[STATUS] (incubator) Wed Dec 28 23:55:48 2005

2005-12-28 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
Last modified at [$Date: 2005-11-24 00:30:24 -0500 (Thu, 24 Nov 2005) $]

Web site:  http://Incubator.Apache.Org/
Wiki page: http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/

[note: the Web site is the 'official' documentation; the wiki pages
 are for collaborative development, including stuff destined for the
 Web site.]

Pending Issues

o Clearly and authoritatively document how to edit, generate,
  and update the Web site (three separate functions).

o Move the stable wiki pages into the official site.

o We need to be very very clear about what it takes to be accepted
  into the incubator.  It should be a very low bar to leap, possibly
  not much more than 'no problematic code' and the existence of a
  healthy community (we don't want to become a dumping ground).

o We need to be very very clear about what it takes for a podling
  to graduate from the incubator.  The basic requirements obviously
  include: has a home, either as part of another ASF project or as
  a new top-level project of its own; needs to be a credit to the
  ASF and function well in the ASF framework; ...

o Moving the bylaw documentation from the Wiki to the main site

o fix formatting of the project status pages

Resolved Issues

o The policy documentation does not need ratification of changes
  if there seems consensus. Accordingly, the draft status of these
  documents can be removed and we will use the lazy "commit first,
  discuss later" mode common across the ASF for documentation

o Coming up with a set of bylaws for the project

o All projects under incubation must maintain a status Web page that
  contains information the PMC needs about the project.

o Projects under incubation should display appropriate "disclaimers"
  so that it is clear that they are, indeed, under incubation

The Incubation Process

This tries to list all the actions items that must be complete for a project
before it can graduate from the incubator. It is probably incomplete.

Identify the project to be incubated:

  -- Make sure that the requested project name does not already exist
 and check www.nameprotect.com to be sure that the name is not
 already trademarked for an existing software product.

  -- If request from an existing Apache project to adopt an external
 package, then ask the Apache project for the cvs module and mail
 address names.

  -- If request from outside Apache to enter an existing Apache project,
 then post a message to that project for them to decide on acceptance.

  -- If request from anywhere to become a stand-alone PMC, then assess
 the fit with the ASF, and create the lists and modules under the
 incubator address/module names if accepted.

Interim responsibility:

  -- Who has been identified as the mentor for the incubation?

  -- Are they tracking progress on the "project status" Web page?


  -- Have the papers that transfer rights to the ASF been received?
 It is only necessary to transfer rights for the package, the
 core code, and any new code produced by the project.

  -- Have the files been updated to reflect the new ASF copyright?

Verify distribution rights:

  -- For all code included with the distribution that is not under the
 Apache license, do we have the right to combine with Apache-licensed
 code and redistribute?

  -- Is all source code distributed by the project covered by one or more
 of the following approved licenses:  Apache, BSD, Artistic, MIT/X,
 MIT/W3C, MPL 1.1, or something with essentially the same terms?

Establish a list of active committers:

  -- Are all active committers listed in the "project status" file?

  -- Do they have accounts on cvs.apache.org?

  -- Have they submitted a contributors agreement?


  -- CVS modules created and committers added to avail file?

  -- Mailing lists set up and archived?

  -- Problem tracking system (Bugzilla)?

  -- Has the project migrated to our infrastructure?

Collaborative Development:

  -- Have all of the active long-term volunteers been identified
 and acknowledged as committers on the project?

  -- Are there three or more independent committers?

 [The legal definition of independent is long and boring, but basically
  it means that there is no binding relationship between the individuals,
  such as a shared employer, that is capable of overriding their free
  will as individuals, directly or indirectly.]


Re: The line between full incubation and IP clearance

2005-12-28 Thread Martin Cooper
On 12/28/05, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin,
> > Is there a well-defined line between these two mechanisms for bringing
> new
> > code to the ASF?
> No, not a well-defined one.  The IP Clearance is primarily intended for
> use
> with a relatively simple Software Grant situation into an existing
> project,
> such as libtool, which we can contrast with mod_cli or mod_ftp.  And,
> honestly, I think that we have made a few mistakes in the past by using
> the
> simpler form when a fuller incubation would have yielded a better result
> in
> terms of community building around new code.
> > I would expect the Oracle ADF Faces donation to be substantial,
> > and include a framework that ties everything together. I would
> > have thought that would have warranted full incubation
> Is there community, or just code?  If a community comes with it, too, I
> would certainly expect incubation, however, the e-mail you referenced says
> (in part): "[after clearance,] the MyFaces committers treat the code as if
> we wrote it ourselves", and I don't see any mention of a community coming,
> too.  But here is a sample grey area: one or two committers absorbed into
> a
> healthy community might be deemed acceptable, whereas a substantial number
> of new ones might not.  So if you buy that argument, where do we draw the
> line, and how do we address potential abuse?

I suppose I'm asking prematurely, since, of course, I haven't seen a
proposal either. ;-) However, up until now, ADF Faces has been part of (or
an add-on to - I'm not sure) a commercial Oracle product (JDeveloper). There
may be OTN forums that it's discussed on; not sure if that counts as a
community. Also, since it's no longer all of ADF Faces that's going to be
offered to the ASF, I don't know how that would affect any existing

I expect that some Oracle developers will be listed in the forthcoming
proposal, and they will most likely be needed, too. How many, I have no
idea. How much cross-pollination between the ADF Faces code base and the
existing MyFaces code is also an open question in my mind. At least
initially, I would expect that the ADF Faces code base will be set up as a
separate build and download from the existing MyFaces code, until the
collective team decides how to integrate the two, or even if integrating
them makes sense, versus treating ADF Faces as a separate sub-project.

Martin Cooper

> I'm new in Incubator-land, so I'm not altogether savvy about processes and
> > procedures, but wanted to ask about this one.
> It is a fine question.  Hypothetically, without judging the merits of this
> submission, you raise the spectre of a type of situation that I'd want to
> ward against as a general rule.
> --- Noel
> -
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Re: The line between full incubation and IP clearance

2005-12-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas

I agree, as we need a better polic/process for IP Clearance, it can't
be left to one person. I already insisted on full incubation for the
specific issue. Though mind you, i'd love to have some guidelines i
can check off of to back up why i think a full incubation is prudent.
In this specific case, i think we need a closer look at what's
happening given the circumstances and the spectre of a large code base
helps reinforce that thought.


On 12/28/05, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dims,
> > it's been a line in the sand AFAIK, i guess it's Noel's call.
> -1
> Although that might be technically true, we do things collectively in the
> ASF.  Mind you, we've not had a process for voting on IP Clearance type
> submissions, so that's been a potential loophole.
> > I think we should insist on a full incubation for
> > Cherokee/Tomahawk/ADF (whatever it's name is today)
> I responded on the generic issue, but as for this specific submission, I
> don't know enough about it, yet.  I just got back on e-mail today for the
> first time since Friday, so I've got some reading to do.  :-)  Please feel
> free to reply to my e-mail to Martin with your observations, but change the
> subject to reflect the specific, rather than general.  :-)
> --- Noel

Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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RE: The line between full incubation and IP clearance

2005-12-28 Thread Noel J. Bergman

> Is there a well-defined line between these two mechanisms for bringing new
> code to the ASF?

No, not a well-defined one.  The IP Clearance is primarily intended for use
with a relatively simple Software Grant situation into an existing project,
such as libtool, which we can contrast with mod_cli or mod_ftp.  And,
honestly, I think that we have made a few mistakes in the past by using the
simpler form when a fuller incubation would have yielded a better result in
terms of community building around new code.

> I would expect the Oracle ADF Faces donation to be substantial,
> and include a framework that ties everything together. I would
> have thought that would have warranted full incubation

Is there community, or just code?  If a community comes with it, too, I
would certainly expect incubation, however, the e-mail you referenced says
(in part): "[after clearance,] the MyFaces committers treat the code as if
we wrote it ourselves", and I don't see any mention of a community coming,
too.  But here is a sample grey area: one or two committers absorbed into a
healthy community might be deemed acceptable, whereas a substantial number
of new ones might not.  So if you buy that argument, where do we draw the
line, and how do we address potential abuse?

> I'm new in Incubator-land, so I'm not altogether savvy about processes and
> procedures, but wanted to ask about this one.

It is a fine question.  Hypothetically, without judging the merits of this
submission, you raise the spectre of a type of situation that I'd want to
ward against as a general rule.

--- Noel

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RE: The line between full incubation and IP clearance

2005-12-28 Thread Noel J. Bergman

> it's been a line in the sand AFAIK, i guess it's Noel's call.


Although that might be technically true, we do things collectively in the
ASF.  Mind you, we've not had a process for voting on IP Clearance type
submissions, so that's been a potential loophole.

> I think we should insist on a full incubation for
> Cherokee/Tomahawk/ADF (whatever it's name is today)

I responded on the generic issue, but as for this specific submission, I
don't know enough about it, yet.  I just got back on e-mail today for the
first time since Friday, so I've got some reading to do.  :-)  Please feel
free to reply to my e-mail to Martin with your observations, but change the
subject to reflect the specific, rather than general.  :-)

--- Noel

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IP Clearance vs Full incubation

2005-12-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas

I was browsing the ip-clearance documents
IMNSHO, I don't like what's happening. It *SHOULD* be incubator PMC's
call whether an incoming donation can take "IP Clearance" route or
whether it needs undergo full incubation. A sponsoring PMC should not
call the shots on which mechanism is to be used. I don't remember
how/who decided on some of the ip clearance things that happened so

Does anyone agree/disagree?


Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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Re: Is the incubator out of control?

2005-12-28 Thread Mads Toftum
On Wed, Dec 28, 2005 at 03:53:31PM -0500, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> +1 to 3 ASF Members/Officers as mentors
> +1 to require Incubator PMC vote for *ALL* incoming projects
> +1 to require Incubator PMC vote even on simpler IP imports
yeah, sounds good to me. More mentors / oversight is likely to help
quite a bit.


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

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Re: The line between full incubation and IP clearance

2005-12-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas
it's been a line in the sand AFAIK, i guess it's Noel's call. I don't
remember voting on some of the things on the site

I think we should insist on a full incubation for
Cherokee/Tomahawk/ADF (whatever it's name is today)


On 12/28/05, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a well-defined line between these two mechanisms for bringing new
> code to the ASF? Not having seen the code yet, I can't say for sure, but I
> would expect the Oracle ADF Faces donation to be substantial, and include
> a framework that ties everything together. I would have thought that would
> have warranted full incubation, but it appears to be going through only
> the UP Clearance procedure. See:
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/myfaces-dev/200512.mbox/[EMAIL 
> I'm new in Incubator-land, so I'm not altogether savvy about processes and
> procedures, but wanted to ask about this one.
> --
> Martin Cooper
> -
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Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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Re: Is the incubator out of control?

2005-12-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas
+1 to 3 ASF Members/Officers as mentors
+1 to require Incubator PMC vote for *ALL* incoming projects
+1 to require Incubator PMC vote even on simpler IP imports


On 12/28/05, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steven Noels wrote:
> > The Incubator PMC only needs to care about IP and legal blahblah,
> > thus the receiving PMCs are tasked with community and brand abuse
> > stuff.
> Not true.  If there is community development, the Incubator PMC had better
> be involved.  We're going to have to adjust things, such as Mentorship and
> votes to leave the Incubator, e.g.,
>   - a minimum of 3 ASF Members and/or Officers who have differing
> corporate affiliations as Mentors per project.  The sponsoring
> PMC must identify those ASF Members.  Projects who lose one or
> more sponsors -- even if they just go quiet -- must make sure
> that they regain the minimum of 3.  Existing projects that are
> not meeting the quorum will not be permitted to release any
> code, regardless of otherwise meeting Incubator release guidelines.
>   - the Board will determine if there is an Incubator PMC vote to
> accept a new project, but at the moment, any PMC can vote to
> bring a new project into the Incubator, assuming that they
> otherwise meet the guidelines.  There are still guidelines
> regarding candidacy, and the Board will be encouraged to
> take a dim view of any PMC trying to game the system.
>   - the Incubator PMC having the sole vote on all graduations from
> the Incubator.  The target PMC votes to accept first, and then
> notifies us that they are ready for our vote.
> It is a talking point, but we may have to perform that vote even on simpler
> IP imports, just to prevent gaming the system, e.g., "well, it's not really
> a new project".  Actually, all of those are talking points.
> --- Noel
> -
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Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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The line between full incubation and IP clearance

2005-12-28 Thread Martin Cooper
Is there a well-defined line between these two mechanisms for bringing new 
code to the ASF? Not having seen the code yet, I can't say for sure, but I 
would expect the Oracle ADF Faces donation to be substantial, and include 
a framework that ties everything together. I would have thought that would 
have warranted full incubation, but it appears to be going through only 
the UP Clearance procedure. See:


I'm new in Incubator-land, so I'm not altogether savvy about processes and 
procedures, but wanted to ask about this one.

Martin Cooper

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RE: Is the incubator out of control?

2005-12-28 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Steven Noels wrote:

> The Incubator PMC only needs to care about IP and legal blahblah,
> thus the receiving PMCs are tasked with community and brand abuse
> stuff.

Not true.  If there is community development, the Incubator PMC had better
be involved.  We're going to have to adjust things, such as Mentorship and
votes to leave the Incubator, e.g.,

  - a minimum of 3 ASF Members and/or Officers who have differing
corporate affiliations as Mentors per project.  The sponsoring
PMC must identify those ASF Members.  Projects who lose one or
more sponsors -- even if they just go quiet -- must make sure
that they regain the minimum of 3.  Existing projects that are
not meeting the quorum will not be permitted to release any
code, regardless of otherwise meeting Incubator release guidelines.

  - the Board will determine if there is an Incubator PMC vote to
accept a new project, but at the moment, any PMC can vote to
bring a new project into the Incubator, assuming that they
otherwise meet the guidelines.  There are still guidelines
regarding candidacy, and the Board will be encouraged to
take a dim view of any PMC trying to game the system.

  - the Incubator PMC having the sole vote on all graduations from
the Incubator.  The target PMC votes to accept first, and then
notifies us that they are ready for our vote.

It is a talking point, but we may have to perform that vote even on simpler
IP imports, just to prevent gaming the system, e.g., "well, it's not really
a new project".  Actually, all of those are talking points.

--- Noel

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RE: Is the incubator out of control?

2005-12-28 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Erik Abele wrote:

> Roy T. Fielding wrote:

>>> What you do have is the right to vote against their graduation if
>>> you so desire.

> The second sentence does exactly what the first sentence forbids, no?
> It tells people what they cannot do at the ASF.

It is established that the Incubator is the sole authority on new entry
into the ASF.  The talking point is the barrier into the vestibule, if you

Roy wants an open policy, others are concerned that there is too much
chaos and confusion in the antechambers.  Worse, they are concerned that
projects under the Incubator may be causing confusion about what is and is
not under the imprimatur of the ASF.

We can revisit branding, but I don't believe that a totally non-ASF brand
is at all warranted, as explained by Justin.

--- Noel

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

RE: Is the incubator out of control?

2005-12-28 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> If any ASF PMC believes it is in the best interest of the Foundation to
> accept a podling and they are willing to dedicate resources ("people") -
> then anyone on the Incubator PMC has no standing to challenge that
> decision.  When a PMC approves a podling, the only thing the Incubator
> PMC can decide is whether the project can "leave" the Incubator.

A fair summation, although there are people who believe that the Incubator
PMC should have more of a say in the entry of a project for Incubation.

Jim and Geir both raise the hypothetical of what would have happened if
Tuscany were submitted as a fait accompli by the WS PMC, rather than being
critiqued here.  Following up on some comments and other examples from Dims,
I'd say that this raises a separate issue, which is something to address
Foundation-wide: how to push for more synergy and cooperation where
appropriate between our projects, without excluding cooperation with
external ones.  To date, that has only been something promoted by
individuals, such as myself, who want to see ASF projects collaborating.

> Even without a PMC, if *one* of our members out there thinks a project is
> worth doing and they can write something mildly resembling a charter down
> on paper, that's all I need to hear for a +1.

That has been my policy, too, although if we adopt the notion that there
must be 3 Members/Officers as project mentors, it would take more than one
such mentor for a project to start.

I don't know whether or not that would satisfy Geir, unless we did something
about not having all of those mentors from the same PMC.  There seem to be
concerns that some other PMC could become out of control, and game the rules
in the absence of some balance.  Personally, I would hope for better from an
ASF Member, and will consider whether future candidates would make good
Incubator Mentors.

> That's the fundamental problem I have with this entire thread: people
> are trying to limit the growth or exclude projects.  How?  On what basis?

Agreed.  We must plan for scale, and ensure that AS WE SCALE, that the
proper processes are in place.

--- Noel

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RE: Is the incubator out of control?

2005-12-28 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Jim Jagielski wrote:

> I have never envisioned a case where the Incubator would
> be at odds with the desires of the PMCs and the members.

  As Geir noted, I can see the potential for the former, but of the latter,
I would hope not.  The Members are the Incubator in many real ways, and the
Incubator exists to directly serve the interests of the ASF Membership.

> I would see such as thing (denying acceptance) as something that
> would require as much reason and rationale as a code-based veto
> would; much more so, in fact.

Are you suggesting that graduation from the Incubator should be vetoable,
i.e., treated as a vote on code rather than treated as policy?

--- Noel

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RE: Is the incubator out of control?

2005-12-28 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> I'm all in favor of enforcing a strict embargo until the Incubator PMC
? approves a proposal, an initial code drop lands, and the mailing lists are
> created.  Until those happen, any active publicity claiming it to be a
> of the ASF is a flat-out lie.  (In the future, the PRC is almost certainly
> going to reject any releases before this happens.)

Then we have a different policy to put into place: NO PR WITHOUT THE
APPROVAL OF THE PRC.  And that should be applied to ALL ASF PROJECTS, not
just those in the Incubator.  That puts more work on the PRC, which will
need to grow to scale, but I'd go for such an ASF-wide policy.  We would
have to document that broadly, and make it clear to donors.  That probably
won't help with the "We're planning to donate" type announcements, but ...

> after those steps occur (which should be relatively quickly in the
> order of a few weeks), removing the Apache brand from podlings would
> be incredibly harmful.


> The only reason that these projects can have the 'Apache' brand is because
> a member of the Foundation is willing to act as mentor *and* the Incubator
> PMC approves each interim release.  If the mentor isn't keeping the
> in line with respect to our values, then the Incubator or the
> PMC needs to step in and provide guidance or terminate it.

Hopefully, a 3 active mentor policy will help with this issue.

--- Noel

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RE: [RT] Super Simple Site Generation Tool

2005-12-28 Thread Noel J. Bergman
[Sorry for the delayed response ... spent a few days rebuilding my laptop.]

David tried to get people interested in the issue, constructively, back in


Please review David's post from almost two months ago, and contribute
constructively to the discussion.

There is no need to waste an hour.  For one thing, we've told people
repeatedly to just publish their HTML changes, and that the site will be
taken care of for them.

All tools have issues.  Anakia remains the one I am most comfortable with,
but I have even had issues with anakia, which we use with JAMES, trying to
manage the occassionally annoying project stylesheet.  And Maven ... well,
no thanks.

In any event, there are a variety of ways forward.  Alex, Ted, Serge and
others appear to like the idea of a authentication restricted Confluence to
use for generating HTML.  Daisy is used by Cocoon for similar purposes.  But
most of the discussion probably belongs on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, where
we're trying to bring some semblance of sanity to the overall ASF site
management process.

--- Noel

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Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-28 Thread Alan D. Cabrera

On 12/27/2005 7:12 PM, Henri Yandell wrote:

On 12/27/05, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Seems like an oxymoron, community should be active, but the code may
not, no?  How can this be?

Two ways:

1) The conversation that Brett mentions. General pan-apache Java
things. I'm a little worried about any authorization issues where only
an EG is able to commit. If they get quiet, the community would be
unable to make changes.

I agree with Brett on the worry about 'how do I do servlets'
questions. My recommendation would be to avoid a specs-users list
until there are people asking relevant questions. Just make a
specs-dev list to start with.

2) The commons community to the side provides a paralleling structure,
with hopefully much of the same people in both; people who do
pan-apache Java things.

I still don't see #1.  However, I still feel that this all belongs in 
Jakarta Commons.


Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-28 Thread Alan D. Cabrera

On 12/27/2005 4:25 PM, Brett Porter wrote:

Discussion of upcoming specs, discussion of usage of the specs, a
users list that helps people use the specs (this is necessary, but
worries me about getting "how do I do servlets" type questions).

I guess there is also scope to innovate in addition to the specs and
work on commons components that do things the specs missed.

Is there much non-code activity around specs in Geronimo right now?

There is no activity.  Once the specs have passed the TCK, people are 
really only interested in the implementation that's on top of the specs.


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Re: [doc] [draft #2] "How to graduate from the incubator" topic

2005-12-28 Thread Ted Husted
On 12/23/05, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I spotted the same "discrepancy" myself a while back (I only found
> one podling with a STATUS file -- Beehive). Eventually it turned out
> that what was meant by the STATUS file was the podling's status Web
> page.
> > I think that was just how the derby mentor started the derby project off
> > and I was generalizing. Should I remove this reference to the project
> > repo status file?
> That sounds reasonable to me. As I understand from Noel and David's
> responses to my query, a file named STATUS is not required to exist.

I think a STATUS file is original HTTPD practice that too few ASF
projects have adopted or maintained.

In my experience, it is more difficult for someone to get started in a
community without a STATUS file that summarizes what is happening the
the project, as well as outstanding decisions. As projects mature,
there are decisions that we made months or years ago that are
difficult to document anywhere but in a STATUS file.

Some of what HTTPD now carries in the STATUS file, many projects would
now carry as part of a RoadMap, either as a manual web page or in
something like JIRA.  But, I would suggest that it would be useful to
encourage project to keep a standard record of the decisions, votes,
and reports made by a project.

Here's the STATUS file that HTTPD keeps now.

* http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/httpd/httpd/trunk/STATUS?view=markup

Here's what we've setup for iBATIS and Struts.

* http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/ibatis/trunk/STATUS.txt?view=markup
* http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/struts/build/trunk/STATUS.txt?view=markup


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Re: [RT] Super Simple Site Generation Tool

2005-12-28 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

If people have issues with Forrest, then please take them
to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. It is totally unfair
to a new project to just criticise it from afar. We get
very few emails to the user mailing list about any issues
with Forrest. This seems to be especially the case with
committers from Apache projects that decided to use Forrest.

This is *very* important. In cal my time on the Forrest project I do not 
recall a single question from an Incubator volunteer on our user lists.

In this thread one person encouraged people to visit the archives of the 
Forrest lists because they were fed up of working with Forrest to get it 
to where they want. I checked, last post with that name on the dev list 
was March 2004 and there were no posts to the user list.

How is that working with us? Why is it that I find myself joining yet 
another list because I hear grumbles in a completely unrelated list 
saying that Incubator has some issues with Forrest? Why should I, as a 
Forrest dev, have to join your list?

Even having joined this list, I see almost no contributions to Davids 
repeated attempts to try and understand what incubator need, so I am 
still unaware of the problems.

In my opinion the problem is not the tool, it is the number of 
volunteers wanting to work with whatever tool is in use. This is the 
issue that needs addressing regardless of whether you use 
Forrest/Maven/Anakia or some Python tool created specifically for the 

That being said, as people will see from my replies on the site-dev 
list, I have some sympathy with Leo, and I do agree that Forrest is 
large and cumbersome for building a simple site. However, I am annoyed 
at various statements in this thread that claim to represent Forrest as 
it stands today but in fact illustrate a lack of understanding of the 
capabilities of Forrest head which is an increasingly stable platform 
that has been working towards the goals of the site-build project [1] 
(despite claims to the contrary in this thread).

Current SVN head of Forrest, coupled with Davids implementation of the 
ForrestBot means Forrest can do steps one through seven of Leo's 
workflow (with a local install of Forrest being optional). Of course, we 
are a 0.8-dev project, not a 1.0 project. The solution is not perfect, 
it is still a 0.8-dev project, and the claimed support needs to be 
tested and validated in a wider range of projects (currently we only 
have private dev projects, Forrest test sites and Cocoon-docs)

Step 8 (publishing) cannot currently be done by any tool due to the fact 
that infra require that the live server to be updated by a pull rather 
than a push process (for security reasons).

It'd be great to work with the incubator to help validate things, but 
that requries more than David (and now myself) to support the incubator 
site, it requires at least a willingness to provide feedback to the 
Forrest community about what is good and what is bad. I don't see that 
happening so maybe Leo's Python scripts are the solution (at least they 
will allow me to not worry about the incubator site).


[1] http://people.apache.org/~rgardler/site-dev/Site-Build.html

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[OT] Re: [RT] Super Simple Site Generation Tool

2005-12-28 Thread Upayavira

On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 14:03:34 +1100, "David Crossley"
> Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> > 
> > Example: last apachecon, Geir was trying to update geronimo.html, it
> > took 30+ mins before asking for help. It took me 15+ minutes to figure
> > out that geronimo.html was not being linked from any page in the web
> > site. So we lost close to an hour of hackathon time trying to do
> > something really simple and silly - add a line of text to the
> > geronimo.html asking folks to go to the geronimo actual web site.
> Steady on. Just prior to that, someone made a change that
> removed geronimo.html from the /projects/ area. The normal process
> with such a sudden break, is to investigate the prior changes that
> caused it.

Something that Forrest could do would be extend the Cocoon CLI so that
it doesn't crawl to find links, but gets them from the site.xml. It is
an obvious feature that Cocoon's CLI could use, and shouldn't be _too_
hard to implement.

Sounds like this might have avoided this particular issue and, to my
mind would suit the Forrest use-case much better.

Regards, Upayavira

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