Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-22 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Saturday, August 22, 2020 12:10 AM, Grant Taylor 

> There is some nebulous area around what that actually means. But the
> idea is that the receiving server believes, in good faith, that it has
> committed the message to persistent storage. Usually this involves
> writing the message to disk, probably via a buffered channel, and then
> issued system calls to ask the OS to flush the buffer to disk.

just to double check i got you right.  due to
flushing the buffer to disk, this would mean that
mail's throughput is limited by disk i/o?

or did i misunderstand?

i sort of feel it may suffice to only save to
disk, and close fd.  then let the kernel choose
when to actually store it in disk.

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-22 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Saturday, August 22, 2020 12:19 AM, Grant Taylor 

> > i was thinking (and still) if such relay-by-relay delivery increases
> > probability of error by a factor of n (n = number of relays in the
> > middle). e.g. probability of accidental silent mail loss is if one,
> > or more, accidentally said "yes got it!" but actually didn't. i.e.:
> It definitely won't be a factor of n, where n is the number of relays.


since relays are in series, and since each relay
trusts next relay's "yup got it!", then error rate
should add up for every extra step.  no?

[gentoo-user] new mail protocol rfc (was Re: tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?)

2020-08-26 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
hi.  i request comments on this new mail protocol
which i plan to implement some day if things turn
out well.  here is its zeroth draft:


Re: [gentoo-user] new mail protocol rfc (was Re: tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?)

2020-08-26 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
On Wednesday, August 26, 2020 9:57 PM, Ashley Dixon  wrote:

> Why the name "HillaryMail", and why does the logo contain a picture of 
> Margaret
> Thatcher? ;-)

very true (re: thatcher).  now i cannot unsee the
thatcher in the pixel art.  i have 2 options:

(1) rename protocol into thatchermail.
(2) find another pixel art that's actually for

i got the thatcher pixel art from a site that
claimed it's hillary [1].

as for the name "hillarymail", nothing against
her.  it's just that i heard so much about
hillary's mails up to a point all mails started to
feel as if they belong to her.

i also named my passwords manager after nsa [2]
for a similar reason (even though i find nsa to be
much more trustworthy than my neighbours).

> More seriously, do you intend to write a reference implementation, or submit
> this as a more formal R.F.C. in the event of it attracting more attention?

i intend to eventually write a reference
implementation either way (hopefully).  specially
that this seems to me very easy to implement, yet
it seems also powerful.

not sure what "formal r.f.c." means.

  (a) if it means a less ambiguous description,
  then "yes, but at a natural pace based on
  demand" (in the spirit of occam's razor).

  (b) if it means an r.f.c. submitted to
  isoc/ietf, then "no".  i think we should
  ignore standard bodies for awhile since they
  seem to be ignoring us.

> Furthermore, accusing every SMTP/POP/IMAP user to be an "idiot" may not be the
> best way of attaining support; I must admit, I have never seen that in an
> initial protocol proposal.

imo that's a parsing error on your side.  to me
"idiot" didn't refer to smtp/pop/imap users.  it
rather referred to those those who can't use
address books or bitcoin.

either way i've just replaced "idiots" by
"people".  "idiot" wasn't justified either way.

> I'm also slightly confused regarding the "goals" section. By "easy to
> install/use", do you mean "easy" for the people implementing the protocol, or
> the people making use of said implementations? "Traditional" SMTP mail clients
> have always been pretty straight-forward for me, although the difficulty
> involved in implementing an M.T.A. is another story. I find this point rather
> equivocal.

i mean easy for both, but subject to the
constraints specified under "goals" and

e.g. if becoming easier would cause the protocol
to end up needing to trust a sys admin, then
that's not acceptable.

but if it is possible to make it easier while
still satisfying the constraints
(goals/non-goals), then that's a good step forward
(perhaps draft one?).

note: trying to remove pexpect dependency as
it sometimes causes indefinite waiting.  so it
is not ready for those who want a solid app
yet.  that said, i really like it so far.  imo
after removing "pexpect" it will be perfect.

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-27 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Thursday, August 27, 2020 12:21 AM, Grant Taylor 

>   email emailemail
> A) [1]---(TCP)---[2]---(TCP)---[3]---(TCP)---[4]
> Now what you are proposing:
>   email email email
>   TBD   TBD   TBD
> A) [1]---(TCP)---[2]---(TCP)---[3]---(TCP)---[4]
> The number of layers has increased from three to four.

that's true if "SMTP" is a single layer.

which is also how networking engineers including
those highly skilled ones in standard bodies
commonly commonly talk about protocols (e.g. based
on layers of that sort).  so i see why it makes
sense that you did it this way.

but i this way of looking at protocols (despite
being common) is wrong.  i also disagree with the
network layering proposed by osi or the other ones
commonly published in books.  i specially disagree
with using such layering for studying the
complexity of protocols.

so i suggest that if we want to study the
complexity of messaging systems, we better not
count SMTP as a single thing (like how it is
normally done in books and talks), but instead
talk about it based on the fundamental tasks that
it actually does.  this way, SMTP becomes at least
2 layers:

  1. "resource exchange" layer where binaries are
 made into a single giant text file by base64
 encoding and then partitioned by rfc822.
 this part overlaps with http* and is much
 less efficient (rightfully, since email had
 to be backwards compatible as it is

  2. "resource use" where the mail server parses
 such exchanged resources (e.g. email bodies,
 attachments, etc) and then acts upon them
 (e.g.  forward them, discard them, etc).

and so will pop* and imap.

this way, if we ignore the problem of maintaining
backwards compatibility, then having http* in the
"resource exchange" layer would be more efficient
and simpler as there will be less protocols doing
the "resource exchange" task (instead of having
each do its own).

i also think that the kind of resource that email
exchanges is fundamentally identical to a subset
of resources that are natively exchanged in the

so i think the only reason that smtp/pop/imap have
different resource exchange protocols is purely
due to backwards compatibility due to how things
evolved historically.


i suspect that we actually agree on everything,
but speak different languages (possibly due to how
books commonly talk about protocols and layering),
or assume things beyond what's written.

e.g. we agree that:

  1. smtp/pop*/imap make the best messaging
 system today, and is not going away any time
 soon, thanks to its wide spread.  most likely
 i'll be dead and still have multiple active
 smtp/imap/pop account.

  2. smtp/imap/pop are imperfect and have many
 shortcomings that are "rightfully" not solved
 "cleanly" due to historical reasons and its
 critical nature which imposed on us
 the constraint of having to maintaining its
 backwards compatibility.

  3. trying new protocols is fine.  and is also
 fine to have sub-communities that use
 different messaging protocols if they find it
 more fitting.

e.g. i'll probably end up using smtp/imap for
talking to people in general, and use hillarymail
[1] for talking to a closer nerdy community.


Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-27 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Thursday, August 27, 2020 8:15 PM, Grant Taylor 

> On 8/27/20 7:00 AM, Caveman Al Toraboran wrote:
> > but i this way of looking at protocols (despite being common) is wrong.
> Why do you think that it is wrong?
> What is not factually correct about it?

it depends on how you use it:

- if you use it for what it is made for
  (making speech about protocols easier), then
  that's fine.  not perfect, but not wrong

- but if you use it to do some complexity
  analysis as you did earlier by counting such
  layers, then, you're wrong.  because even
  though smtp appears as a single layer in
  such common diagrams, it is functionally 2
  layers (one being a resource exchange layer
  overlapping with http).

> > i also disagree with the network layering proposed by osi or the
> > other ones commonly published in books. i specially disagree with
> > using such layering for studying the complexity of protocols.
> If you're going to make such a statement, which is fine to do, you must
> provide information ~> evidence as to why you are doing so and why you
> think what you think.

see above or previous emails.  you're basically
abusing such diagrams to perform protocol
complexity analysis.

i was trying to be indirect by blaming the common
protocol layering for leading you to this
mistake.  what's happening is that you're
simply abusing them to do what they are not made

for details you can re-read my previous email(s)
on how smtp is functionally at least 2 layers.

> > so i suggest that if we want to study the complexity of messaging
> > systems, we better not count SMTP as a single thing (like how it is
> > normally done in books and talks), but instead talk about it based on
> > the fundamental tasks that it actually does. this way, SMTP becomes
> > at least 2 layers:
> I think that I see part of a problem.
> RFC 822 - Standard for the format of ARPA Internet Text Message - is
> what defines what I was referring to as the opaque blob sent between
> systems.
> I will argue that the content of the opaque blob that SMTP transfers is
> independent of SMTP itself.
> > 1.  "resource exchange" layer where binaries are made into a single
> > giant text file by base64 encoding and then partitioned by rfc822.
> > this part overlaps with http* and is much less efficient (rightfully,
> > since email had to be backwards compatible as it is critical).
> >
> SMTP* does not support binary in any (original) capacity. As such,
> email service, which /rides/ /on/ /top/ /of/ SMTP, is where the encoding
> ""hack was placed. This /encoding/ and / or /formatting/ is completely
> independent of the SMTP protocol used to exchange opaque blobs between
> mail servers.

i'm amazed how you skipped the real point that i'm
making about your incorrect layer-based protocol
complexity analysis, and —instead— moved to talk
about how email's inefficient binary encoding is
due to rfc822 and not rfc821.

it's irrelevant at several levels:

- doesn't justify your layer-based complexity
  analysis earlier, either way.

- no one discussed which rfc is the reason why
  smtp is being used for inefficient binary

- the fact that attachments are inefficiently
  sent over smtp as per rfc822 is by itself due
  to bad historical design decisions in smtp
  that lead people to commonly use rfc822 with

the several next paragraphs that you wrote are
simply talking about whether smtp (rfc821) was
born with a horrible binary encoding, or was it
born retarded enough to push people to end up
adding rfc822 to it in order to minimise
suffering.  which is irrelevant at many levels, so
i'm skipping over them to save space/time.

> > this way, if we ignore the problem of maintaining backwards
> > compatibility,
> That is a HUGE if. One that I do not accept at all. You absolutely
> MUST have backwards compatibility in some way. Even if that
> compatibility is something that acts as an edge gateway between SMTP and
> your new method. You MUST have backward compatibility in some way.

also irrelevant.

yes, that hypothetical "if" statement is indeed
"huge".  so?  it's a hypothetical if statement to
show another point: that your complexity analysis
by counting layers is wrong.

i'm once again amazed how you skipped the main
point, and went on to write about how HUGE that
hypothetical "if" statement is.

(for the record i'm not suggesting to drop smtp's
backwards compatibility, nor suggesting it would
be easy.)

> > then having http* in the "resource ex

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, August 28, 2020 2:35 AM, Ashley Dixon  wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 09:07:03PM +0000, Caveman Al Toraboran wrote:
> > anyway i'm out of this. massive waste of time. i
> > could've finished server-side hillarymail by it.
> Oh, come on. People on this list have decades of experience managing and
> implementing e-mail protocols, and you call their (free) help a "massive waste
> of time"? Stop being silly and realise that no initial proposal is completely
> flawless.

it's not against "people on the list".  it's
rather for them.  because continuing talking to
grant (and soon you) is fueling a useless
conversation that is effectively vandalising the
mailboxes of 100s of people on this list.

now you're posting this yet another useless drama
message trying to make it sound as if it's against
"people on the list" or as if i'm too defensive of

so now i'll also stop talking to you in this
sub-thread (in addition to grant taylor).

nothing personal.  we may talk in other
sub-threads.  it's just that talking to you 2 in
these late threads became a fuel to vandalise
others' mailboxes.

> As I keep urging you, define some goals (and as Grant said, start with 
> defining
> the current problem), finish an initial standards document, and begin writing 
> a
> reference implementation. Or just define some of the core algorithms with
> pseudocode. I can almost-guarantee that you will start realising things that
> need changing almost immediately upon doing so.

nothing new.  we already discussed this in the
other sub-thread and, as i said there, i am
already planning to write an implementation.  and
i'm already refining the draft.  i don't know why
you keep repeating non-new things over and over
(zero information content).

that sub-thread has also became very useless
thanks to you and grant for talking about margaret
thatcher, LaTeX and other unrelated things.  zero
actual comments about technical aspects.

> Perhaps it is just me with my English sense of over-politeness, but I find 
> your
> conduct to be remarkably audacious (and frankly rude) considering all the time
> people are spending to help you. ... And if you don't want this sort of 
> on-line
> discourse, why did you post on the list at all?

is your "English" sense of "over-politeness"
capable of sensing vandalism caused by having you
post texts with low information content, or
irrelevant info, to people's inboxes? (rhetorical)

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-30 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, August 28, 2020 11:27 PM, antlists  wrote:

> On 26/08/2020 21:21, Grant Taylor wrote:
> > > so basically total expected number of protocols/layers used in the
> > > universe, per second, will be much less if we, on planet earth, use a
> > > mail system that uses HTTP* instead of RESXCH_*.
> >
> > I obviously disagree.
> Exactly. You now need a protocol/layer that says you're running "mail
> over http" as opposed to "web". HTTP is tcp/80 that means web. As soon
> as you start using it for something (anything) else you've just added
> another protocol/layer.

you know there is this almost neat concept called

rumours say that urls can identify various web
applications, ranging from websites, rss, games,
video, and, guess what?  mails.  all over
http/https/h2 over same tcp 80/443.  hard to
believe, but this magic is known since early

are you saying [1] won't work unless we have a new
tcp port for it?

(work in progress, incomplete)

i don't want to repeat.  re-read this sub-tread,
and search for "resource exchange layer".  you
really don't know what's http*.

also not going to respond to you in this
sub-thread any more (ignore list is growing...).

side note:  i seriously suspect that we got GPT-4
bots in the list.

Re: [gentoo-user] tuning desktop appearance for legibility

2020-09-03 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Thursday, September 3, 2020 6:50 PM, John Blinka  

> Hi, Everyone,

hello big dawg!

quick point: imo the problem of gray texts on
white backgrounds, or scrollbars or whatever, that
you have, is not related to aging.  imo it's
rather related to stupid web developers.  not even
a mutant with infrared vision can use these

> 1) How  do you cope with this problem?

i cope by these:

- use pixel-based fonts for everything as much
  as possible, specially for key apps like:
  terminal, window manager and browser.

  they become so much readable.  i use
  "terminus-font" (and previously used "dina")
  in my urxvt as well as my other apps as much
  as i can.

  i notice one of the major problems with
  fonts is actually not our eyes, but in many
  cases how fancy fonts blur.  i was
  personally amazed by how i could use much
  smaller fonts, while maintaining
  readability, by simply switching to
  pixel-based fonts, such as terminus.

- for my browser, i use custom user css for
  different modes.  i also configured
  shortcuts for my browser, so that i change
  these user css files based on which ones
  work best with the site.  generally, i have
  "night.css" and "wiki.css" that i change by
  keyboard shortcuts.  the "night.css" is very
  generic and changes background/foreground
  texts for pretty much 90% of sites properly.

  this way, i am no longer bound by bad colors
  chosen by web designers.

- i use i3 as window manager, with lots of
  shortcuts.  i also use qutebrowser (a
  browser with good vim shortcuts).

  this way, throughout the day, i rarely end
  up needing to use the mouse to do things.  i
  only use the mouse for ultra quirky websites
  with fancy javascript links that are not
  clickable by qutebrowser's shortcuts.

  so thanks to using keyboard shortcuts, a
  website can have thin gray scrollbar on a
  gray background and i don't care.  because i
  scroll by shortcuts, not by bars.  in fact,
  my qutebrowser's interface has scrollbars
  disabled altogether to use pixels, which i
  paid dear money for, for real use.

> 2) Is there an xfce theme and icon package you
> recommend?  Or maybe something other than xfce? 
> I like xfce, and have never been attracted to
> integrated desktops like kde and gnome, but if
> they’ve got a credible solution, I’m willing to
> try.

i would suggest try keyboard-based window
managers.  my 1st suggestion is i3.  it's actually
perfectly usable for all applications.  it's
tiling-based, but also has floating functionality,
and does a fine job eliminating need of clicking
around on tiny things.

> 3) Are there lower level ways of tweaking my
> current desktop?  For example, changing colors
> in the 2 examples I gave above from black on
> dark gray to black on white?  Could that be done
> with a little judicious editing of color
> settings somewhere, or adjusting colors on an
> icon?  I don’t know how desktop appearances are
> programmed, so I don’t know where on the
> spectrum of trivial->apocalyptic this lies.

user style sheets.  maybe have a look here
(i also talked about it above):

or, if you dislike fiddling with these, maybe some
use some browser add-ons that offer things like
"night mode", or "contrast mode", by which they
apply their own custom styling to fix mistakes of
web designers.

optional/offtopic:  extra text if you have coffee
i think this problem that we have could've been
avoided if the web was originally designed to only
deliver content, without any power to dictate
appearance, so that appearance is 100% a task that
a local client should choose.

imo this could've been done easily, because
websites in the internet follow a finite number of
"document classes" (if we call them so).  the vast
unique changes that web designers make are just

if the web was designed this way, then today we
would've had a much happier time of achieving 100%
consistent look for all websites optimized for our
readability.  but too bad, that is not done, so we
have to use custom user style sheets which works
for most of the time.

for people who really want js and fancy rendering,
they could use a separate app for their "instant
js games".  there is absolutely no reason why the
entirety of the web has to be so turing-complete
just because someone wants to play games.

Re: [gentoo-user] tuning desktop appearance for legibility

2020-09-03 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Thursday, September 3, 2020 11:19 PM, John Blinka  

> Could you elaborate on this?  Don’t know css, but could pick it up.  I’m
> assuming that web pages already contain css code to direct their
> appearance. 


> So you apparently have some alternate appearance you prefer,
> with your own alternate coding, and you somehow tell the browser to use
> yours instead.  Am I anywhere close to getting the broad outlines of the
> process correct? 

correct.  we basically create a custom css
file, with colors defined for various html
tags/elements as per our preference.

we then hand the browser that css file, and tell
it "after you load the site, add our custom css,
and overwrite whatever the site originally

the way to do this, we add "!important" in our new
css.  "!important" will make the overwrite.
here is an example of such css with "!important":

this is how i look at it.  maybe some gurus can
further elaborate on this with better technical

> If so, how does this intercept and substitute process
> work?  (I see you provide a link below, but it doesn’t work here...)

with firefox/chrome there is "stylish"
plugin/add-on.  i don't know how it is today, of
if there is any better ones.  i used to use them
several years in the past.  you basically select
the css you want to use to overwrite site's css.

with qutebrowser, i added these in my

c.aliases['style-none'] = 'config-unset -t content.user_stylesheets'
c.aliases['style-night'] = 'set -t content.user_stylesheets night.css'
c.aliases['style-wiki'] = 'set -t content.user_stylesheets wiki.css'

where "night.css" and "wiki.css" are names of user
style sheets that i downloaded from the web

here "style-none", "style-night", ..., are nothing
but commands in qutebrowser, that you execute by
typing ":COMMAND".  so if i want to activate night
mode, i type ":style-night" without double quotes,
then the whole thing becomes dark bg with white
fg.  of course qutebrowser has tab completion, so
i don't need to type full thing.  e.g. usually i
just type ":sty..." until i pick one i

of course you can add as many as you want.
since different ones work better for different

there, i added "style-wiki" that's specifically
made for wikipedia.  i got it from
years ago before it was so slow.

> Not promising.  The page doesn’t load except for a rotating colorwheel in
> the center followed by a 504 gateway timeout.  Will try again later.

yes.  sadly is now too
slow and doomed with excess javascript.  it was
not like this some years ago.

either way, you can obtain those css files by
other means (not limited to  e.g.
google for them around, or even make your own.

Re: [gentoo-user] tuning desktop appearance for legibility

2020-09-03 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, September 4, 2020 12:06 AM, Caveman Al Toraboran 
> with qutebrowser, i added these in my
> file:
> c.aliases['style-none'] = 'config-unset -t content.user_stylesheets'
> c.aliases['style-night'] = 'set -t content.user_stylesheets night.css'
> c.aliases['style-wiki'] = 'set -t content.user_stylesheets wiki.css'

just to add a note against my suggestion:

- qutebrowser is based on qt libraries, such
  as qt-webengine, and hence requires a big
  compile time.

so unless you really like the vim user interface
of qutebrowser, you may not like experience of
waiting for long compile time of big qt libraries.

i'm sure there are people in this list who know
good plugins for chrome/firefox that does the same
thing (or better).

but generally, the idea of using user style sheets
for websites, is a neat idea that —imo— worth
trying regardless of which browser you use.

Re: [gentoo-user] tuning desktop appearance for legibility

2020-09-05 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Saturday, September 5, 2020 1:09 PM, Wols Lists  

> Isn't that how the web originally WAS designed? That the web-site sent
> content and the browser determined how it was displayed?

sort of.  it was not very clear and they could've
gone either direction.  so they had to answer the
question: where to go?  they thought a bit and

"let's go turing-complete with built-in drm
and enough fluff to make viewing a 2D page
(e.g. take almost twice as much RAM
as that of a 3D game (e.g.  quake-iii) [1].
but remove marquee!"

even though i dislike how the web ended up being,
there is one side effect that i like:

- making the web turing-complete served as an
  experiment to explore what humans want.  if
  web devs didn't have the power to freely do
  things, we wouldn't have known what do they
  want, and which idea is good/bad.

of course, the web also morphed into other messy
things that didn't have any good side effects.
such as the drm, and the many information leakages
that are so ridiculous they effectively render
"authentication" sort of redundant; google may
identify us by our browsers' fingerprints and call
it a day.  as if not enough, goog also graciously
give us x-client-data for free [2].

that said, i think the decades old experiment is
over, and i think we've seen enough to conclude a
few things from this experiment.  i suggest that
we must deprecate http/js/css/etc, and split the
web into two components:

 (1) page content definition format (PCDF): an
 efficient binary format that only defines
 content, with no presentation information.

 imo this is very doable because, while the
 content in the web varies drastically, their
 _type_ is pretty finite (e.g. nav bar,
 copyright notice, related topics, body, etc).
 i think if we survey websites, it is easy to
 see that there is only a small number of
 content types.

 the client obtains PCDF documents via https
 then presents them based on user's viewing
 preference which is purely defined locally in
 his computer (the server has no business in
 knowing any of it).  this way navigation
 bars, copy right notices, etc are placed in a
 standardized manner for every user based on
 what he cares most about.

 this way, we won't need to mess up with user
 style sheet hacks per website.  plus page
 size will become extremely small, and
 ridiculously efficient to render thanks to
 the binary format, and much ore responsive.
 it would be so fast you'd feel that the page
 has loaded even before you clicked on the

 (2) application containers:  this is the part why
 the web has javascript support, and this is
 still a part where is not clear to me if we
 actually need it.

 i think this is also very redundant with many
 alternatives doing basically the same thing,
 such as docker.

 maybe this is just "package manager in a
 glorified chroot"?

 this side is still unclear to me, and i don't
 know where it is going.


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