Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-18 Thread Noah Slater
   Use case: work on apache project while on plane
   * export list of jiras of your favorite ASF project into spreadsheet
   * sync project repo to your laptop
   * get on a plane for 14 hours
   * slave away at the bug list, fixing a bunch
 * create one patch per bug, with a good commit message, referring
   to the bug report, and commit locally
   * get off the plane
   * get online
   * sync project repo to your laptop
 * resolve any conflicts
   * for each bug report
 * submit and commit the fix
 * close the bug report

 This is easy to do with git. It's a small nightmare with SVN, especially
 if your project is a million lines of code.

Sorry for butting in this discussion, but I would like to point out that this is
only a problem for the standard Subversion client. As an SVK user (another
Subversion client) I regularly make use of off-line commits, local mirroring and
smart merges.

Noah Slater

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[RESULT] RE: [VOTE] as to Thrift Proposal

2008-02-18 Thread Upayavira
Okay, although I didn't start this vote, as one of the proposed mentors,
I'd like to close it.

So, we had 17 binding +1 votes, and no 0 or -1 votes, and one non
binding vote.

Therefore, I declare this vote a success. 

Welcome, Thrift, to the Apache Incubator.

We can now start setting up infrastructure (mailing lists, SVN, jira,
eventually web space), and start the process of gathering ICLAs.

I'll try to get the lists set up today or tomorrow (and I'll do CouchDB
at the same time). 

Regards, Upayavira

On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 23:49 -0800, Mark Slee wrote:
 It looks like 72 hours have passed since this vote thread started and
 all responses seem to be positive, which needless to say is great to
 Any last objections? Shall we consider this VOTE thread concluded?
 If so, let us know how we should proceed with next steps, and we'll
 start reaching out to patch contributors regarding CLAs, etc.
 -Original Message-
 From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 4:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [VOTE] as to Thrift Proposal
 On Feb 8, 2008 12:27 AM, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here's my binding +1 on the Thrift proposal.
  On Jan 23, 2008 9:07 PM, Mark Slee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all,
   We've just posted the Apache Incubator proposal for Thrift onto the
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Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-18 Thread Daniel S. Haischt

Seems like people weren't interested in SVK but solely in Git. Otherwise
this thread would have come to an end pretty soon without the need of
all the FUD cause I suggested/asked to use SVK some days ago already.

It doesn't figure why infrastructure stuff needs to be discussed in
such a intensity on the incubator list anyway.

Just my two cents ...

Noah Slater wrote:

Sorry for butting in this discussion, but I would like to point out that this is
only a problem for the standard Subversion client. As an SVK user (another
Subversion client) I regularly make use of off-line commits, local mirroring and
smart merges.

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[VOTE] Release NMaven 0.15-incubating

2008-02-18 Thread Shane Isbell
On the NMaven dev list, we have passed a vote for our first release. We
request approval of the release by the IPMC. The 0.15-incubating version

1) Compiling C# projects (2.0 framework)
2) Strong Naming
3) Generation of assembly info based on pom metadata
4) Support for Microsoft and Novell/Mono platforms

Staging repo:

Vote Thread:

4  +1 binding (PPMC),
1   +1 non-binding
0   0/-1



February 2008 Incubator Board Report

2008-02-18 Thread Noel J. Bergman
One issue that came up during the past month is regarding the use of
org.apache.* package spaces when someone takes ASF code and forks it
downstream, releasing a non-ASF codebase using org.apache.* as the
namespace.  I suggested that the appropriate venue for the discussion was
with the Legal Committee, and that no one in the Incubator was authorized by
the ASF to provide legal advice, neither on behalf of the ASF nor users of
our code.  The topic has not been raised on the legal mailing lists as yet.

In the specific case of the package(s) in mind, we may end up resurrecting a
stalled project.  We will see how it goes.

A number of projects have been informally or formally proposed for
Incubation.  Those that we have voted on to accept are:

  Thrift  -
  CouchDB -
  PDFBox  -

CXF and Tuscany did incubation releases.  A number of projects are properly
recording their IP forms within the Incubator structure.

There has been a discussion of source control systems, with some people
vocally expressing interest in using another SCM.  We have tried to make it
clear that projects are not free to choose and/or run alternate critical
infrastructure, especially source control, and that the Incubator is not the
correct venue to discuss the adoption of a new source control system for the
ASF.  We've also tried to explain ASF practices regarding collaborative
development, independent of technology choice.


February 2008 Board reports for Incubator Projects:

=== Abdera ===

Abdera is an implementation of the Atom Syndication Format and Atom
Publishing Protocol standards.

The Abdera project is preparing release 0.4.0 which includes many new
features and improvements including a new StreamWriter interface and a
complete refactoring of the Atompub server APIs.  The community has
continued to grow with patches for bugs and improvements being actively
submitted by members of the user community.  Once the 0.4.0 release it out
the door, the Abdera PMC will likely begin working towards graduation.

=== Lokahi ===

Lokahi is a configuration and management console for Apache httpd, tomcat
and other web server infrastructure.

Incubating since: 2006-01-07

Testing on the MySQL port is continuing.  A Fast Feather presentation on
Lokahi was given at Apachecon in Atlanta.  Recently talk (and some code) has
begun around templating of configuration files, specifically for Apache
Httpd at this time.  And the need to extend Lokahi to manage Geronimo has
been mentioned.

Obstacles to graduation:

* community - now includes authors outside of the original dev
community, but additional committers are sought.
* licensing - oracle-only back end is now 95% of the way to an alternate
MySQL backend, and soon to be enhanced with license agnostic interfaces

=== NMaven ===

NMaven develops plugins and integration for Maven to make building and using
.NET languages a first-class citizen in Maven.

Incubating since: 2006-11-17

Items to resolve before graduation
 * More active committer involvement. We have two active committers from
different organizations but need at least one more.

 * We are currently voting on our first release.
 * We have brought NMaven fully in line with Maven architecture. This took a
major rewrite of the code.
 * Steady increase of mailing list subscribers over this period (from 35 to

 * We lost a lot of features when we rewrote the code so the plan is to
start reimplementing these features.
 * Proceed with frequent release cycle

=== PDFBox ===

PDFBox is an open source Java PDF library for working with PDF documents.
PDFBox entered incubation on February 7th, 2008.

The PDFBox project has just entered incubation, and we're currently setting
up the project infrastructure. A question about the licensing of the JAI
dependency was voiced on the mailing list.

=== RAT ===

RAT is auditing and comprehension for source code and binary releases.

RAT entered incubation in October 2007 but only in the last few weeks
started to setup the required infrastructure. Most of this is now in place
and the IP clearance for the code import is being worked upon now.

=== Sling ===

Sling is a framework to develop content centric web applications based on
the idea of modularizing the rendering of HTTP resources.

Sling entered incubation on September 5th, 2007.


 * The Sling PPMC voted and passed the Community Roles and Processes
 * Paddy Hannon added as Committer and member of the PPMC


 * The Sling API has been finalized and the project migrated to the new API.
 * Creation of the Sling Launchpad, based on the former microsling module,
provides a ready to run configuration of Sling.
 * General stabilization of the API and implementation, should lead to a
first release 

RE: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-18 Thread Santiago Gala

El dom, 17-02-2008 a las 19:02 -0500, Noel J. Bergman escribió:
 Santiago Gala wrote:
  I think git-svn abuses the server a lot, as the subversion server is not
  designed for copying of the whole history. 
 AFAICS, that's an issue for the Infrastructure Team to address, not the 
   Dw wrote:
I am a bit lost here as well -- what does GiT add to the processes/
workflows common in the ASF ?
  - faster commits, branch switching, pulls and pushs
  - merges, good and persistent merges
  - offline work, offline history diffs
  - rebasing is not such a feature, but it can be useful sometimes
  - publishing lots of repositories helps surfacing patches that are
currently hidden until ready for sending/committing
 The last one is almost antithetical to how we want people to work.  The first 
 few are something that you could raise with the Subversion folks on [EMAIL 

Can you elaborate on how is publishing what currently is hidden
antithetical to how we want people to work? I think that getting a
clear idea on this is important, as I always thought the ASF was about
transparency and not keeping information hidden. And I think it is in
scope, as the incubator is an important place for people to learn our

  The inability of subversion to remember merged results makes working in
  a branch unpractical. Been there, done that, very tricky.
 Raise any technical issues with the Subversion folks.

huh? why?

  Turning your key poing upside down: We should not try to impose our
  practices using a technological tool, specially when doing so impairs
 If there is a better SCM *for our way of working* raise that on infra@, too.
  people *against* changes in SCM is blaming a hypothetical introduction
  of git of breaking the ASF practices
 No.  This is the wrong forum.  What we've said here is that there won't be 
 any deviation from the ASF infrastructure for source control; changing ASF 
 infrastructure is out of scope for the Incubator.

I already tried to move the discussion to [EMAIL PROTECTED], where I
think it belongs, but people insists on answering here. Making requests
to a closed team in a private list does not accord with *our way of
working*, I think. And I don't think there is any need to use a private,
unarchived list for discussions on infrastructure improvements.


   --- Noel
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Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-18 Thread Santiago Gala

El dom, 17-02-2008 a las 17:24 -0800, Justin Erenkrantz escribió:
 On Feb 17, 2008 3:34 PM, Santiago Gala [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Also: you keep a long term branch for doing some refactoring, and you
  fix small bugs both in HEAD and in a release branch, merging and
  backporting/forwardporting as you go. Again, something like git makes
  the work simpler and keeps the disk requirements under control.
 In an attempt to stop some of the outright FUD in this thread before
 it goes on to yet another mailing list...

outright FUD? Sorry but I don't think there is Fear, Uncertainty or
Doubt in this thread. There are several testimonies of good experiences
with git, and the only downplay of subversion has been the problems
with merging, which I think are real. I would only call FUD if there had
been mentions, say, to subversion corrupting repositories or similar,
and I think those times are far in the past. 

 I've found that (distributed with SVN) handles pretty much
 all of the branch/merge tracking capabilities that I personally care
 about.  (The drawback is that it isn't as efficient as we'd like, but

Not in my copies (I tested Gentoo linux amd64, subversion-1.4.6, and a
different 1.4.3 Mandriva rpm). I guess they don't ship contrib stuff.
Linus Torvalds discusses extensively work flow processes in , and I think he is
mostly right in the fact that distribution is the way to go, and not
just because of disconnected operation. In one of the projects I track
and patch, I don't commit myself, but I have contributed a number of
components and patches and I keep ongoing patches. I would never be able
to use without the ability to create branches or commit.

 it's good enough.  The 1.5 stuff is *way* faster.)  From your
 statements, you probably haven't bothered to try (usable
 with 1.4.x) or any of the new reintegrate merge stuff in 1.5.  It
 makes it pretty brain-dead simple to handle most branch-oriented
 merging cases.  There are a few pathological cases that don't work
 well, but that's 'reflective' merging which isn't the 95% use case -
 so it got punted to post-1.5.  ( is probably the 80% use
 case, with 1.5 merge tracking being 90%, and reflective merging being
 that last gap...)

 FWIW, for, I have a feeling we'll probably be a tad
 aggressive on rolling out 1.5.
 (Besides merge tracking, there are a number of excellent features in
 1.5: changelist support, interactive conflict resolution, read/write
 transparent proxies, integrated 'diff -x -p' support, substantial
 svnsync speed improvements, partial svnsync ability, etc.)  Note that
 nothing is stopping you from using today.  If folks are
 going to complain about switching to another SCM because of a lack of
 decent merging, then they owe it to themselves to check out what
 Subversion can actually do rather than what they think it can do...
 -- justin

Well, I tried svk, git, mercurial and bzr. I am even using darcs because
of some openID code I track. I prefer git, even when forced to use
git-svn, to svk. Still, I will try to look into, I found it


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Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-18 Thread Daniel Kulp
On Monday 18 February 2008, Paul Querna wrote:
  in a private list does not accord with *our way of
  working*, I think. And I don't think there is any need to use a
  private, unarchived list for discussions on infrastructure

 infrastructure is open to all committers.
 infrastructure-dev is open to all committers.
 infrastructure-private is open to all members.

 All of them are archived.

None of them are available to see at:

Thus, they look pretty private to me. 

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer, IONA

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Re: [VOTE] Release NMaven 0.15-incubating

2008-02-18 Thread sebb
On 18/02/2008, Shane Isbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On the NMaven dev list, we have passed a vote for our first release. We
 request approval of the release by the IPMC. The 0.15-incubating version

 1) Compiling C# projects (2.0 framework)
 2) Strong Naming
 3) Generation of assembly info based on pom metadata
 4) Support for Microsoft and Novell/Mono platforms

 Staging repo:

The NOTICE files in the jars don't agree with NOTICE.txt in SVN, in
that the Copyright says 2002-2008, whereas NOTICE.txt says just 2007.

Did the project really start in 2002?

Also, the NOTICE file is only supposed to include details of code that
is included in the distribution - not any external dependencies.

The proper heading is:

This product includes software developed by 'etc'

There is no need to itemise the individual projects within ASF.

See for details.

The individual jars seem to have individual NOTICE file headings, e.g. in


the heading reads:

Copyright 2002-2008 The Apache Software Foundation

Surely the official name of the project is Apache NMaven ?

Unless there is some non-ASF code included in the distribution, then
the NOTICE.txt file currently at the root of SVN is all that is needed
for the NOTICE in the jar files.


The files in binary jars should ideally contain the Java
compiler source and target versions.

There's no need for the .asc.mdf and .asc.sha1 files - an .asc file is
only needed to verify the file sig, and if the .asc file is mangled it
won't agree with the file it is protecting.

 Vote Thread:

 4  +1 binding (PPMC),
 1   +1 non-binding
 0   0/-1


NOTICE.txt says:
Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation

That should be
Copyright 2007-2008 The Apache Software Foundation - assuming that
the project started in 2007.

There should ideally be a LICENSE file alongside the NOTICE file.

Some of the source files are missing the standard ASF header.


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Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-18 Thread Paul Querna

Daniel Kulp wrote:

On Monday 18 February 2008, Paul Querna wrote:

in a private list does not accord with *our way of
working*, I think. And I don't think there is any need to use a
private, unarchived list for discussions on infrastructure

infrastructure is open to all committers.
infrastructure-dev is open to all committers.
infrastructure-private is open to all members.

All of them are archived.

None of them are available to see at:

Thus, they look pretty private to me. 

They are not available on the public web interface, the archives are 
available to all committers on

private is an interesting choice of words, but I personally don't 
consider them very private with 1600++ committers having access.

Should some or all of them be available on the web interface? I'm not 
sure, but bring it up on the infrastructure lists.


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Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-18 Thread Roland Weber

Daniel Kulp wrote:

On Monday 18 February 2008, Paul Querna wrote:

in a private list does not accord with *our way of
working*, I think. And I don't think there is any need to use a
private, unarchived list for discussions on infrastructure

infrastructure is open to all committers.
infrastructure-dev is open to all committers.
infrastructure-private is open to all members.

All of them are archived.

None of them are available to see at:

The EZMLM archives are available to every subscriber.
Send a mail to listname-help to get instructions.
There's probably also a way to access raw archives, I'm
sure the folks on infra can tell you how to get there.

The free-for-everyone archives on mail-archives.a.o
are obviously only for list where everyone is allowed
to see the messages, not for committers-only lists.
There is no archive of [EMAIL PROTECTED] there either.


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Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-18 Thread Robert Burrell Donkin
On Feb 18, 2008 2:08 PM, Daniel S. Haischt
 Seems like people weren't interested in SVK but solely in Git. Otherwise
 this thread would have come to an end pretty soon without the need of
 all the FUD cause I suggested/asked to use SVK some days ago already.

the last time i tried SVK, changes would be needed to SVK before it
could work with a repository as big as apache

- robert

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Re: [VOTE] Release NMaven 0.15-incubating

2008-02-18 Thread Shane Isbell
Hi Sebb,

Thanks for checking over the staging release. The only missing license
headers that I could find are in the unit test and integration test source
files. Do test class files also need the license header?


On Feb 18, 2008 10:59 AM, sebb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 18/02/2008, Shane Isbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On the NMaven dev list, we have passed a vote for our first release. We
  request approval of the release by the IPMC. The 0.15-incubating version
  1) Compiling C# projects (2.0 framework)
  2) Strong Naming
  3) Generation of assembly info based on pom metadata
  4) Support for Microsoft and Novell/Mono platforms
  Staging repo:

 The NOTICE files in the jars don't agree with NOTICE.txt in SVN, in
 that the Copyright says 2002-2008, whereas NOTICE.txt says just 2007.

 Did the project really start in 2002?

 Also, the NOTICE file is only supposed to include details of code that
 is included in the distribution - not any external dependencies.

 The proper heading is:

 This product includes software developed by 'etc'

 There is no need to itemise the individual projects within ASF.

 See for details.

 The individual jars seem to have individual NOTICE file headings, e.g. in


 the heading reads:

 Copyright 2002-2008 The Apache Software Foundation

 Surely the official name of the project is Apache NMaven ?

 Unless there is some non-ASF code included in the distribution, then
 the NOTICE.txt file currently at the root of SVN is all that is needed
 for the NOTICE in the jar files.


 The files in binary jars should ideally contain the Java
 compiler source and target versions.

 There's no need for the .asc.mdf and .asc.sha1 files - an .asc file is
 only needed to verify the file sig, and if the .asc file is mangled it
 won't agree with the file it is protecting.

  Vote Thread:
  4  +1 binding (PPMC),
  1   +1 non-binding
  0   0/-1

 NOTICE.txt says:
 Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation

 That should be
 Copyright 2007-2008 The Apache Software Foundation - assuming that
 the project started in 2007.

 There should ideally be a LICENSE file alongside the NOTICE file.

 Some of the source files are missing the standard ASF header.


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Re: [VOTE] Release NMaven 0.15-incubating

2008-02-18 Thread sebb
On 18/02/2008, Shane Isbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Sebb,

 Thanks for checking over the staging release. The only missing license
 headers that I could find are in the unit test and integration test source
 files. Do test class files also need the license header?

Yes, in general all files need headers.

The header can be omitted from certain files:


 On Feb 18, 2008 10:59 AM, sebb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 18/02/2008, Shane Isbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On the NMaven dev list, we have passed a vote for our first release. We
   request approval of the release by the IPMC. The 0.15-incubating version
   1) Compiling C# projects (2.0 framework)
   2) Strong Naming
   3) Generation of assembly info based on pom metadata
   4) Support for Microsoft and Novell/Mono platforms
   Staging repo:
  The NOTICE files in the jars don't agree with NOTICE.txt in SVN, in
  that the Copyright says 2002-2008, whereas NOTICE.txt says just 2007.
  Did the project really start in 2002?
  Also, the NOTICE file is only supposed to include details of code that
  is included in the distribution - not any external dependencies.
  The proper heading is:
  This product includes software developed by 'etc'
  There is no need to itemise the individual projects within ASF.
  See for details.
  The individual jars seem to have individual NOTICE file headings, e.g. in
  the heading reads:
  Copyright 2002-2008 The Apache Software Foundation
  Surely the official name of the project is Apache NMaven ?
  Unless there is some non-ASF code included in the distribution, then
  the NOTICE.txt file currently at the root of SVN is all that is needed
  for the NOTICE in the jar files.
  The files in binary jars should ideally contain the Java
  compiler source and target versions.
  There's no need for the .asc.mdf and .asc.sha1 files - an .asc file is
  only needed to verify the file sig, and if the .asc file is mangled it
  won't agree with the file it is protecting.
   Vote Thread:
   4  +1 binding (PPMC),
   1   +1 non-binding
   0   0/-1
  NOTICE.txt says:
  Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation
  That should be
  Copyright 2007-2008 The Apache Software Foundation - assuming that
  the project started in 2007.
  There should ideally be a LICENSE file alongside the NOTICE file.
  Some of the source files are missing the standard ASF header.
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Re: [VOTE] Release NMaven 0.15-incubating

2008-02-18 Thread Luciano Resende
Simple answer is yes. Here is what the Release Management Guide [1] says.

All source capable of copyright should contain license header.
Easiest way to comply is to ensure that every human readable file has
the header. Note that source includes not just the source code
compiled into the final product but also all other resources such as
style sheets, test code and resources, build files and documentation
source. When in doubt, add a header.


On Feb 18, 2008 2:12 PM, Shane Isbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Sebb,

 Thanks for checking over the staging release. The only missing license
 headers that I could find are in the unit test and integration test source
 files. Do test class files also need the license header?


 On Feb 18, 2008 10:59 AM, sebb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 18/02/2008, Shane Isbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On the NMaven dev list, we have passed a vote for our first release. We
   request approval of the release by the IPMC. The 0.15-incubating version
   1) Compiling C# projects (2.0 framework)
   2) Strong Naming
   3) Generation of assembly info based on pom metadata
   4) Support for Microsoft and Novell/Mono platforms
   Staging repo:
  The NOTICE files in the jars don't agree with NOTICE.txt in SVN, in
  that the Copyright says 2002-2008, whereas NOTICE.txt says just 2007.
  Did the project really start in 2002?
  Also, the NOTICE file is only supposed to include details of code that
  is included in the distribution - not any external dependencies.
  The proper heading is:
  This product includes software developed by 'etc'
  There is no need to itemise the individual projects within ASF.
  See for details.
  The individual jars seem to have individual NOTICE file headings, e.g. in
  the heading reads:
  Copyright 2002-2008 The Apache Software Foundation
  Surely the official name of the project is Apache NMaven ?
  Unless there is some non-ASF code included in the distribution, then
  the NOTICE.txt file currently at the root of SVN is all that is needed
  for the NOTICE in the jar files.
  The files in binary jars should ideally contain the Java
  compiler source and target versions.
  There's no need for the .asc.mdf and .asc.sha1 files - an .asc file is
  only needed to verify the file sig, and if the .asc file is mangled it
  won't agree with the file it is protecting.
   Vote Thread:
   4  +1 binding (PPMC),
   1   +1 non-binding
   0   0/-1
  NOTICE.txt says:
  Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation
  That should be
  Copyright 2007-2008 The Apache Software Foundation - assuming that
  the project started in 2007.
  There should ideally be a LICENSE file alongside the NOTICE file.
  Some of the source files are missing the standard ASF header.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

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Re: [Proposal] NoNameYet : Link Error - please use this link

2008-02-18 Thread Simon Nash

Paul Fremantle wrote:

Actually I'm wrong

The correct wording (I think) is:

..establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation
 and maintenance of open-source software for distribution at no charge
 to the public, that simplifies the development, deployment and management
 of distributed applications built as compositions of service components.
 These components may be implemented with a range of technologies and
 connected using a variety of communication protocols. This software will
 implement relevant open standards including, but not limited to, the
 SCA and SDO standards defined by the OASIS OpenCSA member section.

Same question applies.

Yes, SDO is currently in the scope of Tuscany.  As you have pointed out,
the Tuscany PPMC has adjusted the wording of this sentence a few times,
and it could be adjusted again before the next graduation proposal.
For example, it could say something like SCA and associated technologies
which would still allow Tuscany to do things related to the use of SDO
in the context of SCA.

I don't think there's any problem with the current arrangement of having
Tuscany's scope include implementations of both SCA and SDO.  Neither do
I think there would be any problem with a slightly different scope in
which Tuscany SCA provides databinding support for an SDO implementation
(or implementations) that are developed in other open source projects.
Tuscany SCA currently does this for JAXB, JSON, Saxon, XMLBeans, etc.

The overriding consideration should be what's the best option for
creating and sustaining a healthy and diverse SDO community.  This
proposal would increase the diversity of the Apache SDO community,
and put new SDO technical assets into open source that aren't there
today.  These are good reasons in favour of accepting it.  Conversely,
it is important for Tuscany to ensure that its current SDO community
isn't impacted by any change in Tuscany's scope, and this discussion
is currently under way on the tuscany-user list (see [1]).

One topic from the tuscany-user discussion that's worth exposing here
is whether the NNY project would be a pure RI with no extensions
beyond the spec, or a vehicle for innovation to extend the specs, as
both Tuscany SCA and SDO have been.  My view is that it will need to
be at least some of the latter in order to build a sustainable
community of developers and users.  This will create some challenges
given that one of the goals of the NNY project is to deliver the
official JCP RI.




On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Paul Fremantle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 The Tuscany project is aiming to have the following charter:
 charged with
   the creation and maintenance of open-source software that
   simplifies the development and deployment of service oriented
   applications and provides a managed service-oriented runtime
   based on the standards defined by the OASIS OpenCSA group,
   for distribution at no charge to the public.

 Are you saying that SDO falls out of that scope?


 On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 8:31 PM, Cezar Andrei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In my opinion SCA and SDO are two completely different technologies,
   even if they can be used together, they address different problems and
   as specifications they are developed separately.
   I think there are a lot of people looking only at SDO for their
   projects, and I'm sure there are others looking at SCA without SDO. I
   think having each community focus on their goals would help getting
   better organized, develop and independently graduate.
   Other than the technology/community point of view, the SDO code is not
   dependent on SCA code and as Ant Elder pointed out on Tuscany-user list
   ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02505.html )
   the new infrastructure would seem a better fit.
-Original Message-
From: Paul Fremantle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Proposal] NoNameYet : Link Error - please use this link
I don't think anyone has suggested this code is a fork from Tuscany,
but thank you for making this completely clear.
Is there any reason you aren't willing to do this work under the
existing scope of the Tuscany Incubator project?
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Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-18 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Feb 18, 2008 1:01 PM, Robert Burrell Donkin
 the last time i tried SVK, changes would be needed to SVK before it
 could work with a repository as big as apache

FWIW, the partial svnsync changes that SVK would need are present in
1.5.  I don't know if the SVK community has picked up on that yet, but
SVN 1.5 clients/servers will support it.  -- justin

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CouchDB Mailing lists are now available

2008-02-18 Thread Ted Leung
The CouchDB mailing lists are now available.  You can subscribe by  
sending messages to:



On Feb 17, 2008, at 10:16 PM, Ted Leung wrote:

Hi Jan,

All new committers for CouchDB should read this: http://  and if you have not  
submitted a Contributor License agreement, you should do so as  
quickly as possible so that we can get your accounts created

I've just submitted a request for the appropriate mailing lists.   
You can track via:



On Feb 16, 2008, at 11:04 AM, Jan Lehnardt wrote:

I'm Jan Lehnardt, one of the contributers
of the CouchDB project.

On Feb 12, 2008, at 20:36, Sam Ruby wrote:

On Feb 9, 2008 11:09 AM, Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
72 hours, two dozen votes, all positive, many binding.  This vote
clearly passes.

First: Thank you for accepting the incubation proposal!

We would like to start making CouchDB a new home at
the ASF. We understand that discussing the details of
the move should happen on the to-be-created CouchDB
mailing lists and would like to ask when we can start
signing up?


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