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Aron Griffis wrote:
> I have worked in the enterprise
> UNIX market for 6 years.  My code is running in places like NASA
> mission control, 9-1-1 call centers, and most of the telephone
> carriers.  I've produced patches on weekends to close $800m deals.


> I don't even understand why that goal appeals to people.  Let other
> distros go there!  I want Gentoo to run in people's homes, in student
> dorm rooms, etc.  Places where people want a fun distribution that
> they can tailor and work on easily.
> I like the idea of Gentoo on alternative arches and in embedded
> environments.  Not because I want Sony to start using Gentoo on
> walkmans, but purely because the idea of running Linux on a PDA is
> cool.  I'd like Gentoo to be a place where neat things are developed.
> If RH or SuSE (or another for-profit Linux vendor) wants to take some
> of those developments and use them to make a profit, that's fine with
> me.  We're over here having fun.

I couldn't agree more. World domination doesn't really excite me in the
least. All that matters to me is that I've got a distro that I enjoy
using and working on. In fact, it seems to me that many of the things I
dislike about other OS's and other distros are the result of some drive
towards an idiot-proof, user friendly, "enterprise" product. I very much
want to preserve gentoo as it is.

Thats certaintly not to say that I'm against progress, but if people
want support contracts, the absolute ultimate in stability, and install
CD's shipped in pretty boxes with manuals, there are other distros
available for them.

- --Colin
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