Re: [Geoserver-users] Is it possible to create a geoserver layer with

2012-12-10 Thread David Winslow
The auto-configuration happens only when you are uploading a new coverage
layer, which I think doesn't work with ImagePyramid layers.

David Winslow
OpenGeo -

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Katie Essadro wrote:

> So when I add a CoverageStore with, how can I get Geoserver to
> automatically publich a layer from that store? That's all the functionality
> I really need.
> Also, I would love to help develop your tool, but I think my skill level is
> way too low to provide any real value.
> Thanks!
> Katie
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[Geoserver-users] WMS-C missing anti-aliasing?

2012-12-10 Thread yobiSource


why in QGIS (http://geoserver:8080/geoserver/gwc/service/wms?TILED=true) 
everything looks pixelated, but not in OpenLayers preview?

Is there a trick?

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[Geoserver-users] migrate geoserver data files as update to another server

2012-12-10 Thread Smith, Richard C.


Is it possible to develop GeoServer Data (Workspaces, Stores, Layers,
etc.) in Windows environment to migrate individual files as an update to
a Linux environment?


I have had some luck doing this in GeoServer 2.1.1, but fall short when
it comes to GeoWebCache. I am able to deploy Layers and associated files
in their respective directories and have success in WMS layer services.
However, when it comes to GeoWebCache layers, I get "ERROR
[geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - Thread 85 Unknown layer ... Check
the logfiles, it may not have loaded properly."


I am not sure of what "loaded properly" is referring to or if there are
alternatives to this. 


I have not had success with the GeoWebCache Reload Configuration button.
However, I am able get these layers to appear in GeoWebCache list of all
layers and can manually seed them. It appears GeoServer does not
recognize the effort for these layers in GeoWebCache or visa-versa. 


It is highly desirable to develop GeoServer Data on one system, then
only migrate selected files as an update to other systems, versus
migrating the entire GeoServer Data set or repeat  the loading process
layer by layer. 


Is this GeoServer Data development approach do-able (migrate individual
files as an update) or am I missing something? 


Does GeoServer 2.2.x offer a solution better integrating GeoWebCache for
this ad hoc development approach?







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[Geoserver-users] SpatiaLite Plugin + GeoServer 2.2

2012-12-10 Thread Adrian Madruga Castillo
I have installed the plugin SpatiaLite 2.3 in a test environment with
GeoServer 2.2 and they install fine, a new Store called SpatiaLite (JNDI)
show in the Stores section. Anyone can help me to add my SQLite spatial
database to show the features in GeoServer.


Greetings Adrian.

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[Geoserver-users] Misconfigured datastore?

2012-12-10 Thread Stacy Supak
Hi Geoserver community,

I am using opengeo suite 2.5 on a windows 2008 server and after doing a
system reboot, opengeo suite will not restart.
The log indicate the following geoserver error:

0[main] WARN  org.geoserver.logging  - Could not find configuration
file for logging
2154 [main] ERROR  -

- GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenGeo\OpenGeo
2180 [main] INFO  org.geoserver.config.GeoServerPropertyConfigurer  -
Loading properties file from URL

After extensive googling, it seems this is related to a Misconfigured
datastore that prevents geoserver startup. Is there any way to fix this
problem without reinstalling opengeo suite or geoserver?

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Perform equivalent of ST_Intersection and ST_Union via WFS or WPS

2012-12-10 Thread Martin Davis
Your WFS query won't work because  is not a supported
operation in the OGC Filter Encoding spec.  ( is, however,
which is why the initial query worked.)  In general, WFS supports
expressing *filters* for data, but not *manipulation* of the retrieved
data.  So it is not an option for the kind of processing that you want to
do.  (Perhaps this will be  improved in a new version of the spec, or by
some GeoServer-specific enhancements...)

As for the WPS query, the syntax looks fine.  What you are seeing is an
empty result being returned. Are you sure that the "communi_ita" dataset
has features in the are that you are trying to intersect?

If you are only intersecting with a rectangle, you may also want to try
gs:Clip or gs:RectangularClip - they are optimized for clipping feature
geometry to a given polygon and rectangle.

As for union, if what you are wanting to do is to geometrically union all
the data from a layer unfortunately there isn't currently a process which
will accomplish this.  It's quite possible to create such a process in Java
with fairly small effort, however - you could try and do this yourself, or
consider funding someone to do this.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 8:09 AM, Paolo Crosato <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to perform by use of Geoserver the equivalent of the Postgis
> ST_intersection and ST_Union functions. The server I'm working with is
> the os indipendent binary with jetty.
> In the first case, I need to compute the intersection between a polygon
> (a rectangle) and a postgis table published as a WFS vector layer via
> Geoserver. The simple intersects, which I performed succesfully, is not
> sufficient since I need to minimize the information transimitted over
> the network, because the application will run on mobile clients.
> First I tried with a simple WFS request, since I found on the
> GetCapabilities response for the WFS service that the "intersection"
> function was supported, as intersects is. So I tried this simple XML,
> which works with intersects:
> xmlns:topp="";
>  geom
>  45.429299 11.82518 45.429299 12.540665 45.77327
> 12.540665 45.77327 11.82518 45.429299 11.82518
> However, I got a "Unable to find function Intersection" response from
> the server.
> I did some research, and found the preferred way to do this kind of
> computation seems to be using a WPS approach, so I installed the WPS
> extension and looked for some examples.
> I tried this example, which was assembled by a mixture of the WPS
> builder and an example I found on this thread:
> This is the code I tried:
>  xmlns:xsi="";
> xmlns="";
> xmlns:wfs="";
> xmlns:wps="";
> xmlns:ows="";
> xmlns:gml="";
> xmlns:ogc="";
> xmlns:wcs="";
> xmlns:xlink="";
> xsi:schemaLocation="
> gs:IntersectionFeatureCollection
>first feature collection
> xlink:href="http://geoserver/wps"; method="POST">
>  gs:Feature
> geometry
> mimeType="application/wkt">
>  crs
> EPSG:4326
> typeName
>  result
>second feature collection
> xlink:href="http://geoserver/wfs"; method="POST">
> outputFormat="GML2" xmlns:navteq="navteq">
> I thought this would give me back the set of intersecting geometries,
> however I got this response, seems to be the bbox I put as input:
> xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.n

[Geoserver-users] [WFS]StoredQuery with multiple Query

2012-12-10 Thread Rudy Commenge

I can't create the following StoredQuery :";


The following error occurs :";
  xmlns:ows=""; xmlns:xsi="";>
Error validating stored query
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;...; The markup in the document following the
root element must be well-formed.
The markup in the document following the root element must be

However, if I try to create a StoredQuery with only one ""
element, it works.

So, how to create a StoredQuery with multiple "" elements ?

Kind regards,

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Is it possible to create a geoserver layer with

2012-12-10 Thread Katie Essadro
So when I add a CoverageStore with, how can I get Geoserver to
automatically publich a layer from that store? That's all the functionality
I really need.

Also, I would love to help develop your tool, but I think my skill level is
way too low to provide any real value.


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Sent from the GeoServer - User mailing list archive at

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[Geoserver-users] Request to ImageMosaic layer fails after upgrade 2.2RC2 > 2.2.2

2012-12-10 Thread Daniel Behr
Hello List,

I've just upgraded Geoserver from 2.2RC2 to 2.2.2 and everything works 
fine again, except the ImageMosaic layers (with TIME support). Data and 
configuration are (should be) the same as before. GetCapabilities look 
OK, my application offers the timesteps as usual, zooms into place, only 
the images do not load anymore.

requesting images from one of the layers now returns this ServiceException:
   Error rendering coverage on the fast path
java.lang.RuntimeException: - Unable to render RenderedOp for this 
- Unable to render RenderedOp for this operation.

I tried activating the JAI 'Mosaic Native Acceleration' in GS GUI, then 
I get this ServiceException:
   Error rendering coverage on the fast path All factories fail for the 
operation "Mosaic"
All factories fail for the operation "Mosaic"
coordtype - Could not find the key.

Shall I post a full stack trace of one of those errors?

Well, I'm not sure, but I think there have been some changes in the GUI 
for configuring an ImageMosaic layer, maybe I have to change some of the 
new default settings? Can anyone give me a hint?

thanks in advance

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht 
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[Geoserver-users] Perform equivalent of ST_Intersection and ST_Union via WFS or WPS

2012-12-10 Thread Paolo Crosato

I'm trying to perform by use of Geoserver the equivalent of the Postgis 
ST_intersection and ST_Union functions. The server I'm working with is 
the os indipendent binary with jetty.

In the first case, I need to compute the intersection between a polygon 
(a rectangle) and a postgis table published as a WFS vector layer via 
Geoserver. The simple intersects, which I performed succesfully, is not 
sufficient since I need to minimize the information transimitted over 
the network, because the application will run on mobile clients.
First I tried with a simple WFS request, since I found on the 
GetCapabilities response for the WFS service that the "intersection" 
function was supported, as intersects is. So I tried this simple XML, 
which works with intersects:";
 45.429299 11.82518 45.429299 12.540665 45.77327 
12.540665 45.77327 11.82518 45.429299 11.82518

However, I got a "Unable to find function Intersection" response from 
the server.
I did some research, and found the preferred way to do this kind of 
computation seems to be using a WPS approach, so I installed the WPS 
extension and looked for some examples.
I tried this example, which was assembled by a mixture of the WPS 
builder and an example I found on this thread:
This is the code I tried:"; 
   first feature collection
   http://geoserver/wps"; method="POST">
   second feature collection
   http://geoserver/wfs"; method="POST">

I thought this would give me back the set of intersecting geometries, 
however I got this response, seems to be the bbox I put as input:";

I'm pretty new to Geoserver, so I've got no big clues on what to do now.
1) Is WPS and gs:IntersectionFeatureCollection the right way to do this, 
or is something wrong with the WFS intersection example I tried before?
2) Could anyone give me a clue on what is wrong with my WPS example?
3) I need to do the same with ST_Union, I gave a look at the description 
of gs:union, however it seems to work only with 2 single features, while 
I'd need to perform an aggregate
function on an entire set of geometries, based on attributes.

The most important issue for me, however, is that I'm trying to use 
Geoserver because I'd like to put a layer between the database and the 
application running on the client.
I could do the same with a java webapp performing only the operations I 
need, basicly mapping them to calls to postgis functions, but I'd really 
like to avoid all the coding,
mainly because we already have a lot of custom code to mantain. I'd like 
to switch from implementing code to wiring applications in an 
Is Geoserver the right tool to use from this perspective, or should I 
code the "transactional" operations in Java and use Geoserver just for 
simple WMS and WFS requests?

Thank you in advance for any response.


Paolo Crosato

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Is it possible to create a geoserver layer with

2012-12-10 Thread David Winslow
I seem to have mislead you - gsconfig is able to create layers only
indirectly (by adding a CoverageStore or DataStore and allowing GeoServer
to automatically configure a layer from it.)  The good news is that the
GeoServer REST API itself does support creating new layers directly, but
since gsconfig doesn't yet support this operation it will take some coding
work to do it.  You could use a different tool (some alternatives are
listed at
or, since you've already spent some time digging into the code, maybe
could help add this feature to gsconfig.  In case you are interested in
this, I've included some notes on how to go about it in the rest of this
email.  You can also contact me via IRC chat at the #geoserver channel on
Freenode if you have further questions. will let you connect to
this chat in a web browser.)

gsconfig is designed to use an Unsaved variant of any REST resource type
for resources that are being created directly - so in order to create
layers without relying on auto-configuration we would need to have those.
 The general pattern is to add a method on the Catalog class which creates
the thing and takes as parameters any required fields, and returns a new
UnsavedThing.  For example, see the create_datastore method in the Catalog

def create_datastore(self, name, workspace=None):

if isinstance(workspace, basestring):
workspace = self.get_workspace(workspace)
elif workspace is None:
workspace = self.get_default_workspace()
return UnsavedDataStore(self, name, workspace)

UnsavedDataStore is a very small class which extends DataStore and
overrides its "save_method" field to POST instead of PUT and ensures that
all required fields are marked as "dirty" (ie, will be included in the REST
request that is generated.)  Similar variants would be required for Layer
and Coverage in order to configure new raster layers - both will closely
follow the design of DataStore.

David Winslow
OpenGeo -

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Katie Essadro wrote:

> Hello list,
> I have been looking over the code for days, and I just do not
> see any function that can create a layer. The author of the program said
> though that it is possible to create layers. Does anyone know what function
> to use to create a layer?
> Thanks!
> Katie
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Re: [Geoserver-users] multiple sld files to geoserver layer according to the user sessions

2012-12-10 Thread David Winslow
It is definitely possible to have many styles associated with a single
layer.  GeoServer doesn't have a mechanism for selecting the style based on
the current user, though.  Typically this would be accomplished by having
the client change the STYLES parameter in the GetMap request (for example,
by modifying the configuration of the OpenLayers Layer object being used.)

David Winslow
OpenGeo -

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 5:56 AM, zeliofern  wrote:

> Hi Guys
> i have already used styling with geoserver vector layers. my question is :
> is it possible to save many styles in a geoserver for a single layer
> according to different user sessions authentication?
> thanks and regards
> Zelio Fernandes
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[Geoserver-users] Is it possible to create a geoserver layer with

2012-12-10 Thread Katie Essadro
Hello list,

I have been looking over the code for days, and I just do not
see any function that can create a layer. The author of the program said
though that it is possible to create layers. Does anyone know what function
to use to create a layer?

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[Geoserver-users] Problems cascading external WMS

2012-12-10 Thread Thomas Colley


I have been trying to cascade a WMS through our GeoServer. 


When adding a WMS store I am getting the following error message:


"Connection test failed: Connection refused: connect"


I have tried numerous publicly accessible WMS but all give the same
error. I have checked verbose logging but there doesn't seem to be
anything logged.


GeoServer is version 2.1.3 running through Tomcat but to rule out any
network blocking/proxy issues with the machine I have also installed
GeoServer 2.2 on my local Windows 7 machine using Jetty and that is
giving the error.


Cascading our internal WMS through my locally installed GeoServer works


The WMS urls I have tried all produce a valid GetCapabilities document
when opened in a browser or QGIS.


An example URL I've been trying is:


I have tried various combinations with/without parameters on the end and
all give the same result.


I would be very grateful if anybody has any ideas.






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[Geoserver-users] Remove prefix in server responses

2012-12-10 Thread Frédéric Trastour
Hi all,

I would like to know if it is possible to remove namespace prefixes (wms:,
wcs:) in server responses.
Is it something which is configurable ?

Best regards,
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Re: [Geoserver-users] [WFS] GetFeature with maxFeatures parameter

2012-12-10 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

In WFS 2.0 the name of maxFeatures is naturally changed and it is count now.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Rudy Commenge wrote:


How to perform GetFeature() operation with "maxFeatures" parameter using POST 
method ?

The following example does not work :"; xmlns:myNs="http://myNs/";>

Kind regards,

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[Geoserver-users] [WFS] GetFeature with maxFeatures parameter

2012-12-10 Thread Rudy Commenge

How to perform GetFeature() operation with "maxFeatures" parameter using
POST method ?

The following example does not work :"; xmlns:myNs="http://myNs/";>

Kind regards,

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