Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-11-30 Thread Simon Tokumine
This is fantastic news! Really looking forwards to the release, and it
lets me cross off a big to-do from my list :)

All the best,


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 10:05 PM, J Smith  wrote:
> Hello list!
> I work on a project that has been using the GEOS Ruby bindings for
> years and and we've been adding a bunch of extensions and
> modifications to it throughout that time. We've gotten to the point
> now where we'd like to release this code into the wild world of free
> software and open source and thought we'd drop a line to the
> geos-devel list to get some feedback and whatnot before releasing the
> code.
> We're specifically looking to release the following:
> - we've gemified the Ruby bindings portion of the GEOS library so it
> can be installed separately from the library itself. It still depends
> on the library, obviously, but can be built as a standalone gem. We've
> extracted the and ruby.i files from the GEOS tarball and
> wrote a gemspec and extconf.rb for it that extracts the relevant
> version information from geos_c.h and builds the SWIG output
> accordingly.
> - we've also extracted the Ruby test files and the gem has been tested
> on OSX and CentOS 5.5, although some of the tests appear to fail. (The
> tests themselves may be a bit stale, perhaps -- one test looks for a
> version string matching "3.0.0rc4-CAPI-1.3.3", for instance.)
> As for the extensions to the library, we've implemented the following
> in Ruby userland as wrappers and whatnot around the GEOS library:
> - a host of helper methods to make reading and writing to and from WKT
> and WKB easier. For instance, rather than
>'POINT(0 0')
> you can quickly use
>'POINT(0 0)')
> The method also works with WKB in both binary and hex,
> recognizes EWKB and EWKT and can read several of Google Maps
> JavaScript output formats that we use for our applications. There are
> also similar methods for outputting to WKT and WKB such as
> Geos::Geometry#to_wkt, #to_kml, #to_georss and a number of methods to
> output to Google Maps API v2-style JavaScript.
> - a bunch of helper methods to quickly grab some information from
> geometries like Geos::Point#lat and Geos::Point#lng.
> - in all, some 70+ helper methods have been added to Geos::Geometry types.
> - Geos::GeometryCollection has been made an Enumerable.
> We've also included some Rails integration for PostGIS, including:
> - automatic detection of geometry columns and just-in-time conversions
> for input and output to and from WKB when using PostGIS. This allows
> you to do stuff like this with your ActiveRecord models:
> m = MyModel.find(12345)
> m.the_geom # => spits out the untouched geometry value as a string in WKB
> m.the_geom_geos # => spits out the geometry wrapped in a Geos::Geometry object
> m.the_geom = 'POINT(0 0)' # => setters will automatically make
> conversions from any of the formats that the can recognize,
> so Google Maps formats, WKT, WKB, etc. are all converted
> automatically.
> m.the_geom_wkt # => automatically converts to a WKT string
> m.the_geom_wkb_bin # => automatically converts to WKB in binary
> There's also some funky SRID handling code that will automatically
> look in the geometry_columns table to make conversions for you when
> necessary. Saving WKT as "SRID=default; POINT(0 0)" for instance will
> automatically set the SRID when saving the ActiveRecord, or the SRID
> can be specified manually.
> - multiple geometry columns are supported and detected for
> automatically. These column accessors are all generated dynamically at
> run time.
> - automatic generation of named scopes for ActiveRecord models. The
> usual suspects are supported:
> * st_contains
> * st_containsproperly
> * st_covers
> * st_coveredby
> * st_crosses
> * st_disjoint
> * st_equals
> * st_intersects
> * st_orderingequals
> * st_overlaps
> * st_touches
> * st_within
> * st_dwithin
> These let you chain together scopes to build geospatial queries:
> neighbourhood = Neighbourhood.find(12345)
> my_model =
>  recent.
>  st_within(neighbourhood.the_geom_geos.envelope).
>  st_dwithin(point, 0.1).
>  all(
>   :limit => 10
>  )
> - we wrote this code for Rails 2.3 and are currently testing on Rails
> 3, but it appears that everything is working as expected and is
> working with Arel (hopefully!).
> Our plan at the moment would be to put the code up on to github along
> with the appropriate Rubygems releases. We'd like to license the
> extensions code under the MIT license as per the usual Ruby and Rails
> library terms. As for the gemified build of the GEOS bindings library
> itself, would the correct license in this case be the LGPL? We've
> included several files from the main GEOS library along with the Ruby
> test files, so would this extend that license to the rest of the gem,
> which includes only build files like a Rakefile, extconf.rb and a
> gemspec and 

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-11-30 Thread Charlie Savage

Hi J,

We're specifically looking to release the following:

- we've gemified the Ruby bindings portion of the GEOS library so it
can be installed separately from the library itself. It still depends
on the library, obviously, but can be built as a standalone gem. We've
extracted the and ruby.i files from the GEOS tarball and
wrote a gemspec and extconf.rb for it that extracts the relevant
version information from geos_c.h and builds the SWIG output

Great - I think it would be a good idea to package this code as a gem so 
its more easily available to the Ruby community.  Will the gem also 
include the generated swig file (I'd say it probably should to eliminate 
the extra dependency on swig) or have you ported the code to just a 
straight ruby extensions?

- we've also extracted the Ruby test files and the gem has been tested
on OSX and CentOS 5.5, although some of the tests appear to fail. (The
tests themselves may be a bit stale, perhaps -- one test looks for a
version string matching "3.0.0rc4-CAPI-1.3.3", for instance.)

As for the extensions to the library, we've implemented the following
in Ruby userland as wrappers and whatnot around the GEOS library:
- in all, some 70+ helper methods have been added to Geos::Geometry types.

Ok, I've done something similar.  Happy to move over to these.  They are 
in Ruby code I assume?

- Geos::GeometryCollection has been made an Enumerable.


We've also included some Rails integration for PostGIS, including:

Our plan at the moment would be to put the code up on to github along
with the appropriate Rubygems releases.

How about two gems.  One for the geos bindings, and then a separate one 
for rails.  That way people don't have to have the extra rails code if 
they don't want it.

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-11-30 Thread J Smith
Hey Charlie.

Just to start off with, as I believe you were the original author of
the SWIG bindings: thanks for the Ruby library! When we first
discovered it we were ecstatic, 'cause the Ruby-based solutions we
were looking at at the time were prohibitively slow. Nothing beats
native libraries (usually, at least), especially when you're dealing
with geometries that have potentially tens of thousands of vertices.

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 7:08 PM, Charlie Savage  wrote:
> Great - I think it would be a good idea to package this code as a gem so its
> more easily available to the Ruby community.  Will the gem also include the
> generated swig file (I'd say it probably should to eliminate the extra
> dependency on swig) or have you ported the code to just a straight ruby
> extensions?

At the moment I just took the SWIG files and am generating the
geos_wrap.cxx file as per the original build, but thinking on it a bit
more, it doesn't really seem necessary. One of the potential problems
with the SWIG files is that some Ruby constants are filled in at build
time rather than run time, and that could become problematic -- if you
built the gem against GEOS 3.2.0, for instance, but later upgraded the
library itself to GEOS 3.2.2, your Ruby gem would still be reporting
the 3.2.0 version numbers as it was built.

What I think I'll do is just generate the geos_wrap.cxx file from the
SWIG files and use that along with some additions to handle extracting
the version numbers from the GEOS library at run time rather than at
build time. I see that the geos::geom::geosversion() method will
return the GEOS version and in the CAPI GEOSversion() function will
return the CAPI information. I think that would be enough for the
version numbers to be extracted, yeah? I'll give it a shot at any

> Ok, I've done something similar.  Happy to move over to these.  They are in
> Ruby code I assume?

All of the extensions are in plain ol' Ruby code.

> How about two gems.  One for the geos bindings, and then a separate one for
> rails.  That way people don't have to have the extra rails code if they
> don't want it.

I think the plan at the moment is two gems -- one that strictly builds
the GEOS binary and a separate one that contains all of the extension
code plus the Rails integration. The Rails integration is pretty
compact and only gets included when Rails tries to use the gem, so
normal Ruby should never feel the effects.

I'm going to mess around with the generated SWIG code and see what I
can do about removing SWIG as dependency and get the version numbers
working. Once we're ready, I think we'll be posting the project to
github and open things up for patches before we roll releases, just to
give everyone a chance to take a look at the code and make sure it's
sane. Hopefully we'll be ready to do so within the week, so wish us


geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-11-30 Thread J Smith
Alright, all, that wasn't too bad...

Using the output from geos.i, I removed the version number constants
that get sorted out when geos.i is generated and which in turn is used
to generate geos_wrap.cxx. Instead of hard coding the constants at
build time, we can just use rb_eval_string during the extension
initialization to extract the version numbers from the Geos.version
method. For the GEOS_JTS_PORT constant, I noticed that the
GEOSjtsport() function isn't exported for the CAPI in geos_c.h, but I
extern'd it in the Ruby extension anyways to extract the version
information. Is GEOSjtsport() unsafe to use for such purposes? It
seems to be similar enough to GEOSversion() that it could probably be
available in the CAPI, no? If GEOSjtsport is unsafe to use I'll remove
it, though; I just wanted to retain complete compatibility with
existing constants is all. Is GEOS_JTS_PORT a particularly useful
constant? I've never had to use it, but then again I don't use JTS
myself directly. (As an aside, I also added a I've also ssws a
Geos.jts_port method similar to the Geos.version method.)

At any rate, the version constants can now be created at extension
initialization so they won't be dependant the geos.i file any more and
SWIG can presumably be removed from the build process.

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-11-30 Thread Paul Ramsey
My only thought is, "my, I know nothing about Ruby!". So, do tell me
what needs to be in the main GEOS repo and who is going to need access
to commit it. :)



On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 6:49 PM, J Smith  wrote:
> Alright, all, that wasn't too bad...
> Using the output from geos.i, I removed the version number constants
> that get sorted out when geos.i is generated and which in turn is used
> to generate geos_wrap.cxx. Instead of hard coding the constants at
> build time, we can just use rb_eval_string during the extension
> initialization to extract the version numbers from the Geos.version
> method. For the GEOS_JTS_PORT constant, I noticed that the
> GEOSjtsport() function isn't exported for the CAPI in geos_c.h, but I
> extern'd it in the Ruby extension anyways to extract the version
> information. Is GEOSjtsport() unsafe to use for such purposes? It
> seems to be similar enough to GEOSversion() that it could probably be
> available in the CAPI, no? If GEOSjtsport is unsafe to use I'll remove
> it, though; I just wanted to retain complete compatibility with
> existing constants is all. Is GEOS_JTS_PORT a particularly useful
> constant? I've never had to use it, but then again I don't use JTS
> myself directly. (As an aside, I also added a I've also ssws a
> Geos.jts_port method similar to the Geos.version method.)
> At any rate, the version constants can now be created at extension
> initialization so they won't be dependant the geos.i file any more and
> SWIG can presumably be removed from the build process.
> Thoughts?
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread strk
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 05:05:35PM -0500, J Smith wrote:

> Our plan at the moment would be to put the code up on to github along
> with the appropriate Rubygems releases.

Good idea.

> We'd like to license the
> extensions code under the MIT license as per the usual Ruby and Rails
> library terms.

Why not LGPL ?

As per "usual", freshmeat finds 276 projects written in Ruby,
with their licenses:

GPL: 90
  MIT/X: 43
BSD Revised: 33
   LGPL: 28
  GPLv3: 18


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread J Smith
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 5:16 AM, strk  wrote:
> Why not LGPL ?
> As per "usual", freshmeat finds 276 projects written in Ruby,
> with their licenses:
>        GPL: 90
>      MIT/X: 43
> BSD Revised: 33
>       LGPL: 28
>      GPLv3: 18
>          .

The MIT license is sort of the trending license for Ruby projects
these days, if you will. I think Rails started the trend, as its major
components are all MIT licensed, as are many of the more popular
Ruby-based projects like Phusion Passenger, Bundler, rspec, gemcutter,
jeweler... on my system for instance, out of the 276 gems I have
installed (strange coincidence), approximately 207 gems appear to be
using the MIT license after some grepping around. ("Approximately", as
the license information seems to be omitted from the gemspecs way more
often than not, so my grepping was done using portions of the text of
the license itself and the phrase "MIT licen[sc]e".)

Anyways, when in Rome and all that...

Raw numbers aside, we also like the simple terms of the license and
its permissive nature.
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread J Smith
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 12:21 AM, Paul Ramsey  wrote:
> My only thought is, "my, I know nothing about Ruby!". So, do tell me
> what needs to be in the main GEOS repo and who is going to need access
> to commit it. :)
> Best,
> P.

Hi Paul.

At the moment the number of files is minimal:

- a Rakefile for various build tasks and such, via a Ruby package
called jeweler which automates builds and releases to the rubygems

- an extconf.rb file, which creates Makefiles for Ruby extensions.

- a modified source file based on the output created by the SWIG Ruby
output produced during the normal GEOS build process.

The big question is: do we want to have this code directly in the main
GEOS repository? We were planning on using github to facilitate the
whole social coding scene thing and 'cause we like the dead-simple
release management that jeweler provides.

Of course, the downside to this is that there would be a divergence
between the main-line SWIG bindings in the GEOS repository versus the
gemified version available via github and rubygems. On the other hand,
decoupling the Ruby bindings from the main library would allow for
independent releases where Ruby-specific features can be written and
released without having to do an entire GEOS release.

At any rate, the big news here is that the Ruby extension can be made
available via rubygems and thus available to a wider audience. At the
moment, installing the Ruby bindings usually means either hoping your
package management system has a geos-ruby-type package available or
you're building by hand and manually enabling with --enable-ruby.
Personally I'd say going the github way would be preferable from
release management and visibility perspectives, but if we want to look
at integration into the GEOS as an option we can hash it out.

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread strk
On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 11:26:16AM -0500, J Smith wrote:

> The big question is: do we want to have this code directly in the main
> GEOS repository? We were planning on using github to facilitate the
> whole social coding scene thing and 'cause we like the dead-simple
> release management that jeweler provides.

I second using a separate repository.
That way you can keep binding release cycles completely separated
from the core GEOS library.

I've been too lazy to do that for the PHP bindings...


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread Paul Ramsey
If there's no integration *required* to make the Ruby stuff work well,
then (a) you should keep them  and (b) we should strip out the old
ones and replace them with a readme.txt pointing to the location of
the maintained ones.


On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 8:31 AM, strk  wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 11:26:16AM -0500, J Smith wrote:
>> The big question is: do we want to have this code directly in the main
>> GEOS repository? We were planning on using github to facilitate the
>> whole social coding scene thing and 'cause we like the dead-simple
>> release management that jeweler provides.
> I second using a separate repository.
> That way you can keep binding release cycles completely separated
> from the core GEOS library.
> I've been too lazy to do that for the PHP bindings...
> --strk;
>  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
>  /\
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread J Smith
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Paul Ramsey  wrote:
> If there's no integration *required* to make the Ruby stuff work well,
> then (a) you should keep them  and (b) we should strip out the old
> ones and replace them with a readme.txt pointing to the location of
> the maintained ones.
> P.

That would be cool. A further option to that -- if there's an official
GEOS or OpenGeo github account, our gem could be forked and that could
sort of become the official "GEOS-blessed" gem and we, as Zoocasa,
could have our own separate fork in a more unofficial way. That way we
can add stuff as we need to to our gem but it won't affect the
upstream blessed-gem unless you guys decide to merge any changes in.
(This whole social coding thing is pretty cool, yeah?)

I don't really know how much maintenance would be required going
forward as the Ruby bindings seem are quite stable. Perhaps this sort
of release will foster some interest in new features in the bindings
themselves. For our part, we've never had to patch away at the
bindings directly and have been putting all of our extensions into the
separate gem we'll be releasing, so that's kind of a separate thing.

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread strk
On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 11:53:08AM -0500, J Smith wrote:

> That would be cool. A further option to that -- if there's an official
> GEOS or OpenGeo github account, our gem could be forked and that could
> sort of become the official "GEOS-blessed" gem and we, as Zoocasa,
> could have our own separate fork in a more unofficial way. That way we
> can add stuff as we need to to our gem but it won't affect the
> upstream blessed-gem unless you guys decide to merge any changes in.
> (This whole social coding thing is pretty cool, yeah?)

I'm loving distributed VCS too, but in this case we're talking
about keeping the binding separated so don't see a reason for
a fork.

I've an unofficial copy of geos svn on
Would love to see osgeo provide a git infrastructure.
Unfortunately github uses proprietary software for that.
But code used by is free-as-in-freedom.

All in all it's not important _where_ you put the code, if it's
in a git repo you can still share the efforts. Don't need the
web buttons for doing forks and pull requests. 


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread Charlie Savage

My only thought is, "my, I know nothing about Ruby!". So, do tell me
what needs to be in the main GEOS repo and who is going to need access
to commit it. :)
In theory nothing - the idea would be move the ruby bindings outside of 
the geos source tree and have them live on their own and packaged as gem.

The advantage is that it becomes much more accessible to ruby developers 
because they could just do something like this:

yum install geos
gem install geos

And equivalent on Linuxes and OSX.  Windows of course would still remain 
more difficult.

That is actually how most ruby bindings to native libraries work - they 
aren't included as part of the native library itself.

The downside is that the different language bindings (ie python and 
ruby) go their separate ways. But that is already the case anyway...




On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 6:49 PM, J Smith  wrote:

Alright, all, that wasn't too bad...

Using the output from geos.i, I removed the version number constants
that get sorted out when geos.i is generated and which in turn is used
to generate geos_wrap.cxx. Instead of hard coding the constants at
build time, we can just use rb_eval_string during the extension
initialization to extract the version numbers from the Geos.version
method. For the GEOS_JTS_PORT constant, I noticed that the
GEOSjtsport() function isn't exported for the CAPI in geos_c.h, but I
extern'd it in the Ruby extension anyways to extract the version
information. Is GEOSjtsport() unsafe to use for such purposes? It
seems to be similar enough to GEOSversion() that it could probably be
available in the CAPI, no? If GEOSjtsport is unsafe to use I'll remove
it, though; I just wanted to retain complete compatibility with
existing constants is all. Is GEOS_JTS_PORT a particularly useful
constant? I've never had to use it, but then again I don't use JTS
myself directly. (As an aside, I also added a I've also ssws a
Geos.jts_port method similar to the Geos.version method.)

At any rate, the version constants can now be created at extension
initialization so they won't be dependant the geos.i file any more and
SWIG can presumably be removed from the build process.

geos-devel mailing list

geos-devel mailing list

Charlie Savage
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread Charlie Savage

I don't really know how much maintenance would be required going
forward as the Ruby bindings seem are quite stable. Perhaps this sort
of release will foster some interest in new features in the bindings
themselves. For our part, we've never had to patch away at the
bindings directly and have been putting all of our extensions into the
separate gem we'll be releasing, so that's kind of a separate thing.

In a perfect world, I would probably rewrite the Ruby bindings to not 
use SWIG because that makes it really hard for others to contribute due 
to SWIG's learning code and the awful C code it generates.

However, its not that big of a win as long as the current bindings 
expose whats needed from the geos c api and then any 
extensions/additions/language specific stuff is done in regular ruby code.

But if you have a week to kill J, I think it would be a nice change :)


geos-devel mailing list

Charlie Savage
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread strk
On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 11:44:05AM -0700, Charlie Savage wrote:

> The downside is that the different language bindings (ie python and 
> ruby) go their separate ways. But that is already the case anyway...

Yeah, also for PHP I didn't use swig...


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread J Smith
That's a possibility, perhaps using ruby's ffi bindings, assuming it doesn't 
hurt performance and keeps the existing API. It sure could make things nicer 
for adding functionality and could open the code up potentially to a new 
audience who aren't familiar with hacking at ruby at the C level. I have 
previously done an ffi library, having converted the old ruby gd2 bindings 
library from using dlopen and friends to using ffi (see the gd2-ffij gem), so 
I'm familiar with the process. Something to think about for sure... Dammit, I 
think my weekend might have just been ruined, thanks for the idea. :)

Sent from my mobile

On 2010-12-01, at 1:48 PM, Charlie Savage  wrote:

>> I don't really know how much maintenance would be required going
>> forward as the Ruby bindings seem are quite stable. Perhaps this sort
>> of release will foster some interest in new features in the bindings
>> themselves. For our part, we've never had to patch away at the
>> bindings directly and have been putting all of our extensions into the
>> separate gem we'll be releasing, so that's kind of a separate thing.
> In a perfect world, I would probably rewrite the Ruby bindings to not use 
> SWIG because that makes it really hard for others to contribute due to SWIG's 
> learning code and the awful C code it generates.
> However, its not that big of a win as long as the current bindings expose 
> whats needed from the geos c api and then any extensions/additions/language 
> specific stuff is done in regular ruby code.
> But if you have a week to kill J, I think it would be a nice change :)
> Charlie
>> ___
>> geos-devel mailing list
> -- 
> Charlie Savage
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread Sean Gillies
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:55 AM, strk  wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 11:44:05AM -0700, Charlie Savage wrote:
>> The downside is that the different language bindings (ie python and
>> ruby) go their separate ways. But that is already the case anyway...
> Yeah, also for PHP I didn't use swig...

I've nothing other than anecdotal evidence, but I'm convinced Shapely
( has picked up more patches than
it would have if it were maintained within GEOS. I've also been able
to push out 22 releases in the time that GEOS has had 11 (11 is not a
bad number at all).

Isn't Ruby-FFI (
production ready? I'm having nothing but success with Python's ctypes
(and libffi) on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

Sean Gillies
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
New York University
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread Simon Tokumine
Ruby ffi went 1.0 yesterday, so perhaps good timing? I'd be very happy to help 
with a porting to FFI if it happened.

All the best,


On 1 Dec 2010, at 19:15, Sean Gillies  wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:55 AM, strk  wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 11:44:05AM -0700, Charlie Savage wrote:
>>> The downside is that the different language bindings (ie python and
>>> ruby) go their separate ways. But that is already the case anyway...
>> Yeah, also for PHP I didn't use swig...
> I've nothing other than anecdotal evidence, but I'm convinced Shapely
> ( has picked up more patches than
> it would have if it were maintained within GEOS. I've also been able
> to push out 22 releases in the time that GEOS has had 11 (11 is not a
> bad number at all).
> Isn't Ruby-FFI (
> production ready? I'm having nothing but success with Python's ctypes
> (and libffi) on Linux, OS X, and Windows.
> --
> Sean Gillies
> Programmer
> Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
> New York University
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] GEOS Ruby bindings gem and extensions

2010-12-01 Thread Charlie Savage

I've nothing other than anecdotal evidence, but I'm convinced Shapely
( has picked up more patches than
it would have if it were maintained within GEOS. I've also been able
to push out 22 releases in the time that GEOS has had 11 (11 is not a
bad number at all).

Isn't Ruby-FFI (
production ready? I'm having nothing but success with Python's ctypes
(and libffi) on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

Ah, good point.  Yes it is, and is a default part of Ruby 1.9.2 I 
believe.  So that's another option that didn't really exist back when 
the bindings were first done.  Using them, you could do all ruby code.


Charlie Savage
geos-devel mailing list