Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Anyone switched to eudev yet? -> what was wron with SysVInit?

2012-12-25 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury
On 12/25/2012 03:01 AM, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 1:38 AM, G.Wolfe Woodbury  wrote:
> [ snip ]
>> From what has been happening with the systemd stuff, I do not see what
>> advantages it really offers over the SysV scheme and its successors like
>> OpenRC.  Someone enlighten me please?
> I wrote the following some months ago; I think nothing much has
> changed since then (I added a couple of comments):

Thanks, quite helpful.

G.Wolfe Woodbury

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Anyone switched to eudev yet? -> what was wron with SysVInit?

2012-12-24 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury
On 12/24/2012 10:56 PM, Pandu Poluan wrote:
> Even back when hard disks are a mote in the eyes of today's mammoths,
> you *can* make /usr part of /, there's no stopping you. Sure, other
> SysAdmins may scoff and/or question your sanity, but the choice is
> yours. YOU know what's best for your precious servers, YOU made the call.
> But with the latest udev, Lennart et al saw it fit to yank that choice
> out of the hands of SysAdmins, while at the same time trying to enforce
> a stupidly overbloated init replacement.

I may be really out of the loop or old-fashioned, but what went wrong
with the old SysV init scheme?

SysV inhereited the init scheme practically in toto from what was
created for the intermediate SysIV version that was intermal to Bell
Labs.  SysIV got used for a few projects, and it was a major improvement
over the SysIII scheme.  Those developing the SysIV/SysV init scheme
tried to anticipate future extensions (especially dependency problems)
even to the point of ashing Murry Hill to make chenges to the shell to
make some "magic" easier. [Specifically the use of shell exec for
input/output file descriptor changes.]

[Disclaimer: I was working a Holmdel with a SystemIV based project as a
contractor and was involved in some of this work.]

>From what has been happening with the systemd stuff, I do not see what
advantages it really offers over the SysV scheme and its successors like
OpenRC.  Someone enlighten me please?

G.Wolfe Woodbury

[gentoo-user] Notes for GNOME3 users who miss a desktop pager.

2012-10-21 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury
I've migrated my desktop to GNOME3, and miss a log of functionality.
Among the most annoying missing parts for me is a non-dynamic set of
virtual desktops and a pager applet to go with it.

I have found that the x11-misc/ipager app to be a useful replacement
along with gnome-tweak-tool.

The gnome-tweak-tool allows setting non-dynamic desktops, (Shell |
Dynamic workspaces -> Off, set the count of desktops you want.)

The ipager app can then be emerged and configured.  Here is my
ipager.conf file:
icon.spacing:  5
icon.min_height:   24
icon.max_height:   48
icon.maximize_threshold: 0.9

# IPager window position
ipager.window.x:  1400
ipager.window.y:  860

# should IPager starts in slit?
ipager.in_slit: no

display_sticky_windows:   no
display_shaded_windows:   yes

# [ yes | no | mouseOver ]
display_window_icon:  mouseOver

# Button to switch workspaces
# [ left | right | middle | any ]
# or
# set of buttons like:
#left, right
#middle, right
switch_workspace.button: any

mouse.scroll.up: nextWorkspace
mouse.scroll.down: prevWorkspace

# Delta (in pixels)
# when an workspace icon changes its size
# IPager compare new values and previous.
# If they differ less then 'zoom.recreate_icon_delta' then
# IPager continues to use an old icon and just zoom it.
# If the sizes differ more 'zoom.recreate_icon_delta's value,
# then IPager creates a new icon picture.
# it is not very efficient to create icons often.
zoom.recreate_icon_delta: 0

# Defines style of zooming icons. Should an icon spacing be expandig or
# an active workspace icon lays over other (cross them)?
#   [zoomAndExpand | over]
zoom.type: over

display_workspace_number: no
workspace_number.color:   #00

ttf_font_path: /usr/share/fonts/TTF
ttf_font: Vera/14

# Background image for IPager window
#ipager.background.image: /path/to/image.png

# Colors (#RRGGBB)
ipager.background.color: #00
ipager.border.color: #00

workspace.background.color: #C0
workspace.border.color: #00
active_workspace.background.color:  #00FF00
active_workspace.border.color:  #FF

active_window.background.color: #F09029
active_window.border.color: #FF

selection_color: #FF0001

This puts a static pager bar in the bottom-right of my desktop with
a cool blue feel.  This spot is below where I stash the GKrellM panel.

It is not the most convenient configuration file, but it also has not
been worked on since Sep 2008.

You can also add ipager to the gnome-session-properties set.
The program live in /usr/bin/ipager
use "-c /home///ipager.conf" with the program.

Re: [gentoo-user] How do I determine the processor type? -- grub2 comments

2012-09-14 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury
On 09/15/2012 12:28 AM, Dale wrote:
> Put your kernel and such on /boot and run update-grub if I recall
> correctly. I installed Kubuntu for my brother and it has grub2 which
> has some magic sprinkled on it. I'm not sure how to tell it where to
> point for the root partition tho. That may require a thread here if
> google doesn't help. I might add, you may get better Ubuntu answers
> here than from the Ubuntu folks. I'll forgive you if everyone else
> will. ROFL Dale :-) :-) 
grub2 is a completely rewritten animal, so it is *different*

grub2-install /dev/sd??

is the incantation to put grub2 onto the selected boot partition. Then

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

is the incantation for making the basic configuration.  If you have
multiple installations
on disk, emerge "os-prober" to bring in the detection of "foreign"
operating systems.
This creates the grub.cfg file, which prominently features a "DO NOT
EDIT" warning at the
top of the file; rank beginners are advised to edit /etc/defaut/grub if
that can make the changes
you want, but more advanced users can edit the grub.cfg to achieve
desired results.

For example, my grub.cfg has the default entry for my preferred OS to
boot, and then has
entries that bing in other configuration files for various other
situations.  I've got two
Gentoo collections, the Fedora collection and the Windows7 config.  the
grub2 "info"
pages are complete but a little dense and not as well organized as they
might be.

Good Luck.

G.Wolfe Woodbury

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo is the best linux distro

2012-09-10 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury
On 09/10/2012 05:46 PM, Chris Stankevitz wrote:
> Gentoo is the best distribution I have used (I haven't used too many:
> ubuntu, fedora, gentoo).  I love the USE flags.  I love watching (and
> questioning) what is going to be installed.  I love emerge.
> Supposedly gentoo lacks being able to have a system "just work"
> without thinking about anything.  But in my experience on linux, this
> simply isn't the case anywhere.  With ubuntu, for example, I had
> trouble with sound and ethernet cards that I could never figure out...
> and the kind of answers I get on their forums drive me insane ("my
> uncle once said that his cousin typed this magical command and it
> worked fine for a little while so maybe try that").
> And what's the deal with these "major release versions" of the other
> distros?  Why do that?
Most of the binary based distributions have tied their stars to the
major desktop
environments. [For example Fedora is heavily tied to RedHat and the GNOME
desktop, and many RedHat employees are major GNOME developers.]

Fedora/GNOME is very nice for modern hardware and mostly "just works"
a lot of effort goes into testing each major release.  But the GNOME
philosophy has
become one of hiding the inner workings of GNU/Linux in much the same
manner that
Microsoft hides all the innards of Windows.  But Fedora is also the most
'bleeding" edge
distribution, getting the latest and greatest every six monthe or so.

Debian and Ubuntu are also dedicated to producing "desktop ready"
that hide everything under the hood.  The try to provide a more stable
environment as well.

All the binary distributions will have trouble getting the hardware
environment correct.
They just can't move fast enough to deal with the latest and greatest,
or  even the tried
and true older stuff.  Their Linux kernels have to try to please
everybody and deal in
a reasonable manner with what comes from the computer system makers. 
This requires
them to put everything (and the kitchen sink!) in the mix, and hope it
holds together.
Gentoo, encouraging the building of a customized kernel for the hardware
being used,
gets the advantages of clean and lean and best speed available.

Gentoo has become my favorite distribution since it is the most
customizeable and doesn't
force the users to accept too much crap along with the most useable
bits. The documentation
provides relatively clear explanations of "why" in addition to the
"how"  The Gentoo Handbook
is one of the most accessible install documents around.

I've been using UNIX since 1977, and Linux/GNU from its invention. 
Gentoo provies the
right balance between having the good stuff easily installable, and
being able to configure
exactly what is wanted.

Have fun with Gentoo.

G.Wolfe Woodbury
aka redwolfe (fedora proventester :-)

Re: [gentoo-user] WM that does not require policykit, consolekit, and gudev

2012-09-10 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury
On 09/10/2012 05:19 PM, Chris Stankevitz wrote:
> 3. Select another WM that is more "lightweight" and doesn't require
> these USE flags.
> I'm leaning towards (3).
> Can you recommend a WM that will not require me to enable gudev,
> policykit, and consolekit?
When I want a real barebones desktop (say for a VM test) without all the
cruft of
GNOMNE or KDE, I generally use LXDE

  emerge ldxe-meta lxdm
  (two packages, the meta package does not include the desktop manager)

then config /etc/conf.d/xdm to start "lxdm"

Gets most of the useful stuff without committing to all of GNOME or KDE
LXDE will run most of the "gtk" based tools found in the app and x11-*

Happy installing!

G.Wolfe Woodbury

Re: [gentoo-user] Grub2 and is the upgrade a tooth puller.

2012-06-30 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury

On 06/30/2012 05:50 AM, Dale wrote:

Thanks.  Now more questions.  I have read about this a few times but
never quite figured it out.  I copy the bzImage and name it bzImage-*
because that is what it is named when I type make etc to build a
kernel.  Is there a difference between bzImage and vmlinux?  If it is,
is it safe to rename it like that or will it break something?  If I need
a vmlinux kernel instead of a bzImage, where is that thing?  I have
looked and I don't have one on mine here.  Maybe I am missing
something.  Google didn't find me anything either.

As someone else said, the spelling.  For grub-mkconfig to recognize it 
as a kernel

the default names should begin with "vmlinuz-" or "kernel-"
For my gentoo disk, I rename the bzImage to gentoo. where the XYZ 
is the kernel
version number.  I hand mung the grub.cfg (still legacy grub) in the 
usual fashion.
I will probably migrate to grub2 pretty quick next time I play with the 
gentoo install.

Grub2 grub-mkconfig os-prober method recognizes grub legacy configs and 
builds proper

menuentry stanzas as needed.

I'm using multiple discs for booting my system.  The first drive (BIOS 
default) is a Win7 native,
but I use the BIOS "boot menu" options to usually boot grub2 from 
another drive.  This drive's grub.cfg
contains all of my linux installations, which are spread around 4 
different drives.

G.Wolfe Woodbury (

Re: [gentoo-user] Grub2 and is the upgrade a tooth puller.

2012-06-30 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury

On 06/30/2012 05:50 AM, Dale wrote:
Thanks. Now more questions. I have read about this a few times but 
never quite figured it out. I copy the bzImage and name it bzImage-* 
because that is what it is named when I type make etc to build a 
kernel. Is there a difference between bzImage and vmlinux? If it is, 
is it safe to rename it like that or will it break something? If I 
need a vmlinux kernel instead of a bzImage, where is that thing? I 
have looked and I don't have one on mine here. Maybe I am missing 
something. Google didn't find me anything either.
The bzImage is a vmlinuz (or vmlinuz) image, and is what grub2 expects 
to use with a "linux" kernel definition.
I usually copy the bzImage to a file named "gentoo.XYZ" where the XYZ is 
the kernel version number.  I'm not sure if
grub-mkconfig is yet smart enough to figure it out completely, but I've 
been using grub2 with my gentoo partitions for a while.
Certainly, grub-mkconfig in fedora recognizes the gentoo disk properly 
as another linux installation (via the os-prober) and
builds menuentries for them.  It may just be reading the grub2/grub.cfg 
file I wrote.

One thing is certain, grub2 doesn't have to have all the scripting and 
rigamarole that fedora and GNU put in via the grub-mkconfig
command, a simple config file will work as well.   GNU has grub2 in the 
RC1 phase right now and I've built it under fedora and gentoo
and use it.  I've gone from using a grub2 cdrom boot to using the BIOS 
boot menu device select to control whether I'm going into
Linux or Win7 (Win7 is on the default device and grub2 for fedora and 
gentoo are on other discs.)

I'm using a shared /home partition with slightly different uids for each 
system, but a common "username".  Each uid homedir
contains native dotfiles for a variety of services and some symlinks to 
a common set of {Documents, Downloads,Public,Pictures,

and public_html} directories.

Grub2 isn't that hard to do, it's just /different/

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: In X: wants to "save screenshot". How do I stop this?

2012-05-16 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury

On 05/16/2012 07:08 PM, walt wrote:
You did me a huge favor by asking that question, thanks! While poking 
around in the keyboard settings applet I discovered a well-hidden 
option to disable the Caps-Lock key. I hit that stupid thing by 
accident at least ten times/hour and say very vulgar things when it 
happens ;) The keyboard-shortcuts applet does have an option to change 
the screenshot hotkey, so maybe something changed it behind your back? 
Could you amplify a little bit and reveal exactly what applet you used 
and where the little option is located?

G.Wolfe Woodbury
aka redwolfe

Re: [gentoo-user] KVM problems - anyone know _why_ it happens?

2012-01-22 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury

On 01/22/2012 12:42 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
I played a bit with get-edid | parse-edid. Logically that stuff even 
working says the VGA monitor cable is bidirectional. I started 
wondering if the KVM messes up the data coming back, or what else 
might be going on. Thanks for the ideas, Mark 
Many of the cheap KVM models do, indeed, mess up the EDID data coming 
from the monitor.  I suspect that this is from old design specs that 
have too much pull-up/pull-down on the EDID lead since the boxen haven 
been re-engineered for newer, higher resolution and higher speed monitors.

I have had problems specifically with the BELKIN KVMs.

It may also be that the video drivers for Linux are just enough 
different (necessarily) from the MSFT drivers to not reliably sense the 
EDID return signals.

I did as others suggested and tried several until I found one that 
worked.  Sometimes a slightly different model/serial/part no KVM from 
the same manufacturer would/wouldn't work.

G.Wolfe Woodbury

Re: [gentoo-user] Linux Kernel 3.2.0 & USB Mouse

2012-01-08 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury

On 01/08/2012 07:29 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:

On Sat, 7 Jan 2012 18:53:30 -0800, Hilco Wijbenga wrote:

I'm trying to upgrade the kernel on my desktop from 3.1.6 to
3.2.0(-r1). Unfortunately, my Logitech USB trackball does not work in
3.2.0. It is listed in the lsusb output so it is being recognized but
neither GPM nor X responds to it.
Which trackball? Mine works fine with no changes
Mine works too.  Did you rebuild the xord input driver when you switched 

G.Wolfe Woodbury
aka redwolfe

Re: [gentoo-user] GDM kbd/mouse lockup after emerge --update on a stable amd64 platform - need hints to cure

2011-12-22 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury

On 12/22/2011 02:00 AM, Pintér Tibor wrote:

Reemerge all xf86* packages
Quite obvious as the log clearly gives the clue (new xorg server 
version, driver version mismatch)


I looked right at it and missed the obvious!  Thanks for the clue-by-four.


[gentoo-user] GDM kbd/mouse lockup after emerge --update on a stable amd64 platform - need hints to cure

2011-12-21 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury
I did:
emerge -va --update --deep --newuse @world
on a stable gentoo amd64 (multilib) system after switching the profile
from "desktop/gnome" to "desktop" and adding
qt4 and kde flags to make.conf.  [I wan to add a few kde apps to the
mix, but not everything.]

Since then, I get a keyboard and mouse lockup when gdm starts. and can't
login graphically or switch to a text console.

I'd rather not do a complete re-install on that instance, so some clue
as to where to look for problems beyond the obvious dmesg
and boot info.

I do get a "dmeventd" failure to start, so lvm-monitoring fails to start
(even after a re-emerge of lvm2) but don't think that as anything to do
with the X lockup.  Startx from single user mode also causes a kbd/mouse

I've verified that the kernel has the proper event configuration.
Perusing the Xorg.0.log reveals evdev failing to load:

> [   410.507] (II) LoadModule: "evdev"
> [   410.507] (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/input/
> [   410.513] (II) Module evdev: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
> [   410.513]compiled for 1.10.4, module version = 2.6.0
> [   410.513]Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
> [   410.513]ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 12.2
> [   410.513] (EE) module ABI major version (12) doesn't match the
> server's version (13)
> [   410.513] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
> [   410.513] (II) Unloading evdev
> [   410.513] (EE) Failed to load module "evdev" (module requirement
> mismatch, 0)
> [   410.513] (EE) No input driver matching `evdev'
> [   410.513] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Power Button
> (/dev/input/event1)
> [   410.513] (**) Power Button: Applying InputClass "evdev keyboard
> catchall"
> [   410.513] (II) LoadModule: "evdev"
> [   410.513] (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/input/
> [   410.513] (II) Module evdev: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
> [   410.513]compiled for 1.10.4, module version = 2.6.0
> [   410.513]Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
> [   410.513]ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 12.2
> [   410.513] (EE) module ABI major version (12) doesn't match the
> server's version (13)
> [   410.513] (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
> [   410.513] (II) Unloading evdev
> [   410.513] (EE) Failed to load module "evdev" (module requirement
> mismatch, 0)
> [   410.513] (EE) No input driver matching `evdev'
> [   410.514] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Sleep Button
> (/dev/input/event0)
which tell me something went wrong in the re-emerge of xorg something,
but I'd like to get a clue as to just what to do to fix it.

Thanks in advance for any help.

G.Wolfe Woodbury

Re: [gentoo-user] Unable to start rpc-idmap after kernel update...

2011-12-11 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury

On 12/11/2011 12:21 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:

Ok, I just need a sanity check...

I just updated my kernel from 2.6.37-r4 to 3.0.6, and now am unable to 
mount a remote nfs filesystem (on a QNAP NFS) that has been working 
fine for years...

I'm getting the following error:

myhost : Sun Dec 11, 12:20:00 : ~
 # /etc/init.d/rpc.idmapd start
 * Starting idmapd ...
 * make sure DNOTIFY support is enabled ...
 [ !! ]
 * ERROR: rpc.idmapd failed to start
myhost : Sun Dec 11, 12:20:03 : ~

what is confusing me is I have never had DNOTIFY support enabled (I 
only enable INOTIFY), and I simply did a makeoldconfig when 
upgrqading/compiling the kernel, so why was it working before, but not 

Do I really have to enable DNOTIFY now? If so, why did it work before?

Perhaps they fixed a kernel bug that allowed it to work despite the 
difference?  It wouldn't surprise me.

I've noticed that kernel config flags and "required ones" noted in 
Gentoo documents get out of sync rather quickly and they are fast-moving 
targets.  Go ahead and re-configure the kernel with the requested flags.

G.Wolfe Woodbury

[gentoo-user] emerge --update won't solve bind?

2011-11-05 Thread G.Wolfe Woodbury
I'm getting an emerge error that bind has unmet requirements.

emerge -v --update --deep --newuse --ask @world


> wolves ~ # cat eme.log
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies  ... done!
> !!! The ebuild selected to satisfy "net-dns/bind" has unmet requirements.
> - net-dns/bind-9.8.1::gentoo USE="berkdb ipv6 ldap (multilib) ssl xml
> -caps -dlz -doc -geoip -gost -gssapi -idn -mysql -odbc -pkcs11
> -postgres -rpz -sdb-ldap (-selinux) -threads -urandom"
>   The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
> berkdb? ( dlz ) ldap? ( dlz )
>   The above constraints are a subset of the following complete expression:
> postgres? ( dlz ) berkdb? ( dlz ) mysql? ( dlz !threads ) odbc? (
> dlz ) ldap? ( dlz ) sdb-ldap? ( dlz ) gost? ( ssl )
> (dependency required by "@selected" [set])
> (dependency required by "@world" [argument])

Hints on solving this one would be appreciated.

I have berkdb and ldap flags in make.conf:

> # These settings were set by the catalyst build script that automatically
> # built this stage.
> # Please consult /usr/share/portage/config/make.conf.example for a more
> # detailed example.
> CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
> MAKEOPTS="-j3"
> ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
> VIDEO_CARDS="radeon"
> EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--autounmask=y --ask-enter-invalid
> --autounmask-write=y"
> PORTDIR_OVERLAY="${PORTDIR_OVERLAY} /usr/local/portage/"
> # WARNING: Changing your CHOST is not something that should be done
> lightly.
> # Please consult before
> changing.
> CHOST="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
> # These are the USE flags that were used in addition to what is
> provided by the
> # profile used for building.
> USE="mmx sse sse2 X gtk gnome qt kde dvr dbus sql sqlite declarative
> gdu x264 introspection berkdb"
> SYNC="rsync://"

G.Wolfe Woodbury