Re: [Proposal] Jini Project

2006-06-22 Thread Mark Brouwer

Niclas Hedhman wrote:

On Wednesday 21 June 2006 19:19, Leo Simons wrote:

What I'm missing is an idea of the interaction between and this
proposed new apache project, and an idea of the interaction between the JCP
process and the apache project. Eg is the apache project a (reference?)
implementation of a bunch of JCP specs managed through (in which
case I'd say it needs a new name), is it a 'full' move from to, or something else?

It has been discussed that will serve as a "information portal", with 
links to docs, specs, implementations, the starter kit, and so forth.
The Apache project will first be the center of coding of the starter kit, and 
other useful generic tools.

It has not yet been decided what exactly should happen to the specifications 
and related process (JDP). Many people like the JDP, but also recognizes the 
overhead needed to keep it running. One alternative that has been discussed 
is to let the Jini TLP manage the JDP (with a couple of amendments) as well.

I think it is good to mention there is a distinction between
specifications and standards in the Jini community. Most of the Jini
related specifications were developed by Sun in a way that allowed input
of others, but Sun was the sole entity that made the decision about
what went into these specifications. The Jini community has a democratic
process (JDP) that provides balance between commercial and individual
stakeholders and to which people could submit their specification to
have that blessed as a community approved standard (all got accepted so
far, so Sun did apparently well).

The initial goals of Jini can only be reached if compatibility is high
on the agenda of everybody involved and standards were a way to achieve
that, in the past there was even a license that commanded compatibility
but that one has been replaced by the Alv2. Also at the start of the
Jini community in 1999 it was thought of that a democratic process such
as the JDP was the best way to ensure that all stakeholders could have
their say in whether some specification would be approved as standard
and that it would unity us instead of divide.

Bringing the Jini specs (the community approved standards) into an ASF
project without a JDP like process can IMHO be seen as monopolizing
what is perceived as Jini. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing
is up to the reader ;-)

My personal stance is that it is an issue that is not urgent, and can be 
discussed through incubation.

I disagree here, some people in the Jini community find it important to
know in advance which way this is heading, e.g. to hedge their risks
using or investing in this technology and determine their own future path.

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Re: [Proposal] Jini Project

2006-06-22 Thread Mark Brouwer

Bob Scheifler wrote:

Leo Simons wrote:

I guess this means keeping around for a long time to come, and I think
this means you need a name for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" which is not "jini" :)

Could you expand on why you think that?  Thanks.

Maybe it is also good to emphasis that Jini is a technology and not an
end-product. Sun provides an end-product called the JTSK (Jini
Technology Starter Kit) that is an aggregation of what is described in
the Jini Architecture
and that implements many of the community approved standards.

I've no idea yet about the deliverables we end up with, but I assume
these will be released under a different product name. So I think one
should see the name Jini on par with e.g. the XML TLP that aggregates
many XML related technologies.

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Re: Jini?

2006-08-07 Thread Mark Brouwer

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

I think they ended up at (see [1]). Last week or so I saw
that and was wondering myself, b/c of the proposal here.


The current distribution of the JTSK (the Jini Starter Kit) has shown up
at but that had to do with the old website closing
down and the requirement to make the distribution available ASAP. This
has nothing to do with a change of objectives from our side.

The Sun people have been discussing with their trademark people how to
deal with the Jini trademark (as many of us feel that it would be
the proper name to maintain) and that has slowed down things
considerable. We also found out we had another trademarked name
(ServiceUI) as part of the proposal.

We had some discussions 'in private' how to deal with this [1] and
concluded last Friday to proceed this in [EMAIL PROTECTED] I expect Jim
Hurley to follow up soon as he represents the owner of the trademark.

[1] which by now we understand is the biggest crime one can commit here
;-), we just didn't understand that it was policy to have these type of
discussion in public. It was not because we didn't want others to become

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Re: Jini?

2006-08-08 Thread Mark Brouwer

Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:

I know changing the name is a *really* tough thing for Jini. However, is
Jini a *technology* or an *implementation*? If its the prior I'm afraid
our current guidelines are not to do technology names.

I understand for those not very involved with the Jini Technology it is
hard to pinpoint what Jini exactly is and why some of us are willing to
go through great lengths to take this name with us, so let me try.

First Jini is a Technology, but with an extra handicap as the borders
where Jini begins and ends are not very well defined, even while in
1999/2000 there was already a document that described the Jini
Architecture and the Jini Technology Core Platform. It just lacks a
clear definition, when you ask 10 people to describe Jini chances are
high that you will get 10 different answers; some that will make you
happy or smile, and some that make you foam with rage ...

Many consider the implementation of Sun JTSK (Jini Technology Starter
Kit) as being 'Jini' but this is not correct (if you would ask me) and
while the proposal mainly centers around their code the proposal also
includes another Jini Community Approved Standard, namely ServiceUI (the
other trademark involved).

What is part of this proposal are most of the Jini Community Approved
Standards and the IMHO 'sad' thing is that the Jini Decision Process
that ratified these specifications as community approved standards
ceased to exist. Sun is no longer willing to provide the Executive to
run the process and there are not enough people in the community that
want to take it over (read don't want to spend time on it). The current
owner of the Standards also doesn't believe they can get accepted as JSR
in the JCP based on experience with some of the specifications that
ended up as Jini Standard while they should have become J2SE
specifications in the first place. The net result is that some really
important Jini Community aspects [1] (the Standards) we all circle
around are part of this proposal, and if we can stay clear of forks it
should be seen as the foundation on top of which the rest of the Jini
community will build their own stuff.

[1] as Jim mentioned the new is another aspect of the
community and is there for everything one could see as Jini related
(really open ended), should be seen as the
yellow pages with regard to Jini related development projects and news
around that.

Renaming the Technology itself would be suicidal in my opinion as there
are dozens of people/companies that develop products/specifications on
top of 'Jini' so it would be harming them too. Of course it would be
possible to give the TLP a different name, but then again almost every
sentence would have a reference to the Jini Technology for which I guess
nobody could say where the 'Jini Technology' itself lives. Given the
fact the ASF project would be closest to defining the 'Jini Technology'
I think it is good to emphasize this by the name of the TLP.

IANAL and have no idea what the impact would be of handing over the Jini
trademark to the ASF, how the ASF will deal with other communities that
have Jini in their name, or other specifications that have Jini in their
name. I'm reluctant to say this given the fact that Sun has to protect
its trademarks, but I have the feeling that Jini has become rather
generic in the past years. People say I wrote a Jini service, I
developed a Jini Service Container, I do Jini, it is the Jini way, etc.
I also don't understand the implications of abandoning the trademark
itself, but I would like to see that Jini can be used in the future as
it is today, even when it makes your mouth foam.

To summarize as *I* see it at this very moment:

  - Jini is not a product.
  - Jini can't be used as a noun.
  - Jini in combination with another noun could serve as a specification
name for which one can have multiple implementations, such as
'Jini Helper and Utility Classes', 'Jini Platform',
'Jini Service Container', etc.
  - the deliverables of an Apache Jini TLP should get their own distinct
name without Jini in it, except when it represent a 'Jini ...
  - Jini itself only represents the magic of doing distributed computing
in a proper way and comes in a lamp, these are already hard to find
these days so please don't make it even harder :-)

I would like to know whether people object against using Jini as name
for a TLP based on the above reasoning. I think for the discussion it
would be handy to tackle the appropriateness of the name first before we
deal with legal issues, as I guess that most people here have the IANAL
prefix, just like me.

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Re: Jini : Separate Governance and Implementation Projects

2006-08-20 Thread Mark Brouwer

Jim Hurley wrote:

On Aug 15, 2006, at 4:46 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote:

I'm not convinced the goal in the past was to have multiple
implementations, vs allowing multiple implementations.

I think the interpretation of this goal underlies both the naming and
standard issues. In essence, does the Jini community see the project
being proposed as *the* Jini implementation or as *a* Jini

Hi Jukka-

I'm not going to try and pull a Bill Clinton with "it depends what the
definition of "is" is" but I'd answer that I believe the Jini Community
views the project as *the* Jini implementation.

But *the* as in:  "the main", "the original", "the most prominent", 
(what will be)

 "the Community's implementation", and "the one you'd recommend a developer
go grab to get going with Jini". But not *the* as in "the only".

I view it as being/becoming *the* Jini Community's touchstone (or main

Correct, as an example I'm the lead for the Jini Service Container
called Seven that is based on many of the proposed specifications and
implementations and builds on top. And while I don't re-implement the
specifications I've created many derivate works of the proposed code.
Some of that flowed back into the Sun codebase or likely will in the
future, some won't such as re-implementations of many of the Jini
services, but "specifications wise" these are still compatible.

And as Dan explained for many of the (service) specifications there are
already multiple implementations but with oh some many code from what is
proposed here. But then again many of these reimplementation is not what
I would define as "Jini" if I was pressed to describe it as a noun ;-)

And as Bob explained "depending on how the ASF project evolves Jini may
become easier and more synonymous with the specs and/or code produced by
the project", with the exception that where he uses "the specs produced
by the project" I would be inclined to say "*some* of the specs produced
by the project". Or to be more explicit I would like to see a Jini
Platform to be established, similar to the J2EE Platform, so that where
people could say "I wrote a J2EE application" we can say "I wrote a Jini
service" and that would have a meaning by the majority of the Jini

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Re: Jini : Separate Governance and Implementation Projects

2006-08-20 Thread Mark Brouwer

Bob Scheifler wrote:

There are definitely people in the community that want to see the
existing Jini community process maintained for approving standards.
I used to be one of them.  But, when we've looked for volunteers
committed to running that process, there are very few takers.

I was one of those few volunteers, and maybe even more important most
people expressed they didn't see the need for "blessing" specifications
as Standards given the circumstances. They seem to be happy with the way
how Sun interacted with the Community with regard to their
specifications in the past years. I believe it is their expectation, and
I hope they are right, an ASF project will function in a similar way
with the added benefits of the Open Source dynamics found here at the ASF.

A few weeks ago I was not in favor of managing the specifications as
part of the same ASF project but given what the Jini Community seems to
want I changed opinion and decided it is better to spend my energy in
mentoring new developers with the core principals part of the current
Jini specifications and implementations instead of maintaining a process
that not that many seem to have interest in at this stage for the Jini

So I guess that means I can't support Geir's proposal as it is not in
line what I and the larger part of the Jini Community want.

This is a pretty important step, probably equally important as your  
decision to use the Apache License for Jini. I don't want to impose  
any arbitrary barriers to acceptance into the Apache incubator, but  
I'd like to see a wider discussion of abandoning the "standard".

To my mind the wider discussions have already taken place within
the Jini community.  At some point, I stop wishing for what could be
in theory, and start executing on what I think can be in practice.

My feeling too.

While I can understand the discussion came to this point I also feel
that we are deviating from whether "Jini" is an appropriate name for the
project. A few raised objections for reasons that IMHO are not always
*that* clear based on the answers given to Bob's questions.

Assuming it is legally allowed to use the name Jini I can't see why
"Apache Jini", "Codehaus Jini", "Jini Community", etc. would be
problematic especially as the "Apache Jini" project seems to have
multiple deliverables such as *various* Jini Specifications,
implementations of these specifications and additional tools targeted at
the development of Jini services.

The usage of the name Jini implies to me all these projects do something
Jini Technology related, so yes it is likely intended to define an
"umbrella" or category, but based on the above isn't that what is

I think I've spent already a few hours trying to find the right
sentences to explain why the name Jini (if legally allowed) would be in
the interest of us all, but after writing large pieces of text that have
been deleted straight away I just can't seem to do that in a positive
way that won't raise more questions. So as a last resort I'm going to
try to do it the other way around, so already my excuses to the other
committers if I make things worse.

To be very blunt what is proposed here is that the ASF project is
"monopolizing" Jini ... in the interest of the larger Jini community.
This might seem a contradiction but this is how people in the Jini
Community seem to want how we deal with our current process, most
specifications and implementation. They just don't want to spend much
energy in a Jini Decision Process but the majority want to separate
specifications from implementations that was one of the fundamental
principals by the Sun team that is responsible for almost all of the
Jini Specifications.

They want these specifications to be in the net.jini namespace where
they are right now, not only because of the migration hell they would
otherwise be confronted with, all the documentation/books that become
useless, etc., but also because that namespace would imply stability,
opposed to a namespace org.apache.jini that is likely more subject to

That means that the committers of the ASF project will debate what
should end up as specification (net.jini namespace) that allows for
multiple implementations and what ends up in the
namespace. The major difference with the past situation is that there is
no way to 'correct' what ends up in the net.jini namespace by the larger
community, but, as I said before, that is what they want. And I have
confidence (based on past experience) that the group of committers is
willing to listen to any argument of those that have no formal say in
the ASF project.

And maybe when Jini gets wider adoption we could submit part of the
net.jini namespace to another standards body if that would be in the
interest of the wider community.

I would be saddened if we can't maintain "Jini" as project name, but if
it has to become something like "Genie" would it still be possible to do
the following:

 - Create

Re: Jini : Separate Governance and Implementation Projects

2006-08-21 Thread Mark Brouwer

Mark Brouwer wrote:

I would be saddened if we can't maintain "Jini" as project name, but if
it has to become something like "Genie" would it still be possible to do
the following:

 - Create various specification deliverables that are of the form "Jini
   bla bla bla Specification/API".

 - Specifications/API in the net.jini namespace.

And remember that there is no body outside the ASF project that defines
those specifications, that is the job of the ASF project.


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Re: Jini : Separate Governance and Implementation Projects

2006-08-24 Thread Mark Brouwer

Niclas Hedhman wrote:

On Monday 21 August 2006 03:24, Mark Brouwer wrote:

I would be saddened if we can't maintain "Jini" as project name

I think Mark has put it rather well.

The Jini community want a water cooler to gather around.

Brilliant :-)

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Re: JIni Proposal

2006-08-24 Thread Mark Brouwer

Niclas Hedhman wrote:

On Wednesday 23 August 2006 03:18, Jim Hurley wrote:

We, therefore, are open to discussing a name change to something
else within the Jini Community.

If there's agreement on the positions stated in 1 and 2 above,
we'll assume there's general support for our Proposal to Apache
and begin the name discussion in the Jini Community.

Isn't it a bit odd to keep net.jini (which I think is essential for 
compatibility reasons), and not have Jini in the name of the responsible body 
of those??

It might seem odd Niclas, but I have the impression that we (the group
of initial committers) felt that dropping the name Jini for a TLP was
required as 'concession' to proceed with the Proposal.

The response so far on Jim's 'patches' is minimal leaving us a bit in
the dark I guess. I can't say I sense a form of consensus here,
especially with regard to #1 and #2, so that we can resolve #3 and seek
for the Sponsor to proceed (if my understanding of the process is correct).

So far we have seen concerns raised with regard to Jini as project name,
and there were not that many ASF people that indicated this was no
problem as reaction to that. I believe there is some misunderstanding
about the Jini technology here at incubator and how one should perceive
our key characteristics. I can completely understand that as we've done
things differently for a very long time (since 1999), those relative new
in our community also often have problems grasping it completely.

I believe Jim's 'patches' represent what is still acceptable by the Jini
Community as we have discussed in the past and recently. We can't bend
our technical foundation in a way that would be considered more
mainstream, but we try to adapt in a way that meets the (as Jukka
pointed out) "social or perceptional" characteristics of the ASF
(assuming there is a single one).

And, with my Jini Community Member hat on, it would be really nice if we
have an indication of light at the end of the tunnel. The license change
to ALv2 for the Jini Technology was one that took very long and with a
huge impact for us all, this step will likely bring even more
uncertainty. We have some 'turmoil' behind us. It would be nice if the
Jini Community for which the ASF project is intended to be the "water
cooler" can focus on the technical and social challenges ahead instead
of waiting for what will be next.

BTW it hasn't been mentioned yet but September 13, 14 we have our tenth
*free* Jini Community Meeting in Brussels, see for more
details. It is a great opportunity to learn more about the Jini
Technology and our greater Community. And it would be really a joy if we
could report about where the "water cooler" ends up ;-)

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Re: [VOTE] Incubate new podling, "River" (nee Braintree, nee..., nee Jini)

2006-12-21 Thread Mark Brouwer

+1 , glad we have come to this point.

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