Re: [gentoo-user] Re: update all installed packages - emerge -uDpv world (don't work)

2003-08-14 Thread CrPy
Hi Robert,

Am Dienstag, 5. August 2003 21:56 schrieb Robert Kruus:
 But how often would you want to update all the packages on your system?  
 Look at the output of emerge --depclean -p to see how many packages are
 The emerge --deep -upv  takes care of  most those files not listed in
 the world file but needed by installed packages.  The emerge -e can be used
 to update all the dependencies of a given package if you want to do that.
  And finally, the emerge -upv (qpkg -I -nc) takes care of all the installed
 packages. It really just depends how much time you want to spend with your
 computer recompiling things that aren't broken/up to date..

I get it now! The description of depclean was the information I needed. The 
worldfile are only contain the packages are explizit installed. But 
nevertheless, their should be an option to scan the world file recursive.

e.g. There is package called A which have a critical bug and is not listed in 
the world file. Moreover it doesn't belongs to a package in the world file.

This package will never be updated unless you do it explicitly.

If I'am wrong please correct me!


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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: update all installed packages - emerge -uDpv world (don't work)

2003-08-07 Thread CrPy

Am Dienstag, 5. August 2003 17:31 schrieb Robert Kruus:
 It is rumored that CrPy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi ml,
  Am Montag, 4. August 2003 12:51 schrieb CrPy:
   there are a concern, I like to have cleared and dicussed.
   1. Why does
   emerge -upv $(qpkg -I -nc) != emerge -uDpv world?
   The first try to update all packages. All installed package are
   updated. The second try to update all packages in world  'deep'. But
   the irst and the second are not the same. World 'deep' is less than
   $(qpkg -I -nc).
   Where is my mistake, or is it a bug? BTW regenworld don't change
  Are there nobody interessed in? Or what ... ?!?
  Maybe I do not understand what world mean. But as far as I can see not
  all installed packages are in world.

   That's right, the system packages are not included in world.  They would
 however be included in the qpkg -I command.
   IFAIK, dependencies for emerged packages also do not necessarily end up in
 the world file (i.e. if you and install of gentoo then do emerge gnome
 ...), but I'm not sure about that, though they should get caught with the
 -D option.

Thanks of reply :)

OK. Thats true. But I think it is a bug. Because all the packages that are not 
updated by emerge -uDpv world, are in the list of emerge -e world. Thats 
strange isn't it?

It would be fine if same guys of there, would try if the output of 
emerge -upv $(qpkg -I -nc) is different output than emerge -uDpv world.
If so, take a look if these package are in the output of emerge -e world.

So if there is a different between emerge -upv $(qpkg -I -nc) and emerge -uDpv 
world and the package are in emerge -e world, then it should be a bug in the 
update mechanism of portage. Or I'am wrong?


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[gentoo-user] Re: update all installed packages - emerge -uDpv world (don't work)

2003-08-05 Thread CrPy
Hi ml,

Am Montag, 4. August 2003 12:51 schrieb CrPy:

 there are a concern, I like to have cleared and dicussed.

 1. Why does
 emerge -upv $(qpkg -I -nc) != emerge -uDpv world?
 The first try to update all packages. All installed package are updated.
 The second try to update all packages in world  'deep'. But the irst and
 the second are not the same. World 'deep' is less than $(qpkg -I -nc).

 Where is my mistake, or is it a bug? BTW regenworld don't change anything


Are there nobody interessed in? Or what ... ?!?

Maybe I do not understand what world mean. But as far as I can see not all 
installed packages are in world.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] update all installed packages - emerge -uDpv world (don't work)

2003-08-04 Thread CrPy

there are a concern, I like to have cleared and dicussed.

1. Why does
emerge -upv $(qpkg -I -nc) != emerge -uDpv world?
The first try to update all packages. All installed package are updated.
The second try to update all packages in world  'deep'. But the irst and the 
second are not the same. World 'deep' is less than $(qpkg -I -nc).

Where is my mistake, or is it a bug? BTW regenworld don't change anything


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Re: [gentoo-user] OT: Good NFS for laptop?

2003-07-31 Thread CrPy
Hi donnie,

Am Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 08:23 schrieb donnie berkholz:
 As it turns out, rsync is quite a useful tool for this, although it's
 obviously not a filesystem.

 In my ~/.bashrc:
 alias home-up=rsync -avz -e ssh --exclude downloads/ ~/ master:~/
 alias home-down=rsync -avz -e ssh --delete --exclude downloads/ --exclude
 ogg/ music/ master:~/ ~/

 I type 'home-down' when I'm taking my laptop away, and 'home-up' when I
 bring it back to sync with other things. I don't care to have a bunch of
 stuff cluttering up my laptop so I exclude a few directories when

did you know unison? You should take a look!


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Re: [gentoo-user] Problems connecting to internet

2003-07-23 Thread CrPy
Hi ml,

 cat /etc/resolve.conf

Looks good. Maybe use a second one.


 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:90:27:BB:34:3E
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::290:27ff:febb:343e/10 Scope:Link
   RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:436 (436.0 b)  TX bytes:1093 (1.0 Kb)
   Interrupt:11 Base address:0x5000

 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

OK. Your Net-Device is up and configured.

 Route -n
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface   U 0  00
 eth0 UG1  0   
 0 eth0

The routes are OK as well. = take a look at your router and try to ping a 
IP-address e.g. your nameserver.

Is it possible with other maschiens to use the router?


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Re: [gentoo-user] Problems connecting to internet

2003-07-23 Thread CrPy
Hi ml,

Am Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2003 10:42 schrieb Michael Schreckenbauer:

 Am Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2003 09:30 schrieb CrPy:
  Hi ml,
   cat /etc/resolve.conf
  Looks good. Maybe use a second one.

 Sorry for jumping in, but shouldn't this one be /etc/resolv.conf (without
 the 'e')?

Yes, of course. I haven't seen it. I don't look at at file names. But pinging 
with IP's should work, if this was the problem, what it is probably.



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Re: [gentoo-user] Starting Zope via xinetd

2003-07-15 Thread CrPy

Am Montag, 14. Juli 2003 18:14 schrieb Thorsten Kampe:

 I want to start Zope on my one computer via xinetd. This is obviously
 not as trivial as [1] as the startup scripts /etc/init.d/zope-2_6_1
 and /etc/conf.d/zope-2_6_1 are rather long and complicated.

 Does anyone know how to achieve this?


 [1] service zope
 port= 8080
 socket_type = stream
 protocol= tcp
 wait= no
 user= zope
 server  = python

Where shoud python search? Try to use the full path to $ZOPE_HOME

 server_args = whatever
 disable = no

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Re: [gentoo-user] [DEBATE] Gentoo on laptops

2003-07-12 Thread CrPy
Hi ng,

Am Freitag, 11. Juli 2003 14:36 schrieb MAL:
 ext3 can also be set to commit the journal less frequently, (30 mins
 instead of 5 mins).  To be honest though, unless you want the hard drive
 to sit in power saving mode all the time, the small write required to
 write a journal every 5 minutes will use almost no power.

That is afaik not correct. The min should be seconds and e.g. noflushd doesn't 
work with journaling filesystems. It is right that you can change the commit 
frequency (afaik since 2.4.20), but this don't really solve the problem, with 

I hope this helps. If you like to use noflushd you should you ext2, which is 
rock solid, but don't have journaling support.


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Re: [gentoo-user] File Sharing between Linuxes

2003-07-01 Thread CrPy
Hi ng,

I like shfs, which is secure as well. You only need a sshd runningon the box 
you like to mount. If you only like to copy a file I would use scp. = ssh + 
sshd is all you need.


Am Dienstag, 1. Juli 2003 18:18 schrieb Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Cantante de 
 Hi all,

 I have two computers running gentoo and they are connected through
 network cards. How can I share files between them?

 Best regards,

 Paulo J. Matos

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Re: [gentoo-user] iptables error?

2003-06-21 Thread CrPy

ip_conntrack_tftp.o != ip_conntrack_ftp.o

You need to activate the module in your kernel config.


Am Samstag, 21. Juni 2003 02:09 schrieb Jorge Almeida:
 On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, Norbert Kamenicky wrote:
  Jorge Almeida wrote:
  unable to load module ip_conntrack_ftp
  ip_nat_ftp: error registering helper for port 21
  Can somebody tell me what this means? I'm using kernel 2.4.21 vanilla.
  Let's have look to /lib/modules/2.4.21/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter   if
  you have these modules ...
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

 localhost root # ls /lib/modules/2.4.21/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter

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Re: [gentoo-user] iptables error?

2003-06-21 Thread CrPy
Hi Jorge,

there is no Problem, because you have it in your Kernel and not as Module. 
This means that shorewall fails to load it as module.

You have to do one of this:
1. live with the error message.
2. configure it as module (kernel)
3. change the shorewall skript

I would prefer to make it as module, to have a minimalistic kernel.


Am Samstag, 21. Juni 2003 11:45 schrieb Jorge Almeida:
 On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, CrPy wrote:
  ip_conntrack_tftp.o != ip_conntrack_ftp.o
  You need to activate the module in your kernel config.

 Well, it seems that it should be there! Maybe some option of uninformative
 name is missing ...

 localhost root # ls /lib/modules/2.4.21/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter|grep ftp

 localhost root # cat /usr/src/linux/.config|grep CONN

 localhost root # cat /usr/src/linux/.config|grep FTP

 localhost root # ls -l /usr/src
 total 26844
 lrwxr-xr-x1 root root   12 Jun 20 21:50 linux -
 linux-2.4.21 (...)

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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: extend a running shell command

2003-06-19 Thread CrPy
Hi ng,

first of all thanks for the discussion.

I'm think that there is no build-in function in bash, now. I thougth there 
could be an key-combination to handle that, like the ctrlz (of course you 
do not need alt). Moreover I think this could really be a security issue.

The trick with the shell script could work of course, but it is not so nifty I 
thougth it would be. ;-)

To extend a running command, we have found some solutions that are working I 
think. But to edit an entered command line is tricky and not trivial. The 
only solution I see is to extend the shell functionallity. Maybe there is an 
other shell that have this bug/feature, but don't know one.



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Re: [gentoo-user] iputils

2003-06-19 Thread CrPy
Am Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2003 23:34 schrieb yLothar:
 * DATA  mercoledì 18 giugno 2003
 * ORA   23:06

 [] Finne Boonen [] #USE=acpiacpi4linux   docevogb
 [] Finne Boonen [] gnomedb  mozacces  mozcalendar  mozinterfacecompose
 [] Finne Boonen [] moznocompose  moznoirc  moznomail  moznoxft  mozp3p
 [] Finne Boonen [] mozsvg mozxmlterm nas vim-with-x -cups -kde
 [] Finne Boonen []
 [] Finne Boonen [] to
 [] Finne Boonen []
 [] Finne Boonen [] USE = gnome moznocompose moznomail
 [] Finne Boonen []
 [] Finne Boonen [] but don't really know wich one did the trick :(

 I guess it's nas...

No it is doc.

USE=-doc emerge -u iputils


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[gentoo-user] extend a running shell command

2003-06-18 Thread CrPy
Hi ng,

I'm using linux for many years, but there is a concern I have never solved.

Assuming, I have a command running in my nice bash shell and I do not know, 
how long it will run. Now, I like to append an additional command , which 
starts running after the first command has finished. How can I do this? Or is 
it possible to do this at all? - After all it is Open Source ;-)

Here us an simplified example of what I want to do:
# sleep 100h

How long will it run? OK, I know it. But now, I like to halt my maschine after 
the command has finished. And actually what I really want to have is this:
# sleep 100h; halt

Can I somehow extend the command line, after sleep is already running?



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[gentoo-user] Re: extend a running shell command

2003-06-18 Thread CrPy
Hi ng,

sorry, but I think you don't get the problem. Type 
sleep 100h Enter
in your shell. And now don't kill it or stop it. Now imagine that you actually 
forgot what you really wanted: To halt the machine after the program (that 
already runs and may be it will need to run for some hours because it is a 
compile process or similar). And imagine that you don't want to sit all the 
time behind your computer and wait until the program finishes to be able to 
halt the computer. So, what I want is, to append to the aready running 
command line a new command without stopping the old (because then it would 
have to start it from the beginning). I think, it would be ok to suspend the 
running program temporarily and to resume it after a short time where I 
append the additional command to it.

After all it should look like i never executed
sleep 100h
sleep 100h; halt

One solution I have is to suspend the command with ctrlaltz and type
fg; halt

But what if I have a longer queue of commands and I like to edit the command 

make clean  make dep  make bzImage  make module  make modules_install

And now I see that I have a typo in the line (the make module - make 
modules). How can I change the entered command line while excuting this 
command line?

Sorry, it was not easy for me to explain it in a way that somebody else could 
understand it. Maybe it is more clear now.



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