Re: [gentoo-dev] client+server packages - build which one?

2006-08-08 Thread Colin Kingsley
Enrico Weigelt wrote:

trolling removed

Would everybody please stop responding to this obvious troll? I admit
its very amusing reading about his clear lack of understanding, but
don't we have better things to do?


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Re: [gentoo-dev] QA Proposal v3

2006-04-22 Thread Colin Kingsley

Thomas Cort wrote:

* The QA team will maintain a list of current QA Standards with
  explanations as to why they are problems, and how to fix the problem.
  The list is not meant by any means to be a comprehensive document

Why isn't this list meant to be comprehensive? I know that there will be 
QA problems that come up that you haven't thought about yet, but it 
would be really really nice to have a list with all of the QA problems 
that could come up and how to fix them. It would help new developers 
avoid mistakes and it would benefit the QA team by giving them a 
document that they can direct devs to when there is a problem.


Is a complete list of QA problems possible? I don't think that would 
necessarily be a finite list.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-core] Resignation

2006-03-02 Thread Colin Kingsley

Duncan wrote:

Seeing this news makes me very sad, as ferringb was a name I had
associated with trust and integrity of opinion and developer skills. 
It's certainly a loss for Gentoo, and as Gentoo is now a part of me, a

loss I'll feel personally, as well, but unfortunately, those times do come.

As with Donnie and the others, only user to dev, I wish you well.  May our
paths meet again!

Wow, Duncan is so sad he only wrote one paragraph!  Seriously man, you 
will be missed.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Parallizing ebuilds - 'trivial' ebuilds

2006-01-16 Thread Colin Kingsley

Kalin KOZHUHAROV wrote:

I would like to be able to limit the -jN when there is no distcc host
available or when compiling c++ code, otherwise my poor laptop is dead with
-j5 compiling pwlib when the network is down

It is particular example, but being able to limit portage in some way as
total CPU, total MEM might be interesting (just nice-ing is not enough)

You might be interested in `man make`. The '-l' option in particular 
would probably do what you want.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] elog file reader

2005-12-22 Thread Colin Kingsley

Donnie Berkholz wrote:

Hash: SHA1

I hacked up a quick script this morning to handle the new elog scripts
in 2.1. Perhaps some of you can make use of it or help me improve it.


I also have a partially completed utility for this, which I had intended 
to complete when my final exams ended. I'll include it here as well in 
case anybody wants to play with it. If nobody has a preference wither 
way, I'll do some more work on this when I get home from college in a 
day or two.

Please understand that this is incomplete code that doesn't yet work 
without some tinkering, and I haven't touched it in a few months because 
of school work. I'm just sharing what I've already got in case anybody 
is interested.


elogread-0.1 written by Colin Kingsley ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Utility for reading messages logged by ebuilds.

__revision__ = '@VER@'

import os, sys, time
from portage import settings
from getopt import GetoptError, gnu_getopt

logdir = settings['PORTAGE_TMPDIR']+'/elogs'

class Log:
Abstracts log messages

def __init__(self, name, index): = name

split = name.split(':') = split[0]
self.pvr = split[1]
self.tstr = split[2].replace('.log', '')

self.index = index + 1

def list(self):
parses the name of the logfile, and prints it.

#   get the time string from the filename, and make a gmt time tuple
gtt = time.strptime(self.tstr, '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
#   turn the gtt into second since epoch, and turn it into localtime
lts = time.mktime(gtt) - time.timezone + (3600 * time.daylight)

print '%s) %s/%s:\t\t%s' % (self.index,, self.pvr,
time.strftime('%a %b %d, %I:%M%p, %Y', 

def display(self):
Formats and displays the contents of a log
print '!!! display code incomplete !!!'
#TODO: implement display finctionality

def remove(self):
Deletes the log file referenced by the instance.
os.remove(logdir +'/' +

print 'Logs removed:'

def parse_args(argv):
parses arguments using gnu_getopt

ops, args = gnu_getopt(argv[1:], 'hld:r:')
except GetoptError, e:

if args:
usage('Unexpected arguments passed.')

if len(ops) == 0:

if len(ops)  1:
usage('Multipe options passed. Please oly use one.')

return ops[0]

def usage(error=None):
if error:
print error
print 'usage: %s [-l][-h]\n' % sys.argv[0]
print '-l:\tlist mode: Shows a list of unread log messages.'
print '-h:\thelp: displays this simple help text.'

def main(argv):
ops = parse_args(argv)

if ops[0] == '-h':  #if we are gonna bail, don't make 'em wait

logs = []   #create log objects
index = 0
for name in os.listdir(logdir):
if name.endswith('.log'):
logs.append(Log(name, index))
index = index + 1

## Start doing things ##

if ops[0] == '-l':
print 'Unread logs:'
if len(logs) == 0:
print 'None!'
for log in logs:

if ops[0] == '-d':
logs[int(ops[1]) - 1].display()

if ops[0] == '-r':
logs[int(ops[1]) - 1].remove()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] /etc/make.conf

2005-08-10 Thread Colin Kingsley

Alec Warner wrote:

Is make.conf meant to be sourcable by bash and we can mark these bugs as
invalid, or do we need to modify the tools to process it and not source
the file.

I would prefer to keep make.conf sourceable unless there is some very 
good reason not to. At present, it is essentially identical to bash 
syntax, and sourcing it is much faster than calling portageq. What do we 
gain by allowing quirky syntax that portage understands but bash does not?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] python module

2005-08-04 Thread Colin Kingsley

Rene Zbinden wrote:
Yes in the meantime I found that eclass. The problem was, that there was no file. I created my own and put it into the files directory. 

If that works for you then I can't really see any reason why you 
shouldn't do it, but I find it far easier and cleaner to simply not use 
all the functions provided by distutils.

It should be much simpler to implement whatever you need in ebuild 
functions, instead of doing them in and then calling that from 
the ebuild.

I'm sure many python module ebuilds could show examples of this, but the
only one I can direct you to for certain is dev-python/visual-3.2.1.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] where goes Gentoo?

2005-06-06 Thread Colin Kingsley
Hash: SHA1

Aron Griffis wrote:
 I have worked in the enterprise
 UNIX market for 6 years.  My code is running in places like NASA
 mission control, 9-1-1 call centers, and most of the telephone
 carriers.  I've produced patches on weekends to close $800m deals.


 I don't even understand why that goal appeals to people.  Let other
 distros go there!  I want Gentoo to run in people's homes, in student
 dorm rooms, etc.  Places where people want a fun distribution that
 they can tailor and work on easily.
 I like the idea of Gentoo on alternative arches and in embedded
 environments.  Not because I want Sony to start using Gentoo on
 walkmans, but purely because the idea of running Linux on a PDA is
 cool.  I'd like Gentoo to be a place where neat things are developed.
 If RH or SuSE (or another for-profit Linux vendor) wants to take some
 of those developments and use them to make a profit, that's fine with
 me.  We're over here having fun.

I couldn't agree more. World domination doesn't really excite me in the
least. All that matters to me is that I've got a distro that I enjoy
using and working on. In fact, it seems to me that many of the things I
dislike about other OS's and other distros are the result of some drive
towards an idiot-proof, user friendly, enterprise product. I very much
want to preserve gentoo as it is.

Thats certaintly not to say that I'm against progress, but if people
want support contracts, the absolute ultimate in stability, and install
CD's shipped in pretty boxes with manuals, there are other distros
available for them.

- --Colin
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] i have an idea ! (erescue)

2005-05-16 Thread Colin Kingsley
On 5/16/05, David Stanek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If erescue is a statically built binary that basically untars a
 backed up copy of a package, why would it depend on Python?

It won't. Thats the whole point.


-- mailing list