Re: [gentoo-user] alsamixer - no sound

2023-12-16 Thread Jigme Datse
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 13:19:30 -0700 wrote:

> After recent upgrade I have no sound.

This seems like something that just happens, so that's not that

> Running as root:  alsamixer
> XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (/run/user/1000) is not owned by us (uid 0), but by
> uid 1000! (This could e.g. happen if you try to connect to a non-root
> PulseAudio as a root user, over the native protocol. Don't do that.)

I'm sure you have an answer that says this, but this message says it
all, though maybe a bit obscurely...  The directory `/run/user/1000` is
not owned by the user ID `(uid 0)` but by `uid 1000`.  You are running
the command as uid 0, or root.  Which you acknowledge you're doing.  It
says the important thing at the end `Don't do that.`.  

You need to run it as the user who is logged in to X (or Wayland).  

> Does dir: /run/user/1000
> should be own by "root:root"  or user on the system?

This is a temporary directory which is created on login (I believe
that's when it gets created).  Don't change the ownership of it.  The
problem is the user you are running the command as, isn't correct.  

> When I run:
> chown root:root /run/user/1000
> alsamixer
> ALSA lib
> /var/tmp/portage/media-plugins/alsa-plugins-
> PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Access denied

Probably because your user 1000 is trying to access something that only
root can access.  But it's not entirely clear.  The changing ownership
of /run/user/1000 to root, will break *lots* of things.  Especially
don't do that.  

> cannot open mixer: Connection refused

I hope you got this sorted.  

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] ffmpeg: WARNING: One or more updates/rebuilds have been skipped due to a dependency conflict

2023-12-04 Thread Jigme Datse
On Mon, 4 Dec 2023 10:40:20 +0100
Arve Barsnes  wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Dec 2023 at 09:28, Dale  wrote:
> > Anyone see a way to fix this?  It's getting old seeing this every
> > week when I try to do my updates and it may be blocking other
> > updates as well.  
> Take a look at everything Jigme wrote, but the easy fix seems to
> disable USE="ffmpeg" on the opencascade package. What that does to
> your use of that package is outside of my knowledge.

Oh, I hadn't considered that, thanks for pointing that out.  

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] ffmpeg: WARNING: One or more updates/rebuilds have been skipped due to a dependency conflict

2023-12-04 Thread Jigme Datse
On Mon, 4 Dec 2023 02:28:28 -0600
Dale  wrote:

Trimming for brevity...  

> Howdy,
> I either started a thread on this a while back or it was mentioned
> inside another thread.  This has been popping up for months now.
> Either I have something set wrong or there is a problem in a ebuild or
> something.  I just don't know what.  This is what I get.  I'm having
> to use this command because it does update everything else.  This
> however triggers the same as I get during a regular world update. 
> root@fireball / # emerge -auDN ffmpeg mpv mplayer
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> Dependency resolution took 269.57 s (backtrack: 0/500).
> Total: 0 packages, Size of downloads: 0 KiB
> WARNING: One or more updates/rebuilds have been skipped due to a
> dependency conflict:
> media-video/ffmpeg:0
>   (media-video/ffmpeg-6.1:0/58.60.60::gentoo, 

This is the package it's trying to install...  Note the version
number...  (possibly both before and after the : 

>      (sci-libs/opencascade-7.7.0-r2:0/7.7::gentoo, installed) USE="ffmpeg

This is a different (though possibly related) issue with
nv-codec-headers (NVIDIA driver issues)...  

>   (media-libs/nv-codec-headers-, ebuild scheduled
> for merge) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)" conflicts with
>      (media-video/ffmpeg-4.4.4-r8:0/56.58.58::gentoo, installed) USE="X
> alsa bluray bzip2 dav1d encode fdk fontconfig frei0r gnutls gpl iconv
> jpeg2k libass lzma mp3 network nvenc opengl openh264 postproc
> pulseaudio sdl svg theora threads truetype vorbis vpx vulkan webp
> x264 x265 xvid zlib -amf -amr -amrenc (-appkit) -bs2b -cdio
> -chromaprint -chromium -codec2 -cpudetection -cuda -debug -doc -flite
> -fribidi -gcrypt -glslang -gme -gmp -gsm -hardcoded-tables -iec61883
> -ieee1394 -jack -kvazaar -ladspa -libaom -libaribb24 -libcaca -libdrm
> -libilbc -librtmp -libsoxr -libtesseract -libv4l -libxml2 -lv2
> (-mipsdspr1) (-mipsdspr2) (-mipsfpu) (-mmal) -modplug -openal -opencl
> -openssl -opus -oss -pic -qsv -rav1e -rubberband -samba -snappy
> -sndio -speex -srt -ssh -static-libs -svt-av1 -test -twolame -v4l
> -vaapi -vdpau -verify-sig -vidstab -vmaf -zeromq -zimg -zvbi"
> ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes avx fma3 fma4 mmx mmxext
> sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 xop -3dnow -3dnowext -avx2"
> FFTOOLS="aviocat cws2fws ffescape ffeval ffhash fourcc2pixfmt
> graph2dot ismindex pktdumper qt-faststart sidxindex trasher" ^

> !!! The following installed packages are masked:
> - sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.14.15::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
> - sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.6.7::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
> For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
> man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.

No idea why this is...  Why would these be masked?  And why are they
listed as installed?  Neither of them are showing up as available (ie.
even a package.mask being removed would fix this).  

> I seem to recall something about ffmpeg and opencascade being the
> problem.  

You possibly need to mask versions of ffmpeg that can't be installed
(package.mask) I just had to do that.  I have been doing it on an
individual version basis, as if it gets fixed, a broader mask may not
allow the fix to be installed.  

I'd argue that this behaviour is undesirable, as from what I
experienced myself, once masked the update continues successfully, and
it knows it can't safely install the troublesome ffmpeg packages...
Some way of it acknowledging that *those* updates can't be installed,
but continuing any way would be helpful.  

> When Micheal mentioned me needing to enable a USE flag for
> my nvidia card, that got added to the conflict as well.  I've tried
> keywording all these so it can just pick the best to match but it
> seems to not work.  I tried backtrack=500 and even added
> changed-deps=y just to allow emerge to really think it over.  None
> helped even tho it did recompile some packages.  Is it a USE flag
> that I can enable or disable causing this?  Is it a bug in a ebuild?
> Is there a problem with compatibility between two versions of
> packages the upstream needs to fix?  Is this me or something
> elsewhere?

I believe it's (this is more an opinion about *how* this is behaving)
it's problematic behaviour in terms of Portage.  From what I can see
with this problem, nothing breaks if the version 5 or 6 doesn't get
installed, and nothing in the dependency indicates that it will/should.

That said, on this machine where I was working on this, something did
break, which has since been fixed (but not instantly).  

> Oh, I see the little  pointing up there but in Konsole, they never
> point up to the right place.  If it has a clue, I wouldn't be able to
> get help from it.  Also, I have some options in make.conf for emerge
> so I'm taking this from emerge.log to show the complete command that
> is used.  Keep in mind, I increased 


2023-07-05 Thread Jigme Datse
On Wed, 5 Jul 2023 16:42:15 -0400
Alan Grimes  wrote:

> I need a way to get X11 to boot into dvorak layout mode without
> having to look up this e-mail to find the command to set the layout
> to dvorak.
> My current xorg.conf has: but does not do anything useful.
> Section "InputDevice"
>     # generated from default
>      Identifier "Keyboard0"
>      Driver "keyboard"
>      Option "XkbLayout" "us"
>      Option "XkbVariant" "dvorak"
> EndSection
> Michael wrote:
> > setxkbmap -layout us -variant dvorak   

Part of why I stepped away from the Dvorak layout.  US layout would
always, "just work".  Like there were times when I'd have to type
something when it was interpreted as US layout...  But...  

Would putting that command in your ~/.xinitirc or some equivalent work?
 It kind of would be nice if it could be done in the xorg.conf I do

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] mail -s "IP address change" $EMAIL

2023-06-11 Thread Jigme Datse
On Sat, 10 Jun 2023 23:33:05 -0600 wrote:

> echo "New IP address: $NEW_IP" | mail -s "IP address change" $EMAIL
> Doesn't work!

Oh, local notifications?  Is the mail command not using a locally
configured (and under your control probably) server?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] SMTP relay settings with Telus

2023-06-11 Thread Jigme Datse
On Sun, 11 Jun 2023 00:10:15 -0600 wrote:

> Just switched to Telus from Shaw and for some reason, there either
> isn't a working SMTP relay

Not quite sure what the issue is.  Were you using the Shaw mail servers
as you MX host?  Or are you having issues with connecting to your mail
server through Telus?  

> So all those linux email notification stop working, what is the
> solution?

We don't have enough information to answer that, unless someone has
gone through the same situation as you're going through.  We'll need
more information about exactly what is going on.  

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Loading modules prevents shutdown

2023-05-23 Thread Jigme Datse
On Tue, 23 May 2023 15:58:34 -0400
dhk  wrote:

> After a new install on an HP EliteBook with an Intel I7 core, when
> the iwlwifi module is loaded the system fails to complete shutdown
> and power off.
> The install is mostly a standard openrc install for a personal use 
> laptop.  The usual partitions were created and only /var, /opt and
> /home are on lvm2; one non-standard partition configuration is
> /usr/src and /lib/modules are on their own partition.  The /usr/src
> partition should be benign since it is only used when building the
> kernel; however, the /lib/modules partition was the cause of one
> issue that has already been resolved and may be the cause of the
> other.

/lib should be in your root partition, I know you are saying
/lib/modules, but I think it applies to directories under /lib *except*
in cases when that directory should be under /var /opt or /usr more

> First, the resolved issue.
> On boot, the iwlwifi module was not found and the following message
> was displayed.
>    * Loading kernel modules ...
>     modprobe: FATAL: Module iwlwifi not found in directory 
> /lib/modules/6.1.19-gentoo-x86_64
> This was puzzling, since once logged in a find command found it where
> it should be and the module could be added on the command line
> without any problem.  This issue caused me to reboot and shutdown
> many times until noticing that modprobe was trying to load the
> iwlwifi module before /lib/modules was mounted.  This was easily
> fixed by adding a "/lib/modules" line to the /etc/initramfs.mounts
> file.  The one thing noticed from all the shutdowns and reboots was,
> when the iwlwifi module was not loaded the system shutdown fine and
> when it was loaded the system failed to shutdown and power off
> completely.
> Second, Loading modules prevents shutdown,
> The issue was discovered with iwlwifi, but occurs when any module
> from the /lib/modules/6.1.19-gentoo-x86_64 directory is tried instead
> and deleting the module before the "shutdown -h -P now" does not make
> a difference.
> To get a better look at what is going on, the rc_logger variable was
> set to "YES" in /etc/rc.conf (rc_logger="YES").
> Now the difference between the console display and /var/log/rc.log
> file on a clean shutdown and one with a module loaded preventing a
> clean shutdown.
> Whether a module is loaded or not, the console and /var/log/rc.log
> match up to and including "Stopping the Logical Volume Manager" and
> then things start to deviate.
>   * Stopping syslog-ng ...  [ ok 
> ]  <= console and 
> /var/log/rc.log match.
>   * Unmounting loop devices * Unmounting filesystems
>   *   Unmounting /var ...  [ ok ]
>   *   Unmounting /opt ...  [ ok ]
>   *   Unmounting /home ...  [ ok ]
>   *   Unmounting /usr/src ...  [ ok ]
>   *   Unmounting /tmp ...  [ ok ]
>   *   Unmounting /lib/modules ...  [ ok ]
>   *   Unmounting /boot ...  [ ok ]
>   * Deactivating swap devices ...  [ ok 
> ]       <= console and 
> /var/log/rc.log match.
>   * Stopping the Logical Volume Manager ...        <= When a module
> is loaded, this is the last line on the console.
>    0 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg1" now active
>    0 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg0" now active [ ok ] <=
> When a module is loaded, this is the last line in /var/log/rc.log.
>   * Setting hardware clock using the system clock [UTC] ...  [ ok ]
> <= When no module is loaded, this is on the console and in
> /var/log/rc.log.
>   * Stopping udev ...  [ ok ] <= When no module is loaded, this is on 
> the console and in /var/log/rc.log.
>   rc shutdown logging stopped at Thu May 18 05:44:09 2023 <= When no 
> module is loaded, this is the last line in /var/log/rc.log.
>   * Terminating remaining processes ...  [ ok ] <= When no module is 
> loaded, this is on the console (See: /etc/init.d/killprocs).
>   * Killing remaining processes ...  [ ok ]
> <= When no module is loaded, this is on the console (See:  
> /etc/init.d/killprocs).
>   * Saving dependency cache ...  [ ok ] <= When no module is loaded, 
> this is on the console (See: /etc/init.d/savecache).
>   * Remounting remaining filesystems read-only ...  [ ok ] <= When no 
> module is loaded, this is on the console (See: /etc/init.d/mount-ro).
>   *   Remounting / read only ...  [ ok ]
> <= When no module is loaded, this is on the console.
> reboot:  Power 
> down <= When
> no module is loaded, this is on the console.

I feel the issue is indeed the mounting /var/modules ...  Because you
`umount` it before you unload the modules...  Your usage is very much,
"non-standard" and just changing that *likely* would fix it.  

> In short, it looks like the LVM was stopped correctly and everything
> was good up to that point; however, when a module is loaded it looks
> like nothing in /etc/runlevels/shutdown/ gets kicked 

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Bouncing messages

2023-01-15 Thread Jigme Datse
On Sat, 14 Jan 2023 10:25:27 +
Peter Humphrey  wrote:

> On Saturday, 14 January 2023 07:00:29 GMT Nuno Silva wrote:
> > On 2023-01-13, Peter Humphrey wrote:  
> > > Hello list,
> > > 
> > > Ever since the new year I've been getting a bounce message from
> > > this list
> > > - 19 of them so far. The first of those listed one message twice,
> > > most of the others six times. The message was 200359.
> > > 
> > > I don't know what that message was, but why is the system Out
> > > There   
> having
> > > such a hard time with it?  
> > 
> > Was the message from the list software or from a Microsoft system?  
> I don't know - I haven't received it as far as I know. The only
> archive entries I've found are of this conversation.

This seems like it might be a problem.  A lot of the time when I get
"weird bounces" for messages for a mailing list, it isn't the list, but
somewhere down the line, which is bouncing because they either aren't
properly handling mailing lists, or something else (like in this
example given, failing to properly handle forwarding "bouncing onward"
sort of as the PINE parlance was used) list messages.  

> > There's possibly one subscriber that has configured their
> > Exchange/Outlook account to forward e-mails to a Gmail account, and
> > forwarding as implemented by Microsoft apparently isn't done
> > correctly and so "SPF" checks run by Gmail are failing.  
> Hmm. Would that cause the message to me to fail, in particular?

The message *to* you?  I don't think so.  Or it might be someone
sending from a server which somehow throws something into the header
that causes it to be bounced that the list manager doesn't properly
deal with?  

> > I tried to send a message to this list about this topic back in
> > November but it never made through, perhaps it was filtered because
> > it quoted some of the error messages.  

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Google Chrome now requires wayland and jack audio?

2022-07-15 Thread Jigme Datse
On Fri, 15 Jul 2022 19:28:07 - (UTC)
Grant Edwards  wrote:

> It looks like www-client/google-chrome just added wayland and jack
> audio to the dependancies. So now I have to have Pulse _and_ Jack?

Pipewire will allow you to handle both in a pretty seamless way.
Though it does take a bit of configuration to get it working.  

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Movie editing softeware

2021-12-20 Thread Jigme Datse
On Mon, 20 Dec 2021 14:11:50 +0800
William Kenworthy  wrote:

> On 20/12/21 13:40, Andrew Lowe wrote:
> > On 20/12/21 11:17 am, William Kenworthy wrote:  
> >> Hi, what is a usable piece of software in portage to do a quick
> >> edit of a movie? (cut start/end and maybe splice a bit in/out of
> >> the middle?)
> >>
> >> BillK
> >>
> >>
> >>  
> >
> > How easy should it be? Won't ffmpeg allow you to do this type of
> > thing but you need to do a bit of work to get what you need - no
> > nice GUI?
> >
> > Andrew
> >  
> I am using ffmeg now to reduce the video size.  Its a Christmas
> message taken on a lumix camera that needs to be sent a few thousand
> km over what may be a flakey mobile link.  I just wanted something I
> can play a video, click on a point and delete everything before that.
>  Same at the end.  Looking at kdelive its a stupidly complex program
> that has a steep learning curve to do the above.
> BillK

The one thing if you are wanting to reduce video size, after getting
something that is the "just the right bits" video, send it as a HEVC
encoded video.  Generally it's h.264 once you have a "web" video, but I
have found I can reduce to 1/20 to 1/50 often taking that to HEVC for a
1080p video.  And...  You may not need/want it at that high a

Re: [gentoo-user] eudev/udev changeover: a warning to Linode customers

2021-12-01 Thread Jigme Datse
On Wed, 01 Dec 2021 12:49:59 -0500
"Matt Connell (Gmail)"  wrote:

> If you have a Gentoo machine running on Linode, take care to note that
> the eudev => udev changeover requires some manual intervention before
> the next reboot.
> You will need to DISABLE the network autoconfiguration option for the
> VM, and edit /etc/conf.d/net to specify the new, 'predictable' network
> interface name.  This is because Linode's network autoconfigurator is
> hard-coded to generate a configuration using the traditional style of
> network interface names, eg. eth0 
> Alternatively, you can make whatever changes are required to have the
> system enumerate the network interfaces with the old style names.
> If you do neither of those things, you will need to use the rescue
> console in order to log into the machine and fix your network
> configuration, as the system will not be able to bring up the network
> on its next boot.  Ask me how I learned this.

I honestly was afraid of this with running some updates lately.
Like...  Not this specifically, but because someone was commenting
about eudev->udev causing problems...  And then the problems I was
having a hard time with some updates on a relatively new instance, and
I noticed that was something that needed to be done for Gentoo
purposes...  They do seem to be doing *somewhat* better for having
Gentoo workable than when I started looking at using them in part
because of that (yeah I know it's not recommended, and I don't really
recommend it for anyone else, but it's what I like).

Re: [gentoo-user] Any decent alternative to Thunderbird?

2021-11-14 Thread Jigme Datse
On Sun, 14 Nov 2021 22:23:33 +
Wol  wrote:

> Which is sadly slowly proving itself a crap piece of software.
> I don't want to blame TB for the fact it keeps on crashing on Wayland 
> (although it's my only software which does that), but I'm just
> getting totally fed up with the number of tabs that get opened.
> Looking on the web, the general response seems to be "well, don't
> open so many tabs, learn how they work", but I don't open tabs!
> And I'm writing this email because I literally just watched TB open a 
> whole bunch of tabs in front of me. And they weren't even from the 
> folder I was in! They weren't even from the mail account I was in!
> And it's a pain in the arse because all of a sudden I've got a load
> of emails marked "read" (because TB's read them for me) that I
> haven't seen...
> Cheers,
> Wol

I'm using Claws Mail though I'm not sure if it is a valid answer, I do
know that it's the answer I have decided on.  Yes, Thunderbird is still
installed, but I don't have a clue when I last used it.  The last time,
was when I wanted to see if things in Thunderbird were working better
(for a specific message) than in Claws Mail.  And no, not really.
Though it may have been useful for that specific message.

Re: [gentoo-user] Multi-user login manager

2021-07-12 Thread Jigme Datse
On Mon, 12 Jul 2021 21:21:14 +0100
antlists  wrote:

> Two problems - I would like to run without X, but it seems that the 
> greeters need X to run ...

The greeters do, but a simple login prompt doesn't...  But from what I
can tell, you can't run multiseat (which I think is the term for what
you're wanting to do) without running X, Wayland, or Mir.  The virtual
terminals while you can switch between them, assume a single "user"
attached to it.

> Also I want to run a multi-user system. I know you can put multiple 
> monitors on one graphics card, and that gives you a multi-head
> system, but I've got TWO graphics cards. I want to plug in two
> keyboards, two mice, and have two users sitting there.

This sounds like what you are describing is what this Ubuntu page[1] is
calling multiseat.  This appears to require having some Windowing
system though it may not be true any more.  The Gentoo Multiseat
documentation[2] indicates it may not be required.  

>  From what I can make out, this isn't possible with sddm. Lightdm
> looks like it might be possible, but there isn't a man page, and I
> haven't installed it so I can't find out what's what.

The Gentoo page indicates that LightDM and SDDM both support multiseat
with either elogind or systemd used.  I'm not sure what login manager
you're using, as that may be an issue.  Consolekit is largely

> Or can I fire up two instances of greetd? One on eg vt7 and the other
> on vt8? If so, how do I configure vt7 and vt8 to be my two different 
> screen/keyboard/mouse combos?

This appears to "not work" as the VTs assume a single seat.  I honestly
thought that something like this was possible.  

> Lightdm also says it will do vnc, but again, the lack of
> documentation...

I have little idea about this.  

> And lastly, I remember something about waypipe. How easy is it to
> link Windows and linux with waypipe?

I'm not sure what options are available for running waypipe on Windows.
My search doesn't show anything obvious.  That probably would be the
question to answer about that.  From what I can tell about Waypipe, is
if it's running, it should be easy to connect between machines
relatively easily, though it's still another layer to keep in mind.  

> I know I'm asking a lot, but I tend to find documentation makes sense 
> only after you already know what it's saying ... :-) I'm hoping for a 
> "cookbook" style approach, but I don't expect much of that because I 
> know what I'm doing isn't very common ...

The best I can tell about anything "cookbook" is that a big part of why
that doesn't really exist is even with online stuff, by the time
someone has managed to set stuff up with the current state of things,
and be able to write out the documentation, that likely won't work with
what someone new might be facing.  

I hope my looking into it (mainly because I actually want to know how
difficult it would be to setup, if that's what I was wanting to do),
can be helpful to you.


Re: [gentoo-user] ModSecurity: Status engine is currently disabled, enable it by set SecStatusEngine to On.

2020-12-18 Thread Jigme Datse
On Fri, 18 Dec 2020 18:20:44 -0700 wrote:

> ModSecurity is installed:
> In which file I have to enable "SecStatusEngine On" ?

Not worked with Apache for a bit, but I think this is needed in your
Apache configuration.  Though I'm not sure if it's per virtual server
or if it's a global option.  

If this isn't helpful, I'm just sitting here waiting for stuff to
happen, and saw your message, and just thought I'd look to see if I can
maybe help.  

Re: [gentoo-user] Nvidia-drivers,

2018-03-18 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
Some time around when Spectre/Meltdown were announced, I started
experiencing similar problems.  I don't know "what's wrong" because so
far I have found no answers.

The best I can offer at this point is that on my system, it seems that
it will work with Nouveau drivers much better than the system currently
works with NVIDIA drivers.

Unfortunately, I haven't managed to get a working version of that yet,
but I usually only manage to put a few hours a week on trying to figure
it out.

I fortunately haven't had the problem that I have to kill power to the
computer, though I think I have gone through some times I have needed to
reboot, rather than just get back into X either through killing
processes, or (very rarely) stopping one problematic process which is
the source.

On 03/18/2018 09:40 AM, Alan Grimes wrote:
> Gentlemen, we have a problem...
> Okay, ~ a week ago there was a power outage at my place, everything goes
> down for a day or two. I had recently refreshed my UPS batteries, so I
> had a chance to put that into the circuit, no biggy.
> Since nobody will offer me a job, I was playing Kerbal space program yet
> again. (not even Don Corleone could get me a job at this point, I
> frequently joke about the horse head trick but, seriously, I don't think
> even that would work...)
> So, after all of two and a half days of uptime, nvidia drivers takes
> x'-doze down.
> I was like "Ok, fine, I'll do a maintenance cycle on my machine and all
> will be good..."
> So I update the bios, update the kernel, update portage, flush a few
> dead packages down the memory hole... Ok, my system was in shape again...
> So, I'm back in kerbal, another day or two goes by, I'm sitting there
> trying to figure out whether I have enough room in my departure corridor
> to slot in a contract mission to Jool.. I wasn't even sitting down, just
> poking around in my kitchen. When I got back, the game was frozen. I had
> to log in with my PoS laptop which is useful only for this task. I found
> that KSP, and X'doze were live-locked, presumably on a Nvidia-drivers
> bug. =( I tried killing off KSP but it ended up going zombie... I tried
> killing off parent processes, no luck, I then tried shutting down the
> machine the normal way, no good. I eventually ended up going to the
> dusty 28 year old power commander thing and throwing the big orange
> switch labelled COMPUTER (complete and instantaneous removal of power).
> What's going on here? Nvidia drivers have been stable for years...
> what's the deal? =\

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[gentoo-user] Emerging media-sound/supercollider fails with"multilib-strict check failed!"

2018-01-02 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
I'm not sure where best to address this, so for now I am starting here.
I'd like to have this addressed, and be able to emerge it without
disabling "multilib-strict" as it seems that this has been enabled
because these packages are going to end up hard failing before too long.

Is there a good way to end up reporting these kinds of things?  I really
wish this (and other packages which might have this problem) fixed.  If
this isn't the right place to put this, could someone tell me where, and
if I need other information?

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Skype

2017-11-27 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku

On 11/27/2017 10:14 AM, Lex Luthor wrote:
> Yeah, MS can have some pretty malicious practices. When they acquired
> Skype they *removed* the E2E encryption.

I am only using it for people I occasionally contact who are using it.
Specifically there is a group who I am involved with is ~800 km away,
and my only contact is online, but they use Skype, so I looked to see
what was happening with that.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[solved] Re: [gentoo-user] Skype

2017-11-27 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
Thank you,

On 11/27/2017 10:02 AM, R0b0t1 wrote:
> Hello,
> On Monday, November 27, 2017, Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
> <
> <>> wrote:
>> I know, that when I was trying to figure out just "what was supported" I
>> actually wasn't getting good information...
> If it is keyworded it is "supported" unless you are using very niche
> software. This does not mean anyone will be able to help you fix things
> quickly.

I think that I wasn't really clear as to where I was looking, and what I
meant by supported.  I know that it runs, and that it works as expected
in terms of Gentoo.  What I was looking at was the Microsoft page, and
what I saw there wasn't entirely clear.

Looking again, I see they say "5.* is at end of life, and is being
decommissioned as of now".  This is all that is in the main gentoo
repository.  So, while it runs fine, it doesn't actually do what people
would be installing it for (there are overlays which provide newer, and
at least most recent major version, versions).

> Unstable packages typically run well. I routinely fix issues by using
> unstable or even unkeyworded packages over the stable versions. Most
> issues arise when stable and unstable packages interact, usually due to
> breaking interface changes. So, paradoxically, an unstable (or testing)
> system can be more stable than a stable system.

I have few problems with how well it runs.  It's just that it fails to
connect to the server.  It appears often getting stuff like Skype to run
we need to install from an overlay, or install manually.

> If you fix an issue by using an unstable package you can request
> stabilization. Sometimes people forget to do it. For a package like
> Skype, though, I suspect it will be stabilized as soon as possible.

I *could* be mistaken, we will need to update the versions available to
get it to work.  I have a suspicion that it isn't really being
maintained.  I'm not sure.  I am having trouble finding "release
history", as I can't see what comes between skypeforlinux 5.* and 8.*,
and 8.* *seems* to have been released less than a month ago.

I agree with what has been said.  Microsoft has been very well known to
break things for other operating systems, especially for "Microsoft"
type stuff (as opposed to stuff that people don't really understand it
is Microsoft unless they are very aware).

Thank you everyone, I *think* this is solved.  I haven't installed, or
tested yet, but rion overlay is giving me what I need (at least it should).

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[gentoo-user] Skype

2017-11-27 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
Is Skype "largely unusable" on Gentoo?  It feels like about 3 days ago I
was forced to upgrade because "this version is no longer supported" and
to upgrade I had to keyword the latest version.  If this keeps
happening, to me, this is broken.  And I'm not sure if the problem is
that we are so far behind, that when Microsoft removes support we only
just barely meet the requirements, or if there is something I am missing.

I *do* like to keep my computer updated, but unless I misunderstand (and
it seems that Gentoo has changed a lot since I started using it about
15-20 years ago (I think)) stable is the recommended way to run the
system unless you want to go into "here be pesky programmes" territory.
When I started, even "stable" was a lot more work than previously used
distributions, but with Gentoo, I've always felt that with Gentoo, while
doing "basic stuff" can be more difficult, other distributions have
always been "if it doesn't work out of the box, it's probably not that
worth trying to figure it out."

I still feel that getting things working in Gentoo is always "a bit of
work" and if it "doesn't just work" it often still can be done without a
whole lot more work.  But having to upgrade in a "manual way" on
approximately a weekly basis just to have functionality tells me that
something is badly broken (and I don't feel it is Gentoo in this case,
but I need to have some better understanding).

I know, that when I was trying to figure out just "what was supported" I
actually wasn't getting good information...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Unlocking Plasma desktop in Gentoo without systemd

2017-09-11 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
I had a similar (if not identical problem).  This solution is a
"difficult" solution, the reason I experienced this (if I understand)
was that I was running KDE at the same time I was updating KDE.  I can't
remember if I simply rebooted, or if all it took was logging out, and
logging back in.  Even if I had rebooted, the *most* that should be
required is restarting X, which if you are running XDM may require
restarting XDM, or as stated, simply logging out and logging back in
(but that might not be possible from KDE running in this broken mode).
It should happen relatively infrequently.

If you are doing unattended updates, you are likely to run into this
kind of problem from time to time.  I do not recommend it except for
"security" updates, which I don't believe there is an automated process
in Gentoo to do.  Ie. I don't believe Portage flags updates as
"security" updates in any way, so a single command of "emerge --update
--security-only @word" (to my knowledge) isn't really a possibility.

Though, also, I haven't been following recent discussions that closely,
and I only recently returned to Gentoo after about 10 years away.

On 09/11/2017 10:49 AM, Mick wrote:
> I started a plasma session and after some period of input inactivity I 
> noticed 
> the screen blanked out.  Later on I moved the mouse and to my surprise I 
> obtained this message:
> *
> "The screen locker is broken and unlocking is not possible anymore.
> In order to unlock switch to a virtual terminal (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F2),
> log in and execute the command:
> loginctl unlock-sessions
> Afterwards switch back to the running session (Ctrl+Alt+F7)."
> *
> Given this is a non-systemd Gentoo installation and I intend to keep it this 
> way as long as reasonably practicable, what should I instruct the user to do 
> to recover their current plasma session?
> If this is a default Gentoo installation with openrc, why does a default 
> plasma desktop screenlocker comes up with this nonsense?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] mount: Permission Denied in CHROOT

2017-08-14 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
1 -msse4.2 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe"
> DISTDIR="/usr/portage/distfiles"
> FCFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
> FEATURES="assume-digests binpkg-logs config-protect-if-modified
> distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles merge-sync news parallel-fetch
> preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unknown-features-warn
> unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr"
> FFLAGS="-O2 -pipe"
> LANG="en_US.utf8"
> LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed"
> MAKEOPTS="-j2"
> PKGDIR="/usr/portage/packages"
> PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times
> --omit-dir-times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats
> --human-readable --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local
> --exclude=/packages --exclude=/.git"
> PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp"
> USE="acl amd64 berkdb bindist bzip2 cli cracklib crypt cxx dri gdbm
> hardened iconv ipv6 justify modules multilib ncurses nls nptl openmp pam
> pax_kernel pcre pie readline seccomp session ssl ssp tcpd unicode
> urandom xattr xtpax zlib" ABI_X86="64" ALSA_CARDS="ali5451 als4000
> atiixp atiixp-modem bt87x ca0106 cmipci emu10k1x ens1370 ens1371 es1938
> es1968 fm801 hda-intel intel8x0 intel8x0m maestro3 trident usb-audio
> via82xx via82xx-modem ymfpci" APACHE2_MODULES="authn_core authz_core
> socache_shmcb unixd actions alias auth_basic authn_alias authn_anon
> authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authz_dbm authz_default
> authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cache cgi
> cgid dav dav_fs dav_lock deflate dir disk_cache env expires ext_filter
> file_cache filter headers include info log_config logio mem_cache mime
> mime_magic negotiation rewrite setenvif speling status unique_id userdir
> usertrack vhost_alias" CALLIGRA_FEATURES="kexi words flow plan sheets
> stage tables krita karbon braindump author" COLLECTD_PLUGINS="df
> interface irq load memory rrdtool swap syslog" CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx sse
> sse2" ELIBC="glibc" GPSD_PROTOCOLS="ashtech aivdm earthmate evermore
> fv18 garmin garmintxt gpsclock isync itrax mtk3301 nmea ntrip navcom
> oceanserver oldstyle oncore rtcm104v2 rtcm104v3 sirf skytraq superstar2
> timing tsip tripmate tnt ublox ubx" INPUT_DEVICES="libinput keyboard
> mouse" KERNEL="linux" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780
> lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text"
> LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS="presenter-console presenter-minimizer"
> PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby21 ruby22"
> USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="amdgpu fbdev intel nouveau radeon radeonsi
> vesa dummy v4l" XTABLES_ADDONS="quota2 psd pknock lscan length2
> ipv4options ipset ipp2p iface geoip fuzzy condition tee tarpit sysrq
> steal rawnat logmark ipmark dhcpmac delude chaos account"
> When I try to mount the partitions outside of chroot everything mounts
> fine. Within chroot, I get a "permission denied" when trying to mount. I
> am kind of stuck because when trying to install grub, I am getting:
> grub-install /dev/sda
> Installing for i386-pc platform.
> grub-install: warning: disk does not exist, so falling back to partition
> device /dev/sda4.
> grub-install: warning: disk does not exist, so falling back to partition
> device /dev/sda4.
> grub-install: warning: disk does not exist, so falling back to partition
> device /dev/sda4.
> grub-install: error: disk `hostdisk//dev/sda4' not found.
> Your help is greatly appreciated.
> Mike

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call. ...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Issues updating world on new install (gmp symptom)

2017-08-07 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
On 2017-08-07 14:50, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 07/08/2017 23:47, Jigme Datse Rasku wrote:
> > I have been working with trying to get a new system installed, and the
> > first problem I run into is that it fails on the configure stage of gmp.
> >
> [snip]
> > # emerge -pqv '=dev-libs/gmp-6.1.2::gentoo'
> > [ebuild U ] dev-libs/gmp-6.1.2 [6.1.0] USE="asm cxx -doc -pgo
> > -static-libs" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32*)"
> In the two attachments, the build log says it's a FLAGS/ABI error.
> Your env file has this:
> using ABI="64"
>   CC="x86_64-pc-linux-gnux32-gcc"
>   CFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe"
>   CXX="x86_64-pc-linux-gnux32-g++"
>   CXXFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe"
>   MPN_PATH=" x86_64/k8 x86_64 generic"
> emerge output above says ABI_X86="x32" is switched OFF.
> You need to switch it on.
> ABI_X86 config is covered in detail at
Thank you,

I could see that was possibly a problem, but it wasn't something which I 
intentionally changed, and trying to get what looked like the problem fixed, 
seems to have had no effect whatsoever.  I'll go look at the wiki see if it 
explains it better. 

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call. ...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Don't miss the 1 500 000 000 Unix second!

2017-07-14 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku

On 2017-07-14 08:15, Andrew Tselischev wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 08:42:01PM +0700, Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov wrote:
> >> when time_t reaches 2 billion.
> >
> > He meant 2k38 problem, when time_t will overflow int32 :)
> I would bet that somewhere there is a quick-job shell script that parses
> unix timestamps with regular expressions and assumes they start with a 1. :D
Why do I feel that we've already gone through at least one upgrade of "Unix 
Time" already.  I'm not sure if it was something like going from int16 to 
int32, or more that it went from signed int32 to unsigned int32.

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call. ...

Re: [gentoo-user] How do you get newer version of Arduino?

2017-05-02 Thread Jigme Datse Rasku
I think standard way is to create a new ebuild.  I did that with the Plex
overlay, trying to clean up the old version.

If you do get it working, let the maintainers know, and they can update it

On May 2, 2017 08:38, "Danny YUE"  wrote:

Hi folks,

I am playing around with my arduino board...
I know there is an official package arduino, but that is way too old.
So...where do you get the latest version? For example 1.8?

Thanks in advance.


Re: [gentoo-user] Online hosting recommendation - VMs?

2017-03-25 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
Linode just updated their gentoo image, it works out of the box (I failed to 
get the previous version to work, but if I had been willing to put a week into 
getting it working, as with most things Gentoo, probably no problem).  Their 
1024 (I think) VM should be able to do way more than your in the cupboard 
machine.  I'd like to know if other people have other solutions. 

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

On 2017-03-25 19:57, Stroller wrote:
> Hello,
> In the next few weeks I need to move my email server (a very old Gentoo 
> installation) from the closet in my home, into the cloud so that I can go 
> travelling and access my mail from anywhere.
> I've never used VM's before, but my understanding is that they look just like 
> a normal machine to the users inside them, and there shouldn't be any problem 
> with me getting used to them. My current mail server is an old 700mhz Pentium 
> III (I think), so performance is unimportant. I guess VM's have some kind of 
> web or VNC console I can log into for the initial install (and if I screw up 
> remote access)?
> 1. Are these suppositions right?
> 2. Any recommendations for cheap / reliable hosting providers, please?
> I expect to use Gentoo because I've hardly used any other distro for years, 
> and find others less intuitive.
> Thanks,
> Stroller.

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail. ...

Re: [gentoo-user] cron tab

2017-03-21 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
If I remember, it runs on the 1st to 5th day of the week, and the third day of 
the month.  But I'd have to look to be sure.

On 2017-03-21 17:27, wrote:
> I have a cron tab entry:
> 5 18 3 * 1-5
> To my understanding it will run 18:05 on the 3rd day of the month, from
> Mon-Fri.
> So why did this cron entry run today?

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
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... ...
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail. ...

Re: [gentoo-user] WARNING: Crucial MX300 drives SUUUUUCK!!!!

2017-02-12 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
I have 3 of these class of device (if I recall) 3 Crucial SSDs where I have 
only had issues with the one install of the device, and I'm not really sure 
*why* that might be causing problems, but I suspect that a good part of why it 
"just won't work" is because of the UEFI system on that machine, or something 
installed "inside" the UEFI which makes it confuse the heck out of the machine. 
 I have intended to boot into and install Gentoo on it, to see if doing so is 
"doable" or if I should strip the machine, and hope I can get some useful 
components out of it.  Perhaps the optical drive would work well, on this 
machine, though I don't really have a reason to switch this machine's optical 
drive out right now. 

My suggestion is the drive *should* be under warranty, so get a replacement 
that way, and hit up some other manufacturer if you can afford to.  I have 
heard people say that they have had drives running for 10 years, but I may have 

On 2017-02-12 14:40, Alan Grimes wrote:
> Dear god, I think I have come in contact with one of the suckiest things
> in the universe!
> I mean first there are supermassive black holes... OK... Then there's
> Crucial MX300 SSDs, and in a distant third there's Justin Beiber.
> I mean the absolute suckyness of MX300 SSDs defy human comprehension. I
> mean you could connect one of these:
> to
> a suction pump and it couldn't possibly suck one quintillionth as much
> as this SSD...
> I mean if the power goes out, and you want to do some vacuuming, just
> put your MX300 behind the bag in your vacuum and it'll work better than
> normal.
> Seriously, what could possibly suck harder than a SSD which dies stone
> cold dead after only 20 days?!?!?! Thank god I had done nothing worse
> than store my rusty old Velociraptor on a shelf, and by good fortune it
> only took about two days to get it updated... I really hadn't intended
> to ever use it again. =\
> I'm not sure what lesson I should take away from this except that
> Crucial does not have any business selling SSDs. =\
> I'm not sure where to go from here. My 'raptor is very close to
> exceeding it's reliable lifespan, by some standards it already has...
> But now the QC of these SSDs has been shown to be outrageously bad. =(
> So does anyone have any evidence of a current generation SSD lasting
> more than 20 days?

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Getting X11 to "underscan"...

2016-10-19 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
Thank you everyone.  It now seems to be working.  Not sure if the setting is a 
per input setting or not, but the main issue was the one input from the 

On 2016-10-19 12:11, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2016-10-18, Daniel Frey <> wrote:
> > On 10/18/2016 08:57 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
> >> On 2016-10-18, Daniel Frey <> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I have three different manufacturers and each one has it, but on mine it
> >>> wasn't marked in the manual.
> >>
> >> Not all TVs can disable overscan.  The last time was shopping, many of
> >> the Sony Bravias couldn't (that was a few years ago).  On some TVs
> >> I've seen, in order to disable overscan the signal resolution has to
> >> match the panel resolution exactly...
> >>
> >
> > Yeah, I understand about the Sony TVs. A friend bought one in 2012/2013
> > and we even emailed Sony and their reply was it can't be done.
> >
> > Until I found an option under Setup called Screen or Screen Display, and
> > set it to Full Pixel. That disabled the overscan.
> Several other brands also have some odd, trademarked, phrase for the
> "disable overscan" feature, so keep an eye out for display modes with
> odd names invented by a marketting person who never quite understood
> what that mode actually does.
> If you ask about your model in some of the home-theater forums,
> somebody usually knows.  But, you've got to wade through those awful
> web-UI based "forums"...

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail. ...

Re: [gentoo-user] KDM XSession list?

2016-10-18 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
Thank you.

On 2016-10-18 10:58, Fernando Rodriguez wrote:
> On 10/17/2016 10:42 PM, Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku wrote:
>> I suspect that I probably ended up masking certain packages around the time 
>> that KDE5 was getting pushed out, but it seems that the "mess" I am 
>> currently experiencing might be worth looking at what I have done with KDE 
>> to see if there is some stuff which I now need to "unfix". 
>> Though, your answer didn't address what I had intended to ask.  Which was 
>> how to figure out what KDM is using for the session list. 
> /usr/share/xsessions/

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Getting X11 to "underscan"...

2016-10-18 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
In terms of the make and model, it is a Panasonic Viera TC-P42S30.

On 2016-10-18 12:32, Daniel Frey wrote:
> On 10/18/2016 08:57 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> On 2016-10-18, Daniel Frey <> wrote:
>>> I have three different manufacturers and each one has it, but on mine it
>>> wasn't marked in the manual.
>> Not all TVs can disable overscan.  The last time was shopping, many of
>> the Sony Bravias couldn't (that was a few years ago).  On some TVs
>> I've seen, in order to disable overscan the signal resolution has to
>> match the panel resolution exactly...
> Yeah, I understand about the Sony TVs. A friend bought one in 2012/2013
> and we even emailed Sony and their reply was it can't be done.
> Until I found an option under Setup called Screen or Screen Display, and
> set it to Full Pixel. That disabled the overscan.
> Again, not documented, but it was there. And it's never labeled as
> Overscan[ning] which would be the intuitive way to label it.
> With my other TVs none of them had it in the manuals, I found them by
> trying all the settings on the TV.
> Another option would be for the OP to post make/model of TV, maybe
> there's a non-obvious way to change it on his TV - you just never know.
> Dan

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail....

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Getting X11 to "underscan"...

2016-10-18 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
The output of xrandr is attached (not sure if that works or not).  Every
single resolution fails to work.  As I drop down to about 640x480 it
*almost* displays enough to be workable, but at that resolution on a
41.6" display is really not going to work.  There were about 4
resolutions (with the KDE Hardware settings) which actually worked.

No, there is no VGA input on the TV.  The video card is already using
VGA, and I don't believe that monitor actually has any other alternative
anyway.  Thank you for your help.

On 2016-10-18 05:20, Michael Mol wrote:
> On Monday, October 17, 2016 07:48:29 PM Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku wrote:
>> So far after much digging on the TV I haven't found a way to actually get it
>> to do what I want.  I'm not sure if it even can.  I will look when I next
>> get access to the system (currently in use by other members of the
>> household).  Perhaps somewhere we have a manual for it?  I really don't
>> know.
>> I agree, that it would be preferable to not have to make the computer fudge
>> it, but if after having spent time trying to fix it on the TV itself
>> multiple times, only to find that all options I have found, end up
>> producing very undesirable results (such as displaying it a 4:3 aspect
>> ratio, or a 2:1 aspect ratio).  I'll see if I can find what I need.
>> I do know that if I could get the TV to change the setting for that so it
>> doesn't end up overscanning, without doing other "weird" stuff, it would
>> mean that I could see the full boot process, not missing bits of it off the
>> edge of the screen.
> Once upon a time, in the days of analog displays, we used modelines to 
> accomplish what you're doing.
> I don't think modelines work with pure-digital outputs, though. Does your TV 
> have a VGA input, and does your box have a VGA output? That would be an 
> effective, if not ideal, solution.
> Alternately, have you tried setting your display to an unusual resolution? 
> What's the output of the xrandr command? It should give you a list of 
> supported resolutions refresh rates, including flags to tell you which ones 
> are 
> selected and which ones are recommended. Often, with digital TVs, there will 
> be a resolution you can use that evades the TV's overscan emulation.

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call....
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Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3200 x 1080, maximum 8192 x 8192
DVI-I-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI-1 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y 
axis) 698mm x 392mm
   1920x1080 60.00*+  59.9424.0023.98  
   1400x1050 59.98  
   1280x1024 60.02  
   1280x960  60.00  
   1280x720  60.0059.94  
   1024x768  60.0460.00  
   960x720   60.00  
   1440x480i 59.94  
   928x696   60.05  
   896x672   60.01  
   800x600   60.0060.3256.25  
   700x525   59.98  
   720x480   60.0059.94  
   640x512   60.02  
   640x480   60.0060.0059.94  
   512x384   60.00  
   400x300   60.3256.34  
   320x240   60.05  
VGA-1 connected 1280x1024+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 
338mm x 270mm
   1280x1024 60.02*+  75.02  
   1280x960  60.00  
   1152x864  75.00  
   1024x768  60.0475.0875.0370.0760.00  
   960x720   60.00  
   928x696   75.0060.05  
   896x672   75.0560.01  
   832x624   74.55  
   800x600   75.0070.0065.0060.0072.1975.0060.32
   700x525   74.7659.98  
   640x512   75.0260.02  
   640x480   60.0075.0072.8172.8175.0066.6760.00
   720x400   70.08  
   576x432   75.00  
   512x384   75.0370.0760.00  
   416x312   74.66  
   400x300   72.1975.1260.3256.34  
   320x240   72.8175.0060.05  

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Getting X11 to "underscan"...

2016-10-17 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
So far after much digging on the TV I haven't found a way to actually get it to 
do what I want.  I'm not sure if it even can.  I will look when I next get 
access to the system (currently in use by other members of the household).  
Perhaps somewhere we have a manual for it?  I really don't know. 

I agree, that it would be preferable to not have to make the computer fudge it, 
but if after having spent time trying to fix it on the TV itself multiple 
times, only to find that all options I have found, end up producing very 
undesirable results (such as displaying it a 4:3 aspect ratio, or a 2:1 aspect 
ratio).  I'll see if I can find what I need. 

I do know that if I could get the TV to change the setting for that so it 
doesn't end up overscanning, without doing other "weird" stuff, it would mean 
that I could see the full boot process, not missing bits of it off the edge of 
the screen.

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

On 2016-10-17 16:47, Daniel Frey wrote:
> On 10/17/2016 04:41 PM, Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku wrote:
> > When I connect the iMac to our HDTV TV, I can set it to underscan.  The
> > reason that I would like to do that is because when I display at 1080p
> > the TV ends up dropping the edges of the image off of the screen.  This
> > isn't really a problem at all for TV, or movies or whatever displayed
> > there, but if KDE displays the standard panel on the top or bottom, only
> > a thin line of pixels shows where it is supposed to be (don't know about
> > left or right as I haven't used them).  This also ends up being an issue
> > in MATE.  Is there a way to get it to send a 1080p signal which is
> > postboxed in the sense that black bars are being added top, bottom,
> > left, and right?  These black bars are "outside" the interface.
> >
> > Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
> >
> It's often far easier to set the TV to disable overscanning. Some TVs
> it's an actual option in the menu; in others simply assigning the HDMI
> input label as "PC" or similar will disable overscanning.
> Dan

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call. ...
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail. ...

Re: [gentoo-user] KDM XSession list?

2016-10-17 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
I suspect that I probably ended up masking certain packages around the time 
that KDE5 was getting pushed out, but it seems that the "mess" I am currently 
experiencing might be worth looking at what I have done with KDE to see if 
there is some stuff which I now need to "unfix". 

Though, your answer didn't address what I had intended to ask.  Which was how 
to figure out what KDM is using for the session list. 

On 2016-10-17 19:36, Philip Webb wrote:
> 161017 Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku wrote:
> > In my attempt to update yesterday I ended up uninstalling startkde,
> > which meant I couldn't get into KDE any more.
> You need  kde-plasma/plasma-workspace .
> You can emerge it from a raw terminal.

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call. ...
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[gentoo-user] Getting X11 to "underscan"...

2016-10-17 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
When I connect the iMac to our HDTV TV, I can set it to underscan.  The
reason that I would like to do that is because when I display at 1080p
the TV ends up dropping the edges of the image off of the screen.  This
isn't really a problem at all for TV, or movies or whatever displayed
there, but if KDE displays the standard panel on the top or bottom, only
a thin line of pixels shows where it is supposed to be (don't know about
left or right as I haven't used them).  This also ends up being an issue
in MATE.  Is there a way to get it to send a 1080p signal which is
postboxed in the sense that black bars are being added top, bottom,
left, and right?  These black bars are "outside" the interface.

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call....
... ...
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail....

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[gentoo-user] KDM XSession list?

2016-10-17 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
In my attempt to update yesterday I ended up uninstalling startkde,
which meant I couldn't get into KDE any more.  I was wondering if there
is some place I can find where the list of xsessions (startkde or
whatever) is stored, or how it is generated?  I am seeing two different
sessions listed as Kodi on the system.  And I'd like to know why, and to
better differentiate them if there is a good reason that there are two
of them.

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call....
... ...
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail....

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Firefox 49.0 & Youtube....Video: Yes - Audio: No...

2016-10-16 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
With Pulseaudio the best way (I have found) for controling the volume, is 
through the pulse audio volume controls. 

It works well for me.  Though they are somewhat of a pain (though not sure if 
that's because I simply don't know the "easier" way to handle them.

I also tend to like to handle volume control through external speaker controls 
if practical. 

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

On 2016-10-15 23:48, wrote:
> Miroslav Rovis <> [16-10-16 07:00]:
> > On 161015-20:27+0200, wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> this evening I updated GENTOO and a new firefox was installed.
> >> This one seem completly to disable flash video finally...
> >> since I got no video/audio at all.
> >>
> >> I disabled all flash-related addons of my firefox and
> >> restarted  it.
> >>
> >> Now I got a video ... but without any audio.
> >> (I am running jackd by the way).
> >> I check with qjackctl whether there were any
> >> ports which I missed to connect...nothing.
> >
> > If jackd is to do with alsa, then it could be the following.
> >
> > Mozilla went pulse all the way:
> >  Require PulseAudio on Linux
> >
> > See also:
> > Firefox nightly requires Pulse Audio
> >
> >
> >> Hmmm...
> >>
> >> Is there any fix for that?
> > Not familiar with jackd. But as far as alsa (which I stick to, like
> > other discontented users), I don't have sound since months ago.  The
> > only way to get it would be to compile alsa myself, I'm afraid.
> >
> > Regards!
> > --
> > Miroslav Rovis
> > Zagreb, Croatia
> >
> Hi Miroslav,
> it working...somehow...
> I installed pulseaudio and used pactl to set the default sink
> and source to the one soundcard (onboard), which is connected
> to my loudspeakers.
> Drawback: Setting the volume seems only to be tweakable via
> the volume slider of the HTML5 player in Firefox...and my alsa
> volume "app" of my taskbar doesn't work anymore.
> Hopefully the rest of my sound stuff still works
> Cheers,
> Meino

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call. ...
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail. ...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] CUPS: print jobs while others are being prepared?

2016-09-13 Thread Jigme Datse Rasku
This seems like it should be possible.  The potential issue would be how to
ensure a whole job is printed, before a new job is sent.  With a single
cups process sending to the printer, it should be able to print as jobs get
prepared.  But configuring such might not be possible with current setup...

On Sep 13, 2016 09:50, "hw"  wrote:


is it possible to make cups print a job while another job is still
being processed, on the same printer?

Processing a large job can take quite some time, and the printer is
idle while the large job is being processed and other, smaller jobs,
are idly waiting in the queue for the large job to finish.

I want like a maximum of 20 jobs being processed at the same time so
that the printer can print the ones that have already been processed
immediately when their processing has finished.

Why should cups be limited to use only one CPU?

Re: [gentoo-user] Suggestion for freenode

2016-09-03 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
I like that.  Haven't got to even reaching the "dev in training" stage, but I'd 
like to have some place where I can ask general gentoo-dev questions.  I have a 
couple of projects which I'd like to get working with a simple "emerge". 

Well.  One which is essentially a single project (LedgerSMB) another which is 
much larger (Matrix chat protocol, and at least the software I am using myself 
(Synapse, Vector-Web, unplug currently)). 

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

On 2016-09-03 21:37, Raymond Jennings wrote:
> I think #gentoo-mentors should be filled by people willing to serve as
> mentors, and cater to devs in training who need a mentor ^^
> What do you guys think?

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail. ...

Re: [gentoo-user] NVidia drivers and vanilla kernel Linux 4.7.0 anyone?

2016-07-30 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
I have an earlier version of the x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers installed (361.28), 
but if I recall, I couldn't get x11 to use them.  Or maybe they are already 
using them, but I don't know it (but I believe I couldn't get the tools to 
recognize that they were being used).  My understanding is that using the 
correct framebuffer drivers is as good, if not better than using the official 
nvidia ones.  But as I don't believe I have had the opportunity to do so, I 
can't really say.

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

On 2016-07-29 22:36, wrote:
> Hi,
> trying the new kernel linux-4.7 (vanilla, downloaded from
> with nvidia drivers
> (Installed versions:  367.35-r1^md(03:00:46 07/30/16)(X driver kms
> multilib uvm -acpi -compat -gtk3 -pax_kernel -static-libs -tools
> -wayland KERNEL="linux -FreeBSD")).
> The kernel compiled fine, the nvidia-drivers does not.
> Anuone else with the same problem (read: This has to be
> fixed by nvidia/Linus) or am I the only one (so it is
> my problem...which does not neccessarily imply that I
> know how to fix that ... ;) ???
> Best regards
> Meino

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
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[gentoo-user] Virtual machines, and creating bootable images

2016-06-18 Thread Jigme Datse Yli-RAsku
I am looking at creating a gentoo install which I can use for my hosted
servers.  The documentation I have seen about doing so is to mount an
"ISO" and then dd the mounted device to a data drive, make the data
drive bootable (set it in the settings for hosting provider) and attach
it to a server.

I want to be able to build these images and test them in a virtual
machine on my local server, then end up doing what I need on the hosting
provider to get them in place.

Quick research hasn't given me any clear guidance as to how I can export
the virtual machine (ie. what even can do this) to an image that can be
copied to a drive to produce a bootable drive.

Anyone have some good starting points to think about this?

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku (Preferred address for new messages)

Jigme Datse Yli-Rasku
PO Box 270
Rossland, BC V0G 1Y0

... This message should be electronically signed, and if the sender ...
... has your public key, may also be encrypted. ...
... If you have any questions about this, please email, or call....
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... Please leave a message if you get voicemail....

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Problem upgrading mediawiki

2007-01-01 Thread Jigme Datse

Enrico Weigelt wrote:

Hi folks,

I just tried to upgrade some wikis from 1.4.15 (to 1.5.8, 1.6.8,
1.7.1) and ran into trouble: while trying access the wiki, I
get an query error - seems the database layout has changed.

How can I update it ? 

I ran into a similar problem in one of my updates of it.  I am currently 
running 1.68, and was running 1.4 and may have gone through the 1.5 
series.  There is documentation on the mediawiki site at the key that I think you 
may be missing is the command:

$ php update.php

Though there are some things with that, such as files moving (I believe) 
so what looks like it should be simple there are two versions of files 
there, one in /var/www/ and one on /usr/share/webapps, and I can't tell 
you what the difference is, and which is needed for what, but I believe 
both are indeed needed.

Please look at the mediawiki docs as I think they will give you what you 
need if this message hasn't.

Jigme Datse
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] No sound in flash

2006-12-25 Thread Jigme Datse
Hash: SHA1

Felipe Ribeiro wrote:
 When i try to open a flash video on firefox, the sound doesnt work and
 i get this error message repeated many times as output
 ALSA lib pcm_plug.c:1189:(_snd_pcm_plug_open) Unknown field hint
 ALSA lib pcm.c:2109:(snd_pcm_open_conf) Cannot open shared library
 on /usr/lib/alsa-lib i just have the smixer folder, and inside smixer:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/lib/alsa-lib $ ls -la smixer/
 total 72
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   336 Dec 12 00:22 .
 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root72 Sep 13 16:07 ..
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  6788 Dec 12 00:22 smixer-ac97.a
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   866 Dec 12 00:22
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  7808 Dec 12 00:22
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  6788 Dec 12 00:22 smixer-hda.a
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   859 Dec 12 00:22
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  7808 Dec 12 00:22
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11314 Dec 12 00:22 smixer-sbase.a
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   873 Dec 12 00:22
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12480 Dec 12 00:22
 any hints?

My guess is that something in the dependency tree was updated below
either Firefox or Flash.  My bet is on re-emerging Flash.  Though that
still may not fix the problem, that is where I'd start.

Jigme Datse
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] DHCP and deny clients

2006-12-12 Thread Jigme Datse
Hash: SHA1

Jakob wrote:
 On 12/11/06, *Neil Bothwick* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:39:14 +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
  I have a gentoo server and a laptop both running dhcp (server) at
  the server serves clients at home.
  the laptop, serves client at NON-home places.
  when I plug my laptop into the home, clients will get to my laptop's
  dhcp server instead of the home server's dhcp.
 You could use the postup(0 function in /etc/conf.d/net to shutdown the
 DHCP server if you are connected to the home network.
 Neil Bothwick
 Windows - software package to turn a 486 into an Etch-A-Sketch!
 Maybe this helps: (from dhcpd.conf.sample )
 # If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local
 # network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented.
 I think this one schould prefer your local dhcp to the clients at home
 instead of using your notebook.
 correct me if I'm wrong.

It can mean long time outs if the client requests an address that is not
in the pool.  I know I had problems with this, but I think that this
would work for you provided you have everything else set up correctly.

Jigme Datse
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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