Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> If any ASF PMC believes it is in the best interest of the Foundation to
> accept a podling and they are willing to dedicate resources ("people") -
> then anyone on the Incubator PMC has no standing to challenge that
> decision.  When a PMC approves a podling, the only thing the Incubator
> PMC can decide is whether the project can "leave" the Incubator.

A fair summation, although there are people who believe that the Incubator
PMC should have more of a say in the entry of a project for Incubation.

Jim and Geir both raise the hypothetical of what would have happened if
Tuscany were submitted as a fait accompli by the WS PMC, rather than being
critiqued here.  Following up on some comments and other examples from Dims,
I'd say that this raises a separate issue, which is something to address
Foundation-wide: how to push for more synergy and cooperation where
appropriate between our projects, without excluding cooperation with
external ones.  To date, that has only been something promoted by
individuals, such as myself, who want to see ASF projects collaborating.

> Even without a PMC, if *one* of our members out there thinks a project is
> worth doing and they can write something mildly resembling a charter down
> on paper, that's all I need to hear for a +1.

That has been my policy, too, although if we adopt the notion that there
must be 3 Members/Officers as project mentors, it would take more than one
such mentor for a project to start.

I don't know whether or not that would satisfy Geir, unless we did something
about not having all of those mentors from the same PMC.  There seem to be
concerns that some other PMC could become out of control, and game the rules
in the absence of some balance.  Personally, I would hope for better from an
ASF Member, and will consider whether future candidates would make good
Incubator Mentors.

> That's the fundamental problem I have with this entire thread: people
> are trying to limit the growth or exclude projects.  How?  On what basis?

Agreed.  We must plan for scale, and ensure that AS WE SCALE, that the
proper processes are in place.

        --- Noel

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