[gentoo-user] Re: Screen settings

2006-02-23 Thread Rajat Gujral
Hi frino , steve

i have added defaultdepth 24 to xorg.conf file but it still takes the
resolution as 640 x 480 ... I have checked the control panel
pheripherals  display and there is only 1 resolution availiable
nothing else ..

Now what shld i do pls help me through it ...

Thanx and rgds


On 2/23/06, Steven S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 23 Feb 2006, Rajat Gujral wrote:

 Have you tried adding the option DefaultDepth? Since you have the Modes
 1024x768 for 24, it should come out looking

   Section Screen
  Identifier Screen0
  Device Card0
   DefaultDepth 24
  SubSection Display
  Viewport   0 0
  Depth 1

 This is the only way I am ever able to get my system to go to 1280x1024,
 possibly it'll force yours to the correct setting.

  Hi richard and jerry
  thanx for ur suggestions but i guess my problem remains the same ... My
  xserver still starts with screen resolution of 640 x 480 ... Before the
  improper shutdown it was working fine in 1024 x 768 resolution , but now
  matter what resolution i provide, it starts up with 640 x 480 resolution
  which makes the screen appear so big .. Is there anything else that i can
  Thnx  Regds
  Rajat :)
  P.S. I have done X -configure and has detected the following settings :
  Section ServerLayout
 Identifier X.org Configured
 Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
 InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
 InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard
  Section Files
 RgbPath  /usr/lib/X11/rgb
 ModulePath   /usr/lib/modules
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/misc/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/TTF/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/Type1/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/CID/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/75dpi/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/100dpi/
  Section Module
 Load  extmod
 Load  dbe
 Load  dri
 Load  record
 Load  xtrap
 Load  glx
 Load  type1
 Load  freetype
  Section InputDevice
 Identifier  Keyboard0
 Driver  kbd
  Section InputDevice
 Identifier  Mouse0
 Driver  mouse
 Option  Protocol Microsoft
 Option  Device /dev/ttyS1
  Section Monitor
 Identifier   Monitor0
 VendorName   Monitor Vendor
 ModelNameMonitor Model
  Section Device
 ### Available Driver options are:-
 ### Values: i: integer, f: float, bool: True/False,
 ### string: String, freq: f Hz/kHz/MHz
 ### [arg]: arg optional
 #Option NoAccel   # [bool]
 #Option SWcursor  # [bool]
 #Option ColorKey  # i
 #Option CacheLines# i
 #Option Dac6Bit   # [bool]
 #Option DRI   # [bool]
 #Option NoDDC # [bool]
 #Option ShowCache # [bool]
 #Option XvMCSurfaces  # i
 #Option PageFlip  # [bool]
 Identifier  Card0
 Driver  i810
 VendorName  Intel Corp.
 BoardName   82810E DC-133 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]
 BusID   PCI:0:1:0
  Section Screen
 Identifier Screen0
 Device Card0
 SubSection Display
 Viewport   0 0
 Depth 1
 SubSection Display
 Viewport   0 0
 Depth 4
 SubSection Display
 Viewport   0 0
 Depth 8
 SubSection Display
 Viewport   0 0
 Depth 15
 SubSection Display
 Viewport   0 0
 Depth 16
 Modes 1024x768
 SubSection Display
 Viewport   0 0
 Depth 24
 Modes 1024x768
  On 2/22/06, Richard Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 2/22/06, Jerry Eastmanhouser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  settings.  I did mine manually a long long time ago, but I think you can
  xorgconfig to detect most of your settings for you...if so...hopefully
  will fix you up.
  I would suggest instead X -configure.  That should autodetect most
  things, unlike xorgconfig which asks you a bunch of questions that
  most users don't know the answers to.
  gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
 gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Re: Screen settings

2006-02-23 Thread Rajat Gujral
hello all,

I was just goin thru Xorg.0.log file and i notice that after doing
startx some errors are being logged on the system ... I hope if someone
know what exactly does this error means then please help me
resolve it.

Thanx in advance 


P.S. : Here with attached is the log file generated by startx

On 2/23/06, Rajat Gujral [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi frino , stevei have added defaultdepth 24 to xorg.conf file but it still takes theresolution as 640 x 480 ... I have checked the control panelpheripherals  display and there is only 1 resolution availiable
nothing else ..Now what shld i do pls help me through it ...Thanx and rgdsRajatOn 2/23/06, Steven S. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: On Thu, 23 Feb 2006, Rajat Gujral wrote: Have you tried adding the option DefaultDepth? Since you have the Modes 1024x768 for 24, it should come out looking like:
 Section ScreenIdentifier Screen0Device Card0MonitorMonitor0 DefaultDepth 24SubSection Display
0 0Depth
1EndSubSection This is the only way I am ever able to get my system to go to 1280x1024, possibly it'll force yours to the correct setting.  Hi richard and jerry
  thanx for ur suggestions but i guess my problem remains the same ... My  xserver still starts with screen resolution of 640 x 480 ... Before the  improper shutdown it was working fine in 1024 x 768 resolution , but now
 no  matter what resolution i provide, it starts up with 640 x 480 resolution  which makes the screen appear so big .. Is there anything else that i can do  
  Thnx  RegdsRajat :)P.S. I have done X -configure and has detected the following settings :   Section ServerLayout
 Identifier X.org Configured Screen0Screen0 0 0 InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
 InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard  EndSection   Section Files RgbPath/usr/lib/X11/rgb
 ModulePath /usr/lib/modules FontPath /usr/share/fonts/misc/ FontPath /usr/share/fonts/TTF/ FontPath /usr/share/fonts/Type1/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/CID/ FontPath /usr/share/fonts/75dpi/ FontPath /usr/share/fonts/100dpi/  EndSection
   Section Module Loadextmod Loaddbe Loaddri Loadrecord
 Loadxtrap Loadglx Loadtype1 Loadfreetype  EndSection   Section InputDevice
 IdentifierKeyboard0 Driverkbd  EndSection   Section InputDevice IdentifierMouse0
 Drivermouse OptionProtocol Microsoft OptionDevice /dev/ttyS1  EndSection
   Section Monitor Identifier Monitor0 VendorName Monitor Vendor ModelNameMonitor Model
  EndSection  Section Device ### Available Driver options are:-
### Values:
i: integer, f: float, bool: True/False, ### string: String, freq: f Hz/kHz/MHz ### [arg]: arg optional

# [bool]
# [bool]
# [bool]
# [bool]
# [bool]
[bool] IdentifierCard0 Driveri810 VendorNameIntel Corp. BoardName 82810E DC-133 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]
 BusID PCI:0:1:0  EndSection   Section Screen Identifier Screen0 Device Card0
 MonitorMonitor0 SubSection Display
0 0
1 EndSubSection SubSection Display
0 0
4 EndSubSection SubSection Display
0 0
8 EndSubSection SubSection Display
0 0
15 EndSubSection SubSection Display
0 0
1024x768 EndSubSection SubSection Display
0 0
1024x768 EndSubSection  EndSection  On 2/22/06, Richard Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:   On 2/22/06, Jerry Eastmanhouser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  settings.I did mine manually a long long time ago, but I think you can
  use  xorgconfig to detect most of your settings for you...if so...hopefully  that  will fix you up.   I would suggest instead X -configure.That should autodetect most
  things, unlike xorgconfig which asks you a bunch of questions that  most users don't know the answers to.   -Richard   --
  gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list-- gentoo-user@gentoo.org
 mailing list

Description: Binary data

[gentoo-user] Screen settings

2006-02-22 Thread Rajat Gujral

I am a newbie to gentoo enviorment. My system got restarted due to
power failiure without getting shutdown properly... Now after rebooting
my system, when i do startx to move to KDE the screen appers to be in
resolution mode of 640 x 480 instead of 1024 x 768.

So my question is how can i change the screen resolution back to 1024 x 768. 

Herewith attached is a copy on my xorg.conf file .. Thanx to u in advance for helping me through with it 

Thnx  Warm Regards


Description: Binary data

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen settings

2006-02-22 Thread Rajat Gujral
Hi richard and jerry
thanx for ur suggestions but i guess my problem remains the same ... My
xserver still starts with screen resolution of 640 x 480 ... Before the
improper shutdown it was working fine in 1024 x 768 resolution , but
now no matter what resolution i provide, it starts up with 640 x 480
resolution which makes the screen appear so big .. Is there anything
else that i can do 

Thnx  Regds 

Rajat :)

P.S. I have done X -configure and has detected the following settings : 

Section ServerLayout
 Identifier X.org Configured
 Screen 0 Screen0 0 0
 InputDevice Mouse0 CorePointer
 InputDevice Keyboard0 CoreKeyboard

Section Files
 RgbPath /usr/lib/X11/rgb
 ModulePath /usr/lib/modules
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/misc/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/TTF/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/Type1/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/CID/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/75dpi/
 FontPath /usr/share/fonts/100dpi/

Section Module
 Load extmod
 Load dbe
 Load dri
 Load record
 Load xtrap
 Load glx
 Load type1
 Load freetype

Section InputDevice
 Identifier Keyboard0
 Driver kbd

Section InputDevice
 Identifier Mouse0
 Driver mouse
 Option Protocol Microsoft
 Option Device /dev/ttyS1

Section Monitor
 Identifier Monitor0
 VendorName Monitor Vendor
 ModelName Monitor Model
Section Device
 ### Available Driver options are:-
 ### Values: i: integer, f: float, bool: True/False,
 ### string: String, freq: f Hz/kHz/MHz
 ### [arg]: arg optional

# [bool]

# [bool]

# i

# i

# [bool]

# [bool]

# [bool]

# [bool]

# i

# [bool]
 Identifier Card0
 Driver i810
 VendorName Intel Corp.
 BoardName 82810E DC-133 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]
 BusID PCI:0:1:0

Section Screen
 Identifier Screen0
 Device Card0
 Monitor Monitor0
 SubSection Display
 Viewport 0 0
 Depth 1
 SubSection Display
 Viewport 0 0
 Depth 4
 SubSection Display
 Viewport 0 0
 Depth 8
 SubSection Display
 Viewport 0 0
 Depth 15
 SubSection Display
 Viewport 0 0
 Depth 16

Modes 1024x768
 SubSection Display
 Viewport 0 0
 Depth 24

Modes 1024x768

On 2/22/06, Richard Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 2/22/06, Jerry Eastmanhouser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: settings.I did mine manually a long long time ago, but I think you can use xorgconfig to detect most of your settings for you...if so...hopefully that
 will fix you up.I would suggest instead X -configure.That should autodetect mostthings, unlike xorgconfig which asks you a bunch of questions thatmost users don't know the answers to.
-Richard--gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Problem with Xsetup

2005-09-27 Thread Rajat Gujral

i am a newbie in gentoo and for the first time i tried to upgrade my
kernel from 2.6.12-r6 to 2.6.12-r10 , but the kernel was not upgraded
.. Now when i boot my system with the older kernel i am not able to
start KDE .. Whenever i write startx on the terminal i get the message 

Using vt 7

Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!

Can anybody please help me out with this ...

Thanx in advance 



Re: [gentoo-user] Problem with Xsetup

2005-09-27 Thread Rajat Gujral
Hi holly, uwe

Thanx for ur replies ... I was actually trying to install my sound driver whenemerge automatically downloaded the newer version of kernel i.e 2.6.12-r10 telling me it has a better support for sound cards.. After the newer version was downloadedin /usr/src/ , i did make menuconfig to configure the kernel and save the .config file. Then make  make modules_install to compile the kernel.

After that i compiled the kernel and copied it to the /boot directory. But forgot to update the grub.conf file ... When rebooted the system i tried to start the X server but it always shows the same message till now..I thought there maybe some problem with the newer version. Then i realize i haventupdated the 
grub.conf file and this was my older version being loaded soi make the link linux point towards older version.

When i do a uname -a it shows me the older version i.e 2.6.12-r6 of the kernel . Before that my Xserver was working fine. Does updating to new kernel effect the configuration file of Xserver. I have attachedmy Xserver's Log file. When i execute /etc/X11/X it a gui window does appear with a mouse pointer but nothing happens after that. When i go back to the terminal i see the same message being displayed 

Using vt 7Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!What should i do now ??

Thanx and Regards


n 9/27/05, Holly Bostick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Rajat Gujral schreef:- hi i am a newbie in gentoo and for the first time i tried to upgrade my
 kernel from 2.6.12-r6 to 2.6.12-r10 , but the kernel was not upgraded .When you say you tried to upgrade your kernel, what do you mean to saythat you did?If you did something like
emerge -uav gentoo-sourcesthat doesn't 'upgrade your kernel', it downloads and extracts a newerkernel to /usr/src, where you would then have to configure, compile, andinstall it, either manually, or using genkernel. After which, you would
possibly need to edit your bootloader config files (grub.conf orlilo.conf), to inform the bootloader that a new kernel was available.If you didn't do any of these things, then you haven't upgraded your
kernel-- Gentoo is not a binary distro where you just download andreplace the previous kernel binary with a new one, as you would inMandrake or SuSE or Fedora Core. Now when i boot my system with the older kernel i am not able to
 start KDE .. Whenever i write startx on the terminal i get the message Using vt 7 Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
What video card do you have? If an ATI or nVidia card using theproprietary drivers, you would need to re-emerge those drivers againstthe new kernel when upgrading.Are you sure you're booting to the older kernel? After booting, and
logging in, don't type startx, but insteaduname -aWhat kernel does it report?HTH,Holly--gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Problem with Xsetup

2005-09-27 Thread Rajat Gujral
Sorry forgot to attach the log :((

Hi holly, uwe

Thanx for ur replies ... I was actually trying to install my sound driver whenemerge automatically downloaded the newer version of kernel i.e 2.6.12-r10 telling me it has a better support for sound cards.. After the newer version was downloadedin /usr/src/ , i did make menuconfig to configure the kernel and save the .config file. Then make  make modules_install to compile the kernel. 

After that i compiled the kernel and copied it to the /boot directory. But forgot to update the grub.conf file ... When rebooted the system i tried to start the X server but it always shows the same message till now..I thought there maybe some problem with the newer version. Then i realize i haventupdated the 
grub.conf file and this was my older version being loaded soi make the link linux point towards older version.

When i do a uname -a it shows me the older version i.e 2.6.12-r6 of the kernel . Before that my Xserver was working fine. Does updating to new kernel effect the configuration file of Xserver. I have attachedmy Xserver's Log file. When i execute /etc/X11/X it a gui window does appear with a mouse pointer but nothing happens after that. When i go back to the terminal i see the same message being displayed 

Using vt 7Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!What should i do now ??

Thanx and Regards


n 9/27/05, Holly Bostick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Rajat Gujral schreef:- hi i am a newbie in gentoo and for the first time i tried to upgrade my 
 kernel from 2.6.12-r6 to 2.6.12-r10 , but the kernel was not upgraded .When you say you tried to upgrade your kernel, what do you mean to saythat you did?If you did something like
emerge -uav gentoo-sourcesthat doesn't 'upgrade your kernel', it downloads and extracts a newerkernel to /usr/src, where you would then have to configure, compile, andinstall it, either manually, or using genkernel. After which, you would 
possibly need to edit your bootloader config files (grub.conf orlilo.conf), to inform the bootloader that a new kernel was available.If you didn't do any of these things, then you haven't upgraded your
kernel-- Gentoo is not a binary distro where you just download andreplace the previous kernel binary with a new one, as you would inMandrake or SuSE or Fedora Core. Now when i boot my system with the older kernel i am not able to 
 start KDE .. Whenever i write startx on the terminal i get the message Using vt 7 Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved! 
What video card do you have? If an ATI or nVidia card using theproprietary drivers, you would need to re-emerge those drivers againstthe new kernel when upgrading.Are you sure you're booting to the older kernel? After booting, and 
logging in, don't type startx, but insteaduname -aWhat kernel does it report?HTH,Holly--
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Description: Binary data

[gentoo-user] Access problem

2005-08-29 Thread Rajat Gujral
Hi there 

Thanx to all of u for helping me out to install gentoo ... Without ur
suggestions it wouldnt have been possible ..

Now that i have completed installation and created users .. I am not
able to log into the superuser mode through my login  , it keeps

su -
su: Permission denied

Even when i try to access the root previliges through the user , it
does not accept my password but the password i am entering is correct
.. What can be possibly wrong with it ...

Thnx  Rgds

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Access problem

2005-08-29 Thread Rajat Gujral
Thanx brian that helped .. now i am able to log in

On 8/29/05, Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 29 August 2005 12:02, Rajat Gujral wrote:
  Hi there
  Thanx to all of u for helping me out to install gentoo ... Without ur
  suggestions it wouldnt have been possible ..
  Now that i have completed installation and created users .. I am not
  able to log into the superuser mode through my login  , it keeps
  su -
  su: Permission denied
  Even when i try to access the root previliges through the user , it
  does not accept my password but the password i am entering is correct
  .. What can be possibly wrong with it ...
  Thnx  Rgds
 You need to be a member of the wheel group.
 gpasswd -a username wheel
 as root
 gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Shell shows complete path

2005-08-29 Thread Rajat Gujral

when i work in shell it shows me the complete path of the folder i am
in ... this make the command promt to extend to almost half the screen
.. How can i change the prompt so that it displays only the directory i
am in ..

Thnx  Rgds


[gentoo-user] AGP GART support not availiable

2005-08-26 Thread Rajat Gujral

I have copied the kernel from live CD on to my hard
disk .. Now when i am trying to start KDE (startx) i
get the following errors:

(EE) GARTInit: unable to open /dev/agppart (No such
file or directory)

(EE) i810(0) : AGP gart support is not availiable . 

is it possible to add the support for agpgart without
reinstalling the whole system ... Or is it possible to
recompile the kernel without effecting the rest of the
system ... 

Please suggest me what should i do 

Rgds  Thnx

Rajat Gujral

|  {When GREAT minds are at work  |
|... Impossibility is not an OPTION}  | 

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Help needed for installing KDE

2005-08-21 Thread Rajat Gujral

i am not able tolocate memtest86 ... can u pls guide me with it .. I have changed my ide cable but the DMA_INTR are still coming ..

Volker Armin Hemmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,the first suspect when the box behaves abnormal, is to run memtest86 for a while - like 4h.If it finds some errors, congratulation, ou found the culprit - if not, try something different ;)If your dma-errors are harddisk related, a new ide-cable may solve your problem... this little bastards are broken so fast and easily, it is sickening.-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing listRgds  ThnxRajat Gujral+=+|  {When GREAT minds are at work  ||... Impossibility is not an OPTION}  | +=+__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

[gentoo-user] Help needed for installing KDE

2005-08-20 Thread Rajat Gujral

Hi ,

I have downloadedimage (Kernel-2.6.12-gentoo-r6) for x86 architecture from the gentoo website and complied the gentoo kernel for pentium 3 processor (coppermine). But while emering portages for gentoo,after compilation of KDE portage my computer hangs permanentally and nothing more is done after that. Everytime when irestart my computer and emerge KDE, it starts compilationfrom the same point . Also i keep getting DMA_INTR errors sometimes while installion . I have tried using -c option with mke2fs but the errors still keep coming . Is it because of that . Can anyone please help me and suggest what would be causing this problem and how can i carry on with the installation.

I was facing some compiler problem (i368 VS i686 ) which then was resolved by using fix_lib_tools . Is there something that i maybe missing as this is the first time i am installing gentoo.
Rgds  ThnxRajat Gujral+=+|  {When GREAT minds are at work  ||... Impossibility is not an OPTION}  | +=+__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com