[gentoo-user] provide registration service on a headless server without web

2006-10-22 Thread
Hello. I am running a server which currently unlike most other servers on
the world, do not provide web service yet.

Currently I need to allow users to register themselves. They first
a registration process get a username and password, get themselves their
home directories under /home and then they can use ssh to login to the
server to do a few things like search for addressbook.

I think of two ideas:

1) write a script that runs on telnet port. 
users can run telnet, talk to the script which will ask a few questions
like your fullname and username desired. If everything qualify, a user
created on the system.

2) write a web service that does the same.

1) is probably not save and 2) adds a little bit overhead and complecity
of the system by adding a web service.

Is there a standard registration routine I can use? That we I don't have
to write my own script, which could be a security risk.

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Description: 	这是信件的数	字签名部分

[gentoo-user] the most secure shared network system? Coda/NFSv4/others?

2006-10-29 Thread
Hello. My purpose of using a network file system is to back up my web
server. For some special reason the backup application I am using need
to directly access a mounted network file system rather then using a SSH

For me, security is the biggest concern. The backup script should be
able to connect to web server through encrypted TCP connection. Other
features like being robust, being able to handle 1000 connections, local
cache, offline, flexible ACL ... are not important. In my case, what is
the best network file system for me?

NFSv4 can use TCP, however I cannot find crypto information about NFSv4,
but I do find some info about encrypted RPC on google, probably that
means if I use encrypted RPC then I got encrypted NFS? A small advantage
of NFS over coda is that I already used NFS for years (is familiar with
that). Also NFS has no status, that is, I can mount once, backup every
night; if the office network is down and back, as long as it's not down
during backup, I don't have to re-connect (re-mount). Our office network
gets down and back automatically once several days, it's impossible to
maintain a TCP connection for days.

Coda seems to be the best choice because articles on the web suggested
this file system is created "with security in mind". But I never know
any person using this in real life (not used widely) and is not familiar
with it, thus I must ask for advice on this list.

Description: 	这是信件的数	字签名部分

[gentoo-user] a star-map wallpaper?

2006-06-14 Thread
Hello. Sorry for my English if there is a more correct way of saying "Star
map". By Star Map I mean something that shows the position of starts, as
well as brightness. The more like photo, the better.

Star moves in the sky all the time:
1) the star map in 20:00 is different from 21:00
2) the star map in today 20:00 is different from what it was yesterday 20:00
3) the star map in one city is different from in another city at the same

I am looking for an application dynamically change the backgroup of my gnome
desktop, showing the correct starmap of the very city I am in, of the very
day and correct moment. That might require the desktop image being replaced
once 15 miniutes, that doesn't matter, that's what I need.

Just U am too stupid to find it on the google, have anyone heard of such
application before?

The cloeset I could find is "nightfall"
But still, that is too complicated and very accurite, what I really want is
some fancy desktop decoration, and it's so much of a waste not having such a
tool in an office that can see part of the sky.
锐业软服(国内业务)  http://www.realss.cn
Real SoftService  http://www.realss.com
销售咨询(Sales Department):0086 592 20 99987 (Chinese, German, English)
国际业务(International Sales): 0086 10 8460 6011 (German and English)

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] how does a pipe work? Which process wait for which one, or they don't actually wait each other?

2006-06-14 Thread
Hello. This might be OT but I am pretty interested in this and being
unlucky not able to find a real in-depth explanation of pipe on the

How does pipe actually work? I mean, when there is a pipe like this:
$ appA | appB
What happen if appA produced output when appB is still busy processing
the data and did not require any data from input?

possibility 1) as long as appA can get the resource (CPU?), it simply
keep outputing data, and this data is cached in memory, as long as there
is enough memory, and will finally feed to appB when appB finished his
business and begin to accept more data;

possibility 2) as long as appB stop requiring data, appA is suspended,
the resource goes to appB. appA is only given resource (CPU?) when appB
finished his business and begin to accept more data;

Which one is true? I know usually 1) and 2) makes no difference to most
users, that's why the detail explanation of "1) or 2)" is so hard to
google out.

In my case appA gets the data from another host who have very short
timeout settings, appB is used to compress the data obtained from appA.
the compression is very difficult, usually at 30Kbps, the network is
very fast, around 10Mbps. appB compress the data tunck by tunck, if
Linux actually works in mode 2), the network connection is dropped when
the interval of two tuncks of appB compressing data is longer then the
network timeout setting. appA acutally don't know how to restart
connection from where it was dropped, thus understanding this difference
makes sense to me.

I made several experiements and my appA and appB both works fine, but I
don't dare to share this appA/B to others unless I get the mechnism

Thank you in advance.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Does USB devices share bandwidth?

2006-06-22 Thread
Hello. My old sparc server have a USB extension card, which provides two
USB slots at the back of the machine, driving a USB printer on Slot A.
This printer runs at heavy load. because it cannot print the documents
as fast as we need, I wish to add another printer. In most casese, we
need the two printer working together the same time rather then one
after the other.

The two USB slots provided by the USB card are both OHCI (some USB 1.x
stuff, not USB 2.0). So far it seems one single printer uses up all the
USB bandwidth (sometimes printer stop there several seconds wait for
signal). What would happen if I put another Printer there?

case A: the new printer uses the bandwidth on slot B, both run as fast
as if they were the only USB printer;
case B: the new printer share bandwidth with the old one, the result is
both printer work 1/2 fast, that is equal to not having bought another
printer at all.

Which one is true? 

Thanks in advance:)

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Re: Does USB devices share bandwidth?

2006-06-22 Thread
Thank you for all the answers so far:)

Jarry explained the bandwidth a printer consume cannot be too high for
USB 2.0 slots. This knowledge is very helpful, however at this moment
the sparc box only have USB 1.x slot, driven by ohci, as I explained.

Richard Fish kindly explained the mechanism behind print processing, a
printer make take a lot of time to process the data already sent. In my
case I completely forgot to mension I was using inkjets, the inkjet
takes rastered image data produced by GutenPrint. Thus I assume most
image processing is done on the print server, which is usually at 30%
load when printing, that means it should be able to handle another

Richard also suggested upgrading to a network printer, so far it is a
very good solution too for my case.

I think James provided most helpful information for my case, and thank
you for so detailed and careful explanation. As he suggested I try to
look for more hadwar data. It turns that my USB device is not USB 2.0
but I also noticed the two USB slots have diferent membase and IRQ.

I wish to compare the sparc station with my desktop. On my x86 desktop
there are 4 USB slots, dmesg shows that two UHCI device discovered,
further on each device, a uhub of two slots are discovered. From my
understanding, the situation of "Sharing bandwidth" James described
should happen between two USB devices on the one same chip, on one uhub.
For two devices, they perhaps don't share resource. In my case, my two
USB 1.0 slots seems to be hot using a uhub, shall the two printer
compete for resource on this situation too? 

Another small question I hope someone with professional knowledge can
help. I was told ECP/bidirectional printer cable can handle 2Mbps data
transfer, that seems to be suggesting using parallel cable is as good as
using USB1 cable (as USB1 is supposed to handle 1.2Mbps ony), or even
better. Is it true?

Here is my lsusb when I just tried to plug another USB printer and make
all slots occupied.
# lsusb
Bus 002 Device 001: ID :
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 03f0:1617 Hewlett-Packard
Bus 001 Device 001: ID :
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 04b8:0005 Seiko Epson Corp. Stylus Printer

Here is part of my dmesg
host/usb-ohci.c: USB OHCI at membase 0x1ff0052, IRQ 10,7d4
host/usb-ohci.c: usb-02:02.0, NEC Corporation USB
usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
hub.c: USB hub found
hub.c: 3 ports detected
host/usb-ohci.c: USB OHCI at membase 0x1ff00522000, IRQ 10,7d5
host/usb-ohci.c: usb-02:02.1, NEC Corporation USB (#2)
usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
hub.c: USB hub found
hub.c: 2 ports detected
hub.c: new USB device 02:02.0-1, assigned address 2
usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x4b8/0x5) is not claimed by any active
usb.c: registered new driver hid
hid-core.c: v1.8.1 Andreas Gal, Vojtech Pavlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
hid-core.c: USB HID support drivers
usb.c: registered new driver usblp
printer.c: usblp0: USB Bidirectional printer dev 2 if 0 alt 0 proto 2
vid 0x04B8 pid 0x0005
printer.c: v0.13: USB Printer Device Class driver

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Re: Does USB devices share bandwidth?

2006-06-22 Thread
This is really making me puzzle:
sappho ~ #  lspci | grep USB
:02:02.0 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 41)
:02:02.1 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 41)
:02:02.2 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB 2.0 (rev 02)

When the kernel boots it shows me that only ohci device is discovered,
someone suggested that ohci only support USB 1.x. Now lspci shows the
card has "USB 2.0". I don't understand, does it work in the way that the
card either work in 2.0 mode with one device, or USB 1.0 with two
separate devices?

What if I remove OCHI and add back only UHCI driver in the kernel? 

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