[gentoo-user] problems with console in 2.6

2004-01-31 Thread Black Hand

i upgrade my system to 2.6.2 some time ago with mixed feelings, but
is working well. or almost.

i have a little problem, and is with my charset in the vt1 (the first
text screen) in the other ones i have the correct charset (spanish 
áéíóú ñ ... symbols) but in vt1 i don't have this one. this occur when
i update the kernel to 2.6.2 (gentoo-dev) from 2.4.23-ck.

any ideas? i check the localize guide and before was working well, only
when i update to 2.6 the problem appear

Black Hand
Amiga Addicts

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] HiZ PpL

2003-12-08 Thread Black Hand

i am a amigan (Amithlon box) for years and now a GNU/Linux/Debian user 
from some months.
i go to Debian because i dislike RedHat "Windows-Like" style to do the 
things and because
the Debian distro is very estimated for some ex-amigan users that now 
use GNU/Linux. I
like Debian too, i upgrade my system to Sid and i don't regret.

But i like to test Gentoo now, i read several opinions about this from 
loyal fanatics (that
remember to me to some facccions of the other-times great Amiga 
comunity) to ppl that
dislike this (that i thing come from the 
click-install-cool-window-config world).

I have the next setup

AMD Duron 900 Mhz, 512MB RAM, 20GB HD (10GB are going to try Gentoo if i 
like to do)
i have in my hoem network an AthlonXP 2400+ machine with 512MB DDR RAM 
with WinXP installed
(brother machine) and i like to try and test if i can use distcc with 
cygwin (i don't have
any experience with cywin, the redhat name scare me)

i have a live CD with stage1 tarball.

my target: a GNU/Linux installation with Gnome2.4, OpenOffice, Mozilla 
multimedia (stupid word, invented for the ppl that never see an Amiga in 
the 80s) tools like
xine with win32 codecs, developer environment (Glade, java, and 
obviously c++), this is my
actual Debian system

i have the next questions

- i like to set cygwin in the athlon machine to use this one for build 
my system, i only
need the base package and the devel package in cygwin? someone try this 
really for build
a gentoo system? i can set the cygwin box to be used from the beginning, 
this is, from
buidling the stage1 tarball?

- exist precompiled binaries for gnome2.4 and openoffice? and if i use 
Precompiled binaries
can i recompile the same versions, for example i install precompiled 
binaries for gnome and
openoffice, and after i reinstall the same packages, now from sources, 
is this posible with
gentoo? is transparent or i need to manually remove the installed 
packages and install the
sources? i like if you can give some examples.

- example: i install mozilla from the sources, after i remove this one 
from my system.
some time again i like to install again mozilla (same version, not new 
one) i need to download
again the sources and recompile? how i can made a binary package (local 
in my sytem) that i can
use for reinstall mozilla instead of download and build again? i have 
for example almost 1 GB
of donwloaded .deb packages that permit to me a faster install/reinstall 
of several things
in my debian system for test and try. if i have a binary cache or a 
source cache is this
organized in one place?

- i can use another system apart from devfs? this one is going to be 
deprecated in the future
and i like to know if this is contemplated now for the gentoo ppl.

- some gentoo user and ex-amigan that is using uae? how is going?

- i have a strange problem with gxine in debian. some times fail 
(segment fault)when i try to put
gxine in full screen mode. i reinstall gxine in debian with apt-build 
(from sources, optimized) and
the problem remains. someone have the same problem with gentoo?

- aprox how many time do you estimate that i am going to invest to build 
my system? if the time
is going to be some weeks, i need to know to plan my time from now to 
christmas/new year/next year :)

i wait that i can have a good experience with gentoo. from the Amiga 
world i learn to be exigent with
my system, know where/how/why the things are installed/configured in my 
machine, i think that
"be amigan" is have a computer live philosophy that i like to maintain 
know like a GNU user, and maybe
like a gentoo user too :)

Salu2 a to2

Black Hand
Amiga Addicts

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] continue the install

2003-12-10 Thread Black Hand
Well, after meditating, i decide to

don't try cygwin install in the Athlon of my brother, at least not by now.

i decide to install gentoo, in both machines, in my Duron, native and in
the Athlon that run always windows, under VMWare4.
both install will start in stage1. the athlonXP 2400+ only will have the
esential install to become a distcc node for my machine. i reduce almost
all the options in the vmware session to obtain best speed. In any case
this first install will serve to me to learn some things about the install
process before i made the install in my system.
to Jason Stubs: two weeks to install? well i am going to pass a merry
christmas install gentoo. a happy christmas to me :)
the install process in the athlon is made from my machine via secure shell
with this one i don't disturb the work in the athlon.
only a question more

which gcc version do you recommend to me? recently i update Debian sid
and the gcc compiler was updated to a pre-release 3.3.3 version that is 
i recompile my kernel/nvidia/alsa modules and slowdown some things in my 
which gcc version give in your opinion best results 
(speed/stability/etc) in
your systems?

Black Hand
Amiga Addicts
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo installation: compile fails

2003-12-29 Thread Black Hand
Michael Spohn wrote:

I tried to install Gentoo from stage 1 2 and 3 foolowing the very good
installation docs but in all cases different programs refuse to compile
with more or less the same error message:
{Standard Input} Assembler messages
{Standard Input} Error: Suffix or operands invalid for `movd'
When starting with stage1 it was gettext that did not compile and IIRC
after stage 3 was ppp that refused to compile with the same error
are you using distcc?? be sure to use the *exact same* gcc version for 
all the machines in the network
Black Hand

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list