RE: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-15 Thread Veli Albert Kallio

Atmosmare is working on idea of ships being allowed to use SO2 containing 
fuels. However, it bears to be remembered that SO2 turns into sulphuric acid. 
We had acidification problem in 1970s and in Kola Peninsula near Murmansk and 
Nickel the heavy industries sulphate emissions have turned Arctic landscapes 
into acidic lunarscape. The power stations are no capped and situation 
gradually normalising, i.e. lichen what the raindeers eat started to disappear. 
Norilsk region in the Taimyr Peninsula also faces similar problems and has 
installed filters. This may explain some regional warming in the Arctic.

I would say that the harmful effects of acidification start occurring within 5 
years if SO2 was removed with the lakes becoming first dead. This in 15-20 
years time followed by the forests dying out like in Germany. It is possible to 
throw out SO2 for a while but it is a bit like putting too much salt on an egg, 
it won't work for long. Like too much CO2 is too much, so it is with SO2 which 
is even faster cul-de-sac. But I agree with the high stratospheric life times 
which make the substance more effective. I think the airplanes are just too 
complicated at this point of time, as an intermediate solution mountain top 
piping would be easier to build and also dismantle. The facilities could also 
be controlled so that the gas would not be released into rainy weathers and 
when the winds blow towards lands. I think intelligent solutions would prolong 
the life of sulphur aerosol cooling and reduce the quantities required. Jan 
Mayen's Beerenberg, Greenland's Gunnbjorn, some Norwegian mountains would be 
ideal as Gunnbjorn at 3800 metres is above many clouds (Arctic air mass is 
thinner than the tropics). In Africa possibly Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru and 
Mt. Kenya could be used as these would take to 7 km high and also intelligently 
controlled whenever there is no rain and winds would be towars the oceans to 
create reflection and aerosols over oceans. Volcanoes of the Macarene Islands 
(Reunion, Mauritius) could also be used to spread widely as well as the South 
Atlantic islands like Acension, the Inaccessibility Island, etc. which have 
high mountains above the ocean.

The factories traditionally put their gas out whatever the weather, the rains 
might bring the dirt down few miles from the factory within 15 minutes. 
Geoengineering programmes based on SO2 must clearly differentiate from these 
practises to be acceptable. (I try to contribute nowadays less due to a simple 
fact that we have more shinier brains on the group nowadays, to prevent 
overloading with messages. There is an allergy among the decision-makers 
against geoengineering as some of the ruling elites are not even yet accepting 
man made emissions of CO2 as greenhouse gases and do not believe in the 
theories that one could add or deduct energy from atmospheric budget. This is 
of course wrong, but makes it particularly hard to sell geoengineering to 
business-courting politicians around the world.) Kind regards,
AlbertDate: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 17:00:30 -0430
Subject: Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations 
of climate following volcanic eruptions

Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of 
climate following volcanic eruptions

Hi John—Regarding your query about changing power plant emissions, think back 
to the situation in the mid-20th century when all the black soot and ash was 
also coming out of power plants. Modern coal-fired power plants are tuned so as 
to not make much soot (it is wasted energy) and filter out most of the rest. 
For SO2, many are already taking much of that out as well. Your question might 
better be could one have power plants not remove the SO2. Doable, but would 
likely have significant health and acid precipitation consequences. 

It would make much more sense, were one to want to augment the sulfate amount 
in the free troposphere to enhance the cooling effect to take the S that has 
been and is being scrubbed out of power plants and then set up release 
locations in the remote, low latitude, mid Pacific and Indian oceans, oxidize 
the S, loft it to above the boundary layer to increase its lifetime, and so 
generally increase the tropospheric sulfate loading while also benefitting from 
some amount of cloud brightening effect—doing so over the low albedo ocean 
areas where there are very few people and lofting above the boundary layer 
would be important. So, one would benefit from large area, sharp albedo 
contrast, sun well up in the sky, etc., so augmentation of loading might be low 
enough to avoid serious consequences when a fraction of the emitted sulfate 
eventually got carried to populated areas and areas sensitive to acid 
deposition (acid deposition is especially a problem when get buildup on snow 
over winter and then rapid melt—and would avoid that). Now, some

Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-14 Thread John Nissen
Hi Mike,

Could there be a method of selective filtering of coal-fired power
stations, such that the cooling aerosol (or SO2 precursor) is allowed into
the troposphere while the black carbon is removed?




On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 7:15 PM, Mike MacCracken mmacc...@comcast.netwrote:

  Hi Stephen—I would think that Chinese sulfate (like tropospheric sulfate
 from virtually anywhere) would contribute to cloud and free air
 brightening, so a cooling influence (especially when that sulfate is above
 the dark Pacific Ocean). Now, in that coal plants put out more than pure
 SO2, there might well be some components (such as black carbon) that would
 exert a strong warming influence, especially if they are carried far enough
 to deposit on snow and/or ice during the sunny half of the year in the
 Arctic. For net effect, there is need for much more analysis than I have

 On limiting heat reaching the Arctic Ocean, there have been suggestions to
 even build a dam across the Bering Strait—as long ago as the mid-20th
 century (though I think then it was with the intent to warm the Arctic). My
 guess on the kelp idea is that the sunny part of the year is not long
 enough for that approach to be all that practical (not only is the sunny
 part of the year short, but the sun angle is often not helpful). And sea
 ice is typically only a few meters thickness, so no where near 30 m.


 On 9/11/12 12:48 PM, Stephen Salter wrote:


  Do you think that the higher levels of SO2 from Chinese coal burning
 could account for some of the increase in Arctic temperatures?

  Another thought for your list might be to increase the drag of water
 flowing in through the Bering Strait. In summer kelp grows at an amazing
 rate but not below about 30 metre water depth because of the shortage of
 light.  The net flow is 800,000 m3 a second and it will be warmer than
 polar water so a small velocity reduction makes a big difference.  What if
 we put strong ropes moored at 30 metres to give them kelp a foot hold?  If
 kelp gets scraped off by floating ice it will can grow again.  Does ice
 reach down to 30 metres?


  On 11/09/2012 18:05, Mike MacCracken wrote:

 Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of
 climate following volcanic eruptions In my view, this is just why
 geoengineering efforts to cool the Arctic should consider as approaches:
 (a) spring-summer only injection of the appropriate sulfur compound
 (whatever will lead to sulfates) into the LOWER stratosphere or free
 troposphere, (b) cloud brightening in region or over currents carrying heat
 into the region, (c) approaches to brighten the surface albedo (e.g.,
 microbubbles) in or near the region, and, perhaps, (d) approaches to reduce
 cirrus that are reducing IR loss.

  Parallel to these efforts, we should also be working to limit emissions
 of substances that amplify Arctic warming above and beyond the
 amplification that happens due to natural processes, so black carbon from
 sources in and near the region, etc.


  On 9/11/12 5:03 AM, Stephen Salter wrote:

  Hi All

   Six out of the eight models in the Driscoll et al paper show near
 surface-warming in Arctic winters following volcanic eruptions. This is in
 line with figure 2a the Jones Hayward Boucher Robock 2010 paper in
 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The obvious mechanisms are blanketing of
 outgoing radiation and side-scatter of high solar rays that might have
 missed the polar regions.   Given the concerns about the loss of Arctic ice
 and increased methane release we will have to be very careful not to let
 any geo-engineering sulphur that we inject at low latitudes reach the
 Arctic in winter.


   On 10/09/2012 16:52, Simon Driscoll wrote:

  Dear all,

   the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:

   Warm regards,



   Simon Driscoll
   Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
   Department of Physics
   University of Oxford

   Office: 01865 272930
   Mobile: 07935314940


  *From:* []
 on behalf of Andrew Lockley []
   *Sent:* 14 August 2012 02:06
   *To:* geoengineering
   *Subject:* [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5)
 simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

  The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled Model
 Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate the Northern
 Hemisphere winter climate following a large tropical volcanic eruption

Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-14 Thread Andrew Lockley
As I understand it, the sulphur is mainly in the gas phase,  whereas the BC
is necessarily particulate. Therefore a cyclonic, electrostatic or
conventional porous filter would probably do the trick.

 On Sep 14, 2012 8:49 PM, John Nissen wrote:

 Hi Mike,

 Could there be a method of selective filtering of coal-fired power
 stations, such that the cooling aerosol (or SO2 precursor) is allowed into
 the troposphere while the black carbon is removed?




 On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 7:15 PM, Mike MacCracken mmacc...@comcast.netwrote:

  Hi Stephen—I would think that Chinese sulfate (like tropospheric
 sulfate from virtually anywhere) would contribute to cloud and free air
 brightening, so a cooling influence (especially when that sulfate is above
 the dark Pacific Ocean). Now, in that coal plants put out more than pure
 SO2, there might well be some components (such as black carbon) that would
 exert a strong warming influence, especially if they are carried far enough
 to deposit on snow and/or ice during the sunny half of the year in the
 Arctic. For net effect, there is need for much more analysis than I have

 On limiting heat reaching the Arctic Ocean, there have been suggestions
 to even build a dam across the Bering Strait—as long ago as the mid-20th
 century (though I think then it was with the intent to warm the Arctic). My
 guess on the kelp idea is that the sunny part of the year is not long
 enough for that approach to be all that practical (not only is the sunny
 part of the year short, but the sun angle is often not helpful). And sea
 ice is typically only a few meters thickness, so no where near 30 m.


 On 9/11/12 12:48 PM, Stephen Salter wrote:


  Do you think that the higher levels of SO2 from Chinese coal burning
 could account for some of the increase in Arctic temperatures?

  Another thought for your list might be to increase the drag of water
 flowing in through the Bering Strait. In summer kelp grows at an amazing
 rate but not below about 30 metre water depth because of the shortage of
 light.  The net flow is 800,000 m3 a second and it will be warmer than
 polar water so a small velocity reduction makes a big difference.  What if
 we put strong ropes moored at 30 metres to give them kelp a foot hold?  If
 kelp gets scraped off by floating ice it will can grow again.  Does ice
 reach down to 30 metres?


  On 11/09/2012 18:05, Mike MacCracken wrote:

 Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of
 climate following volcanic eruptions In my view, this is just why
 geoengineering efforts to cool the Arctic should consider as approaches:
 (a) spring-summer only injection of the appropriate sulfur compound
 (whatever will lead to sulfates) into the LOWER stratosphere or free
 troposphere, (b) cloud brightening in region or over currents carrying heat
 into the region, (c) approaches to brighten the surface albedo (e.g.,
 microbubbles) in or near the region, and, perhaps, (d) approaches to reduce
 cirrus that are reducing IR loss.

  Parallel to these efforts, we should also be working to limit emissions
 of substances that amplify Arctic warming above and beyond the
 amplification that happens due to natural processes, so black carbon from
 sources in and near the region, etc.


  On 9/11/12 5:03 AM, Stephen Salter wrote:

  Hi All

   Six out of the eight models in the Driscoll et al paper show near
 surface-warming in Arctic winters following volcanic eruptions. This is in
 line with figure 2a the Jones Hayward Boucher Robock 2010 paper in
 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The obvious mechanisms are blanketing of
 outgoing radiation and side-scatter of high solar rays that might have
 missed the polar regions.   Given the concerns about the loss of Arctic ice
 and increased methane release we will have to be very careful not to let
 any geo-engineering sulphur that we inject at low latitudes reach the
 Arctic in winter.


   On 10/09/2012 16:52, Simon Driscoll wrote:

  Dear all,

   the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:

   Warm regards,



   Simon Driscoll
   Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
   Department of Physics
   University of Oxford

   Office: 01865 272930
   Mobile: 07935314940


  *From:* []
 on behalf of Andrew Lockley []
   *Sent:* 14 August 2012 02:06
   *To:* geoengineering
   *Subject:* [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5)
 simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-14 Thread Mike MacCracken
 of the shortage of
 light.  The net flow is 800,000 m3 a second and it will be warmer than polar
 water so a small velocity reduction makes a big difference.  What if we put
 strong ropes moored at 30 metres to give them kelp a foot hold?  If kelp
 gets scraped off by floating ice it will can grow again.  Does ice reach
 down to 30 metres?
  On 11/09/2012 18:05, Mike MacCracken wrote:
  Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of
 climate following volcanic eruptions In my view, this is just why
 geoengineering efforts to cool the Arctic should consider as approaches:
 (a) spring-summer only injection of the appropriate sulfur compound
 (whatever will lead to sulfates) into the LOWER stratosphere or free
 troposphere, (b) cloud brightening in region or over currents carrying heat
 into the region, (c) approaches to brighten the surface albedo (e.g.,
 microbubbles) in or near the region, and, perhaps, (d) approaches to reduce
 cirrus that are reducing IR loss.
  Parallel to these efforts, we should also be working to limit emissions of
 substances that amplify Arctic warming above and beyond the amplification
 that happens due to natural processes, so black carbon from sources in and
 near the region, etc.
  On 9/11/12 5:03 AM, Stephen Salter  wrote:
  Hi All
   Six out of the eight models in the Driscoll et al paper show near
 surface-warming in Arctic winters following volcanic eruptions. This is in
 line with figure 2a the Jones Hayward Boucher Robock 2010 paper in
 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The obvious mechanisms are blanketing
 of outgoing radiation and side-scatter of high solar rays that might have
 missed the polar regions.   Given the concerns about the loss of Arctic
 ice and increased methane release we will have to be very careful not to
 let any geo-engineering sulphur that we inject at low latitudes reach the
 Arctic in winter.
   On 10/09/2012 16:52, Simon Driscoll wrote:
  Dear all,
   the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:
   Warm regards,
   Simon Driscoll
   Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
   Department of Physics
   University of Oxford
   Office: 01865 272930
   Mobile: 07935314940
 ] on behalf of Andrew Lockley [ ]
   Sent: 14 August 2012 02:06
   To: geoengineering
   Subject: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5)
 simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions
  The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled Model
 Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate the Northern
 Hemisphere winter climate following a large tropical volcanic eruption is
 assessed. When sulfate aerosols are produced by volcanic injections into
 the tropical stratosphere and spread by the stratospheric circulation, it
 not only causes globally averaged tropospheric cooling but also a
 localized heating in the lower stratosphere, which can cause major
 dynamical feedbacks. Observations show a lower stratospheric and surface
 response during the following one or two Northern Hemisphere (NH)
 winters, that resembles the positive phase of the North Atlantic
 Oscillation (NAO). Simulations from 13 CMIP5 models that represent
 tropical eruptions in the 19th and 20th century are examined, focusing on
 the large-scale regional impacts associated with the large-scale
 circulation during the NH winter season. The models generally fail to
 capture the NH dynamical response following eruptions. They do not
 sufficiently simulate the observed post-volcanic strengthened NH polar
 vortex, positive NAO, or NH Eurasian warming pattern, and they tend to
 overestimate the cooling in the tropical troposphere. The findings are
 confirmed by a superposed epoch analysis of the NAO index for each model.
 The study confirms previous similar evaluations and raises concern for
 the ability of current climate models to simulate the response of a major
 mode of global circulation variability to external forcings. This is also
 of concern for the accuracy of geoengineering modeling studies that
 assess the atmospheric response to stratosphere-injected
 particles.Received 13 February 2012; accepted 24 July 2012.
   You received this message because you are subscribed

Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-11 Thread Stephen Salter

Hi All

Six out of the eight models in the Driscoll et al paper show near 
surface-warming in Arctic winters following volcanic eruptions. This is 
in line with figure 2a the Jones Hayward Boucher Robock 2010 paper in 
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The obvious mechanisms are blanketing 
of outgoing radiation and side-scatter of high solar rays that might 
have missed the polar regions. Given the concerns about the loss of 
Arctic ice and increased methane release we will have to be very careful 
not to let any geo-engineering sulphur that we inject at low latitudes 
reach the Arctic in winter.


On 10/09/2012 16:52, Simon Driscoll wrote:

Dear all,

the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:

Warm regards,


Simon Driscoll
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Department of Physics
University of Oxford

Office: 01865 272930
Mobile: 07935314940

[] on behalf of Andrew Lockley 

*Sent:* 14 August 2012 02:06
*To:* geoengineering
*Subject:* [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) 
simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled Model 
Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate the Northern 
Hemisphere winter climate following a large tropical volcanic eruption 
is assessed. When sulfate aerosols are produced by volcanic injections 
into the tropical stratosphere and spread by the stratospheric 
circulation, it not only causes globally averaged tropospheric cooling 
but also a localized heating in the lower stratosphere, which can 
cause major dynamical feedbacks. Observations show a lower 
stratospheric and surface response during the following one or two 
Northern Hemisphere (NH) winters, that resembles the positive phase of 
the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Simulations from 13 CMIP5 models 
that represent tropical eruptions in the 19th and 20th century are 
examined, focusing on the large-scale regional impacts associated with 
the large-scale circulation during the NH winter season. The models 
generally fail to capture the NH dynamical response following 
eruptions. They do not sufficiently simulate the observed 
post-volcanic strengthened NH polar vortex, positive NAO, or NH 
Eurasian warming pattern, and they tend to overestimate the cooling in 
the tropical troposphere. The findings are confirmed by a superposed 
epoch analysis of the NAO index for each model. The study confirms 
previous similar evaluations and raises concern for the ability of 
current climate models to simulate the response of a major mode of 
global circulation variability to external forcings. This is also of 
concern for the accuracy of geoengineering modeling studies that 
assess the atmospheric response to stratosphere-injected 
particles.Received 13 February 2012; accepted 24 July 2012.

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Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design School of Engineering 
University of Edinburgh Mayfield Road Edinburgh EH9 3JL Scotland Tel +44 (0)131 650 5704 Cell 07795 203 195
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-11 Thread Andrew Lockley
If the effect is unavoidably year round, what's the sign on the sea ice net
effect? Thus may be different to temp.

On Sep 11, 2012 10:03 AM, Stephen Salter wrote:

  Hi All

 Six out of the eight models in the Driscoll et al paper show near
 surface-warming in Arctic winters following volcanic eruptions. This is in
 line with figure 2a the Jones Hayward Boucher Robock 2010 paper in
 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The obvious mechanisms are blanketing of
 outgoing radiation and side-scatter of high solar rays that might have
 missed the polar regions.   Given the concerns about the loss of Arctic ice
 and increased methane release we will have to be very careful not to let
 any geo-engineering sulphur that we inject at low latitudes reach the
 Arctic in winter.


 On 10/09/2012 16:52, Simon Driscoll wrote:

  Dear all,

 the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:

 Warm regards,



 Simon Driscoll
 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
 Department of Physics
 University of Oxford

 Office: 01865 272930
 Mobile: 07935314940
 *From:* []
 on behalf of Andrew Lockley []
 *Sent:* 14 August 2012 02:06
 *To:* geoengineering
 *Subject:* [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5)
 simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

 The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled Model
 Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate the Northern
 Hemisphere winter climate following a large tropical volcanic eruption is
 assessed. When sulfate aerosols are produced by volcanic injections into
 the tropical stratosphere and spread by the stratospheric circulation, it
 not only causes globally averaged tropospheric cooling but also a localized
 heating in the lower stratosphere, which can cause major dynamical
 feedbacks. Observations show a lower stratospheric and surface response
 during the following one or two Northern Hemisphere (NH) winters, that
 resembles the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).
 Simulations from 13 CMIP5 models that represent tropical eruptions in the
 19th and 20th century are examined, focusing on the large-scale regional
 impacts associated with the large-scale circulation during the NH winter
 season. The models generally fail to capture the NH dynamical response
 following eruptions. They do not sufficiently simulate the observed
 post-volcanic strengthened NH polar vortex, positive NAO, or NH Eurasian
 warming pattern, and they tend to overestimate the cooling in the tropical
 troposphere. The findings are confirmed by a superposed epoch analysis of
 the NAO index for each model. The study confirms previous similar
 evaluations and raises concern for the ability of current climate models to
 simulate the response of a major mode of global circulation variability to
 external forcings. This is also of concern for the accuracy of
 geoengineering modeling studies that assess the atmospheric response to
 stratosphere-injected particles.Received 13 February 2012; accepted 24 July
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 geoengineering group.
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 For more options, visit this group at
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 geoengineering group.
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 Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design School of Engineering University
 of Edinburgh Mayfield Road Edinburgh EH9 3JL Scotland +44
 (0)131 650 5704 Cell 07795 203 195

 The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
 Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 geoengineering group.
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Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-11 Thread Alan Robock

Dear Steve,

What is obvious to you is not to any climatologists.  Please refrain 
from such speculation if you can't back it up with the physics of the 
climate system.  The mechanism for temperature change you describe is 
wrong.  And you could not keep stratospheric sulfur injected into the 
tropics from reaching the Arctic, but since that is not how it works, 
this is not a reason to be concerned with stratospheric geoengineering.  
There are many other reasons to be concerned, but this is not one.


Alan Robock, Professor II (Distinguished Professor)
  Editor, Reviews of Geophysics
  Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
  Associate Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
Department of Environmental Sciences  Phone: +1-848-932-5751
Rutgers University  Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road   E-mail:
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA

On 9/11/2012 5:03 AM, Stephen Salter wrote:

Hi All

Six out of the eight models in the Driscoll et al paper show near 
surface-warming in Arctic winters following volcanic eruptions. This 
is in line with figure 2a the Jones Hayward Boucher Robock 2010 paper 
in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The obvious mechanisms are 
blanketing of outgoing radiation and side-scatter of high solar rays 
that might have missed the polar regions.   Given the concerns about 
the loss of Arctic ice and increased methane release we will have to 
be very careful not to let any geo-engineering sulphur that we inject 
at low latitudes reach the Arctic in winter.


On 10/09/2012 16:52, Simon Driscoll wrote:

Dear all,

the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:

Warm regards,


Simon Driscoll
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Department of Physics
University of Oxford

Office: 01865 272930
Mobile: 07935314940

[] on behalf of Andrew Lockley 

*Sent:* 14 August 2012 02:06
*To:* geoengineering
*Subject:* [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) 
simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled Model 
Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate the Northern 
Hemisphere winter climate following a large tropical volcanic 
eruption is assessed. When sulfate aerosols are produced by volcanic 
injections into the tropical stratosphere and spread by the 
stratospheric circulation, it not only causes globally averaged 
tropospheric cooling but also a localized heating in the lower 
stratosphere, which can cause major dynamical feedbacks. Observations 
show a lower stratospheric and surface response during the following 
one or two Northern Hemisphere (NH) winters, that resembles the 
positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Simulations 
from 13 CMIP5 models that represent tropical eruptions in the 19th 
and 20th century are examined, focusing on the large-scale regional 
impacts associated with the large-scale circulation during the NH 
winter season. The models generally fail to capture the NH dynamical 
response following eruptions. They do not sufficiently simulate the 
observed post-volcanic strengthened NH polar vortex, positive NAO, or 
NH Eurasian warming pattern, and they tend to overestimate the 
cooling in the tropical troposphere. The findings are confirmed by a 
superposed epoch analysis of the NAO index for each model. The study 
confirms previous similar evaluations and raises concern for the 
ability of current climate models to simulate the response of a major 
mode of global circulation variability to external forcings. This is 
also of concern for the accuracy of geoengineering modeling studies 
that assess the atmospheric response to stratosphere-injected 
particles.Received 13 February 2012; accepted 24 July 2012.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
Groups geoengineering group.

To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
Groups geoengineering group.

To post to this group, send email to
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For more

Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-11 Thread Mike MacCracken
In my view, this is just why geoengineering efforts to cool the Arctic
should consider as approaches: (a) spring-summer only injection of the
appropriate sulfur compound (whatever will lead to sulfates) into the LOWER
stratosphere or free troposphere, (b) cloud brightening in region or over
currents carrying heat into the region, (c) approaches to brighten the
surface albedo (e.g., microbubbles) in or near the region, and, perhaps, (d)
approaches to reduce cirrus that are reducing IR loss.

Parallel to these efforts, we should also be working to limit emissions of
substances that amplify Arctic warming above and beyond the amplification
that happens due to natural processes, so black carbon from sources in and
near the region, etc.


On 9/11/12 5:03 AM, Stephen Salter wrote:

 Hi All
  Six out of the eight models in the Driscoll et al paper show near
 surface-warming in Arctic winters following volcanic eruptions. This is in
 line with figure 2a the Jones Hayward Boucher Robock 2010 paper in Atmospheric
 Chemistry and Physics. The obvious mechanisms are blanketing of outgoing
 radiation and side-scatter of high solar rays that might have missed the polar
 regions.   Given the concerns about the loss of Arctic ice and increased
 methane release we will have to be very careful not to let any geo-engineering
 sulphur that we inject at low latitudes reach the Arctic in winter.
  On 10/09/2012 16:52, Simon Driscoll wrote:

 Dear all,
  the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:
  Warm regards,
  Simon Driscoll
  Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
  Department of Physics
  University of Oxford
  Office: 01865 272930
  Mobile: 07935314940
 From: [] on
 behalf of Andrew Lockley []
  Sent: 14 August 2012 02:06
  To: geoengineering
  Subject: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations
 of climate following volcanic eruptions
 The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled Model
 Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate the Northern
 Hemisphere winter climate following a large tropical volcanic eruption is
 assessed. When sulfate aerosols are produced by volcanic injections into the
 tropical stratosphere and spread by the stratospheric circulation, it not
 only causes globally averaged tropospheric cooling but also a localized
 heating in the lower stratosphere, which can cause major dynamical feedbacks.
 Observations show a lower stratospheric and surface response during the
 following one or two Northern Hemisphere (NH) winters, that resembles the
 positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Simulations from 13
 CMIP5 models that represent tropical eruptions in the 19th and 20th century
 are examined, focusing on the large-scale regional impacts associated with
 the large-scale circulation during the NH winter season. The models generally
 fail to capture the NH dynamical response following eruptions. They do not
 sufficiently simulate the observed post-volcanic strengthened NH polar
 vortex, positive NAO, or NH Eurasian warming pattern, and they tend to
 overestimate the cooling in the tropical troposphere. The findings are
 confirmed by a superposed epoch analysis of the NAO index for each model. The
 study confirms previous similar evaluations and raises concern for the
 ability of current climate models to simulate the response of a major mode of
 global circulation variability to external forcings. This is also of concern
 for the accuracy of geoengineering modeling studies that assess the
 atmospheric response to stratosphere-injected particles.Received 13 February
 2012; accepted 24 July 2012.
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 geoengineering group.
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Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-11 Thread Mike MacCracken
Hi Andrew--The key is to limit heat uptake by the Arctic Ocean, which takes
up the energy in the sunny season and then releases it to the atmosphere in
the winter, causing warming. Sea ice reflects solar when present during the
summer season, but tends to retain heat in the Arctic during the dark season
(i.e., slowing transfer of heat from ocean to atmosphere and then, at least
for some fraction, out to space).


On 9/11/12 6:06 AM, Andrew Lockley wrote:

 If the effect is unavoidably year round, what's the sign on the sea ice net
 effect? Thus may be different to temp.
 On Sep 11, 2012 10:03 AM, Stephen Salter wrote:
 Hi All
  Six out of the eight models in the Driscoll et al paper show near
 surface-warming in Arctic winters following volcanic eruptions. This is in
 line with figure 2a the Jones Hayward Boucher Robock 2010 paper in
 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The obvious mechanisms are blanketing of
 outgoing radiation and side-scatter of high solar rays that might have missed
 the polar regions.   Given the concerns about the loss of Arctic ice and
 increased methane release we will have to be very careful not to let any
 geo-engineering sulphur that we inject at low latitudes reach the Arctic in
  On 10/09/2012 16:52, Simon Driscoll wrote:

 Dear all,
  the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:
  Warm regards,
  Simon Driscoll
  Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
  Department of Physics
  University of Oxford
  Office: 01865 272930
  Mobile: 07935314940
 From: [] on
 behalf of Andrew Lockley []
  Sent: 14 August 2012 02:06
  To: geoengineering
  Subject: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations
 of climate following volcanic eruptions
 The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled Model
 Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate the Northern
 Hemisphere winter climate following a large tropical volcanic eruption is
 assessed. When sulfate aerosols are produced by volcanic injections into the
 tropical stratosphere and spread by the stratospheric circulation, it not
 only causes globally averaged tropospheric cooling but also a localized
 heating in the lower stratosphere, which can cause major dynamical
 feedbacks. Observations show a lower stratospheric and surface response
 during the following one or two Northern Hemisphere (NH) winters, that
 resembles the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).
 Simulations from 13 CMIP5 models that represent tropical eruptions in the
 19th and 20th century are examined, focusing on the large-scale regional
 impacts associated with the large-scale circulation during the NH winter
 season. The models generally fail to capture the NH dynamical response
 following eruptions. They do not sufficiently simulate the observed
 post-volcanic strengthened NH polar vortex, positive NAO, or NH Eurasian
 warming pattern, and they tend to overestimate the cooling in the tropical
 troposphere. The findings are confirmed by a superposed epoch analysis of
 the NAO index for each model. The study confirms previous similar
 evaluations and raises concern for the ability of current climate models to
 simulate the response of a major mode of global circulation variability to
 external forcings. This is also of concern for the accuracy of
 geoengineering modeling studies that assess the atmospheric response to
 stratosphere-injected particles.Received 13 February 2012; accepted 24 July
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 geoengineering group.
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Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-11 Thread Stephen Salter


Do you think that the higher levels of SO2 from Chinese coal burning 
could account for some of the increase in Arctic temperatures?

Another thought for your list might be to increase the drag of water 
flowing in through the Bering Strait. In summer kelp grows at an amazing 
rate but not below about 30 metre water depth because of the shortage of 
light.  The net flow is 800,000 m3 a second and it will be warmer than 
polar water so a small velocity reduction makes a big difference.  What 
if we put strong ropes moored at 30 metres to give them kelp a foot 
hold?  If kelp gets scraped off by floating ice it will can grow again.  
Does ice reach down to 30 metres?


On 11/09/2012 18:05, Mike MacCracken wrote:
Re: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations 
of climate following volcanic eruptions In my view, this is just why 
geoengineering efforts to cool the Arctic should consider as 
approaches: (a) spring-summer only injection of the appropriate sulfur 
compound (whatever will lead to sulfates) into the LOWER stratosphere 
or free troposphere, (b) cloud brightening in region or over currents 
carrying heat into the region, (c) approaches to brighten the surface 
albedo (e.g., microbubbles) in or near the region, and, perhaps, (d) 
approaches to reduce cirrus that are reducing IR loss.

Parallel to these efforts, we should also be working to limit 
emissions of substances that amplify Arctic warming above and beyond 
the amplification that happens due to natural processes, so black 
carbon from sources in and near the region, etc.


On 9/11/12 5:03 AM, Stephen Salter wrote:

Hi All

 Six out of the eight models in the Driscoll et al paper show near
surface-warming in Arctic winters following volcanic eruptions.
This is in line with figure 2a the Jones Hayward Boucher Robock
2010 paper in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The obvious
mechanisms are blanketing of outgoing radiation and side-scatter
of high solar rays that might have missed the polar regions.
  Given the concerns about the loss of Arctic ice and increased
methane release we will have to be very careful not to let any
geo-engineering sulphur that we inject at low latitudes reach the
Arctic in winter.


 On 10/09/2012 16:52, Simon Driscoll wrote:

Dear all,

 the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:

 Warm regards,


 Simon Driscoll
 Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
 Department of Physics
 University of Oxford

 Office: 01865 272930
 Mobile: 07935314940

[] on behalf of Andrew Lockley
*Sent:* 14 August 2012 02:06
*To:* geoengineering
*Subject:* [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5
(CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled
Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate
the Northern Hemisphere winter climate following a large
tropical volcanic eruption is assessed. When sulfate aerosols
are produced by volcanic injections into the tropical
stratosphere and spread by the stratospheric circulation, it
not only causes globally averaged tropospheric cooling but
also a localized heating in the lower stratosphere, which can
cause major dynamical feedbacks. Observations show a lower
stratospheric and surface response during the following one or
two Northern Hemisphere (NH) winters, that resembles the
positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).
Simulations from 13 CMIP5 models that represent tropical
eruptions in the 19th and 20th century are examined, focusing
on the large-scale regional impacts associated with the
large-scale circulation during the NH winter season. The
models generally fail to capture the NH dynamical response
following eruptions. They do not sufficiently simulate the
observed post-volcanic strengthened NH polar vortex, positive
NAO, or NH Eurasian warming pattern, and they tend to
overestimate the cooling in the tropical troposphere. The
findings are confirmed by a superposed epoch analysis of the
NAO index for each model

RE: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-09-10 Thread Simon Driscoll
Dear all,

the published version (no longer PiP) is now available here:

Warm regards,


Simon Driscoll
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Department of Physics
University of Oxford

Office: 01865 272930
Mobile: 07935314940

From: [] on 
behalf of Andrew Lockley []
Sent: 14 August 2012 02:06
To: geoengineering
Subject: [geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of 
climate following volcanic eruptions

The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled Model 
Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate the Northern Hemisphere 
winter climate following a large tropical volcanic eruption is assessed. When 
sulfate aerosols are produced by volcanic injections into the tropical 
stratosphere and spread by the stratospheric circulation, it not only causes 
globally averaged tropospheric cooling but also a localized heating in the 
lower stratosphere, which can cause major dynamical feedbacks. Observations 
show a lower stratospheric and surface response during the following one or two 
Northern Hemisphere (NH) winters, that resembles the positive phase of the 
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Simulations from 13 CMIP5 models that 
represent tropical eruptions in the 19th and 20th century are examined, 
focusing on the large-scale regional impacts associated with the large-scale 
circulation during the NH winter season. The models generally fail to capture 
the NH dynamical response following eruptions. They do not sufficiently 
simulate the observed post-volcanic strengthened NH polar vortex, positive NAO, 
or NH Eurasian warming pattern, and they tend to overestimate the cooling in 
the tropical troposphere. The findings are confirmed by a superposed epoch 
analysis of the NAO index for each model. The study confirms previous similar 
evaluations and raises concern for the ability of current climate models to 
simulate the response of a major mode of global circulation variability to 
external forcings. This is also of concern for the accuracy of geoengineering 
modeling studies that assess the atmospheric response to stratosphere-injected 
particles.Received 13 February 2012; accepted 24 July 2012.

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geoengineering group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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[geo] Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) simulations of climate following volcanic eruptions

2012-08-13 Thread Andrew Lockley

The ability of the climate models submitted to the Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) database to simulate the Northern
Hemisphere winter climate following a large tropical volcanic eruption is
assessed. When sulfate aerosols are produced by volcanic injections into
the tropical stratosphere and spread by the stratospheric circulation, it
not only causes globally averaged tropospheric cooling but also a localized
heating in the lower stratosphere, which can cause major dynamical
feedbacks. Observations show a lower stratospheric and surface response
during the following one or two Northern Hemisphere (NH) winters, that
resembles the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).
Simulations from 13 CMIP5 models that represent tropical eruptions in the
19th and 20th century are examined, focusing on the large-scale regional
impacts associated with the large-scale circulation during the NH winter
season. The models generally fail to capture the NH dynamical response
following eruptions. They do not sufficiently simulate the observed
post-volcanic strengthened NH polar vortex, positive NAO, or NH Eurasian
warming pattern, and they tend to overestimate the cooling in the tropical
troposphere. The findings are confirmed by a superposed epoch analysis of
the NAO index for each model. The study confirms previous similar
evaluations and raises concern for the ability of current climate models to
simulate the response of a major mode of global circulation variability to
external forcings. This is also of concern for the accuracy of
geoengineering modeling studies that assess the atmospheric response to
stratosphere-injected particles.Received 13 February 2012; accepted 24 July

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