Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-27 Thread Herbert Valerio Riedel
On 2015-03-25 at 15:24:30 +0100, Mark Lentczner wrote:


 Concrete proposal based on that and the other fine input in the responses:

 *Simultaneous Release:* Since it is organizationally impractical to have
 one release, let's have GHC and Platform release at the same moment. That
 is, GHC HQ would keep a release in RC until HP was ready. By the same
 token, HP team commits to tracking GHC from RC1, and aiming to hit ready
 for release within a week of GHC being ready. Both go release in the same
 announcement. *In fact, let's version HP with the same number as GHC!*


I'm a bit worried about the aspect of delaying the GHC release schedule
for the sole purpose to provide the HP with more visibility, while
penalising those users that have no interest to use the HP anyway. Otoh,
there's usually enough time between the last RC and the actual final
release, which should give the HP at least one week of time anyway w/o
any active delay on GHC's end.

Otoh, as soon as the new HP is released, it provides users with the
perception of a new stable HP release to jump on right-away. That,
however, may lead to a poor experience if the it's the first HP release
for a given major GHC version as Hackage usually hasn't fully caught up
by the time a GHC x.y.1 is unleashed. So if we had co-released a HP
featuring GHC 7.10.1 today, there would still be enough Hackage packages
not yet compatible with GHC 7.10.1 to recommend users *not* to install
the release right-away.

So I'm actually not sure if a simultaneous release of GHC x.y.1 w/ HP
would be in the HP's best interest in terms of providing a reliable and
complete development environment (which IMO requires access to Hackage,
even more so if the HP is to be reduced to contain less packages)

-- hvr
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-27 Thread Mark Lentczner
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 5:24 AM, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:

 I'm a bit worried about the aspect of delaying the GHC release schedule
 for the sole purpose to provide the HP with more visibility,

That isn't the purpose at all. My aim ins't to promote HP.
The aim of my suggestion is to ensure that there is a consistent way for
the community to get Haskell (as GHC itself is not enough for anyone -
you need cabal at the least, and there are libraries that are common enough
to be considered essential: text, vector, etc...).

It is also to ensure there is a consistent reference point for package
developers to test their packages against, for those packages that wish to
support more than just the current GHC. Again, GHC releases themselves do
not form a big enough reference point to ensure two packages that support
the last two release are supporting the same thing.


 there's usually enough time between the last RC and the actual final
 release, which should give the HP at least one week of time anyway w/o
 any active delay on GHC's end.

Well - if there is a week of commits to GHC, it should really do another RC
before declaring it final. The difference between the last RC and the
release should a single commit of no more than the version number change
and the change log.

Frankly, if we are all on board with this, then GHC could suffer a few day
(week at most) delay between such an RC (as in we're frozen, save for the
version stamp), and announcing release. This would not only allow there
to be a Platform on the same day - but also GHC bindists for other OSes on
the same day.

 Otoh, as soon as the new HP is released, it provides users with the
 perception of a new stable HP release to jump on right-away. That,
 however, may lead to a poor experience if the it's the first HP release
 for a given major GHC version as Hackage usually hasn't fully caught up
 by the time a GHC x.y.1 is unleashed.

We need to have to maintainers of the packages in the HP on board with this
and down with the we're all going to gear up in the four weeks before a
GHC version... not we'll gear up in the four weeks after. Frankly, for
the kinds of packages that are in the platform (text, vector, unordered
containers, etc...), having these packages lag GHC release so that they are
broken on Hackage the day of GHC release is in nobody's interest: It gives
a poor experience for ALL users of Haskell.

So if we had co-released a HP
 featuring GHC 7.10.1 today, there would still be enough Hackage packages
 not yet compatible with GHC 7.10.1 to recommend users *not* to install
 the release right-away.

But that is true of GHC as well. We need to stop having the attitude of
Platform is for newcomers / GHC is for heavyweights. It is perfectly fine
to announce GHC 7.10.1 is out - you can install it from Platform 7.10.1
which is a complete installer for your OS with core and standard libraries,
and tools; or if you prefer you can get the minimal binary compiler build.
As always, not all packages on Hackage will be compatible. Then our
recommendations on to users on IRC are about which version is best for
their needs, not don't install platform, you won't be able to get lens to

 So I'm actually not sure if a simultaneous release of GHC x.y.1 w/ HP
 would be in the HP's best interest in terms of providing a reliable and
 complete development environment (which IMO requires access to Hackage,
 even more so if the HP is to be reduced to contain less packages)

People who care about stability will go ahead and hang back to what they
consider a stable reference for them. (Gosh, how many projects are still
supporting Python 2.6?!). But it will only be a stable reference if
people use it, and package maintainers support it. Today's mess of GHC
releases, Platform releases, alternative installer releases, etc... leaves
both users and package maintainers no way to create or find stability.

- Mark
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-27 Thread Edward Kmett
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Mark Lentczner

 But that is true of GHC as well. We need to stop having the attitude of
 Platform is for newcomers / GHC is for heavyweights. It is perfectly fine
 to announce GHC 7.10.1 is out - you can install it from Platform 7.10.1
 which is a complete installer for your OS with core and standard libraries,
 and tools; or if you prefer you can get the minimal binary compiler build.
 As always, not all packages on Hackage will be compatible. Then our
 recommendations on to users on IRC are about which version is best for
 their needs, not don't install platform, you won't be able to get lens to

The lens package (alongside every other package I maintain that is incurred
as a dependency of lens) has very deliberately support all Haskell Platform
releases for at least 3 current major GHC releases, often at great expense
to the API.

No offense, but I don't think lens is the culprit here.

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-27 Thread Mark Lentczner
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 7:27 AM, Edward Kmett wrote:

 The lens package (alongside every other package I maintain that is
 incurred as a dependency of lens) has very

deliberately support all Haskell Platform releases for at least 3 current
 major GHC releases, often at great expense to the API.

 No offense, but I don't think lens is the culprit here.

Excellent! None taken. I appologize for my poor choice of example.

Several people have included lens in an example of newcomers want to
install x, y, and z - and it won't work with the platform. It is great
that lens is not the problem - but it does underscore that the other
packages haven't seen fit to match the same stability release points as
lens - hence the unlikeliness of them working together except at HEAD.
ghc-devs mailing list

RE: wither the Platform

2015-03-26 Thread Simon Peyton Jones
Good plan.  You didn’t mention a key point:

· Make sure that installing the Platform doesn’t get in the way, if you 
subsequently want to upgrade libraries or whatever.

I am un-clear about precisely what the problem(s) is/are here.  I’m pretty sure 
they require infrastructure work (in Cabal) to achieve.


From: Mark Lentczner []
Sent: 25 March 2015 14:25
To: Simon Peyton Jones
Cc: Gershom B; Manuel M T Chakravarty;;; Duncan Coutts;; Haskell Libraries
Subject: Re: wither the Platform

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 2:09 AM, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
Yes!  Our plan for GHC, dating back to the dawn of the Haskell Platform, was 
this: ...

I still like that plan!

Concrete proposal based on that and the other fine input in the responses:

Simultaneous Release: Since it is organizationally impractical to have one 
release, let's have GHC and Platform release at the same moment. That is, GHC 
HQ would keep a release in RC until HP was ready. By the same token, HP team 
commits to tracking GHC from RC1, and aiming to hit ready for release within a 
week of GHC being ready. Both go release in the same announcement. In fact, 
let's version HP with the same number as GHC!

Pare the Platform Back: Bring down the number of packages in the Platform, 
focusing on the things that everyone needs, like text and vector, etc. I reckon 
that about 1/3 of the packages should go. And, make that stuff be the latest it 
can be at each release. The OpenGL stuff is a hard one, since it is large, but 
a very big painful build if you need it. Perhaps we need server/non-server 
versions of the platform - but only if we can get them out on the same day.

Make sure the Platform Installers are Complete: I don't know Windows, but if 
this means adding MSYS, great.. let's do it. The Mac installer has a version 
switching script and supports multiple installed versions already, but people 
didn't seem to know. There needs to be more documentation.

Make Updating the Packages in Cabal 'work': I'm unclear on the right technical 
path here, but we need away for Cabal to understand that a) it can't update the 
stuff tied to GHC, b) it *can* update the other stuff installed from the 
platform, but as a cohesive set, c) it can easily (and optionally) do (b) in 
just a sandbox, or in the global(-ish) install.

One Web Site: Drop the separate Platform website. Incorporate it into the 
lovely new Haskell one. Put all the documentation there.

This certainly has implications for how we choose what is in the platform, and 
how we position those packages. In particular, packages in the past have been 
stuck at older versions because of the requirement that the transitive 
dependencies be added to the platform, with the support guarantee that implies. 
I think we'd have to change that: There are packages in the platform, like 
attoparsec, packages that are there because they are dependencies, like 
scientific, but who knows if they will be there next time!

Now, normally I'm the crazy, ranty stability guy. But, I'm thinking this: It is 
better to have clear release points that package developers can test against, 
then to have the current slidey scale of different stability guarntees, on 
different release schedules that we have now. And, to be honest, I realize that 
the Haskell community hath spoken recently on the issue and prefers things to 
evolve even if the APIs change...

I think we can do this if all the great volunteer talent in our community steps 
up. Shall we?

— Mark

ghc-devs mailing list

RE: wither the Platform

2015-03-26 Thread Simon Peyton Jones
|  2. Less diversity in new GHC features: The GHC developers have generally
|  aimed new features at a future release, where the existence and stability
|  of new features has driven their incorporation. It was assumed that the
|  Platform would eventually catch up. If the GHC release and the
|  corresponding Platform release are simultaneous, then some GHC features
|  may need to be pushed out to the following release so there is time for
|  the Platform to be adapted.
|  3. The GHC development process will need to become more phased:
|  Experimentation with new features will still be encouraged, but adoption
|  of the new features will need to be gated to correspond with what the
|  Platform can implement. (This is really another view of issue 2.)

I'm not sure that's true.  We try hard not to break backward compatibility with 
new features.  So a new GHC/HP release might have new features in GHC that are 
simply un-exploited by the HP libraries. That's fine!

By far the biggest backward-compat issues are related to changes in the 
libraries themselves, rather than new features.


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
 Gershom B
 On March 25, 2015 at 12:43:22 AM, Manuel M T Chakravarty 
 ( wrote:
 Look. I guess, I count as a power user ;) I rarely use sandboxes. They are 
 great for a particular  
 type of use, but you can do many things quite happily without them. (Ask 
 SimonPJ; I reckon  
 he doesn’t use sandboxes either.)
 Ironically, the only time I have had to use a sandbox was in doing work on 
 the new Haskell homepage (it is written in Yesod). In fact, that was 
 insufficient for some reason and I had to install hsenv as well and use that 
 for an even “stronger” sandbox. As I have said, I also install the platform 
 whenever possible. Believe me, you are preaching to the choir!

Then, I don’t understand why the Platform isn’t the recommended this is what 
you install if you don’t know better on the homepage.

 The mistake here is to try to make this a one-size-fits all. I honestly 
 don’t care about  
 a platform that is ideal for everybody. I want something that I can point 
 newbies at that  
 makes them happy quickly. That needs to be one download with all the 
 packages that you  
 need to get going included.
 Well, we have got people who want to learn Haskell now and who use Haskell 
 as part of their 
 coursework now. Why make them wait for future work which will probably take 
 longer than 
 planned, needs to be rolled out, etc?
 I do not understand this. The platform still exists, is still great, is not 
 going anywhere, and as far as I can tell, is on track to become even better. 
 You can point people at or you can point 
 them at which links to there or you can point them at and tell them “the downloads page gives you options, pick the 
 platform option.” Nobody who wants to use the platform must wait for anything.
 Nobody has taken anything from you, or anyone else. Nobody wants to take 
 anything from you, or anyone else.

I know, but look at the subject of this message (and the original post in this 
thread). Mark’s questions was —as I read it— do we still need the platform. 
Then, lots of power users jumped up and down criticising the flaws in the 
platform and why other approaches are better.

To which I say, other approaches are better for you (plural)[1], but not to a 
large class of novices. That is all.

Also, to reiterate, I’m arguing with you because you replied to my message. I 
definitely do appreciate all the effort you (and others) are putting into the 
homepage and infrastructure.


[1] English is such an awkward language :P

 We just want to recognize that this other set of users — those coming from 
 other languages, and wanting to “from the gate” install large sets of 
 dependencies — this set of users has grown and is growing and if we don’t 
 want them to become frustrated and bounce off Haskell, then we need to 
 provide resources for them too, and steer them to things that meet _their_ 
 needs as well. They are not lucky enough to be in your class and be guided by 
 an instructor.
 If you want to patch the downloads page so that it more clearly highlights 
 the platform option or makes clear that if you want to be a “power user” and 
 manage lots of dependencies with abandon you may want the minimal installers, 
 and if you want “a good, wide-ranging set of defaults to experiment and learn 
 with” then you want the platform, or some other wording that is perhaps 
 clearer, or anything at all like that, then there is again a ticket on the 
 github homepage to improve the language, and pull requests are welcome. The 
 compromise wording on the page now is just that: a compromise. I don’t even 
 claim it to be a great one, just what was settled on. If you (or anyone) can 
 improve it to present both sorts of installers and the tradeoffs more clearly 
 and more simply, please do!
 There are different types of beginners, and meeting all their needs (as well 
 as the needs of long-timers of various stripes, etc) all at once is a tricky 
 task. Again, the main advantage that students have is that they have 
 instructors who can guide them in what they recommend to download, how to get 
 started, etc. So, for the moment, I would argue that students are not the 
 most fundamental target audience for that snippet of text on the downloads 
 page. But, that does not mean the language cannot be better for students too. 
 And I would very much like it to be!
 Beyond that I don’t feel we’re discussing anything as metaphysical as 
 flexibility or simplicity. And I don’t feel my own preferences are 
 necessarily better or worse than others — I just want two things, as do we 
 all I think. A) To have the best possible toolsets available for all types of 
 users in all possible development setups, and B) To somehow condense the core 
 of that information into an easily digestible form to help steer visitors to 
 the Haskell homepage to the setup that is 

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Mark Lentczner
On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 10:09 PM, Gershom B wrote:

 There are different types of beginners, and meeting all their needs (as
 well as the needs of long-timers of various stripes, etc) all at once is a
 tricky task.

Actually, pretty much all other language systems (C++, Java(*), Python,
PHP, Ruby, Scala, etc...) meet *all* users' needs, not just beginners, with
one common tool set + core libs. Different users don't install different
packagings of Python. There isn't a list of choices of Scala installers.

I had a really long post prepared about my reasoning, but I think I'll just
spare you all, and cut to the chase:

*The problem is how GHC is released:* It is released as a compiler, and
minimal base libs, and (strangely) with 1/2 of cabal, haddock, ghc-pkg, no
other tools, and no installer. *This is an insufficient set of things for
most users.*

At minimum it should also have cabal-install, and the libs so many things
are built on: async, mtl, text, parsec, vector, etc..., and also common
tools (like happy, alex, and hscolour). You can argue plus or minus some of
these, the set could be bigger or smaller, ... basically, it should be the

We should consider those additional libs as frozen, and tied to the GHC
release, as the base libs - because that will mean those will be the common
versions people will build and test against. And they will update as
frequently as GHC. (If they aren't as stable as all that, or aren't willing
to be part of that release cycle and constraint, then perhaps they
shouldn't be in that set!)

Yes, I'm arguing that the GHC release and the Platform release should be
one and the same. The vast majority of the pain I think stems from the skew
between these two, and that GHC is not enough. You need something besides
the GHC release. If that something isn't standard, and/or it lags the GHC
release, then all the attendant problems creep in.

We worked really hard last Summer to make the Platform be very quickly
buildable - there is already a 7.10 RC3 Platform out (though I did it by,
ahem, not following Haskell Platform procedure - and, er, well, just did
it!) - I think we should just pare back the definition of the Platform, and
then commit to making it be the way new GHCs are released.

- Mark

(*) Okay, so Java comes in three variants, but they are mostly
distinguished by final deployment environment, not user type.
ghc-devs mailing list

RE: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Simon Peyton Jones
Yes, I'm arguing that the GHC release and the Platform release should be one 
and the same. The vast majority of the pain I think stems from the skew between 
these two, and that GHC is not enough. You need something besides the GHC 
release. If that something isn't standard, and/or it lags the GHC release, then 
all the attendant problems creep in.
Yes!  Our plan for GHC, dating back to the dawn of the Haskell Platform, was 

· There are some people working on GHC itself.  That is already a big 
job.  Just getting GHC ready to release is hard.  Hence the desire that Herbert 
mentions to strip it down as much as possible.

· But a release of GHC is not adequate.  No one except power users 
should install a GHC release.  It should be a secret among the cognoscenti that 
a GHC release has happened.

· The first sensible unit of installation (at least for a non-power 
user) is the Haskell Platform.  It includes the tools you need (Happy, Alex, 
Cabal) as well as a small but useful collection of libraries.  That’s why GHC’s 
download page explicitly says “Stop! Shouldn’t you be installing the Haskell 
Platform instead?”.

· HP releases should therefore, in contrast to GHC releases, be widely 

· Moreover, a HP release should very closely follow a GHC release 
(though the former could occur more often), to reduce the chance that a naïve 
user bypasses the HP and gets GHC alone.  That is what Mark is rightly working 
on at this very moment for GHC 7.10.  We probably should work harder to reduce 
the lag.

In this sense, the plan was always that “the GHC and the Platform release are 
one and the same”.  I think of the HP release as the “real GHC release”.   It’s 
just that, as an implementation mechanism, the GHC team push out the bare GHC 
bits, so that the HP team have something firm to chew on.
So that was the plan.  I still think it’s a good plan.  But it clearly is not 
working well, and I’m hazy about why.  Possible reasons:

· Possible diagnosis 1.   Installing HP somehow screws up the world for 
power users, or for a beginner who grows into a power user.  Surely we can fix 
this!  Installing HP should not get in the way.  I suppose that, even if 
installing HP doesn’t get in the way, it might be a waste of internet bandwidth 
and disk space for some power users.  But that is a smaller problem.

· Possible diagnosis 2.  We have not shared the plan as a community; 
that is, we have focused lots of attention on GHC releases, and little 
attention on HP releases.  It should be the other way around.
So here are the questions in my mind:

· Is the original plan still good?

· Is it possible to make the HP so that installing it does not get in 
the way of power users?  So that installing it is, at worst, a waste of disk 
Personally I like the plan because it’s simple; because it usefully empowers, 
and splits responsibility between, two different groups (GHC and HP); and 
because it makes life easy for our users.

From: Libraries [] On Behalf Of Mark 
Sent: 25 March 2015 06:22
To: Gershom B
Cc: Manuel M T Chakravarty;;; Duncan Coutts;; Haskell Libraries
Subject: Re: wither the Platform

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 10:09 PM, Gershom B wrote:
There are different types of beginners, and meeting all their needs (as well as 
the needs of long-timers of various stripes, etc) all at once is a tricky task.

Actually, pretty much all other language systems (C++, Java(*), Python, PHP, 
Ruby, Scala, etc...) meet all users' needs, not just beginners, with one common 
tool set + core libs. Different users don't install different packagings of 
Python. There isn't a list of choices of Scala installers.

I had a really long post prepared about my reasoning, but I think I'll just 
spare you all, and cut to the chase:

The problem is how GHC is released: It is released as a compiler, and minimal 
base libs, and (strangely) with 1/2 of cabal, haddock, ghc-pkg, no other tools, 
and no installer. This is an insufficient set of things for most users.

At minimum it should also have cabal-install, and the libs so many things are 
built on: async, mtl, text, parsec, vector, etc..., and also common tools (like 
happy, alex, and hscolour). You can argue plus or minus some of these, the set 
could be bigger or smaller, ... basically, it should be the Platform.

We should consider those additional libs as frozen, and tied to the GHC 
release, as the base libs - because that will mean those will be the common 
versions people will build and test against. And they will update as frequently 
as GHC. (If they aren't as stable as all that, or aren't willing to be part of 
that release cycle and constraint, then perhaps they shouldn't be in that set

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Herbert Valerio Riedel
On 2015-03-25 at 06:52:22 +0100, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Gershom B wrote:

 install Yesod, or GHCJS, or Yesod and then GHCJS, and then some package
 with an API binding for some webservice which has not been updated in two
 years and requires an old version of time, and then maybe a GUI toolkit and
 of course lens.

 That sounds like a recipe for Cabal Hell, Platform or not!

Regardless of the hellish issue, Gershom's comment indirectly highlights
of one thing where I'm wondering if the HP's growth isn't bounded by

There are some areas which I'd expected to some degree in a
batteries-included platform, where the Haskell ecosystem has diverged
into popular but distinct package-sub-ecosystems (which all have their
respective communities/followers), such as HTTP-serving
(Yesod/Snap/Happstack/...), or which lens-abstraction to use, or at the
more fundamental level, even the streaming abstraction
(pipes/conduit/io-streams/machines/...) doesn't seem to have a clearly
recommended and agreed upon representative.

Also, to this day we don't have any TLS library support in the platform,
which also is subject to debate of which crypto-library to use (and
there's also the question whether to use OpenSSL via FFI or a native TLS
reimpl). So the platform-included `HTTP` package is not even able to
access `https://` URLs which is quite sad, as this also holds back
`cabal-install`'s ability to access `https://`-only repositories.

So, where do you see the platform's growth for those packages/areas
where you'll probably not get a reasonable majority consensus for
picking a specific package?

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Herbert Valerio Riedel
On 2015-03-25 at 10:52:20 +0100, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:


 • Some of the package versions included with the platform have known
   and severe bugs, and cannot be reliably upgraded.


 I guess the solution is to release a new version of HP.

IMHO, if HP releases are to happen more frequently, a simple way to
upgrade would be desirable rather than having to download a new
multi-MiB full installer image each time only because a single package
was updated (and the ability to have access to multiple HP releases
side-by-side -- in case that isn't supported already)

Or put differently, how shall HP users be informed they're not running
the latest HP version with all known critical bugs fixed?

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Erik Hesselink
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:

 Or put differently, how shall HP users be informed they're not running
 the latest HP version with all known critical bugs fixed?

While I can see most of the problems people claim the platform has,
this particular one is shared by manual installs of packages. Cabal
prefers installed version, so a package with a bug will not
automatically be upgraded, and there is no warning informing users

ghc-devs mailing list

RE: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Simon Peyton Jones
Very good!  This one is perhaps a missing piece, if you are saying that a 
Windows user cannot use GHC without MSYS:

• On Windows, it does not provide a complete environment (missing MSYS).

On the other hand these three are examples of HP getting in the way:
• By placing a large number of packages in the global package database, Haskell 
Platform installations are more easily corrupted.
• The choice of package versions conflicts with the needs of many commonly used 
• Some of the package versions included with the platform have known and severe 
bugs, and cannot be reliably upgraded.

My question was: can they be fixed so that HP does not get in the way?  E.g. if 
we solve the multiple-versions-of-packages problem with Cabal (which Duncan in 
a separate thread says we can), then that would solve the first two; and for 
the third, I guess the solution is to release a new version of HP.


From: Mike Meyer []
Sent: 25 March 2015 09:30
To: Simon Peyton Jones
Cc: Mark Lentczner; Gershom B; Manuel M T Chakravarty;;; Duncan Coutts;; Haskell Libraries
Subject: Re: wither the Platform

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 4:09 AM, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
So that was the plan.  I still think it’s a good plan.  But it clearly is not 
working well, and I’m hazy about why.  Possible reasons:

Possibly relevant is the stackage commentary on HP at

• On Windows, it does not provide a complete environment (missing MSYS).
• By placing a large number of packages in the global package database, Haskell 
Platform installations are more easily corrupted.
• The choice of package versions conflicts with the needs of many commonly used 
• Some of the package versions included with the platform have known and severe 
bugs, and cannot be reliably upgraded.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Michael Snoyman
Thanks for linking to that Mike, I'd actually forgotten that I'd written
that :). Those are all very concrete issues people run into with the
platform regularly, but I'd like to point out a meta issue: the platform
tries to do too much, and in a non-composable manner. As I pointed out
previously, it's providing a tools installer, choosing blessed libraries,
pegging certain library versions, and selecting a distribution manner for
those libraries. Even if the other issues were all addressed, I still
believe the current trajectory of the platform is problematic, because it
is necessarily removing choice.

When Mark, Duncan and I were discussing GPS Haskell at ICFP, a big goal (in
my mind at least) was to allow individual tools to target individual goals.
I don't expect every use case to be served by a curated package set (like
LTS), so making that an optional feature of tooling makes sense. Similarly,
almost all users (excepting some people playing with bleeding-edge GHC)
will benefit from having an easy-to-use GHC+cabal-install installation, but
a large set of users (specifically Hackage package authors) need a way to
compile against different versions than the HP-blessed ones for testing

And now a completely separate point: the current functioning of the HP
process seems very much at odds with the way people actually write and
release packages. Some examples:

* Having to go through an extra step of requesting that a package version
is bumped is tedious, and resulted in a buggy attoparsec being released in
* Requiring package authors to endure long debate periods before the
package is accepted scares people off from wanting to participate
* A number of months back, the HP was used as a vehicle to push the PVP
agenda as well, which completely alienated some people from wanting to
participate (ironically, the package being pushed instead was not PVP
compliant either, go figure). The practical result to that is we currently
have no plans at all for getting TLS/HTTPS support into the platform, and
everyone's tooling (cabal-install) is far less secure than it should be.
* Authors want the freedom to quickly release new versions to their users,
especially for bug fixes. While in theory the HP is set up to do bugfix
releases, in practice this has never happened. In that sense, it is often
preferable from the eyes of a package author *not* to have his/her package
in the HP, as then users are better served

As long as I'm writing a long email, I want to point out one other thing. A
lot of the points being raised in this thread are discussing an idealized
view of what the HP could become. I'm fully in favor of improving it (like
I said, that's why I tried working with Mark on GPS Haskell and integrating
with Stackage). However, we need to accept the reality of the situation
today. Could the windows HP installer be improved like MinGHC to include
MSYS? Absolutely, and I hope it happens. Could we improve Cabal and work
around the global package database issues we've been mentioning? Yes, and I
support such moves. But we need to acknowledge current deficiencies, and
plot out a course of action to solve them. And given that this thread
started by lamenting how much effort the platform currently takes to
maintain, I'm concerned about those improvements actually occurring.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:30 AM Mike Meyer wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 4:09 AM, Simon Peyton Jones

  So that was the plan.  I still think it’s a good plan.  But it clearly
 is not working well, and I’m hazy about why.  Possible reasons:

 Possibly relevant is the stackage commentary on HP at

 • On Windows, it does not provide a complete environment (missing MSYS).
 • By placing a large number of packages in the global package database,
 Haskell Platform installations are more easily corrupted.
 • The choice of package versions conflicts with the needs of many commonly
 used packages.
 • Some of the package versions included with the platform have known and
 severe bugs, and cannot be reliably upgraded.
 Libraries mailing list

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Simon Peyton Jones
 So that was the plan.  I still think it’s a good plan.  But it clearly is not 
 working well, and I’m hazy about why.  Possible reasons:
 · Possible diagnosis 1.   Installing HP somehow screws up the world 
 for power users, or for a beginner who grows into a power user.  Surely we 
 can fix this!  Installing HP should not get in the way.  I suppose that, even 
 if installing HP doesn’t get in the way, it might be a waste of internet 
 bandwidth and disk space for some power users.  But that is a smaller problem.
 · Possible diagnosis 2.  We have not shared the plan as a community; 
 that is, we have focused lots of attention on GHC releases, and little 
 attention on HP releases.  It should be the other way around. 

I’d say, both. 

Re 1, a big part of the problem is the whole cabal, package dependency and 
versioning morass. 

Re 2, I think, there are multiple factors. The delays in putting out the HP (as 
previously mentioned). Power users reading GHC Status reports and wanting to 
get the goodies as quickly as possible. The HP just being quite a bit of hard 
work people like to avoid.


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Mark Lentczner
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 2:09 AM, Simon Peyton Jones

  Yes!  Our plan for GHC, dating back to the dawn of the Haskell Platform,
 was this: ...

I still like that plan!

Concrete proposal based on that and the other fine input in the responses:

*Simultaneous Release:* Since it is organizationally impractical to have
one release, let's have GHC and Platform release at the same moment. That
is, GHC HQ would keep a release in RC until HP was ready. By the same
token, HP team commits to tracking GHC from RC1, and aiming to hit ready
for release within a week of GHC being ready. Both go release in the same
announcement. *In fact, let's version HP with the same number as GHC!*

*Pare the Platform Back:* Bring down the number of packages in the
Platform, focusing on the things that everyone needs, like text and vector,
etc. I reckon that about 1/3 of the packages should go. *And, make that
stuff be the latest it can be at each release. *The OpenGL stuff is a hard
one, since it is large, but a very big painful build if you need it.
Perhaps we need server/non-server versions of the platform - but only if we
can get them out on the same day.

*Make sure the Platform Installers are Complete:* I don't know Windows, but
if this means adding MSYS, great.. let's do it. The Mac installer has a
version switching script and supports multiple installed versions already,
but people didn't seem to know. There needs to be more documentation.

*Make Updating the Packages in Cabal 'work':* I'm unclear on the right
technical path here, but we need away for Cabal to understand that a) it
can't update the stuff tied to GHC, b) it *can* update the other stuff
installed from the platform, but as a cohesive set, c) it can easily (and
optionally) do (b) in just a sandbox, or in the global(-ish) install.

*One Web Site:* Drop the separate Platform website. Incorporate it into the
lovely new Haskell one. Put all the documentation there.

This certainly has implications for how we choose what is in the platform,
and how we position those packages. In particular, packages in the past
have been stuck at older versions because of the requirement that the
transitive dependencies be added to the platform, with the support
guarantee that implies. I think we'd have to change that: There are
packages in the platform, like attoparsec, packages that are there because
they are dependencies, like scientific, but who knows if they will be there
next time!

Now, normally I'm the crazy, ranty stability guy. But, I'm thinking this:
It is better to have clear release points that package developers can test
against, then to have the current slidey scale of different stability
guarntees, on different release schedules that we have now. And, to be
honest, I realize that the Haskell community hath spoken recently on the
issue and prefers things to evolve even if the APIs change...

I think we can do this if all the great volunteer talent in our community
steps up. Shall we?

— Mark
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Mark Lentczner

 The OpenGL stuff is a hard one, since it is large, but a very big painful
 build if you need it. Perhaps we need server/non-server versions of the
 platform - but only if we can get them out on the same day.

OpenGL has always been an odd fit; it was included partly because of the
size and complexity to build, but also because it was felt that
batteries-included had to include *some* kind of graphics library. I'm
inclined to think that it doesn't really belong in the core Platform,

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Mike Meyer wrote:

 The words Core Platform makes me think there ought to be a non-Core
 platform. This would actually match the Clojure model, where there's the
 stuff that's part of Clojure, a set of recommended libraries, and the
 library archive anyone can put stuff in. If the platform is going to
 undergo serious shrinkage, maybe the things that get pushed out - like the
 OpenGL stuff - should be considered for that middle category? Less rigorous
 testing, not bundled with the platform, but unlike all of hackage, an
 effort is made to insure that there's a repository where it builds on top
 of the core platform?

That's pretty much what I'm thinking of, yes. Not sure about less rigorous
testing --- but doesn't have to release at the same time is a

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Bardur Arantsson
On 25-03-2015 15:24, Mark Lentczner wrote:

 Concrete proposal based on that and the other fine input in the responses:
 *Simultaneous Release:* Since it is organizationally impractical to have
 one release, let's have GHC and Platform release at the same moment. That
 is, GHC HQ would keep a release in RC until HP was ready. By the same
 token, HP team commits to tracking GHC from RC1, and aiming to hit ready
 for release within a week of GHC being ready. Both go release in the same
 announcement. *In fact, let's version HP with the same number as GHC!*

What is the purpose of doing this? It's not clear to me that there's any
upside, only the rather large downside of GHC HQ (and thus some of us
downstreams) having to wait arbitrarily long for the HP release. The
historical record for timeliness of HP releases is not encouraging. Are
we just expecting that the HP will somehow magically attract more
developers... which will somehow translate into more timely releases?


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-25 Thread Howard B. Golden
In general, I think Mark's proposals are the way to go. However, I know that 
there are many developers who will chafe under this plan. There is an inherent 
tension between latest and greatest and batteries included. While I 
understand the concerns of those who are on the bleeding edge, I believe it is 
best for the future of Haskell to go in Mark's direction.

Issues that will need to be confronted:

1. Slower release cycle: Coordinating the stability of even a streamlined 
Platform with a new GHC release candidate will take more time. On the other 
hand, this is likely to produce a more tested final GHC release.

2. Less diversity in new GHC features: The GHC developers have generally aimed 
new features at a future release, where the existence and stability of new 
features has driven their incorporation. It was assumed that the Platform would 
eventually catch up. If the GHC release and the corresponding Platform release 
are simultaneous, then some GHC features may need to be pushed out to the 
following release so there is time for the Platform to be adapted.

3. The GHC development process will need to become more phased: Experimentation 
with new features will still be encouraged, but adoption of the new features 
will need to be gated to correspond with what the Platform can implement. (This 
is really another view of issue 2.)

So I would like to add to Mark's call for the developer community to step up: 
The research community will need to accept a more structured deployment of 
their innovations.


From: Mark Lentczner
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: wither the Platform

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 2:09 AM, Simon Peyton Jones 

Yes!  Our plan for GHC, dating back to the dawn of the Haskell Platform, was 
this: ...

I still like that plan!

Concrete proposal based on that and the other fine input in the responses:

Simultaneous Release: Since it is organizationally impractical to have one 
release, let's have GHC and Platform release at the same moment. That is, GHC 
HQ would keep a release in RC until HP was ready. By the same token, HP team 
commits to tracking GHC from RC1, and aiming to hit ready for release within a 
week of GHC being ready. Both go release in the same announcement. In fact, 
let's version HP with the same number as GHC!

Pare the Platform Back: Bring down the number of packages in the Platform, 
focusing on the things that everyone needs, like text and vector, etc. I 
reckon that about 1/3 of the packages should go. And, make that stuff be the 
latest it can be at each release. The OpenGL stuff is a hard one, since it is 
large, but a very big painful build if you need it. Perhaps we need 
server/non-server versions of the platform - but only if we can get them out 
on the same day.

Make sure the Platform Installers are Complete: I don't know Windows, but if 
this means adding MSYS, great.. let's do it. The Mac installer has a version 
switching script and supports multiple installed versions already, but people 
didn't seem to know. There needs to be more documentation.

Make Updating the Packages in Cabal 'work': I'm unclear on the right technical 
path here, but we need away for Cabal to understand that a) it can't update 
the stuff tied to GHC, b) it *can* update the other stuff installed from the 
platform, but as a cohesive set, c) it can easily (and optionally) do (b) in 
just a sandbox, or in the global(-ish) install.

One Web Site: Drop the separate Platform website. Incorporate it into the 
lovely new Haskell one. Put all the documentation there.

This certainly has implications for how we choose what is in the platform, and 
how we position those packages. In particular, packages in the past have been 
stuck at older versions because of the requirement that the transitive 
dependencies be added to the platform, with the support guarantee that implies. 
I think we'd have to change that: There are packages in the platform, like 
attoparsec, packages that are there because they are dependencies, like 
scientific, but who knows if they will be there next time!

Now, normally I'm the crazy, ranty stability guy. But, I'm thinking this: It is 
better to have clear release points that package developers can test against, 
then to have the current slidey scale of different stability guarntees, on 
different release schedules that we have now. And, to be honest, I realize that 
the Haskell community hath spoken recently on the issue and prefers things to 
evolve even if the APIs change... 

I think we can do this if all the great volunteer talent in our community steps 
up. Shall we?

— Mark

ghc-devs mailing list
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-24 Thread Gershom B
On March 25, 2015 at 12:43:22 AM, Manuel M T Chakravarty ( 
 Look. I guess, I count as a power user ;) I rarely use sandboxes. They are 
 great for a particular  
 type of use, but you can do many things quite happily without them. (Ask 
 SimonPJ; I reckon  
 he doesn’t use sandboxes either.)

Ironically, the only time I have had to use a sandbox was in doing work on the 
new Haskell homepage (it is written in Yesod). In fact, that was insufficient 
for some reason and I had to install hsenv as well and use that for an even 
“stronger” sandbox. As I have said, I also install the platform whenever 
possible. Believe me, you are preaching to the choir!

 The mistake here is to try to make this a one-size-fits all. I honestly don’t 
 care about  
 a platform that is ideal for everybody. I want something that I can point 
 newbies at that  
 makes them happy quickly. That needs to be one download with all the packages 
 that you  
 need to get going included.
 Well, we have got people who want to learn Haskell now and who use Haskell as 
 part of their 
 coursework now. Why make them wait for future work which will probably take 
 longer than 
 planned, needs to be rolled out, etc?

I do not understand this. The platform still exists, is still great, is not 
going anywhere, and as far as I can tell, is on track to become even better. 
You can point people at or you can point them 
at which links to there or you can point them at and tell them “the downloads page gives you options, pick the 
platform option.” Nobody who wants to use the platform must wait for anything.

Nobody has taken anything from you, or anyone else. Nobody wants to take 
anything from you, or anyone else. We just want to recognize that this other 
set of users — those coming from other languages, and wanting to “from the 
gate” install large sets of dependencies — this set of users has grown and is 
growing and if we don’t want them to become frustrated and bounce off Haskell, 
then we need to provide resources for them too, and steer them to things that 
meet _their_ needs as well. They are not lucky enough to be in your class and 
be guided by an instructor.

If you want to patch the downloads page so that it more clearly highlights the 
platform option or makes clear that if you want to be a “power user” and manage 
lots of dependencies with abandon you may want the minimal installers, and if 
you want “a good, wide-ranging set of defaults to experiment and learn with” 
then you want the platform, or some other wording that is perhaps clearer, or 
anything at all like that, then there is again a ticket on the github homepage 
to improve the language, and pull requests are welcome. The compromise wording 
on the page now is just that: a compromise. I don’t even claim it to be a great 
one, just what was settled on. If you (or anyone) can improve it to present 
both sorts of installers and the tradeoffs more clearly and more simply, please 

There are different types of beginners, and meeting all their needs (as well as 
the needs of long-timers of various stripes, etc) all at once is a tricky task. 
Again, the main advantage that students have is that they have instructors who 
can guide them in what they recommend to download, how to get started, etc. So, 
for the moment, I would argue that students are not the most fundamental target 
audience for that snippet of text on the downloads page. But, that does not 
mean the language cannot be better for students too. And I would very much like 
it to be!

Beyond that I don’t feel we’re discussing anything as metaphysical as 
flexibility or simplicity. And I don’t feel my own preferences are necessarily 
better or worse than others — I just want two things, as do we all I think. A) 
To have the best possible toolsets available for all types of users in all 
possible development setups, and B) To somehow condense the core of that 
information into an easily digestible form to help steer visitors to the 
Haskell homepage to the setup that is right for _them_. 

As always, anybody who wants to help with this in any regard with the new 
homepage is welcome and invited to do so. We have plenty of open tickets and 
room for improvement all around, a helpful crew on the #haskell-infrastructure 
irc, and patches, pull requests, and new tickets are always welcomed.


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Christopher Done
On 23 March 2015 at 15:01, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 3:01 AM, Simon Peyton Jones
  Like Richard, I was astonished by this. I always thought that the
  Haskell Platform was the route of choice to install GHC, together
  with a respectable set of libraries.  It’s certainly what I install
  on a new machine!

 I do too...! But follow the new pages like you are a user
 just want to install Haskell... you'll never end up with the

Separate from any opinions about what's best going forward, chiming in
on a bit of history for the new homepage, my motivations were:

I wanted newbies to come to the site and find a download page *within
the site* (not going to another site with a different
design) that gives them something current and usable.

I added the manual GHC install guide (now gone) because that is the
method I was most familiar with. I've never used a HP release. So I
surveyed the current crop of handy installers and judged community use
of these things from mailing lists, reddit, IRC, etc.

I saw enough interactions with newbies that the HP was not being
recommended anymore due to its old GHC version and old packages (at the
time of making that change on the page, the current HP release was very
old), and the problem of the global database and installing new
things. I'm not really familiar with the user experience of this, but
people don't seem to like it.

So the Linux install became recommendations of OS-specific installers
(e.g. the Ubuntu and Arch repos are often recommended), and Windows
remained HP coupled with the new MinGHC (which I also saw being
recommended), and OS X became linked to the GHC for Mac OS X project
(again, I saw people were using that), each of which claim superiority
for various platform-specific reasons over the HP releases.

So that's the decision-making process that went into making the page
flow like it is.

Someone added this text:

 Many now recommend just using a bare compiler combined with sandboxed
 dependencies, especially for new users. However, others prefer to
 start with the curated blessed set of packages in the Haskell
 Platform, which is available for Windows, OS X, and Linux.

Which adds choice to users ill-equipped to make choice. I didn't add it
(although I understand the motivation behind it). From a web site
perspective, I'd prefer the download pages just be on the site. If it's
these platform-specific installers, the HP, or some new helpful
installer + LTS or whatever, it should be just there under /downloads,
/downloads/windows, etc. and there should ideally be one, good, current
choice. The current page is a compromise, not the final product.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Richard Eisenberg

On Mar 23, 2015, at 10:58 AM, Christopher Done wrote:
 Someone added this text:
  Many now recommend just using a bare compiler combined with sandboxed
  dependencies, especially for new users. However, others prefer to
  start with the curated blessed set of packages in the Haskell
  Platform, which is available for Windows, OS X, and Linux.
 Which adds choice to users ill-equipped to make choice.

Your point here is a good one. I have to confess I'm not even sure, exactly, 
what combined with sandboxed dependencies means. (Use a sandbox for every 
package I wish to install, bypassing `cabal install`? Use a sandbox for every 
package I write? Use a sandbox to write Hello, world!? And what about GHCi?) 
And I'm not a newcomer to Haskell! This is not welcoming, in my opinion.

If the recommended installation mentions sandboxes, it's the wrong 
recommendation, and we should aim for better.

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Mark Lentczner
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Thomas Miedema

 From the downloads page
 on the GHC homepage:

Alas, that warning has never been effective. But it is moot anyway: Start
from the shiny page and see where you land!
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 5:21 PM Brandon Allbery wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Richard Eisenberg

 - It's always out-of-date. This statement, while true, isn't a direct
 indication that something is wrong.

 Perception is reality. The period when the Platform went without an
 update for over a year because we were waiting on ghc 6.8.3 did a lot to
 ruin the Platform's reputation.

I hate to bring this up, but it's not just a historical issue. The version
of attoparsec used by the platform today forces an old version of aeson to
be used ( The combination of that aeson and attoparsec version is
vulnerable to an incredibly severe DoS attack for specially crafted JSON
strings (e.g., {foo:1e1000}). In fact, just a few
weeks ago I sent a private email to someone about a massive vulnerability
in a service (obviously not going to point out which one).

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Miëtek Bak
On 2015-03-22, at 15:59, Michael Snoyman wrote:

 2. A method for installing GHC and build tools. I personally think that it 
 makes sense to separate out this aspect of the platform from all others. 
 MinGHC is an example of such a project: a minimal set of functionality for 
 bootstrapping a more complete Haskell development environment.
 3. Prebuilt binary package databases. As I've mentioned in the past, and 
 others have here, there are problems with the current approach of putting the 
 packages in the global package database. I'd personally rather see this 
 aspect of the platform give way to more robust solutions.

 I think a smaller task force dedicated to improving the tooling situation is 
 the best next step, and I'd be happy to kick off such an effort with other 
 interested individuals.

I’d be very happy to contribute to this effort.  In fact, I’ve already spent 
some of time addressing these issues.

Halcyon already provides a method for installing GHC, cabal-install, 
build-tools, and other Haskell programs — on OS X, and many Linux 
distributions.  FreeBSD and Windows are on the roadmap.

Additionally, Halcyon allows you to declare native OS libraries as build-time 
(or run-time…) dependencies for Haskell programs.  They will be installed into 
a user-controlled directory, by wrapping around the native OS package manager.

Currently, this is supported on Debian-based and RedHat-based Linux 
distributions, which partially implements a long-standing cabal-install feature 

See the Haskell Language source code for an example:

See the Halcyon reference for details:


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Thomas Miedema
From the downloads page on
the GHC homepage:

Version 7.8.4 (released December 23rd 2014)


For most users, we recommend installing the Haskell Platform instead of GHC. The current Haskell
Platform release includes a recent GHC release as well as some other tools
(such as cabal), and a larger set of libraries that are known to work

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Simon Peyton Jones

  I notice that in the new Haskell pages, the Platform is definitely not
 the recommended way to go:

 Like Richard, I was astonished by this. I always thought that the Haskell
 Platform was *the* route of choice to install GHC, together with a
 respectable set of libraries.   It’s certainly what I install on a new

 Let’s not forget the large but non-vocal set of ill-informed and/or
 would-be users, who want a simple answer to “How do I install GHC?”.  It
 may be that the HP formula needs re-visiting, but I think it’s very
 important that we continue to give a very simple (click here) answer to
 that question.


 *From:* Libraries [] *On Behalf Of *Mark
 *Sent:* 21 March 2015 17:54
 *To:*; Haskell Libraries;;
 *Subject:* wither the Platform

 I'm wondering how we are all feeling about the platform these days

 I notice that in the new Haskell pages, the Platform is definitely not the
 recommended way to go: The main download pages suggests the compiler and
 base libraries as the first option - and the text for the Platform (second
 option) pretty much steers folks away from it. Of the per-OS download
 pages, only the Windows version even mentions it.

 Does this mean that we don't want to consider continuing with it? It is a
 lot of community effort to put out a Platform release - we shouldn't do it
 if we don't really want it.

 That said, I note that the other ways to officially get Haskell look, to
 my eye, very ad hoc. Many of the options involve multiple steps, and
 exactly what one is getting isn't clear. It hardly looks like there is now
 an official, correct way to setup Haskell.

 The Platform arose in an era before sandboxes and before curated library
 sets like Stackage and LTS. Last time we set direction was several years
 ago. These new features and development have clearly changed the landscape
 for use to reconsider what to do.

 I don't think the status quo for the Platform is now viable - mostly as
 evidenced by waning interest in maintaining it. I offer several ways we
 could proceed:

 *1) Abandon the Platform.* GHC is release in source and binary form.
 Other package various installers, with more or less things, for various

 *2) Slim the Platform.* Pare it back to GHC + base + a smaller set of
 essential libs + tools. Keeps a consistent build layout and installation
 mechanism for Haskell.

 *3) Re-conceive the Platform.* Take a very minimal install approach,
 coupled with close integration with a curated library set that makes it
 easy to have a rich canonical, stable environment. This was the core idea
 around my GPS Haskell thoughts from last September - but there would be
 much to work out in this direction.


 — Mark

 ghc-devs mailing list

ghc-devs mailing list

RE: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Simon Peyton Jones
I notice that in the new Haskell pages, the Platform is definitely not the 
recommended way to go:

Like Richard, I was astonished by this. I always thought that the Haskell 
Platform was the route of choice to install GHC, together with a respectable 
set of libraries.   It’s certainly what I install on a new machine!

Let’s not forget the large but non-vocal set of ill-informed and/or would-be 
users, who want a simple answer to “How do I install GHC?”.  It may be that the 
HP formula needs re-visiting, but I think it’s very important that we continue 
to give a very simple (click here) answer to that question.


From: Libraries [] On Behalf Of Mark 
Sent: 21 March 2015 17:54
To:; Haskell Libraries;;
Subject: wither the Platform

I'm wondering how we are all feeling about the platform these days

I notice that in the new Haskell pages, the Platform is definitely not the 
recommended way to go: The main download pages suggests the compiler and base 
libraries as the first option - and the text for the Platform (second option) 
pretty much steers folks away from it. Of the per-OS download pages, only the 
Windows version even mentions it.

Does this mean that we don't want to consider continuing with it? It is a lot 
of community effort to put out a Platform release - we shouldn't do it if we 
don't really want it.

That said, I note that the other ways to officially get Haskell look, to my 
eye, very ad hoc. Many of the options involve multiple steps, and exactly what 
one is getting isn't clear. It hardly looks like there is now an official, 
correct way to setup Haskell.

The Platform arose in an era before sandboxes and before curated library sets 
like Stackage and LTS. Last time we set direction was several years ago. These 
new features and development have clearly changed the landscape for use to 
reconsider what to do.

I don't think the status quo for the Platform is now viable - mostly as 
evidenced by waning interest in maintaining it. I offer several ways we could 

1) Abandon the Platform. GHC is release in source and binary form. Other 
package various installers, with more or less things, for various OSes.

2) Slim the Platform. Pare it back to GHC + base + a smaller set of essential 
libs + tools. Keeps a consistent build layout and installation mechanism for 

3) Re-conceive the Platform. Take a very minimal install approach, coupled with 
close integration with a curated library set that makes it easy to have a rich 
canonical, stable environment. This was the core idea around my GPS Haskell 
thoughts from last September - but there would be much to work out in this 


— Mark

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Neil Mitchell
 Nowadays I use which can actually
 install network, and I've had zero problems.

 Can we just include this fix into the platform installers?

Yes. MinGHC was an experiment in seeing if we could do a Windows
installer that worked with Network. We can, so the platform should.

However, MinGHC has a few other advantages. It provides a switcher so
you can put all the switchers on your PATH and type minghc-7.8.3 to
get that version of GHC selected. Again, the platform could gain that

MinGHC also ships with GHC 7.2, 7.4, 7.6 and 7.8. Hopefully as soon as
7.10 is out within days we'll have a MinGHC for it. I'd also really
like to start shipping MinGHC installers for GHC release candidates
and even nightly GHC release candidates.

 As Mark says,
 the Platform has decent automated build  test infrastructure so it
 shouldn't be that hard. As I understand it the network problem is just
 to do with how much of mingwin we include and not really related to
 min vs max installers.

Indeed, it has nothing to do with how many packages are shipped. As
long as my installer ships with enough to install the packages I care
about, then I don't care about min vs max. That said, all I really
care is what GHC the platform includes, everything else is redundant
(to me). As such having a link to a platform with each GHC version
would be handy.

Thanks, Neil
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Sun, 2015-03-22 at 09:17 +, Neil Mitchell wrote:
 On Windows, the reason I used to use the Platform was that it came
 with an installed network library, and installing the network library
 on Windows is a real pain (and often fails). Unfortunately it was
 incredibly brittle, a single attempt at upgrading network from some
 newer package usually trashed my Haskell install and required a wipe
 and restart.
 Nowadays I use which can actually
 install network, and I've had zero problems.

Can we just include this fix into the platform installers? As Mark says,
the Platform has decent automated build  test infrastructure so it
shouldn't be that hard. As I understand it the network problem is just
to do with how much of mingwin we include and not really related to
min vs max installers.


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Nathan Bouscal
Richard: The problem isn't the age itself, but rather the compatibility
problems that age introduces. It can be quite difficult as a new user to
get all of the libraries you want to use to play well with the platform.
There's usually a way to make it work if you know what you're doing, but
the platform is largely targeted at those who don't. This is particularly
bad because library compatibility problems are inherently annoying to
solve, or at least they feel that way to me.

I think Gershom framed the problem well. From the discussion, it sounds
like there are a lot of potential solutions, mostly in the category of
re-conceive the platform.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 9:32 AM, Miëtek Bak wrote:

 On 2015-03-22, at 15:59, Michael Snoyman wrote:

  2. A method for installing GHC and build tools. I personally think that
 it makes sense to separate out this aspect of the platform from all others.
 MinGHC is an example of such a project: a minimal set of functionality for
 bootstrapping a more complete Haskell development environment.
  3. Prebuilt binary package databases. As I've mentioned in the past, and
 others have here, there are problems with the current approach of putting
 the packages in the global package database. I'd personally rather see this
 aspect of the platform give way to more robust solutions.

  I think a smaller task force dedicated to improving the tooling
 situation is the best next step, and I'd be happy to kick off such an
 effort with other interested individuals.

 I’d be very happy to contribute to this effort.  In fact, I’ve already
 spent some of time addressing these issues.

 Halcyon already provides a method for installing GHC, cabal-install,
 build-tools, and other Haskell programs — on OS X, and many Linux
 distributions.  FreeBSD and Windows are on the roadmap.

 Additionally, Halcyon allows you to declare native OS libraries as
 build-time (or run-time…) dependencies for Haskell programs.  They will be
 installed into a user-controlled directory, by wrapping around the native
 OS package manager.

 Currently, this is supported on Debian-based and RedHat-based Linux
 distributions, which partially implements a long-standing cabal-install
 feature request:

 See the Haskell Language source code for an example:

 See the Halcyon reference for details:


 ghc-devs mailing list

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Sat, 2015-03-21 at 10:54 -0700, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 I'm wondering how we are all feeling about the platform these days
 I notice that in the new Haskell pages, the Platform is definitely not the
 recommended way to go: The main download pages suggests the compiler and
 base libraries as the first option - and the text for the Platform (second
 option) pretty much steers folks away from it. Of the per-OS download
 pages, only the Windows version even mentions it.

There was a big argument about this. I was on the loosing side.  :-)

 Does this mean that we don't want to consider continuing with it? It is a
 lot of community effort to put out a Platform release - we shouldn't do it
 if we don't really want it.

I think it is worth it, and the issues that people are complaining about
wrt the platform vs minimal installers can be fixed.

 That said, I note that the other ways to officially get Haskell look, to
 my eye, very ad hoc. Many of the options involve multiple steps, and
 exactly what one is getting isn't clear. It hardly looks like there is now
 an official, correct way to setup Haskell.

Right, I think there's still a great deal of value in having a simple
recommendation for new users.

One of the points of argument was that some people were arguing that the
minimal installers are better for new users. I disagree, but certainly
there is one issue that could be fixed that'd go a long way to resolving
the particular use case with new users that was raised.

 The Platform arose in an era before sandboxes and before curated library
 sets like Stackage and LTS. Last time we set direction was several years
 ago. These new features and development have clearly changed the landscape
 for use to reconsider what to do.

 I don't think the status quo for the Platform is now viable - mostly as
 evidenced by waning interest in maintaining it. I offer several ways we
 could proceed:

Well, the people who like it don't really complain. But yes, things need

 *1) Abandon the Platform.* GHC is release in source and binary form. Other
 package various installers, with more or less things, for various OSes.
 *2) Slim the Platform.* Pare it back to GHC + base + a smaller set of
 essential libs + tools. Keeps a consistent build layout and installation
 mechanism for Haskell.
 *3) Re-conceive the Platform.* Take a very minimal install approach,
 coupled with close integration with a curated library set that makes it
 easy to have a rich canonical, stable environment. This was the core idea
 around my GPS Haskell thoughts from last September - but there would be
 much to work out in this direction.

I'm not sure that slimming is really needed. But I agree with the GPS
approach. The current set is too small in the sense that it doesn't
cover lots of things people need, and the GPS approach should solve
that. We don't need to promise such high QA for the extended set, we
just need to make sure they build together.

We need to remember that one of the purposes of the platform as
originally conceived is to get people to sync on the versions of their
deps that they're using at the moment. This is where the GPS approach
shines, but it still makes sense to have some core set at the middle of
that. It's true that advanced users don't need lots of things
pre-installed, but they sill benefit from other developers synchronising
on versions of deps, so that they can have more things work together
more often.

On the argument that the platform is too big, the primary issue there is
that people want to make new sandboxes that are more minimal, and with
cabal's current behaviour of basing all sandboxes off of the global
package db, and the platform installing lots of packages globally then
we get a conflict.

But the solution is simple: make cabal sandboxes not be based off of
everything that is globally installed, make new sandboxes be really
minimal (though the ghc/platform installers could help with identifying
what is the minimal subset).


ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-23 Thread davean

 I didn't have that problem with Python or Clojure. I didn't run into
 it with Python until I was building enterprise-class systems. I ran
 into other issues that made me drop Clojure before I ran into this

Well, it also was standard python practice to monkey patch the libraries to
fix deficiencies, like the inability to call PUT with the standard HTTP

Where as I see people picking the right X library to have a style of
programming that makes their code easy to follow in Haskell instead of
just making it work.
Now I probably see a highly non-random selection of programmer's work in
Haskell. I'd say what I see is not what you propose at all though. I see 2
or 3 HTTP client libs used in the same (large-ish) project even, because
each of them has different code it makes easier and prettier.

One of Haskell's attraction to me is the work done in selecting good
abstractions and approaches to problems refining the method used. This will
inherently lead to diversity. Sometimes its bad. but its part of not just
getting the job done, but instead trying to do it better.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-22 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
I also thought about it recently. IIRC ghc can already deal with any
number of stacked package dbs; we only need to expose this somehow
through cabal.

On 22/03/15 11:52, Herbert Valerio Riedel wrote:
 On 2015-03-21 at 18:54:26 +0100, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 The Platform arose in an era before sandboxes and before curated library
 sets like Stackage and LTS. Last time we set direction was several years
 ago. These new features and development have clearly changed the landscape
 for use to reconsider what to do.
 My biggest complaint about the current HP is that it pollutes the global
 package database with additional packages which leak into `cabal
 sandbox`es. This causes `cabal sandbox` to provide quite different
 sandbox environments for HP environments compared to a non-HP
 environment without those additional packages pre-installed.
 Currently GHC/Cabal knows about a global package db and a user package
 db (the user pkg db is is what gets replaced/shadowed by cabal
 sandboxes). Maybe we need a 3rd package db sitting between the global
 and the user package db that interacts better with cabal sandboxes?
 Libraries mailing list

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-22 Thread M Farkas-Dyck
On 21/03/2015, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 I'm wondering how we are all feeling about the platform these days

I say leave it to the operating system distributions.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-22 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Mark Lentczner wrote:
 1) Abandon the Platform…

 2) Slim the Platform. Pare it back to GHC + base + a smaller set of
 essential libs + tools. Keeps a consistent build layout and installation
 mechanism for Haskell.

 3) Re-conceive the Platform. Take a very minimal install approach, coupled
 with close integration with a curated library set that makes it easy to have
 a rich canonical, stable environment. This was the core idea around my GPS
 Haskell thoughts from last September - but there would be much to work out
 in this direction.

I vote for (3) but in a way that it would *not* be much work.
We should definitely do the Platform, but with much *less* work.

The most important reason we need the Platform is as
a default selection of quality basic libraries. We should not abandon
that concept. Curated package sets do not replace that - the
Platform is not just packages that build together. Nor do OS
packagers. The platform is a community-wide set of basic default
packages that are mature, well tested, all work together well,
and stable.

The second most important role of the Platform is a web site
where you can get a clear picture of how to download and install
a default Haskell installation for your platform, and a simple view
of where we are in the parade of releases. That should also continue.

The hardest work of the Platform was its role as a way to bootstrap a
Haskell installation. That is what made it so hard for HP to keep up
with GHC releases, and what consequently gave people the impression
that HP is always old. That work doesn't need to be done as part of the
Platform anymore. We should leverage other good work people are
doing to create installers, and stop doing it as part of the HP process.

The most important part of an HP release should be a cabal package
that provides the packages in the platform, at the right versions, with
a specification of the recommended GHC version as a pre-requisite.

Perhaps we can also provide an HP-branded slick installer for some
platforms that does everything in one click, built as a thin wrapper of
some existing installer. But that should not delay the official release
of an HP version. It's just a nice-to-have extra.

Once we pare down the work needed for an HP release, we should
release new versions of HP quite often - *more* often than GHC
releases, not less often.

Another thing we should fix is the (now false) impression that HP
gets in the way of installing other packages and versions due to
cabal hell. We should make require-sandbox the default setting
in the cabal config file. I would go further - I would add a cabal
feature to create a sandbox automatically unless --user or
--global is specified explicitly. I would make foo installed a
default constraint (that is easy to override) for all platform packages,
which solves virtually all cabal hell problems (assuming you are
using a sandbox) and will not keep things old if we release often.

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-22 Thread Michael Snoyman
It should go without saying that the first sentiment we all likely have is
gratitude for all the work Mark has put into the platform, as well as all
of the other contributors and maintainers the platform has had over the
years. It hasn't just been work on producing the platform itself, but also
for setting up an expectation in the Haskell world for high quality,
reliable libraries. Even if the current incarnation of the platform is in
jeopardy, I hope that we continue with that attitude going forward.

I spend a lot of time working on Stackage, and obviously there's quite a
bit of overlap between Stackage, Haskell Platform, and LTS Haskell. For
purposes of this discussion, I think it's important to separate out
different features of the platform, and see how we may continue or
discontinue each individually:

1. A quality-approved set of libraries. As I see it, the process of coming
up with recommended libraries can continue completely independently of any
other work.
2. A method for installing GHC and build tools. I personally think that it
makes sense to separate out this aspect of the platform from all others.
MinGHC is an example of such a project: a minimal set of functionality for
bootstrapping a more complete Haskell development environment.
3. Prebuilt binary package databases. As I've mentioned in the past, and
others have here, there are problems with the current approach of putting
the packages in the global package database. I'd personally rather see this
aspect of the platform give way to more robust solutions.

And as we've already discussed in the past regarding GPS, there's
definitely room to add *more* to the platform with better build dependency
solving. LTS Haskell was specifically an effort to try to advance that
aspect of GPS.

Putting this together, I think it leads to a new approach for the platform:
minimalistic installers, curated package sets (ala LTS), recommended
packages (ala the current platform set), and a robust means for installing
these (e.g., cabal sandboxes). The Haskell world has advanced since the
initial HP work, maybe all that's needed now is upgrading to the newest
tooling available.

I realize I haven't put down any concrete next steps here. I definitely
have more ideas than I could put into this (already quite long) email. I
think a smaller task force dedicated to improving the tooling situation is
the best next step, and I'd be happy to kick off such an effort with other
interested individuals.

On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 7:54 PM Mark Lentczner

 I'm wondering how we are all feeling about the platform these days

 I notice that in the new Haskell pages, the Platform is definitely not the
 recommended way to go: The main download pages suggests the compiler and
 base libraries as the first option - and the text for the Platform (second
 option) pretty much steers folks away from it. Of the per-OS download
 pages, only the Windows version even mentions it.

 Does this mean that we don't want to consider continuing with it? It is a
 lot of community effort to put out a Platform release - we shouldn't do it
 if we don't really want it.

 That said, I note that the other ways to officially get Haskell look, to
 my eye, very ad hoc. Many of the options involve multiple steps, and
 exactly what one is getting isn't clear. It hardly looks like there is now
 an official, correct way to setup Haskell.

 The Platform arose in an era before sandboxes and before curated library
 sets like Stackage and LTS. Last time we set direction was several years
 ago. These new features and development have clearly changed the landscape
 for use to reconsider what to do.

 I don't think the status quo for the Platform is now viable - mostly as
 evidenced by waning interest in maintaining it. I offer several ways we
 could proceed:

 *1) Abandon the Platform.* GHC is release in source and binary form.
 Other package various installers, with more or less things, for various

 *2) Slim the Platform.* Pare it back to GHC + base + a smaller set of
 essential libs + tools. Keeps a consistent build layout and installation
 mechanism for Haskell.

 *3) Re-conceive the Platform.* Take a very minimal install approach,
 coupled with close integration with a curated library set that makes it
 easy to have a rich canonical, stable environment. This was the core idea
 around my GPS Haskell thoughts from last September - but there would be
 much to work out in this direction.


 — Mark

 Libraries mailing list

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-22 Thread Erik Hesselink
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Neil Mitchell wrote:
 On Windows, the reason I used to use the Platform was that it came
 with an installed network library, and installing the network library
 on Windows is a real pain (and often fails). Unfortunately it was
 incredibly brittle, a single attempt at upgrading network from some
 newer package usually trashed my Haskell install and required a wipe
 and restart.

Slightly OT: If you ever want to prevent cabal from trying to install
a different version of a package (since you know it won't work, or
will break things) you can put something like this in your cabal

  constraint: network installed

I do this for template-haskell, since it's not possible to reinstall
but cabal would occasionally try it. I can imagine it would work well
to prevent the scenario you describe with network.

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-22 Thread Richard Eisenberg

On Mar 22, 2015, at 9:40 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
 That's interesting, because is pretty much the 
 only thing anyone recommends to Mac users any more, and in #haskell people 
 seem to actively steer everyone away from the Platform in all its 

I do indeed think that this is interesting, because this thread is the first 
time I had ever heard of ghcformacosx. I've used Haskell on a Mac daily for 
several years now. I subscribe to (and read at least subject lines from) 
Haskell-cafe and Haskell mailing lists -- including Haskell Weekly News and 
HCAR -- though I'm only occasionally on reddit and very rarely look at 
#haskell. Besides, I run MacOS 10.8, and so ghcformacosx doesn't help me, 
anyway. (I installed 10.9 once upon a time. It slowed down my machine so much I 
preferred to reformat and roll back to 10.8, even though I was facing down a 
nasty deadline.)

At the least, this end of the debate shows me that the community has some 
disagreement about what today's status quo is, an important fact to settle on 
before charting a course for the future.

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: wither the Platform

2015-03-21 Thread Matthias Hörmann
I can't speak for others but as a regular but enthusiastic Haskell user the
platform always (not just since sandboxes) felt outdated and limited to the
included packages since the rest of the Haskell ecosystem rapidly moved on
after a platform release (or even during its stabilization freeze phase
before a release).

The platform is quite similar to Linux distributions like Debian stable or
RedHat Enterprise Linux in that sense. Running software not in their
repositories on one of those is a bit of a pain and not for the beginner
too, just as running packages outside the HP can be when you start out with

The majority of the Haskell power users (library authors, people interested
in the language development itself,...) on the other hand run Haskell more
like a rolling release Linux distribution, dealing with problems due to
cutting edge versions as they arise which means cutting Hackage versions do
not build on the HP. On the other hand new versions that do compile very
rarely seem to cause major issues, offering little incentive to use older
versions for power users outside enterprise support environments.

Perhaps Haskell does need some kind of multi-tier system as those Linux
distributions use? LTS and Stackage seem to be attempts to do just that.

In any case, I do not think the HP is the best environment for the new
Haskell user.

Perhaps listing the possible types of users and their requirements and
limitations would be helpful to decide what, if anything, should replace
the HP.
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Wither Haskell Platform 2013.4.0.0

2013-10-26 Thread Mark Lentczner
Okay, now I'm confused

What change did we think we need for a GHC 7.6.4 to support Xcode 5? Was it
just this change to fiddle with the command line options?
- Mark
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Wither Haskell Platform 2013.4.0.0

2013-10-26 Thread 山本和彦

 What change did we think we need for a GHC 7.6.4 to support Xcode 5? Was it
 just this change to fiddle with the command line options?

I don't know what is the best. But here is what I know now:

clang-xcode5-wrapper.hs (*1) works as a wrapper in many cases so
far. We need to change the value of C compiler command in

Unfortunately, in some commands, hsc2hs for instance, the command name
gcc is hard coded. So, clang-xcode5-wrapper.hs should be installed
as gcc.  This gcc should have higher priority than /usr/bin/gcc in

One concern is that users would get troubles with this new gcc.



ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Wither Haskell Platform 2013.4.0.0

2013-10-14 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Monday, October 14, 2013, Dag Odenhall wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 12:20 AM, Brandon Allbery 
 allber...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

 Nope. Arch is a rolling release distribution whose policy is directly
 opposed to the stable release philosophy of the Platform. They will
 package latest versions of everything, not a stable release. You *cannot*
 satisfy their requirements with the Platform; ignore them.

  I would say it depends on what you mean by “latest”, since one answer
 could be “latest haskell-platform”. Does Arch Linux ship the latest Python
 packages, even if an older version is included in the stdlib of the latest
 Python release?

There isn't a separate Python and Python Platform. Packages that ship
with Python are maintained in Python's repository. Those that are
also maintained separately usually have another package/module name
altogether so both can be installed without interfering with one another.

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Wither Haskell Platform 2013.4.0.0

2013-10-14 Thread Edward Kmett
As I do most of my development on a Mac I confess I currently live in fear
of accidentally clicking on the XCode 5 upgrade button and winding up in an
unsupported configuration. That makes me very leery of option C, where
developers like me are treading on egg-shells around system updates for the
next 6 months.


On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Mark Lentczner mark.lentcz...@gmail.comwrote:

 It wasn't my intention to open up the whole question of scheduled
 releases. HP has a regular release schedule, and there were many good
 discussions leading up to it. As for the timing of those releases, last
 time we looked into this there was no good release time that worked for all
 the common Linux distro's release schedules. Perhaps GNOME has figured this
 one out - they release stable end of September and end of March. We could
 aim to glide toward that.

 Back to this release:

 GHC 7.8 won't be ready for inclusion in an HP for quite some time. We
 haven't even seen the first release yet! If it has stabilized by end of
 February, then it could make it into the next HP (assuming we don't move
 the schedule up to match GNOME).  But I think realistically, one shouldn't
 expect a GHC 7.8 as part of an HP release until 2014.4.0.0. *[Aside: If
 the community wants to see closer tracking, then we probably need to start
 talking about a different way of producing GHC - with both stable and
 experimental releases happening... when this idea has been raised in the
 past, GHC central hasn't had the person-power to do it.]*
 The next Mac OS X is indeed right around the corner (no official date from
 Apple, just this Autumn) - the GM release candidate of both OS X
 Mavericks and Xcode 5 are already in developers (and my) hands. My
 understanding is that current HP just won't work on it - which means we
 really should get something out to support it.

 SO, back to concrete ideas:

 *A) Minor release*

 *• Minor rev:* since GHC and most packages haven't changed, and we won't
 be adding anything, just roll it as normal now.
 *• Bump for Mac:* immediately after, roll HP 2013.4.1.0 which has GHC
 7.6.3 + patches (perhaps named 7.6.4?), so this works w/Xcode 5

 *B) Delay release*

 *• New packages:* running the normal process, just a month late

 *• Bump for Mac: *get GHC central to put out 7.6.4 which has what is
 needed to support Xcode 5

 *C) Skip a release*

 *• Go for 7.8:* push everyone (GHC central, library maintainers) to get
 7.8 stable ASAP

 *• Big Push for Packages:* use the time to push for a significant
 increase in the packages in the Platform

 *• Release in March: *aiming to sync with GNOME, assuming they're on to

 As attractive as some aspects of C are, it leaves anyone with a Mac out in
 the cold for six months: They either can't upgrade, or can't Haskell.

 A requires duplicate effort (mostly on my part), but is otherwise
 mechanical... and not that exciting.

 B deviates from our schedule, but if GHC can roll a 7.6.4, might get us an
 HP with some new packages.

 — Mark

 ghc-devs mailing list

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Wither Haskell Platform 2013.4.0.0

2013-10-14 Thread Carter Schonwald
It's worth noting that it's possible to have a working setup with Xcode 5,
it just requires having your own additional build of GCC locally (indeed,
that's my current setup), though this will likely have crazy linker errors
if I'm not careful :-) when linking a c++ lib built with clang.

On Monday, October 14, 2013, Edward Kmett wrote:

 As I do most of my development on a Mac I confess I currently live in fear
 of accidentally clicking on the XCode 5 upgrade button and winding up in an
 unsupported configuration. That makes me very leery of option C, where
 developers like me are treading on egg-shells around system updates for the
 next 6 months.


 On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Mark Lentczner 
 mark.lentcz...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 

 It wasn't my intention to open up the whole question of scheduled
 releases. HP has a regular release schedule, and there were many good
 discussions leading up to it. As for the timing of those releases, last
 time we looked into this there was no good release time that worked for all
 the common Linux distro's release schedules. Perhaps GNOME has figured this
 one out - they release stable end of September and end of March. We could
 aim to glide toward that.

 Back to this release:

 GHC 7.8 won't be ready for inclusion in an HP for quite some time. We
 haven't even seen the first release yet! If it has stabilized by end of
 February, then it could make it into the next HP (assuming we don't move
 the schedule up to match GNOME).  But I think realistically, one shouldn't
 expect a GHC 7.8 as part of an HP release until 2014.4.0.0. *[Aside: If
 the community wants to see closer tracking, then we probably need to start
 talking about a different way of producing GHC - with both stable and
 experimental releases happening... when this idea has been raised in the
 past, GHC central hasn't had the person-power to do it.]*
 The next Mac OS X is indeed right around the corner (no official date
 from Apple, just this Autumn) - the GM release candidate of both OS X
 Mavericks and Xcode 5 are already in developers (and my) hands. My
 understanding is that current HP just won't work on it - which means we
 really should get something out to support it.

 SO, back to concrete ideas:

 *A) Minor release*

 *• Minor rev:* since GHC and most packages haven't changed, and we won't
 be adding anything, just roll it as normal now.
 *• Bump for Mac:* immediately after, roll HP 2013.4.1.0 which has GHC
 7.6.3 + patches (perhaps named 7.6.4?), so this works w/Xcode 5

 *B) Delay release*

 *• New packages:* running the normal process, just a month late

 *• Bump for Mac: *get GHC central to put out 7.6.4 which has what is
 needed to support Xcode 5

 *C) Skip a release*

 *• Go for 7.8:* push everyone (GHC central, library maintainers) to get
 7.8 stable ASAP

 *• Big Push for Packages:* use the time to push for a significant
 increase in the packages in the Platform

 *• Release in March: *aiming to sync with GNOME, assuming they're on to

 As attractive as some aspects of C are, it leaves anyone with a Mac out
 in the cold for six months: They either can't upgrade, or can't Haskell.

 A requires duplicate effort (mostly on my part), but is otherwise
 mechanical... and not that exciting.

 B deviates from our schedule, but if GHC can roll a 7.6.4, might get us
 an HP with some new packages.

 — Mark

 ghc-devs mailing list javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Wither Haskell Platform 2013.4.0.0

2013-10-14 Thread Carter Schonwald
I guess my point is there's a number of work arounds that are easy for a
power user to support, but should NOT be the default setup or config
required for new users.

Eg: brew also provides an installer for apple-gcc42 and you could then
point your ghc settings file to.

That said, it's not a solution we probably want to encourage by default, it
definitely took me a while to cook up sane directions, and some of those
directions/approaches apparently become useless if you update to OS X 10.9.
(I think partly because the default C++ std libs on Mac shift, so you can't
easily build GCC on mavericks currently allegedly )

On Monday, October 14, 2013, Edward Kmett wrote:

 As I do most of my development on a Mac I confess I currently live in fear
 of accidentally clicking on the XCode 5 upgrade button and winding up in an
 unsupported configuration. That makes me very leery of option C, where
 developers like me are treading on egg-shells around system updates for the
 next 6 months.


 On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Mark Lentczner 
 mark.lentcz...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 

 It wasn't my intention to open up the whole question of scheduled
 releases. HP has a regular release schedule, and there were many good
 discussions leading up to it. As for the timing of those releases, last
 time we looked into this there was no good release time that worked for all
 the common Linux distro's release schedules. Perhaps GNOME has figured this
 one out - they release stable end of September and end of March. We could
 aim to glide toward that.

 Back to this release:

 GHC 7.8 won't be ready for inclusion in an HP for quite some time. We
 haven't even seen the first release yet! If it has stabilized by end of
 February, then it could make it into the next HP (assuming we don't move
 the schedule up to match GNOME).  But I think realistically, one shouldn't
 expect a GHC 7.8 as part of an HP release until 2014.4.0.0. *[Aside: If
 the community wants to see closer tracking, then we probably need to start
 talking about a different way of producing GHC - with both stable and
 experimental releases happening... when this idea has been raised in the
 past, GHC central hasn't had the person-power to do it.]*
 The next Mac OS X is indeed right around the corner (no official date
 from Apple, just this Autumn) - the GM release candidate of both OS X
 Mavericks and Xcode 5 are already in developers (and my) hands. My
 understanding is that current HP just won't work on it - which means we
 really should get something out to support it.

 SO, back to concrete ideas:

 *A) Minor release*

 *• Minor rev:* since GHC and most packages haven't changed, and we won't
 be adding anything, just roll it as normal now.
 *• Bump for Mac:* immediately after, roll HP 2013.4.1.0 which has GHC
 7.6.3 + patches (perhaps named 7.6.4?), so this works w/Xcode 5

 *B) Delay release*

 *• New packages:* running the normal process, just a month late

 *• Bump for Mac: *get GHC central to put out 7.6.4 which has what is
 needed to support Xcode 5

 *C) Skip a release*

 *• Go for 7.8:* push everyone (GHC central, library maintainers) to get
 7.8 stable ASAP

 *• Big Push for Packages:* use the time to push for a significant
 increase in the packages in the Platform

 *• Release in March: *aiming to sync with GNOME, assuming they're on to

 As attractive as some aspects of C are, it leaves anyone with a Mac out
 in the cold for six months: They either can't upgrade, or can't Haskell.

 A requires duplicate effort (mostly on my part), but is otherwise
 mechanical... and not that exciting.

 B deviates from our schedule, but if GHC can roll a 7.6.4, might get us
 an HP with some new packages.

 — Mark

 ghc-devs mailing list javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Wither Haskell Platform 2013.4.0.0

2013-10-14 Thread Luke Iannini
To briefly explain the issue with Xcode 5 and GHC 7.6.3, as it's really not
that big:
7.6.3 passes -x c when running the c compiler in preprocessor mode. Clang
requires -x assembler-with-cpp to be compatible with the GHC codebase.

So the workaround Austin Seipp helped me cook up is to simply wrap clang,
detect it's being run in preprocessor mode (i.e. look for the args -E
-undef -traditional), and make sure it gets passed -x assembler-with-cpp.

You can see the entirety of it here:

I wrote the workaround as a a Haskell script, but someone with basic
bash-fu could easily write it as a shell script.

7.6.3's settings file just has to be pointed at that wrapper instead of
directly at clang and then everything works flawlessly with Xcode 5's
clang, on 10.8 and 10.9 alike.


On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Carter Schonwald wrote:

 I guess my point is there's a number of work arounds that are easy for a
 power user to support, but should NOT be the default setup or config
 required for new users.

 Eg: brew also provides an installer for apple-gcc42 and you could then
 point your ghc settings file to.

 That said, it's not a solution we probably want to encourage by default,
 it definitely took me a while to cook up sane directions, and some of those
 directions/approaches apparently become useless if you update to OS X 10.9.
 (I think partly because the default C++ std libs on Mac shift, so you can't
 easily build GCC on mavericks currently allegedly )

 On Monday, October 14, 2013, Edward Kmett wrote:

 As I do most of my development on a Mac I confess I currently live in
 fear of accidentally clicking on the XCode 5 upgrade button and winding up
 in an unsupported configuration. That makes me very leery of option C,
 where developers like me are treading on egg-shells around system updates
 for the next 6 months.


 On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Mark Lentczner

 It wasn't my intention to open up the whole question of scheduled
 releases. HP has a regular release schedule, and there were many good
 discussions leading up to it. As for the timing of those releases, last
 time we looked into this there was no good release time that worked for all
 the common Linux distro's release schedules. Perhaps GNOME has figured this
 one out - they release stable end of September and end of March. We could
 aim to glide toward that.

 Back to this release:

 GHC 7.8 won't be ready for inclusion in an HP for quite some time. We
 haven't even seen the first release yet! If it has stabilized by end of
 February, then it could make it into the next HP (assuming we don't move
 the schedule up to match GNOME).  But I think realistically, one shouldn't
 expect a GHC 7.8 as part of an HP release until 2014.4.0.0. *[Aside: If
 the community wants to see closer tracking, then we probably need to start
 talking about a different way of producing GHC - with both stable and
 experimental releases happening... when this idea has been raised in the
 past, GHC central hasn't had the person-power to do it.]*
 The next Mac OS X is indeed right around the corner (no official date
 from Apple, just this Autumn) - the GM release candidate of both OS X
 Mavericks and Xcode 5 are already in developers (and my) hands. My
 understanding is that current HP just won't work on it - which means we
 really should get something out to support it.

 SO, back to concrete ideas:

 *A) Minor release*

 *• Minor rev:* since GHC and most packages haven't changed, and we
 won't be adding anything, just roll it as normal now.
 *• Bump for Mac:* immediately after, roll HP 2013.4.1.0 which has GHC
 7.6.3 + patches (perhaps named 7.6.4?), so this works w/Xcode 5

 *B) Delay release*

 *• New packages:* running the normal process, just a month late

 *• Bump for Mac: *get GHC central to put out 7.6.4 which has what is
 needed to support Xcode 5

 *C) Skip a release*

 *• Go for 7.8:* push everyone (GHC central, library maintainers) to get
 7.8 stable ASAP

 *• Big Push for Packages:* use the time to push for a significant
 increase in the packages in the Platform

 *• Release in March: *aiming to sync with GNOME, assuming they're on to

 As attractive as some aspects of C are, it leaves anyone with a Mac out
 in the cold for six months: They either can't upgrade, or can't Haskell.

 A requires duplicate effort (mostly on my part), but is otherwise
 mechanical... and not that exciting.

 B deviates from our schedule, but if GHC can roll a 7.6.4, might get us
 an HP with some new packages.

 — Mark

 ghc-devs mailing list

 ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Wither Haskell Platform 2013.4.0.0

2013-10-13 Thread Carter Schonwald
with all due respect, we can't delay a HP release this fall, we need one that 
works with OS 10.9 Mavericks / Xcode 5 this fall.

as Austin has opined, the right way to do this is to have a bug fix release for 
7.6 this fall that addresses the OS X issues.
Carter Schonwald

On October 13, 2013 at 4:22:34 PM, David Luposchainsky 
( wrote:

I think making the HP release cycle purely time-based is not the best 
option. For a large amount of users, the HP and what comes with it 
(including the associated compiler) is what Haskell is. If something 
does not work with the HP, then Haskell does not work. 

- Support for the latest OS is crucial, probably most importantly to 
avoid bad publicity. Hard to install is an image that's not easily 
changed when search engines are full of hacks that make it somehow work 

- Are there significant changes in the HP libraries compared to the last 
release? Is there a good reason to make people update to the latest 

- In the light of the AMP, I think a relatively early adoption of 7.8 
would be very beneficial in order to prepare Hackage. Releasing this 
year with 7.8 would not be a good idea, but maybe next spring (which 
would be halfway between the usual HP release dates) is possible? 

In short, my vote is delay until it works with all OS and 7.8. 

Libraries mailing list 
ghc-devs mailing list

Re: Wither Haskell Platform 2013.4.0.0

2013-10-13 Thread Mark Lentczner
It wasn't my intention to open up the whole question of scheduled releases.
HP has a regular release schedule, and there were many good discussions
leading up to it. As for the timing of those releases, last time we looked
into this there was no good release time that worked for all the common
Linux distro's release schedules. Perhaps GNOME has figured this one out -
they release stable end of September and end of March. We could aim to
glide toward that.

Back to this release:

GHC 7.8 won't be ready for inclusion in an HP for quite some time. We
haven't even seen the first release yet! If it has stabilized by end of
February, then it could make it into the next HP (assuming we don't move
the schedule up to match GNOME).  But I think realistically, one shouldn't
expect a GHC 7.8 as part of an HP release until 2014.4.0.0. *[Aside: If the
community wants to see closer tracking, then we probably need to start
talking about a different way of producing GHC - with both stable and
experimental releases happening... when this idea has been raised in the
past, GHC central hasn't had the person-power to do it.]*
The next Mac OS X is indeed right around the corner (no official date from
Apple, just this Autumn) - the GM release candidate of both OS X
Mavericks and Xcode 5 are already in developers (and my) hands. My
understanding is that current HP just won't work on it - which means we
really should get something out to support it.

SO, back to concrete ideas:

*A) Minor release*

*• Minor rev:* since GHC and most packages haven't changed, and we won't be
adding anything, just roll it as normal now.
*• Bump for Mac:* immediately after, roll HP 2013.4.1.0 which has GHC 7.6.3
+ patches (perhaps named 7.6.4?), so this works w/Xcode 5

*B) Delay release*

*• New packages:* running the normal process, just a month late

*• Bump for Mac: *get GHC central to put out 7.6.4 which has what is needed
to support Xcode 5

*C) Skip a release*

*• Go for 7.8:* push everyone (GHC central, library maintainers) to get 7.8
stable ASAP

*• Big Push for Packages:* use the time to push for a significant increase
in the packages in the Platform

*• Release in March: *aiming to sync with GNOME, assuming they're on to

As attractive as some aspects of C are, it leaves anyone with a Mac out in
the cold for six months: They either can't upgrade, or can't Haskell.

A requires duplicate effort (mostly on my part), but is otherwise
mechanical... and not that exciting.

B deviates from our schedule, but if GHC can roll a 7.6.4, might get us an
HP with some new packages.

— Mark
ghc-devs mailing list