Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer Caching question

2013-01-07 Thread cmaul

the difference is probably in the request:



The first one gets you an image from a particular layer via Geoserver the
second one goes to accesses the cache and creates the image if they are not




Dr Christian Maul
Project Manager

Information Services Branch
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Re: [Geoserver-users] How to upload a shape file in geoserver

2013-01-07 Thread krunal
Thanks for answering,

Your idea is very much helpful.
But I want to add function of 'Add data' in my application.
Using this functionality, user can add shape file from his/ her local
system to my application for the analysis.
So, style, publish required at a time.


On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 12:08 PM, cmaul [via] <> wrote:

> Krunal,
> no need to:
> Add new store ---> Shape file
> Give it a name:
> Enter or browse for the shape file location:
> *file://U:\raetest\TR_FERRY_ROUTE.shp* for example
> Save. And never turn the remote computer off.
> For that reason rather copy your data to your Geoserver data directory.
> where the shape file location would look something like that: *
> file:data/shapefiles/states.shp*
> Style, publish and you are done.
> Cheers
> Christian
> Dr Christian Maul
> Project Manager
> Information Services Branch
> Department of Sustainability and Environment
> Level13, Marland House, 570 Bourke Street
> Melbourne 3000
> PO Box 500, East Melbourne Vic 3002
> Telephone:+61-3-8636 2325
> Telefax:  +61-3-8636 2813
> --
>  If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
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>  To unsubscribe from How to upload a shape file in geoserver, click 
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Re: [Geoserver-users] How to upload a shape file in geoserver

2013-01-07 Thread cmaul

no need to:

Add new store ---> Shape file

Give it a name: 

Enter or browse for the shape file location:
*file://U:\raetest\TR_FERRY_ROUTE.shp* for example

Save. And never turn the remote computer off.
For that reason rather copy your data to your Geoserver data directory. 
where the shape file location would look something like that:

Style, publish and you are done.




Dr Christian Maul
Project Manager

Information Services Branch
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Level13, Marland House, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000

PO Box 500, East Melbourne Vic 3002

Telephone:+61-3-8636 2325
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Re: [Geoserver-users] SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF - Oracle

2013-01-07 Thread cmaul

I was never able to define large datasets in Oracle letting Geoserver find
the bounding box and thought it is a Geoserver problem but it is not. 

As you said and Andrea confirmed in the background on the oracle level it
must be one of these commands: 


Running the SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF on a dataset with 3.3 million features I gave
up after 15 mins.
Trying the command with smaller datasets I get the following numbers.
secsfeature numbers
1.6 935
1.9 3700
7.6 28000
30.25   105000

Sort of  linear increase and atrocious performance. The 'SDO_AGGR_MBR' is
even worse. So, I get the BBox from ArcSDE and hack it in by hand which
infuriates me, because I think a decent spatial database should work on its
own resources. 
Geoserver is 2.1.3 and all the tables have spatial indices.
Anything I might do wrong with the DB or any solutions for that?




Dr Christian Maul
Project Manager

Information Services Branch
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Level13, Marland House, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000

PO Box 500, East Melbourne Vic 3002

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[Geoserver-users] How to upload a shape file in geoserver

2013-01-07 Thread krunal

Any one can help me to create the GUI in my application which help to load
the shape file from local system to my geoserver. Which is helpful to upload
the data.


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[Geoserver-users] jmeter_2011 zip package available?

2013-01-07 Thread mortac8
In the foss4g GeoServer on steroids presentation
it mentions the following zip file.  Is this still available anywhere?

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Rasters, Tiles, and FME

2013-01-07 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

About absurdly large GDAL overview file, it is so big because you ask GDAL to 
create it for you as uncompressed. Gdaladdo document page has an example about 
how to create compressed overviews.

 --config INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW PIXEL rgb_dataset.ext 2 4 8 16

That's good for aerial images. For Ordnance Survey rasters I guess --config 

About number of levels, if your original has 16 pixels start dividing it by 
8, 4, 2, 1, 5000, 2500, 1250, 625, 312, 156 STOP
Thus, create 10 (or 9) overview levels starting as 2 4 8...
I am not sure but I think that 1 2 4 8 ... will lead to the same result because 
factor 1 overview level exists and it will not be created at least as internal 
overviews (the original data) but you can easily test it yourself. Anyway, 
factor 1 overview does not make sense so you can safely start from 2 just as 
you were thinking.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Jonathan Moules []
Lähetetty: 2. tammikuuta 2013 18:12
Vastaanottaja: Simone Giannecchini
Aihe: Re: [Geoserver-users] Rasters, Tiles, and FME

Hey Simone,

Thanks for your thorough reply. Useful!

- Resampling:
I've done some experimenting with Resampling since my email and, at least for 
the data I was testing, Nearest Neighbour came out best (though obviously 
entirely subjective). This was for a regular RGB map (Ordnance Survey MiniScale 
specifically). There was also a significant difference in file sizes, with 
Nearest Neighbour being the smallest, and Cubic being the largest (double!). I 
didn't expect such a significant difference, may be worth noting somewhere.

- External Overviews:
Thanks, but I'd found out how to create them with GDAL. My issue is - how do I 
get GeoServer to use them? Does it just pick them up automatically or do I need 
some sort of particular directory structure?
GDAL seems to create a single, absurdly huge file, so I guess it doesn't 
compress the external overviews. Based on what I'm seeing, I'm not sure if FME 
can create them; I expected multiple separate files (one for each layer), but 
the "external overviews" are basically identical to internal overviews but 
minus the source data.

How do you determine how many levels to create? I remember this page from years 
ago when last I used GeoServer:
 - does this carry over to GeoTIFF's overviews?
I may be reading this wrong, but the example in the PDF has 7 layers but only 
really needs about 3 as after that they're smaller than the 1:1 tiles.

Is there any point in creating pyramids with a value of 1 (as in, 1 2 4 8...) ? 
GDAL lets you do this but if I'm understanding this correctly, they're entirely 
superfluous (I mention it because Russ's example he generously posted starts at 

Tile size:
Might there be a formula for calculating optimal size?
For example, if I have a 94488*157480 pixel GeoTIFF (my largest - about 2.5GB 
compressed), if I divide them by 512 I get
184*307 tiles = 56,488 tiles

For 256 I get:
368*614 tiles = 225,952 tiles

So if there is/was a formula, it might be easier to figure out what size to go 
with, or at what point you'd want to be scaling up to ImageMosaic.
Based on disk seeks etc, and some experimentation, I'd guess that a number 
could be contrived allowing the documentation to say:
"If you end up with > X,000 tiles, go with ImageMosiac" and "Aim for between 
X,000 and X0,000 tiles in a GeoTIFF"
Just a thought, would be helpful for optimisation.

I was considering contributing to it for this but at this point certainly don't 
know enough (you may have noticed from my above questions ;-) ).
I would however suggest that this section of the help:
 - It would gain from the info on pages 7-9 of your PDF.


On 2 January 2013 15:03, Simone Giannecchini>>
Ciao Jonathan,
please find my answers inline below...

Simone Giannecchini
Our support, Your Success! Visit for
more information.

Ing. Simone Giannecchini

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob:   +39  333 8128928


On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Jonathan Moules>> 
> Hi Simone,
> I did use pages

Re: [Geoserver-users] Parameterize ColorMapEntry

2013-01-07 Thread Martin Davis
Agreed.  I was mostly thinking of the ability to be able to use the "env"
function - I should have said that explicitly.

It seemed like the cleanest, most general way of providing access to "env"
was to allow CQL expressions (especially since there might well be the need
to perform some further computation on the "env" value to adapt it to the
quantity required for any particular band).

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Andrea Aime

> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Martin Davis  wrote:
>> I don't think this is possible at the moment.  The problem is that the
>> quantity value is supplied by an attribute, rather than a sub-element
>> (where it would be possible to allow a filter expression instead of a fixed
>> value.
>> The ColorMapEntry element is actually a bit of an anomaly in SLD - most
>> parameters in other styling elements are supplied as element content,
>> rather than attributes.  A nice extension for GeoServer would be to allow
>> CQL expressions in attribute values in SLD.
> Hmm.. let's say the reason for the usage of the attribute is not so
> difficult to imagine, rasters have
> no "attributes", so theoretically there would be nothing to write an
> expression against, standard wise.
> GeoServer has the env function though, that one would indeed be usable as
> a source of values for
> the color map
> Cheers
> Andrea
> --
> ==
> Our support, Your Success! Visit for more
> information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax: +39 0584 1660272
> mob: +39  339 8844549
> ---

Martin Davis
OpenGeo -
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Re: [Geoserver-users] Parameterize ColorMapEntry

2013-01-07 Thread Andrea Aime
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Martin Davis  wrote:

> I don't think this is possible at the moment.  The problem is that the
> quantity value is supplied by an attribute, rather than a sub-element
> (where it would be possible to allow a filter expression instead of a fixed
> value.
> The ColorMapEntry element is actually a bit of an anomaly in SLD - most
> parameters in other styling elements are supplied as element content,
> rather than attributes.  A nice extension for GeoServer would be to allow
> CQL expressions in attribute values in SLD.

Hmm.. let's say the reason for the usage of the attribute is not so
difficult to imagine, rasters have
no "attributes", so theoretically there would be nothing to write an
expression against, standard wise.

GeoServer has the env function though, that one would indeed be usable as a
source of values for
the color map


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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39  339 8844549

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Parameterize ColorMapEntry

2013-01-07 Thread Martin Davis
I don't think this is possible at the moment.  The problem is that the
quantity value is supplied by an attribute, rather than a sub-element
(where it would be possible to allow a filter expression instead of a fixed

The ColorMapEntry element is actually a bit of an anomaly in SLD - most
parameters in other styling elements are supplied as element content,
rather than attributes.  A nice extension for GeoServer would be to allow
CQL expressions in attribute values in SLD.

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 3:48 AM, Ramkumar Nagabhushanam <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to parameterize ColorMapEntry in a style. I want to be able
> to
> pass in different values for "quantity" when I request a raster layer. The
> value
> for quantity will be used to calculated quantity values for each of the
> ColorMapEntrys.
> Thanks!
> --
> Master Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL, ASP.NET, C# 2012, HTML5, CSS,
> MVC, Windows 8 Apps, JavaScript and much more. Keep your skills current
> with LearnDevNow - 3,200 step-by-step video tutorials by Microsoft
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> ___
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Martin Davis
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Re: [Geoserver-users] Use of MultiplyCoverages in a SLD

2013-01-07 Thread Andrea Aime
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Paolo Pasquali wrote:

> Is there any documentation on how to implement this function?

There is no way to support the function you want right now, a rendering
can only work against the data coming from the layer you're transforming,
cannot do that with two layers.

That said, it is possible to think about adding new code, new features to
transformation functionality allowing it to work against two layers at the
same time...
but it's going to take time, it's not a quick hack, but the work of several
so it needs funding.


Our support, Your Success! Visit for more

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39  339 8844549

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[Geoserver-users] Use of MultiplyCoverages in a SLD

2013-01-07 Thread Paolo Pasquali
I'm trying to implement a rendering trasformation by using the
gs:MultiplyCoverages function in a SLD. How can I define the coverageA and B
sources? My code is:





The error I get is:
Could not convert the value {coverageA=myworkspace:myhillshade} into the
expected type class org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D for parameter

Is there any documentation on how to implement this function?
Thank you so much!


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Re: [Geoserver-users] German translation-project for documentation

2013-01-07 Thread Frank Gasdorf
Thanks Jonathan!

it helps a lot! It describes the Sphinx way based on pot files. For
the GeoServer project the whole documentation is based in sphinx rst

for the OSGeo Live project documentation ( its
setup like Andrea describe in a short sentence. before the sphinx
build runs, all missing documents (*.rst) will be linked from the
special language folders to to the origin (English) files if it
doesn't exists. In result all translated files will be build and the
relative links between several sides will not be broken because of
missing files.

I guess we have to investigate how to use po4a-gettextize for
geoserver and get the build working correctly and how to handle
deployment afterwards.


2013/1/7 Jonathan Moules :
> Hi Stefan,
>   I don't know much about translation (well, anything really ;-) ), but have
> you looked at how other Open Source projects manage this sort of thing?
> Translation management even seems to have its own branch of Translation
> Management Systems. This one is open source -
> - there may be a freely hosted
> deployment of it somewhere (ala git).
> There's also this extremely timely article about the translation effort of
> QGIS documentation:
> _documentation_translations_with_open_source_tools/ - may be worth talking
> to them.
> Hope that helps,
> Jonathan
> On 6 January 2013 23:58, Stefan Engelhardt (HBT) 
> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> after translating the missing parts of the GeoServer webinterface I would
>> like to translate the documentation too.
>> For this reason, I am looking for some people who help me translating it
>> but if you have some thoughts or experiences about tools, methods and
>> organization things, I also would be pleased about it.
>> So if you have good German orthography and enough English skills, enough
>> time for doing some parts you are welcome. You need also basic knowledge on
>> git, ideally sphinx.
>> Some questions where I need discussion or hints about:
>> -Is it possible to manage translated and not-translated parts of the
>> documentation with git?
>> -Any ideas on manageing reviews of translated parts?
>> -Is there a possibilty to manage a dictionnary or rulebook for
>> translations, for example who to translate „you“ (choose „Du“ or „Sie“)?
>> -Would it possible or wise to create a separate list for the translation
>> project or should all sub-discussions take place in this list? Or better in
>> the developer list?
>> I am quite unsure about these questions/problems, so tell me your
>> perception.
>> Thanks already for your comments
>> Stefan
>> --
>> Master Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL, ASP.NET, C# 2012, HTML5, CSS,
>> MVC, Windows 8 Apps, JavaScript and much more. Keep your skills current
>> with LearnDevNow - 3,200 step-by-step video tutorials by Microsoft
>> MVPs and experts. ON SALE this month only -- learn more at:
>> _ __
>> Geoserver-users mailing list
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Re: [Geoserver-users] German translation-project for documentation

2013-01-07 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Stefan,
  I don't know much about translation (well, anything really ;-) ), but
have you looked at how other Open Source projects manage this sort of thing?
Translation management even seems to have its own branch of Translation
Management Systems. This one is open source - - there may be a freely hosted
deployment of it somewhere (ala git).

There's also this extremely timely article about the translation effort of
QGIS documentation:
may be worth talking to them.

Hope that helps,

On 6 January 2013 23:58, Stefan Engelhardt (HBT)

> Hi list,
> after translating the missing parts of the GeoServer webinterface I would
> like to translate the documentation too.
> ** **
> For this reason, I am looking for some people who help me translating it
> but if you have some thoughts or experiences about tools, methods and
> organization things, I also would be pleased about it.
> ** **
> So if you have good German orthography and enough English skills, enough
> time for doing some parts you are welcome. You need also basic knowledge on
> git, ideally sphinx.
> ** **
> Some questions where I need discussion or hints about:
> ** **
> -Is it possible to manage translated and not-translated parts of the
> documentation with git?
> -Any ideas on manageing reviews of translated parts?
> -Is there a possibilty to manage a dictionnary or rulebook for
> translations, for example who to translate „you“ (choose „Du“ or
> **
> -Would it possible or wise to create a separate list for the translation
> project or should all sub-discussions take place in this list? Or better in
> the developer list?
> ** **
> I am quite unsure about these questions/problems, so tell me your
> perception.
> ** **
> Thanks already for your comments
> Stefan
> ** **
> --
> Master Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL, ASP.NET, C# 2012, HTML5, CSS,
> MVC, Windows 8 Apps, JavaScript and much more. Keep your skills current
> with LearnDevNow - 3,200 step-by-step video tutorials by Microsoft
> MVPs and experts. ON SALE this month only -- learn more at:
> Geoserver-users mailing list

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Re: [Geoserver-users] SVG Fill with an ExternalGraphic

2013-01-07 Thread Jonathan Moules
I've now tried:

Which fails with:

Parsing failed for href: Illegal character in
opaque part at index 2: D:\Geoserver_data\styles\svgs\boulderGeometry.svg


So I tried with the slashes the other ("wrong") way:

which fails validation with:
"Parsing failed for ExternalGraphic:
unknown protocol: d"

When trying to render the legend on the layers->Publishing page, they both
fail with the same console error.

So I think I've tried every single possible combination and GeoServer fails
them all. What am I missing?

On 7 January 2013 11:58, Jonathan Moules  wrote:

> Hi List,
> I have some polygons I want to be filled with a SVG style. The
> documentation makes it clear GeoServer supports this:
> However I'm having issues getting it to work.
> - I've tried placing the SVG files onto a local web-server and accessing
> them like that, but all I get in the legend is grey boxes.
> - Then I placed them into /geoserver_data/styles/svgs - this resulted in a
> GeoServer console error.
> - Then I placed them in the styles directory itself, but I still get the
> GeoServer console error.
> This page (
> makes it clear that my links are correct (well, maybe not the ./svgs/ one,
> but it follows convention).
> My GeoServer error seems to imply it can't find the files:
> 07 Jan 11:22:41 ERROR [org.geoserver.ows] -
> org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException:
> at
> at
> at
> org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.parseRequestKVP(
> ...
> And example of the applicable part of my SLD:
> http://wppgeog3/geoserver/OSMM_SVG_symbols/boulderGeometry.svg"/>
> image/svg+xml
>   3
> 3
> 4
> 10,10
> This one gives me grey boxes in my legend.
> --
> Other URL lines include:
>  xlink:href="./svgs/boulderGeometry.svg"/>
>  xlink:href="/svgs/boulderGeometry.svg"/>
>  xlink:href="boulderGeometry.svg"/>
> Those three give me the GeoServer error.
> They also fail GeoServer validation:
> "Parsing failed for ExternalGraphic: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
> URI is not absolute"
> But the documentation example includes a clearly relative URI.
>  xlink:href="%GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR%/styles/svgs/rockFillSymbol.svg"/>
> Fails validation with:
> "Parsing failed for href: Malformed escape
> pair at index 0: %GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR%/styles/svgs/boulderGeometry.svg"
>  --
> TL;DR: How do I make SVG Fill work with an ExternalGraphic?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan

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[Geoserver-users] SVG Fill with an ExternalGraphic

2013-01-07 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi List,
I have some polygons I want to be filled with a SVG style. The
documentation makes it clear GeoServer supports this:

However I'm having issues getting it to work.
- I've tried placing the SVG files onto a local web-server and accessing
them like that, but all I get in the legend is grey boxes.
- Then I placed them into /geoserver_data/styles/svgs - this resulted in a
GeoServer console error.
- Then I placed them in the styles directory itself, but I still get the
GeoServer console error.

This page (
makes it clear that my links are correct (well, maybe not the ./svgs/ one,
but it follows convention).

My GeoServer error seems to imply it can't find the files:

07 Jan 11:22:41 ERROR [org.geoserver.ows] -

And example of the applicable part of my SLD:






This one gives me grey boxes in my legend.


Other URL lines include:

Those three give me the GeoServer error.
They also fail GeoServer validation:
"Parsing failed for ExternalGraphic: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
URI is not absolute"

But the documentation example includes a clearly relative URI.

Fails validation with:
"Parsing failed for href: Malformed escape
pair at index 0: %GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR%/styles/svgs/boulderGeometry.svg"


TL;DR: How do I make SVG Fill work with an ExternalGraphic?


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[Geoserver-users] Parameterize ColorMapEntry

2013-01-07 Thread Ramkumar Nagabhushanam

Is it possible to parameterize ColorMapEntry in a style. I want to be able to
pass in different values for "quantity" when I request a raster layer. The value
for quantity will be used to calculated quantity values for each of the


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Re: [Geoserver-users] SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF - Oracle

2013-01-07 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hi Andrea,
Thanks for this. I've identified the issue (lack of schema name in the
query) and reported it to JIRA:
Along with a suggestion for how to better determine if SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF
is actually installed.


On 6 January 2013 09:55, Andrea Aime  wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Andrea Aime  > wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Jonathan Moules <
>>> wrote:
>>> So investigated out of curiosity.  We do actually have the
>>> SDO_TUNE.EXTENT_OF function available, and it does work when I query the
>>> database directly using it (i.e.: SELECT
>>> DUAL; works just fine).
>>> So why would it fail for GeoServer? Given the error is a "table not
>>> found" is the correct table being sent? The logs don't show the actual
>>> query being sent so I can't see whats happening.
>> The query being built should be exactly the same you have run.
>> I've just added a debug statement that will log the query used for
>> sdo_tune.extent_of,
>> that migth help.
> Ah forgot, the modified version of the Oracle plugin will appear among the
> nightly builds
> starting tomorrow, Jan 7, here:
> (look for the ext-* folders)
> Cheers
> Andrea
> --
> ==
> Our support, Your Success! Visit for more
> information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax: +39 0584 1660272
> mob: +39  339 8844549
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Re: [Geoserver-users] WFS query to find lowest and highest value of a attribute in a layer

2013-01-07 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

WFS does actually support that somehow. The query needs just to contain 
maxFeatures=1 with sortBy ascending/descending. This query returns a town with 
highest population in 1999 (Helsinki, 515490). You can shorten the response by 
including also the &propertyname parameter.
This one returns a village with lowest population value (0, means missing data 
in this case)

I wouldn't trust that results from an unknown WFS server is right, though. I 
guess that sorting with different backends ant together with filters is 
generally very little tested. I am remembering that it worked OK for me with 
Geoserver and PostGIS once I was playing with this sometimes.
Corresponding Geoserver document page is
Results comes from TinyOWS at the moment because my super cheap virtual server 
does not have enough memory for running Geoserver, sorry for that.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Martin Davis wrote:

WFS doesn't support aggregation in queries, only filtering.  (In other words, 
it's not functionally compatible with SQL).

However, you can do this by using a WPS process.  Have a look at the 
gs:Aggregate process.
On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 2:02 AM, zeliofern>> wrote:
Hi Guys

i have gone through the documentation and it is said that ogc:max and
ogc:min function is just used to get max between provided numbers. also on
ogc and arcgis website it is said to  use SortBy in WFS query filter.

i have 2 question :

1) does geoserver have support to use sortby in WFS filter query?

2)my requirement is to find the lowest and the highest value in a attribute
of layer published in geoserver
is there any WFS query function to do that?

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