Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-17 Thread Kevin Chadwick

  How about uncommenting a line that does so. All you are buying into is
  a default setup.
 App authors don't ship configs like that though. Does apt ship a sudo
 config? Does anything?

Perhaps you missed my opening message on this topic, except it was in
your first reply.


I remember reading a while back that distros had some blunders in
writing secure sudoers files and so it was emptied. Is that true?

I still ascert that apps adding groups with NOPASSWD sudoers lines
perhaps even commented out by default in all or some cases is far
better than polkit for many reasons. Any counter argument can apply
to sudo too and rather easily.

 The nice thing about (really dbus, not so much polkit per se) is that
 I can offer a nice API for applications that is not command line
 based. No parsing strings, no 'oh this tool writes to stderr, that one
 writes to stdout, I need to ignore these lines...)

What is wrong with sed and you can simply echo files in some sudoers.d
config. What kind of unix dev cannot handle text strings.

That is one of the problems with it too, especially if polkit becomes
over used and perhaps this is below the belt but it's certainly true
that IPC has caused Android more than enough security issues.

  I don't understand 'the APIs that coders will learn instead of C.' Can
  you elaborate? Polkit has a C api...
  It has an api that is simply not needed? Small tools are better.
 You prefer the commandline api? (one byte for return values, half of
 which are signals)

What's the problem there?. I have already stated some of the very
important benefits.

  I don't understand how the code will 'not be well designed to the
  application at hand.' I mean ideally the API and the CLI are
  essentially just wrappers around the same library of functions.
  If you search for sites that evaluate polkit you will see that it is
  considered to encourage granting more permissions than necessary rather
  than coding a specific tool.
 Hah, because no one uses sudo to grant extraordinarily broad permissions.

They do, but it encourages them not to and not vice versa and they can
easily customise the default rule to say emerge -moresecurethandefault

Win Win and a couple more Wins in fact

  Its unclear how polkit is 'hard'. Now it *is* new, and I will concede
  you will have to read some manpages. However i don't think the
  concepts are difficult.
  Man pages won't help with polkit and it actually generally ships with no
  configs by default.
 In Ubuntu Precise..

You still have to do way more than commenting or editing a file to
restrict the default further, aka it's unlikely to happen.

 All of this is explained in man polkit.

And pkauthority and and  How will that help when as I have
mentioned a coders comments aren't even sure exactly what the code

  I know about pkaction, the problem is that the actions tells you next to
  nothing about what is actually allowed. I haven't time to dig out one
  of the rediculous comments from the source now unfortunately. With
  small tools it's much better all round.
 Really? Please enumerate what giving someone access to 'emerge' can do.

Exactly, you see man emerge and grepping the source does work perfectly
well there. You could make myemerge pretty quick too.

 No one maintains the sudo wrappers though. Someone maintains the
 polkit actions. That someone also happens to be the upstream author.

That's what I am asking, is there any reason not to as it would be
better? No reason has come up yet?

  Is the polkit maintain any less 'trustworthy' than the gnome
  maintainers? the kde maintainers? the kernel maintainers? At the end
  of the day my machines are running software from thousands of
  I think that has been demonstrated and we are talking about root code
  and sudo is never running as such.
 I don't follow...

It is certainly far easier to exploit polkit than sudo with a decent
sudoers of course for multiple reasons.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-16 Thread Kevin Chadwick
  I never meant it is rubbish as such but I saw it as rediculously
  inferior to sudo before I even read this.
 Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but that is talking about a specific set
 of problems that I don't think polkit was actually designed to
 address. Polkit is basically for authenticating applications via
 users, not the applications themselves. If I am running app foo, and
 app foo wants to inhibit hibernation; polkit is there to ask 'hey is
 antarus allowed to inhibit hibernation? Does antarus need to auth to
 do so? Is antarus already authenticated? Now one may say 'hey but I
 only want certain applications to hibernate' and while that may be an
 interesting problem...I don't think the existing polkit intends to
 solve it.

The point is that it is inferior in every way and so pointlessly causing
more work and other problems not to mention guaranteed increased
security risk having extra code constantly running as root. Why was it
started, rather than contributing to sudo.

  It is however, designed for graphical UI single-seat systems.
  Its command line support sucks (they only added a CLI auth agent in
  May) and it is not well adopted. Multi-user systems do not work well
  with polkit. Certainly with polkit and dbus you can allow users to
  take more specific action without complex wrappers, setuid scripts, or
  Except you can't, it only encourages more coarse grained approaches,
  less useful commands available and devs to learn an api rather than C
  and simply moves code into a far less secure mechanism and increases the
  chance that the code will not be well designed to the task at hand and
  running as root. It can be a real pain to work out exactly what polkit
  allows and you cannot just edit it to suit your application and it
  completely ignores the existing unix security technologies with
  brilliant track records.
 One could say that 'a discrete set of APIs will be no match for
 the..fined grain control that is the command line!' I would agree. I
 don't agree that this is a one-size fits all deal though. There can be
 a command line AND an API. I'd rather grant my users 'access to the
 install authenticated packages action' than have to own a complex sudo

How about uncommenting a line that does so. All you are buying into is
a default setup.

 I don't understand 'the APIs that coders will learn instead of C.' Can
 you elaborate? Polkit has a C api...

It has an api that is simply not needed? Small tools are better.

 I don't understand how the code will 'not be well designed to the
 application at hand.' I mean ideally the API and the CLI are
 essentially just wrappers around the same library of functions.

If you search for sites that evaluate polkit you will see that it is
considered to encourage granting more permissions than necessary rather
than coding a specific tool.

 Its unclear how polkit is 'hard'. Now it *is* new, and I will concede
 you will have to read some manpages. However i don't think the
 concepts are difficult.

Man pages won't help with polkit and it actually generally ships with no
configs by default.

 There are plenty of helpers (pkcheck springs
 to mind) that assist the user in figuring out what is 'allowed'. 

I know about pkaction, the problem is that the actions tells you next to
nothing about what is actually allowed. I haven't time to dig out one
of the rediculous comments from the source now unfortunately. With
small tools it's much better all round.

 configuration for polkit is all in /usr/share and /etc. The configs
 are configurable..again in /etc. This is not something I would term

Generally there aren't any rules files, the defaults are built in and
your expected to use a webbrowser, even on a server?!?! You shouldn't
run lynx never mind X on a server. 

If some configs are in /usr/share rather than /etc perhaps that explains
why one tutorial said so and it has no effect on some systems.

  You could try to argue that many eyes will look at a central piece of
  code but in fact less implementations will likely mean less eyes and
  just assumption that a guy who got JS through as a config language has
  everything covered. Granted, unmaintained code running as root may be
  higher with sudo but if it needs maintaining, should it be running as
  root at all or is it actually simply doing too much.
 Its not a matter of many-eyes. It is a matter of 'some other guy is in
 charge of maintaining that component.' It means I can focus on stuff
 that matters, and not focus on 'wrappers to make random things work.'

That can apply to sudo, would be more secure and cause less problems
and you see why I brought it up and asked why not, because that should
be the case.

 Is the polkit maintain any less 'trustworthy' than the gnome
 maintainers? the kde maintainers? the kernel maintainers? At the end

Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-16 Thread Alec Warner
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
  I never meant it is rubbish as such but I saw it as rediculously
  inferior to sudo before I even read this.

 Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but that is talking about a specific set
 of problems that I don't think polkit was actually designed to
 address. Polkit is basically for authenticating applications via
 users, not the applications themselves. If I am running app foo, and
 app foo wants to inhibit hibernation; polkit is there to ask 'hey is
 antarus allowed to inhibit hibernation? Does antarus need to auth to
 do so? Is antarus already authenticated? Now one may say 'hey but I
 only want certain applications to hibernate' and while that may be an
 interesting problem...I don't think the existing polkit intends to
 solve it.

 The point is that it is inferior in every way and so pointlessly causing
 more work and other problems not to mention guaranteed increased
 security risk having extra code constantly running as root. Why was it
 started, rather than contributing to sudo.

I'm glad you think it is inferior, but i don't really buy your argument.

  It is however, designed for graphical UI single-seat systems.
  Its command line support sucks (they only added a CLI auth agent in
  May) and it is not well adopted. Multi-user systems do not work well
  with polkit. Certainly with polkit and dbus you can allow users to
  take more specific action without complex wrappers, setuid scripts, or
  Except you can't, it only encourages more coarse grained approaches,
  less useful commands available and devs to learn an api rather than C
  and simply moves code into a far less secure mechanism and increases the
  chance that the code will not be well designed to the task at hand and
  running as root. It can be a real pain to work out exactly what polkit
  allows and you cannot just edit it to suit your application and it
  completely ignores the existing unix security technologies with
  brilliant track records.

 One could say that 'a discrete set of APIs will be no match for
 the..fined grain control that is the command line!' I would agree. I
 don't agree that this is a one-size fits all deal though. There can be
 a command line AND an API. I'd rather grant my users 'access to the
 install authenticated packages action' than have to own a complex sudo

 How about uncommenting a line that does so. All you are buying into is
 a default setup.

App authors don't ship configs like that though. Does apt ship a sudo
config? Does anything?
The nice thing about (really dbus, not so much polkit per se) is that
I can offer a nice API for applications that is not command line
based. No parsing strings, no 'oh this tool writes to stderr, that one
writes to stdout, I need to ignore these lines...)

 I don't understand 'the APIs that coders will learn instead of C.' Can
 you elaborate? Polkit has a C api...

 It has an api that is simply not needed? Small tools are better.

You prefer the commandline api? (one byte for return values, half of
which are signals)

 I don't understand how the code will 'not be well designed to the
 application at hand.' I mean ideally the API and the CLI are
 essentially just wrappers around the same library of functions.

 If you search for sites that evaluate polkit you will see that it is
 considered to encourage granting more permissions than necessary rather
 than coding a specific tool.

Hah, because no one uses sudo to grant extraordinarily broad permissions.

 Its unclear how polkit is 'hard'. Now it *is* new, and I will concede
 you will have to read some manpages. However i don't think the
 concepts are difficult.

 Man pages won't help with polkit and it actually generally ships with no
 configs by default.

In Ubuntu Precise..

This contains machine and site specific configuration. Ubuntu ships a
configuration such that anyone in the 'sudo' group is a 'polkit admin'
and can take most actions by entering their (not roots) password.

This directory contains all available actions that polkit might auth.

for example, on ubuntu:
org.debian.apt.policy contains the policies for apt.

action id=org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages
  description gettext-domain=aptdaemonInstall or remove
  message gettext-domain=aptdaemonTo install or remove software,
you need to authenticate/message

All of this is explained in man polkit.

 There are plenty of helpers (pkcheck springs
 to mind) that assist the user in figuring out what is 'allowed'.

 I know about pkaction, the problem is that the actions tells you next to
 nothing about what is actually allowed. I 

Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-15 Thread Samuli Suominen

On 14/01/13 20:35, Kevin Chadwick wrote:

Debian having to patch KDE to use /etc for configs is simply wrong too.

huh huh, do you know if they have a fix for to stop KDE from destroying upstream 
polkit files?

Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-15 Thread Kevin Chadwick
  Debian having to patch KDE to use /etc for configs is simply wrong too.  
 huh huh, do you know if they have a fix for to stop KDE from destroying upstream 
 polkit files?

I don't, I just know that on Debian the configs are in /etc and the bug
you mention, comments was what caused me to comment.

Debian patches to make /etc/kde4 the config directory.

Of course it may just be that debians KDE hasn't got the polkit
rubbish as it is older.

I remember reading a while back that distros had some blunders in
writing secure sudoers files and so it was emptied. Is that true?

I still ascert that apps adding groups with NOPASSWD sudoers lines
perhaps even commented out by default in all or some cases is far
better than polkit for many reasons. Any counter argument can apply
to sudo too and rather easily.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-15 Thread Rich Freeman
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 5:25 AM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:

 I still ascert that apps adding groups with NOPASSWD sudoers lines
 perhaps even commented out by default in all or some cases is far
 better than polkit for many reasons. Any counter argument can apply
 to sudo too and rather easily.

I think you need to consider the use case for polkit and such.  I
believe they were focused on linux on the desktop.  Imagine you have
10,000 users running linux on the desktop.  Anybody can log into any
PC.  Do you want anybody to be able to remote login to any PC and
access the webcam and audio, or access local USB drives and such
(which do not have POSIX security applied to their filesystems)?
Unless sudo has some config setting that allows access only when
logged in via console it isn't really a solution.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names

2013-01-15 Thread Ian Stakenvicius
Hash: SHA256

On 14/01/13 09:48 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 01:25:01AM +0100, Peter Stuge wrote:
 William Hubbs wrote:
 I have a bug opened with the docs team and release engineering 
 to discuss whether we want the new names for new installs.
 IMO yes we do.
 What's that bug - or what is the good way to thumbs up/down?
 The focus of this bug really is how to document the new names in
 the handbook if they decide to go that way. The problem we will
 have is we don't know the names of the interfaces a user will see.

That's easy enough to deal with -- list a code block that says what
command to use to find out the iface names, and show an example of the

For that matter, if udev-197 goes stable it'll be included on the
livecd, right?  So a user's interface on the livecd will already be
set to the new naming scheme.

***OH***, that'll mean the livecd's config (or at least the openrc
oldnet portion) is going to need some work

Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-15 Thread Alec Warner
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 3:00 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 5:25 AM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:

 I still ascert that apps adding groups with NOPASSWD sudoers lines
 perhaps even commented out by default in all or some cases is far
 better than polkit for many reasons. Any counter argument can apply
 to sudo too and rather easily.

 I think you need to consider the use case for polkit and such.  I
 believe they were focused on linux on the desktop.  Imagine you have
 10,000 users running linux on the desktop.  Anybody can log into any
 PC.  Do you want anybody to be able to remote login to any PC and
 access the webcam and audio, or access local USB drives and such
 (which do not have POSIX security applied to their filesystems)?
 Unless sudo has some config setting that allows access only when
 logged in via console it isn't really a solution.


I manage 'thousands' of desktops at Google and we generally like
polkit. It is however, designed for graphical UI single-seat systems.
Its command line support sucks (they only added a CLI auth agent in
May) and it is not well adopted. Multi-user systems do not work well
with polkit. Certainly with polkit and dbus you can allow users to
take more specific action without complex wrappers, setuid scripts, or
sudo. My package manager can have a polkit action like 'install a
signed package' and I can grant the user access to do that, but not
access to install unsigned packages (root exploit there...) or run
other dangerous apt commands. It comes built into apt, so I don't have
to write extra wrappers.

I don't recommend letting anyone log into any desktop, from a security
policy POV :)


Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-15 Thread Kevin Chadwick
  Unless sudo has some config setting that allows access only when
  logged in via console it isn't really a solution.

man sudoers - /requiretty

 I manage 'thousands' of desktops at Google and we generally like

I never meant it is rubbish as such but I saw it as rediculously
inferior to sudo before I even read this.

 It is however, designed for graphical UI single-seat systems.
 Its command line support sucks (they only added a CLI auth agent in
 May) and it is not well adopted. Multi-user systems do not work well
 with polkit. Certainly with polkit and dbus you can allow users to
 take more specific action without complex wrappers, setuid scripts, or

Except you can't, it only encourages more coarse grained approaches,
less useful commands available and devs to learn an api rather than C
and simply moves code into a far less secure mechanism and increases the
chance that the code will not be well designed to the task at hand and
running as root. It can be a real pain to work out exactly what polkit
allows and you cannot just edit it to suit your application and it
completely ignores the existing unix security technologies with
brilliant track records.

You could try to argue that many eyes will look at a central piece of
code but in fact less implementations will likely mean less eyes and
just assumption that a guy who got JS through as a config language has
everything covered. Granted, unmaintained code running as root may be
higher with sudo but if it needs maintaining, should it be running as
root at all or is it actually simply doing too much.

 My package manager can have a polkit action like 'install a
 signed package' and I can grant the user access to do that, but not
 access to install unsigned packages (root exploit there...) or run
 other dangerous apt commands. It comes built into apt, so I don't have
 to write extra wrappers.

That would be the default and wouldn't even need the command line
argument control of sudo. Just allowing updates is apt-get update.

In fact I have a debian system where experimental iceweasel is
installable but nothing else. I have an Arch system where the only
kernel updateable is a signed by me when offline kernel and polkit is
disabled as I don't have the time to keep track of what it is
permitting and code comments weren't helpful there.

Sudo even supports regex!

p.s. apt should be downloading as an _apt user, simply as best
practice before adding polkit support ;-)


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-15 Thread Maxim Kammerer
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 9:43 PM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
 You could try to argue that many eyes will look at a central piece of
 code but in fact less implementations will likely mean less eyes and
 just assumption that a guy who got JS through as a config language has
 everything covered.

Still can't wrap my mind around that. A call into a multi-MB generic
language library (usually with JIT as well) on every PolKit action —
right, a good idea. I kind of liked PolKit before that change.

This is a major problem, there are other questionable choices that
raise the question whether developers are familiar with how things are
done on Unix:

 Sudo even supports regex!

Only glob patterns, and it's not too good at that.

Maxim Kammerer
Liberté Linux:

Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-15 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Tue, 15 Jan 2013 22:19:37 +0200
Maxim Kammerer wrote:

 This is a major problem, there are other questionable choices that
 raise the question whether developers are familiar with how things are
 done on Unix:

I have to confess that despite this being a serious matter that really
made me chuckle.

  Sudo even supports regex!  
 Only glob patterns, and it's not too good at that.

anonliberte = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown -[hr] now

sudo shutdown -h now - allowed
sudo shutdown -h now - allowed (probably shouldn't be)

It may not be perfect and is why I would love to see distros grow some
balls or perhaps more rightly packagers and embrace sudoers again but it
is far clearer what is allowed than polkit and I believe.

/sbin/shutdown -[h][r]

Would do what you want. You may need to test but I have never found a
command I couldn't add to sudoers.

After all it can only make the likes of Ubuntu and perhaps all in fact
more secure ;-)

Re: Debian patching KDE to use /etc for configuration (was: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names)

2013-01-15 Thread Alec Warner
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
  Unless sudo has some config setting that allows access only when
  logged in via console it isn't really a solution.

 man sudoers - /requiretty

 I manage 'thousands' of desktops at Google and we generally like

 I never meant it is rubbish as such but I saw it as rediculously
 inferior to sudo before I even read this.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but that is talking about a specific set
of problems that I don't think polkit was actually designed to
address. Polkit is basically for authenticating applications via
users, not the applications themselves. If I am running app foo, and
app foo wants to inhibit hibernation; polkit is there to ask 'hey is
antarus allowed to inhibit hibernation? Does antarus need to auth to
do so? Is antarus already authenticated? Now one may say 'hey but I
only want certain applications to hibernate' and while that may be an
interesting problem...I don't think the existing polkit intends to
solve it.

 It is however, designed for graphical UI single-seat systems.
 Its command line support sucks (they only added a CLI auth agent in
 May) and it is not well adopted. Multi-user systems do not work well
 with polkit. Certainly with polkit and dbus you can allow users to
 take more specific action without complex wrappers, setuid scripts, or

 Except you can't, it only encourages more coarse grained approaches,
 less useful commands available and devs to learn an api rather than C
 and simply moves code into a far less secure mechanism and increases the
 chance that the code will not be well designed to the task at hand and
 running as root. It can be a real pain to work out exactly what polkit
 allows and you cannot just edit it to suit your application and it
 completely ignores the existing unix security technologies with
 brilliant track records.

One could say that 'a discrete set of APIs will be no match for
the..fined grain control that is the command line!' I would agree. I
don't agree that this is a one-size fits all deal though. There can be
a command line AND an API. I'd rather grant my users 'access to the
install authenticated packages action' than have to own a complex sudo

I don't understand 'the APIs that coders will learn instead of C.' Can
you elaborate? Polkit has a C api...

I don't understand how the code will 'not be well designed to the
application at hand.' I mean ideally the API and the CLI are
essentially just wrappers around the same library of functions.

Its unclear how polkit is 'hard'. Now it *is* new, and I will concede
you will have to read some manpages. However i don't think the
concepts are difficult. There are plenty of helpers (pkcheck springs
to mind) that assist the user in figuring out what is 'allowed'. The
configuration for polkit is all in /usr/share and /etc. The configs
are configurable..again in /etc. This is not something I would term

 You could try to argue that many eyes will look at a central piece of
 code but in fact less implementations will likely mean less eyes and
 just assumption that a guy who got JS through as a config language has
 everything covered. Granted, unmaintained code running as root may be
 higher with sudo but if it needs maintaining, should it be running as
 root at all or is it actually simply doing too much.

Its not a matter of many-eyes. It is a matter of 'some other guy is in
charge of maintaining that component.' It means I can focus on stuff
that matters, and not focus on 'wrappers to make random things work.'
Is the polkit maintain any less 'trustworthy' than the gnome
maintainers? the kde maintainers? the kernel maintainers? At the end
of the day my machines are running software from thousands of

 My package manager can have a polkit action like 'install a
 signed package' and I can grant the user access to do that, but not
 access to install unsigned packages (root exploit there...) or run
 other dangerous apt commands. It comes built into apt, so I don't have
 to write extra wrappers.

 That would be the default and wouldn't even need the command line
 argument control of sudo. Just allowing updates is apt-get update.

Er, apt-get update downloads new Packages files, it doesn't install
any additional software. apt-get *upgrade* will. These are separate

 In fact I have a debian system where experimental iceweasel is
 installable but nothing else. I have an Arch system where the only
 kernel updateable is a signed by me when offline kernel and polkit is
 disabled as I don't have the time to keep track of what it is
 permitting and code comments weren't helpful there.

Look if you don't trust polkit, or you dislike it, or you just don't
have time to understand how it works; that is cool. 18 months ago I
was in the same camp. Polkit is not 

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names

2013-01-14 Thread Peter Stuge
Steven J. Long wrote:
 What I'm not in favour of is making the simple cases more
 difficult, to deal with the complex ones. It's completely
 brain-dead thinking.

This is exactly what some people think or say when they learn that I
use Gentoo.

I appreciate Gentoo because I am able and willing to control my system.

Users of other distributions are either not able or not willing or
both, and thus they find Gentoo completely brain-dead. That's fine.

I don't have to care about them when deciding what I will run.

I hope the analogy is clear.

If the kernel changes it's network device naming policy, please talk
to the kernel developers - it seems counterproductive to expect that
some distribution will bend far f-ing backwards in order to provide
you the same experience that you were used to with the old kernel.

It seems equally counterproductive to expect or demand that udev will
change (or not change) the way you want it to, if you are not one of
the core developers.

William is packaging upstream udev for Gentoo.

You are shooting the messenger.

If you do not like what udev is doing, then step in and PARTICIPATE
in that project, or in one of the competing projects. (I wish there
wouldn't be so much fragmentation, but the NIH syndrome is mighty.)

The task of distributions is to deliver a composite of upstreams.

The task of distributions is NOT to deliver an immutable system where
internals are magically updated with all the latest developments and
fixes, except for all the latest developments that make any sort of
visible change because those require an administrator to work.

I think that if you have a requirement for an extremely stable
environment, to the point where network interface names matter,
then you need to take significant responsibility to *create* that
environment *yourself*. You can't really rely on distributions to
do that for you - that's not part of their value proposition.

I would suggest to leverage the fantastic Gentoo tools and portage,
in order to create your own distribution which suits your needs.

Open source is only ever successful when you own your problems.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names

2013-01-14 Thread Kevin Chadwick
 William is packaging upstream udev for Gentoo.
 You are shooting the messenger.

I expect there is 0 blame meant for William. 


Is it William that Lennart dished some blame in the direction of. I
completely disagree. It's not the job of every distro to look for all
build flags to fix some software's defaults because other software has
some small issues. That's simply ludicrous and my best guess is it
being a feeble attempt at reasoning an excuse. At the very least and
like in many release notes, it should have been made clear that distros
may wish to consider using that flag to keep the current behaviour
whether any reason to do was understood or not. The thought strikes me
now that in the reverse case their likely wouldn't be any justification
for having a build flag?

Debian having to patch KDE to use /etc for configs is simply wrong too.

You are right though, I don't suppose it helps much airing any of it


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names

2013-01-14 Thread William Hubbs
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 06:04:01AM +, Steven J. Long wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 William Hubbs wrote:
  Steven J. Long wrote:
   If you're certain that every user with a current simple setup, who
   uses the kernel default names, and has such a firewall setup isn't
   going to suddenly find their interface name changed when they reboot,
   fair play to you. If not, allow the admin to opt-in, rather than force
   them to opt-out when something breaks.
  The following is taken from the wiki:
  You basically have three options: 
 3 options that all require an admin opt-in to keep their existing
  config running
 There you go: the exact wrong way to do it. As Poettering might say:
 C'mon man, seriously? (whiny voice and pleading looks)

If you have read this thread at all, you see that when you upgrade to
udev-197, I create a file, /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules on
your system.

Now, go and compare that fact to the wiki page and tell me if I'm not
setting you up to be opted out of this by default.

There is a separate issue, which is new installs. I have a bug opened
with the docs team and release engineering to discuss whether we want
the new names for new installs.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names

2013-01-14 Thread Peter Stuge
William Hubbs wrote:
 I have a bug opened with the docs team and release engineering
 to discuss whether we want the new names for new installs.

IMO yes we do.

What's that bug - or what is the good way to thumbs up/down?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names

2013-01-14 Thread William Hubbs
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 01:25:01AM +0100, Peter Stuge wrote:
 William Hubbs wrote:
  I have a bug opened with the docs team and release engineering
  to discuss whether we want the new names for new installs.
 IMO yes we do.
 What's that bug - or what is the good way to thumbs up/down?

The focus of this bug really is how to document the new names in the
handbook if they decide to go that way. The problem we will have is we
don't know the names of the interfaces a user will see.


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names

2013-01-13 Thread Steven J. Long
On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 William Hubbs wrote:
 Steven J. Long wrote:
  Obviously it's good to have the functionality should you need it, but
  again it appears that simple cases are being made complex, just to allow
  for someone else's complex cases. Which is faulty logic.
  While many packages have default configurations, changing the default
  setup for base system packages in the absence of any configuration is
  not generally a good idea, unless you know for a fact it's not going to
  mess anything up (which is a big ask given that you're distributing
  Especially given the arguments presented as a motivation, that all this
  has serious security implications, for example in firewall rules which
  are coded for certain naming schemes, and which are hence very sensitive
  to unpredictable changing names.
 Isn't this the very definition of the kernel-based names?

Not if you read what Christopher wrote in his reply to you:

  Christopher Head wrote:
   But given a
   simple computer with just one NIC, if the NIC fails and is replaced
   (perhaps by a different type of NIC in a different slot, or perhaps an
   onboard NIC disabled in the BIOS and replaced by an add-in), the name
   could change, while the kernel's automatically assigned name will not:
   eth0 (this also applies to a computer with one Ethernet NIC and one
   wifi NIC: eth0 and wlan0). That fact was never mentioned on the wiki.

Amazingly convenient. Anyone would think the kernel devs had gone through this
themselves! ;)

IME that setup describes pretty much every end-user desktop or laptop computer
I've come across, except the *very* occasional analyst with 2 NICs, and users
I don't count as end-users-- in whose name all the awful hackage is supposedly
carried out.

 if you do not
 have a persistent net rules file, you are subject to the kernel's naming
 order, and I have heard of situations in the past when people upgrade
 their kernels, etc, and when they reboot their interface names are
 changed around.

Yes, I've heard of that too, and I'm all for giving them the ability to
set things up exactly how they like, just like I've always been in favour
of an initrd *if* you need it (or are a binary distro.) Granted that's always
meant encrypted rootfs to me, but a bluetooth keyboard is just as valid: it's
the user's choice/system, give them what they need to set it up and run it (and
leave you alone.)

What I'm not in favour of is making the simple cases more difficult, to deal
with the complex ones. It's completely brain-dead thinking.

More importantly, advances in the code don't change the principle:
 you don't break backward compatibility for a default install;
 you don't require people to opt into anything in order to keep their
existing config running, MOST especially if they have not even tweaked anything.
You put out the last version, so if something's not supported in the new one,
you write code to handle the change gracefully, if it's needed.

Or you get a well-earnt basting.

I guess in distro context you have to allow: unless it's a whole new
package, or at worst a major version change. But the principle still
applies, *more* stringently to a coder than a distro packager, irrespective
of how people learning nowadays might carry on.

Or just give up any pretence of caring about your users (and where I come
from, the majority of the pay that you nearly burnt-out to earn, since you
have to cover another 2 or 3 months of remedial work caused by your own

  If you're certain that every user with a current simple setup, who
  uses the kernel default names, and has such a firewall setup isn't
  going to suddenly find their interface name changed when they reboot,
  fair play to you. If not, allow the admin to opt-in, rather than force
  them to opt-out when something breaks.
 The following is taken from the wiki:
 You basically have three options: 
3 options that all require an admin opt-in to keep their existing
 config running

There you go: the exact wrong way to do it. As Poettering might say:
C'mon man, seriously? (whiny voice and pleading looks)

Honestly, the guy's a complete amateur.
#friendly-coders -- Where you can unwind when some nub starts throwing
the word integration around.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Re: call for testers: udev predictable network interface names

2013-01-13 Thread Steven J. Long
 Kevin Chadwick wrote:
  again it appears that simple cases are being made complex, just to allow
  for someone else's complex cases. Which is faulty logic.
 It's a welcome option but an important question seems to be; Why wasn't
 this picked up in the dev cycle?.

That would require consequences when borkage was put out, beyond just releasing
new binaries. Something like having to go and personally reboot and reconfigure
all the hosts that didn't work because of the lack of thinking.
 The kernel wouldn't tolerate this kind of breakage

Exactly. Or imagine glibc requiring coders to do even a half of what end-users
and admins have had to go through to get their machines working after Lennart's
pressed enter.

 and I really hope I never see linux userland as
 dependent on IPC as minix is or as broken without IPC as windows is
 without RPC.
 I take the unarguably more secure well setup sudoers and useful small
 tools anyone can use or take code from over polkit anyday.

Yeah, and PAM is a lovely invention. Dominique, who does a lot of the work
on pro-audio overlay, saved me from nubkit thankfully[1]- it even makes things
faster for some reason, which wasn't at all why I went ahead with it. Nothing
like the speedup from losing semantic-craptop, of course.
 'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
 together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
 universal interface'
 (Doug McIlroy)

 Do the simplest thing that could possibly work.

 First make it work. Then make it work right. Then make it faster.

My all time favourite:

 When in doubt, use brute force. Thompson


[1] *kit free system [lxde kde gnome-2.32]
#friendly-coders -- We're friendly, but we're not /that/ friendly ;-)