Re: [VOTE] Accept Airavata into the Incubator

2011-05-03 Thread Glen Daniels
+1 (binding), with the caveat that I personally think it might be easier 
to split WS-Messenger off to the Axis PMC sooner rather than later if 
everyone feels like it will end up there anyway.

As a side note - the W3C is looking for implementations of the WS-RA 
specs, which include Eventing... Airavata might be interested in 
participating in that. [1]



On 5/2/11 5:32 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:

I would like to call a vote to accept Airavata for entry into the Apache
Incubator. The proposal thread can be found at [1] and the proposal text
is at [2]

[ ] +1 Accept Airavata into the incubator
[ ] -1 Do NOT accept Airavata into the incubator because...



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Re: [PROPOSAL] Airavata for the incubator

2011-04-28 Thread Glen Daniels

Hi Ross, all,

I think in general this looks great and I'd definitely +1 bringing 
Airavata to the Incubator.

The only point I'd explore a bit is the WS-Messenger component, in 
particular whether this bit might (either now or eventually) want to end 
up in the Axis project, since it seems like a worthy replacement to the 
not-very-well-maintained Savan (the WS-Eventing-over-Axis2 module in Axis).

While it's certainly not necessary to have all Axis2 modules in the same 
place - there are plenty at WSO2 and elsewhere - it is pretty nice for 
both users and developers to have some of the core ones there.  For 
users, it makes them easy to find, and for developers, it makes it 
easier to test everything together and ensure that Axis2 changes don't 
break any functionality in the extension modules.

Since a bunch of the Airavata team are already Axis committers, I 
believe it should be possible to simply check WS-Messenger in there if 
the team (and the Axis team) agrees that would be a good home. 
Alternately Airavata could go through the incubator as-is and make a 
decision about this during graduation (at the risk of package-naming 

Cool stuff - I remember Eran talking about this a couple of years back.


On 4/23/11 5:53 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:

I would like to propose Airavata for entry into the Apache Incubator.

The full proposal can be found at [1] and is copied at the end of this
mail. For those in a hurry here's a quick summary:

Airavata is a software toolkit currently used to build science gateways
but that has a much wider potential use. It provides features to
compose, manage, execute, and monitor large scale applications and
workflows on computational resources ranging from local clusters to
national grids and computing clouds. Users can use Airavata back end
services and build gadgets to deploy in open social containers such as
Apache Rave and modify them to suite their needs. Airavata builds on
general concepts of service oriented computing, distributed messaging,
and workflow composition and orchestration.

Airavata will provide web interfaces and scalable Service Oriented
Architecture based backend services to build or enhance Science Gateway
(see and similar
environments. Airavata will specifically focus on:

1. sophisticated server-side tools for registering and managing large
scale applications on computational resources.

2. graphical user interfaces to construct, execute, control, manage and
reuse of scientific workflows.

3. interfacing and interoperability with with various external (third
party) data and provenance management tools

The project team consists of a number of existing Apache Committers and
the code comes from the same stable as some of the code donated to
Apache Rave (Incubating).

We welcome your questions, suggestions, observations and support.




= Airavata Proposal for Apache Incubator =

== Abstract ==
Airavata is a software toolkit currently used to build science
gateways but that has a much wider potential use. It provides features
to compose, manage, execute, and monitor large scale applications and
workflows on computational resources ranging from local clusters to
national grids and computing clouds. Users can use Airavata back end
services and build gadgets to deploy in open social containers such as
Apache Rave and modify them to suite their needs. Airavata builds on
general concepts of service oriented computing, distributed messaging,
and workflow composition and orchestration.

== Proposal ==

Airavata will provide web interfaces and scalable Service Oriented
Architecture based backend services to build or enhance Science
Gateway (see
and similar environments. Airavata will specifically focus on:

1. sophisticated server-side tools for registering and managing large
scale applications on computational resources.
2. graphical user interfaces to construct, execute, control, manage and
reuse of scientific workflows.
3. interfacing and interoperability with with various external (third
party) data and provenance management tools.

== Background ==
Working in close quarters with Apache Axis2 committers and inspired by
the true open source community driven software development of ASF,
Suresh Marru and Marlon Pierce have been pioneering the idea of a
Science Gateways software-based Apache project since late 2008. Many
Apache members have fostered these ideas and guided them to arrive at
this proposal.

Currently the software is a actively used in various science
gateways. But the tools are general purpose and build upon widely used
Apache tools like Axis2, ODE engine. The core team is motivated to
expand the community and build a community welcoming both synergistic
software components and also new usage scenarios.

It is perhaps worth 

Re: [ISIS] Re: Conference call

2010-11-22 Thread Glen Daniels
+1 as usual to Benson's extremely reasonable and pleasantly snarky viewpoint.

While I do see the dangers of fragmenting the community, I think people often
go too far in downplaying the benefits of real-time communication.  Quick
back-and-forths can enable complex scenarios to be thought through in a much
more effective way than asynchronous emails, without the need to constantly
page back in in order to follow the discussion.  Simple misunderstandings
often can be cleared up in minutes instead of hours or days.  And the sense
of getting to know someone is often subjectively deeper in chat, and much
more so on a phone call.  These things all help move a project forward and
keep communities together.

I feel like a bunch of people have a rather rigid real-time BAD (well,
except ApacheCon), email GOOD attitute, or at least come across that way on
email, and I'd like to make sure that the other side of it - i.e. real-time,
when thoughtfully and appropriately integrated into a project, can provide
some deep value to the whole community - isn't shuffled under the rug.  IMO,
we should be messaging about how to do it well if it's desired, not whether
or not to do it at all.


On 11/22/2010 8:56 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
 As a mentor of ISIS, I'd like to ask everyone to give them a little
 breathing room on this subject.
 Many TLP's in good standing have active IRC channels. These have very
 closely related risks to open communities. Many TLPs in good standing
 hold in-person meetups from time to time.
 This is not to claim that the warnings in this thread are pointless.
 They are good warnings. However, it's the job of us mentors to help
 the community avoid the traps of Skype, IRC, meetups, co-workers, and
 the secret conspiracies of the trilateral commission, which works
 tirelessly to subvert Apache communities.
 If it makes anyone feel any better, I plan, as a mentor, to _avoid_
 the Skype calls, and so to maintain a perspective comparable to that
 of someone off-time-zone.
 On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
 By definition, ANY such meeting will exclude some people; it's just the
 nature of the beast. Anyone not in that timezone either will not be
 able to attend or will need to go out of their way to attend. As
 such, it is *very* easy to disenfranchise large groups of people,
 esp if the Skype chat is seen as the place to discuss ISIS.

 Your generic comment about individuals like to communicate during
 long  lonely nights in front of the keyboard is also off the mark
 as well... Some do, sure, but not all. Again, this sends a signal that
 if you want to be part of ISIS you need to fall into that group. Not
 a good way to build a diverse community.

 On Nov 19, 2010, at 5:41 PM, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:

 Hi folks,

 open source projects are done by individuals. And individuals like to 
 communicate during long  lonely nights in front of the keyboard. And 
 meeting the other ISIS developers is difficult since the are spread around 
 the globe.

 So if the ISIS developer/users/mentors/community decide to run a regular 
 Skype meeting to meet each other electronically assuming

 +) that the meeting is announced on the dev list

 +) that we not exclude any interested party (apart from troll feeding)

 +) that no official statement/vote is circumvented

 than I don't see any good reason why someone could complain about it and/or 
 impose rules how to organize such a come together.

 Speaking as one of the participants

 +) I was impressed by Dan's energy to organize the meeting

 +) I was delighted that we were a dozen developers on Skype

 *) I was glad to answer a few questions about the ASF (despite being 
 seriously distracted by my two daughters on my lap)


 Siegfried Goeschl
 Apache ISIS Mentor

 On 11/19/10 10:52 PM, Craig L Russell wrote:

 On Nov 19, 2010, at 11:04 AM, Greg Stein wrote:

 A full transcription shouldn't be necessary.

 I agree. Transcript is too strong for what I think needs to be done,
 which is...

 Just bring a summary of
 discussion points back to the list, along with any recommendations.
 The list can then sort through it and make decisions.

 What you said. Not a transcript but a list of topics and discussion
 points which continue on list.


 We have off-list discussions all the time (IM, IRC, in-person). We
 don't transcribe those. We just bring the discussion onto the list for
 wrapping it up with everybody present. Skype concalls are no different
 than these other forums.


 On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 13:18, Craig L Russell wrote:
 My $0.02:

 The business of Apache is conducted on email.

 It's fine to have a periodic conference call among interested project
 participants, as long as (my list, not normative):

 no project or community member is excluded (e.g. by posting the call
 information only to a private list)

 no decisions are made 

Re: [ISIS] Re: Conference call

2010-11-22 Thread Glen Daniels
On 11/22/2010 9:40 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
 Bad habits are hard to break, esp when done early... Comparing the
 behaviors of TLP's in good standing to new podlings seems
 disingenuous. I'm sure some seasoned automobile drivers drive
 with 1 hand on the wheel. Is that something you encourage or
 allow those with learner's permits to do?

Fair point, but I think it's also balanced by the fact that the very benefits
real-time can provide (including a greater sense of viscerally feeling who
people are) are the ones that a new community, or one growing beyond a
pre-existing insular group, often most needs.

Just like we advise healthy commits, votes, reports, etc, I think we can do a
good job of framing real-time as a tool that can be useful but shouldn't be


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Re: [DISCUSS] Poddling new committer process

2010-11-12 Thread Glen Daniels
+1 from me.

I also agree with Bertrand's point about notifying private@, and would be OK
with requiring a (single) mentor/IPMC vote to ensure that someone is paying
attention... but it would be nice if we didn't need two.


On 11/12/2010 3:20 AM, ant elder wrote:
 I'd like to propose that the process for Incubator poddlings to make
 someone a new committer is simplified so that all that is needed are
 votes from poddling committers and that there is no longer any need
 for votes from Incubator PMC members or a separate Incubator PMC vote.
 As justification, this is the process that was in place some years ago
 and it worked fine like that, there is the experiment currently in
 place with some poddlings doing this which seems to be working ok, and
 the board has said they're ok with it.
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Re: HISE community needs to grow

2010-09-26 Thread Glen Daniels
Hey y'all:

From my POV, I signed up as a mentor for this project but haven't really been
involved - I'm pretty sure this is true for Paul as well.  Matthieu was
initially doing good stuff (ODE was the original sponsoring project), but
doesn't seem to have been engaged for months now either.  I just got on the
private list last night, actually, so I guess that list had only Matthieu on
it up until now?

There is clearly some stuff that needs fixing here, and it's on Matthieu,
Paul, and myself to either make this happen, or find other mentors that will.
 At the least - Rafal, and all the other original committers, should be on
the PPMC.  The project page should be updated.  Is there anything else that
needs doing immediately?

I'll take a crack at updating the project page with the current status, and
making sure the committers/initial PPMC members are in fact subscribed to the
private list.  Question - process-wise, is it OK for me to simply bulk
subscribe the original committers to the private list (I'm assuming I have
ezmlm karma to do that) since they should have been there already, or should
I mail them and ask them to subscribe themselves?


On 9/25/2010 10:26 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
 Give Matthew Riou and Glen Daniels time to reply before
 fixing this please.
 - Original Message 
 From: Benson Margulies
 Sent: Sat, September 25, 2010 10:24:58 PM
 Subject: Re: HISE community needs to grow

 On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 10:22 PM, Joe Schaefer  
 NFI.  Not something I would've done.

 So my view is that  the vote to establish the podling, accepting the
 proposal that is sitting on  the Wiki, convened that group as the
 initial PPMC. Oh fellow integrator PMC  members, do we need another
 vote to fix this, or can someone just  repair?

 - Original Message  
 From: Benson Margulies
  Sent: Sat, September 25, 2010 10:20:23 PM
 Subject: Re: HISE  community needs to grow

 On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 10:06  PM, Joe Schaefer
 None of the committers on hise are on the private list.It's
 manned by 2 mentors only.


 How did that happen?  I thought that the initial  PPMC was always loaded
 with the initial non-mentor  committers.  Shouldn't all of the following
 people from the original proposal  be  loaded onto private and declared
 the PPMC  retroactively?

 Jakub  Kurlenda
 Mateusz Lipczyński
 Michał Zalewski
 Rafał Rusin
 Ula Trzaskowska
 Warren Crossing
 Witek Wołejszo


  That  should be fixed asap-  you've
 personally done more than enough work on  hise to be on  the pmc.

 - Original  Message 
 From:  Rafal Rusin
Sent: Sat, September 25, 2010 9:56:41 PM
  Subject: Re: HISE  community needs to grow

   On 25 September 2010 18:47,  Benson Margulies

 Your  message  doesn't make sense to me. 'blind'? All the  PPMC 
of the  project should be on the hise-private mailing list,  and  
  be involved in the discussion about a proposed  new committer.  Once 
 PPMC decides that they want  to add a committer, a vote then  has  to 
 on the  incubator PMC list (except for those  podlings in Joe  S's
   experiment) to get formal approval.  Typically, as I understand it,  
 PPMC votes to go ahead and  ask for an Incubator  PMC  vote.

 Does HISE   distinguish podling committers from PPMC  members?
   Note that I am not subscribed to any hise- lists  so  this message 
 go into moderation  there.


 Yes, HISE distinguishes PPMC  members from  committers.
 The  problem is that for example  I am a committer, not  PPMC member and
 I don't  have access  to hise-private (that's why  I've sent blind
 request there  to  start vote). On the other hand, we  have no response
  from existing PPMC   members.


 On Sat,  Sep 25, 2010  at 9:42 PM, Rafal  Rusin
 On 25 September 2010 17:57, Luciano  Resende
 On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Rafal  Rusin
   I  submitted a  month ago blind request to hise-private to start 
 make Paweł Byszewski a committer. Since   then, I haven't  got any
   Since HISE committers   community needs to grow, I'm asking  for
  potential new  mentors willing to join  hise-private list in HISE
   Any reason  for no votes from  any of the existent committers ? The
project page mentions 7 existent committers  [1].
   This is  good question. As I understand


2010-09-26 Thread Glen Daniels
Hello HISE committers!

Due to an oversight at the beginning of the HISE incubation, none of you were
apparently invited to the HISE private email list. :(  You are all on the
PPMC, as you were the initial accepted list of people in the proposal.  As
one of your mentors, I apologize that this wasn't made clear at the beginning.

Please subscribe to the hise-private list by sending mail to, and then send a hello message
to to confirm your acceptance.  If you
haven't already, please read the valuable information about PPMCs at [1].

Once more of you are there, we can re-start the discussion of the several new
committers that you are considering.



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Re: HISE community needs to grow

2010-09-26 Thread Glen Daniels
On 9/26/2010 1:08 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
 I'll take a crack at updating the project page with  the current status, and
 making sure the committers/initial PPMC members are  in fact subscribed to 
 private list.  Question - process-wise, is it  OK for me to simply bulk
 subscribe the original committers to the private  list (I'm assuming I have
 ezmlm karma to do that) since they should have been  there already, or should
 I mail them and ask them to subscribe  themselves?
 Either approach is fine IMO.  Thanks for getting on top of this.

Chose the second route to make sure everyone still wants to be there, and
cc'ed the message to gene...@incubator just because.


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Re: HISE community needs to grow

2010-09-26 Thread Glen Daniels

So, just to be clear here as to current policy...

The only binding votes that matter with respect to new committers are in fact
Incubator PMC members - therefore for now, all three of Matthieu, Paul, and
myself would need to +1 a new committer in order for them to be accepted.

In other words, while it's true that all the original HISE committers should
be on the PPMC and participants in the discussion, we still need 3+ mentors
to be patched-in in order to make changes to the committership.

Is that correct?


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Re: Real-time communication (was [VOTE] ALOIS to enter the incubator)

2010-09-17 Thread Glen Daniels
On 9/17/2010 9:41 AM, Urs Lerch wrote:
 To cut a long story short: ALOIS is _not_ about a chat channel, it's a
 tool for security incident and event management. Since the chat channell
 in the required resources list was only a wish, I gladly dropped it off
 the proposal.

Hi Urs,

While I certainly don't think a chat channel needs to be on the proposal (for
one thing, Apache projects tend to just use freenode's IRC network), I'd like
to strongly reiterate Bertrand's points.  Off-list conversation is going to
happen any time you have multiple devs working at the same company, living in
the same town, or attending the same ApacheCon.  Real-time chats are often
the source of very valuable insights, and having an online hang-out spot
for a project has in the past been hugely worthwhile to the projects I've
been involved with, both for devs and users.

As long as no serious decisions are made without consulting the list, and
someone posts summaries of all conversations that significantly affect the
project, real-time channels are fine.  The point is that someone looking back
at the project from five years down the road should be able to really see
what happened by looking at the archives -- not that real-time is a Bad Thing.


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Re: Real-time communication (was [VOTE] ALOIS to enter the incubator)

2010-09-17 Thread Glen Daniels
On 9/17/2010 11:27 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Leif Hedstrom wrote:
 +1 indeed. If not, ATS is in big trouble :). We have a very active community
 in the IRC room, where we brainstorm and help each other out all the time
 I don't think anybody said chat is entirely intolerable - not me at
 least, see my earlier message in this thread.

Yup, that's why I referenced your message earlier - the only reason I
continued the thread was to make sure that Urs got that there was a large
chat is good when used wisely contingent to balance the chat is bad
impression he might have gotten.

That said, we can probably end this thread now.

Unless anyone wants to take it to #apache-realtime, that is. :)


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Re: [VOTE] Change name of Lucene Connectors Framework to Apache Connectors Framework

2010-09-08 Thread Glen Daniels
On 9/8/2010 8:44 AM, ant elder wrote:
 I agree with the comments from David and others such as [1] and the
 suggestion at [2] to call it something more abstract like Apache
 Thats IMHO anyway, I'm not sure that the IPMC should be the ones with
 binding votes on this but it would be good if the poddling could take
 into consideration our views.

Agree.  I'd rather see either a more abstract name or one that is more
focused / less likely to be confused with JCA, Tomcat, or any other type of
connector that might come down the road later.

I guess I'm -1 (binding), though, since you did ask for a vote. :)


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Re: Name change from Lucene Connectors Framework to Apache Connectors Framework

2010-08-27 Thread Glen Daniels
On 8/27/2010 12:15 PM, David Jencks wrote:
 For me as a know-nothing outsider the suggestion of Content Connector
 Framework pointed me a bit towards what it does.

+1 from the peanut gallery. :)  I had the same thought - part of my (also
know-nothing outsider) knee-jerk issue with the ACF name is precisely that
there are so many different kinds of connector.

As a side note re: Web Services in particular, I agree that it's not the
greatest name and if we had the ability to do it again I think I'd have
pushed against it.  The WS PMC is certainly not the only place within Apache
we do Web Services, but now that Axis is out of there and WS is evolving
towards common framework components, it's somewhat better name-wise.

 OpenContentConnectorFramework is descriptive but a bit long.  OpenCCF?
 To try to illustrate my thinking rather than push a name down your
 throat... Open ConnectorFramework/OpenConnectorFramework/OpenCF  OK, since
 you've added a branding word.  Not ideal since the purpose appears overly
 broad Content Connector Framework/ContentConnectorFramework/CCF OK, since
 you've clarified the scope.  Not ideal since has no branding word. 
 OpenContentConnectorFramework/OpenCCF better since it clarifies the scope
 and includes a branding word.

Just curious, why isn't Content just as much a branding word as Open?


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Re: Name change from Lucene Connectors Framework to Apache Connectors Framework

2010-08-24 Thread Glen Daniels
Gotta agree with David here.  I'd prefer a less ambiguous name.


David Jencks wrote:

As I attempted to politely make clear earlier I find this name extremely 
confusing.   Web connectors are just one subject area I assume this project 

I think its generally a good idea if projects don't use their names to imply 
they are the only apache implementation of a certain kind of functionality.  
In this case it seems to me that the name is implying that it is the official 
sole apache implementation of at least two distinct kinds of functionality 
other than what it actually does. (web container connectors of which mod_jk is 
an example and java connector architecture).  To be blunt I think this is a 
really bad name and feels to me a bit like a land grab.

david jencks

On Aug 23, 2010, at 11:38 PM, Simon Willnauer wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Grant Ingersoll 
 On Aug 21, 2010, at 6:30 AM, Pid * wrote:
 Isn't there a risk of causing confusion with the Apache HTTPD mod_jk /
 Tomcat Connector?
 Looks pretty distinct to me.
 I agree, the risk that people confuse those two seems very low.
 Especially since the mod_jk has been around for a while and is usually
 referred to as mod_jk and not as Tomcat Connector AFAIK but I can be
 wrong about the latter.
 On 18 Aug 2010, at 16:17, Grant Ingersoll wrote:
 Do you think this requires a formal IPMC vote or can we just do it?  
 Thankfully, I think most of our mailing lists, etc. are already 
 generic, so we shouldn't really need to change much in terms of 
 branding other than the primary website.
 On Aug 16, 2010, at 7:49 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
 Grant Ingersoll wrote:
 The Lucene Connectors Framework committers are voting to rename our
 from Lucene Connectors Framework to Apache Connectors Framework, 
 cease being a subproject of Lucene.  What is the process for doing
 like this?
 LCF is not a subproject of Lucene at the moment, since it is in the
 Nothing else project wise would change other than the name at this 
 Unless there is an objection, I don't see a problem.  Nothing in Apache
 Connectors Framework smacks of a possible trademark issue.
   --- Noel
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Re: Incubator PMC Membership Status Check 2010

2010-02-15 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi Noel,

I did not receive such a mail.


On 2/15/2010 11:16 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
 I have sent an e-mail directly to everyone who is officially on the
 Incubator PMC.  If you did NOT receive that e-mail, and believe that you
 should be on the PMC, please notify me, via e-mail here.
 Thank you.
   --- Noel
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Re: [VOTE] Approve the release of apache-esme-incubating-1.0

2010-02-15 Thread Glen Daniels
Seems to work fine, although you should perhaps make super-clear in the next
version's README that you require JDK 1.6 (I was on 1.5 and had build problems).

+1 from me for the release.


On 2/15/2010 10:05 AM, Richard Hirsch wrote:
 The ESME community has voted on and approved the release of ESME 1.0.
 We would now like to request the approval of the Incubator PMC for
 this release.
 Details of the ESME community vote can be found here:
 The candidate can be found at:
 See the CHANGES.txt file for details on release contents. The release
 candidate is a tar archive of the sources in
 The MD5 checksum of the apache-esme-incubating-1.0-
 src.tar.gz release package is
 A4 9B 04 07 47 66 41 0C  FE 01 2D 8B 5C 23 33 18
 Please vote on releasing this package as Apache ESME 1.0-incubating.
  Please vote to publish this release by Thursday, Feb 18 16:03 CET,
  please include the testing you performed to arrive at your vote
 [  ] +1 Publish
 [  ]   0 Abstain
 [  ] -1 Don't publish, because...
 Below is a summary of the vote on the ESME mailing list
 Sender-time   Sent at 4:00 PM (GMT+01:00). Current time there: 4:04 PM. ✆
 date  Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 4:00 PM
 subject   [VOTE][RESULT] ESME 1.0
 Hello All,
 Voting on the ESME 1.0  candidate release has concluded
 6 binding +1 vote
 Dick Hirsch  +1
 Mrinal Wadhwa  +1
 Vassil Dichev  +1
 Ethan Jewett  +1
 Anne Kathrine Petteroe +1
 Darren Hague +1
 1 non-binding +1 votes
 Daniel Koller  +1
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Re: [VOTE] Graduate Apache Shindig as an Apache Top Level Project

2010-01-14 Thread Glen Daniels


Vincent Siveton wrote:
 Thanks for the positive feedback on the proposal to graduate Shindig
 as a TLP [1].
 I would like to start an official vote to recommend the graduation of
 Apache Shindig as a Top Level Project to the Board.
 To that end I have prepared the resolution for the Board below to be
 presented for consideration at the upcoming Board meeting.
 Community graduation vote thread:
 Please cast your vote:
 [ ] +1 to recommend Shindig's graduation
 [ ] 0 don't care
 [ ] -1 no, don't recommend yet, because ...
 The vote will be open for 72 hours.
 --- Begin Proposed Board Resolution ---
 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the
 Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project
 Management Committee, charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source
 software related to the implementation of an OpenSocial container and
 OpenSocial API specifications, for distribution at no charge to the public.
 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to
 be known as the Apache Shindig PMC, is hereby established pursuant to Bylaws
 of the Foundation; and be it further
 RESOLVED, that the Apache Shindig Project be and hereby is responsible for the
 creation and maintenance of software related to the OpenSocial API
 specifications, based on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it 
 RESOLVED, that the office of Vice President, Apache Shindig be and hereby
 is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the
 Board of Directors as the chair of Apache Shindig, and to have primary
 responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of 
 of the Apache Shindig PMC; and be it further
 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are 
 to serve as the initial members of the Apache Shindig PMC:
 * Ian Boston (ieb at apache dot org)
 * Kevin Brown (etnu at apache dot org)
 * Chris Chabot(chabotc at apache dot org)
 * Chico Charlesworth (chico at apache dot org)
 * Cassie Doll (doll at apache dot org)
 * Evan Gilbert (evan at apache dot org)
 * John Hjelmstad (johnh at apache dot org)
 * Paul Lindner (lindner at apache dot org)
 * Daniel Peterson (dpeterson at apache dot org)
 * Louis Ryan (lryan at apache dot org)
 * Henning Schmiedehausen (henning at apache dot org)
 * Vincent Siveton (vsiveton at apache dot org)
 * Upayavira (upayavira at apache dot org)
 * Adam Winer (awiner at apache dot org)
 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Paul Lindner be appointed to the
 office of Vice President, Apache Shindig, to serve in accordance with and
 subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
 Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, 
 until a successor is appointed; and be it further
 RESOLVED, that Apache Shindig be and hereby is tasked with the migration
 and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Shindig podling; and be it
 RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator
 Shindig podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter
 --- End Proposed Board Resolution ---
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2009-10-20 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi Matthieu:

Sure, sign me up.


Matthieu Riou wrote:
 So anyone else willing to mentor HISE? I can act as mentor too but a third
 would be nice.
 On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Matthieu Riou matthieu.r...@gmail.comwrote:
 On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 9:55 PM, Niclas Hedhman nic...@hedhman.orgwrote:

 I think the proposal is reasonable, and well defined scope (a
 particular spec) and nothing that sticks out for me at the moment.

 Matthieu@ ; Not signing up to be Mentor??

 I'm already champion so I was waiting to see if others would be tempted to
 help, the more the merrier :) But I'll add myself if the project ends up
 being short on mentors.


 Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer - New Energy for Java

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Incubator PMC membership

2009-10-20 Thread Glen Daniels
Hi Noel,

Could you please add me to the IPMC?


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Re: WS Human Tasks implementation

2009-10-08 Thread Glen Daniels
This sounds great, folks.  +1, looking forward to reviewing the proposal.

I would offer to mentor this project, but I'm a little hesitant about having
the cycles to do a good job of it.  If you find that you really need another,
though, sign me up.


Matthieu Riou wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Rafal Rusin wrote:

 is there a chance of developing such project at Apache?
 Details ale below.

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Rafal Rusin
 Date: 2009/10/6
 Subject: WS Human Tasks implementation


 we started recently wsht project at TouK, which aims at implementing
 WS Human Tasks spec

 Cool :)
 In current version, there is implemented about 20% of spec, which
 includes task creation, assigning, retrieval. Persistence is
 implemented. Currently, there are no task escalations and

 We would like to donate it to Apache and continue development here.

 I saw some discussion before, which pointed that this kind of project
 would be desired at Apache
 There was also Agila project in Apache Incubator, which was meant to
 implement Human Workflow solution, but it's abandoned (IMO because of
 too broad scope - it included BPEL engine implmentation and web
 console for management, details are here:

 So we would like to shorten this scope and implement only services for
 WS Human Tasks spec. This would consist of 2 distributions (war and
 jbi) which would expose web services for tasks management. I saw there
 was some interest on ServiceMix mailing list too, so I think jbi
 distribution would be desired

 From our side following people are willing to develop this project:
 - Jakub Kurlenda
 - Mateusz Lipczyński
 - Michał Zalewski
 - Rafał Rusin
 - Ula Trzaskowska
 - Warren Crossing
 - Witek Wołejszo

 Is there anyone here willing to champion such project?

 I am and ODE would probably be a good sponsor PMC. Diversity will probably
 be an issue for the podling but it's not something that has to be solved to
 enter incubation, just be aware of it. Have you started working on a
 proposal (see [1])? I can help in doing a first review if you want.
 I believe also that there can be other code bases for proposal. We are
 open for collaboration to get a satisfying WS Human Tasks

 Rafał Rusin

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Re: [VOTE] Accept Stonehenge into the Incubator

2008-11-13 Thread Glen Daniels

Paul Fremantle wrote:

The Stonehenge proposal has been around for discussion for a while,
and we now have a wide set of contributors and mentors, so I'd like to
call a vote. I know there are some other potential mentors and or
contributors still considering getting involved, but the normal Apache
process of course allows that at any time.

The proposal is here:

And also included at the end:

Please vote +1 to accept, or -1 with reasons to not accept as a podling.

+1 (non-binding)

I think this proposal points in a very interesting direction, and am 
looking forward to seeing what kind of pickup it'll get over time.


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RE: ARI, Atom Reference Implementation [Proposal]

2006-05-23 Thread Glen Daniels

Jumping in with a quick $0.02:

 There's also Atomate, a play on automate.
 Martin Cooper

I really like that, as it's both a play on automate and also
atom-mate, i.e. a useful companion to Atom.



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