Re: [RESULT] [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 6:06 AM, Konstantin Boudnik  wrote:
> The VOTE to graduate Groovy to the top-level project has passed...


Great job Groovy team, let me add my belated +1 as a happy Groovy
mentor (retired from that role soon ;-)

(no need to change the tally, you have enough +1s already)


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podlings and github

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Schaefer
One of the concerns members are talking about with podlings on github
concerns their overall presence there.  To be brief, we need to take a
closer look at any podlings that are using their own project on github
versus using their clone on the apache github project.

So that opens the question I now put to the mentors: do we have any
podlings that are hosting on github using anything other than their presence?

Re: svn credentials, how to get them

2015-11-02 Thread Ted Dunning
Ping your project mentors for help.

Also, please verify that all of your project committers and PMC members
have followed the on-boarding process.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 12:07 AM, Pan, Lei (398K) 

> Hi Ted:
> Thanks!
> The page says I will first need to submit
> an ICLA, which I did (see email confirmation
> below), and then I will "be asked for a
> preferred Apache user name," and "will
> receive an email when your account has
> been created."
> Who will be asking me for a preferred user name
> please? Since I haven't been asked, who should
> I contact in order to get this process going please?
> -Lei
> - from Craig Russell on 6/16/2015 
> Dear Lei Pan,
> This message acknowledges receipt of your ICLA, which has been filed in
> the Apache Software Foundation records.
> If you have been invited as a committer, please advise the project PMC
> that your ICLA has been filed.
> Warm Regards,
> -- Craig L Russell
> Secretary, Apache Software Foundation
> On 11/1/15 11:42 PM, "Ted Dunning"  wrote:
> >On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 11:33 PM, Pan, Lei (398K) 
> >wrote:
> >
> >> How do I get my apache login/password
> >> please?
> >>
> >
> >Follow the steps documented here:
> >
> >
> >rs
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

[RESULT] [VOTE] Accept SystemML into Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Luciano Resende
Vote has passed with 6 binding votes from :
Luciano Resende,
Henry Saputra,
Chris A Mattmann
Till Westmann
Seetharam Venkatesh
Julian Hyde

And two non-binding votes from:
Arun Manoharan
Madhawa Kasun Gunasekara

and no other votes.


On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 1:52 AM, Luciano Resende 

> After initial discussion, please vote on the acceptance of SystemML
> Project for incubation at the Apache Incubator. The full proposal is
> available at the end of this message and on the wiki at :
> Please cast your votes:
> [ ] +1, bring SystemML into Incubator
> [ ] +0, I don't care either way
> [ ] -1, do not bring SystemML into Incubator, because...
> The vote is open for the next 72 hours and only votes from the
> Incubator PMC are binding.
> = SystemML =
> == Abstract ==
> SystemML provides declarative large-scale machine learning (ML) that aims
> at flexible specification of ML algorithms and automatic generation of
> hybrid runtime plans ranging from single node, in-memory computations, to
> distributed computations on Apache Hadoop MapReduce and  Apache Spark. ML
> algorithms are expressed in an R-like syntax, that includes linear algebra
> primitives, statistical functions, and ML-specific constructs. This
> high-level language significantly increases the productivity of data
> scientists as it provides (1) full flexibility in expressing custom
> analytics, and (2) data independence from the underlying input formats and
> physical data representations. Automatic optimization according to data
> characteristics such as distribution on the disk file system, and sparsity
> as well as processing characteristics in the distributed environment like
> number of nodes, CPU, memory per node, ensures both efficiency and
> scalability.
> == Proposal ==
> The goal of SystemML is to create a commercial friendly, scalable and
> extensible machine learning framework for data scientists to create or
> extend machine learning algorithms using a declarative syntax. The machine
> learning framework enables data scientists to develop algorithms locally
> without the need of a distributed cluster, and scale up and scale out the
> execution of these algorithms to distributed Apache Hadoop MapReduce or
> Apache Spark clusters.
> == Background ==
> SystemML started as a research project in the IBM Almaden Research Center
> around 2007 aiming to enable data scientists to develop machine learning
> algorithms independent of data and cluster characteristics.
> == Rationale ==
> SystemML enables the specification of machine learning algorithms using a
> declarative machine learning (DML) language. DML includes linear algebra
> primitives, statistical functions, and additional constructs. This
> high-level language significantly increases the productivity of data
> scientists as it provides (1) full flexibility in expressing custom
> analytics and (2) data independence from the underlying input formats and
> physical data representations.
> SystemML computations can be executed in a variety of different modes. It
> supports single node in-memory computations and large-scale distributed
> cluster computations. This allows the user to quickly prototype new
> algorithms in local environments but automatically scale to large data
> sizes as well without changing the algorithm implementation.
> Algorithms specified in DML are dynamically compiled and optimized based
> on data and cluster characteristics using rule-based and cost-based
> optimization techniques. The optimizer automatically generates hybrid
> runtime execution plans ranging from in-memory single-node execution to
> distributed computations on Apache Spark or Apache Hadoop MapReduce. This
> ensures both efficiency and scalability. Automatic optimization reduces or
> eliminates the need to hand-tune distributed runtime execution plans and
> system configurations.
> == Initial Goals ==
> The initial goals to move SystemML to the Apache Incubator is to broaden
> the community foster the contributions from data scientists to develop new
> machine learning algorithms and enhance the existing ones. Ultimately, this
> may lead to the creation of an industry standard in specifying machine
> learning algorithms.
> == Current Status ==
> The initial code has been developed at the IBM Almaden Research Center in
> California and has recently been made available in GitHub under the Apache
> Software License 2.0. The project currently supports a single node (in
> memory computation) as well as distributed computations utilizing Apache
> Hadoop MapReduce or Apache Spark clusters.
> === Meritocracy ===
> We plan to invest in supporting a meritocracy. We will discuss the
> requirements in an open forum. Several companies have already expressed
> interest in this project, and we intend to invite additional developers to

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Rich Bowen

On 11/02/2015 09:50 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I haven’t looked at what they are doing and don’t expect I will.  However, I’m 
assuming that jira changes all get to the dev list, as in all other projects 
I’ve worked on.  I don’t see the point in duplicating a proposal between a jira 
issue and a separate dev list post with the same information.  And I don’t have 
a problem with people working quickly.  I would like to see that the jira issue 
explains sufficiently what is proposed or implemented in enough detail that an 
interested party can see how it fits in with the code and the purpose of the 
project.  So I’d be concerned if the jira descriptions were “fix bug” or 
“implement javaee7” but possibly not if there are reasonable explanations of 
what is being proposed or done.

What has been described to me is that a ticket is filed proposing a 
major new feature, and then seconds later a *large* patch lands 
implementing that feature, and the ticket is closed, and discussion is 
shut down, because it's a done deal.

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

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Re: [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Rich Bowen

On 11/02/2015 07:53 AM, John D. Ament wrote:

I certainly hope that people don't just blindly vote +1 on graduation
>>threads.  I know I don't.
>>Now, if you had asked this same question on the kylin graduation thread,
>>I'm not sure you'd get as solid of an answer as groovy.

>It feels like these two sentiments are at odds with one another, which is

a little worrying.

Why's that?
/me voted -1 on kylin

And yet, there it is on November's board agenda -

Anyways, this is a thread hijack, so perhaps we should take this 
elsewhere. My concern with Groovy has been addressed.

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Rich Bowen

On 11/02/2015 06:59 AM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:

Hi all,

I'm one of the mentors of Sentry, which has been in incubation for some
time. The project has progressed in a number of ways, but my largest
concern is that the podling is doing [in my opinion] too much
development and discussion out-of-sight.

I've raised issues about this, as has David Nalley. David had a
conversation with members of Sentry at ApacheCon Big Data in September,
and that discussion was brought back to the list. [1]

Jiras are being filed, and swiftly acted on, in a way that strongly
suggests that a lot of discussion and direction of the project are
happening off-list and out-of-sight to the average participant. David
and myself have suggested ways that the community can remedy this, but
the most recent mail from Arvind indicates that he (and others in the
podling) don't feel it is a "valid ask."

At this point, I'm raising this to general@ because I'd like second (and
third, etc.) opinions. Perhaps I'm deeply wrong, and others here feel
Sentry is ready to graduate. My feeling is that the podling is not
operating in "the Apache Way" and doesn't show a great deal of interest
in doing so. [2] To quote Arvind:

"I feel another issue being pointed out or which has been eluded to in
the past is - who decides which Jiras should be fixed, what features to
create etc, specially when they show up as Jira issues directly with
patches that follow soon. It seems that in some ways the lack of using
mailing lists directly for discussion is linked to this behavior of
filing issues and fixing them rapidly, as if following a roadmap that
the community does not have control over. Please pardon me if my
interpretation/understanding of the issue is not right. But if it is
right, then I do want to say that - that too is not an issue in my
opinion at all. And here is why:

When someone files a Jira, they are inviting the entire community to
comment on it and provide feedback. If it is not in the interest of the
project, I do believe that responsible members of the community will be
quick to bring that out for discussion and even Veto it if necessary. If
that is not happening, it is not an issue with lack of community
participation, but rather it is an indicator of a project team that
knows where the gaps are and understands how to go about filling them

The model that Sentry is pursing may work very well *for the existing
members of the podling.* In my opinion, its process is entirely too
opaque to allow for interested parties outside of the existing podling
and companies interested in Sentry development to become involved.

The podling is pressing to move to graduation, and I cannot in good
conscience vote +1 or even +0 at this point. I'm strongly -1 as a mentor
and don't feel the podling has any interest in working in "the Apache
Way" as commonly understood. [3]

However, I feel we've reached an impasse and there's little value in
continuing to debate amongst the mentors / podling. They've stated their
position(s) and I've stated mine. (I *think* David Nalley is in
agreement with me, but I don't wish to speak for him.)

I'm bringing this to the IPMC fully understanding that I might be
totally wrong - maybe I'm holding to a too strict or outdated idea of
how projects should operate. I'm happy to be told so if that's the case
so I can improve as a mentor or decide to bow out from mentoring in the
future, if it's the case that my idea of a project is out-of-line with
the majority here.

No, I don't think you're outdated or out of line. This pattern - open 
ticket, commit change, close ticket, without time for community input - 
does indicate that decision making is not open and collaborative, but 
rather that the decision is being made offline somewhere.

Furthermore, if the mentors are in agreement that something is awry, and 
the podling disagrees, that's an indication that the podling is out of 
line, not the mentors. After all, it's the mentors' job to guide the 
podling, not vice versa.

So, yeah, I'd consider your -1 vote on their graduation to be binding 
here, and I'd consider you to be doing the right thing to prevent that 
vote happening in the first place until this community process is 
straightened out.

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

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Re: svn credentials, how to get them

2015-11-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (3980)
Hi Lei,

Moving general@i.a.o to BCC and moving thread to

Did you ever receive an Apache account? I look at:

And I don’t see it complete. Can folks on the team please
work to get this updated? I’m happy to file accounts and
get it taken care of it.


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Chief Architect
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-Original Message-
From: "Pan, Lei (398K)" 
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 10:09 PM
To: "" 
Subject: svn credentials, how to get them

>I checked out from:
>svn co incubator
>modified cmda.xml, did test ant build, and now am ready
>to check back in.
>Now where can I get the user name and password
>for svn check in please? I am a committer of the
>CMDA project.

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Re: [Result][VOTE] Graduate Apache Kylin from the Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread John D. Ament
Sorry, I missed this email.

No, votes don't automatically convert, at least not in my case.

After my vote was added, there was a release vote of Kylin which raised new
licensing issues.  I wouldn't expect a graduating podling to still have
licensing issues.


On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 8:38 PM Luke Han  wrote:

> Hi John,
>  Thank you to remind and I'm sorry I was count votes only
> based on my understanding, per previous discussion and your
> comments in vote thread about SGA [1],  as a programmer,
> I was thinking:
>  if ( SGA == confirmed) {
>  John's Vote = +1
>  } else {
>  John's Vote = -1
>  }
>  that's why I count your vote to +1 since the SGA is confirmed
> and the status file has been updated (2015-10-17, for the copyright).
>  For the date you mentioned here (2015-06-10, for license), it's
> updated during the first apache release [2] [3], added Apache
> license header to all source files, cleaned up any GPL or other
> one and updated LICENSE, NOTICE and other files. The majority
> efforts happened during that time for license and copyright. That's
> why I would like to continue to keep that date.
>  For v1.1 release, the situation already has been clarified
> and LICENSE files has been updated [4].
>  Would you mind to continue count your vote as +1 as my original
> "brain computing logical":)
> *[1]:*
> *Thanks Luke.  If you can get a reference out to people and have
> thekylin.xml updated to reflect the date, I'd be happy to add a +1
> butotherwise its -1 for me for now.*
> *[2]: **
> *
> *[3]:
> *
> *[4]:
> *
> Best Regards!
> -
> Luke Han
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:53 AM, John D. Ament 
> wrote:
> > Ted,
> >
> > After catching up on email, I see the SGA was now processed.
> >
> > I am concerned though after looking at their latest release vote that
> we're
> > still missing a few things related to "Verify distribution rights."  It's
> > not enough for me to say that they're far off, but after seeing the
> issues
> > related to both SGA and license/header declarations I can't say that I
> can
> > give the podling a warm +1 on their graduation.  Note that per the
> > podling's status page they completed these steps on 2015-06-10.
> >
> > John
> >
> > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 7:36 PM Ted Dunning 
> wrote:
> >
> > > John,
> > >
> > > Was this issue not rectified to your satisfaction?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:15 AM, John D. Ament  >
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi Luke,
> > > >
> > > > Actually I voted -1 due to your open SGA issues.
> > > > On Oct 22, 2015 11:24 PM, "Luke Han"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > The vote for Apache Kylin to become a top-level project has passed
> > > > > with 27 +1 votes and no 0 or -1 votes.
> > > > >
> > > > > Thank you everyone for taking the time to review and cast your
> vote.
> > > > >
> > > > > We will now prepare a resolution for the next Board meeting.
> > > > >
> > > > > 10 binding:
> > > > > * Henry Saputra
> > > > > * Andrew Purtell
> > > > > * Bertrand Delacretaz
> > > > > * Julian Hyde
> > > > > * P. Taylor Goetz
> > > > > * Ted Dunning
> > > > > * Edward J. Yoon
> > > > > * Alexander Bezzubov
> > > > > * John D. Ament
> > > > > * Owen O'Malley
> > > > >
> > > > > 17 non-binding:
> > > > > * Luke Han
> > > > > * Shaofeng Shi
> > > > > * Jason Zhong
> > > > > * Qianhao Zhou
> > > > > * Dong Li
> > > > > * Droopy Hu
> > > > > * Xiaoyong Bai (lostitle)
> > > > > * Qi Liu (Goroutine)
> > > > > * Yerui Sun
> > > > > * Xu Jiang
> > > > > * Debashis Saha
> > > > > * Yang Li
> > > > > * Chad Chun
> > > > > * Atri Sharma
> > > > > * Hao Chen
> > > > > * Eddy Cai
> > > > > * Naresh Agarwal
> > > > >
> > > > > Luke
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> -
> > > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > > > > For additional commands, e-mail:
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Schaefer
Joe, can we see some jira tickets that you find questionable?  Hard to tell
what the problem is just by scanning the email traffic.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Vinod Vavilapalli 

> Missed that part, that sounds really bad.
> +Vinod
> On Nov 2, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Joe Brockmeier > wrote:
> Discussions are happening out of sight, and - in
> Arvind's own words - "as if following a roadmap the community does not
> have control over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all."

Karma for mentor-signoff on wiki

2015-11-02 Thread Josh Elser
Can someone grant me the necessary karma to add my [x] on November's 
report, please?

username: JoshElser


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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Vinod Vavilapalli
Missed that part, that sounds really bad.


On Nov 2, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Joe Brockmeier 
> wrote:

Discussions are happening out of sight, and - in
Arvind's own words - "as if following a roadmap the community does not
have control over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all."

Re: [Result][VOTE] Graduate Apache Kylin from the Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread David Nalley
5 releases of software, and 4 of them before an SGA appeared is troubling.
The code being imported and writable at all at the ASF prior to a
valid SGA being filed appears to be a violation of Incubator policy[1]

This, plus John's comments are troubling and give me pause



On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:00 PM, John D. Ament  wrote:
> Sorry, I missed this email.
> No, votes don't automatically convert, at least not in my case.
> After my vote was added, there was a release vote of Kylin which raised new
> licensing issues.  I wouldn't expect a graduating podling to still have
> licensing issues.
> John
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 8:38 PM Luke Han  wrote:
>> Hi John,
>>  Thank you to remind and I'm sorry I was count votes only
>> based on my understanding, per previous discussion and your
>> comments in vote thread about SGA [1],  as a programmer,
>> I was thinking:
>>  if ( SGA == confirmed) {
>>  John's Vote = +1
>>  } else {
>>  John's Vote = -1
>>  }
>>  that's why I count your vote to +1 since the SGA is confirmed
>> and the status file has been updated (2015-10-17, for the copyright).
>>  For the date you mentioned here (2015-06-10, for license), it's
>> updated during the first apache release [2] [3], added Apache
>> license header to all source files, cleaned up any GPL or other
>> one and updated LICENSE, NOTICE and other files. The majority
>> efforts happened during that time for license and copyright. That's
>> why I would like to continue to keep that date.
>>  For v1.1 release, the situation already has been clarified
>> and LICENSE files has been updated [4].
>>  Would you mind to continue count your vote as +1 as my original
>> "brain computing logical":)
>> *[1]:*
>> *Thanks Luke.  If you can get a reference out to people and have
>> thekylin.xml updated to reflect the date, I'd be happy to add a +1
>> butotherwise its -1 for me for now.*
>> *[2]: **
>> *
>> *[3]:
>> *
>> *[4]:
>> *
>> Best Regards!
>> -
>> Luke Han
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:53 AM, John D. Ament 
>> wrote:
>> > Ted,
>> >
>> > After catching up on email, I see the SGA was now processed.
>> >
>> > I am concerned though after looking at their latest release vote that
>> we're
>> > still missing a few things related to "Verify distribution rights."  It's
>> > not enough for me to say that they're far off, but after seeing the
>> issues
>> > related to both SGA and license/header declarations I can't say that I
>> can
>> > give the podling a warm +1 on their graduation.  Note that per the
>> > podling's status page they completed these steps on 2015-06-10.
>> >
>> > John
>> >
>> > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 7:36 PM Ted Dunning 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > > John,
>> > >
>> > > Was this issue not rectified to your satisfaction?
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:15 AM, John D. Ament > >
>> > > wrote:
>> > >
>> > > > Hi Luke,
>> > > >
>> > > > Actually I voted -1 due to your open SGA issues.
>> > > > On Oct 22, 2015 11:24 PM, "Luke Han"  wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > > The vote for Apache Kylin to become a top-level project has passed
>> > > > > with 27 +1 votes and no 0 or -1 votes.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Thank you everyone for taking the time to review and cast your
>> vote.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > We will now prepare a resolution for the next Board meeting.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > 10 binding:
>> > > > > * Henry Saputra
>> > > > > * Andrew Purtell
>> > > > > * Bertrand Delacretaz
>> > > > > * Julian Hyde
>> > > > > * P. Taylor Goetz
>> > > > > * Ted Dunning
>> > > > > * Edward J. Yoon
>> > > > > * Alexander Bezzubov
>> > > > > * John D. Ament
>> > > > > * Owen O'Malley
>> > > > >
>> > > > > 17 non-binding:
>> > > > > * Luke Han
>> > > > > * Shaofeng Shi
>> > > > > * Jason Zhong
>> > > > > * Qianhao Zhou
>> > > > > * Dong Li
>> > > > > * Droopy Hu
>> > > > > * Xiaoyong Bai (lostitle)
>> > > > > * Qi Liu (Goroutine)
>> > > > > * Yerui Sun
>> > > > > * Xu Jiang
>> > > > > * Debashis Saha
>> > > > > * Yang Li
>> > > > > * Chad Chun
>> > > > > * Atri Sharma
>> > > > > * Hao Chen
>> > > > > * Eddy Cai
>> > > > > * Naresh Agarwal
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Luke
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> -
>> > > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> > > > > For additional commands, e-mail:
>> > > > >
>> > > >

Re: Karma for mentor-signoff on wiki

2015-11-02 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Josh Elser  wrote:
> Can someone grant me the necessary karma to add my [x] on November's report,
> please?
> username: JoshElser


Marvin Humphrey

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Re: [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Konstantin Boudnik
On Mon, Nov 02, 2015 at 07:25AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> On 11/01/2015 07:48 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:
> >Thanks for sending this around, Paul - I should've linked it to the vote
> >thread, duh...
> >
> >Anyway, back to Rich's question: the answer is 'yes' as implied by my +1 on
> >the vote. Why would I be voting for the graduation if I weren't sure the
> >project is ready? Looks like a rhetorical question, this one.
> No, it's not a rhetorical question at all. I suspect, as I have
> mentioned in other threads, that some people vote +1 on these things
> without doing a whole lot of background checking. Paul's response is
> what I was looking for.
> If it's all just rhetorical questions then why do we bother at all?
> Graduation is a one-time thing. We can afford to apply a little
> additional scrutiny to it. This is something we can't afford to get
> wrong.

The one I called rhetorical was actually my last quesiton, not yours.


> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Description: Digital signature

Re: svn credentials, how to get them

2015-11-02 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (3980)
Thanks Ted. Thread moved over to dev@cmda.i.a.o to discuss.
We have a Google Doc spreadsheet tracking that and I think it’s
out of date.

Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Chief Architect
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-Original Message-
From: Ted Dunning 
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Monday, November 2, 2015 at 5:31 AM
To: "" 
Subject: Re: svn credentials, how to get them

>Ping your project mentors for help.
>Also, please verify that all of your project committers and PMC members
>have followed the on-boarding process.
>On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 12:07 AM, Pan, Lei (398K) 
>> Hi Ted:
>> Thanks!
>> The page says I will first need to submit
>> an ICLA, which I did (see email confirmation
>> below), and then I will "be asked for a
>> preferred Apache user name," and "will
>> receive an email when your account has
>> been created."
>> Who will be asking me for a preferred user name
>> please? Since I haven't been asked, who should
>> I contact in order to get this process going please?
>> -Lei
>> - from Craig Russell on 6/16/2015 
>> Dear Lei Pan,
>> This message acknowledges receipt of your ICLA, which has been filed in
>> the Apache Software Foundation records.
>> If you have been invited as a committer, please advise the project PMC
>> that your ICLA has been filed.
>> Warm Regards,
>> -- Craig L Russell
>> Secretary, Apache Software Foundation
>> On 11/1/15 11:42 PM, "Ted Dunning"  wrote:
>> >On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 11:33 PM, Pan, Lei (398K) 
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> How do I get my apache login/password
>> >> please?
>> >>
>> >
>> >Follow the steps documented here:
>> >
>> >
>> >rs
>> -
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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Brockmeier
On 11/02/2015 12:27 PM, Vinod Vavilapalli wrote:
> Many of the active TLPs do tend to center all project discussions on JIRA as 
> opposed to mailing lists. OTOH, non-code discussions are usually best served 
> on mailing lists.
> Instead of making it a JIRA vs mailing list discussion, how about the podling 
> be advised about putting a cool-off period for JIRA resolutions - 24-36hrs 
> before they get closed. Again, this is something a bunch of active TLPs 
> practice in the interest of leaving enough time windows for everyone (many 
> times around the world in different time-zones) to pitch in.

It's not merely a Jira vs. mailing list discussion - please re-read the
original message. Discussions are happening out of sight, and - in
Arvind's own words - "as if following a roadmap the community does not
have control over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all."

(Note Arvind is also a mentor for the project.)

This is not just "Jira vs. Mailing list" this is "where are discussions
happening, and can the community outside the existing group effectively
participate?" The answer is clearly *no*. It boggles my mind that anyone
would argue for this as an Apache project, especially a mentor. But
that's why I brought this to the Incubator list - as a sanity check.*

As best I can tell, Sentry development is largely guided outside Apache
infrastructure and that's not acceptable - at least as I understand what
we are trying to achieve.

* A sanity check on this specific issue. I'm not inviting the Incubator
to comment on my sanity in general, I can guess the answer already. ;-)
Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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Access to Wiki

2015-11-02 Thread Thomas Weise
I would like to update the status report for the Apex project.

Can you please give access to the following user:  ThomasWeise


Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
I haven't seen the "quick closing" aside from things like some test
cleanups, even then the average was 5 days. I ran the jira report for
resolution time and it certainly doesn't seem like jiras are being closed
"instantly". Most of these are closed after many (typ. double digit, some
tripple) days.

All of the jira events are forwarded to the Sentry mailing list, so from
the perspective of following along and getting an opportunity to respond I
haven't seen an issue. As Vinod mentioned many projects (e.g. hadoop)
operate in this manner. Jira is used to focus discussion and ensure there
is a record and an action item. ML discussion isn't discouraged, but it can
be hard to follow multiple threads of discussion/resolution.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Joe Schaefer  wrote:

> Joe, can we see some jira tickets that you find questionable?  Hard to tell
> what the problem is just by scanning the email traffic.
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Vinod Vavilapalli  >
> wrote:
> > Missed that part, that sounds really bad.
> >
> > +Vinod
> >
> > On Nov 2, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Joe Brockmeier>> wrote:
> >
> > Discussions are happening out of sight, and - in
> > Arvind's own words - "as if following a roadmap the community does not
> > have control over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all."
> >
> >

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Schaefer
Thanks Patrick.  I did some poking around in jira and certainly wasn't
able to discern any pattern of misconduct.  We do need to distinguish
repair work
from architecture/design decisions, and what I see is a lot of the former
and relatively little of the latter.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Patrick Hunt  wrote:

> I haven't seen the "quick closing" aside from things like some test
> cleanups, even then the average was 5 days. I ran the jira report for
> resolution time and it certainly doesn't seem like jiras are being closed
> "instantly". Most of these are closed after many (typ. double digit, some
> tripple) days.
> All of the jira events are forwarded to the Sentry mailing list, so from
> the perspective of following along and getting an opportunity to respond I
> haven't seen an issue. As Vinod mentioned many projects (e.g. hadoop)
> operate in this manner. Jira is used to focus discussion and ensure there
> is a record and an action item. ML discussion isn't discouraged, but it can
> be hard to follow multiple threads of discussion/resolution.
> Patrick
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Joe Schaefer  wrote:
> > Joe, can we see some jira tickets that you find questionable?  Hard to
> tell
> > what the problem is just by scanning the email traffic.
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Vinod Vavilapalli <
> > >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Missed that part, that sounds really bad.
> > >
> > > +Vinod
> > >
> > > On Nov 2, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Joe Brockmeier  >>> wrote:
> > >
> > > Discussions are happening out of sight, and - in
> > > Arvind's own words - "as if following a roadmap the community does not
> > > have control over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all."
> > >
> > >
> >

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Brockmeier
On 11/02/2015 01:09 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> Joe, can we see some jira tickets that you find questionable?  Hard to tell
> what the problem is just by scanning the email traffic.

I'll (again) point to the previous conversation that came out of David's
discussion with Sentry folks at ApacheCon [1] and then the reply from
Arvind which basically says he doesn't consider it an issue if the
project is "following a roadmap the community does not have control
over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all." [2]

It's not specific tickets - it's (again) that there appears to be a lot
of discussion and planning taking place off-list, out of sight. Take the
1.6.0 release discussion - no roadmap discussed for 1.6.0 at all, it
just appeared [3] and then within 15 minutes there's an "I agree, and
I'll be release manager!" [4] message and then several +1 / "I agree"
messages, and then .. done. This looks a lot to me like planning and
decisions happening off-list and then a cursory "discussion" for
appearance's sake.

How is a person who's not tapped into the Sentry development process
already supposed to get involved? How is this building community? I see
the Sentry podling creating code... just not much evidence of a
community outside what Sentry came in with.

Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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Re: [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Rich Bowen

On 11/02/2015 01:51 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:

On Mon, Nov 02, 2015 at 07:25AM, Rich Bowen wrote:

>On 11/01/2015 07:48 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:

> >Thanks for sending this around, Paul - I should've linked it to the vote
> >thread, duh...
> >
> >Anyway, back to Rich's question: the answer is 'yes' as implied by my +1 on
> >the vote. Why would I be voting for the graduation if I weren't sure the
> >project is ready? Looks like a rhetorical question, this one.

>No, it's not a rhetorical question at all. I suspect, as I have
>mentioned in other threads, that some people vote +1 on these things
>without doing a whole lot of background checking. Paul's response is
>what I was looking for.
>If it's all just rhetorical questions then why do we bother at all?
>Graduation is a one-time thing. We can afford to apply a little
>additional scrutiny to it. This is something we can't afford to get

The one I called rhetorical was actually my last quesiton, not yours.

Right. That's the one I was referring to also.

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Sravya Tirukkovalur
I am part of Sentry community and I do not think we ever had an instance
(in my honest knowledge) where a jira was committed before people had
opportunity to respond/discuss. Most of the communication as I see is on
jira (ideas and design), some on email (roadmap, design, release, doc,
other) and review board( design and implementation details). We did take
the mentors suggestions seriously about preferring email discussions over
jira and have been moving some of the discussions to email list. Although I
agree that there is very little value in doing so, I am not saying there is
no value. These are just my thoughts and would be more than happy if people
can convince me why we should duplicate or prefer email.

Pro email:

   1. There might be more people familiar with email as compared to jira.
   So there is a chance that more people might speak up. Might be perceived as
   more inclusive.

Pro jira:

   1. It is easy to track specific items. People can just watch the
   specific jiras, as compared to creating fancy email filters.
   2. All discussion is in one place. With email lists, often times
   discussions are split across threads.
   3. Nice history of a feature. It is easy to link related features and
   hence it is easy to follow the lineage of a specific feature. This is
   almost impossible if we do not capture enough information on jira.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Joe Schaefer  wrote:

> Joe, can we see some jira tickets that you find questionable?  Hard to tell
> what the problem is just by scanning the email traffic.
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Vinod Vavilapalli  >
> wrote:
> > Missed that part, that sounds really bad.
> >
> > +Vinod
> >
> > On Nov 2, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Joe Brockmeier>> wrote:
> >
> > Discussions are happening out of sight, and - in
> > Arvind's own words - "as if following a roadmap the community does not
> > have control over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all."
> >
> >

Sravya Tirukkovalur

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Slider 0.81.1-incubating

2015-11-02 Thread Jon Maron

The Apache Slider team is proud to announce Apache Slider incubation release
version 0.81.1-incubating.

Apache Slider (incubating) is a YARN application which deploys existing
distributed applications on YARN,
monitors them, and makes them larger or smaller as desired - even while the
application is running.

The release artifacts are available at:

To use the artifacts, please use the following documentation:

Release notes available at:

We would like to thank all the contributors that made the release possible.

The Slider Team



Apache Slider is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software
Foundation (ASF),
sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC. Incubation is required of all newly
accepted projects
until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications,
and decision making
process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF
projects. While incubation
status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of
the code, it does indicate
that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Konstantin Boudnik
On Mon, Nov 02, 2015 at 09:11AM, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
> Le 01/11/15 20:30, Rich Bowen a écrit :
> > On Oct 28, 2015 4:26 PM, "Konstantin Boudnik"  wrote:
> >> Following discussions [1] about its current status, the Groovy community
> >> has voted [2] to graduate from the Incubator. The vote passed [3] with 12
> > +1s
> >> total, 5 are binding:
> >>
> >> Guillaume Laforge
> >> Cédric Champeau
> >> Paul King
> >> Jochen Theodorou
> >> Pascal Schumacher
> >> Emmanuel Lécharny (binding)
> >> Bertrand Delacretaz (binding)
> >> Andrew Bayer (binding)
> >> Jim Jagielski (binding)
> >> Konstantin Boudnik (binding)
> >> Russel Winder
> >> Guillaume Alleon
> >>
> >> The Groovy community has:
> >> * completed all required paperwork:
> >>
> >> * completed multiple releases (2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6 is in the works)
> >> * completed the name check procedure:
> >>
> >> * addressed 50+ JIRAs:
> >>
> >> * voted in multiple new committers/PPMC members
> >>
> >> Therefore, I'm calling a VOTE to graduate Groovy with the following Board
> >> resolution. The VOTE will run for at least 72 hours, ending
> >> Saturday, October 31st 8 PM PST.
> > I recognize that I have missed the vote and thus my response is moot. I
> > have been traveling, but i don't expect preferential treatment.
> >
> > However, as useful as these other measures are, as a member, and as a
> > director who will need to vote on this resolution, I'd like to know if you,
> > as a mentor, feel that this project had attainded maturity as described in
> > the maturity metric document, and will operate according to the Apache way?
> Yes, and Bertrand has conducted the check we now run on poddling we
> think are ready to become TLP.
> As a mentor who have followed a few podlings in the past, I must say
> that Groovy was one of the easiest ! OTOH, the project was already
> mature before being accepted in incubator. Keep in mind that this move
> was dictated by the decision from Pivotal to stop paying the main
> developpers, combined with the shutdown of the Codehaus hosting
> facility. The Groovy fellows decided that The ASF was the best place to
> host the project, and they did a long due diligence to check that the
> ASF requirements were easy to follow for them. In many ways, it was all
> about finding the right place for the project, and The ASF was a perfect
> fit.

If we want the credit go where it's due - let's not forget about Roman's
effort to present the case, spent a lot of time advocating, and helping Groovy
project to finally come under the Foundation's wing.


> Every single requirements (IP clearance, voting releases, accepting new
> committers, discussion on the ML, etc) where easily met, and the groovy
> community was really open minded and ready for any required change in
> their way of doing things. Mature ? You bet !
> My 2cts
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Description: Digital signature

Re: svn credentials, how to get them

2015-11-02 Thread Pan, Lei (398K)
Hi Ted:


The page says I will first need to submit
an ICLA, which I did (see email confirmation
below), and then I will "be asked for a
preferred Apache user name," and "will
receive an email when your account has
been created."

Who will be asking me for a preferred user name
please? Since I haven't been asked, who should
I contact in order to get this process going please?


- from Craig Russell on 6/16/2015 
Dear Lei Pan,

This message acknowledges receipt of your ICLA, which has been filed in
the Apache Software Foundation records.

If you have been invited as a committer, please advise the project PMC
that your ICLA has been filed.

Warm Regards,

-- Craig L Russell
Secretary, Apache Software Foundation

On 11/1/15 11:42 PM, "Ted Dunning"  wrote:

>On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 11:33 PM, Pan, Lei (398K) 
>> How do I get my apache login/password
>> please?
>Follow the steps documented here:

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Re: [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Emmanuel Lécharny
Le 01/11/15 20:30, Rich Bowen a écrit :
> On Oct 28, 2015 4:26 PM, "Konstantin Boudnik"  wrote:
>> Following discussions [1] about its current status, the Groovy community
>> has voted [2] to graduate from the Incubator. The vote passed [3] with 12
> +1s
>> total, 5 are binding:
>> Guillaume Laforge
>> Cédric Champeau
>> Paul King
>> Jochen Theodorou
>> Pascal Schumacher
>> Emmanuel Lécharny (binding)
>> Bertrand Delacretaz (binding)
>> Andrew Bayer (binding)
>> Jim Jagielski (binding)
>> Konstantin Boudnik (binding)
>> Russel Winder
>> Guillaume Alleon
>> The Groovy community has:
>> * completed all required paperwork:
>> * completed multiple releases (2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6 is in the works)
>> * completed the name check procedure:
>> * addressed 50+ JIRAs:
>> * voted in multiple new committers/PPMC members
>> Therefore, I'm calling a VOTE to graduate Groovy with the following Board
>> resolution. The VOTE will run for at least 72 hours, ending
>> Saturday, October 31st 8 PM PST.
> I recognize that I have missed the vote and thus my response is moot. I
> have been traveling, but i don't expect preferential treatment.
> However, as useful as these other measures are, as a member, and as a
> director who will need to vote on this resolution, I'd like to know if you,
> as a mentor, feel that this project had attainded maturity as described in
> the maturity metric document, and will operate according to the Apache way?
Yes, and Bertrand has conducted the check we now run on poddling we
think are ready to become TLP.

As a mentor who have followed a few podlings in the past, I must say
that Groovy was one of the easiest ! OTOH, the project was already
mature before being accepted in incubator. Keep in mind that this move
was dictated by the decision from Pivotal to stop paying the main
developpers, combined with the shutdown of the Codehaus hosting
facility. The Groovy fellows decided that The ASF was the best place to
host the project, and they did a long due diligence to check that the
ASF requirements were easy to follow for them. In many ways, it was all
about finding the right place for the project, and The ASF was a perfect

Every single requirements (IP clearance, voting releases, accepting new
committers, discussion on the ML, etc) where easily met, and the groovy
community was really open minded and ready for any required change in
their way of doing things. Mature ? You bet !

My 2cts

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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Vinod Vavilapalli
Many of the active TLPs do tend to center all project discussions on JIRA as 
opposed to mailing lists. OTOH, non-code discussions are usually best served on 
mailing lists.

Instead of making it a JIRA vs mailing list discussion, how about the podling 
be advised about putting a cool-off period for JIRA resolutions - 24-36hrs 
before they get closed. Again, this is something a bunch of active TLPs 
practice in the interest of leaving enough time windows for everyone (many 
times around the world in different time-zones) to pitch in.


> On Nov 2, 2015, at 3:59 AM, Joe Brockmeier  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm one of the mentors of Sentry, which has been in incubation for some
> time. The project has progressed in a number of ways, but my largest
> concern is that the podling is doing [in my opinion] too much
> development and discussion out-of-sight. 
> I've raised issues about this, as has David Nalley. David had a
> conversation with members of Sentry at ApacheCon Big Data in September,
> and that discussion was brought back to the list. [1] 
> Jiras are being filed, and swiftly acted on, in a way that strongly
> suggests that a lot of discussion and direction of the project are
> happening off-list and out-of-sight to the average participant. David
> and myself have suggested ways that the community can remedy this, but
> the most recent mail from Arvind indicates that he (and others in the
> podling) don't feel it is a "valid ask." 
> At this point, I'm raising this to general@ because I'd like second (and
> third, etc.) opinions. Perhaps I'm deeply wrong, and others here feel
> Sentry is ready to graduate. My feeling is that the podling is not
> operating in "the Apache Way" and doesn't show a great deal of interest
> in doing so. [2] To quote Arvind: 
> "I feel another issue being pointed out or which has been eluded to in
> the past is - who decides which Jiras should be fixed, what features to
> create etc, specially when they show up as Jira issues directly with
> patches that follow soon. It seems that in some ways the lack of using
> mailing lists directly for discussion is linked to this behavior of
> filing issues and fixing them rapidly, as if following a roadmap that
> the community does not have control over. Please pardon me if my
> interpretation/understanding of the issue is not right. But if it is
> right, then I do want to say that - that too is not an issue in my
> opinion at all. And here is why:
> When someone files a Jira, they are inviting the entire community to
> comment on it and provide feedback. If it is not in the interest of the
> project, I do believe that responsible members of the community will be
> quick to bring that out for discussion and even Veto it if necessary. If
> that is not happening, it is not an issue with lack of community
> participation, but rather it is an indicator of a project team that
> knows where the gaps are and understands how to go about filling them
> intuitively."
> The model that Sentry is pursing may work very well *for the existing
> members of the podling.* In my opinion, its process is entirely too
> opaque to allow for interested parties outside of the existing podling
> and companies interested in Sentry development to become involved. 
> The podling is pressing to move to graduation, and I cannot in good
> conscience vote +1 or even +0 at this point. I'm strongly -1 as a mentor
> and don't feel the podling has any interest in working in "the Apache
> Way" as commonly understood. [3]
> However, I feel we've reached an impasse and there's little value in
> continuing to debate amongst the mentors / podling. They've stated their
> position(s) and I've stated mine. (I *think* David Nalley is in
> agreement with me, but I don't wish to speak for him.) 
> I'm bringing this to the IPMC fully understanding that I might be
> totally wrong - maybe I'm holding to a too strict or outdated idea of
> how projects should operate. I'm happy to be told so if that's the case
> so I can improve as a mentor or decide to bow out from mentoring in the
> future, if it's the case that my idea of a project is out-of-line with
> the majority here.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Best,
> jzb
> -- 
> Joe Brockmeier
> Twitter: @jzb
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Incubator PMC/Board report for Nov 2015 ([ppmc])

2015-11-02 Thread Marvin

Dear podling,

This email was sent by an automated system on behalf of the Apache Incubator 
It is an initial reminder to give you plenty of time to prepare your quarterly
board report.

The board meeting is scheduled for Wed, 18 November 2015, 10:30 am PST. The 
for your podling will form a part of the Incubator PMC report. The Incubator 
requires your report to be submitted 2 weeks before the board meeting, to allow 
sufficient time for review and submission (Wed, Nov 4th).

Please submit your report with sufficient time to allow the incubator PMC, and 
subsequently board members to review and digest. Again, the very latest you 
should submit your report is 2 weeks prior to the board meeting.


The Apache Incubator PMC

Submitting your Report

Your report should contain the following:

 * Your project name
 * A brief description of your project, which assumes no knowledge of the 
   or necessarily of its field
 * A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards 
 * Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of
 * How has the community developed since the last report
 * How has the project developed since the last report.
This should be appended to the Incubator Wiki page at:

Note: This is manually populated. You may need to wait a little before this page
  is created from a template.

Mentors should review reports for their project(s) and sign them off on the 
Incubator wiki page. Signing off reports shows that you are following the 
project - projects that are not signed may raise alarms for the Incubator PMC.

Incubator PMC

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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread David Jencks

> On Nov 2, 2015, at 8:08 AM, Rich Bowen  wrote:
> On 11/02/2015 06:59 AM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm one of the mentors of Sentry, which has been in incubation for some
>> time. The project has progressed in a number of ways, but my largest
>> concern is that the podling is doing [in my opinion] too much
>> development and discussion out-of-sight.
>> I've raised issues about this, as has David Nalley. David had a
>> conversation with members of Sentry at ApacheCon Big Data in September,
>> and that discussion was brought back to the list. [1]
>> Jiras are being filed, and swiftly acted on, in a way that strongly
>> suggests that a lot of discussion and direction of the project are
>> happening off-list and out-of-sight to the average participant. David
>> and myself have suggested ways that the community can remedy this, but
>> the most recent mail from Arvind indicates that he (and others in the
>> podling) don't feel it is a "valid ask."
>> At this point, I'm raising this to general@ because I'd like second (and
>> third, etc.) opinions. Perhaps I'm deeply wrong, and others here feel
>> Sentry is ready to graduate. My feeling is that the podling is not
>> operating in "the Apache Way" and doesn't show a great deal of interest
>> in doing so. [2] To quote Arvind:
>> "I feel another issue being pointed out or which has been eluded to in
>> the past is - who decides which Jiras should be fixed, what features to
>> create etc, specially when they show up as Jira issues directly with
>> patches that follow soon. It seems that in some ways the lack of using
>> mailing lists directly for discussion is linked to this behavior of
>> filing issues and fixing them rapidly, as if following a roadmap that
>> the community does not have control over. Please pardon me if my
>> interpretation/understanding of the issue is not right. But if it is
>> right, then I do want to say that - that too is not an issue in my
>> opinion at all. And here is why:
>> When someone files a Jira, they are inviting the entire community to
>> comment on it and provide feedback. If it is not in the interest of the
>> project, I do believe that responsible members of the community will be
>> quick to bring that out for discussion and even Veto it if necessary. If
>> that is not happening, it is not an issue with lack of community
>> participation, but rather it is an indicator of a project team that
>> knows where the gaps are and understands how to go about filling them
>> intuitively."
>> The model that Sentry is pursing may work very well *for the existing
>> members of the podling.* In my opinion, its process is entirely too
>> opaque to allow for interested parties outside of the existing podling
>> and companies interested in Sentry development to become involved.
>> The podling is pressing to move to graduation, and I cannot in good
>> conscience vote +1 or even +0 at this point. I'm strongly -1 as a mentor
>> and don't feel the podling has any interest in working in "the Apache
>> Way" as commonly understood. [3]
>> However, I feel we've reached an impasse and there's little value in
>> continuing to debate amongst the mentors / podling. They've stated their
>> position(s) and I've stated mine. (I *think* David Nalley is in
>> agreement with me, but I don't wish to speak for him.)
>> I'm bringing this to the IPMC fully understanding that I might be
>> totally wrong - maybe I'm holding to a too strict or outdated idea of
>> how projects should operate. I'm happy to be told so if that's the case
>> so I can improve as a mentor or decide to bow out from mentoring in the
>> future, if it's the case that my idea of a project is out-of-line with
>> the majority here.
> No, I don't think you're outdated or out of line. This pattern - open ticket, 
> commit change, close ticket, without time for community input - does indicate 
> that decision making is not open and collaborative, but rather that the 
> decision is being made offline somewhere.
> Furthermore, if the mentors are in agreement that something is awry, and the 
> podling disagrees, that's an indication that the podling is out of line, not 
> the mentors. After all, it's the mentors' job to guide the podling, not vice 
> versa.
> So, yeah, I'd consider your -1 vote on their graduation to be binding here, 
> and I'd consider you to be doing the right thing to prevent that vote 
> happening in the first place until this community process is straightened out.

I haven’t looked at what they are doing and don’t expect I will.  However, I’m 
assuming that jira changes all get to the dev list, as in all other projects 
I’ve worked on.  I don’t see the point in duplicating a proposal between a jira 
issue and a separate dev list post with the same information.  And I don’t have 
a problem with people working quickly.  I would like to see that the jira issue 
explains sufficiently 

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Schaefer
What we do here is practice open *development*.  That means if it is a
foregone conclusion that some jira ticket gets opened with a patch already
cooked up for it, you're not doing it right.  The entire development
process needs to be subject to public scrutiny, not just the end result.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Rich Bowen  wrote:

> On 11/02/2015 09:50 AM, David Jencks wrote:
>> I haven’t looked at what they are doing and don’t expect I will.
>> However, I’m assuming that jira changes all get to the dev list, as in all
>> other projects I’ve worked on.  I don’t see the point in duplicating a
>> proposal between a jira issue and a separate dev list post with the same
>> information.  And I don’t have a problem with people working quickly.  I
>> would like to see that the jira issue explains sufficiently what is
>> proposed or implemented in enough detail that an interested party can see
>> how it fits in with the code and the purpose of the project.  So I’d be
>> concerned if the jira descriptions were “fix bug” or “implement javaee7”
>> but possibly not if there are reasonable explanations of what is being
>> proposed or done.
> What has been described to me is that a ticket is filed proposing a major
> new feature, and then seconds later a *large* patch lands implementing that
> feature, and the ticket is closed, and discussion is shut down, because
> it's a done deal.
> --
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Roman Shaposhnik
Here's an idea: how about you guys fill out the maturity model template?
I really liked how it turned out during the Groovy graduation discussion
and perhaps it can help here as well.

JIRA vs. MLs is but a single facet of how a project practices "Apache Way".
Personally I'd like to see more data points.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Vinod Vavilapalli
> Many of the active TLPs do tend to center all project discussions on JIRA as 
> opposed to mailing lists. OTOH, non-code discussions are usually best served 
> on mailing lists.
> Instead of making it a JIRA vs mailing list discussion, how about the podling 
> be advised about putting a cool-off period for JIRA resolutions - 24-36hrs 
> before they get closed. Again, this is something a bunch of active TLPs 
> practice in the interest of leaving enough time windows for everyone (many 
> times around the world in different time-zones) to pitch in.
> +Vinod
>> On Nov 2, 2015, at 3:59 AM, Joe Brockmeier  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm one of the mentors of Sentry, which has been in incubation for some
>> time. The project has progressed in a number of ways, but my largest
>> concern is that the podling is doing [in my opinion] too much
>> development and discussion out-of-sight.
>> I've raised issues about this, as has David Nalley. David had a
>> conversation with members of Sentry at ApacheCon Big Data in September,
>> and that discussion was brought back to the list. [1]
>> Jiras are being filed, and swiftly acted on, in a way that strongly
>> suggests that a lot of discussion and direction of the project are
>> happening off-list and out-of-sight to the average participant. David
>> and myself have suggested ways that the community can remedy this, but
>> the most recent mail from Arvind indicates that he (and others in the
>> podling) don't feel it is a "valid ask."
>> At this point, I'm raising this to general@ because I'd like second (and
>> third, etc.) opinions. Perhaps I'm deeply wrong, and others here feel
>> Sentry is ready to graduate. My feeling is that the podling is not
>> operating in "the Apache Way" and doesn't show a great deal of interest
>> in doing so. [2] To quote Arvind:
>> "I feel another issue being pointed out or which has been eluded to in
>> the past is - who decides which Jiras should be fixed, what features to
>> create etc, specially when they show up as Jira issues directly with
>> patches that follow soon. It seems that in some ways the lack of using
>> mailing lists directly for discussion is linked to this behavior of
>> filing issues and fixing them rapidly, as if following a roadmap that
>> the community does not have control over. Please pardon me if my
>> interpretation/understanding of the issue is not right. But if it is
>> right, then I do want to say that - that too is not an issue in my
>> opinion at all. And here is why:
>> When someone files a Jira, they are inviting the entire community to
>> comment on it and provide feedback. If it is not in the interest of the
>> project, I do believe that responsible members of the community will be
>> quick to bring that out for discussion and even Veto it if necessary. If
>> that is not happening, it is not an issue with lack of community
>> participation, but rather it is an indicator of a project team that
>> knows where the gaps are and understands how to go about filling them
>> intuitively."
>> The model that Sentry is pursing may work very well *for the existing
>> members of the podling.* In my opinion, its process is entirely too
>> opaque to allow for interested parties outside of the existing podling
>> and companies interested in Sentry development to become involved.
>> The podling is pressing to move to graduation, and I cannot in good
>> conscience vote +1 or even +0 at this point. I'm strongly -1 as a mentor
>> and don't feel the podling has any interest in working in "the Apache
>> Way" as commonly understood. [3]
>> However, I feel we've reached an impasse and there's little value in
>> continuing to debate amongst the mentors / podling. They've stated their
>> position(s) and I've stated mine. (I *think* David Nalley is in
>> agreement with me, but I don't wish to speak for him.)
>> I'm bringing this to the IPMC fully understanding that I might be
>> totally wrong - maybe I'm holding to a too strict or outdated idea of
>> how projects should operate. I'm happy to be told so if that's the case
>> so I can improve as a mentor or decide to bow out from mentoring in the
>> future, if it's the case that my idea of a project is out-of-line with
>> the majority here.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> Best,
>> jzb
>> --
>> Joe Brockmeier
>> Twitter: @jzb
>> -
>> To 

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Sravya Tirukkovalur
I think it is a good sign that community is volunteering to do the release

Here is the formal release work starting email[1] and discussing details on
when to branch and when to release giving sufficient time for everyone who
want to get their favorite jiras in. Dapeng (RM for 1.6.0) also started a
jira[2] to track the release work in detail:

". I will say that the only Jira I've seen from outside recently
didn't exactly get a warm reception. [1] Not rejected, just radio silence."

That is not true, this is just one off instance. It has only been a week
since that jira has been created and I am sure one of us will review it
soon . But there are numerous instances where community was very welcoming
for new contributors and users[3][4][5]. In fact I feel proud to say that
community enabled many folks who filed bugs to also contribute bug fix


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Joe Brockmeier  wrote:

> On 11/02/2015 03:57 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
> > I see this (the release discussion threads you linked) as a semi-mature
> > community that's well aligned. A number of folks responded to the request
> > for discussion and said they were in favor. It was done on the ML in the
> > open. What more do we want? I don't see anyone excluded and I'm sure if
> > there was a new person looking to get involved they would have been
> > welcomed into the discussion, no one is being turned away from what I can
> > see.
> No one is being turned away, that I've noticed, but I really don't see
> how anyone is supposed to follow along if they're not part of the team
> already. I will say that the only Jira I've seen from outside recently
> didn't exactly get a warm reception. [1] Not rejected, just radio silence.
> I'm also sad to see that being held up as a standard by other mentors.
> My understanding is that projects should be attempting to create a
> community that is open, and trying to self-perpetuate. Sure, you can't
> do that if you turn people away actively - but you also can't do that by
> having conversations offlist and having an opaque process that newcomers
> can't follow along with.
> I'll say again - maybe my standards are improperly calibrated. If so,
> and "not actively turning people away" is the standard we're going
> for... that's disappointing as all heck.
> [1]
> --
> Joe Brockmeier
> Twitter: @jzb
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Sravya Tirukkovalur

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread William A Rowe Jr
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 7:08 AM, Rich Bowen  wrote:

> On 11/02/2015 06:59 AM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm one of the mentors of Sentry, which has been in incubation for some
>> time. The project has progressed in a number of ways, but my largest
>> concern is that the podling is doing [in my opinion] too much
>> development and discussion out-of-sight.
>> I've raised issues about this, as has David Nalley. David had a
>> conversation with members of Sentry at ApacheCon Big Data in September,
>> and that discussion was brought back to the list. [1]
>> Jiras are being filed, and swiftly acted on, in a way that strongly
>> suggests that a lot of discussion and direction of the project are
>> happening off-list and out-of-sight to the average participant. David
>> and myself have suggested ways that the community can remedy this, but
>> the most recent mail from Arvind indicates that he (and others in the
>> podling) don't feel it is a "valid ask."
>> At this point, I'm raising this to general@ because I'd like second (and
>> third, etc.) opinions. Perhaps I'm deeply wrong, and others here feel
>> Sentry is ready to graduate. My feeling is that the podling is not
>> operating in "the Apache Way" and doesn't show a great deal of interest
>> in doing so. [2] To quote Arvind:
>> "I feel another issue being pointed out or which has been eluded to in
>> the past is - who decides which Jiras should be fixed, what features to
>> create etc, specially when they show up as Jira issues directly with
>> patches that follow soon. It seems that in some ways the lack of using
>> mailing lists directly for discussion is linked to this behavior of
>> filing issues and fixing them rapidly, as if following a roadmap that
>> the community does not have control over. Please pardon me if my
>> interpretation/understanding of the issue is not right. But if it is
>> right, then I do want to say that - that too is not an issue in my
>> opinion at all. And here is why:
>> When someone files a Jira, they are inviting the entire community to
>> comment on it and provide feedback. If it is not in the interest of the
>> project, I do believe that responsible members of the community will be
>> quick to bring that out for discussion and even Veto it if necessary. If
>> that is not happening, it is not an issue with lack of community
>> participation, but rather it is an indicator of a project team that
>> knows where the gaps are and understands how to go about filling them
>> intuitively."
>> The model that Sentry is pursing may work very well *for the existing
>> members of the podling.* In my opinion, its process is entirely too
>> opaque to allow for interested parties outside of the existing podling
>> and companies interested in Sentry development to become involved.
>> The podling is pressing to move to graduation, and I cannot in good
>> conscience vote +1 or even +0 at this point. I'm strongly -1 as a mentor
>> and don't feel the podling has any interest in working in "the Apache
>> Way" as commonly understood. [3]
>> However, I feel we've reached an impasse and there's little value in
>> continuing to debate amongst the mentors / podling. They've stated their
>> position(s) and I've stated mine. (I *think* David Nalley is in
>> agreement with me, but I don't wish to speak for him.)
>> I'm bringing this to the IPMC fully understanding that I might be
>> totally wrong - maybe I'm holding to a too strict or outdated idea of
>> how projects should operate. I'm happy to be told so if that's the case
>> so I can improve as a mentor or decide to bow out from mentoring in the
>> future, if it's the case that my idea of a project is out-of-line with
>> the majority here.
> No, I don't think you're outdated or out of line. This pattern - open
> ticket, commit change, close ticket, without time for community input -
> does indicate that decision making is not open and collaborative, but
> rather that the decision is being made offline somewhere.
> Furthermore, if the mentors are in agreement that something is awry, and
> the podling disagrees, that's an indication that the podling is out of
> line, not the mentors. After all, it's the mentors' job to guide the
> podling, not vice versa.

I'm wondering, though, how this varies from our preference for the
'scratch-your-own-itch' model? In this case, it might be one programmer,
or might be a customer of that programmer who noted a bug, or might
be a small collaborative team working at their day job. All of these have
every right to scratch their specific itch.

In any case, the ASF and the dev@ list never dictate 'Jira ticket A
is more important than Jira ticket B', any of the committers are welcome
to work on any features, any open Jira tickets, anything that they feel
improves a given project's code. It does not matter if this is a volunteer
or employee, everyone is given equal treatment.

Where this goes full-stop 

Re: podlings and github

2015-11-02 Thread Peter Ansell
Hi Joe,

The Commons RDF incubator project has not removed their previous
Github presence yet [1], as it gained a following before the move into
the incubator and we didn't want to break those links prematurely
before people recognised the new location. What we did do when
accepted to the incubator was to update the file to include
a notice redirecting users to the Apache Incubator site, but otherwise
it has left the git history before that point intact.

The Apache incubator repository [2] still has significantly less
watchers/stars/forks than the original repo, but the numbers on the
original repo have not changed significantly since moving to the

Does Apache use GitHub's "move" repository functionality that adds a
redirect if the name changes once? If not, is it viable for the
Commons RDF group to keep their original project (which contains
directions on how to get to the current repository) until they
graduate get a permanent location in the /apache/ namespace to
minimise the number of broken links around the internet to this

This project, and others, may be concerned about both their likelihood
of graduating from the incubator (requiring them to go back to their
previous Github organisation), and the Apache policy on having two
renames for their project, which damages their brand if people find
broken links on the internet.




On 3 November 2015 at 02:01, Joe Schaefer  wrote:
> One of the concerns members are talking about with podlings on github
> concerns their overall presence there.  To be brief, we need to take a
> closer look at any podlings that are using their own project on github
> versus using their clone on the apache github project.
> So that opens the question I now put to the mentors: do we have any
> podlings that are hosting on github using anything other than their
> presence?

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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Brockmeier
On 11/02/2015 03:57 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
> I see this (the release discussion threads you linked) as a semi-mature
> community that's well aligned. A number of folks responded to the request
> for discussion and said they were in favor. It was done on the ML in the
> open. What more do we want? I don't see anyone excluded and I'm sure if
> there was a new person looking to get involved they would have been
> welcomed into the discussion, no one is being turned away from what I can
> see.

No one is being turned away, that I've noticed, but I really don't see
how anyone is supposed to follow along if they're not part of the team
already. I will say that the only Jira I've seen from outside recently
didn't exactly get a warm reception. [1] Not rejected, just radio silence.

I'm also sad to see that being held up as a standard by other mentors.
My understanding is that projects should be attempting to create a
community that is open, and trying to self-perpetuate. Sure, you can't
do that if you turn people away actively - but you also can't do that by
having conversations offlist and having an opaque process that newcomers
can't follow along with.

I'll say again - maybe my standards are improperly calibrated. If so,
and "not actively turning people away" is the standard we're going
for... that's disappointing as all heck.

Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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Re: [DISCUSS] Graduate REEF

2015-11-02 Thread Markus Weimer

thanks for the vote! Does that mean we should move straight to the IPMC
vote? I understood the incubation guide to first have a [DISCUSS], then
[VOTE] thread.


On 2015-11-02 13:56, Chris Douglas wrote:
> +1 (binding) -C
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Markus Weimer  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the Apache REEF podling has discussed[0] and voted upon[1] graduation as
>> a TLP. Following the incubation guide[3], we now ask for a feedback on
>> our graduation.
>> Thanks,
>> Markus
>> [0]:
>> [1]:
>> [3]:
>> X. Establish the Apache REEF Project
>> WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
>> interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
>> Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
>> Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
>> open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
>> public, related to the ease of development of applications on
>> top of resource managers.
>> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
>> Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache REEF Project",
>> be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
>> Foundation; and be it further
>> RESOLVED, that the Apache REEF Project be and hereby is
>> responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software
>> framework for application development on top of resource
>> managers; and be it further
>> RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache REEF"
>> be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
>> serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
>> of the Apache REEF Project, and to have primary
>> responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
>> of responsibility of the Apache REEF Project; and be it
>> further
>> RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
>> hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
>> Apache REEF Project Management Committee:
>> * Markus Weimer 
>> * Byung-Gon Chun 
>> * Yunseong Lee 
>> * Brian Cho 
>> * Beysim Sezgin 
>> * Yingda Chen 
>> * Julia Wang 
>> * Andrew Chung 
>> * Youngseok Yang 
>> * Gyewon Lee 
>> * Taegeon Um 
>> * Joo Seong Jeong 
>> * Geon-Woo Kim 
>> * Mariia Mykhailova 
>> * Shravan M Narayanamurthy 
>> * Dongjoon Hyun 
>> * Sergiy Matusevych 
>> * Tyson Condie 
>> * Chris Mattman 
>> * Chris Douglas 
>> appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache REEF, to
>> serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
>> Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
>> death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
>> until a successor is appointed; and be it further
>> RESOLVED, that the initial Apache REEF Project be and hereby
>> is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
>> encourage open development and increased participation in the
>> Apache REEF Project; and be it further
>> RESOLVED, that the initial Apache REEF Project be and hereby
>> is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
>> Incubator REEF podling; and be it further
>> RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
>> Incubator REEF podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
>> PMC are hereafter discharged.
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
I see this (the release discussion threads you linked) as a semi-mature
community that's well aligned. A number of folks responded to the request
for discussion and said they were in favor. It was done on the ML in the
open. What more do we want? I don't see anyone excluded and I'm sure if
there was a new person looking to get involved they would have been
welcomed into the discussion, no one is being turned away from what I can


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 12:28 PM, Joe Brockmeier  wrote:

> On 11/02/2015 01:09 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> > Joe, can we see some jira tickets that you find questionable?  Hard to
> tell
> > what the problem is just by scanning the email traffic.
> I'll (again) point to the previous conversation that came out of David's
> discussion with Sentry folks at ApacheCon [1] and then the reply from
> Arvind which basically says he doesn't consider it an issue if the
> project is "following a roadmap the community does not have control
> over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all." [2]
> It's not specific tickets - it's (again) that there appears to be a lot
> of discussion and planning taking place off-list, out of sight. Take the
> 1.6.0 release discussion - no roadmap discussed for 1.6.0 at all, it
> just appeared [3] and then within 15 minutes there's an "I agree, and
> I'll be release manager!" [4] message and then several +1 / "I agree"
> messages, and then .. done. This looks a lot to me like planning and
> decisions happening off-list and then a cursory "discussion" for
> appearance's sake.
> How is a person who's not tapped into the Sentry development process
> already supposed to get involved? How is this building community? I see
> the Sentry podling creating code... just not much evidence of a
> community outside what Sentry came in with.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> --
> Joe Brockmeier
> Twitter: @jzb
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Karma for mentor-signoff on wiki

2015-11-02 Thread Josh Elser

Thanks, Marvin!

Marvin Humphrey wrote:

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Josh Elser  wrote:

Can someone grant me the necessary karma to add my [x] on November's report,

username: JoshElser


Marvin Humphrey

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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Brockmeier
On 11/02/2015 04:41 PM, Sravya Tirukkovalur wrote:
> I think it is a good sign that community is volunteering to do the release
> work.

I think the point I'm making is largely being ignored. I'm not seeing
much room for volunteers, and a lot of indication that
conversations/decisions are happening off list and being carried back
rather than being done entirely openly.

> Here is the formal release work starting email[1] and discussing details on
> when to branch and when to release giving sufficient time for everyone who
> want to get their favorite jiras in. Dapeng (RM for 1.6.0) also started a
> jira[2] to track the release work in detail:

We might disagree on what constitutes "sufficient time" here - it looks
like one week notice for the 1.6.0 branch, and then one week (planned)
to release from there.

> ". I will say that the only Jira I've seen from outside recently
> didn't exactly get a warm reception. [1] Not rejected, just radio silence."
> That is not true, this is just one off instance. It has only been a week
> since that jira has been created and I am sure one of us will review it
> soon . But there are numerous instances where community was very welcoming
> for new contributors and users[3][4][5]. In fact I feel proud to say that
> community enabled many folks who filed bugs to also contribute bug fix
> patches.

OK, fair. I'll assume that's a one-off then, and apologize for missing
the other examples.


Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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2015-11-02 Thread Markus Weimer

the Apache REEF podling has discussed[0] and voted upon[1] graduation as
a TLP. Following the incubation guide[3], we now ask for a feedback on
our graduation.




X. Establish the Apache REEF Project

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
public, related to the ease of development of applications on
top of resource managers.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache REEF Project",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Apache REEF Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software
framework for application development on top of resource
managers; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache REEF"
be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache REEF Project, and to have primary
responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
of responsibility of the Apache REEF Project; and be it

RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache REEF Project Management Committee:

* Markus Weimer 
* Byung-Gon Chun 
* Yunseong Lee 
* Brian Cho 
* Beysim Sezgin 
* Yingda Chen 
* Julia Wang 
* Andrew Chung 
* Youngseok Yang 
* Gyewon Lee 
* Taegeon Um 
* Joo Seong Jeong 
* Geon-Woo Kim 
* Mariia Mykhailova 
* Shravan M Narayanamurthy 
* Dongjoon Hyun 
* Sergiy Matusevych 
* Tyson Condie 
* Chris Mattman 
* Chris Douglas 

appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache REEF, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the initial Apache REEF Project be and hereby
is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache REEF Project; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the initial Apache REEF Project be and hereby
is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Incubator REEF podling; and be it further

RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
Incubator REEF podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
PMC are hereafter discharged.

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Re: [DISCUSS] Graduate REEF

2015-11-02 Thread Chris Douglas
+1 (binding) -C

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Markus Weimer  wrote:
> Hi,
> the Apache REEF podling has discussed[0] and voted upon[1] graduation as
> a TLP. Following the incubation guide[3], we now ask for a feedback on
> our graduation.
> Thanks,
> Markus
> [0]:
> [1]:
> [3]:
> X. Establish the Apache REEF Project
> WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
> interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
> Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
> Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
> open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
> public, related to the ease of development of applications on
> top of resource managers.
> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
> Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache REEF Project",
> be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
> Foundation; and be it further
> RESOLVED, that the Apache REEF Project be and hereby is
> responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software
> framework for application development on top of resource
> managers; and be it further
> RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache REEF"
> be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
> serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
> of the Apache REEF Project, and to have primary
> responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
> of responsibility of the Apache REEF Project; and be it
> further
> RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
> hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
> Apache REEF Project Management Committee:
> * Markus Weimer 
> * Byung-Gon Chun 
> * Yunseong Lee 
> * Brian Cho 
> * Beysim Sezgin 
> * Yingda Chen 
> * Julia Wang 
> * Andrew Chung 
> * Youngseok Yang 
> * Gyewon Lee 
> * Taegeon Um 
> * Joo Seong Jeong 
> * Geon-Woo Kim 
> * Mariia Mykhailova 
> * Shravan M Narayanamurthy 
> * Dongjoon Hyun 
> * Sergiy Matusevych 
> * Tyson Condie 
> * Chris Mattman 
> * Chris Douglas 
> appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache REEF, to
> serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
> Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
> death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
> until a successor is appointed; and be it further
> RESOLVED, that the initial Apache REEF Project be and hereby
> is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
> encourage open development and increased participation in the
> Apache REEF Project; and be it further
> RESOLVED, that the initial Apache REEF Project be and hereby
> is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
> Incubator REEF podling; and be it further
> RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
> Incubator REEF podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
> PMC are hereafter discharged.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Joe Brockmeier  wrote:

> On 11/02/2015 04:41 PM, Sravya Tirukkovalur wrote:
> > I think it is a good sign that community is volunteering to do the
> release
> > work.
> I think the point I'm making is largely being ignored. I'm not seeing
> much room for volunteers, and a lot of indication that
> conversations/decisions are happening off list and being carried back
> rather than being done entirely openly.
Sorry, I don't think it's being ignored, just that the rest of us are not
able to see the same issues.

For example I see over 30 committers on the Sentry status page.
That doesn't indicate a project that's hard to join. Sentry has been in
incubation for over 2 years, it's pretty mature and as Sravya highlighted
there's a bunch of good information for folks trying to join. Above and
beyond jira and ML discussions.


> > Here is the formal release work starting email[1] and discussing details
> on
> > when to branch and when to release giving sufficient time for everyone
> who
> > want to get their favorite jiras in. Dapeng (RM for 1.6.0) also started a
> > jira[2] to track the release work in detail:
> We might disagree on what constitutes "sufficient time" here - it looks
> like one week notice for the 1.6.0 branch, and then one week (planned)
> to release from there.
> > ". I will say that the only Jira I've seen from outside recently
> > didn't exactly get a warm reception. [1] Not rejected, just radio
> silence."
> >
> > That is not true, this is just one off instance. It has only been a week
> > since that jira has been created and I am sure one of us will review it
> > soon . But there are numerous instances where community was very
> welcoming
> > for new contributors and users[3][4][5]. In fact I feel proud to say that
> > community enabled many folks who filed bugs to also contribute bug fix
> > patches.
> OK, fair. I'll assume that's a one-off then, and apologize for missing
> the other examples.
> Best,
> jzb
> --
> Joe Brockmeier
> Twitter: @jzb
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Upayavira

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015, at 08:28 PM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
> On 11/02/2015 01:09 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> > Joe, can we see some jira tickets that you find questionable?  Hard to tell
> > what the problem is just by scanning the email traffic.
> I'll (again) point to the previous conversation that came out of David's
> discussion with Sentry folks at ApacheCon [1] and then the reply from
> Arvind which basically says he doesn't consider it an issue if the
> project is "following a roadmap the community does not have control
> over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all." [2]

Joe, I'd encourage you to re-read what he says there under [2]. When he
says "following a roadmap the community doesn't control over" he seems
to be paraphrasing what has previously been stated, and when he says
"this is not an issue" it seems to me he is saying "this is not
happening" rather than "this doesn't bother me". It seems to me you are
misrepresenting him based upon this one email.

> It's not specific tickets - it's (again) that there appears to be a lot
> of discussion and planning taking place off-list, out of sight. Take the
> 1.6.0 release discussion - no roadmap discussed for 1.6.0 at all, it
> just appeared [3] and then within 15 minutes there's an "I agree, and
> I'll be release manager!" [4] message and then several +1 / "I agree"
> messages, and then .. done. This looks a lot to me like planning and
> decisions happening off-list and then a cursory "discussion" for
> appearance's sake.
> How is a person who's not tapped into the Sentry development process
> already supposed to get involved? How is this building community? I see
> the Sentry podling creating code... just not much evidence of a
> community outside what Sentry came in with.

I have no comment/perspective on the rest of this.


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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Arvind Prabhakar
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 12:28 PM, Joe Brockmeier  wrote:

> ... the reply from
> Arvind which basically says he doesn't consider it an issue if the
> project is "following a roadmap the community does not have control
> over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all." [2]

Joe - I trust and respect you enough to feel that this is unintentional,
but I am being taken out of context. In this and previous emails you have
suggested that I admit and approve of an external entity controlling
Sentry. This is a gross misrepresentation. Please stop implying that for
your future responses as it was not what I said or meant.

It is very clear to me that you have taken a firm stance in how you feel
about the project based on high level observations from interactions of
other mentors. If you were to actually engage with the community, see for
yourself how the Jira communication is handled by the project, I think it
may give you information that you may be missing.

Arvind Prabhakar

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Joe Brockmeier  wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015, at 04:59 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Joe Brockmeier  wrote:
> >
> > > On 11/02/2015 04:41 PM, Sravya Tirukkovalur wrote:
> > > > I think it is a good sign that community is volunteering to do the
> > > release
> > > > work.
> > >
> > > I think the point I'm making is largely being ignored. I'm not seeing
> > > much room for volunteers, and a lot of indication that
> > > conversations/decisions are happening off list and being carried back
> > > rather than being done entirely openly.
> > >
> > >
> > Sorry, I don't think it's being ignored, just that the rest of us are not
> > able to see the same issues.
> >
> > For example I see over 30 committers on the Sentry status page.
> >
> Sentry started with 24 committers/PPMC. It hasn't added any PPMC members
> since its inception. (IIRC there was some mention on a thread of if
> there was a graduation vote all committers being PMC, but I haven't
> found that reference.)
> Note: I'm going to stop thread-sitting for the rest of the day and check
> back in tomorrow.
> Best,
> jzb
> --
> Joe Brockmeier
> Twitter: @jzb
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [DISCUSS] Graduate REEF

2015-11-02 Thread Chris Douglas
Heh; yes, you're right. As one of REEF's mentors, I'll add some of my
observations of its community and development.

The REEF project has built an open, welcoming, and diverse community.
>From my sampling of the dev@ list over the last year or so, all design
discussions (including infrastructure, build, and coding conventions)
are at the ASF [1,2,3]. The project also rotates release managers
[4,5], does solid code reviews, and has taken its IP hygiene
seriously. The most common affiliations (Microsoft, Seoul National
University) have not formed cliques, neither have members failed to
bring discussion to the dev list despite shared affiliation [6] and a
significant timezone gap.

>From all I've observed, the project groks the Apache Way and is ready
to be a TLP. -C


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Markus Weimer  wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for the vote! Does that mean we should move straight to the IPMC
> vote? I understood the incubation guide to first have a [DISCUSS], then
> [VOTE] thread.
> Markus
> On 2015-11-02 13:56, Chris Douglas wrote:
>> +1 (binding) -C
>> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Markus Weimer  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> the Apache REEF podling has discussed[0] and voted upon[1] graduation as
>>> a TLP. Following the incubation guide[3], we now ask for a feedback on
>>> our graduation.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Markus
>>> [0]:
>>> [1]:
>>> [3]:
>>> X. Establish the Apache REEF Project
>>> WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
>>> interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
>>> Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
>>> Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
>>> open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the
>>> public, related to the ease of development of applications on
>>> top of resource managers.
>>> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
>>> Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache REEF Project",
>>> be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
>>> Foundation; and be it further
>>> RESOLVED, that the Apache REEF Project be and hereby is
>>> responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software
>>> framework for application development on top of resource
>>> managers; and be it further
>>> RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache REEF"
>>> be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
>>> serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
>>> of the Apache REEF Project, and to have primary
>>> responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
>>> of responsibility of the Apache REEF Project; and be it
>>> further
>>> RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
>>> hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
>>> Apache REEF Project Management Committee:
>>> * Markus Weimer 
>>> * Byung-Gon Chun 
>>> * Yunseong Lee 
>>> * Brian Cho 
>>> * Beysim Sezgin 
>>> * Yingda Chen 
>>> * Julia Wang 
>>> * Andrew Chung 
>>> * Youngseok Yang 
>>> * Gyewon Lee 
>>> * Taegeon Um 
>>> * Joo Seong Jeong 
>>> * Geon-Woo Kim 
>>> * Mariia Mykhailova 
>>> * Shravan M Narayanamurthy 
>>> * Dongjoon Hyun 
>>> * Sergiy Matusevych 
>>> * Tyson Condie 
>>> * Chris Mattman 
>>> * Chris Douglas 
>>> appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache REEF, to
>>> serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
>>> Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
>>> death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
>>> until a successor is appointed; and be it further
>>> RESOLVED, that the initial Apache REEF Project be and hereby
>>> is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws 

Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Brockmeier
Hi all,

I'm one of the mentors of Sentry, which has been in incubation for some
time. The project has progressed in a number of ways, but my largest
concern is that the podling is doing [in my opinion] too much
development and discussion out-of-sight. 

I've raised issues about this, as has David Nalley. David had a
conversation with members of Sentry at ApacheCon Big Data in September,
and that discussion was brought back to the list. [1] 

Jiras are being filed, and swiftly acted on, in a way that strongly
suggests that a lot of discussion and direction of the project are
happening off-list and out-of-sight to the average participant. David
and myself have suggested ways that the community can remedy this, but
the most recent mail from Arvind indicates that he (and others in the
podling) don't feel it is a "valid ask." 

At this point, I'm raising this to general@ because I'd like second (and
third, etc.) opinions. Perhaps I'm deeply wrong, and others here feel
Sentry is ready to graduate. My feeling is that the podling is not
operating in "the Apache Way" and doesn't show a great deal of interest
in doing so. [2] To quote Arvind: 

"I feel another issue being pointed out or which has been eluded to in
the past is - who decides which Jiras should be fixed, what features to
create etc, specially when they show up as Jira issues directly with
patches that follow soon. It seems that in some ways the lack of using
mailing lists directly for discussion is linked to this behavior of
filing issues and fixing them rapidly, as if following a roadmap that
the community does not have control over. Please pardon me if my
interpretation/understanding of the issue is not right. But if it is
right, then I do want to say that - that too is not an issue in my
opinion at all. And here is why:

When someone files a Jira, they are inviting the entire community to
comment on it and provide feedback. If it is not in the interest of the
project, I do believe that responsible members of the community will be
quick to bring that out for discussion and even Veto it if necessary. If
that is not happening, it is not an issue with lack of community
participation, but rather it is an indicator of a project team that
knows where the gaps are and understands how to go about filling them

The model that Sentry is pursing may work very well *for the existing
members of the podling.* In my opinion, its process is entirely too
opaque to allow for interested parties outside of the existing podling
and companies interested in Sentry development to become involved. 

The podling is pressing to move to graduation, and I cannot in good
conscience vote +1 or even +0 at this point. I'm strongly -1 as a mentor
and don't feel the podling has any interest in working in "the Apache
Way" as commonly understood. [3]

However, I feel we've reached an impasse and there's little value in
continuing to debate amongst the mentors / podling. They've stated their
position(s) and I've stated mine. (I *think* David Nalley is in
agreement with me, but I don't wish to speak for him.) 

I'm bringing this to the IPMC fully understanding that I might be
totally wrong - maybe I'm holding to a too strict or outdated idea of
how projects should operate. I'm happy to be told so if that's the case
so I can improve as a mentor or decide to bow out from mentoring in the
future, if it's the case that my idea of a project is out-of-line with
the majority here.



Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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Re: [Result][VOTE] Graduate Apache Kylin from the Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread John D. Ament
Hi Luke,

At this point, I'd request that my vote remain listed as -1 on the board



On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 8:00 PM Luke Han  wrote:

> Hi John,
>  In that case, how about to re-send the vote result to count your vote
> to -1? Or would you like to change your mind?
>  Back to the license discussion, it's already have been pointed out the
> root cause and it's should not an issue now. Google Fonts has agreement
> about that, AdminLTE has MIT license (as below) about that, such claim
> already added into Apache Kylin's LICENSE on Apr 28, 2015 [1].
>  With discussion in release thread, such suggestion has been accepted
> and added Google Fonts one too [2].
>  So I would like to say that's what the podling needs to improve itself
> (and already done) but not an "license issue".
>  I'm so sorry to count your vote directly to +1 with my own assumption,
> but really would like to ask you to considering again for this podling's
> graduation status:)
>  Thank you very much.
> **
> *@import
> url(
> <
> >);*
> */*!*
> * *   AdminLTE v2.3.2*
> * *   Author: Almsaeed Studio*
> * * Website: Almsaeed Studio  >*
> * *   License: Open source - MIT*
> * *   Please visit
>  for more information*
> *!*/*
> */**
> * * Core: General Layout Style*
> * * -*
> * */*
> [1]
> [2]
> Best Regards!
> -
> Luke Han
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 2:00 AM, John D. Ament 
> wrote:
> > Sorry, I missed this email.
> >
> > No, votes don't automatically convert, at least not in my case.
> >
> > After my vote was added, there was a release vote of Kylin which raised
> new
> > licensing issues.  I wouldn't expect a graduating podling to still have
> > licensing issues.
> >
> > John
> >
> > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 8:38 PM Luke Han  wrote:
> >
> > > Hi John,
> > >  Thank you to remind and I'm sorry I was count votes only
> > > based on my understanding, per previous discussion and your
> > > comments in vote thread about SGA [1],  as a programmer,
> > > I was thinking:
> > >  if ( SGA == confirmed) {
> > >  John's Vote = +1
> > >  } else {
> > >  John's Vote = -1
> > >  }
> > >
> > >  that's why I count your vote to +1 since the SGA is confirmed
> > > and the status file has been updated (2015-10-17, for the copyright).
> > >
> > >  For the date you mentioned here (2015-06-10, for license), it's
> > > updated during the first apache release [2] [3], added Apache
> > > license header to all source files, cleaned up any GPL or other
> > > one and updated LICENSE, NOTICE and other files. The majority
> > > efforts happened during that time for license and copyright. That's
> > > why I would like to continue to keep that date.
> > >  For v1.1 release, the situation already has been clarified
> > > and LICENSE files has been updated [4].
> > >
> > >  Would you mind to continue count your vote as +1 as my original
> > > "brain computing logical":)
> > >
> > >
> > > *[1]:*
> > >
> > >
> > > *Thanks Luke.  If you can get a reference out to people and have
> > > thekylin.xml updated to reflect the date, I'd be happy to add a +1
> > > butotherwise its -1 for me for now.*
> > > *[2]: **
> > > *
> > > *[3]:
> > > *
> > > *[4]:
> > > *
> > >
> > >
> > > Best Regards!
> > > -
> > >
> > > Luke Han
> > >
> > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:53 AM, John D. Ament  >
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Ted,
> > > >
> > > > After catching up on email, I see the SGA was now processed.
> > > >
> > > > I am concerned though after looking at their latest release vote that
> > > we're
> > > > still missing a few things related to "Verify distribution rights."
> > It's
> > > > not enough for me to say that they're far off, but after seeing the
> > > issues
> > > > related to both SGA and license/header declarations I can't say that
> I
> > > can
> > > > give the podling a warm +1 on their graduation.  Note that per the
> > > > podling's status page they completed these steps on 2015-06-10.
> > > >
> > > > 

Re: [Result][VOTE] Graduate Apache Kylin from the Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Henry Saputra
Hi David,

It was a mis-step of not filing SGA early, but I the issue just being
brought up after several releases had been made and being +1 voted to
go on.

I don't there is nothing we could do to un-do the existing releases.
But the error has been fixed and other than that I do not see any
other concern.
It was the error from the mentors that forgot to remind to send SGA.

The community had been operated in the open and following the Apache way.
I believe they are ready to graduate.

John's comment, even though it is valid, has been addressed completely.

- Henry

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 10:50 AM, David Nalley  wrote:
> 5 releases of software, and 4 of them before an SGA appeared is troubling.
> The code being imported and writable at all at the ASF prior to a
> valid SGA being filed appears to be a violation of Incubator policy[1]
> This, plus John's comments are troubling and give me pause
> --David
> [1]
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:00 PM, John D. Ament  wrote:
>> Sorry, I missed this email.
>> No, votes don't automatically convert, at least not in my case.
>> After my vote was added, there was a release vote of Kylin which raised new
>> licensing issues.  I wouldn't expect a graduating podling to still have
>> licensing issues.
>> John
>> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 8:38 PM Luke Han  wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>>  Thank you to remind and I'm sorry I was count votes only
>>> based on my understanding, per previous discussion and your
>>> comments in vote thread about SGA [1],  as a programmer,
>>> I was thinking:
>>>  if ( SGA == confirmed) {
>>>  John's Vote = +1
>>>  } else {
>>>  John's Vote = -1
>>>  }
>>>  that's why I count your vote to +1 since the SGA is confirmed
>>> and the status file has been updated (2015-10-17, for the copyright).
>>>  For the date you mentioned here (2015-06-10, for license), it's
>>> updated during the first apache release [2] [3], added Apache
>>> license header to all source files, cleaned up any GPL or other
>>> one and updated LICENSE, NOTICE and other files. The majority
>>> efforts happened during that time for license and copyright. That's
>>> why I would like to continue to keep that date.
>>>  For v1.1 release, the situation already has been clarified
>>> and LICENSE files has been updated [4].
>>>  Would you mind to continue count your vote as +1 as my original
>>> "brain computing logical":)
>>> *[1]:*
>>> *Thanks Luke.  If you can get a reference out to people and have
>>> thekylin.xml updated to reflect the date, I'd be happy to add a +1
>>> butotherwise its -1 for me for now.*
>>> *[2]: **
>>> *
>>> *[3]:
>>> *
>>> *[4]:
>>> *
>>> Best Regards!
>>> -
>>> Luke Han
>>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:53 AM, John D. Ament 
>>> wrote:
>>> > Ted,
>>> >
>>> > After catching up on email, I see the SGA was now processed.
>>> >
>>> > I am concerned though after looking at their latest release vote that
>>> we're
>>> > still missing a few things related to "Verify distribution rights."  It's
>>> > not enough for me to say that they're far off, but after seeing the
>>> issues
>>> > related to both SGA and license/header declarations I can't say that I
>>> can
>>> > give the podling a warm +1 on their graduation.  Note that per the
>>> > podling's status page they completed these steps on 2015-06-10.
>>> >
>>> > John
>>> >
>>> > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 7:36 PM Ted Dunning 
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > John,
>>> > >
>>> > > Was this issue not rectified to your satisfaction?
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:15 AM, John D. Ament >> >
>>> > > wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > > Hi Luke,
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Actually I voted -1 due to your open SGA issues.
>>> > > > On Oct 22, 2015 11:24 PM, "Luke Han"  wrote:
>>> > > >
>>> > > > > The vote for Apache Kylin to become a top-level project has passed
>>> > > > > with 27 +1 votes and no 0 or -1 votes.
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > Thank you everyone for taking the time to review and cast your
>>> vote.
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > We will now prepare a resolution for the next Board meeting.
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > 10 binding:
>>> > > > > * Henry Saputra
>>> > > > > * Andrew Purtell
>>> > > > > * Bertrand Delacretaz
>>> > > > > * Julian Hyde
>>> > > > > * P. Taylor Goetz
>>> > > > > * Ted Dunning
>>> > > > > * Edward J. Yoon
>>> > > > > * Alexander Bezzubov
>>> > > > > * John D. Ament
>>> > > > > * Owen 

Re: [Result][VOTE] Graduate Apache Kylin from the Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Ted Dunning
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 5:17 PM, John D. Ament  wrote:

> Actually, 5/5 releases were done without the SGA.  I'm not too worried
> about that for a number of reasons.

The missing SGA was a defect in form, but not in substance.  All of the
original code came from eBay who had a strong commitment to open sourcing
the code as evidenced by their placing the code on github under ALS.

> 1. We imported the full history from the original repository, the podling
> has built upon that instead of flattening the commit.


How is this a defect? It increases transparency.

> 2. The code coming in was already AL v2 compliant, so its really a question
> as to whether releases were proper.

Correct modulo the kinds of nits that tend to be surfaced by incubator

> 3.  From continuing to look into this, I also noticed we're missing an IP
> Clearance for the donation.  In addition, there are 31 contributors per
> github, but the project proposal includes 8, the current roster shows 13 +
> 5 mentors.  So there is a potential gap related to IP.

All of the original contributors to the code were employees of eBay and
thus, there was no IP problem from then. Later contributors may have been
from outside of the committer circles, but all commits were pulled into
Apache by a committer. The Apache push logs record exactly who brought the
commits into Apache while commits themselves record who actually authored
the original code. This is relatively standard for git operations at Apache.

> 4. We've had prior cases where podlings failed to get the SGA done properly
> before starting incubation.  It happens, and as long as we can find an SGA
> indicating the initial import we should be fine

We have that.

> Sorry, I feel like every time I dig into this I find something new. :/

I am sorry you get that impression.

Other than the SGA (now filed, acknowledged by the project to be late in
obsequious subsequent prostrations) and the font license (covered by the
acks in the containing package and the overall project acknowledgements and
difficult to mark otherwise) what new actual issues have you uncovered?

My own opinion is that each of the issue you just mentioned are actually
virtues rather than vices.

Re: [Result][VOTE] Graduate Apache Kylin from the Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Luke Han
Hi John,
 In that case, how about to re-send the vote result to count your vote
to -1? Or would you like to change your mind?

 Back to the license discussion, it's already have been pointed out the
root cause and it's should not an issue now. Google Fonts has agreement
about that, AdminLTE has MIT license (as below) about that, such claim
already added into Apache Kylin's LICENSE on Apr 28, 2015 [1].
 With discussion in release thread, such suggestion has been accepted
and added Google Fonts one too [2].

 So I would like to say that's what the podling needs to improve itself
(and already done) but not an "license issue".

 I'm so sorry to count your vote directly to +1 with my own assumption,
but really would like to ask you to considering again for this podling's
graduation status:)

 Thank you very much.

* *   AdminLTE v2.3.2*
* *   Author: Almsaeed Studio*
* * Website: Almsaeed Studio >*
* *   License: Open source - MIT*
* *   Please visit
 for more information*
* * Core: General Layout Style*
* * -*
* */*


Best Regards!

Luke Han

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 2:00 AM, John D. Ament  wrote:

> Sorry, I missed this email.
> No, votes don't automatically convert, at least not in my case.
> After my vote was added, there was a release vote of Kylin which raised new
> licensing issues.  I wouldn't expect a graduating podling to still have
> licensing issues.
> John
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 8:38 PM Luke Han  wrote:
> > Hi John,
> >  Thank you to remind and I'm sorry I was count votes only
> > based on my understanding, per previous discussion and your
> > comments in vote thread about SGA [1],  as a programmer,
> > I was thinking:
> >  if ( SGA == confirmed) {
> >  John's Vote = +1
> >  } else {
> >  John's Vote = -1
> >  }
> >
> >  that's why I count your vote to +1 since the SGA is confirmed
> > and the status file has been updated (2015-10-17, for the copyright).
> >
> >  For the date you mentioned here (2015-06-10, for license), it's
> > updated during the first apache release [2] [3], added Apache
> > license header to all source files, cleaned up any GPL or other
> > one and updated LICENSE, NOTICE and other files. The majority
> > efforts happened during that time for license and copyright. That's
> > why I would like to continue to keep that date.
> >  For v1.1 release, the situation already has been clarified
> > and LICENSE files has been updated [4].
> >
> >  Would you mind to continue count your vote as +1 as my original
> > "brain computing logical":)
> >
> >
> > *[1]:*
> >
> >
> > *Thanks Luke.  If you can get a reference out to people and have
> > thekylin.xml updated to reflect the date, I'd be happy to add a +1
> > butotherwise its -1 for me for now.*
> > *[2]: **
> > *
> > *[3]:
> > *
> > *[4]:
> > *
> >
> >
> > Best Regards!
> > -
> >
> > Luke Han
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:53 AM, John D. Ament 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Ted,
> > >
> > > After catching up on email, I see the SGA was now processed.
> > >
> > > I am concerned though after looking at their latest release vote that
> > we're
> > > still missing a few things related to "Verify distribution rights."
> It's
> > > not enough for me to say that they're far off, but after seeing the
> > issues
> > > related to both SGA and license/header declarations I can't say that I
> > can
> > > give the podling a warm +1 on their graduation.  Note that per the
> > > podling's status page they completed these steps on 2015-06-10.
> > >
> > > John
> > >
> > > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 7:36 PM Ted Dunning 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > John,
> > > >
> > > > Was this issue not rectified to your satisfaction?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:15 AM, John D. Ament <
> > >
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Hi Luke,
> > > > >
> > > > > Actually I voted -1 due to your open SGA issues.
> > > > > On Oct 22, 2015 11:24 PM, "Luke Han" 

Re: podlings and github

2015-11-02 Thread Ted Dunning
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Peter Ansell  wrote:

> Does Apache use GitHub's "move" repository functionality that adds a
> redirect if the name changes once? If not, is it viable for the
> Commons RDF group to keep their original project (which contains
> directions on how to get to the current repository) until they
> graduate get a permanent location in the /apache/ namespace to
> minimise the number of broken links around the internet to this
> project?

As long as the old project is frozen and has a bold warning that it
represents the past, I doubt that it is a problem that it exists at

> This project, and others, may be concerned about both their likelihood
> of graduating from the incubator (requiring them to go back to their
> previous Github organisation), and the Apache policy on having two
> renames for their project, which damages their brand if people find
> broken links on the internet.

Whether or not they graduate is largely up to them.  Recent non-graduations
have fallen into two categories:

a) projects which just didn't continue

b) projects which insisted on things like GPL mandatory dependencies

Basically, neither kind of project *wanted* to be Apache projects. The
first kind didn't want anything enough to continue (I simplify, of course)
and the second kind didn't want to follow through on the Apache IP

Pretty much any project that continues to be vital, produces clean Apache
style releases, is willing to be careful about where their code comes from
and be open, friendly and inclusive can become an Apache project.

Maybe this project needs a long talk with somebody who has been around the
circuit a few times.  On the other hand, any project that has the mentors
that Commons RDF has should have ready access to Apache expertise.

Looking at the email archives just now, it looks to me like commons RDF is
finding it difficult to build a community and maintain any serious
momentum.  Seeing only a few emails or commits for months on end raises red
flags to me.  A project that peters out at Apache is likely to have petered
out anyway, however, so I don't see much for the original folks to worry

Re: svn credentials, how to get them

2015-11-02 Thread Pan, Lei (398K)
Thanks, Chris!

I have heard back from the Secretary and now
I have put in the requested Apache UID.

Seungwon, Chengxing, Benyang, and Wei need
to submit your ICLA please.


On 11/2/15 9:47 AM, "Mattmann, Chris A (3980)"

>Hi Lei,
>Moving general@i.a.o to BCC and moving thread to
>Did you ever receive an Apache account? I look at:
>And I don¹t see it complete. Can folks on the team please
>work to get this updated? I¹m happy to file accounts and
>get it taken care of it.
>Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
>Chief Architect
>Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
>NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
>Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
>Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
>University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
>-Original Message-
>From: "Pan, Lei (398K)" 
>Reply-To: "" 
>Date: Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 10:09 PM
>To: "" 
>Subject: svn credentials, how to get them
>>I checked out from:
>>svn co incubator
>>modified cmda.xml, did test ant build, and now am ready
>>to check back in.
>>Now where can I get the user name and password
>>for svn check in please? I am a committer of the
>>CMDA project.
>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>For additional commands, e-mail:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Result][VOTE] Graduate Apache Kylin from the Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread John D. Ament
Actually, 5/5 releases were done without the SGA.  I'm not too worried
about that for a number of reasons.

1. We imported the full history from the original repository, the podling
has built upon that instead of flattening the commit.

2. The code coming in was already AL v2 compliant, so its really a question
as to whether releases were proper.

3.  From continuing to look into this, I also noticed we're missing an IP
Clearance for the donation.  In addition, there are 31 contributors per
github, but the project proposal includes 8, the current roster shows 13 +
5 mentors.  So there is a potential gap related to IP.

4. We've had prior cases where podlings failed to get the SGA done properly
before starting incubation.  It happens, and as long as we can find an SGA
indicating the initial import we should be fine.

Sorry, I feel like every time I dig into this I find something new. :/


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:51 PM David Nalley  wrote:

> 5 releases of software, and 4 of them before an SGA appeared is troubling.
> The code being imported and writable at all at the ASF prior to a
> valid SGA being filed appears to be a violation of Incubator policy[1]
> This, plus John's comments are troubling and give me pause
> --David
> [1]
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:00 PM, John D. Ament 
> wrote:
> > Sorry, I missed this email.
> >
> > No, votes don't automatically convert, at least not in my case.
> >
> > After my vote was added, there was a release vote of Kylin which raised
> new
> > licensing issues.  I wouldn't expect a graduating podling to still have
> > licensing issues.
> >
> > John
> >
> > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 8:38 PM Luke Han  wrote:
> >
> >> Hi John,
> >>  Thank you to remind and I'm sorry I was count votes only
> >> based on my understanding, per previous discussion and your
> >> comments in vote thread about SGA [1],  as a programmer,
> >> I was thinking:
> >>  if ( SGA == confirmed) {
> >>  John's Vote = +1
> >>  } else {
> >>  John's Vote = -1
> >>  }
> >>
> >>  that's why I count your vote to +1 since the SGA is confirmed
> >> and the status file has been updated (2015-10-17, for the copyright).
> >>
> >>  For the date you mentioned here (2015-06-10, for license), it's
> >> updated during the first apache release [2] [3], added Apache
> >> license header to all source files, cleaned up any GPL or other
> >> one and updated LICENSE, NOTICE and other files. The majority
> >> efforts happened during that time for license and copyright. That's
> >> why I would like to continue to keep that date.
> >>  For v1.1 release, the situation already has been clarified
> >> and LICENSE files has been updated [4].
> >>
> >>  Would you mind to continue count your vote as +1 as my original
> >> "brain computing logical":)
> >>
> >>
> >> *[1]:*
> >>
> >>
> >> *Thanks Luke.  If you can get a reference out to people and have
> >> thekylin.xml updated to reflect the date, I'd be happy to add a +1
> >> butotherwise its -1 for me for now.*
> >> *[2]: **
> >> *
> >> *[3]:
> >> *
> >> *[4]:
> >> *
> >>
> >>
> >> Best Regards!
> >> -
> >>
> >> Luke Han
> >>
> >> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:53 AM, John D. Ament 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Ted,
> >> >
> >> > After catching up on email, I see the SGA was now processed.
> >> >
> >> > I am concerned though after looking at their latest release vote that
> >> we're
> >> > still missing a few things related to "Verify distribution rights."
> It's
> >> > not enough for me to say that they're far off, but after seeing the
> >> issues
> >> > related to both SGA and license/header declarations I can't say that I
> >> can
> >> > give the podling a warm +1 on their graduation.  Note that per the
> >> > podling's status page they completed these steps on 2015-06-10.
> >> >
> >> > John
> >> >
> >> > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 7:36 PM Ted Dunning 
> >> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > John,
> >> > >
> >> > > Was this issue not rectified to your satisfaction?
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:15 AM, John D. Ament <
> >> >
> >> > > wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > > Hi Luke,
> >> > > >
> >> > > > Actually I voted -1 due to your open SGA issues.
> >> > > > On Oct 22, 2015 11:24 PM, "Luke Han"  wrote:
> >> > > >
> >> > > > > The vote for Apache Kylin to become a top-level project has
> passed
> >> > > > > with 27 +1 votes and no 0 or -1 votes.
> >> > > > >
> >> > > > > Thank you everyone for taking the time 

Re: [Result][VOTE] Graduate Apache Kylin from the Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Luke Han
Hi John,
 Will do and send to board with this adjustment.
 Thank  you very much.


Best Regards!

Luke Han

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 9:06 AM, John D. Ament  wrote:

> Hi Luke,
> At this point, I'd request that my vote remain listed as -1 on the board
> resolution.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 8:00 PM Luke Han  wrote:
> > Hi John,
> >  In that case, how about to re-send the vote result to count your
> vote
> > to -1? Or would you like to change your mind?
> >
> >  Back to the license discussion, it's already have been pointed out
> the
> > root cause and it's should not an issue now. Google Fonts has agreement
> > about that, AdminLTE has MIT license (as below) about that, such claim
> > already added into Apache Kylin's LICENSE on Apr 28, 2015 [1].
> >  With discussion in release thread, such suggestion has been accepted
> > and added Google Fonts one too [2].
> >
> >  So I would like to say that's what the podling needs to improve
> itself
> > (and already done) but not an "license issue".
> >
> >  I'm so sorry to count your vote directly to +1 with my own
> assumption,
> > but really would like to ask you to considering again for this podling's
> > graduation status:)
> >
> >  Thank you very much.
> >
> >
> > **
> > *@import
> > url(
> >
> > <
> >
> > >);*
> > */*!*
> > * *   AdminLTE v2.3.2*
> > * *   Author: Almsaeed Studio*
> > * * Website: Almsaeed Studio  > >*
> > * *   License: Open source - MIT*
> > * *   Please visit
> >  for more information*
> > *!*/*
> > */**
> > * * Core: General Layout Style*
> > * * -*
> > * */*
> >
> > [1]
> >
> >
> > [2]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Best Regards!
> > -
> >
> > Luke Han
> >
> > On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 2:00 AM, John D. Ament 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Sorry, I missed this email.
> > >
> > > No, votes don't automatically convert, at least not in my case.
> > >
> > > After my vote was added, there was a release vote of Kylin which raised
> > new
> > > licensing issues.  I wouldn't expect a graduating podling to still have
> > > licensing issues.
> > >
> > > John
> > >
> > > On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 8:38 PM Luke Han  wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi John,
> > > >  Thank you to remind and I'm sorry I was count votes only
> > > > based on my understanding, per previous discussion and your
> > > > comments in vote thread about SGA [1],  as a programmer,
> > > > I was thinking:
> > > >  if ( SGA == confirmed) {
> > > >  John's Vote = +1
> > > >  } else {
> > > >  John's Vote = -1
> > > >  }
> > > >
> > > >  that's why I count your vote to +1 since the SGA is confirmed
> > > > and the status file has been updated (2015-10-17, for the copyright).
> > > >
> > > >  For the date you mentioned here (2015-06-10, for license), it's
> > > > updated during the first apache release [2] [3], added Apache
> > > > license header to all source files, cleaned up any GPL or other
> > > > one and updated LICENSE, NOTICE and other files. The majority
> > > > efforts happened during that time for license and copyright. That's
> > > > why I would like to continue to keep that date.
> > > >  For v1.1 release, the situation already has been clarified
> > > > and LICENSE files has been updated [4].
> > > >
> > > >  Would you mind to continue count your vote as +1 as my original
> > > > "brain computing logical":)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > *[1]:*
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > *Thanks Luke.  If you can get a reference out to people and have
> > > > thekylin.xml updated to reflect the date, I'd be happy to add a +1
> > > > butotherwise its -1 for me for now.*
> > > > *[2]: **
> > > > *
> > > > *[3]:
> > > > *
> > > > *[4]:
> > > > *
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Best Regards!
> > > > -
> > > >
> > > > Luke Han
> > > >
> > > > On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:53 AM, John D. Ament <
> > >
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Ted,
> > > > >
> > > > > After catching up on email, I see the SGA was now processed.
> > > > >
> > > > > 

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Joe Schaefer
All of our projects are primarily in the recruitment business, so it does
me that a project that's been here for over a year and hasn't managed to
any new talent yet has some issues that need addressing.

But that said I think you might be being a little hard on these guys Joe
for failing in
that regard.  If your advice is being ignored that's a problem, but if it's
not and still
no good outcomes yet, them's the breaks.  I wouldn't consider that a
blocker for
graduation if so.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 6:15 PM, Upayavira  wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015, at 08:28 PM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
> > On 11/02/2015 01:09 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> > > Joe, can we see some jira tickets that you find questionable?  Hard to
> tell
> > > what the problem is just by scanning the email traffic.
> >
> > I'll (again) point to the previous conversation that came out of David's
> > discussion with Sentry folks at ApacheCon [1] and then the reply from
> > Arvind which basically says he doesn't consider it an issue if the
> > project is "following a roadmap the community does not have control
> > over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all." [2]
> Joe, I'd encourage you to re-read what he says there under [2]. When he
> says "following a roadmap the community doesn't control over" he seems
> to be paraphrasing what has previously been stated, and when he says
> "this is not an issue" it seems to me he is saying "this is not
> happening" rather than "this doesn't bother me". It seems to me you are
> misrepresenting him based upon this one email.
> > It's not specific tickets - it's (again) that there appears to be a lot
> > of discussion and planning taking place off-list, out of sight. Take the
> > 1.6.0 release discussion - no roadmap discussed for 1.6.0 at all, it
> > just appeared [3] and then within 15 minutes there's an "I agree, and
> > I'll be release manager!" [4] message and then several +1 / "I agree"
> > messages, and then .. done. This looks a lot to me like planning and
> > decisions happening off-list and then a cursory "discussion" for
> > appearance's sake.
> >
> > How is a person who's not tapped into the Sentry development process
> > already supposed to get involved? How is this building community? I see
> > the Sentry podling creating code... just not much evidence of a
> > community outside what Sentry came in with.
> I have no comment/perspective on the rest of this.
> Upayavira
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Apex Core 3.2.0-incubating released

2015-11-02 Thread Thomas Weise
The Apache Apex community is pleased to announce release 3.2.0-incubating
(Apex Core). This is the first release since incubation on 2015-08-17.


Apache Apex is an enterprise grade native YARN big data-in-motion platform
that unifies stream processing as well as batch processing. Apex was built
for scalability and low-latency processing, high availability and

Apache Apex is Java based and strives to ease application development on a
platform that takes care of aspects such as stateful fault tolerance,
partitioning, processing guarantees, buffering and synchronization,
auto-scaling etc. Apex comes with Malhar, a rich library of pre-built
operators, including adapters that integrate with existing technologies as
sources and destinations, like message buses, databases, files or social
media feeds.

The source release can be found at:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on the project and
how to get involved, visit our website at:

The Apache Apex community

Apache Apex is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software
Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC.
Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review
indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making
have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects.
While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness
or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be
fully endorsed by the ASF.

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread John D. Ament
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 7:25 AM Rich Bowen  wrote:

> On 11/01/2015 07:48 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:
> > Thanks for sending this around, Paul - I should've linked it to the vote
> > thread, duh...
> >
> > Anyway, back to Rich's question: the answer is 'yes' as implied by my +1
> on
> > the vote. Why would I be voting for the graduation if I weren't sure the
> > project is ready? Looks like a rhetorical question, this one.
> No, it's not a rhetorical question at all. I suspect, as I have
> mentioned in other threads, that some people vote +1 on these things
> without doing a whole lot of background checking. Paul's response is
> what I was looking for.
> If it's all just rhetorical questions then why do we bother at all?
> Graduation is a one-time thing. We can afford to apply a little
> additional scrutiny to it. This is something we can't afford to get wrong.

I certainly hope that people don't just blindly vote +1 on graduation
threads.  I know I don't.

Now, if you had asked this same question on the kylin graduation thread,
I'm not sure you'd get as solid of an answer as groovy.

> --
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Rich Bowen

On 11/02/2015 07:33 AM, John D. Ament wrote:

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 7:25 AM Rich Bowen  wrote:

>On 11/01/2015 07:48 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:

> >Thanks for sending this around, Paul - I should've linked it to the vote
> >thread, duh...
> >
> >Anyway, back to Rich's question: the answer is 'yes' as implied by my +1


> >the vote. Why would I be voting for the graduation if I weren't sure the
> >project is ready? Looks like a rhetorical question, this one.

>No, it's not a rhetorical question at all. I suspect, as I have
>mentioned in other threads, that some people vote +1 on these things
>without doing a whole lot of background checking. Paul's response is
>what I was looking for.
>If it's all just rhetorical questions then why do we bother at all?
>Graduation is a one-time thing. We can afford to apply a little
>additional scrutiny to it. This is something we can't afford to get wrong.

I certainly hope that people don't just blindly vote +1 on graduation
threads.  I know I don't.

Now, if you had asked this same question on the kylin graduation thread,
I'm not sure you'd get as solid of an answer as groovy.

It feels like these two sentiments are at odds with one another, which 
is a little worrying.

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread Rich Bowen

On 11/01/2015 07:48 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:

Thanks for sending this around, Paul - I should've linked it to the vote
thread, duh...

Anyway, back to Rich's question: the answer is 'yes' as implied by my +1 on
the vote. Why would I be voting for the graduation if I weren't sure the
project is ready? Looks like a rhetorical question, this one.

No, it's not a rhetorical question at all. I suspect, as I have 
mentioned in other threads, that some people vote +1 on these things 
without doing a whole lot of background checking. Paul's response is 
what I was looking for.

If it's all just rhetorical questions then why do we bother at all? 
Graduation is a one-time thing. We can afford to apply a little 
additional scrutiny to it. This is something we can't afford to get wrong.

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Greg Stein
Jira issues are (IMO) a bit too passive to be focal points for community

The *active* process of an email arriving in your inbox? Much better for
enabling community members to participate. And a uniform and easy way to do
so. Especially against the *transient* nature of Jira issues. If one gets
closed out quickly ("fixing them rapidly"), then discussion is effectively
shut down right then and there. That is not *inviting* discussion, but is
closing it down.

If you leave a Jira open for 72 hours, then it might be possible to argue
for inclusion. But the exact opposite seems to be occurring.

A mailing list allows any/all discussion to remain open. There is no
open/closed status associated with a particular topic.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 5:59 AM, Joe Brockmeier  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm one of the mentors of Sentry, which has been in incubation for some
> time. The project has progressed in a number of ways, but my largest
> concern is that the podling is doing [in my opinion] too much
> development and discussion out-of-sight.
> I've raised issues about this, as has David Nalley. David had a
> conversation with members of Sentry at ApacheCon Big Data in September,
> and that discussion was brought back to the list. [1]
> Jiras are being filed, and swiftly acted on, in a way that strongly
> suggests that a lot of discussion and direction of the project are
> happening off-list and out-of-sight to the average participant. David
> and myself have suggested ways that the community can remedy this, but
> the most recent mail from Arvind indicates that he (and others in the
> podling) don't feel it is a "valid ask."
> At this point, I'm raising this to general@ because I'd like second (and
> third, etc.) opinions. Perhaps I'm deeply wrong, and others here feel
> Sentry is ready to graduate. My feeling is that the podling is not
> operating in "the Apache Way" and doesn't show a great deal of interest
> in doing so. [2] To quote Arvind:
> "I feel another issue being pointed out or which has been eluded to in
> the past is - who decides which Jiras should be fixed, what features to
> create etc, specially when they show up as Jira issues directly with
> patches that follow soon. It seems that in some ways the lack of using
> mailing lists directly for discussion is linked to this behavior of
> filing issues and fixing them rapidly, as if following a roadmap that
> the community does not have control over. Please pardon me if my
> interpretation/understanding of the issue is not right. But if it is
> right, then I do want to say that - that too is not an issue in my
> opinion at all. And here is why:
> When someone files a Jira, they are inviting the entire community to
> comment on it and provide feedback. If it is not in the interest of the
> project, I do believe that responsible members of the community will be
> quick to bring that out for discussion and even Veto it if necessary. If
> that is not happening, it is not an issue with lack of community
> participation, but rather it is an indicator of a project team that
> knows where the gaps are and understands how to go about filling them
> intuitively."
> The model that Sentry is pursing may work very well *for the existing
> members of the podling.* In my opinion, its process is entirely too
> opaque to allow for interested parties outside of the existing podling
> and companies interested in Sentry development to become involved.
> The podling is pressing to move to graduation, and I cannot in good
> conscience vote +1 or even +0 at this point. I'm strongly -1 as a mentor
> and don't feel the podling has any interest in working in "the Apache
> Way" as commonly understood. [3]
> However, I feel we've reached an impasse and there's little value in
> continuing to debate amongst the mentors / podling. They've stated their
> position(s) and I've stated mine. (I *think* David Nalley is in
> agreement with me, but I don't wish to speak for him.)
> I'm bringing this to the IPMC fully understanding that I might be
> totally wrong - maybe I'm holding to a too strict or outdated idea of
> how projects should operate. I'm happy to be told so if that's the case
> so I can improve as a mentor or decide to bow out from mentoring in the
> future, if it's the case that my idea of a project is out-of-line with
> the majority here.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Best,
> jzb
> --
> Joe Brockmeier
> Twitter: @jzb
> -
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Re: [VOTE] Graduate Groovy from the Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread John D. Ament
On Nov 2, 2015 07:43, "Rich Bowen"  wrote:
> On 11/02/2015 07:33 AM, John D. Ament wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 7:25 AM Rich Bowen  wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >On 11/01/2015 07:48 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:

 > >Thanks for sending this around, Paul - I should've linked it to the
 > >thread, duh...
 > >
 > >Anyway, back to Rich's question: the answer is 'yes' as implied by
my +1
>>> >on

 > >the vote. Why would I be voting for the graduation if I weren't
sure the
 > >project is ready? Looks like a rhetorical question, this one.
>>> >
>>> >No, it's not a rhetorical question at all. I suspect, as I have
>>> >mentioned in other threads, that some people vote +1 on these things
>>> >without doing a whole lot of background checking. Paul's response is
>>> >what I was looking for.
>>> >
>>> >If it's all just rhetorical questions then why do we bother at all?
>>> >Graduation is a one-time thing. We can afford to apply a little
>>> >additional scrutiny to it. This is something we can't afford to get
>>> >
>> I certainly hope that people don't just blindly vote +1 on graduation
>> threads.  I know I don't.
>> Now, if you had asked this same question on the kylin graduation thread,
>> I'm not sure you'd get as solid of an answer as groovy.
> It feels like these two sentiments are at odds with one another, which is
a little worrying.

Why's that?
/me voted -1 on kylin

> --
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

wiki access for "LeiChang"

2015-11-02 Thread Lei Chang

Could "LeiChang" be granted access to write to the incubator wiki?

I am working on HAWQ Nov report. Thanks!


Re: wiki access for "LeiChang"

2015-11-02 Thread Marvin Humphrey
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 7:00 PM, Lei Chang  wrote:

> Could "LeiChang" be granted access to write to the incubator wiki?


> I am working on HAWQ Nov report. Thanks!

Great, looking forward to it!

Marvin Humphrey

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Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and graduation

2015-11-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
fwiw it's +9 by my count (24->33). Sentry is security, so by my definition
that's pretty good. ;-)


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 5:34 PM, Joe Schaefer  wrote:

> All of our projects are primarily in the recruitment business, so it does
> concern
> me that a project that's been here for over a year and hasn't managed to
> attract
> any new talent yet has some issues that need addressing.
> But that said I think you might be being a little hard on these guys Joe
> for failing in
> that regard.  If your advice is being ignored that's a problem, but if it's
> not and still
> no good outcomes yet, them's the breaks.  I wouldn't consider that a
> blocker for
> graduation if so.
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 6:15 PM, Upayavira  wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 2, 2015, at 08:28 PM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
> > > On 11/02/2015 01:09 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> > > > Joe, can we see some jira tickets that you find questionable?  Hard
> to
> > tell
> > > > what the problem is just by scanning the email traffic.
> > >
> > > I'll (again) point to the previous conversation that came out of
> David's
> > > discussion with Sentry folks at ApacheCon [1] and then the reply from
> > > Arvind which basically says he doesn't consider it an issue if the
> > > project is "following a roadmap the community does not have control
> > > over... that too is not an issue in my opinion at all." [2]
> >
> > Joe, I'd encourage you to re-read what he says there under [2]. When he
> > says "following a roadmap the community doesn't control over" he seems
> > to be paraphrasing what has previously been stated, and when he says
> > "this is not an issue" it seems to me he is saying "this is not
> > happening" rather than "this doesn't bother me". It seems to me you are
> > misrepresenting him based upon this one email.
> >
> > > It's not specific tickets - it's (again) that there appears to be a lot
> > > of discussion and planning taking place off-list, out of sight. Take
> the
> > > 1.6.0 release discussion - no roadmap discussed for 1.6.0 at all, it
> > > just appeared [3] and then within 15 minutes there's an "I agree, and
> > > I'll be release manager!" [4] message and then several +1 / "I agree"
> > > messages, and then .. done. This looks a lot to me like planning and
> > > decisions happening off-list and then a cursory "discussion" for
> > > appearance's sake.
> > >
> > > How is a person who's not tapped into the Sentry development process
> > > already supposed to get involved? How is this building community? I see
> > > the Sentry podling creating code... just not much evidence of a
> > > community outside what Sentry came in with.
> >
> > I have no comment/perspective on the rest of this.
> >
> > Upayavira
> >
> > -
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> >
> >

Re: [Result][VOTE] Graduate Apache Kylin from the Apache Incubator

2015-11-02 Thread John D. Ament
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 8:26 PM Ted Dunning  wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 5:17 PM, John D. Ament 
> wrote:
> > Actually, 5/5 releases were done without the SGA.  I'm not too worried
> > about that for a number of reasons.
> >
> The missing SGA was a defect in form, but not in substance.  All of the
> original code came from eBay who had a strong commitment to open sourcing
> the code as evidenced by their placing the code on github under ALS.
> > 1. We imported the full history from the original repository, the podling
> > has built upon that instead of flattening the commit.
> >
> ?!
> How is this a defect? It increases transparency.

The 4 items I listed aren't necessarily problems, just observations
explaining why I'm not too concerned about there being a missed/late SGA.
I actually prefer to see the full history imported for this exact reason.

> > 2. The code coming in was already AL v2 compliant, so its really a
> question
> > as to whether releases were proper.
> >
> Correct modulo the kinds of nits that tend to be surfaced by incubator
> reviews.
> > 3.  From continuing to look into this, I also noticed we're missing an IP
> > Clearance for the donation.  In addition, there are 31 contributors per
> > github, but the project proposal includes 8, the current roster shows 13
> +
> > 5 mentors.  So there is a potential gap related to IP.
> >
> All of the original contributors to the code were employees of eBay and
> thus, there was no IP problem from then. Later contributors may have been
> from outside of the committer circles, but all commits were pulled into
> Apache by a committer. The Apache push logs record exactly who brought the
> commits into Apache while commits themselves record who actually authored
> the original code. This is relatively standard for git operations at
> Apache.
> >
> > 4. We've had prior cases where podlings failed to get the SGA done
> properly
> > before starting incubation.  It happens, and as long as we can find an
> > indicating the initial import we should be fine
> We have that.
> > Sorry, I feel like every time I dig into this I find something new. :/
> >
> I am sorry you get that impression.
> Other than the SGA (now filed, acknowledged by the project to be late in
> obsequious subsequent prostrations) and the font license (covered by the
> acks in the containing package and the overall project acknowledgements and
> difficult to mark otherwise) what new actual issues have you uncovered?
> My own opinion is that each of the issue you just mentioned are actually
> virtues rather than vices.

I think seeing a release from the podling that has no licensing issue would
be great.