Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-gap: From Still-Images to an avi-file?

2005-08-13 Thread Al Bogner
Am Samstag, 13. August 2005 19:34 schrieb Carol Spears:
 On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 09:11:38PM +0200, Al Bogner wrote:
  I have a lot of stillimages from a digicam and want to make a movie like

  So, if you tell me, that I can't do what I want with gimp-gap I don't
  have to spent time, why gimp-gap doesn't work, otherwise I would be happy
  to get a few hints how I would do this with gimp-gap.

 i will be honest, i did not look at the avi you showed here.  gap can do
 most things to a stack of images that gimp can do with just a single

Hi Carol,

first I want to say, your webpage helped me a lot, but I didn't find the 
answers I am looking for.

My video lasts 14 sec (6.4 MB), so maybe you could have a look at it. It is a 
lot eaiser to talk about my wishes and problems.

 what gap uses xanim for is for breaking the single video file into
 separate frame images. 

I don't need xanim to split the video, because I have the stillimages already 
and with the ImageMagick-suite I can create a lot of formats.

 then, it might use xanim to put them back 
 together -- it has been a while since i had gap and xanim installed

That is the key-question. I need a tool which does perfect rendering, when 
transitions are created or the motion of the still images is rendered.

 mplayer is another option to build gap against.  it works better and
 correctly.  once installed and gap recognizes it, you get more options
 in the Xtns menu where the fun with gap starts.

As mentioned, I use Debian and would like to use built deb-packages. Mplayer 
is installed, but it is not recognized by gimg-gap. There are so much 
troubles with dependencies of multimedia-packages. I stopped compiling it 
myself. One thing works then and the other doesn't anymore. I use the 
packages from Marilliat most times.

 when i first started to play with single images, there were so many
 picky little rules, like png cannot handle layers or offset.  indexed
 images can not be jpegs -- stuff like this which today seeems easy.
 video manipulation has millions of these same sorts of picky rules.
 from the size of the frames to how to set the timing when you re-encode

Which format do you recommend for still-images?

 getting mplayer installed is only a small part of the bigger task.

Oh yes, and the mplayer-installation can make a lot of troubles.

 that being said, it sure was fun to play with gap.  the same way it was
 fun to play with gimp the first time all those years ago.

 gap needs mplayer and disc space.

Diskspace shouldn't be the problem. I can use transcode or/and the mjpegtools 
for encoding, but I need a good solution for rendering. So if you have 
suggestions with other tools than gimp, please let me know.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] gimp-gap: From Still-Images to an avi-file?

2005-08-12 Thread Al Bogner
I have a lot of stillimages from a digicam and want to make a movie like this:

The quality of this avi-file is not perfect, so I am searching for a way to do 
it better. If you look at the motion, it is not a quiet motion, it is jerking 
a little bit. If the file is encoded to a DVD with transcode it is 
flickering, probably an interlace-problem, although it is interlaced encoded.

My question is: can something like this short test-avi be done with 
gimp-gap? I am not happy with image2raw and I think stills2dv is not my 1st 
choice too.

I have installed gimp-gap on my Etch-Linux-system, but there are problems with 
my xanim-version
(Ea, Ee, Eq not supported)

So, if you tell me, that I can't do what I want with gimp-gap I don't have to 
spent time, why gimp-gap doesn't work, otherwise I would be happy to get a 
few hints how I would do this with gimp-gap.

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