[gep-ed] Fwd: [yeah-net] seeking graduate student applications for the 2024 Climate Leaders Academy

2024-03-12 Thread Charles Chester
Hi GEP-ed,

Great opportunity below for graduate students! Best,

Charlie Chester
EarthWeb.info  • Native Land  • 
 • Brandeis 
 • Tufts 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "'Leah A. Dundon' via YEAH-Net" 
> Subject: [yeah-net] seeking graduate student applications for the 2024 
> Climate Leaders Academy
> Date: March 12, 2024 at 10:13:03 AM EDT
> To: "yeah-ne...@mtu.edu" 
> Reply-To: "Leah A. Dundon" 
> Hi Everyone, please pass the below application on to your contacts, we are 
> seeking graduate students (Masters and up) to apply for this years Climate 
> Leaders Academy - fully funded summer climate work shop, travel to 
> participate at COP29, and a stipend award.  Details and application at the 
> below link - deadline to apply is March 30.  Thank you!
> https://forms.gle/jXUK9yDmwBQG35dJ6 [forms.gle] 
> [forms.gle] 
> 2024 Climate Leaders Academy (CLA) -- Application Form (Deadline to 
> apply-March 30, 2024) [forms.gle] 
> forms.gle
> Leah A. Dundon, J.D., Ph.D.
> Director, Vanderbilt Climate Change Initiative
> Vanderbilt University School of Engineering
> Nashville, Tennessee  USA
> 615-428-0643
> Email:  leah.a.dun...@vanderbilt.edu 
> VCCI www.vanderbilt.edu/climatechange [vanderbilt.edu] 
> -- 
> YEAH-net list
> yeah-ne...@mtu.edu 
> --- 
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to yeah-net-l+unsubscr...@mtu.edu 
> .

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[gep-ed] Online guides to COP-28

2023-10-01 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,

For my students, I just put together a page for Online guides to COP-28 
. Hope it might come in 
useful for some of yours, and please don’t hesitate to forward additional 
resources for the page. 

Happy fall,

Charlie Chester
EarthWeb.info  • Native Land  • 

 • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] EarthWeb.info

2023-08-03 Thread Charles Chester
Dear gep-eders,

Each year around this time I send out a notice/update/reminder about 
EarthWeb.info , my “web-guide to sustainability, 
conservation & environment." As it slowly continues to expand (there are now 
350+ individual pages, albeit many of them little more than placeholders), a 
few particular resources might come in useful to you and/or your students:

• There are now four separate pages under the main Periodicals 
- News sources 
- Magazines, yearbooks, and other serials 

- Academic journals 

- Blogs, newsletters & online platforms 

• The Opportunities  page is 
probably the most-accessed by my students….

• Scrolling through the NGOs A>Z listing 
 page will give your 
students a good sense of the diversity, size, and scope of civil society in the 
sustainability arena.
• The Multilateral Environmental Agreements 
 page remain the most relevant to this 

As ever, I welcome corrections and suggestions! 

Best wishes,

Charlie Chester
EarthWeb.info  • Native Land  • 

 • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Fwd: Please Share-Madeleine Haas Russell Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate Crisis, Risks, and Responses

2023-02-08 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

Please share/forward this 2 year postdoc position at Brandeis with your 
networks. Many thanks,

Charlie Chester
EarthWeb.info  • Native Land  • 

 • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Jazz Dottin 
> Subject: Please Share-Madeleine Haas Russell Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate 
> Crisis, Risks, and Responses
> Date: February 1, 2023 at 4:47:55 PM EST
> To: envsfaculty-group 
> Cc: Mangok Bol 
> Hello ENVS Faculty & Affiliates,
> Environmental Studies and Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies have 
> joined forces to offer a 2 year postdoc position-- the Madeleine Haas Russell 
> Postdoctoral Fellow in Climate Crisis, Risks, and Responses.  The application 
> is open on AJO and will close on March 8. Can you all share this with your 
> networks?
> https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24255
> Thanks,
> Jazz
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2023 at 10:41 AM Alicia Hyland  > wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have posted the MHR Fellowship position on AJO and you should have all 
>> received your emails with access as committee members. The ad is posted here 
>> and you should use this link in any advertising on the position:
>> https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24255
>> Please let me know if you have any questions.
>> Aliica
>> -- 
>> Alicia Hyland
>> Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs
>> Dean of Arts and Sciences Office
>> 781-736-7813
>> she/her/hers
>> Please note: My working hours are 8 am - 4 pm.
> -- 
> Jasmine (Jazz) Dottin
> Academic Administrator
> International and Global Studies Program
> Environmental Studies Program
> Brandeis University  
> Rabb Graduate Center
> 781-736-2615
> Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

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[gep-ed] Best environmental alternative to Twitter

2022-11-10 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,

Apologies if this has been asked before…but as a social media Neanderthal, I’m 
wondering what might be the most important/visible/ethically-unchallenged 
social media platform for the "environmental community" writ large. 

At least in terms of visibility, I’m assuming it’s Twitter because, well, it’s 
just been Twitter for everything. Given recent developments, or one might say 
“regressions,” seems like there’s plenty of justifications to be looking for 
alternatives…and a quick search came up a large number of alternatives out 

Happy to take answers direct to me and I'll collate them for the list.

Additional apologies if my question is too similar to: “What’s the best 
Internet search engine—Google??” 

Justifiable answer: "No, it’s Altavista, you medeival Yahoo….” 

Charlie Chester
EarthWeb.info  • Native Land  • 

 • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] COP-27 Guides collection

2022-11-07 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

Just fyi, I’ve collected a few “guides to COP-27” resources here 

“Happy" Election Day tomorrow, for those in the USA….

Charlie Chester
EarthWeb.info  • Native Land  • 

 • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Fwd: Global Youth Climate Survey

2022-04-14 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

I received the message below this morning and thought it might be of interest 
to many on this list. Has anyone had any experience with Turning Green 

Charlie Chester
EarthWeb.info <http://earthweb.info/> • Native Land <https://native-land.ca/> • 
BCI <http://batcon.org/> • Y2Y <http://y2y.net/> • EMIGRA 
<https://telecoupledgovernance.org/> • Brandeis 
<http://www.brandeis.edu/programs/environmental/> • Fletcher 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Judi Shils 
> Subject: Global Youth Climate Survey
> Date: April 14, 2022 at 5:41:01 AM EDT
> To: Charles Chester 
> Reply-To: Judi Shils 
> Dear Professor ,
> On April 19, Turning Green, a San Francisco based nonprofit organization, is 
> launching a global survey, From Anxiety to Action: Insights from college and 
> university students around climate change and pathways to action. We are 
> gathering input from participants to assess knowledge and capacity for 
> solutions-based climate action. The insights will support our work to empower 
> emerging leaders as agents of change in local and global climate movements. 
> You will receive a link to the student survey when it goes live on Tuesday 
> April 19.  We hope that you will share the link with your students and campus 
> listserv to help us reach at least 10,000 respondents.
> In addition, we invite you to join a group of esteemed professors from around 
> the world. Our goal with these partnerships is to expand our reach and 
> support more students on college and university campuses. Here are some of 
> the ways you can participate:
> Join an interdisciplinary team of global scholars
> Speak or teach at one of our Turning Green summits  
> Access internship opportunities for your students 
> Connect with experienced collaborators
> Please respond to this  short questionnaire 
> <https://carolhaney.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8J5Gyyv0xm6Abhs?Q_DL=DEZ7nmoR7Z5fiTy_8J5Gyyv0xm6Abhs_MLRP_9uVgh0wR4C1P4N0_CHL=email>
>  and tell us how we can involve and support you in our collective work. 
> Turning Green educates, empowers and mobilizes next generation leaders to 
> propel healthy, just, resilient communities and futures for all. We use 
> proven solutions-oriented programs, scalable campus and community 
> initiatives, and engaging leadership and mentorship opportunities.
> Thank you so much for all you do for next generation leaders!
> With gratitude, 
> Judi Shils
> Founder | Executive Director Turning Green
> (415) 939-1232 | j...@turninggreen.org 
> Judi Shils (she/her/hers)
> Founder/Executive Director 
> j...@turninggreen.org (415) 939-1232
> Follow this link to the Questionnaire:
> Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
> https://carolhaney.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8J5Gyyv0xm6Abhs?Q_DL=DEZ7nmoR7Z5fiTy_8J5Gyyv0xm6Abhs_MLRP_9uVgh0wR4C1P4N0_CHL=email
> Follow the link to opt out of future emails:
> Click here to unsubscribe 
> <https://carolhaney.co1.qualtrics.com/CP/Register.php?OptOut=true=MLRP_9uVgh0wR4C1P4N0=UR_9uXF6SpPRnqROWp=EMD_DEZ7nmoR7Z5fiTy=Y2Fyb2xoYW5leQ&_=1>

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[gep-ed] Question on using "international regime" in class....

2021-10-08 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

I’m at that point in the semester where I give my undergraduates a fairly 
in-depth treatment of the terms “international regime” and “international 
environmental regime.” I tell them that they need to know the basics of how 
this terminology came about since I’ll be using the word “regime” for the rest 
of the semester….

…but then it occurred to me that for the past few years, I’ve really not been 
using the word regime at all. It just sort of faded away from my in-class 
vocabulary in more of a fizz that a puff…not sure if this is good, bad, or 
meaningless, but it made me wonder about how important it is for me to be 
teaching “international regimes” (including elaboration of the consensus 
definition, etc.) in a course on global environmental politics. I have some 
nascent thoughts…but half of them lie in direct contradiction with the other 
half….so I thought it would be helpful to get some general feedback on this. 
Here’s my question: How much time do you spend teaching regime theory in your 
GEP classes, and does the amount of time you give it reflect on the importance 
of the concept? Apologies if I’m rehashing a previous conversation on gep-ed 
that I missed. 

All best,

Charlie Chester
EarthWeb.info  • Native Land  • 

BCI  • Y2Y  • TGMS 
 • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Climate Justice position at Brandeis University

2021-08-26 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,Please see attached an opportunity for a Climate Justice position at Brandeis University, and don’t hesitate to share with your networks.Many thanks, 
Charlie Chester~EarthWeb.info • Native Land • he·him·hisBCI • Y2Y • TGMS • Brandeis • Fletcher

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Environmental Studies Climate Justice job ad final.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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[gep-ed] EarthWeb.info

2021-08-19 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

Some of you might recall that every year about this time, I send out a reminder 
about my website on GEP information that I’ve put together for my students. As 
I’ve been incrementally building the site over the years, the label of “GEP” 
has become a bit off-target as there are now >200 individual pages on the site 
covering an array of sustainability, environmental, & conservation topics. So 
while GEP still lies at the heart of the website, I've changed its name from 
gep-guide.net  to EarthWeb.info , 
and I call it a “web·guide” since it is essentially a field guide to what’s 
available online in our (very) broad issue arena.  

Issues of particular interest to students of global environmental politics will 
now be found under the top menu item on “IEL+GEP.” More generally, a few 
particular pages that might be of interest to students and faculty include:

• the Treaties, conventions & MEAs  
• the News & blogs  page, which now 
contains links to more than 100 environmental news sources,
• the Periodicals  page,
• the Global environmental assessments 
• the NGOs & CSOs  page,
• the College & university departments, degree programs, campus groups & 
institutions  page,
• the Spillover, zoonotic diseases (zoonoses), One Health & Covid-19 
• the Environmental justice (EJ), environmental racism & JEDI 
• the Climate change hub  page,

Of course, any corrections/suggestions/ideas on improving anything on the 
website are always welcome. 

Best wishes for a great start to your semesters. For those of you who what the 
hell happened to early June and its promise of getting outdoors (not to mention 
the tantalizing prospect of a bright shining “this summer I’m going to catch up 
on all my work”), here’s an article I just wrote on the 100th anniversary of 
the Appalachian Trail 
 Just think: instead of toiling away on your syllabi, you could be out hiking 
in…actually, I’d recommend not thinking about that one tiny little bit.

Back to work,

Charlie Chester
EarthWeb.info  • Native Land  • 

BCI  • Y2Y  • TGMS 
 • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] University of Arizona post-doc position

2021-03-17 Thread Charles Chester
Posting for a colleague:

The School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the Universtiy of 
Arizona is recruiting a post-doc to work on a very exciting, NSF-funded 
research project. The post-doc will work with an interdisciplinary group of 
faculty studying USFS and USDA responses to climate change. They will have the 
opportunity to develop some novel network analysis approaches and also make a 
significant contribution to research into USFS administrative behavior and 
institutional adaptation. There is two years of funding available. Check it out 
and please help spread the word!


Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • TGMS  • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] System of Environmental-Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA)

2021-03-12 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,

Sorry if I’m doubling up, but it looks as though this underreported story may 
not have yet crossed this email list:

The United Nations Has a New Plan to Measure Nature Like Economic Asset 

All best,

Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • TGMS  • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Ph.D. position at U.Arizona on invasives

2021-01-28 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,Passing along a posting for a Ph.D. student position at the University of Arizona’s School of Natural Resources and the Environment in regard to "Co-development of Policy Responses to Invasive Species.” 
Best wishes,Charlie ChesterGEP-guide.net • BCI • Y2Y • Brandeis • Fletcher

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PhD Advertisement Lien Lab Jan 2021.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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[gep-ed] Fwd: Associate Professor of Climate Justice at Brandeis University

2020-11-21 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,

Please share the position announcement below, and usual apologies for 

Many thanks,

Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sabine von Mering 
> Subject: Associate Professor of Climate Justice at Brandeis University
> Date: November 20, 2020 at 11:49:00 AM EST
> To: climatechangeinitiative 
> Dear colleagues:
> Please help us spread the word about this exciting new position! 
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Sabine
> Associate Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies Specializing in 
> Climate Justice
> The Brandeis University Department of Sociology and Environmental Studies 
> Program invite applications for a split-line tenured Associate Professorship 
> with an emphasis on Climate Justice. This position would begin in academic 
> year 2021-2022, pending budgetary approval.  We seek a scholar whose research 
> addresses the disproportionate impacts of climate change and related 
> adaptation and mitigation efforts on vulnerable social groups in any part of 
> the world, especially communities of color and indigenous communities. We 
> welcome a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives, but are 
> particularly interested in candidates whose work integrates environmental and 
> climate justice scholarship in innovative ways.
> Candidates must have a PhD in Sociology or a related interdisciplinary field, 
> a proven publication record, and a substantial teaching portfolio.  We 
> welcome applications from tenured Associate Professors as well as senior 
> Assistant Professors whose credentials would merit appointment at the 
> Associate Professor level upon entry or shortly thereafter.
> Teaching duties will be evenly divided between the two hiring units, and will 
> include a course in Climate Justice, graduate and undergraduate courses in 
> the candidate’s area of specialization, and core courses in each unit as 
> appropriate. Dissertation advising in the field of Sociology, undergraduate 
> thesis advising, and service at all levels of the university will also be 
> expected.
> Applicants should submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, an 
> article-length writing sample, and names and contact information for three 
> referees. Brandeis is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion 
> in all areas of faculty effort, including scholarship, instruction, and 
> service. Applicants should accordingly include a Diversity, Equity and 
> Inclusion (DEI) statement indicating how their experience, interests, and 
> ongoing commitments might contribute toward maintaining departmental and 
> institutional pluralism, justice, and unity (see: 
> https://www.brandeis.edu/diversity/dei-recruitment-hiring/contributions-to-diversity-statements.html
> ).
>  Finally, applicants should provide a teaching portfolio that includes 
> syllabi and evidence of teaching excellence.
> Brandeis is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. We value and 
> are seeking candidates that represent a variety of social identities, 
> including those who have been underrepresented in higher education, who 
> possess skills that spark innovation, and who, through their scholarship, 
> teaching, and service contributions, bring expertise in building, engaging 
> and sustaining a pluralistic, just, and inclusive campus community.
> Only online applications will be accepted. Application materials may be 
> uploaded here: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/17599 
> .  First consideration will be 
> given to applications received by January 4, 2021, and review of applications 
> will continue until the position is filled.  Questions about the position can 
> be directed to either of the Search Committee co-chairs: Professor Sara 
> Shostak (sshos...@brandeis.edu ) or Professor 
> Rick Schroeder (rschroe...@brandeis.edu ).
> -- 
> Sabine von Mering, Ph.D.
> Professor of German and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
> Director, Center for German and European Studies
> Affiliate faculty, Environmental Studies
> Brandeis University
> MS 024
> 415 South Street
> Waltham, MA 02454
> Phone: (781) 736-3227
> Fax (781) 736-3207
> e-mail:vonmer...@brandeis.edu 
> https://www.brandeis.edu/cges/ 
> http://www.brandeisfact.org 

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[gep-ed] 2 year fellowship at Brandeis

2020-09-19 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all, Please share the attached opportunity widely: a 2 year postdoctoral fellowship at Brandeis focusing on climate change.Many thanks,
Charlie ChesterNew email address: ches...@gep-guide.netGEP-guide.net • BCI • Y2Y • Brandeis • Fletcher

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HSSP-ENVS Kay ad DRAFT 3.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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[gep-ed] GEP-guide.net resource update

2020-08-10 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

With the fall semester impending, I'm sending out my annual reminder of the 
online resources available at GEP-guide.net , a guide to 
online resources on global environmental politics. I began putting this website 
together for my students, and over time it’s ballooned into something that 
might be helpful for the community at large.

With all that’s happened this year, I’m highlighting two particular pages:

• the Environmental Justice, environmental racism & DEI (diversity, equity, 
inclusion)  page;

• the One Health/spillover page 
 page that contains useful 
links on COVID-19.

Also, going back to the discussion on remote & online learning that we had in 
March over gep-ed, there’s a page on GEP research & teaching 
 that contains a link to 
the Google Sheet with all of our “tradable” lectures (here’s the direct link 

 to it; please remember to look at the important information in the Notes tab). 

A few other other pages that could be of particular use to your students:

• Environmental news & blogs 

• Environmental periodicals 

• NGO listing 

• Climate change films & documentaries 

There’s a lot more…a whole lot more…and while some of it fairly well organized 
and annotated, much of it remains somewhat piled on with minimal context 
(waiting for me to do something with it). But overall, my hope is that it can 
give students of GEP both a leg up in their research and a sense of the sizable 
span of what happens under the label of GEP.

All best, 

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net 
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Review of new Lomborg book

2020-07-17 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

This was too much fun not to pass on: 

Are We Overreacting on Climate Change? 

 By Joseph E. Stiglitz
July 16, 2020
How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix 
the Planet
By Bjorn Lomborg

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net 
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Fwd: [Scientists-warning] Eleven new scientists' warning articles published and many in the works

2020-07-16 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

Apologies if this has already come across, but this article collection might be 
of interest. 

All best,

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net 
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: scientistswarning 
> Subject: [Scientists-warning] Eleven new scientists' warning articles 
> published and many in the works
> Date: July 15, 2020 at 7:15:01 PM EDT
> To: "scientists-warn...@lists.oregonstate.edu" 
> Resent-From: 
> Reply-To: "cof_nore...@cof.orst.edu" 
> Dear Alliance of World Scientists Member, We are growing in numbers and 
> currently have 25,781 scientists listed with the Alliance of World 
> Scientists. As part of the Scientists’ Warning Publication Series, we have 
> eleven new narrow-focused scientists’ warning articles published or in press 
> (see list below) in addition to the nine previously published narrow-focused 
> scientists’ warning articles. Thanks and stay safe during Covid-19, Bill
> William J. Ripple, Distinguished Professor of Ecology, Oregon State University
> Email:  scientistswarn...@oregonstate.edu 
>  Scientists’ Warning Mailbag (recent correspondence from other groups that 
> may be of interest):
> Click here  if you are a 
> scientist interested in completing a short poll on climate change.
> Click here  if you 
> want to learn about scientistswarning.org 
> , which is a grassroots citizens group 
> that is promoting the scientist warnings.
>  Narrow-focused scientists’ warning articles that are published, planned, or 
> in review/prep as of July 2020. (the 20 published/in-press manuscripts are 
> hyperlinked and are at the top of the list). Feel free to propose more 
> articles to me and I will put you on the list. Please forgive me if I have 
> made a mistake on your article.
>  Eleven newly published articles:
> Title 
>  Lead Author
> Scientists’ warning to humanity on the freshwater biodiversity crisis 
> James S. Albert
> Scientists' warning to humanity on insect extinctions 
>  Pedro Cardoso
> The second warning to humanity—Why ethology matters? 
>  Wolfgang Goymann
> Scientists call for renewed Paris pledges to transform agriculture 
>  Helen Harwatt
> Scientists' warning on endangered food webs 
>  Ruben H. Heleno
> Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes 
>  Jean-Philippe Jenny
> Scientists' warning on invasive alien species 
> Petr Pyšek
> World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 
>  William J. Ripple
> Solutions for humanity on how to conserve insects 
>  Michael J. Samways
> Why Do Society and Academia Ignore the ‘Scientists Warning to Humanity’ on 
> population? 
>  Haydn Washington
> Scientists’ warning on affluence 
>  Thomas Wiedmann
> Nine previously published articles:
> Title 
>  Lead Author
> Scientistsʼ Warning on Climate Change and Medicinal Plants 
>   Wendy L. Applequist
> Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change 
>   Ricardo Cavicchioli
> Scientists’ warning on wildfire 

[gep-ed] Fwd: Coping with Climate Anxiety in the Classroom and for Yourself: a Workshop

2020-05-21 Thread Charles Chester
Fyi below. 

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Mary Fischer 
> Subject: Coping with Climate Anxiety in the Classroom and for Yourself: a 
> Workshop
> Date: May 20, 2020 at 4:48:38 PM EDT
> To: climatechangeinitiative 
> Coping with Climate Anxiety in the Classroom and for Yourself: a Workshop for 
> College & University Faculty
> May 21 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT and June 11 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT
> This event takes place online.
> The Worry & Hope study at the University of Hawaii revealed a pervasive 
> emotional climate of fear, anger, sadness, shame and hope about climate 
> change. College faculty already knew this, and are, themselves, feeling 
> anxiety, grief, and additional stress that accompanies a sense of urgency and 
> responsibility to teach and engage with students about climate change across 
> all academic subject areas.
> This two hour online workshop is for faculty to address their own emotions so 
> that we can create and hold space in our classrooms for students to integrate 
> and process hard realities about climate change impacts. If not here, where? 
> If not us, who? A short overview of research on climate change education and 
> pedagogies will be followed by experiential workshop going through 4 
> activities that you can then use in your classroom.  The activities are based 
> on recent research as well as ecotherapy, ecopsychology, and the Active Hope 
> work of Joanna Macy.
> Krista Hiser is the Director of the University of Hawaii System Center for 
> Sustainability Across the Curriculum (an AASHE Regional Center). She is also 
> a longtime Professor of writing and teaches climate change communication, 
> project-based sustainability capstone, and climate fiction.
> Register today ! Deadline is May 20. 
> Contact Krista Hiser  with questions.
> University of Hawaiʻi is one of the regional AASHE Centers for Sustainability 
> Across the Curriculum 
> .
>  Centers host workshops and other professional development opportunities 
> throughout the year. If you aren’t able to attend this event, please consider 
> attending one of the other upcoming events organized by a Center 
> .
> This event is also being offered on June 11 
> .
> Register for the May 21 workshop 
> Register for the June 11 workshop 
> Mary Fischer
> Manager
> Office of Sustainability
> Brandeis University 
> 781-736-8744
> mfisc...@brandeis.edu 

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[gep-ed] Question regarding France, climate change & deliberate democracy

2020-05-19 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

One of my students recently forwarded to me this article 

 from a conservative news outlet on France, climate change & deliberate (or 
“random,” as the author puts it) democracy. To summarize the article: Macron’s 
a moron for letting climate advocates usurp reasonable policies with 
out-of-touch and unattainable goals

I ran a quick look for analysis (academic or otherwise) of the situation, but 
came up with not much. If anyone has any insights or literature on this, I’d 
very much appreciate it. 

All best,
Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Fwd: What is the promise of international law?

2020-05-08 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,

An eclectic but useful selection of resources at the environment link below.

All best,

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Law at Oxford University Press 
> Subject: What is the promise of international law?
> Date: May 7, 2020 at 9:01:13 AM EDT
> To: charles.ches...@gmail.com
> Reply-To: email.hvyiuogzpvraq...@oxfordjournals-marketing.oup.com
> Read our curated article collection addressing a variety of key global 
> issues.View online 
> What promise does international 
> law hold for the future? 
> Uncover how international law plans to address a variety of key global issues 
> by exploring our curated reading list featuring articles from across 20 
> Oxford University Press journals.
> All papers in this reading list are grouped into categories giving you a 
> chance to effortlessly browse through the topics you are most interested in:
> Environment 
> Economy 
> Human rights & equality 
> Cybersecurity & data protection 
> Arbitration & dispute settlement 
> Are you attending the ASIL 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting? This reading list is 
> the perfect tool to prepare for the event.
> Broaden your knowledge 
> Share this story:
> You may also be interested in
> Best of law around the world 
> Discover world-class research with our latest collection of the most read 
> articles from the law portfolio at Oxford University Press.
> Read now 
> Join our law community 
> Be among the first to read the latest law content from Oxford University 
> Press. Register for email alerts and make sure you never miss an issue from 
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> Sign up now 
> Follow @OUPLaw on Twitter 
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[gep-ed] Fwd: "Beyond Crisis" Conference inputs online starting today in Italy...

2020-04-17 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,

Interesting conference starting today—see below. 

All best,

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sabine von Mering 
> Subject: "Beyond Crisis" Conference inputs online starting today in Italy...
> Date: April 17, 2020 at 7:40:44 AM EDT
> To: Sabine von Mering 
> https://designdisaster.unibz.it/conference-beyond-corona-and-capitalism-17-18-april-2020/
> "How to use the virus-induced situation to build up momentum for 
> social-ecological transformation? The full program is on the conference page 
> .
>  Shortly before the start, a public livestream of todays inputs will be 
> available there for the ones who are not registered. 
> Registered participants received a link to the zoom meeting (room opens at 
> 16:30)." 
> Sabine
> -- 
> Sabine von Mering, Ph.D.
> Professor of German and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
> Director, Center for German and European Studies
> Affiliate faculty, Environmental Studies
> Brandeis University
> MS 024
> 415 South Street
> Waltham, MA 02454
> Phone: (781) 736-3227
> Fax (781) 736-3207
> e-mail:vonmer...@brandeis.edu 
> https://www.brandeis.edu/cges/ 
> http://www.brandeisfact.org 

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Re: [gep-ed] just a thought

2020-03-23 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,

As we go along figuring out this new world, I think the main thing is that we 
feel comfortable saying: “No, I’m sorry, I just can’t do this right now.” I 
know that’s easier for someone older like me to say, and very hard for someone 
at the start of their career to say, but I do think this is something we all 
have to learn. I also have trust that everyone will understand that if a 
request is made, there should be no expectations whatsoever. Just too much 
chaos on the personal and societal level right now. I know we all (well, most!) 
hate to say “no,” but we’ve got to do the honest self-assessment now more than 
ever—anti-cabin fever and personal sanity is our new stock in trade. 

There was part of me I couldn’t suppress who said: “Shelter at home?! Great, 
now I can catch up on my email!” Well, I’m deeper in the time sink hole than I 
ever expected possible (and trust me, I’ve been deep, deep, deep in that hole). 
I haven’t even had a chance to keep up with this gep-ed thread, and am just now 
trying to read through all your great posts.

Thanks everyone, 

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

> On Mar 19, 2020, at 11:01 AM, Reed M. Kurtz  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Briefly, I wish to thank you all for the productive discussion and echo some 
> of the points and concerns that Susi (and others) have raised. Speaking as 
> someone who is currently untenured, and (still) on the job market with little 
> to no certainty about what my future economic prospects holds, I would urge 
> some caution about expecting too much from our fellow colleagues in providing 
> any extra "work" beyond what is necessary to meet basic standards. Even 
> before coronavirus hit, my institution was struggling from a ransomware 
> cyberattack hit that shut down all our networks, right as we were supposed to 
> be making the transition to digital remote teaching. So right now, for me and 
> my students, I feel like the best thing I can expect is that they (we) take 
> care of ourselves, manage our time and our responsibilities as best we can, 
> and just make it through the next several weeks, to remain resilient and 
> self-aware about how to be prepared the next time something like this hits.
> So while I am all for the collaborative, exchange-based model of supplying 
> and sharing guest lectures and other provisions for teaching work, I would 
> hope that we are being fair and judicious about the expectations and burdens 
> we might be imposing if we make such requests upon others (especially 
> contingent faculty and relatively vulnerable conditions and statuses, like 
> grad students). We need to be conscientious about how what might provide 
> opportunities for some may impose additional burdens on others (even if only 
> by being made to "feel" obligated to contribute, do "more," etc.) Fortunately 
> me and my family are in a safe and relatively-stable position for the time 
> being, but I cannot imagine the same applies to so many we are working 
> alongside - including our students! Hopefully coming together to collaborate 
> in spaces like this list can help us build the communities we need to survive 
> and thrive in the face of the coming challenges we will face this century. 
> With that said, I would be more than happy to collaborate and help provide 
> support/appearances on subjects of Climate Justice movements and politics, 
> Critical/Marxist ecology, and/or Capitalism and Ecological Crisis.
> Take care,
> -Reed
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 10:37 AM Peter M Haas  > wrote:
> I’d be happy to follow Stacy’s model.
>   <>
> From: gep-ed@googlegroups.com  
> [mailto:gep-ed@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf 
> Of Dana R Fisher
> Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 10:35 AM
> To: Stacy VanDeveer mailto:stacy.vandev...@umb.edu>>
> Cc: saeb...@sbcglobal.net ; 
> promu...@susannemoser.com ; 
> rmitc...@uoregon.edu ; GEPED 
> mailto:gep-ed@googlegroups.com>>
> Subject: Re: [gep-ed] just a thought
> Nice idea!
> Dana R. Fisher, UMD
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2020, 10:32 AM Stacy VanDeveer  > wrote:
> Hi all –
> One related thought that has worked well for me (and is a smaller time 
> commitment than a full guest lecture) is a virtual “meet the author Q”.
> I ask someone in our community to skype or Zoom in for only about 20-30 
> minutes to take questions from students about a book/article authored by 
> them, that we are reading and discussing in class. It usually produces great 
> questions and discussions about things 

Re: [gep-ed] just a thought

2020-03-18 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,

Susi’s concerns on compensation are more than justified, but I can attest that 
my institutions have no viable guest lecture budget for courses. A direct 
barter system thus seems to me the most equitable and feasible way of ensuring 
that guest lecturing doesn’t become inequitable. I’ve posted a very tentative 
Google Sheet 

 showing how something like this might work. Happy to dump in the e-bin or pass 
along to anyone who has better thoughts on how to manage something like this….

All best,   

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

> On Mar 18, 2020, at 7:28 AM, Dana R Fisher  wrote:
> Susi makes a good point for people who are brought in as experts and not 
> currently teaching. 
> Perhaps those of us who are currently teaching could consider putting 
> together some sort of a cooperative though?  For example, I'm currently 
> teaching my environmental sociology class to advanced undergrads and some 
> graduate students.  I've got online classes coming up when we resume on: 
> climate change, environmental attitudes and behaviors, post materialism, the 
> environmental movement, environmental justice, food and waste, and 
> environmental stewardship.  
> If anyone on the list wanted to discuss a swap on one of these topics for 
> something that I am an expert in and frequently give talks about (such as 
> environmental activism, environmental stewardship, environmental protest, 
> climate politics and echo chambers), I'd be happy to see if we can make 
> something work...
> I hope everyone else is staying safe in these crazy times!
> Dana
> ---
> Dana R. Fisher, Ph.D.
> Director, Program for Society and the Environment
> Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland
> 2112 Parren Mitchell Art-Sociology Building 
> 3834 Campus Drive
> College Park, MD  20742
> drfis...@umd.edu  / phone: 301-405-6469 
> www.drfisher.umd.edu  
> @Fisher_DanaR
> pronouns: She/Her
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 7:03 AM promu...@susannemoser.com 
>   > wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> As someone who often is a guest speaker, just remember that your guest 
> speakers are going through their own little hell of adjusting everything they 
> do right now. So, check your speaker budgets and consider being generous. The 
> usual couple hundred bucks doesn't even begin to cover the time a good 
> speaker spends to prepare a good talk or even just the time they spend coming 
> to your class.
> So, one more layer of attitude and institutional shift here: compensate 
> people adequately for their time. Do not assume they can afford volunteer 
> time right now. And consider inviting people who are losing work and income 
> right now due to COVID19 and offer them a decent stipend to help them out. 
> That way, you getting help actually helps, not burdens, someone else too.
> Best to all and stay sane and healthy,
> Susi
> Sent from tiny phone. Forgive typos
>  Original message 
> From: Ronald Mitchell mailto:rmitc...@uoregon.edu>>
> Date: 3/17/20 11:31 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: GEPED mailto:gep-ed@googlegroups.com>>
> Subject: [gep-ed] just a thought
> One other thought on the whole online learning thing – Zoom or other apps for 
> streaming lectures might be an excellent, low-carbon way to bring in guest 
> speakers.  We could each “trade” guest lectures on our well-known subjects 
> (the lectures we can give in our sleep), reducing workload of developing 
> lectures for us while giving our students better content. 
> I am not offering to coordinate this – just a suggestion in case anyone 
> thinks it’s a good idea.
> Ron 
> Ronald Mitchell, Professor
> Department of Political Science and Program in Environmental Studies
> University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1284
> rmitc...@uoregon.edu 
> https://rmitchel.uoregon.edu/ 
> IEA Database Director: https://iea.uoregon.edu/ 
> -- 
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gep-ed/5e720008.1c69fb81.ac93b.3bb6SMTPIN_ADDED_MISSING%40gmr-mx.google.com

[gep-ed] New resource: Listing of climate change documentaries

2020-03-12 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

If you are like me, all your hopes and dreams for the semester have been 
shattered and you are stuck with the prospect of lots of small-screen faces all 
zooming at you as you talk to your computer. Today, my class was to have begun 
it’s extensive multi-class negotiations session, one that would have been 
really difficult in person…and one that I fear is not feasible online. Well, it 
might be feasible if the students were primed and pumped to engage in an online 
discussion, but I’m thinking that the next month is going to entail a great 
deal of distraction…. If it’s hard to get students off their ADDs (advanced 
digital devices, not the other ADD…though who’s to tell the difference) in 
class, what reason is there to think a tiny zoom screen is going to captivate 

All of which is to say that I’m not sure what I’m going to do over the coming 
weeks, but as a backstop I’ve put together a listing of climate change 
documentary films . I’ve a 
ways to go on it, but thought I’d share as this might come in useful in the new 

Who knew that a brand of Mexican beer could have such a devastating effect on 
civilization? Too bad we didn’t build that wall in time. See you on some tiny 
screen in the dystopic future, 

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] The Heartland Lobby

2020-02-24 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders, 

Recognizing that gep-ed is not a climate news feed, this story seemed 
significant and relevant enough to share: 


For anyone feeling bereft of climate news, I’ve collected some resources here 

All best,

Charlie Chester

New email address: ches...@gep-guide.net
GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] "Climate Scientist" position opening at Brandeis University

2019-10-23 Thread Charles Chester
Dear GEP-eders,Please find attached a letter and position description for a Climate Scientist (broadly defined) at Brandeis University, and please don’t hesitate to forward on to other networks. Many thanks, 
Charlie ChesterGEP-guide.net • BCI • Y2Y • Brandeis • Fletcher

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Brandeis Climate Scientist letter to share.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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CA outages & climate change [Re: [gep-ed] Fordham University Comparative Politics/Environmental Policy position]

2019-10-09 Thread Charles Chester

Your parenthetical coda was intriguing…please power up your computer while you 
can (and obtain a satellite uplink, I guess) so you can send us gep-eders some 
real-time updates from your (increasingly remote?) outpost on the climate 
change front.

You also inspired me to google <>. Some 
notable finds came up, including the first, which I thought most on this email 
list would appreciate:

Think California's Preemptive Blackouts Are Scary? Buckle Up 

Good luck,

Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

> On Oct 9, 2019, at 4:22 PM, Kate O'NEILL  > wrote:
> Dear all,
> Please also pass along to your networks! (And direct any questions to 
> Professor Lockhart cc’d!)
> Apologies for the cross-postings,
> Best,
> Kate
> (For those who are curious: still waiting for the power to be turned off in 
> Berkeley… PG keep pushing back the time, but if it happens, they estimate 
> 48 hours-6 days)
>> Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics (Fordham University)
>> The Department of Political Science invites applications for a tenure track 
>> position in Comparative Politics at the Assistant Professor level, beginning 
>> Fall 2020. The position is located at Fordham’s Lincoln Center (Manhattan) 
>> campus.
>> We are particularly interested in candidates in the field of comparative 
>> environmental policy. A regional specialization focusing Asia or Latin 
>> America is especially desired. The successful candidate will be expected to 
>> contribute to undergraduate and graduate curricular needs in political 
>> science, as well as contribute to Fordham’s interdisciplinary Environmental 
>> Studies Program. We encourage to apply candidates who will deepen our 
>> engagement with institutions within New York City and contribute to our 
>> University and department’s commitment to quality teaching and research.
>> Consistent with our Jesuit and Catholic mission, we believe that cultural 
>> and intellectual diversity is central to the excellence of our academic 
>> program, and we strive to create an academic community and campus culture 
>> that attracts and facilitates the development of promising and diverse 
>> teacher-scholars. As our student body becomes increasingly diverse, we are 
>> especially interested in candidates with substantive experience and 
>> commitment to teaching and mentoring students from a range of social, 
>> cultural, and economic backgrounds.
>> Review of applications will begin on October 15. Interested applicants must 
>> submit the following documents in electronic format (PDF or Microsoft Word) 
>> to Professor Sarah Lockhart, Committee Chair, via Interfolio, at 
>> http://apply.interfolio.com/68311 : cover 
>> letter, curriculum vitae, writing sample (no more than 30-35 pages), course 
>> syllabi, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and three letters of reference. 
>> Application materials should also address how the candidate's teaching, 
>> mentoring, scholarship, and/or community service supports Fordham 
>> University's commitment to diversity. Ph.D. at the time of appointment is 
>> required.
>> Fordham is an independent, Catholic University in the Jesuit tradition that 
>> welcomes applicants from all backgrounds. Fordham is an equal opportunity 
>> employer.
> -- 
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/gep-ed/2E2C6D02-2DF0-4CBF-864A-E5BF3FD00C6E%40berkeley.edu
> .

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[gep-ed] Guide to September climate and sustainability events

2019-08-29 Thread Charles Chester
Hi all,

First day back on campus, and my students are asking me what’s when with all 
the climate change events this coming month. I was having a hard time keeping 
them all straight, so I set up a semi-chronological Guide to Major Climate 
Change & Sustainability Events in September 
 at my homepage…hoping 
students and faculty will be able to attend one or more!  

All best,

Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Global Environmental Politics - an online guide

2019-08-23 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

As we head into the new academic year, I just wanted to send out a reminder of 
the resource I’ve been slowly developing at GEP-guide.net 
. I’ve been slowly accreting this site over the past 
four years, and while there are obviously quantum leaps to go in order to make 
it “thorough,” there are resources here that may come in handy for your 
students. Particular pages that might be useful are:

• the Periodicals & serials  

• the News & blogs  page;

• the NGOs  page.

In addition to that broad NGO page, I also set up a “Climate change 
institutions ” page that might 
be of interest. I have the occasional student, usually a non-environmental 
studied major, stop by my office to ask: “Why isn’t there anyone out there 
doing anything about climate change?” This page comes in handy for giving them 
a gentle heads up…. 

I have also started developing a list of university-based environmental 
programs here , but given the 
database that's already available at AASHE 
, I’m not sure how useful 
this page is. If you would like your program listed, please don’t hesitate to 
let me know (it may take me a while to post it…I’m about to stop ignoring 
incessant pleas from the dean to post my syllabi).   
For those of you who may have already been to the site when I sent out a 
similar reminder last year at this time, the site's accessibility and content 
is a step up from then. That said, the Spanish Steps still loom ahead, and the 
homemade feel is still quite apparent (my staff of techies & proofreaders went 
on strike after they found out they were nonexistent). But again, I’m just 
hoping this will turn out to be a useful resource beyond my own students.

Best wishes for a great start to the school year,

Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Interesting perspective on flying

2019-07-09 Thread Charles Chester
Hi GEP-eders,

I forwarded the information provided by Jonas Schoenefeld (thank you!) to my 
faculty-climate email list at Brandeis, over which there has been some 
discussion—also sometimes a bit contentious—of flying’s carbon impact. I noted 
that there had been a fairly debate on gep-ed over flying, and received back an 
interesting response from one individual that I thought worth sharing:   

> A few months back I tried to organize a climate finance panel at an 
> anthropology conference, but we were unable to get enough participants 
> because of people's concern about flying more than their carbon quota for 
> that year. 


> To register for the conference you had to be there in person, so increased 
> climate consciousness on the part of my colleagues resulted in less climate 
> change research being represented at the main anthropology conference in 
> North America. 

I submit this not as an advocate for flying, but as someone who flies all the 
time for non-academic reasons, feels guilty about it, can’t figure out a way to 
stop, and so is unavoidably receptive to justifications for it…. 

Happy summer 


Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Onion's take on 2018's climate

2019-02-08 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

>From America’s finest in fake news, here’s a story on 2018 
> to 
>share with your students.

Happy Friday, 

Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Summary of responses re: "UNEP" vs. "UN Environment" in the real world

2018-12-05 Thread Charles Chester
Hi everyone,

Wow—thanks all, for a very helpful set of replies. Here are the illuminating 
responses in reverse chronological order, alternating green/orange:

Kia ora all,

This is what I heard from a UNEP staff member of 25 years, currently working in 
an outposted office. It supports what Jonathan Krueger and Ken Conca have said 

"The term UN Environment was brought in by Erik Solheim, the Executive Director 
(ED) who joined in 2016 and resigned last month under a cloud.  

UN headquarters has never accepted the term UN Environment, nor did the UNEP 
governing body, the United Nations Environment Assembly. Any correspondence 
from the UN Secretary General's office only ever mentions United Nations 
Environment Programme or UNEP, never UN Environment. The day the ED resigned 
many of us gleefully returned to using UNEP.  We hope that the incoming ED will 
revert to using the legally mandated and well-liked names."

All good wishes, 
Wendy Jackson

I’d also note that the new Secretary-General announcement for the 
organization’s Executive Director, uses the UNEP “brand”

My understanding is that this was more of a re-branding exercise, than an 
actual (legal) name change. The (now departed) Executive Director when he 
started wanted fewer acronyms used and a more ''relatable'' public face for the 
organization. However, the name itself was not formally changed (though staff 
were instructed, as Ken says, to use it religiously) and some member states are 
on record as having not been so supportive of this (somewhat unilateral) 
re-branding exercise. Formal/legal documents (e.g. for UNEA, or contracts) 
still use UNEP. So no, should not be shunned for still saying UNEP as it is 
actually still the official name!

Jonathan Krueger

My experience completely accords with Ken’s response!

The name is now UN Environment but they still use the acronym UNEP (see for 
example the just-released 2018 Emissions Gap report: 
<https://www.unenvironment.org/resources/emissions-gap-report-2018> --in which 
the official/recommended citation is UNEP as author). In my experience the goal 
is to get people saying UN Environment, and staff will do so in presentations, 
press releases, etc, but UNEP is still in wide conversational use. Some folks 
on this list will recall all the gymnastics around IUCN name changes over the 
years, while preserving the acronym …kc

This is indeed a current debate and many scholars and policymakers are finding 
it difficult to decide which name to use. I just convened a workshop on 
international environmental governance with the support of the Nordic Council 
of Ministers and during the two days we deliberated, we all used UNEP. The 
official name remains United Nations Environment Programme and UNEP is valid. 
Indeed, some governments strongly prefer not to use UN Environment.
I think the broad consensus at the moment is that when you speak with people 
who know the system well and the organizations within it, you use UNEP. When 
you speak to a wider public and want to refer to the environmental organization 
in the UN system in a way that people who do not know the UN well can easily 
identify what you are talking about, you say UN Environment.
Since Erik Solheim, the Executive Director who led the name change, has stepped 
down, it is not clear what will happen with the new name. I would therefore 
suggest that you use UN Environment Programme, UN Environment and UNEP 
depending on the audience. You will certainly not be shunned, avoided or 
socially ostracized for saying UNEP! ☺
I’d be glad to hear your own opinion about the various names and the reaction 
from students and others that you have experienced.
Warm regards,

UNEP is fine. Most people with any experience in the organization will continue 
to call it that. 

UN Environment was the brainchild of Erik Solheim, who thought that it was more 
memorable and a better brand.  Solheim, of course, is gone now, so it may be 
that the rebranding went with him! 

Even during Solheim's tenure, the name was never formally changed, UN reports 
continued to refer to UNEP, and many UN staffers did as well.  I don't think 
you'll be shunned either way! 

John H. Knox

I call it Whatup. Is that wrong??

I’ll leave you all to guess who wrote the last (viz., first in) one….

Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net <http://gep-guide.net/> • BCI <http://batcon.org/> • Y2Y 
<http://y2y.net/> • Brandeis <http://www.brandeis.edu/programs/environmental/> 
• Fletcher <https://sites.tufts.edu/cierp/>

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Charles Chester  <mailto:c

[gep-ed] "UNEP" vs. "UN Environment" in the real world

2018-12-04 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

I’ve not been to an international environmental conference for a few years, so 
I have a question of protocol for you all: will I be shunned, avoided, and 
socially ostracized if I say the term “UNEP” in public? 

In all seriousness, I understand "UN Environment” is what the organization 
wants to be called…but are people generally saying “UN Environment" these days 
in international fora? And does the difference between saying “UNEP" and "UN 
Environment” matter in any consequential way at all?

I should emphasize that I really have no agenda with these questions…they are 
asked out of cloistered ignorance and curiosity…and I suppose I should be 
saying the right thing to my students…..

As usual, if you want to send me your response, I’ll collate them and send out.

Many thanks,  

Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Reminder of web resource: GEP-guide.net

2018-09-25 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,
Just a reminder of a resource some of your students might find helpful: 

As some of you might recall, I’ve been building this info nexus website 
(formerly named ieinfo.net ) mostly as a resource for my 
students—but also as an informal way of tracking the growth and development of 
our field. 

For those of you who may have visited before and found some scrambled text, 
since last year I have learned all about “web safe fonts,” pull-down menus, and 
a number of other tricks that do marvels in making websites actually work. It’s 
still nothing more than a spruced up set of links, but organized in a way that 
someone might find helpful. I should note that while I have had some student 
assistance with individual pages, this is a one old-dog-new-trick show...so 
many pages are pretty sparse. But again, the general outline might be helpful 
is allowing students to see the depth and breadth (& converse) of global 
environmental politics.

As always, I welcome suggestions/critiques/additions/edits/off-topic-rants/etc. 
Please forward to me at charles.ches...@gmail.com 

Hope you are all having a great start to the semester, 

Charlie Chester

GEP-guide.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Egypt/climate migrants - document request for "EACH-FOR"

2018-01-11 Thread Charles Chester
Hi GEP-eders,

I have a student writing a senior thesis on climate change, refugees, and IDPs 
in Egypt. She is trying to locate a document entitled: 

> The Impact of Environmental Factors on Migration in Egypt: Case Study Report 
> for the EACH-FOR Project by T. Afifi

The links at the website where it came from are down, and her efforts to 
contact them haven’t panned out. I tried to locate it as well, but no luck. If 
anybody has a copy, could you do the great favor of forwarding it to me?

Many thanks, 
Charlie Chester
ieinfo.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis 

 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Need help finding COP23 opening plenary video [Fwd: Vigil Tonight 6PM State House]

2017-11-06 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

I’m hoping somebody out there can help me find my way to the official webcast 
of the opening session of COP23 earlier today (I need it by 3:30pm Eastern 
Time, USA). The good news is that there are a couple YouTube videos already 
available (just Google <>), so those will do in a pinch, 
but the official videos have English translation. They are nominally located 
here <https://unfccc.cloud.streamworld.de/ondemand> (the SBSTA opening and 
several side events are there now), but the full opening session isn’t yet 
listed. I’m guessing that I’m missing something simple…can anyone fill me in?

I’m forwarding an email below from 350-Massachusetts on a vigil tonight for 
“international climate collaboration” as well as statewide efforts—just an 
example of the local-global nexus.

Many thanks,

Charlie Chester
ieinfo.net <http://ieinfo.net/> • BCI <http://www.batcon.org/> • Y2Y 
<http://y2y.net/> • Brandeis 
 • Fletcher <http://fletcher.tufts.edu/GMAP>

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Craig Altemose for 350 Mass <cr...@betterfutureproject.org 
> <mailto:cr...@betterfutureproject.org>>
> Subject: Vigil Tonight 6PM State House
> Date: November 6, 2017 at 10:37:03 AM EST
> To: Charles Chester <charles.ches...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:charles.ches...@gmail.com>>
> <http://www.betterfutureproject.org/r?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.350mass.org=30b051d2524ee14f9cf202a5624581e3d12bb71c_source=betterfutureproject_medium=email_campaign=baker_vigil=1>
> Dear Friends,
> Tonight at 6pm, we will gather outside of the Massachusetts State House to 
> express our hopes and prayers for climate leadership.
> Yesterday, world leaders began a two-week gathering in Bonn, Germany, to 
> discuss the state of international climate collaboration. This is the first 
> time they are gathering after President Trump announced the US would withdraw 
> from the Paris Climate Agreement.
> Here in Massachusetts, Governor Baker pledged that Massachusetts would not 
> just meet, but exceed, our state’s contributions to the Paris Climate 
> Agreement.
> Tonight 
> <http://www.betterfutureproject.org/r?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fevents%2F367910283648114%2F=30b051d2524ee14f9cf202a5624581e3d12bb71c_source=betterfutureproject_medium=email_campaign=baker_vigil=2>,
>  we are gathering to say we stand ready to take the Governor at his word.
> For the past two months, we have been visiting the Governor’s office to ask 
> him to sign an executive order that would effectively ban new fossil fuel 
> infrastructure. We are asking Governor Baker take this important action 
> before the end of this two week conference.
> Join us 
> <http://www.betterfutureproject.org/r?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fevents%2F367910283648114%2F=30b051d2524ee14f9cf202a5624581e3d12bb71c_source=betterfutureproject_medium=email_campaign=baker_vigil=3>
>  as we lift up our prayers for the victims of climate change and our hopes 
> that political leaders at home and abroad whose choices have the ability to 
> change the course of history.
> Sharing the yoke of defiant hope,
> Craig Altemose for 350 Mass
> P.S. Throughout the next two weeks, we will continue imploring Governor Baker 
> to provide the leadership the times demand. If you cannot join us tonight, 
> please consider joining us 
> <http://www.betterfutureproject.org/r?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.signupgenius.com%2Fgo%2F5080b44a5a728a2fc1-baker=30b051d2524ee14f9cf202a5624581e3d12bb71c_source=betterfutureproject_medium=email_campaign=baker_vigil=4>at
>  noon at the State House throughout the next two weeks, and particularly on 
> Thursday, November 16th.
> P.P.S. We do have a back-up rain location right near the State House, so 
> please check our event page 
> <http://www.betterfutureproject.org/r?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fevents%2F367910283648114%2F=30b051d2524ee14f9cf202a5624581e3d12bb71c_source=betterfutureproject_medium=email_campaign=baker_vigil=5>
>  after 2:30pm for updates on if we are moving inside.
> http://www.betterfutureproject.org/ 
> <http://www.betterfutureproject.org/?e=30b051d2524ee14f9cf202a5624581e3d12bb71c_source=betterfutureproject_medium=email_campaign=baker_vigil=6>
> This email was sent to charles.ches...@gmail.com 
> . To edit your email preferences or 
> unsubscribe, click here 
> <http://www.betterfutureproject.org/unsubscribe?e=30b051d2524ee14f9cf202a5624581e3d12bb71c_source=betterfutureproject_medium=email_campaign=baker_vigil=7>.

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[gep-ed] Resource: "COP23 Gateway" for students

2017-11-02 Thread Charles Chester
Hi gep-eders,

I put together a “COP23 Gateway ” for my students, and 
thought some of you might find it helpful. If anyone has any additional ideas 
or edits to what I’ve posted, I’d welcome your input.

I’ll also use this as a chance to plug for a recent article I co-authored 
entitled “Ecosystem services from transborder migratory species: Implications 
for conservation governance 
in Annual Review of Environment and Resources. In addition, the full contents 
 of this issue contain a 
number of articles very relevant to our group—worth checking out.

All best, 

Charlie Chester
ieinfo.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis 

 • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] Website resource for International Environmental Information

2016-08-25 Thread Charles Chester
Hi GEP-eders,

Facing several critical deadlines this summer, I’ve been busy procrastinating 
with the development of an international environmental information website 
called “ieinfo.net ”.

This site began as a way of trying to answering student research questions 
efficiently…and grew into something fairly large and substantial-ish. Although 
most everyone on this mailing list will find the site a wannabe non-qualifier 
compared to a Lydeckyan Google search, ieinfo.net might be something your 
students could use as they meander the Intrawebulars in search of intellectual 
stimulus or term paper fodder.

Best wishes for a great start to the fall semester,

Charlie Chester

c.617.949.0171 | f.617.649.1189 | Skype: cchesterma
ieinfo.net  • BCI  • Y2Y 
 • Brandeis  
• Fletcher 

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