library]
-  * [http://java.sun.com/ Java]. I recommend the latest version in the 1.4.x 
series. Set JAVA_HOME to point to wherever you install it
- Fire up a command window. Do something like:
- {{{
- rem or wherever you do your development...
- cd c:\
- mkdir svn
- cd svn
- rem this will take long, Gump is a big download!
- svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3 gump3
- cd gump3
- rem ...this should show some useful help output...
- bash gump help
- rem ...this will show you prerequisite failures...
- bash gump test
- rem ...this will show database errors...
- bash gump run
- rem so lets install a database
- rem you can create a database using:
- mysqldbadmin [-u root -p] create gump
- rem create a gump user with permissions to the gump database first
- rem (e.g. using MySql Administrator), and then
- mysql -u root -p gump  gumpdb/src/sql/gump3-database-definition.sql
- rem cross your fingers! It might work...
- bash gump run
- }}}
- There is some more stuff you need in addition to bash, python and svn. The 
script will attempt to inform you about that. Try and do what it says. Once you 
get stuck (no doubt there'll be unixisms), let us know!
- See a live run here : [http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/gump3/ GumpThree on 
vmgump.apache.org] using the configuration VmgumpConfig.

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[Gump Wiki] Update of Gump3Installation by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

New page:
'''See Gump3OnWindows for installing on windows'''

= Installing Gump3 =

You need at least:

 * a basic POSIX environment, eg Linux, Solaris, BSD, some other Unix, or 
 * the which and hostname commands
 * [http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/bash.html Bash]. You need a recent one, 
preferably 3.0 or higher.
 * an ssh client
 * [http://www.python.org/ Python]. You need version 2.4 or later. Make sure 
the location you installed it (usually /usr/bin) is on your PATH.
 * [http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion client]. I recommend the latest 
stable version. Put it on the PATH.
 * [http://www.mysql.com/ MySQL]. You need 4.0 or later. I recommend the latest 
stable version. 
 * [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python MySQLdb Python library]
 * [http://pmock.sourceforge.net/ Pmock Python library]
 * [http://java.sun.com/ Java]. I recommend the latest version in the 1.4.x 
series. Set JAVA_HOME to point to wherever you install it

We have a tendency to change these dependencies every now and then. The main 
gump script will let you know :-)

Fire up a command window. Do something like:

# or wherever you do your development...
cd ~/
mkdir svn
cd svn
# this will take long, Gump is a big download!
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3 gump3
cd gump3
# ...this should show some useful help output...
bash gump help
# ...this will show you prerequisite failures...
bash gump test
# ...this will show database errors...
bash gump run
# so lets install a database
# you can create a database using:
mysqldbadmin [-u root -p] create gump
# create a gump user with permissions to the gump database first
# (e.g. using MySql Administrator), and then
mysql -u gump -p gump  gumpdb/src/sql/gump3-database-definition.sql
# cross your fingers! It might work...
bash gump run

There is some more stuff you need in addition to bash, python and svn. The 
command line script will attempt to inform you about that. Try and do what it 
says. Once you get stuck, let us know!

= Running Gump3 from cron and other advanced stuff =

We don't keep user-friendly documentation on configuring a machine to do 
automated builds on a nightly basis. However, we do maintain documentation on 
the configuration of our machines, which you can hopefully mirror with great 
success. See GumpInfrasctructure.

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[Gump Wiki] Update of FrontPage by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

  = Gump3 Development =
+ Gump3 is a substantial rewrite effort for gump. This is a collection of 
semi-random notes. If you're not a gump developer, you're not interested :-D
+  '''[http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3/README.txt README]'''
+The readme file in SVN.
+  '''[http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/gump3/ GumpThree on vmgump.apache.org]'''
+A live Gump3 run using the configuration VmgumpConfig.
 Very basic installation notes.
+  '''Gump3OnWindows'''
+Basic installation notes for running on windows.
 A howto for debugging gump 3.

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[Gump Wiki] Update of Gump3Debugging by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
Adding notes on debugging Gump3 first features as mailing list posts

New page:
= A no-nonsense guide to debugging Gump3 =

== RTFM ==
`./gump help` is your friend. We actually have useful hints in there  :-) 

== Write a unit test ==
Large parts of gump are architected to be pretty easy to test. If you
truly fail to understand what is going on, simply write some test code
that details what you believe should be happening.

The great thing about these tests is that after you've found and fixed a
bug, they serve as a means to prevent the error from ever being

== Loggers ==
The alternative to print is to use self.log.debug(msg) in most
components. If a component doesn't have access to a logger, add it to
def MyComponent:
  def __init__(self, log): # need to add the 'log' argument
self.log = log # need to add this line

and wherever the component is created (config.py in 99% of the cases)
create a logger and feed it to the component:
  def get_my_component(config):
from gump.my import MyComponent
log = get_logger(config, my) # need to add this
return MyComponent(log) # need to add the 'log' argument
the advantage of using a logger over simple 'print' statements is that
you can leave them in the code and commit 'em, which means others can
learn from your debug Foo  :-) 

== State ==
To figure out the state of a gump run at any point in the program,
you'll usually want to introspect the model. The good news is that you
can get to the top of the model tree (the workspace) from nearly any
object in the model, eg if you have a Script element, the workspace is at
and from there you can introspect the entire tree. Doing that
introspection pretty much involves working with python lists,
dictionaries and a little bit of metaprogramming. Useful tricks include
the 'dir()' command, as well as 'hasattr()', 'getattr()'. It really pays
off to learn a little about python list comprehensions. For example you
may wish to write code like
class MyScriptBuilder(AbstractPlugin):
  def __init__(self, log):
self.log = log

  def visit_project(self, project):
for s in [c for c in project.commands if isinstance(c, Script)]:

  def handle_script(self, script):
# AARGH! What on earth is going on here
if script.project.name == bootstrap-ant:
  plist = \
  for problem in [p for p in plist if check_failure(p)]:
self.log.debug(Project %s failed! % script.project.name)

== Debug probe ==
I've built and committed a little plugin called the IntrospectionPlugin
(which is enabled when you pass --debug on the command line) which
provides a nice place to do run the kinds of debug snippets as hinted at
above. It gets run last just before gump exits, so its output is last on
the console.

It has some sample code in there showing off the power of a few dir()
statements along with some list comprehensions. Putting your debug code
in that central place (instead of directly inside your MyScriptBuilder)
is very useful if you're dealing with exceptions you don't fully grok.
Simply try and recreate the problem inside the IntrospectionPlugin: it
can often provide useful clues. For me, often, some weird error is
caused by me making some weird typo, and simply writing a little bit of
code from scratch helps isolate the problem.

== Use color ==
If you've got a terminal that supports colored output (you don't? What
age are you from??), pass gump the --color argument to make log output a
lot more readable. To quickly find a debug message in the many lines of
output gump generates, add a little color yourself. In the above
example, you'd maybe want to
  from gump.util import ansicolor
%sProject %s failed!%s % \
(ansicolor.Red, script.project.name, ansicolor.Black))
Do note that gump pretty much is geared for
black-text-on-white-background, so if you have your terminal configured
with a black background, you won't be seeing much at all  :-)

== Using a Real Debugger(tm) with Gump3 ==
Running `./gump help` shows two debug-related command line options:
debug   -- run pygump in debug mode, attaching pdb
debug-with-wing -- run pygump in debug mode, attaching the Wing IDE
Which have docs:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ./gump help debug

  Run pygump in debug mode.

./gump debug [gump.py-args ...]

   This is not the same as executing the 'run' command with a '--debug'
   parameter. Using this command will actually start the command line
   debugger pdb to run gump in, whereas the '--debug' option customizes

[Gump Wiki] Update of FrontPage by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

 A howto for debugging gump 3.
 Plugin development notes]'''
+Pointer to the gump.plugins source code which has notes on creating your 
own plugins for Gump3.
 Development Roadmap]'''
+Pointer to the page in jira where we track our development progress.
 Design and documentation on gump and maven interaction. [GumpAndMaven]

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[Gump Wiki] Update of FrontPage by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

   '''[http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3/README.txt README]'''
 The readme file in SVN.
-  '''[http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/gump3/ GumpThree on vmgump.apache.org]'''
-A live Gump3 run using the configuration VmgumpConfig.
 Very basic installation notes.
@@ -30, +27 @@

 A howto for debugging gump 3.
+  '''[https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/trunk/src/xdocs/gump.pdf 
Architecture pictures]'''
+   Some slides with pretty pictures of some bits of architecture.
 Database schema]'''
+   Pointer to our MySQL table definitions.
+  '''[http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/gump3/ GumpThree on vmgump.apache.org]'''
+A live Gump3 run using the configuration VmgumpConfig.
 Plugin development notes]'''
 Pointer to the gump.plugins source code which has notes on creating your 
own plugins for Gump3.

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[Gump Wiki] Update of FrontPage by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

   '[wiki:FrequentlyAskedQuestions Frequently Asked Questions]'
 getting started with gump? Having trouble figuring something out? If your 
question is not answered on the [http://gump.apache.org/ main gump site], 
chances are, it is here!
-  '''[wiki:NewUserIntroduction New User Introduction]'''
-Work is in progress on a new paper introducing gump to its average new 
user. Intended for printing and leasury coffee table reading.
  = Gump3 Development =
@@ -114, +111 @@

  The old index page is at GumpProjectPages. (Someone should clean that out :-D)
+ No one is working on this one:
+  '''[wiki:NewUserIntroduction New User Introduction]'''
+Work is in progress on a new paper introducing gump to its average new 
user. Intended for printing and leasury coffee table reading.
  = 'Special' Wiki pages =

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[Gump Wiki] Update of Gump3CommandLineOptions by LeoSimons

2005-07-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

New page:
= Command line options reference =

  Utility commandline interface for Gump.

./gump command [opts ...]

  Available commands are:

run -- run pygump
debug   -- run pygump in debug mode, attaching pdb
debug-with-wing -- run pygump in debug mode, attaching the Wing IDE
test-- run the pygump unit tests
dynagump-- run the dynagump web application server
webgump -- run the webgump application server
update-host -- update the configuration of a gump host
create-database -- create a new gump MySQL database
pycompile   -- compile all pyump source files


./gump help [command]

  for more information about a particular command.


./gump help variables

  for more information about the environment variables that alter gump its

== Environment variables ==

  Gump needs various other programs available in order to run. You
  can change which programs gump tries to use using environment variables.
  In addition, several core gump settings are also customizable using
  environment variables.

  You can set all these variables (except for GUMP_HOME) in the file


  the location of this file is found as follows:


  Recognized variables are:

GUMP_HOME -- location of the gump subversion checkout. Defaults
 to the current working directory if possible.
GUMP_HOSTNAME -- name of this machine. Defaults to the output from the
 hostname command.
GUMP_ENV_FILE -- location of the file that contains the custom
 settings to load (i.e. the file mentioned above). You
 can override GUMP_HOME and GUMP_HOSTNAME here, but that
 may have some unpredictable effects.
GUMP_PYTHON   -- the name of the python executable to use. Defaults to
 the latest version of python that is installed. Note
 that pygump is supported only on python2.4.
GUMP_WORKDIR  -- the directory that pygump will generate various files 
 (like log output). Defaults to GUMP_HOME/pygump/work.
JAVA_HOME -- the location of a java development kit. Gump tries to
 work with any JDK, but results may vary (for example,
 both ant and maven require jdk 1.2 at least).

  These variables are only used by dynagump:

JAVA_OPTIONS  -- Extra options to pass to the JVM.
JETTY_PORT-- Override the default port for Jetty. Defaults to 8080.
JETTY_ADMIN_PORT -- The port where the jetty web administration should
 bind. Defaults to 8081.
JAVA_DEBUG_PORT -- The port the JVM debug server should listen to.
 Defaults to 8082.

  Of course, the various commands that gump issues may also behave
  differently based on environment variables. For example, maven reacts to
  MAVEN_HOME, many make-based build scripts respect the CC environment
  variable, etc etc.

== The 'run' command ==

Run pygump.

usage: gump run [options ...]

  -h, --helpshow this help message and exit
  -d, --debug   print extra information
  -q, --quiet   print as little information as possible (overrides
  --homedir=HOMEDIR the base directory for gump
  --hostname=HOSTNAME   the hostname gump will use
  --workdir=WORKDIR the working directory gump will use
  --logdir=LOGDIR   the directory gump will write logs to
  -w WORKSPACE, --workspace=WORKSPACE
absolute path to the workspace gump will use
  -u, --do-updates  run cvs and svn updates
  -b, --do-builds   run builders
hostname of the database server gump will connect to
port of the database server gump will connect to
name of the database gump will connect to
username gump will use to connect to the database
password gump will use to connect to the database
  --color   write log output using ansi color codes
  --irc=IRC enable an IRCbot during this run using

[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpAndMaven by JustinMerz

2005-06-29 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by JustinMerz:

New page:
Allowing gump3 to run maven without changing the maven descriptor files

'''Need to:'''

 - Parse Descriptor file

 - run script for maven projects

 - match dependines without loss of descriptor data

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpAndMaven by JustinMerz

2005-06-29 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by JustinMerz:

   - run script for maven projects
-  - match dependines without loss of descriptor data
+  - match dependencies without loss of descriptor data

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by AdamJack

2005-06-20 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by AdamJack:

  database database=gump_public user=gump passwd=password /
  !-- additional background threads, over main thread --
- threads updaters=5 builders=0 /
+ threads updaters=0 builders=0 /
   * sync over packages from {{{brutus.apache.org:/usr/local/gump/packages}}} 
[shared, not under 'flavour'].
   * sync over {{{brutus.apache.org:~gump/.cvspass}}} (saves typing in a whole 
bunch of 'public' cvs passwords)

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-06-18 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
set up ntpdate (GUMP-133)

  Install the following via {{{apt-get install}}}:
-  * '''required''': apache2 cvs libxp-dev libxt6 libxtst6 python python2.3 
subversion xvfb mysql-server python2.3-dev python2.3-mysqldb python2.4-dev 
unzip libxml2 libxml2-utils xsltproc libtool curl
+  * '''required''': apache2 cvs libxp-dev libxt6 libxtst6 python python2.3 
subversion xvfb mysql-server python2.3-dev python2.3-mysqldb python2.4-dev 
unzip libxml2 libxml2-utils xsltproc libtool curl ntp ntpdate
   * '''convenience''': lynx sudo vim bzip2 mutt nano mysql-client rsync
   * '''for building projects''': autoconf automake
@@ -95, +95 @@

 * {{{cd rdflib-xxx}}}
 * (as root) python2.3 setup.py install
 * (as root) python2.4 setup.py install
+  * ntpdate
+* point /etc/init.d/ntpdate to ntp.unitedlayer.com
+* run {{{sudo ntpdate -v ntp.unitedlayer.com}}}
  === Optional prereqs ===

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-06-11 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
don't do it. It causes problems.

   * {{{a2ensite vmgump.apache.org  a2enmod proxy  a2dissite default}}}
   * {{{/etc/init.d/apache2 reload}}}
-  * edit gumprun.py to disable all actors except the xdoc one, since one of 
the others seems to be
+  * PLEASE DON'T edit gumprun.py to disable all actors except the xdoc one, 
since one of the others seems to be
 causing weird issues.
  === gump3 setup ===

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpZonesConfig by LeoSimons

2005-06-11 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
lot of work on getting gump running. Installing mysqldb is failing atm

   sudo echo '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'  ~root/.forward
+ === Set up mysql ===
+ See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/installing-binary.html. Mysql is in 
/usr/sfw. See /etc/sfw/mysql/README.solaris.mysql.
+ {{{
+ groupadd mysql
+ useradd -g mysql mysql
+ /usr/sfw/bin/mysql_install_db  --user=mysql
+ chgrp -R mysql /var/mysql
+ chmod -R 770
+ installf SUNWmysqlr /var/mysql d 770 root mysql
+ cp /usr/sfw/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf /var/mysql/my.cnf
+ /usr/sfw/sbin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql 
+ ln /etc/sfw/mysql/mysql.server /etc/rc3.d/S99mysql
+ ln /etc/sfw/mysql/mysql.server /etc/rc0.d/K00mysql
+ ln /etc/sfw/mysql/mysql.server /etc/rc1.d/K00mysql
+ ln /etc/sfw/mysql/mysql.server /etc/rc2.d/K00mysql
+ ln /etc/sfw/mysql/mysql.server /etc/rcS.d/K00mysql
+ }}}
+  * Secure the root account 
+  {{{
+ shell mysql -u root
+ mysql SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('newpwd');
+ mysql SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'vmgump' = PASSWORD('newpwd');
+ }}}
+  * Create a gump database and user
+  {{{
+ mysql create database gump_test;
+ mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gump_test.* to 'gump'@'localhost' identified 
by 'passwd';
+ Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
+ mysql flush privileges;
+ Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
+ }}}
+  * Delete default user
+  {{{
+ mysql DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE Host='localhost' AND User='';
+ }}}
+ === Convenience prereqs ===
+ We manage most of these in /export/opt (add /export/opt/bin to path) with 
tarballs in /export/src:
+ {{{
+ mkdir /export/src
+ mkdir /export/opt
+ }}}
+  * nano editor
+  * star replacement for tar
+ === Other prereqs ===
+ We manage most of these in /export/opt with tarballs in /export/src:
+ {{{
+ mkdir /export/src
+ mkdir /export/opt
+ mkdir /export/opt/__versions__
+ }}}
+  * Java SDK:
+* {{{
+ cd /export/opt/__versions__/
+ ln -s /usr/j2se j2sdk-1_4_2_06
+ bash-3.00# ls
+ j2sdk-1_4_2_06
+ cd /export/opt
+ ln -s __versions__/j2sdk-1_4_2_06 jdk1.4
+ cd /export/opt/__versions__/
+ ln -s  /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0 j2sdk-1_5_0_01-b08
+ cd /export/opt
+ ln -s __versions__/j2sdk-1_5_0_01-b08
+ }}
+  * Python 2.4:
+ cd /export/opt/__versions__/
+ ln -s /opt/python-2.4.1
+ cd /export/opt
+ ln -s __versions__/python-2.4.1 python2.4
+ mkdir -p /export/opt/lib/python2.4/site-packages
+ }}}
+  * Apache Maven:
+* Download [http://maven.apache.org/start/download.html Maven] to 
/export/opt/src (select .tar.gz format)
+* {{{cd /opt/__versions__}}}
+* {{{star zxf /opt/src/maven-xxx.tar.gz}}}
+* create a symbolic link {{{/opt/maven}}} pointing to the installed version
+* '''Note''': MAVEN_HOME will be exported and added to the PATH in step 5
+  * rdflib
+* Download [http://rdflib.net/stable/ Rdflib] to /export/opt/src (select 
.tgz format)
+* {{{star zxf /opt/src/rdflib-xxx.tgz}}}
+* {{{cd rdflib-xxx}}}
+* TODO: we can't do this. Need to have 
/export/opt/lib/python2.4/site-packages or something as site package dir (as 
root) python2.3 setup.py install
+* TODO: we can't do this. Need to have 
/export/opt/lib/python2.4/site-packages or something as site package dir (as 
root) python2.4 setup.py install
+  * Mysqldb
+* download and extract [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python/ 
+* having trouble compiling so far :(
+ === Optional prereqs ===
+ TODO: figure out which packages of the below on brutus is needed
+ {{{
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root35 Oct  6  2004 ant - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root31 Jan  7 11:57 cocoon - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root32 Jan  7 11:57 forrest - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root29 Jan 24 23:47 jdk1.3 - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root27 Oct  6  2004 jdk1.5 - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root31 Oct  6  2004 jetty - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root23 Oct 12  2004 kaffe - /opt/__versions__/kaffe
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root29 Oct  6  2004 loader - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root49 Oct  6  2004 mysql - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root31 Oct  6  2004 rdflib - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root30 Oct  6  2004 servlet-api - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root32 Oct  9  2004 webware - 

[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpZonesConfig by LeoSimons

2005-06-11 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

 * Download [http://rdflib.net/stable/ Rdflib] to /export/opt/src (select 
.tgz format)
 * {{{star zxf /opt/src/rdflib-xxx.tgz}}}
 * {{{cd rdflib-xxx}}}
+* {{{/export/opt/python2.4/bin/python setup.py install 
-* TODO: we can't do this. Need to have 
/export/opt/lib/python2.4/site-packages or something as site package dir (as 
root) python2.3 setup.py install
-* TODO: we can't do this. Need to have 
/export/opt/lib/python2.4/site-packages or something as site package dir (as 
root) python2.4 setup.py install
   * Mysqldb
 * download and extract [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python/ 

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpZonesConfig by LeoSimons

2005-06-11 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
need LD_LIBRARY_PATH n stuff set

  export PYTHON_HOME=/export/opt/python2.4
  export PATH=$PYTHON_HOME/bin:$PATH
+ export 
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/sfw/lib/mysql:/usr/sfw/lib
  export MAVEN_HOME=/export/opt/maven
  export PATH=$MAVEN_HOME/bin:$PATH

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpZonesConfig by LeoSimons

2005-06-11 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
forgot table creation

  mysql flush privileges;
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
+ }}}
+  * set up tables
+  {{{
+ cd /export/gump/test/gump/mysql
+ mysql -u gump -p gump_test  gump.sql 
+ # enter password here...
   * Delete default user

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[Gump Wiki] Update of Drafts/BoardReports/20050622 by StefanBodewig

2005-06-08 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by StefanBodewig:

The comment on the change is:
when will I start to remember Wiki formatting rules?

- * we've moved off of Brutus and now spread over three (virtual) machines.  
vmgump.apache.org is a VMWare instance on Loki(?), gump.zones.apache.org a 
Solaris zone on helios and gump.osuosl.org a MacOS X server of the Oregon State 
University that we can use . Many Thanks!
+ * we've moved off of Brutus and now spread over three (virtual) machines. 
 vmgump.apache.org is a VMWare instance on Loki(?), gump.zones.apache.org a 
Solaris zone on helios and gump.osuosl.org a MacOS X server of the Oregon State 
University that we can use . Many Thanks!
- * vmgump will become our primary machine for now, we are slowly progressing 
to the state of stability we had on brutus.
+ * vmgump will become our primary machine for now, we are slowly 
progressing to the state of stability we had on brutus.
- * please fill in some details on Gump3.
+ * please fill in some details on Gump3.
- * Nick Chalko has taken a leave of absence from the PMC, we hope to get him 
back next year.
+ * Nick Chalko has taken a leave of absence from the PMC, we hope to get 
him back next year.
- * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in CVS.
+ * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in CVS.
- * no releases 
+ * no releases 
- * please fill in some details on SummerOfCode
+ * please fill in some details on SummerOfCode

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[Gump Wiki] Update of Drafts/BoardReports/20050622 by StefanBodewig

2005-06-08 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by StefanBodewig:

New page:

* we've moved off of Brutus and now spread over three (virtual) machines.  
vmgump.apache.org is a VMWare instance on Loki(?), gump.zones.apache.org a 
Solaris zone on helios and gump.osuosl.org a MacOS X server of the Oregon State 
University that we can use . Many Thanks!

* vmgump will become our primary machine for now, we are slowly progressing to 
the state of stability we had on brutus.


* please fill in some details on Gump3.


* Nick Chalko has taken a leave of absence from the PMC, we hope to get him 
back next year.

* still all Apache committers have access to metadata in CVS.

* no releases 

* please fill in some details on SummerOfCode

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[Gump Wiki] Update of Drafts/BoardReports/20050622 by LeoSimons

2005-06-08 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
fill out some blanks and dot some i's

- * we've moved off of Brutus and now spread over three (virtual) machines. 
 vmgump.apache.org is a VMWare instance on Loki(?), gump.zones.apache.org a 
Solaris zone on helios and gump.osuosl.org a MacOS X server of the Oregon State 
University that we can use . Many Thanks!
+ * we've moved off of Brutus and are now spread over three machines.  
vmgump.apache.org is a VMWare instance on Loki, gump.zones.apache.org a Solaris 
zone on helios and gump.osuosl.org a MacOS X server of the Oregon State 
University that we can use. Many Thanks!
  * vmgump will become our primary machine for now, we are slowly 
progressing to the state of stability we had on brutus.
+ * the other instances are not yet fully up and running.
- * please fill in some details on Gump3.
+ * Work continues on Gump3. It is slowly and steadily progressing into a 
codebase that does useful stuff.
@@ -16, +18 @@

  * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in CVS.
- * no releases 
+ * no releases.
- * please fill in some details on SummerOfCode
+ * There are three proposed Summer of Code projects for Gump, all focused 
on Gump3 development. Mentors include Scott Sanders, Adam Jack and Leo Simons. 
Since Gump is one of the few python-based projects in the programme, we expect 
some of these will be successfully followed up on.

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by AdamJack

2005-06-08 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by AdamJack:

The comment on the change is:
Added flavours list.

  /usr/local/gump/{flavour}/jars -- Artifact Repository
+ Currently deployed flavours:
+ {{{
+ public -- against SVN /live, does e-mail notification, automatic runs.
+ test -- against SVN /trunk, manual runs. Often cleaned out to save disk 
+ }}}

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpZonesConfig by LeoSimons

2005-06-02 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
getting started on our zone config

New page:
Gump runs in a zone on a solaris machine called helios, with an address of


See http://www.apache.org/dev/solaris-zones.html for basic install information 
about helios. Besides Solaris and the companion CD we have SVN and Python in 
/opt. Our own locally built packages go into /export/opt, with sources for them 
in /export/src.

=== Create gump user and group and stuff ===

 sudo groupadd gump
 sudo useradd -s /usr/bin/bash -d /export/home/gump -g gump gump
 sudo mkdir /export/home/gump
 sudo chown gump:gump /export/home/gump
 sudo useradd -s /usr/bin/bash -d /export/home/gump3 -g gump gump3
 sudo mkdir /export/home/gump3
 sudo chown gump3:gump /export/home/gump3
 sudo nano /etc/auto_home 
 sudo echo 'general@gump.apache.org'  ~gump/.forward
 sudo echo 'general@gump.apache.org'  ~gump3/.forward
 sudo echo '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'  ~root/.forward

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by AdamJack

2005-06-01 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by AdamJack:

   * set CVSROOT per 
[http://gump.apache.org/gettingstarted.html#Getting+the+source+to+Gump Gump 
Getting Started]
   * {{{mkdir -p /usr/local/gump/public}}}
   * {{{cd /usr/local/gump/public}}}
-  * {{{svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/trunk/ gump}}} (note 
we're not using the live branch!)
+  * {{{svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/live/ gump}}} (note 
we're not using the trunk branch!)
   * {{{cd gump}}}
   * {{{cvs login}}}
   * {{{cvs checkout -P -d metadata gump}}}

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpThree by AdamJack

2005-05-23 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by AdamJack:

  There is some more stuff you need in addition to bash, python and svn. The 
script will attempt to inform you about that. Try and do what it says. Once you 
get stuck (no doubt there'll be unixisms), let us know!
- [GumpThree/Wishlist]
+ See a live run here : [http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/gump3/ GumpThree on 

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpThree by AdamJack

2005-05-23 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by AdamJack:

  There is some more stuff you need in addition to bash, python and svn. The 
script will attempt to inform you about that. Try and do what it says. Once you 
get stuck (no doubt there'll be unixisms), let us know!
- See a live run here : [http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/gump3/ GumpThree on 
+ See a live run here : [http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/gump3/ GumpThree on 
vmgump.apache.org] using the configuration VmgumpConfig.

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpThree by AdamJack

2005-05-20 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by AdamJack:

The comment on the change is:
Add a scratchpad wishlist.

  There is some more stuff you need in addition to bash, python and svn. The 
script will attempt to inform you about that. Try and do what it says. Once you 
get stuck (no doubt there'll be unixisms), let us know!
+ GumpThree/Wishlist

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpThree by AdamJack

2005-05-20 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by AdamJack:

  There is some more stuff you need in addition to bash, python and svn. The 
script will attempt to inform you about that. Try and do what it says. Once you 
get stuck (no doubt there'll be unixisms), let us know!
- GumpThree/Wishlist
+ [GumpThree/Wishlist]

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpThree/Wishlist by AdamJack

2005-05-20 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by AdamJack:

New page:

 * Port to Python On Microsoft not Python On CYGWIN On Microsoft. [Yes, maybe 
re-write the gump bash script in Python, or something.]
 * A global lock that works if the process is dead (i.e. posix file lock, not 
just file existence).
 * Exec w/ Timeout [need Linux to test this]
 * Ability to select which projects to run, so (1) don't have to do updates (2) 
don't have to sit  through bootstrap-ant each time. I.e. pattern match builds, 
not all w/ dependencies.
 * Not requiring 'MYSQL' (and SSH, etc.) to run unit tests.
 * Ability to run gump unit tests while gump is running
 * Default to --do-updates (otherwise new developers won't feel ).
 * Log(s) output in build order

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-05-12 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
need maven packages...

   * sync over packages from {{{brutus.apache.org:/usr/local/gump/packages}}} 
[shared, not under 'flavour'].
   * sync over {{{brutus.apache.org:~gump/.cvspass}}} (saves typing in a whole 
bunch of 'public' cvs passwords)
+  * TODO: sync over {{{brutus.apache.org:~gump/.maven}}}
   * update /usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3 to have working symlinks
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3$ rm LICENSE

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-05-03 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

  threads updaters=5 builders=0 /
   * sync over packages from {{{brutus.apache.org:/usr/local/gump/packages}}} 
[shared, not under 'flavour'].
+  * sync over {{{brutus.apache.org:~gump/.cvspass}}} (saves typing in a whole 
bunch of 'public' cvs passwords)
   * update /usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3 to have working symlinks
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3$ rm LICENSE

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-05-03 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

   * '''required''': apache2 cvs libxp-dev libxt6 libxtst6 python python2.3 
subversion xvfb mysql-server python2.3-dev python2.3-mysqldb python2.4-dev 
unzip libxml2 libxml2-utils xsltproc libtool curl
   * '''convenience''': lynx sudo vim bzip2 mutt nano mysql-client rsync
+  * '''for building projects''': autoconf automake
  === Create gump user and group and stuff ===

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-05-01 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
need rdflib

  Install the following via {{{apt-get install}}}:
-  * '''required''': apache2 cvs libxp-dev libxt6 libxtst6 python python2.3 
subversion xvfb mysql-server python2.3-mysqldb unzip libxml2 libxml2-utils 
xsltproc libtool curl
+  * '''required''': apache2 cvs libxp-dev libxt6 libxtst6 python python2.3 
subversion xvfb mysql-server python2.3-dev python2.3-mysqldb python2.4-dev 
unzip libxml2 libxml2-utils xsltproc libtool curl
   * '''convenience''': lynx sudo vim bzip2 mutt nano mysql-client rsync
@@ -67, +67 @@

  === Other prereqs ===
- We manage these in /opt:
+ We manage most of these in /opt:
  mkdir /x1/opt
  mkdir /x1/opt/__versions__
@@ -87, +87 @@

 * {{{tar -xzf /tmp/maven-xxx.tar.gz}}}
 * create a symbolic link {{{/opt/maven}}} pointing to the installed version
 * '''Note''': MAVEN_HOME will be exported and added to the PATH in step 5
+  * rdflib
+* Download [http://rdflib.net/stable/ Rdflib] to /tmp (select .tgz format)
+* {{{tar -zxf /tmp/rdflib-xxx.tgz}}}
+* {{{cd rdflib-xxx}}}
+* (as root) python2.3 setup.py install
+* (as root) python2.4 setup.py install
  === Optional prereqs ===

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-05-01 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

  threads updaters=5 builders=0 /
   * sync over packages from {{{brutus.apache.org:/usr/local/gump/packages}}} 
[shared, not under 'flavour'].
+  * update /usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3 to have working symlinks
+  {{{
+ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3$ rm LICENSE
+ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3$ rm rt.jar
+ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3$ ln -s 
+ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/gump/packages/java-runtime-1.3$ ln -s 
+  }}}
   * create/edit {{{/usr/local/gump/public/gump/cron/local-env-vmgump.sh}}}:

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-05-01 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

   * {{{a2ensite vmgump.apache.org  a2enmod proxy  a2dissite default}}}
   * {{{/etc/init.d/apache2 reload}}}
+  * edit gumprun.py to disable all actors except the xdoc one, since one of 
the others seems to be
+causing weird issues.
  === gump3 setup ===

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-27 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:

  cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump/mysql
- mysql -u gump -p gump  gump.sql 
+ mysql -u gump -p gump_public  gump.sql 
  # enter password here...

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-26 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
some changes still needed

   * sync over packages from {{{brutus.apache.org:/usr/local/gump/packages}}} 
[shared, not under 'flavour'].
-  * create/edit {{{/usr/local/gump/public/gump/local-env-py-vmgump.sh}}}:
+  * create/edit {{{/usr/local/gump/public/gump/cron/local-env-vmgump.sh}}}:
  export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.4
  export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
@@ -126, +126 @@

   * create/edit /home/gump/.bash_profile:
  umask 002
- . /usr/local/gump/public/gump/local-env-py-vmgump.sh
+ . /usr/local/gump/public/gump/cron/local-env-vmgump.sh
   * set up cron for user gump:
@@ -164, +164 @@

  #Clean up after POI...
  0 0 * * * /bin/rm -f /tmp/*.xls
-  * copy the file {{{/etc/apache2/sites-available/default}}} into 
-  * configure {{{/etc/apache2/sites-available/[virtual.host]}}} somewhat like 
+  * configure {{{/etc/apache2/sites-available/vmgump.apache.org}}} somewhat 
like this:
   {{{NameVirtualHost *
  VirtualHost *
@@ -219, +218 @@

  ProxyPassReverse /gump3/ http://localhost:8080/
   * {{{mkdir /var/www/vmgump.apache.org  chown gump:gump 
-  * {{{a2ensite vmgump.apache.org  a2enmod proxy}}}
+  * {{{a2ensite vmgump.apache.org  a2enmod proxy  a2dissite default}}}
   * {{{/etc/init.d/apache2 reload}}}
  === gump3 setup ===

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-26 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
mysql instructions

  chown gump:gump /x1/gump
  echo 'general@gump.apache.org'  ~gump/.forward
  echo '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'  ~root/.forward
+ }}}
+ === Set up mysql ===
+  * Secure the root account 
+  {{{
+ shell mysql -u root
+ mysql SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('newpwd');
+ mysql SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'vmgump' = PASSWORD('newpwd');
+ }}}
+  * Create a gump database and user
+  {{{
+ mysql create database gump_public;
+ mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gump_public.* to 'gump'@'localhost' identified 
by 'passwd';
+ Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
+ mysql flush privileges;
+ Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
  === Other prereqs ===
@@ -107, +128 @@

  profile href=profile/gump.xml/
- database database=gump_public passwd=password /
+ database database=gump_public user=gump passwd=password /
  !-- additional background threads, over main thread --
  threads updaters=5 builders=0 /

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-26 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
you need to create tables...

  mysql flush privileges;
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
+ }}}
+  * set up tables
+  {{{
+ cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump/mysql
+ mysql -u gump -p gump  gump.sql 
+ # enter password here...
  === Other prereqs ===

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
document vmgump setup in progress...

New page:
=== Debian ===

Install the following via {{{apt-get install}}}:

 * '''required''': apache2 cvs libxp-dev libxt6 libxtst6 python python2.4 
subversion xvfb mysql-server python2.3-mysqldb  unzip libxml2 libxml2-utils 
xsltproc libtool curl
 * '''convenience''': lynx sudo vim bzip2 mutt nano mysql-client rsync

=== Create gump user and group and stuff ===

useradd -d /home/gump -s /bin/bash gump
addgroup gump
adduser gump gump
adduser gump staff
mkdir /home/gump
chown -Rf gump:gump /home/gump
mkdir /x1/gump
ln -s /x1/gump /usr/local/gump
chown gump:gump /x1/gump
mkdir /x1/opt
mkdir /x1/opt/__versions__
rm -r /opt
ln -s /x1/opt /opt

=== Other prereqs ===

 * Java SDK:
   * Download [http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html j2sdk-1_4_2_xx for 
Linux] to /tmp
   * {{{cd /opt/__versions__}}}
   * execute {{{/tmp/j2sdk-1_4_2_xx-linux-i586.bin}}}
   * create a symbolic link {{{/opt/jdk1.4}}} pointing to the installed version

 * Apache Maven:
   * Download [http://maven.apache.org/start/download.html Maven] to /tmp 
(select .tar.gz format)
   * {{{cd /opt/__versions__}}}
   * {{{tar -xzf /tmp/maven-xxx.tar.gz}}}
   * create a symbolic link {{{/opt/maven}}} pointing to the installed version
   * '''Note''': MAVEN_HOME will be exported and added to the PATH in step 5

=== Optional Extra ===


=== Gump Setup ===

Set up /usr/local/gump/[flavour]/..., the first flavour being public:

 * set CVSROOT per 
[http://gump.apache.org/gettingstarted.html#Getting+the+source+to+Gump Gump 
Getting Started]
 * {{{mkdir -p /usr/local/gump/public}}}
 * {{{cd /usr/local/gump/public}}}
 * {{{svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/trunk/ gump}}}
 * {{{cd gump}}}
 * {{{cvs login}}}
 * {{{cvs checkout -P -d metadata gump}}}
 * create/edit {{{./metadata/vmgump.xml}}} (to match {{{`hostname`.xml}}} and 
supplying the database password)
workspace name=brutus-public

property name=build.sysclasspath value=only/
sysproperty name=java.awt.headless value=true/

profile href=profile/gump.xml/

database database=gump_public passwd=password /

!-- additional background threads, over main thread --
threads updaters=5 builders=0 /
 * sync over packages from {{{brutus.apache.org:/usr/local/gump/packages}}} 
[shared, not under 'flavour'].

***NB: done up to here...***

 * create/edit {{{/usr/local/gump/public/gump/local-env-py-vmgump.sh}}}:
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.4
export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/maven
 * create/edit /home/gump/.bash_profile:
umask 002
. /usr/local/gump/public/gump/local-env-py-vmgump.sh
 * add this crontab entry:
 {{{0 0 * * * cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump; /bin/bash gumpy.sh
 * copy the file {{{/etc/apache2/sites-available/default}}} into 
 * configure {{{/etc/apache2/sites-available/[virtual.host]}}} somewhat like 
 {{{NameVirtualHost *
VirtualHost *

ServerName vmgump.apache.org

DocumentRoot /var/www/vmgump.apache.org

Directory /
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Directory /var/www/vmgump.apache.org
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/vmgump.apache.org.error.log

# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/vmgump.apache.org.access.log combined
ServerSignature On

Alias /gump/public/ /usr/local/gump/public/results/
Alias /gump/public-jars/ /usr/local/gump/public/jars/

Directory /usr/local/gump/
HeaderName /disclaimer.html
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Location /gump/public/workspace_defn.html
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

ProxyRequests Off
Proxy *
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all
ProxyPass /gump3/ http://localhost:8080/  

[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
more instructions...

  === Debian ===
+ Upgrade to sid:
+ {{{
+ #deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main
+ deb http://linux.csua.berkeley.edu/debian/ sid main
+ deb-src http://linux.csua.berkeley.edu/debian/ sid main
+ #deb http://linux.csua.berkeley.edu/debian/ testing main
+ #deb-src http://linux.csua.berkeley.edu/debian/ testing main
+ deb http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main
+ }}}
  Install the following via {{{apt-get install}}}:
   * '''required''': apache2 cvs libxp-dev libxt6 libxtst6 python python2.4 
subversion xvfb mysql-server python2.3-mysqldb  unzip libxml2 libxml2-utils 
xsltproc libtool curl
   * '''convenience''': lynx sudo vim bzip2 mutt nano mysql-client rsync
  === Create gump user and group and stuff ===
@@ -40, +53 @@

 * create a symbolic link {{{/opt/maven}}} pointing to the installed version
 * '''Note''': MAVEN_HOME will be exported and added to the PATH in step 5
- === Optional Extra ===
+ === Optional prereqs ===
-  [BrutusConfig/Mono]
+  * Mono:
+* {{{apt-get install mono}}}
+ {{{
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root35 Oct  6  2004 ant - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root31 Jan  7 11:57 cocoon - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root32 Jan  7 11:57 forrest - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root29 Jan 24 23:47 jdk1.3 - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root27 Oct  6  2004 jdk1.5 - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root31 Oct  6  2004 jetty - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root23 Oct 12  2004 kaffe - /opt/__versions__/kaffe
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root29 Oct  6  2004 loader - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root49 Oct  6  2004 mysql - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root31 Oct  6  2004 rdflib - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root30 Oct  6  2004 servlet-api - 
+ lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root32 Oct  9  2004 webware - 
+ }}}
  === Gump Setup ===
@@ -57, +88 @@

   * {{{cvs checkout -P -d metadata gump}}}
   * create/edit {{{./metadata/vmgump.xml}}} (to match {{{`hostname`.xml}}} and 
supplying the database password)
- workspace name=brutus-public
+ workspace name=vmgump-public
- logurl=http://brutus.apache.org/gump/public;
+ logurl=http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/public;
  property name=build.sysclasspath value=only/
@@ -76, +107 @@

  threads updaters=5 builders=0 /
   * sync over packages from {{{brutus.apache.org:/usr/local/gump/packages}}} 
[shared, not under 'flavour'].
- ***NB: done up to here...***
   * create/edit {{{/usr/local/gump/public/gump/local-env-py-vmgump.sh}}}:
@@ -150, +179 @@

  ProxyPass /gump3/ http://localhost:8080/  
  ProxyPassReverse /gump3/ http://localhost:8080/
-  * run {{{a2ensite}}} and when prompted, enter [virtual.host] (the same name 
that you used above)
+  * {{{mkdir /var/www/vmgump.apache.org  chown gump:gump 
+  * {{{a2ensite vmgump.apache.org  a2enmod proxy}}}
-  * {{{/etc/init.d/apache2 restart}}}
+  * {{{/etc/init.d/apache2 reload}}}
-  * logoff, logon as gump, and run some tests:
+ === Done! ===
+ Get to business...
+  * su into gump, and run some tests:
   {{{cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump/python
  export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
  python gump/check.py -w ../brutus.xml all --debug
@@ -176, +211 @@

  /usr/local/gump/{flavour}/results -- WWW site
  /usr/local/gump/{flavour}/jars -- Artifact Repository
+ /opt -- prereqs not installed using apt
+ /var/www/vmgump.apache.org -- website

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
gump3 basics...

   * {{{a2ensite vmgump.apache.org  a2enmod proxy}}}
   * {{{/etc/init.d/apache2 reload}}}
+ === gump3 setup ===
+ {{{
+ useradd -d /home/gump3 -s /bin/bash gump3
+ addgroup gump3
+ adduser gump3 gump3
+ adduser gump3 staff
+ mkdir /home/gump3
+ chown -Rf gump3:gump3 /home/gump3
+ su - gump3
+ svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3
+ }}}
+  * [VmgumpConfig/Gump3BashConfig]
  === Done! ===
  Get to business...

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig/Gump3BashConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

New page:
=== ~/.bashrc ===

# If running interactively, then:
if [ $PS1 ]; then

# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ $TERM != dumb ]; then
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'

# set a fancy prompt
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\$ '

# If this is an xterm set the title to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:dir
case $TERM in
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne \033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ${PWD}\007'

if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
  . /etc/bash_completion

=== ~/.bash_profile ===

umask 002

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then

# allow calling gump from different directories...
export PATH=$HOME/Gump3:$PATH

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
more on the gump3 setup

  Install the following via {{{apt-get install}}}:
-  * '''required''': apache2 cvs libxp-dev libxt6 libxtst6 python python2.4 
subversion xvfb mysql-server python2.3-mysqldb  unzip libxml2 libxml2-utils 
xsltproc libtool curl
+  * '''required''': apache2 cvs libxp-dev libxt6 libxtst6 python python2.3 
subversion xvfb mysql-server python2.3-mysqldb unzip libxml2 libxml2-utils 
xsltproc libtool curl
   * '''convenience''': lynx sudo vim bzip2 mutt nano mysql-client rsync
@@ -192, +192 @@

  adduser gump3 staff
  mkdir /home/gump3
  chown -Rf gump3:gump3 /home/gump3
+ passwd gump3
+ $EDITOR ~gump3/.passwd # save password
+ chmod 600 ~gump3/.passwd
+ chown gump3:gump3 ~gump3/.passwd
  su - gump3
  svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3
+  * disable auth caching for svn, editing ~gump3/.subversion/config so that
+ {{{
+ ### Section for authentication and authorization customizations.
+ [auth]
+ ### Set store-passwords to 'no' to avoid storing passwords in the
+ ### auth/ area of your config directory.  It defaults to 'yes'.
+ ### Note that this option only prevents saving of *new* passwords;
+ ### it doesn't invalidate existing passwords.  (To do that, remove
+ ### the cache files by hand as described in the Subversion book.)
+ store-passwords = no
+ ### Set store-auth-creds to 'no' to avoid storing any subversion
+ ### credentials in the auth/ area of your config directory.
+ ### It defaults to 'yes'.  Note that this option only prevents
+ ### saving of *new* credentials;  it doesn't invalidate existing
+ ### caches.  (To do that, remove the cache files by hand.)
+ store-auth-creds = no
+ }}}
   * [VmgumpConfig/Gump3BashConfig]
+  * install gump3 prereqs
+ {{{
+ exit # fromp gump3, back into su mode
+ apt-get install python2.4 python2.4-mysqldb python-pmock
+ # no python2.4-pmock...
+ cp /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pmock.py /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages
+ python2.4 -OO -c from pmock import *; import pmock; import sys; sys.exit()
+ }}}
+  * test it
+ {{{
+ su - gump3
+ GUMP_TEST_NO_MYSQL=yes gump test
+ }}}
  === Done! ===

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
reflect reality

  mkdir /x1/gump
  ln -s /x1/gump /usr/local/gump
  chown gump:gump /x1/gump
+ }}}
+ === Other prereqs ===
+ We manage these in /opt:
+ {{{
  mkdir /x1/opt
  mkdir /x1/opt/__versions__
  rm -r /opt
  ln -s /x1/opt /opt
- === Other prereqs ===
   * Java SDK:
 * Download [http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html j2sdk-1_4_2_xx 
for Linux] to /tmp
@@ -58, +62 @@

   * Mono:
 * {{{apt-get install mono}}}
+ TODO: figure out which packages of the below on brutus is needed
  lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root35 Oct  6  2004 ant - 
  lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root31 Jan  7 11:57 cocoon - 
@@ -82, +86 @@

   * set CVSROOT per 
[http://gump.apache.org/gettingstarted.html#Getting+the+source+to+Gump Gump 
Getting Started]
   * {{{mkdir -p /usr/local/gump/public}}}
   * {{{cd /usr/local/gump/public}}}
-  * {{{svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/trunk/ gump}}}
+  * {{{svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/trunk/ gump}}} (note 
we're not using the live branch!)
   * {{{cd gump}}}
   * {{{cvs login}}}
   * {{{cvs checkout -P -d metadata gump}}}
@@ -122, +126 @@

  umask 002
  . /usr/local/gump/public/gump/local-env-py-vmgump.sh
-  * add this crontab entry:
+  * set up cron for user gump:
+ {{{
+ #NOT OFFICIAL Public - The official Gump run, the one that sends email 
(uses JDK 1.4 and the 'live' branch)
+ #0 0 * * *   cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump/cron; /bin/bash gump.sh all 
+ # Public - these are subruns of public that don't send email but update the 
web site
-  {{{0 0 * * * cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump; /bin/bash gumpy.sh
+ #0 18 * * *cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump/cron; /bin/bash gump.sh all
+ 0 0,6,12,18 * * *cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump/cron; /bin/bash gump.sh 
+ #DISABLED JDK 1.5 - This Gump runs on JDK 1.5
+ #0 6 * * *   cd /usr/local/gump/jdk15/gump/cron; /bin/bash gump.sh all
+ #DISABLED Test - This Gump runs on JDK 1.4 but uses the latest-and-greatest 
gump code out of 'trunk'
+ #0 12 * * *  cd /usr/local/gump/test/gump/cron; /bin/bash gump.sh all
+ #DISABLED Gump3 - This is the new Gump...
+ #0 12 * * *  cd /usr/local/gump/gump3/Gump3/; /bin/bash gump run 
+ #DISABLED Kaffe - This Gump runs on top of Kaffe and uses the 'live' branch
+ #0 3,9,15,21 * * *  cd /usr/local/gump/kaffe/gump/cron; /bin/bash gump.sh 
all; /usr/bin/killall -9w kaffe-bin; rm -f 
+ # Clean up older artifacts
+ 0 0 * * * /usr/bin/find /usr/local/gump/*/jars -type f -ctime +6 | 
/usr/bin/xargs -r /bin/rm
+ #TODO Update the local environments and workspace information
+ #55 * * * * /home/gump/update-envs.sh
+ #TODO Checkout (from CVS) and update blog
+ #1,16,31,46 * * * * /home/gump/update-blog.sh
+ #TODO Update website from svn
+ #2,17,32,47 * * * * /home/gump/update-site.sh
+ #Clean up after POI...
+ 0 0 * * * /bin/rm -f /tmp/*.xls
   * copy the file {{{/etc/apache2/sites-available/default}}} into 
   * configure {{{/etc/apache2/sites-available/[virtual.host]}}} somewhat like 
@@ -196, +233 @@

  $EDITOR ~gump3/.passwd # save password
  chmod 600 ~gump3/.passwd
  chown gump3:gump3 ~gump3/.passwd
- su - gump3
+ su - gump3 # do the below as gump3 user in /home/gump3...
  svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3
@@ -242, +279 @@

   {{{cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump/python
  export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
  python gump/check.py -w ../brutus.xml all --debug
- python gump/integrate.py -w ../brutus.xml all --debug
+  * now kick of an actual run manually:
+ {{{cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump/cron; /bin/bash gump.sh all}}}
  === Gump Farm Layout Details ===

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

  python gump/check.py -w ../brutus.xml all --debug
+  * make sure we trust svn.apache.org
+  {{{cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump; svn up}}} (hit 'p' to store cert)
   * now kick of an actual run manually:
  {{{cd /usr/local/gump/public/gump/cron; /bin/bash gump.sh all}}}

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[Gump Wiki] Update of VmgumpConfig by LeoSimons

2005-04-24 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

The comment on the change is:
e-mail forwarding

  mkdir /x1/gump
  ln -s /x1/gump /usr/local/gump
  chown gump:gump /x1/gump
+ echo 'general@gump.apache.org'  ~gump/.forward
+ echo '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'  ~root/.forward
  === Other prereqs ===
@@ -235, +237 @@

  chown gump3:gump3 ~gump3/.passwd
  su - gump3 # do the below as gump3 user in /home/gump3...
  svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/gump/branches/Gump3
+ echo 'general@gump.apache.org'  ~gump3/.forward
   * disable auth caching for svn, editing ~gump3/.subversion/config so that

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[Gump Wiki] Update of GumpThree by SebastianBazley

2005-04-09 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by SebastianBazley:

The comment on the change is:
Add some missing pre-reqs

  You need at least:
   * [http://www.cygwin.com/ Cygwin]. Make sure to get at least the base and 
development packages sort-of completely; without the which and hostname 
commands you'll be in trouble for sure. Probably a good idea to add 
C:\cygwin\bin and C:\cygwin\sbin to your PATH, which you can do via right 
clicking My Computer  Properties  Advanced  Environment Variables  
+  * Cygwin ssh (can be installed with setup)
   * [http://www.python.org/ Python]. You need version 2.4 or later. Make sure 
to add the location you installed it (usually C:\Python24) to your PATH 
*before* the cygwin paths, or otherwise make sure you don't install the cygwin 
versions of python.
   * [http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion client]. I recommend the latest 
stable version. The installer modifies your PATH for you.
   * [http://www.mysql.com/ MySQL]. I recommend the latest stable version.
+  * [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python MySQLdb Python library]
   * [http://java.sun.com/ Java]. I recommend the latest version in the 1.4.x 
series. Set JAVA_HOME to point to wherever you install it
  Fire up a command window. Do something like:
@@ -29, +31 @@

  rem ...this will show database errors...
  bash gump run
  rem so lets install a database
- cd gumpdb/src/sql
+ rem you can create a database using:
+ mysqldbadmin [-u root -p] create gump
- rem create a gump user with permissions to the gump database first, then
+ rem create a gump user with permissions to the gump database first
+ rem (e.g. using MySql Administrator), and then
- mysql -u root -p gump  gump3-database-definition.sql
+ mysql -u root -p gump  gumpdb/src/sql/gump3-database-definition.sql
  rem cross your fingers! It might work...
  bash gump run

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[Gump Wiki] Update of WikiSandBox by LeoSimons

2005-04-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

+ testing...
  Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and 
please do '''NOT''' create new pages without any meaningful content just to try 
it out.

[Gump Wiki] Update of WikiSandBox by LeoSimons

2005-04-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Gump Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by LeoSimons:

- testing...
  Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and 
please do '''NOT''' create new pages without any meaningful content just to try 
it out.

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[Gump Wiki] Update of WikiSandBox by LeoSimons

2005-04-07 Thread Apache Wiki
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  === Drawing ===
+ === Mwuhahahahah! ===

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