Re: [gentoo-amd64] eth3 - how to set up?

2011-02-07 Thread Branko Badrljica

S, Paul Stear piše:

I have just changed my motherboard and processor and am having trouble with my
network connection.
I am having to enter in a root terminal the following each time I boot the

ifconfig eth3 broadcast netmask up
After this everything works as it should.
Where is this setting help?
I have read the guide but nothing seems to make a difference.
I'm sure this is a lack of understanding on my part so please help.
I'm not sure I am teh one to be answering this, but since I had similar 
problem many times and no one else seems to be answering, here it is.

Your problem is compounded. Forst part of the problem is that system 
remembers seeing your former cards and has now reserved for each card 
its ethX number.
Even if cards are not there any more ( and onboard NIC is different) 
system keeps  hoping that one day you might plug them back and keeps 
those names reserved.

udev is userland helper that is responsible for crating logical devices 
on the base of kernel messages it receives about present, plugged or 
unpluugged devices.

How and which exactly devices it creates is described in its config 
files in /etc/udev.d.

File that should inteset you is named XX-persistent-net.rules ( XX in 
front are two decimals ).

udev writes and updates it itself with each new card it finds, so that 
it knows that card with tg3 driver and MAC address XX:YY:ZZ:WW:TT.BB 
should be created as device eth4, for example.

If you don't care how new cards are numbered or if you have only one 
card, simply delete it and restart the system.

If  you do care, edit it by hand- format is obvious.

Second part of the problem is that you card is not initialized, since it 
is not named eth0, as system expects.

If you did erase aforementioned file, after restart  new card will be 
shown as eth0, starttup scripts will find it and everything should fall 
in its place again...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] What happened to sun-jdk?

2009-11-10 Thread Branko Badrljica

Mark Knecht wrote:


As far as I can tell so far:

ACCEPT_LICENSE=* will accept all licenses.

ACCEPT_LICENSE=dlj-1.1 will accept just this license in case someone
doesn't want to use licensed software without knowing that they've
added it.


ACCEPT_LICENSE is mentioned in make.conf manpage.

I have set it to * -...@eula dlj-1.1 sun-bcla-java-vm


Re: [gentoo-amd64] Self created initramfs cannot work

2009-06-26 Thread Branko Badrljica
David Shen wrote:

 But when I try to boot my system, I got kernel panic, and it says it
 cannot find the init script. If I remove the 'initrd' instruction from
 the grub.conf file, the error message does different, which means the
 system WAS trying to process the initramfs. But I do not know why it
 cannot find the init script.

 I modified the initramfs that the genkernel generated before, and the
 system works fine after that. But I never created a initramfs from
 scratch before
I think kernel by default searches for /sbin/init.

Have you tried with init=/init within kernel command line ?

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Managing CPU usage when doing emerges

2009-05-19 Thread Branko Badrljica
Alex Alexander wrote:

 most packages build fine with a 768M tmpfs :)
 if you plan on compiling big stuff like gcc you'll need to make it
 larger or unmount it though.

With ext4 useable, is it still practicall to fiddle with thmfs for
building ?
Ext4 can be configured so that it defers writing for significant amounts
of time, which means that it should perform closer to tmpfs performance,
without headaches, associated with it.

Using aggressive settings might increase risk of data loss, but notebook
is by its nature battery backed and so prone to most of the issues...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Managing CPU usage when doing emerges

2009-05-19 Thread Branko Badrljica
Branko Badrljica wrote:
 With ext4 useable, is it still practicall to fiddle with thmfs for
 building ?
EDIT: Typo- thms --tmpfs

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Managing CPU usage when doing emerges

2009-05-19 Thread Branko Badrljica
Alex Alexander wrote:

 you would need a separate partition for /var/tmp/portage with special
 settings to be safe... even then, if you can afford the ram, tmpfs is
 probably a better solution.

I use such settings on my machine all the time, with no problems
whatsoever until now.
It just requeires a little attention when rebooting ( have to wait about
a minute for machine to start booting at the end of the shutdown) and
even then only files that have been modified or written are ones at risk.

With notebook, power failure is much less of concern, so risks are much

 disk io is one of the worst bottlenecks in today's systems...
 no disk io  * =]

Which is more or less ext4 performance if files remain in RAM. When
memory pressure increases, ext4 wil just start writing to the files,
which can actually be faster than tmpfs -- swap transfers...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: Managing CPU usage when doing emerges

2009-05-19 Thread Branko Badrljica
Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

 I'm on ext4 with delayed allocation enabled, but I still see GUI
 lock-ups when emerging without tmpfs (and I do have nice 19 and ionice
 idle).  There are a few lock-ups even with tmpfs, but not as severe as
 without it.  But I do have 6GB RAM.  Not sure if 2GB will be enough
 since if you're running X and have apps open (Firefox, etc), RAM might
 get pretty tight and tmpfs will swap out to disk.

I have /var/tmp on ext4 with delayed allocation on ext4 and 8GB RAM.
For me tmpfs wasn't worth the hassle, so i dropped it. I couldn't tell
the difference.
I am using that setup on notebook also ( Dell Inspiron 1720 with 4GB RAM
and 2x250GB disks in RAID-0), where it works very well...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: I can use only 3GB aout of install 6GB

2009-05-06 Thread Branko Badrljica
Duncan wrote:
 Then, look at memory model.  Here, with current kernels, I have only one 
 option, Sparse, evidently limited by my choice of hardware (Processor 
 family and/or Supported processor vendor options, higher on the page, I'd 
 guess or perhaps probed from the BIOS).  However with older kernels, and 
 presumably now if I were to choose hardware other than AMD Opteron/K8 (or 
 choose a different BIOS option), there are Flat and Discontiguous options 
 as well.  Unfortunately, I can't tell you which options are correct for 
 your (Intel) hardware.  If you have multiple memory model choices, you 
 may just have to try them and see.


I thought those extra options were just for NUMA systems and were about
how the memory from several NUMA nodes fits together ie whether it has
to form one continuos memory range or not.

WRT to original question, I'd update BIOS and kernel to the latest
version available and if that fails to rectifyy the problem, I'd try to
toy with kernel memory option parameters

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: I can use only 3GB aout of install 6GB

2009-05-06 Thread Branko Badrljica
Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
 well, duncan has some old hardware and likes to turn on a lot of superfluos 
 options. Don't touch the numa stuff. Don't even enable it if you have 2cores 
 or intel system.

True. NUMA is for Non Uniform Memory Access systems or roughly the
systems with several nodes, each with at least one core and some local
memory with lowest access times for that particular core.

Dual and quadcore like i7 or Phenom is simple SMP where all nodes see
memory through the same interface.
Modern multisocket i7-based  or Opteron is NUMA...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] mount ext3 with ext4 driver

2009-05-02 Thread Branko Badrljica

Martin Herrman wrote:


After reading this:

do you have any experience with mounting your ext3 filesystems using 
the ext4 module? Is the performance improvement noticeable?
I haven't tried it directly, but I remember forgetting to compile-in 
ext2 support and then being unable to mount /boot (ext2) despite having 
ext4 support

And how about using the extra options:

|# tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev//DEV

I use all those, except uninit_bg without a problem.
In fact, I use dir_index,filetypes,sparse_super,acl,user_xattr without a 

But I have noticed that sometimes some mount options in /etc/fstab can 
prevent mounting or cause an error and mount / in  ro mode, not always 
the same. I have noticed that I can mount ordinary partition with one 
option combination but fail when mounting /dev/md2 in precisely same 
way. Basic noatime works always,though.


How stable do you think that the ext4 module actually is? (using 
recent kernels, e.g. 2.6.29)

I had many problems  ( files dissapearing after reboot, other files 
getting strange content etc), but after ext4 problems were published 
about and corresponding pathes in kernel everything works fine for me. I 
haven't had a single issue after that, and I'm using it on two lightly 
loaded servers and my workstation.

Re: [gentoo-amd64] ebuild for gcc-4.4.0 ?

2009-05-02 Thread Branko Badrljica

Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

install the gcc-porting and toolchain overlays. Have fun. Or feel the pain.
look at this first:


Thanks for the answer.  I emerged it and it seems to be working, even 
though I am using pretty aggressive flags:

CFLAGS=-march=native -O3 -pipe -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -fivopts 
-ftree-loop-linear -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -floop-block 
-ftree-loop-distribution -ftracer -funroll-loops -fprefetch-loop-arrays 
-freorder-blocks-and-partition -funswitch-loops -fsee -ftree-loop-im 
-ftree-loop-ivcanon -fvariable-expansion-in-unroller

I tried also using -ftree-parallelize-loops=4, but with it compiler 
fails when I try to compile practically anything.

BTW: How much of a performance gain would be if one could compile 
everything with -profile-generate, run resulting program on some 
representative test data and then use profile files to generate final 
binary with -fprofile-use ?

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: mount ext3 with ext4 driver

2009-05-02 Thread Branko Badrljica

Duncan wrote:

If you're interested in more, check the last three weeks' or so LWN 
( kernel pages.  There's links to the LKML threads, as well as to 
the Ubuntu bug that kicked it all off.  (Some proprietaryware NVidia 
driver folks were crashing frequently, and those who had chosen the new 
Ubuntu ext4 option noticed their gnome settings files were zeroed out 
after they rebooted.  That particular bug is papered over for 2.6.29 and 
generally fixed for 2.6.30, but there's still a smaller risk as long as 
you use the default data=writeback, the 2.6.30 ext3 default as well.  So 
as far as is known, with .30, ext4 SHOULD be as stable as ext3 in the 
same data= mode, but the fact that such things are still coming up means 
nobody's sure there aren't more such things to come up, thus, people who 
value their data will want to wait to at least 2.6.31 before trying ext4, 
and will want to be sure they specifically set data=ordered for ext3 
before switching to 2.6.30.)


Those issues alone shouldn't cost you valuable data or cause filesystem 
loss, especially since they were patched.
Even when I was loosong files, I never lost any really important 
archive, just bits and pieces of files that machine has modified, 
created or overwritten in some way, which means config files, libraries 
and binaries ( after emerge for example).
I have applied patches to gentoo-sources manually just after a have 
grep-ed them from 2.6.28 patch on, and from then I never 
had an issue. And BTW I do have journal=writeback all the time.

Here are my mount options from /etc/fstab:

1. My machine:

/dev/sda5 /ext4   
0 1

2. One server:

0 1

3. Another server:

0 1

All this time I had 0 problems with it on any of the machines.

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: mount ext3 with ext4 driver

2009-05-02 Thread Branko Badrljica

Branko Badrljica wrote:

And BTW I do have journal=writeback all the time.

Oops. My bad. I had data=writeback on servers, but it appears I have 
changed it to ordered last week, when I updated my initrd/initramfs 
amongst other things...


Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: Change Install Prefix

2009-04-30 Thread Branko Badrljica

Duncan wrote:

I hadn't thought of that use of binpkgs, but yes, it should work.  =:^) 
If you're advanced enough at scripting to be thinking about it, then 
great, and the overlay thing above shouldn't be too bad of a challenge, 


Question that comes to my mind is why isn't this implemented in portage 
as it is as it's very useful tool.

With it, one could take a disk from machine with hopelessly broken 
system, connect it to good machine and reemerge broken packages, for 
example. Or, say, emerge packages on fast machine and install them to 
slow machine etc etc.

[gentoo-amd64] ebuild for gcc-4.4.0 ?

2009-04-30 Thread Branko Badrljica
I have noticed that gcc-4.4.0 is out for some days now and went to see 
if anyone has noticed it on

As it turns out, bug is opened by some avid user, but no one came up 
with ebuilds so far.

Given the fact that the new gcc has two new dependencies, which also 
need theirs ebuilds and that I'm not well versed with all that ebuild 
stuff, I'd rather wait for someone to come up with ebuilds before I go 
into pain journey with results that some ebuild jock could have in half 
an hour flat.

So, what is with 4.4.0 ? Are new dependencies too much trouble for 
ebuild quickie or is it just that noone cared for it so far ?
If former, then I better not loose time trying, if later, it would be 
nice to know if we can expect it soon or not...


Re: [gentoo-amd64] Unable to read PDF on amd64

2009-04-13 Thread Branko Badrljica

Steven Lembark wrote:

Works fine on x86, both with acroread-9.1; other
files work here with 9.1 on AMD, so it may be this

Q: Would anyone else be willing to try opening
   the file to see if the problem is local to
   my systems?


I had Acroread 8.1.something and have just emerged 9.1.
It works for me. it takes 24 MB of RAM when document is open.

Maybe doing memtest is in order ?

My system:

Phenom 9950
Board Foxconn A7DA-S (AMD 790GX + SB750 chipset)
Nvidia 8800GT 1GB graphic card
Card driver is configured for 512MB IOMMU window and kernel ( 
gentoo-sources-2.6.29-r1 with aufs2 patch has amd_iommu_size=1G in 
command line


I can post emerge --info, if you need it...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: grub and maximum kernel file size

2009-04-10 Thread Branko Badrljica

Duncan wrote:


Duncan wrote:

Did you try md-mod,start_dirty_degraded=1 (AFAIK this applies to
RAID-4/5/6 only)?



Hmm, and you said RAID-5, right?

Yes. I tried now to boot without initramfs and it works- with and 
without that md-mod,start_dirty_degraded=1 option.
But this is now. Will it continue to do so, remains to be seen. But no 
matter what, initramfs remains a keeper for me.

BTW: Where is this mod-module name way of setting inbuilt module 
variables documented ?
I have uvesafb built-in as part of kernel and had to check the sources ( 
documentation was out of date at some point ) to coem up with command 
line setting, like uvesafb.mode_option=1280x1024...@60 uvesafb.mtrr=3.

Could I also write md.start_dirty_degraded=1 ?

I think one of the reasons I may have never had to use that option on 
RAID-6 is that it has two-way parity, so chances are either one or the 
other will still be valid -- even if it crashes in the middle of a write, 
one stripe-write might be invalid, but as long as I wasn't already 
running degraded, the state on the others should be clean, either clean-
state from before the write, or clean-state from after the write, thus 
ensuring data integrity.  Naturally, due to hardware cache buffers, etc, 
this isn't entirely guaranteed (unless the write buffers are disabled), 
but the chances are far higher of a clean state than they are with RAID-5 
with its single-way parity.

Yes, but RAID-6 isn't simple expansion of RAID-5 concept.

It has two parity chunks-P and Q. While P is simple XOR parity from 
RAID-5, Q is substantially compute intensive.
Further, while Q generation is expensive, CPU can utilise its SSE 
artillery and soften the perceived extra load.

But when CPU has to actually use Q parity for data regeneration, things 
come to a crawl. That part is quite intensive and SSE is useless there, 
so best CPU can do is use tabelaric approach and regenerate data 

So SW RAID-6 has come to be a bad idea, at least for me and my 
applications. HW RAID-6 with good HW is another story altogether, though.

With SW, you pay extra drive, small extra power consumption, some extra 
cycles for Q generation ( not quite inconsequiential) and BIG penalty 
for regeneration - so big that usually doing bussines as usual while 
in such degraded mode is out of the question.

So after some experience with SW and HW RAID-6 i opted for RAID-5 with 
cold spare and regular backups for pretty much everything.

(FWIW I do run without UPS. Unfortunately the reality is that a proper 
UPS for this level of machine, at least back when I was running CRTs, 
would cost near what the machine itself did, and given that I was already 
buying near the top of my budget range that put a UPS out of 
consideration.  Since I switched to LCD I've been considering it again 
and would likely have one by now had the economy and therefore my budget 
not tanked.)
I did run for some time all of my machines through UPS only to find this 
costs too much.

So I switched to DC. I rectified all three 220VAC phases to  260-300V DC 
and backed this up by 20x 100Ah-12V lead-acid akus in series. Even 
without akus it feels pretty much close to having UPS. When interruption 
happens, 90% of the time it affects only one phase, so remaining ones 
take over and I don't feel a thing...

For my remote location I can't have 20 akus there, so I am working on 
PSU modification which would allow me to work on two...

That's what my rootbak partition is for. =:^)
Yes. And I use same thing on my workstation. Still, that doesn't quite 
match robustness of initrd.
With initrd, if you can get to the phase where grub takes over, you can 
pretty much boot. Even if your kernel can't work with root drive for 
whatever reason ( missing driver for SATA,AHCI, ext4 ...)

Well, you /could/ burn a CD with a kernel built with the proper options, 
but you are correct, booting from a CD is indeed a hassle.

On Gentoo, how to do this is far from obvious.

Actually, I've seen mods for *-WRT class routers and software (OpenWRT, 
DD-WRT, Tomato, etc) that do pretty much the same thing, solder a USB 
based flash module to the thing and expand their storage and flexibility 
by an order or two of magnitude!  Run a server, etc, directly off your 
router!  They can be made detachable, or not, as desired.


Cool. If you have a link to such a thing, it would be apppreciated ;o)
But if I were doing it over, as I said earlier, I'd definitely create 
separate RAID-6s instead of the single partitioned RAID-6, and use two 
rootbaks so three root filesystem images total, one on each of three 
separate RAID-6s, so if one failed to come up, I'd just change the 
command line as necessary to bring up the second, and if it failed, the 

Not every application has plenty of storage space.

I'd also split the RAID-1, either creating two single-disk RAID-1s or 
more likely, four separate /boot images 

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: grub and maximum kernel file size

2009-04-10 Thread Branko Badrljica

Branko Badrljica wrote:

Yes. I tried now to boot without initramfs and it works- with and 
without that md-mod,start_dirty_degraded=1 option.
Update: it doesn't work really. System boots, but I can't write anything 
to filesystem. mount reports everything as fine. rootfs is mounted rw, 
acoording to mount. cat proc/mounts says that all RAIDs are up and 

dmesg|grep also shows nothing much out of the ordinary.

Anyway, initramfs is back on for me...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: grub and maximum kernel file size

2009-04-09 Thread Branko Badrljica wrote:


thanks for the answer, i'm already running grub-0.97-r9.
perhaps it is time to switch back to good old lilo, or to play with grub2 ;)


Or perhaps not. I have 12+ MB kernels ( with internal initramfs for v86d 
and modules ) and external initramfs loaded with grub  without any 
problem. And I use grub-0.97-r6.
This machine is Dell Notebook Inspiron 1720 ( Intel C2D), but similar 
setup works on several workstations and server, too ( all AMD X2 and 
Phenom based)...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: grub and maximum kernel file size

2009-04-09 Thread Branko Badrljica

Duncan wrote:

Yes, for LVM, no, for RAID, at least md/mdp kernel RAID.

In theory, yes. In practice, it is unpredictable and flakey.
I lost more than a day with a system that used to be able to 
autoassemble the RAID in kernel and boot it and then simply changed its 
mind and no matter what I did, it wouldn't boot from RAID.
No available diagnostics is another hamper, since dmesg can tell you 
little about what exactly went wrong.

In all those cases starting RAID manually went fine.

It is nice to be able to use initramfs as some sort for 
backpack/first-aid-kit/MCGuyver's_toolshed when all else fails.

It isn't always simple to boot from another media, especially if you 
need that particular kernel etc.

That's why initramfs is cool. If the system is in good enough shape for 
grub to grab kernel and initrd, it can run diagnostics and maybe offer 
some fundamental services ( like named,dhcpd, routing, firewalling etc).

user-vesa-framebuffer, I take it?  FWIW, I'm running radeonfb here.  But 
before it, I was running a very small font on vgacon.  It worked 
reasonably well, tho radeonfb is certainly more flexible.

Well, I have nVidia and have _never_ seen any card on which rivafb 
works. vesafb did work on some older cards, but not on 8800GT ( which is 
getting into age also). So uvesafb is only thing that works for me, at 
least until nvidia unifies linux driver or something like it...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: grub and maximum kernel file size

2009-04-09 Thread Branko Badrljica

Duncan wrote:

Did you try md-mod,start_dirty_degraded=1 (AFAIK this applies to 
RAID-4/5/6 only)?



What about listing the appropriate component devices, as so:
md=d1,/dev/sda1,/dev/sdb1,/dev/sdc1... ?

Yes. I had it by default. Without it never seemed to work.
With it, it worked _sometimes_.

Initramfs seem to be superior solution. With it there is more stuff I 
can do, like trying to rebuild array, fsck filesystems thoroughly etc.

In fact, this is what it does now. Amongst other things, it checks 
/etc/fstab, gets filesystem types for /boot and / and e2fscks them, 
if needed.

Being early adopter of ext4 I was many times in situation when boot-time 
e2fsck found some serious errors but demanded to be rerun on unmounted 
media to be able to finish. Without initramfs, only way to do this is 
through CD, but kernel there doesn't recognise disks on my Dell. Besides 
that it is tedious.

This way, machine can do it by itself in MacGyver style ;o)

That's true, but my point is, by the time you setup all that complexity, 
you're almost setting up AND CONFIGURING a whole little mini-distribution 
inside your initramfs/initrd.


That thingie is _definitely_ very useful and I plan to make it permanent.

I had completed the script that does the packing in maybe two hours ( I 
don't remeber anymore ) and it needs maybe a few minutes to make initrd, 
copy it to /boot/initrd and old one to /boot/initrd_old.
Also, if I need one more package in the initrd ( say new version of gcc 
or python etc), it is only matter of adding package name in one line...

But I will do something much more compact in C. With maybe an option to 
do DefCon 4 style boot from USB key toolshed.

I found USB keys to be useful for that role, when opened and with 
soldered in-line conenctor.  With it it becomes small dongle that is 
plugged directly into motherboard and so practically part of the machine.

Tha way, you get Terminator style sturdy machine that is capable of 
reboot no matter what just as motherboard, CPU and PSU stay functional. ;o)

What I mean is that periodically, I snapshot/copy off my root (which 
includes everything that portage installs and its database so most of /
usr and some of /var, all installed system binaries, scripts, and config) 
to an identically sized rootbak partition.  (In this case it's another 
partition on the mdp/RAID, thus the weakness implied above if it should 
not be bootable by any available kernel, even with the appropriate 
options.)  I can then continue updating the working root partition as I 
normally would.
Yeah, but what do you do if your raid becomes non-functional for some 
reason ?

I have four disks and two RAIDs. First is boot bartition RAID-1, which 
ebncompasess firs 1GB of each disk, second is RAID-5, which has the rest 
of the capacity.

All partitions are typed as fd- self-detect RAID. On boot it doesn't 
matter. BIOS and GRUB see first partitions as if they were ordinary 
partitions with ext2 that happen to have exactly the same content.

So, if one or more of the disks failed, I could boot with initrd from 
whatever disk is left...

While in initramfs, I check and assemble both arrays and exec 
make-init ( or whatever its name it is- that util in klibc- it is 
effectively thingie that erases everything in /rootfs, remounts new root 
to / and starts init )

I won't be doing nVidia any time soon.  Not until they come around to 
properly cooperating with the FLOSS community.  YMMV and I know a lot of 
gamers especially value their games above their freedom.  That's not my 
life and not my systems and therefore not my call, but what I run here 
IS, and if I wanted to be stuck with proprietaryware, I'd have not 
bothered dumping a decade's worth of experience on MS to start over with 

Well, at least every fresh version of their driver is available on 
Gentoo at the same instant it gets out.

Even without it, nvidia's own installer can figure things out.

Not so with Radeon. I needed 9.1 version of driver when latest in gentoo 
tree was 8.1.
I downloaded the thing and died wrestling with damn scripts halfway 

I don't get what kind of machine did they write that thing for- it sure 
as hell wasn't anything like mine.
Also, when it comes to OpenGL performance, nVidia is still the king as I 

But for 2D stuff AMD seems to work fine. I managed to install ATI 
Catalyst controll center for GPU in my Foxconn A7DA-S ( chipset AMD 
790GX + SB750 - HD3300 inbuilt GPU with 128MB cache RAM) it seems very 
good, even on on-board GPU.

I have upgraded my dual setup to three-monitor setup ( 3x Samsung 204B, 
3x1600x1200) and have had to add elcheapo 9400 card to existing dual-DVI 

Do you know about AMD/ATI Linux drivers- do they do such kind of stuff 
without extra wizardry ?

Plus, I can blame you and those like you for holding up progress on xorg 
and the desktop environments, among other things, since there's a 

Re: [gentoo-amd64] cant boot off sata disk

2009-04-06 Thread Branko Badrljica

Daiajo Tibdixious wrote:

When I boot without the CD, I don't think control is going to grub.
There are no messages, it just sits there after 'boot from CD' comes

I had the same problem with Asus M3N78 with Phenom 9850. I solved it by 
updating BIOS to latest version, reseting CMOS and unplugging and 
re-powering the system.

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: CFLAGS question from a AMD64 newbie

2008-12-16 Thread Branko Badrljica
Duncan wrote:
 -combine is the one that causes the most problems, handled per trouble-
 package as mentioned in the other thread using /etc/portage/env/* files.  
 The -fredorder-blocks-and-partition can in some cases as well, but if you 
 don't have either of those in CXXFLAGS, you'll avoid a lot of the problem 
 right there.  Those are the only C(XX)FLAGS I have had issues with 
 lately.  The others have worked just fine.
Do you have link to info on that per-package environment mechanism ?
I couldn't find anything...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] hardware choice

2008-12-14 Thread Branko Badrljica
Given your CPU choices, it is obvious that you are ignoring i7, I 
suspect beacise the price.

In that case, I think you should reconsider AMD. I have a couple of 
Phenoms, which work really fine with Gentoo.

However, if its lower frequency and smaller cache of 9850 and 9950 is 
what bothers you, you should consider Deneb, which is to come out any 
day now.
3GHz model should be quite cheap, it has 6MB of L3 which is not far from 
Intel's 8Mb and it also allegedly overclocks very well.
People are getting to 4.4GHz on aircooling, which means machine should 
behave rock stable at 3.5GHz+ with really good cooler, like Thermalright 

Boards are relatively good and inexpensive, as well as DDR-II RAM is 
these days. I have stuffed 8GB in my box for something like €150.
I have  Foxcon A7DA-S, but Biostar models seem to be cheaper and record 
OC was done on such board ( 6.3 GHz on LN2), so it should perform well.

Also, having a true QC can mean something with optimised multithread code.

Intel's i7 is fine, but quite expensive and its smaller i5 won't be on 
the market for some time, and getting old C2D or Q2D seems a bit of 
waste these days...

Daniel Iliev wrote:

Hi, guys!

I've decided to get an Intel based box, but I've not been following
closely the hardware development for more than 5 years. Another
trouble is that most of the people I can ask don't use Gentoo and they
miss the point of much compiling. So, I need your help.

1) CPU:

model,CPU Freq,FSB Freq,cache,technology

E8400, 3.00GHz, 1333MHz, 6MB, 45nm
Q8200, 2.33GHz, 1333MHz, 4MB, 45nm
Q6600, 2.40GHz, 1066MHz, 8MB, 65nm

Which one? (please, consider overclocking).

On the local market those are in the same price range and I'm going to
take Q6600 for the bigger cache (8MB). Is that the correct choice?

2) Main board.

I was advised to get Asus P5K Premium (P35, ICH9) for Q6600. The thing
is there are models from the P5Q series (like P5Q3) which have a newer
chipset (P45, ICH10) but the same price. I can't understand why should
I choose the premium mobo even it's an older model. Please, advise.

3) DDR2

600,800 or 1066? The thing confusing me is that the newer CPUs run at
1333MHz and the older (Q6600) at 1066. So, which DDR2?

4) Overclock

I intend to overclock the system but not extremely. I've been told
Q6600 would go up to 3GHz w/o any trouble. Is that true? How high
would the other two CPUs go w/o additional cooling and compromising
the stability?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


Re: [gentoo-amd64] hardware choice

2008-12-14 Thread Branko Badrljica

Branko Badrljica wrote:

Ooops. Sorry for top-post ;o/

Re: [gentoo-amd64] ASUS M2A-VM and kernel 2.6.27

2008-12-14 Thread Branko Badrljica

David Relson wrote:


Anybody using an ASUS M2A-VM mobo with a 2.6.27 kernel? 


I have had somewhat similar problems on Phenom.
Do you have nvidia card on the machine ?

If so, there is some parameter for the module that limits its use of 
IOMMU space.

Also, I thint the problem was rectified in later revisions of the driver.



Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: Curious thing- linking against .so libs...

2008-12-10 Thread Branko Badrljica

Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

Branko Badrljica wrote:
gcc -O2 -m32 -march=barcelona -pipe -L/usr/lib64 -lgdgeda -o tt tt.c 
(libgdgeda has just .so )

-m32 generates 32-bit code.  /usr/lib64 is only for 64-bit binaries. 
Don't use -m32.

Sorry, I forgot to remove -m32 from my example- it was remnant from 
previous tries.

Everything is the same without it.

But it seems something else is broken on my system, so I'll recompile 
everything and report later...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] CFLAGS question from a AMD64 newbie

2008-12-09 Thread Branko Badrljica

Martin Herrman wrote:

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Sami Näätänen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
to /etc/portage/package.keywords. With 4.3.2 I use:

CFLAGS=-march=native -O2 -pipe

With only a small effort, you get most of the benefits. So fine-tuning
to the edge will give you issues to solve with only a very small
percentage of performance increase in return.

My 2 cents..


My vote goes for this one, too. In general, anything higher than -O2 
will bring you next to nothing in best case, on averagy you'll end with 
longer code that executes about the same and in some cases, result will 
be slower. BY far most important thing, at least in general seems to be 
to nail your march right, in oreder for compiler to be able to utilize 
all that cpu has to offer.
For my Phenom -march=barcelona is optimal, but then I have problems 
with =gcc-4.2*, which has no separate K-10 backend, so 
-march=native is optimal - which means that gcc checks the CPU it is 
running on and makes the best available choice.

If all your gcc compilers are of version 4* upwards, then also 
-combine might be useful.

In short, CFLAGS=-march=native -O2 -pipe -combine is optimal for me...



Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: CFLAGS question from a AMD64 newbie

2008-12-09 Thread Branko Badrljica

Duncan wrote:

Well, you say you want stable, but then say you use ~arch, so I see 
you're not too stick in the mud. =:^)

Here's mine, for a dual Opteron 290:

CFLAGS=-march=opteron-sse3 -pipe -O2 -frename-registers -fweb -fmerge-
all-constants -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -fgcse-after-reload -ftree-vectorize -
fdirectives-only -freorder-blocks-and-partition -combine

CXXFLAGS=-march=opteron-sse3 -pipe -O2 -frename-registers -fweb -fmerge-
all-constants -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -fgcse-after-reload -ftree-vectorize -

You can look them up in the gcc manpage, or look back a year or so when I 
explained most of them, altho that was a couple gcc versions ago and they 
weren't quite the same.



Been there, done praactically that, but it didn't make one quark of 
difference overall, except throwing gcc in a coma now and then, 
lenghtening compile problems and causing odd ( but rare ) bugs.

I tried to time several C programs of mine and found that plain -O1 
worked substantially better than plain -O2.

After that, I said sod all and used plain vanilla CLFAGS on new gcc and 
with right march. Works fine, with same speed, faster compiles and much 
less headaches on average.

In my experience, exotic CFLAGS can make a difference, but this varies 
wildldy from program part to program part, so unless one knows exactly 
what he is doing, he might be better of trusting compiler to use sane 
path with -O2. Besides that, portage doesn't have an option to compile 
just some part of the code with another, non_default CFLAGS...

But my basic strategy is this:  Because memory is so much slower than 
cache on a modern processor, in general it should pay to optimize for 
size even if it costs a few CPU cycles once in awhile.
True, but he is asking for P4, which was notorious for having long 
pipelina and a neadache after cache miss, so for him -O2 or even -03 
might be better in _some_ cases.
But even so, IMVHO it is simply not worth the time and effort to fiddle 
with this, I'd use  golden default with right march here also and be 
done with it.

Re: [gentoo-amd64] CFLAGS question from a AMD64 newbie

2008-12-09 Thread Branko Badrljica

Sami Näätänen wrote:

SNIP about -ftree-vectorize

For example:
float a[4];
float b[4];

SNIPped the rest of example 

Nice one. And probably with stellar speedup, since bunch of code gets 
replaced with one or two SSE instructions.

But how relevant is it in real life examples ?

[gentoo-amd64] Curious thing- linking against .so libs...

2008-12-09 Thread Branko Badrljica
I was trying to install nVidia's CUDA SDK for toying with GPU as 
computing tool, but I soon found out that I can't compile anything.

I always get error's like can't find -lGL etc from compiler. So I took 
a look where LIBPATHetc were set and everything seemed fine.

After that, I tried with trivial Hello world test source. I tried to 
compile it, linking it with Compile failed with familiar 
can't find

Then I tried to link it to another libraries I found in /usr/lib64. It 
turns out that gcc wants to link to .a/.la files and completely seems to 
ignore .so.

What gives ?

I have standard Gentoo config on Phenom system with typical desktop 
setup. gcc is v-4.3.2.

Test case program:

#include stdio.h

void main ( int argc , char ** argv )   {
   printf(Argc is %d, arg zero is %s and arg one is %s\n , argc, 
argv[0] , argv[1] );


Compile attempts that work fine:

gcc -O2 -m32 -march=barcelona -pipe -o tt tt.c

gcc -O2 -m32 -march=barcelona -pipe -L/usr/lib64 -lresolv -o tt tt.c ( 
resolv lib has .la and .so version )

One that fails:

gcc -O2 -m32 -march=barcelona -pipe -L/usr/lib64 -lgdgeda -o tt tt.c 
(libgdgeda has just .so )

Any ideas ?

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Completely remove BIND

2008-12-02 Thread Branko Badrljica

Mark Haney wrote:

Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:

On Dienstag 02 Dezember 2008, Mark Haney wrote:

I've done something really stupid and FUBAR'd my BIND install on what
will be my new slave DNS server.  The problem is that no matter what I
do, when I try to start BIND the system claims 'named is already 

What I want to do now is start over, tabula rasa, and rebuild BIND. 

tried emerge -C bind bind-tools but when I emerge it back, I still get
the same problem.

So, any decent, non-system-destructive ways to wipe BIND off the 

that is probably just a remnant of the init script. try 
/etc/init.d/named zap if that file still exists

Nah, I've got bigger problems on this box.  Somehow, GCC has been 
completely hosed.  I'll need to rebuild gcc from a liveCD.  I have a 
feeling the HDD on this box is failing.

What system do you have ( x86, x86_64, normal or hardened kernel, 
selinux or not, which profile etc) ?

If it's similar to any of mine,  I could leave you binpkg of mine gcc on 
http server for download...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] quadcore

2008-11-26 Thread Branko Badrljica

Eduardo Schoedler wrote:


Hi Beso. 

   This selects the CPU to tune for at compilation time by determining 
the processor type of the compiling machine. Using -mtune=native will 
produce code optimized for the local machine under the constraints of 
the selected instruction set. Using -march=native will enable all 
instruction subsets supported by the local machine (hence the result 
might not run on different machines). 

Best Regards,

I have Phenom 9950 and use gcc-4.3.2 with CFLAGS=-march=barcelona 
-combine -O2 -pipe

I tried to compile some small test code with -v -march=native and -v 
-march=barcelona, just to see if there is any difference.
Compiled code seems to be the same, but that means nothing, since the 
example used was trivia

But there is one difference in gcc's coments.

With -march=native it says:

COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS='-v'  '-O3' '-pipe' '-o' 'tt2'
/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.3.2/cc1 -quiet -v test.c 
-march=amdfam10 -mcx16 -msahf --param l1-cache-size=64 --param 
l1-cache-line-size=64 -mtune=amdfam10 -quiet -dumpbase test.c -auxbase 
test -O3 -version -o - |


...and with -march=barcelona:

COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS='-v' '-march=barcelona' '-O3' '-pipe' '-o' 'tt1'
/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.3.2/cc1 -quiet -v test.c -quiet 
-dumpbase test.c -march=barcelona -auxbase test -O3 -version -o - |


whereas with -march=amdfam10:

COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS='-v' '-march=amdfam10' '-O3' '-pipe' '-o' 'tt1'
/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.3.2/cc1 -quiet -v test.c -quiet 
-dumpbase test.c -march=amdfam10 -auxbase test -O3 -version -o - |


It seems that barcelona,amdfam10 and native are not exactly 
synonymous on my machine. amdfam10 seems to offer broadest description 
to which barcelona adds some extra details, but native seems to be 
most detailed,a s it adds details about cache size and cache line size, 
CMPXCHNG16B and LAHF/SAHF instructions.

I also tried to compile unrar with those variations, but was unable to 
make difference in final  binary- which admittedly doesn't prove anything...

[gentoo-amd64] Optimal AMD64 CFLAGS ?

2008-11-26 Thread Branko Badrljica

ONe fo my machines still has K8 -  AMD64 X2 6000+ in it.

cat /proc/cpuinfo doesn't list SSE3 capabilities of the CPU, whereas AMD 
states that newer AMD64 (2005 and after that) are SSE3 capable and 
gcc-4.3.2 has -march=k8-sse3

Wikipedia states that AMD K8 is SSE3 capable, except for a few 
Intel-specific instructions. Maybe that is the reason why it isn't 
listed in /proc/cpuinfo ?

Until now I have always used -march=k8, but now I wonder whether it 
would be safe to use k8-sse3.

Has anyone tried this yet ?

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Can not compile gcc

2008-11-14 Thread Branko Badrljica

Justin wrote:

Barry Schwartz schrieb:

Mansour Al Akeel [EMAIL PROTECTED] skribis:

Any idea ?


If you use ccache, try emptying it.


I think there is something else wrong, because it fails in the configure

Send us an emerge --info output, please.


I'm not an expert, but it seems that it was trying to compile 64-bit 
test code with -m32 flag:

The log file:
checking for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc... 
-B/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ -B/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib/ 
-isystem /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/include -isystem 
/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/sys-include  -m32

Perhaps he should check his make.conf for CHOST and CLAGS ?

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Can not compile gcc

2008-11-14 Thread Branko Badrljica

Mansour Al Akeel wrote:

Just out of curiosity, how did you know that IA32_EMULATION is not
enabled? Which message told you this ?

He probably just suspected. Kernel's inability to run 32-bit code could 
be one of the reasons why the test code run failed.

Other reason might be some linking error or somesuch...

Re: [gentoo-amd64] boot Gentoo from USB key

2008-05-01 Thread Branko Badrljica

Branko Badrljica wrote:

Be it as it may, on linux at least for traditional /dev/sdX links it 
doesn't work, but it should work for addressing the drive through 
/dev/disk/by-uuid or /dev/disk/by-path or /dev/disk/by-id.

Self-correction is in order here; I forgot that I have tried that and it 
didn't work for me - I couldn't adress the boot disk as 
by-uuid/by-path/by-id parameter, only as a conventional /dev/sdX|hdX etc 


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] boot Gentoo from USB key

2008-04-30 Thread Branko Badrljica

I had the same two problems.

WRT to grub, I don't remember anymore exactly what I have done, but I 
think I have

copied sectors 1-62 from one conventional grub-bootable HDD to USB,

Or maybe used some old HDD and formated it, parittioned it like the USB 
disk, copied /boot partition on it and set up grub on it, then copied 
sectors 1-62 back to USB disk.
Sector 0 is for MBR codeand last few tens of bytes contain headers for 
first 4 partitions, so it shouldn't be touched and first partition 
begins with sector 63.

Something like that.

WRT to boot panics, kernel can't find USB key at boot since USB 
initialisation code needs more time for key to stabilise. Use kernel 
parameter rootdelay=10 for 10 second wait period for USB

Hope this helps.

BTW: You will in all likelyhood be dissapointed with USB key 
performance. Its R/W throughput is comparable to HDD only on paper. In 
reality it seems that USB can't cope efficiently with small sector-sized 
writes but also scattered reads seem to be far from optimal.Either that 
or USB driver really sucks on Linux.

It is very useable as fallback though. Like having one USB key soldered 
directly on the MoBO and using it for boot if/when your HDD croaks or if 
something eats your main boot option...



Raffaele BELARDI wrote:

In the process of building an amd64 diskless box, I am trying to make a
bootable USB key with no success up to now.

The first problem I encountered was related to ext2/vfat. I initially
tried to format the key as ext2, but grub refuses to install on it. Even
though I copied the /boot/grub/* directory into the key, and I see it is
there, grub does not see it. The problem does not happen with vfat.

So I worked around that and created two partitions in the key, a small
vfat for the /boot and a 2Gb ext2 for the /. I copied the stage3 into
the / with no problem. In the /boot I put the kernel image which I am
already using on the same box, for now with discs still connected. All
the modules are compiled in.

When I boot from the key, grub enters the shell (although I did create
the grub.conf and menu.1st, so I don't understand why it doesn't show
the menu). I manually specify the kernel file location and root


kernel /linux-2.6.24-gentoo-r4 root=/dev/sdg1

The kernel starts to load, but panics because it is unable to find the
root partition. When it stops it shows the available partitions, these
include all the hard disk partitions but no USB key partition. In fact,
if I omit the 'root' parameter from the grub shell the boot works fine
but it uses the hard disk root partition instead of the USB one.

From the log on the screen the USB controller seems correctly detected,
so I don't understand why it is not finding the root. While writing this
one idea comes to my mind, maybe it is failing because I attach the key
to a SDC/MMC/USB card reader? This evening I'll try to plug it into a
different USB slot.

Any other ideas welcome.



-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] boot Gentoo from USB key

2008-04-30 Thread Branko Badrljica

Jason wrote:

You may want to look at specifying root by it's UUID.  This will 
prevent issues like the USB drive being /dev/sdg on one machine, 
/dev/sdb on another, and on reboot it all changing because the drives 
were detected in a different order.

I have tried that and booting by UUID never worked for me except once in 
past on some particular kernel. I can put an UUID in /etc/fstab, but not 
as kernel boot parameter.
I did some googling about that and found soemthing about that UUID as 
kernel parameter was a hack which was thrown out and that they don't 
intend to support it in the future.
It's aong the lines of if you don't like anything about booting 
procedure, boot from initramfs, do what you have to do and then do 
pivot_root ...

In the past, instead of 'rootdelay=', I add a wait to the init script, 

while [ ! -e /dev/disk/by-uuid/1234-abcd-45gf-0659 ]
sleep 0.1
And how do you do that when you are trying to get to root partition 
after kernel initialisation ? At that moment you can't run a script, 
since you don't have an access to any partition.
You could use initrd/initramfs, but seems like a lot of complications 
for little gain...

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] boot Gentoo from USB key

2008-04-30 Thread Branko Badrljica

Jason wrote:

initrd is exactly how you do it.  In the case of booting off of USB, 
there are too many variables (drive detection order, different 
hardware, etc) to handle on the kernel command line. An initrd gives 
you the flexibility to solve these problems.

You could use initrd/initramfs, but seems like a lot of complications 
for little gain...

I wouldn't call a portable, writable, boot from anywhere Linux OS on a 
thumbdrive a trivial gain.  ;-)


But you have the headache of interface at the old and new root across 
the pivot root. What happens if you execute something that was 
dynamically linked from intramfs and it decides to load and link another 
module with dlopen() from new root ? If you have that module and it 
belongs to the same version, then probably everything is fine. Otherwise 
it might not be.

Also, opened files and extra nodes in /dev during intiramfs phase tend 
to cause a headache or two...

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] boot Gentoo from USB key

2008-04-30 Thread Branko Badrljica

Hernan Lopez wrote:

Hello, I´m did install UtutoXS2007 (based on Gentoo 2007), FreeBsd, and I don´t 
have this problem. Generally the USB key when exec the post the same is (sd0) 
and boot, then of boot the usb key, (sd0) is the principal Hard Disk, NOT THE 
USB KEY, this pass of (sd0) to (sd1).

Kingston 512Mb

copy grub to /boot/grub and exec grub

root (sd0,0) =where is the boot partition en USB
setup (sd1) = then that change de sdx number to sd1.

This is what OP has been trying to do withut success, since grub refused 
to do install to USB key since it can't find it as a disk to which you 
could install stage 1/1.5/2 and make it bootable.

And going to FreeBSD is not the solution, useable for all of us.

Also, it is not clear to me whether your is always at (sd0) even if you 
plug some SATA disks in your system and boot it and also if it goes for 
all other disks also.

Be it as it may, on linux at least for traditional /dev/sdX links it 
doesn't work, but it should work for addressing the drive through 
/dev/disk/by-uuid or /dev/disk/by-path or /dev/disk/by-id.



This mode I have not any problem.

Sorry by my english ;)

Hernán López Pardo

Yo soy argentino, por eso uso Ututo en mi PC.
Cara no es la ciencia; cara es la ignorancia.
BERNARDO A. HOUSSAY - (1887-1971)

No sigas mis pasos, no seas sombra de nadie; aprende de mis pasos y sigue tu 
DANIEL O. FERREYRA - (1967-2???)

--- El mié 30-abr-08, Raffaele BELARDI [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:


Asunto: [gentoo-amd64] boot Gentoo from USB key
Para: gentoo-amd64
Fecha: miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008, 3:43 am
In the process of building an amd64 diskless box, I am
trying to make a
bootable USB key with no success up to now.

The first problem I encountered was related to ext2/vfat. I
tried to format the key as ext2, but grub refuses to
install on it. Even
though I copied the /boot/grub/* directory into the key,
and I see it is
there, grub does not see it. The problem does not happen
with vfat.

So I worked around that and created two partitions in the
key, a small
vfat for the /boot and a 2Gb ext2 for the /. I copied the
stage3 into
the / with no problem. In the /boot I put the kernel image
which I am
already using on the same box, for now with discs still
connected. All
the modules are compiled in.

When I boot from the key, grub enters the shell (although I
did create
the grub.conf and menu.1st, so I don't understand why
it doesn't show
the menu). I manually specify the kernel file location and

kernel /linux-2.6.24-gentoo-r4 root=/dev/sdg1

The kernel starts to load, but panics because it is unable
to find the
root partition. When it stops it shows the available
partitions, these
include all the hard disk partitions but no USB key
partition. In fact,
if I omit the 'root' parameter from the grub shell
the boot works fine
but it uses the hard disk root partition instead of the USB

From the log on the screen the USB controller seems
correctly detected,
so I don't understand why it is not finding the root.
While writing this
one idea comes to my mind, maybe it is failing because I
attach the key
to a SDC/MMC/USB card reader? This evening I'll try to
plug it into a
different USB slot.

Any other ideas welcome.


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