[geo] IMPORTANT: PLEASE be sure to include Cloud Brightening using Cryogenics as a viable option!!

2008-12-29 Thread m2redmond

Some months ago I submitted a patent pending concept for brightening
clouds by releasing large amounts of liquefied air or liquid nitrogen
(June 12th entry Proposed Method to Offset Global Warming).  One
aspect of the application would be to increase the number of droplets
in clouds to boost their reflectivity.

I believe it is imperative that this concept be considered along with
those which are being evaluated for the approved list.  This concept
could be relatively easy to validate, and relatively straightforward
to execute unlike many other options being considered.

The concept also has several additional applications of great
significance, including potentially fighting large wildfires and
reducing the severity of destructive weather.  It therefore might be
used to not only reduce global warming but also reduce some of the
natural disasters that may arise due to global warming (including
preventing tornados and reducing hurricane strength).  The potential
multi-use capability of this concept is one unique advantage it has
over most other concepts being considered.

In terms of feasibility, the Chinese have inadvertently created
significant proof of this in trying to prevent rain during the
Olympics.  Here is a quote from one of the news articles:

Finally, any rain-heavy clouds that near the Bird's Nest will be
seeded with chemicals to shrink droplets so that rain won't fall until
those clouds have passed over. Zhang Qian, head of Beijing's Weather
Modification Office, explains, We use a coolant made from liquid
nitrogen to increase teh number of droplets while decreasing their
average size. As a result, the smaller droplets are less likely to
fall, and precipitation can be reduced.

The Chinese have therefore given a significant level of proof that
cooling of clouds can increase the number of droplets while
decreasing their average size.  This is exactly the effect that I
believe would be desired to brighten clouds.  The Chinese are using
this to prevent precipitation on a limited scale.  I believe this
provides proof that large scale cooling using cryogenic liquids could
also be used to increase cloud albedo by increasing droplet density.

My concept would be scaled much larger than the Chinese by utilizing
heavy lift aircraft to release large amounts of liquefied air or
liquid nitrogen precisely where it could have maximum effect (i.e.
close to the equator and on targeted cloud types), and on a rotating
basis to maintain the desired albedo increase.  This process may also
serve to enlarge existing clouds or create new clouds under the right

One valuable aspect of the concept is that the working fluid would be
naturally absorbed by the atmosphere.  The process could therefore be
safely scaled as large as necessary to obtain the desired result.  So
most importantly, it should have no adverse effect to the atmosphere,
unlike most concepts being considered.  This removes an enormous
potential roadblock for other concepts, giving this concept a much
greater chance of obtaining public support in addition to widespread
government approval, which otherwise will be extremely difficult as
this is of course an international issue.

Another feature of this approach is enabling very large scaling due to
the enormous expansion ratio of liquefied air and liquid nitrogen,
enabling it to cool very large atmospheric volumes with minimal
effort.  These liquids expand over 800 times at sea level into their
respective gases, and more importantly expand much more than this at
higher altitudes.  For example, at 40,000 feet these liquids expand
over 4,000 times into gaseous air or nitrogen, so that one payload
from a 10 foot diameter by 40 foot long tank could cool an atmospheric
volume of 6 miles in diameter by 30 miles long.  If for example 10 or
20 aircraft were outfitted with cryogenic tanks, one can imagine an
almost constant delivery of cryogenic payloads that would expand
thousands of times each, to enable the type of scaling that would be
required to increase global cloud albedo by 5% (the amount considered
in previous scientific reports to offset a doubling of pre-industrial

Testing would need to determine how droplet density will dissipate
over time (reducing albedo with time).  This effect is actually
desired, to ensure that albedo levels stay safely in control.
However, this will also determine how often re-treatment is required,
and how large the fleet of aircraft will need to be in order to
maintain desired overall albedo.  I don't believe that this answer can
be obtained without running real-world tests at a reasonable scale.
In other words, I don't believe this concept can be considered for
elimination until real-world tests can be run.

My hope is that brightened clouds will remain brighter long enough to
allow a global increase of 5% to be obtained with a reasonable amount
of aircraft and mission frequency.  And in this fashion, allow mankind
to reduce global CO2 within a 

[geo] Re: Bright Ideas

2008-12-29 Thread wigley

Re Arctic ice, the issue is not just albedo, but also thermai
inertia. The effective heat capacity of the exposed ocean is
hugely greater than the ice.




 All About Albedo: A Lighter World is a Cooler World
  Jeremy Williams

From the latin ‘albus', meaning ‘white', albedo is an indicator of
 reflectivity. Bright objects reflect much of the light that reaches them,
 and have high albedo. Dark objects have low albedo, because they absorb
 light. If you've ever climbed into a dark-colored car on a hot day, you
 already understand albedo. It's an unusual word, and an unusual factor in
 climate change, presenting both dangers and and opportunities.
 The danger comes primarily from the Arctic, where vast sheets of white ice
 reflect sunlight away from the earth and have a cooling effect on the
 atmosphere. Ice is highly reflective, reflecting 80-90% of sunlight
 (pdf), but seawater is dark blue or green and reflects very little. As
 Arctic ice melts, seawater takes its place, which absorbs more heat and
 compounds the melting problem. Loss of albedo in this context becomes an
 accelerator of climate change.

 This works in reverse in the case of deforestation, something I learned a
 few years ago when I had flying lessons in Kenya's Rift Valley. We flew
 across the transition from forested escarpment to desert valley floor, and
 the rising heat off the dusty plains created great waves of turbulence
 that tossed our little plane around. Forests, being dark, absorb 95% of
 the sunlight that falls across them, whereas cleared land or desert has a
 higher albedo and beams that light and heat back up. Interestingly,
 deforestation actually raises the earth's albedo.

 Before we get the chainsaws out however, we should remember that forests
 use some of the sunlight in photosynthesis. They also help create clouds,
 and of course absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Overall, their net effect is
 usually cooling.

 I say usually because research by the Global Carbon Project found that
 there is in fact a case for deforestation   (pdf) to cool the earth in
 some places. In tropical countries and mid-latitude areas forests have a
 cooling effect. But high latitude forests have a strong warming
 influence, largely due to the presence of dark forest canopies in regions
 that would otherwise be snow covered.

 As well as giving us some complicating factors in forestation and Arctic
 ice, albedo presents us with some interesting opportunities. If reflective
 surfaces have a cooling effect on the earth, can we create some more of

 There are two immediate possibilities. The first of these is the urban
 environment, which covers around 1% of the earth's surface. In research
 earlier this year, two scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National
 Laboratory in California discovered that whitening our cities   (pdf)
 could have a considerable cooling effect. Increasing urban albedo can
 result in less absorption of incoming solar radiation by the
 surface-troposphere system, countering to some extent the global scale
 effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. It would also cool
 the air on the ground, reducing the need for air conditioning in the

 The report estimated that around 40% of the urban environment is pavement
 and 20-25% is roofs, both of which could be made more reflective. Most
 pavements and parking lots are laid in Portland cement concrete, which is
 expensive when totally white, but can be easily made lighter with
 different aggregates   (pdf). White asphalt shingles, corrugated iron, or
 white acylic tiles can be used for roofing. You can read the maths for
 yourself, but the authors conclude that whitening the urban environment
 would offset the equivalent of 44 Gigatonnes of CO2, or 11 years worth of
 growth in CO2 emissions. That's an offset, so it would not affect climate
 change in the long term, but it would buy us some time while we bring
 emissions under control.

 A second, more radical idea is the Global Albedo Enhancement Project  ,
 which suggests we cover large areas of the earth with white polythene
 film. According to Alvia Gaskill, the originator of the idea, covering a
 large enough area of the earth could be expected to offset some or all of
 the projected additional radiative forcing and global warming from 2010 to
 2070. Prime locations would be the Sahara, Arabian or Gobi deserts, where
 thousands of square miles of desert could be covered.

 As geo-engineering goes, it's a fairly conservative idea, and the plastics
 technology already exists. On the downside, the cover would kill every
 living thing in the area, and would need to stay in place for at least a
 century. Local weather patterns may be affected. Windblown dust may lower
 the albedo of the plastic as it gets dirty, but Gaskill suggests robotic
 vacuum cleaners to keep them clean.

 This may be the more 

[geo] arctic engineering needs and sea-ice science

2008-12-29 Thread Andrew Revkin
hi all,

I consulted with a few sea-ice wizards on the exchanges here related 
to Arctic trends, and Jennifer Francis at Rutgers weighed in with the 
following thoughts. Note the importance of the boundary layer changes 
as well. There are many important factors besides albedo and ocean 
solar absorption.

Winter cloudiness etc important factor. But also note the importance 
of not over-interpreting short-term wiggles as trends. Much more on 
Dot Earth and in my earlier coverage of the sea-ice question. This 
post (shortcut) is a good starting point: 

Here's jennifer's comment (I sent her that sea-ice graph that was 
making the rounds here)

Hi Andy --

The first figure you attached with the extrapolation from the 2007 
summer ice loss is very unrealistic, in my opinion. Both the observed 
record and model simulations of ice extent exhibit a great deal of 
interannual variability, and most sea ice researchers would expect 
this behavior to continue superimposed on a continuing downward 
trend. Some years the decline will be dramatic, as it was in 2007, 
and some years there will likely be a recovery, as random atmospheric 
patterns act on the ice cover. What's different now as opposed to 2 
decades ago is that the ice is now so thin that any unusual forcing 
-- be it a persistent wind pattern, cloud cover, heat transfer from 
lower latitudes -- will have a much bigger effect on the ice, as thin 
ice is more easily moved by wind and/or melted by increased heating. 
The small ice cover of recent years allows more solar energy to be 
absorbed by the open surface during summer, but exactly how that 
extra heat affects
  the system over the following months is still being worked out. Some 
recent research suggests that during falls after low-ice summers the 
lower atmosphere warms, the atmospheric boundary layer gets deeper, 
and low clouds increase, all of which tend to retard regrowth of sea 
ice in the fall and early winter. It also appears there's a 
large-scale influence on winter weather patterns over much of the 
northern hemisphere. The reason I'm telling you all this is that it 
appears there is no obvious mechanism for the ice to rebound 
significantly unless there is a multi-year period of 
colder-than-normal temperatures, but this is not likely as greenhouse 
gases continue to increase at rates even faster than the most 
pessimistic IPCC scenario.

Regarding water temperatures, the main effect is through the added 
absorption of solar energy in summer, which accelerates the melt 
during late summer. Warmer winter temperatures in the Atlantic sector 
also appear to be responsible for most of the retreat of the ice edge 
during winter in that region, but not on the Pacific side.

Maybe this is more info that you needed and much of it you already 
know, but it's not a simple explanation. Regarding the shipping text 
you sent, it looks like a bunch of hooey to me. 51 ships in the area 
will not have a perceptible effect on the clouds. The good low 
clouds they're talking about are already almost 100% emissive of 
infrared energy, and adding ship smoke to them is not going to matter.

Hope this helps -- Happy New Year!!   

Jennifer Francis, Ph.D.
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University 
Co-Director of the Rutgers Climate and Environmental Change Initiative
74 Magruder Rd, Highlands NJ 07732 USA -- Tel: (732) 708-1217, Fax: 
(732) 872-1586
fran...@imcs.rutgers.edu | http://marine.rutgers.edu/~francis/

At 9:14 AM -0700 12/29/08, wig...@ucar.edu wrote:
Re Arctic ice, the issue is not just albedo, but also thermai
inertia. The effective heat capacity of the exposed ocean is
hugely greater than the ice.



Andrew C. Revkin
The New York Times / Science
620 Eighth Ave., NY, NY 10018
Tel: 212-556-7326 Mob: 914-441-5556
Fax:  509-357-0965
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[geo] Re: Bright Ideas

2008-12-29 Thread Stephen Salter

. . . .  but the latent heat of ice is hugely greater than the specific 
heat of water. Freezing one metre of ice is like cooling an 80 metre 
depth of sea by 1 K.


wig...@ucar.edu wrote:
 Re Arctic ice, the issue is not just albedo, but also thermai
 inertia. The effective heat capacity of the exposed ocean is
 hugely greater than the ice.




 All About Albedo: A Lighter World is a Cooler World
  Jeremy Williams

 From the latin ‘albus', meaning ‘white', albedo is an indicator of
 reflectivity. Bright objects reflect much of the light that reaches them,
 and have high albedo. Dark objects have low albedo, because they absorb
 light. If you've ever climbed into a dark-colored car on a hot day, you
 already understand albedo. It's an unusual word, and an unusual factor in
 climate change, presenting both dangers and and opportunities.
 The danger comes primarily from the Arctic, where vast sheets of white ice
 reflect sunlight away from the earth and have a cooling effect on the
 atmosphere. Ice is highly reflective, reflecting 80-90% of sunlight
 (pdf), but seawater is dark blue or green and reflects very little. As
 Arctic ice melts, seawater takes its place, which absorbs more heat and
 compounds the melting problem. Loss of albedo in this context becomes an
 accelerator of climate change.

 This works in reverse in the case of deforestation, something I learned a
 few years ago when I had flying lessons in Kenya's Rift Valley. We flew
 across the transition from forested escarpment to desert valley floor, and
 the rising heat off the dusty plains created great waves of turbulence
 that tossed our little plane around. Forests, being dark, absorb 95% of
 the sunlight that falls across them, whereas cleared land or desert has a
 higher albedo and beams that light and heat back up. Interestingly,
 deforestation actually raises the earth's albedo.

 Before we get the chainsaws out however, we should remember that forests
 use some of the sunlight in photosynthesis. They also help create clouds,
 and of course absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Overall, their net effect is
 usually cooling.

 I say usually because research by the Global Carbon Project found that
 there is in fact a case for deforestation   (pdf) to cool the earth in
 some places. In tropical countries and mid-latitude areas forests have a
 cooling effect. But high latitude forests have a strong warming
 influence, largely due to the presence of dark forest canopies in regions
 that would otherwise be snow covered.

 As well as giving us some complicating factors in forestation and Arctic
 ice, albedo presents us with some interesting opportunities. If reflective
 surfaces have a cooling effect on the earth, can we create some more of

 There are two immediate possibilities. The first of these is the urban
 environment, which covers around 1% of the earth's surface. In research
 earlier this year, two scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National
 Laboratory in California discovered that whitening our cities   (pdf)
 could have a considerable cooling effect. Increasing urban albedo can
 result in less absorption of incoming solar radiation by the
 surface-troposphere system, countering to some extent the global scale
 effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. It would also cool
 the air on the ground, reducing the need for air conditioning in the

 The report estimated that around 40% of the urban environment is pavement
 and 20-25% is roofs, both of which could be made more reflective. Most
 pavements and parking lots are laid in Portland cement concrete, which is
 expensive when totally white, but can be easily made lighter with
 different aggregates   (pdf). White asphalt shingles, corrugated iron, or
 white acylic tiles can be used for roofing. You can read the maths for
 yourself, but the authors conclude that whitening the urban environment
 would offset the equivalent of 44 Gigatonnes of CO2, or 11 years worth of
 growth in CO2 emissions. That's an offset, so it would not affect climate
 change in the long term, but it would buy us some time while we bring
 emissions under control.

 A second, more radical idea is the Global Albedo Enhancement Project  ,
 which suggests we cover large areas of the earth with white polythene
 film. According to Alvia Gaskill, the originator of the idea, covering a
 large enough area of the earth could be expected to offset some or all of
 the projected additional radiative forcing and global warming from 2010 to
 2070. Prime locations would be the Sahara, Arabian or Gobi deserts, where
 thousands of square miles of desert could be covered.

 As geo-engineering goes, it's a fairly conservative idea, and the plastics
 technology already exists. On the downside, the cover would kill every
 living thing in the area, and would need to stay in place for at 

[geo] Re: arctic engineering needs and sea-ice science

2008-12-29 Thread Mike MacCracken
I would respond with two hopefully clarifying comments:

1. While there is a lot of focus on when the ice will be gone in summer,
this will have little effect on the weather as the surface temperature and
water availability are similar for no ice and melting ice. Indeed, more
solar is absorbed, but that does not significantly raise ocean temperatures.
What really matters is what happens in the fall into winter, because as long
as there is no ice or thin ice, there will be a lot of heat transport to the
atmosphere and so the near surface air cannot cool to ­40 C and so create
cold, dense air masses that spread out from the Arctic and influence weather
around the midlatitudes. With all the extra heat going up into the
atmosphere (the solar heat absorbed during the time with lower albedo), the
atmospheric circulation will be altered‹causing, as Jennifer notes, the
³large-scale influence on winter weather patterns over much of the northern
hemisphere.² So, while the retreat of summer sea ice is an easy metric, what
really affects the weather is the delayed formation of thick ice that can
insulate the atmosphere from the heat contained in the ocean.

2. On the characteristics of low clouds, I thought the intent was to raise
the albedo when the Sun was out, not to raise the IR emissivity. During the
polar summer one wants the clouds with a high albedo (once the surface
starts to melt and its albedo comes down to below that of low clouds). Then,
during the polar night, one would want to decrease the cloud emissivity so
the surface can more rapidly radiate to space (the clouds tend to retard the
cooling process that allows ice to form, as Jennifer notes).

Mike MacCracken 

On 12/29/08 11:26 AM, Andy Revkin anr...@nytimes.com wrote:

 hi all,
 I consulted with a few sea-ice wizards on the exchanges here related to Arctic
 trends, and Jennifer Francis at Rutgers weighed in with the following
 thoughts. Note the importance of the boundary layer changes as well. There are
 many important factors besides albedo and ocean solar absorption.
 Winter cloudiness etc important factor. But also note the importance of not
 over-interpreting short-term wiggles as trends. Much more on Dot Earth and in
 my earlier coverage of the sea-ice question. This post (shortcut) is a good
 starting point: http://tinyurl.com/dotIceTrends
 Here's jennifer's comment (I sent her that sea-ice graph that was making the
 rounds here)
 Hi Andy --
 The first figure you attached with the extrapolation from the 2007 summer ice
 loss is very unrealistic, in my opinion. Both the observed record and model
 simulations of ice extent exhibit a great deal of interannual variability, and
 most sea ice researchers would expect this behavior to continue superimposed
 on a continuing downward trend. Some years the decline will be dramatic, as it
 was in 2007, and some years there will likely be a recovery, as random
 atmospheric patterns act on the ice cover. What's different now as opposed to
 2 decades ago is that the ice is now so thin that any unusual forcing -- be it
 a persistent wind pattern, cloud cover, heat transfer from lower latitudes --
 will have a much bigger effect on the ice, as thin ice is more easily moved by
 wind and/or melted by increased heating. The small ice cover of recent years
 allows more solar energy to be absorbed by the open surface during summer, but
 exactly how that extra heat affects
  the system over the following months is still being worked out. Some recent
 research suggests that during falls after low-ice summers the lower atmosphere
 warms, the atmospheric boundary layer gets deeper, and low clouds increase,
 all of which tend to retard regrowth of sea ice in the fall and early winter.
 It also appears there's a large-scale influence on winter weather patterns
 over much of the northern hemisphere. The reason I'm telling you all this is
 that it appears there is no obvious mechanism for the ice to rebound
 significantly unless there is a multi-year period of colder-than-normal
 temperatures, but this is not likely as greenhouse gases continue to increase
 at rates even faster than the most pessimistic IPCC scenario.
 Regarding water temperatures, the main effect is through the added absorption
 of solar energy in summer, which accelerates the melt during late summer.
 Warmer winter temperatures in the Atlantic sector also appear to be
 responsible for most of the retreat of the ice edge during winter in that
 region, but not on the Pacific side.
 Maybe this is more info that you needed and much of it you already know, but
 it's not a simple explanation. Regarding the shipping text you sent, it looks
 like a bunch of hooey to me. 51 ships in the area will not have a perceptible
 effect on the clouds. The good low clouds they're talking about are already
 almost 100% emissive of infrared energy, and adding ship smoke to them is not
 going to matter.
 Hope this helps -- Happy New Year!!

[geo] COLLECTIVE WISDOM sorry formatting was messed up - now sorted!

2008-12-29 Thread Andrew Lockley

1. Taking all factors into account, what do you think of the following
geoengineering techniques? (please consider feasibility, cost, side
effects, political acceptability, etc.)

answered question


skipped question


Promising as a major solution

Promising as a contribution

Possibly useful

Not promising

Don't know


Stratospheric sulphur aerosols

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

25.0% (1)

50.0% (2)

0.0% (0)


Fake plastic trees (CO2 scrubber)

25.0% (1)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

50.0% (2)

25.0% (1)


Ocean Iron Fertilisation

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

50.0% (2)

50.0% (2)

0.0% (0)


Ocean Urea Fertilisation

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

50.0% (2)

25.0% (1)


Cool roof (white pavements  roofs)

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

50.0% (2)

25.0% (1)

0.0% (0)


Pykrete or other ice stabilisation

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

50.0% (2)

25.0% (1)


Reflective sheets in deserts etc.

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

75.0% (3)

0.0% (0)


Space mirrors

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

25.0% (1)

50.0% (2)

0.0% (0)


Moon dust in orbit

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

75.0% (3)

25.0% (1)


Nuclear winter

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

100.0% (4)

0.0% (0)


Tropospheric/low stratospheric smoke

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

75.0% (3)

25.0% (1)


Tropospheric sulphur aerosols

25.0% (1)

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

50.0% (2)

0.0% (0)


Biochar burial

25.0% (1)

25.0% (1)

0.0% (0)

50.0% (2)

0.0% (0)


Forestry projects

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

50.0% (2)

25.0% (1)

0.0% (0)


Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture

0.0% (0)

50.0% (2)

25.0% (1)

25.0% (1)

0.0% (0)


Do nothing - emissions cuts only

50.0% (2)

25.0% (1)

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

0.0% (0)


Seawater spraying

25.0% (1)

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

50.0% (2)

0.0% (0)


Reflective balloons

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

75.0% (3)

25.0% (1)


Extract hydrochloric acid from seawater

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

25.0% (1)

50.0% (2)

25.0% (1)


Using lasers to break up CFCs etc.

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

66.7% (2)

33.3% (1)


Burying wood  other biomass

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

75.0% (3)

25.0% (1)


Ocean pipes to force nutrient mixing

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

50.0% (2)

50.0% (2)

0.0% (0)


St. Lawrence dam

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

0.0% (0)

75.0% (3)

25.0% (1)


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[geo] Re: Bright Ideas

2008-12-29 Thread Ken Caldeira
Sea ice acts to insulate the underlying water from the cold atmosphere.  In
the absence of sea ice, heat fluxes into or out of the surface can easily
increase by more than an order of magnitude.

Ken Caldeira

Carnegie Institution Dept of Global Ecology
260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA

kcalde...@ciw.edu; kcalde...@stanford.edu
+1 650 704 7212; fax: +1 650 462 5968

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 8:42 AM, Stephen Salter s.sal...@ed.ac.uk wrote:

 . . . .  but the latent heat of ice is hugely greater than the specific
 heat of water. Freezing one metre of ice is like cooling an 80 metre
 depth of sea by 1 K.


 wig...@ucar.edu wrote:
  Re Arctic ice, the issue is not just albedo, but also thermai
  inertia. The effective heat capacity of the exposed ocean is
  hugely greater than the ice.
  All About Albedo: A Lighter World is a Cooler World
   Jeremy Williams
  From the latin 'albus', meaning 'white', albedo is an indicator of
  reflectivity. Bright objects reflect much of the light that reaches
  and have high albedo. Dark objects have low albedo, because they absorb
  light. If you've ever climbed into a dark-colored car on a hot day, you
  already understand albedo. It's an unusual word, and an unusual factor
  climate change, presenting both dangers and and opportunities.
  The danger comes primarily from the Arctic, where vast sheets of white
  reflect sunlight away from the earth and have a cooling effect on the
  atmosphere. Ice is highly reflective, reflecting 80-90% of sunlight
  (pdf), but seawater is dark blue or green and reflects very little. As
  Arctic ice melts, seawater takes its place, which absorbs more heat and
  compounds the melting problem. Loss of albedo in this context becomes an
  accelerator of climate change.
  This works in reverse in the case of deforestation, something I learned
  few years ago when I had flying lessons in Kenya's Rift Valley. We flew
  across the transition from forested escarpment to desert valley floor,
  the rising heat off the dusty plains created great waves of turbulence
  that tossed our little plane around. Forests, being dark, absorb 95% of
  the sunlight that falls across them, whereas cleared land or desert has
  higher albedo and beams that light and heat back up. Interestingly,
  deforestation actually raises the earth's albedo.
  Before we get the chainsaws out however, we should remember that forests
  use some of the sunlight in photosynthesis. They also help create
  and of course absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Overall, their net effect
  usually cooling.
  I say usually because research by the Global Carbon Project found that
  there is in fact a case for deforestation   (pdf) to cool the earth in
  some places. In tropical countries and mid-latitude areas forests have a
  cooling effect. But high latitude forests have a strong warming
  influence, largely due to the presence of dark forest canopies in
  that would otherwise be snow covered.
  As well as giving us some complicating factors in forestation and Arctic
  ice, albedo presents us with some interesting opportunities. If
  surfaces have a cooling effect on the earth, can we create some more of
  There are two immediate possibilities. The first of these is the urban
  environment, which covers around 1% of the earth's surface. In research
  earlier this year, two scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National
  Laboratory in California discovered that whitening our cities   (pdf)
  could have a considerable cooling effect. Increasing urban albedo can
  result in less absorption of incoming solar radiation by the
  surface-troposphere system, countering to some extent the global scale
  effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. It would also cool
  the air on the ground, reducing the need for air conditioning in the
  The report estimated that around 40% of the urban environment is
  and 20-25% is roofs, both of which could be made more reflective. Most
  pavements and parking lots are laid in Portland cement concrete, which
  expensive when totally white, but can be easily made lighter with
  different aggregates   (pdf). White asphalt shingles, corrugated iron,
  white acylic tiles can be used for roofing. You can read the maths for
  yourself, but the authors conclude that whitening the urban environment
  would offset the equivalent of 44 Gigatonnes of CO2, or 11 years worth
  growth in CO2 emissions. That's an offset, so it would not affect
  change in the long term, but it would buy us some time while we bring
  emissions under control.
  A second, more radical idea is the Global Albedo Enhancement Project  ,

[geo] Re: arctic engineering needs and sea-ice science

2008-12-29 Thread Andrew Lockley

There's an effect which I've not seen discussed here, but without
doubt it's important.
 Ocean NOT covered by sea ice will radiate heat into space far more
effectively than will the white ice it replaces.
 Ocean ice loss is potentially less significant than has been assumed.
 In fact, if the water uncovered is relatively warm, it could result
in a greater loss of heat into space than would otherwise be the case.

Can the clever people (or the people with clever computers) estimate
the significance of this effect?


2008/12/29 Mike MacCracken mmacc...@comcast.net:
 I would respond with two hopefully clarifying comments:

 1. While there is a lot of focus on when the ice will be gone in summer,
 this will have little effect on the weather as the surface temperature and
 water availability are similar for no ice and melting ice. Indeed, more
 solar is absorbed, but that does not significantly raise ocean temperatures.
 What really matters is what happens in the fall into winter, because as long
 as there is no ice or thin ice, there will be a lot of heat transport to the
 atmosphere and so the near surface air cannot cool to –40 C and so create
 cold, dense air masses that spread out from the Arctic and influence weather
 around the midlatitudes. With all the extra heat going up into the
 atmosphere (the solar heat absorbed during the time with lower albedo), the
 atmospheric circulation will be altered—causing, as Jennifer notes, the
 large-scale influence on winter weather patterns over much of the northern
 hemisphere. So, while the retreat of summer sea ice is an easy metric, what
 really affects the weather is the delayed formation of thick ice that can
 insulate the atmosphere from the heat contained in the ocean.

 2. On the characteristics of low clouds, I thought the intent was to raise
 the albedo when the Sun was out, not to raise the IR emissivity. During the
 polar summer one wants the clouds with a high albedo (once the surface
 starts to melt and its albedo comes down to below that of low clouds). Then,
 during the polar night, one would want to decrease the cloud emissivity so
 the surface can more rapidly radiate to space (the clouds tend to retard the
 cooling process that allows ice to form, as Jennifer notes).

 Mike MacCracken

 On 12/29/08 11:26 AM, Andy Revkin anr...@nytimes.com wrote:

 hi all,

 I consulted with a few sea-ice wizards on the exchanges here related to
 Arctic trends, and Jennifer Francis at Rutgers weighed in with the following
 thoughts. Note the importance of the boundary layer changes as well. There
 are many important factors besides albedo and ocean solar absorption.

 Winter cloudiness etc important factor. But also note the importance of not
 over-interpreting short-term wiggles as trends. Much more on Dot Earth and
 in my earlier coverage of the sea-ice question. This post (shortcut) is a
 good starting point: http://tinyurl.com/dotIceTrends

 Here's jennifer's comment (I sent her that sea-ice graph that was making the
 rounds here)

 Hi Andy --

 The first figure you attached with the extrapolation from the 2007 summer
 ice loss is very unrealistic, in my opinion. Both the observed record and
 model simulations of ice extent exhibit a great deal of interannual
 variability, and most sea ice researchers would expect this behavior to
 continue superimposed on a continuing downward trend. Some years the decline
 will be dramatic, as it was in 2007, and some years there will likely be a
 recovery, as random atmospheric patterns act on the ice cover. What's
 different now as opposed to 2 decades ago is that the ice is now so thin
 that any unusual forcing -- be it a persistent wind pattern, cloud cover,
 heat transfer from lower latitudes -- will have a much bigger effect on the
 ice, as thin ice is more easily moved by wind and/or melted by increased
 heating. The small ice cover of recent years allows more solar energy to be
 absorbed by the open surface during summer, but exactly how that extra heat
  the system over the following months is still being worked out. Some recent
 research suggests that during falls after low-ice summers the lower
 atmosphere warms, the atmospheric boundary layer gets deeper, and low clouds
 increase, all of which tend to retard regrowth of sea ice in the fall and
 early winter. It also appears there's a large-scale influence on winter
 weather patterns over much of the northern hemisphere. The reason I'm
 telling you all this is that it appears there is no obvious mechanism for
 the ice to rebound significantly unless there is a multi-year period of
 colder-than-normal temperatures, but this is not likely as greenhouse gases
 continue to increase at rates even faster than the most pessimistic IPCC

 Regarding water temperatures, the main effect is through the added
 absorption of solar energy in summer, which accelerates the melt during late
 summer. Warmer winter temperatures in the Atlantic sector also 

[geo] Re: hydrological geoengineering - new wiki page

2008-12-29 Thread Andrew Lockley

The 'hydrological geoengineering'  page title is set, and can only be
changed by taking down the whole page.  In any event, I think that
hydrological is more appropriate, as it includes schemes like glacier
seeding which aren't polar

I don't know about the pykrete fibre ratio, please feel free to
research and correct any mistakes.

I think that pykrete has some interesting applications.  It could help
insulate ice, stabilise ice sheets and may also have engineering
benefits for the 'ice road truckers' and suchlike.


2008/12/29 John Nissen j...@cloudworld.co.uk:

 Hi Andrew,

 1.  I think that polar geoengineering might be more appropriate than
 hydrological geoengineering.  Hydrology suggests water resources, but we
 want to concentrate on critical processes occurring principally in polar
 regions, because here there are some of the most worrying tipping points
 (indeed, I fear the Arctic sea ice is already tipping and could be near the
 point of no return).   I'm not sure we need a separate entry for this.
 Saving the Arctic sea ice is a potential application of geoengineering;
 similarly dealing with ice sheet meltwater and dealing with methane from
 permafrost are potential applications of geoengineering.

 2.  I was fascinated when I heard about pykrete recently, and have been
 thinking about possible applications for saving the Arctic sea ice.

 I've added an alternative idea for plugging the moulins, and that is using
 pykrete, for which there is already a useful wikipedia entry:

 Ideally, the pykrete would be sprayed onto existing ice using a mixture of
 fibrous material (such as sawdust) and near freezing or perhaps supercooled
 water.  It would be interesting to do some experimentation into whether such
 a process could be developed.  This would use a simple device like a

 About Pykrete itself, you say that the fibre/ice ratio is about 1:25, but
 the pykrete entry says it is 45% fibre, 55% ice by weight.  Which ratio is

 Also the picture of a pykrete block shows the block as dark brown, and not
 reflecting like ice, as suggested with ref [3].  The advantage of having
 floating rafts/islands of pykrete is that they would quickly get covered in
 snow, and only melt slowly from below.  Thus they would last throughout the
 Arctic summer, if made thick enough.  (Much of the thinning of the Arctic
 sea ice is by melting from below.)

 If ice breakers were to spread sawdust in the freezing water behind them,
 this might freeze directly into pykrete, and help preserve the ice to
 increase the proportion of multi-year ice.  Again some experimentation would
 be interesting.

 There is an idea from Prof John Shepherd, who BTW is leading the RS
 geoengineering study, to use a large number of ice breakers to plough up the
 one-year ice, so the ice on either side of the channel left by the ice
 breaker is thicker, and melts slower in the summer.

 Perhaps one could combine these ideas, both ploughing up the ice and forming
 pykrete in the track left by the icebreaker.



 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew Lockley andrew.lock...@gmail.com
 To: Geoengineering geoengineering@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 3:57 PM
 Subject: [geo] hydrological geoengineering - new wiki page


 built by me using material from Alber Kallio

 Please edit at will


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2008-12-29 Thread Andrew Lockley


All the albedo/shade projects are now here, in more detail.

Hope people can pitch in with edits and comments.  Please keep the SRM
section of the main article to a brief summary from now on



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[geo] detailing experimental history - ignoramus appeals for help from learned colleagues! :-)

2008-12-29 Thread Andrew Lockley

could someone with knowledge of the history of geoeng experiements
please detail it on the following liniks:

main geoeng page


SRM page


Any SULFATE AEROSOL project experiment  should added to


as applicable



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[geo] Holiday Viewing

2008-12-29 Thread Alvia Gaskill
No grinch, no football.  Just geoengineering.


World Needs Climate Emergency Backup Plan, Says Expert

In submitted testimony to the British Parliament, climate scientist Ken 
Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution said that while steep cuts in carbon 
emissions are essential to stabilizing global climate, there also needs to be a 
backup plan. Geoengineering solutions such as injecting dust into the 
atmosphere are risky, but may become necessary if emissions cuts are 
insufficient to stave off catastrophic warming. He urged that research into the 
pros and cons of geoengineering be made a high priority. 



Dave Webb: Geo-engineering - Parts 1, 2 and 3, around 28 mins total.

Crisis Forum: Climate Change and Violence Workshop Series.
Workshop 1: Climate Catastrophe, where are we heading?

Friday 14 November 2008
University of Southampton 

Prof. Dave Webb (Praxis Centre, Leeds Metropolitan University, and Vice Chair 
'Geo-engineering and its implications' 

Gives overview of various geoengineering options, claiming OIF could remove as 
much as one third of CO2 and between 5 and 30,000 Flettner vessels would be 
needed.  Slides are unreadable.  Audio quality varies.  Mostly repeating old 
and in some cases inaccurate information.  Part 3 touches on international 
governance issues.  Compares mitigation to the Marshall Plan and geoengineering 
to the Manhattan Project.  How about the TARP?  Troubled Atmospheric 
Remediation Program.





Most of the introductory episode of Discovery Project Earth, presenting an 
overview of the series.  Part 1 was not posted for some reason.  

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