Re: [gentoo-user] Access device on network

2017-02-17 Thread thelma
On 02/17/2017 02:31 PM, Fernando Rodriguez wrote:
> On 02/12/2017 12:59 PM, wrote:
>> On 02/12/2017 04:26 AM, Adam Carter wrote:
>>> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:07 PM, >> > wrote:
>>> On 02/12/2017 01:01 AM,
>>>  wrote:
>>> > My local network is -
>>> >
>>> > I have an external device that is pre-set from factory to 
>>> and I need to access to it via browser to change its network 
>>> setting.
>>> > So I do:
>>> > ifconfig net0:1 up
>>> >
>>> > nmap -sn 
>>> >
>>> > Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2017-02-12 00:54 MST
>>> > Nmap scan report for
>>> > Host is up (0.00015s latency).
>>> > MAC Address: 00:09:45:41:73:D1 (Palmmicro Communications)
>>> > Nmap scan report for
>>> > Host is up.
>>> > Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 3.78 seconds
>>> >
>>> > The device is showing up but I can not ping it, 100% packet loss.
>>> ifconfig is showing:
> Try 12345678 and read the manual [1] (I think this is it).
> Try the phone keypad configuration method to set the ip.
> [1]

The access was:
user: root
password: test

But this device is poorly constructed. I was not able to register it
with asterisk.


Re: [gentoo-user] virtualbox-guest-additions

2017-02-17 Thread Alan McKinnon
On 18/02/2017 00:08, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Are the virtualbox-guest-additions on portage for folks who are
> running VirtualBox vms on there gentoo OS?
> Or are they for a Vbox vm where gentoo is being installed, and the
> host is something else.

* app-emulation/virtualbox-guest-additions
 Available versions:  4.3.38 (~)4.3.40 (~)5.0.16 (~)5.0.30 5.0.32
(~)5.1.12 (~)5.1.14 {X KERNEL="linux"}
 Description: VirtualBox kernel modules and user-space tools
for Gentoo guests

So it is the latter

> I ask, because I'm installing gentoo into a vm on a windows host.
> I've done this quite a few times.
> And the vbox pkg that gets installed on windows always has the
> guest-additions supplied internally.
> That is I've installed the virtualbox-guest-additions from the vbox
> package installed on the win10 host.
> Or is it expected that for gentoo, one is to install the
> guest-additions thru portage (when the host is not gentoo)

Err no, that would be impossible (for all practical intent)

> Jesus, that sounds complicated.
> All I'm trying to ask is if you are installing a vbox vm with gentoo
> os in a non-gentoo host are you expected to install the
> guest-additions thru portage.

You install virtualbox-guest-additions on a Gentoo guest VM.
What is running on the host is irrelevant

Alan McKinnon

[gentoo-user] virtualbox-guest-additions

2017-02-17 Thread Harry Putnam
Are the virtualbox-guest-additions on portage for folks who are
running VirtualBox vms on there gentoo OS?

Or are they for a Vbox vm where gentoo is being installed, and the
host is something else.

I ask, because I'm installing gentoo into a vm on a windows host.
I've done this quite a few times.

And the vbox pkg that gets installed on windows always has the
guest-additions supplied internally.

That is I've installed the virtualbox-guest-additions from the vbox
package installed on the win10 host.

Or is it expected that for gentoo, one is to install the
guest-additions thru portage (when the host is not gentoo)

Jesus, that sounds complicated.

All I'm trying to ask is if you are installing a vbox vm with gentoo
os in a non-gentoo host are you expected to install the
guest-additions thru portage.

Re: [gentoo-user] Access device on network

2017-02-17 Thread Fernando Rodriguez
On 02/12/2017 12:59 PM, wrote:
> On 02/12/2017 04:26 AM, Adam Carter wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:07 PM, > > wrote:
>> On 02/12/2017 01:01 AM,
>>  wrote:
>> > My local network is -
>> >
>> > I have an external device that is pre-set from factory to 
>> and I need to access to it via browser to change its network 
>> setting.
>> > So I do:
>> > ifconfig net0:1 up
>> >
>> > nmap -sn 
>> >
>> > Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2017-02-12 00:54 MST
>> > Nmap scan report for
>> > Host is up (0.00015s latency).
>> > MAC Address: 00:09:45:41:73:D1 (Palmmicro Communications)
>> > Nmap scan report for
>> > Host is up.
>> > Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 3.78 seconds
>> >
>> > The device is showing up but I can not ping it, 100% packet loss.
>> ifconfig is showing:
>> net0:1: flags=4163  mtu 1500
>> inet  netmask  broadcast
>> ether 00:1b:21:b8:27:b6  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>> device interrupt 16  memory 0xfddc-fdde
>> Are both 192.168.1 devices on the same layer 2 segment (if not it wont
>> work).
>> arp -a will show if the IP address was resolvable to a MAC address, If
>> it says  you have a layer two problem.
> Thank you all for your input.
> The device is a tiny PA168V phone gateway. I was able to connect to via
> browser interface but it had a password set in (which I don't have it
> anymore). So I decided to reset to factory default and its factory
> default IP is
> The device has a WAN and LAN line.
> When I reset it according to their instructions I on line line get and
> IP as
> but there are no ports open.
> nmap -A -T4 -Pn -vvv
> Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2017-02-12 10:46 MST
> NSE: Loaded 118 scripts for scanning.
> NSE: Script Pre-scanning.
> NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 2) scan.
> NSE: Starting runlevel 2 (of 2) scan.
> Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 10:46
> Scanning [1 port]
> Completed ARP Ping Scan at 10:46, 0.21s elapsed (1 total hosts)
> Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 10:46
> Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 10:46, 0.00s elapsed
> DNS resolution of 1 IPs took 0.00s. Mode: Async [#: 1, OK: 0, NX: 1, DR:
> 0, SF: 0, TR: 1, CN: 0]
> Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 10:46
> Scanning [1000 ports]
> Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 10:47, 21.07s elapsed (1000 total ports)
> Initiating Service scan at 10:47
> Initiating OS detection (try #1) against
> Retrying OS detection (try #2) against
> NSE: Script scanning
> NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 2) scan.
> Initiating NSE at 10:47
> Completed NSE at 10:47, 0.00s elapsed
> NSE: Starting runlevel 2 (of 2) scan.
> Nmap scan report for
> Host is up (0.00012s latency).
> All 1000 scanned ports on are filtered
> MAC Address: 00:09:45:41:73:D1 (Palmmicro Communications)
> Too many fingerprints match this host to give specific OS details
> TCP/IP fingerprint:
> SCAN(V=6.47%E=4%D=2/12%OT=%CT=%CU=%PV=Y%DS=1%DC=D%G=N%M=000945%TM=58A09F9F%P=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
> U1(R=N)
> IE(R=N)
> Network Distance: 1 hop
> 1 0.12 ms
> NSE: Script Post-scanning.
> NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 2) scan.
> NSE: Starting runlevel 2 (of 2) scan.
> Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
> OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results
> at .
> Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 24.38 seconds
> ---
> arp -a
> ? ( at  on net0
> DD-WRT ( at 90:e6:ba:2e:ec:5c [ether] on net0
> ? ( at 00:09:45:41:73:d1 [ether] on net0
> ? ( at  on net0
> ? ( at 38:d5:47:7e:61:52 [ether] on net0
> VOIP_TA1S1O ( at 00:09:45:41:73:d1 [ether] on net0
> SipuraSPA ( at 00:0e:08:ca:17:b3 [ether] on net0
> -
> When I boot and try WAN port the device gets two local IP from DHCP, and
> I see two ports open on IP: (WAN)
> 23/tcp open  telnet?
> 80/tcp open  http
> But I need to ask the manufacture what is the password, the default
> suppose be be: 1234
> Maybe I didn't reset it completely

Try 12345678 and read the manual [1] (I think this is it).
Try the phone keypad configuration method to set the ip.


> --
> Thelma


Fernando Rodriguez

[gentoo-user] Re: [SOLVED] How to force a rebuild?

2017-02-17 Thread Kai Krakow
Am Thu, 16 Feb 2017 02:36:42 +0100
schrieb Bertram Scharpf :

> On Wednesday, 15. Feb 2017, 19:27:26 +0100, Johannes Rosenberger
> wrote:
> > On 15.02.2017 19:10, Bertram Scharpf wrote:  
> > > I did not find this by Google. Maybe I asked the wrong
> > > terms.
> > >
> > > The package "virtualbox-modules" contains some kernel
> > > modules. When I built the package they landed in the
> > > directory
> > >
> > >   # equery f
> > > app-emulation/virtualbox-modules ...
> > >   /lib/modules/4.4.39-gentoo/misc/vboxdrv.ko
> > >   /lib/modules/4.4.39-gentoo/misc/vboxnetadp.ko
> > >   ...
> > >
> > > After a kernel update the VirtualBox won't find them any
> > > more and do not expect that at all.
> > >
> > > I could delete the package and build-install it again, but
> > > then the old kernels modules would disappear. I just want
> > > to install the new ones.
> > >
> > > I could do a sequence of "ebuild" commands. Is there a
> > > front end "emerge" command, too? Something like the -U flag?   
> > 
> > emerge @module-rebuild
> > 
> > (find out via 'emerge --list-sets')  
> Exactly what I searched for. Works.

You can also rebuild by file name if you don't know which ebuild they
belong to, like in:

emerge -1a $(find /lib/modules/4.4.39-gentoo/misc -type f)

This is a pretty unknown feature...


Replies to list-only preferred.

[gentoo-user] How to delete the previous environment settings directly after chrooting prior to reading .bashrc ?

2017-02-17 Thread Meino . Cramer

is there any clean way to delete the environment completly
right after chrooting into a alternate root installation
-- except using 'login ' after chrooting?

Thanks in advance for any keeping the environment clean! ;)


Re: [gentoo-user] gnunet dependency dnssec-root checksum fail for 7 yrs old IANA XML

2017-02-17 Thread Miroslav Rovis
On 170217-16:10+0100, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> I just posted in the wiki
> So, fetching packages for the overlay:
> all went fine, except for one exact file, as witnessed by the log in my
> Overlay_Talk:Youbroketheinternet post of today:
> ...
> >>> Downloading ''
> ...
> and later:
> ...
> > /usr/portage/distfiles/root-anchors-20100715.xml._checksum_failure_.wxcel31j
> ...
> Or is it really still that the IANA changed that nearly 7 yrs old file?
> Can anybody: 
> 1) alert the gnunet developers about this
> 2) suggest a solution for fixing this issue (w/o which can't emerge
> gnunet)

There's another file with failed checksum for gnunet:

# cat /var/log/emerge-fetch.log 
>>> Downloading 
>>> ''
>>> Downloading ''
>>> Downloading ''
!!! Couldn't download 'root-anchors-20100715.xml'. Aborting.
>>> Downloading ''
>>> Downloading ''
>>> Downloading ''
!!! Couldn't download 'Kjqmt7v-20100715.csr'. Aborting.
 * unbound-1.6.0.tar.gz size ;-) ... [ ok ]
 * Python-3.5.2.tar.xz size ;-) ...  [ ok ]
 * python-gentoo-patches-3.5.2-0.tar.xz size ;-) ... [ ok ]
 * gnutls-3.5.9.tar.xz size ;-) ...  [ ok ]
 * libmicrohttpd-0.9.52.tar.gz size ;-) ...  [ ok ]
 * automake-1.14.1.tar.xz size ;-) ...   [ ok ]

# ls -l /var/log/emerge-fetch.log 
-rw-rw 1 portage portage 1046 2017-02-17 14:43 /var/log/emerge-fetch.log

( but I checked and I fetched the packages before 14:35 --it's CET here,
and I'm also sure that the emerge-fetch that I posted in the Wiki page
was there when I posted it, and which was after 14:35 CET ... )

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

Description: Digital signature

[gentoo-user] gnunet dependency dnssec-root checksum fail for 7 yrs old IANA XML

2017-02-17 Thread Miroslav Rovis
I just posted in the wiki, as there is no way for me yet to communicate
in the normal internet, not the Schmoog, Stasibook and all the big
players' crazy internet... I'm working on it, but not there yet...

And for the above reasons [I just posted in] this [wiki]:

I hope it's pretty clear what the problem is.

Ouch!... I have to summarize it here, can't force the readers to go to
pages if they don't want to, without a summary first...

So, fetching packages for the overlay:
that I reached to from:
all went fine, except for one exact file, as witnessed by the log in my
Overlay_Talk:Youbroketheinternet post of today:
>>> Downloading ''
and later:
> /usr/portage/distfiles/root-anchors-20100715.xml._checksum_failure_.wxcel31j

And, as I wrote in that post:
> I think that a 7 ys old root-anchors-20100715.xml XML file having been
> changed, or me being MiTM'ed, or the developers having got exactly and
> only that file's hashes wrong... is pretty interesting here... Because
> I thought about getting that file elsewhere, and then I look closely,
> and hey: it's the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority themselves
> website. They can't be wrong, can they, so what is it: my connection
> to them, or the devs' hashes...?

Or is it really still that the IANA changed that nearly 7 yrs old file?

Can anybody: 

1) alert the gnunet developers about this

2) suggest a solution for fixing this issue (w/o which can't emerge


Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

Description: Digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] kernel config setting for console scroll back

2017-02-17 Thread Johannes Rosenberger
On 17.02.2017 04:11, Harry Putnam wrote:
> In make menuconfig, under:
>  Device Drivers → Graphics support → Console display driver support
> (700)   Scrollback Buffer Size (in KB)
> I think the default was 64 but I like a big scrollback buffer.
> As you see I set 700 but really didn't have much of an idea what that
> would be in lines.
> Can any one offer a close guestimate what 700 kb would be in lines.
> That is pretty close to 1 mb isn't it?... but still what is that in
> lines?  I'm guessing 1 MB might be around 10,000 lines.  Is that even
> roughly close... if so I probably should have went higher.

Your estimate is probably pretty good: I think 'the norm line' used to
be 80 chars. Now, that's not really the case anymore but you won't
probably get an average line length over 80-100 chars (except if you
only compile/emerge on the terminal). There's also a variable '$COLUMNS'
which tells you how many columns your terminal has.
1 char usually needs 1 Byte (ascii/utf8), so you can store about
1M/100=10k lines in 1MB. Colors add some Bytes (about 4-8 Bytes per
color change), but I guess, the average should not exceed 100 chars/line.

But why don't you use tmux or the like? There you also have a scrollback
buffer, but you can also search and copy there, you have a terminal
window manager (multiplexed) with different possible layouts and
detached sessions, means that e.g. when you log in remotely and lose the
connection, you just relogin and type 'tmux attach' and you're back.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: grub:2 first experience with it

2017-02-17 Thread Neil Bothwick
On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 21:05:11 -0500, Harry Putnam wrote:

> > You're supposed to use a video= parameter but I find the old school
> > vga=794 works for me. The thing you have to learn with using GRUB, or
> > at least when using grub-mkconfig, is that you don't edit grub.cfg
> > but /etc/default/grub when you want to add kernel parameters.  
> What does vga=794 get you?
> I've used `vga=0x31b video=vesfb:mtrr:3,ywrap' with grub:0 a few yrs
> and get a nice size (1280x1024x32 [I think])

vga=794 gets you the same but in 16 bit, I find 65000 colours is enough
for bash :-) 0x31b is 795, but I tend to remember those codes in decimal,
however much it hurts my geek cred.

Neil Bothwick

"Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable."
  - Mark Twain

Description: OpenPGP digital signature