Re: [Gimp-user] Bit-depth Processing

2007-09-26 Thread Brendan
On Wednesday 26 September 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Certainly the GIMP developers could have kludged the code to
 incorporate 16-bit or higher bit-depths; and it would not have taken
 nearly as long to do so. But the solution would be only temporary --
 the ultimate necessity to have a separate library would still exist --
 and would only apply to the GIMP project.

Yikes, you had a good argument until this bit...
Yes, what you say is true, but with 16-bit color, all of those professional 
graphics houses would have been eyeing Gimp for the last 6 years, instead of 
shunning it. They don't care about what code is maintainable. From an 
engineering standpoint, doing what the devels did was right, but holding it 
up as the only choice that could have benefitted people is not accurate.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP vs Photoshop UI

2007-09-26 Thread Brendan
On Wednesday 26 September 2007, Greg wrote:
 --- gimp_user [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ...[GIMP] does not have an interface that makes for an easy user
  transition from the industry PS standard it is not a tool that is
  ready for adoption by high quality image makers.

 I would disagree with this.  I use both PS and GIMP and thanks to PH I
 had no problems learning GIMP's UI.  Of course, your millage will vary.
  In fact, there are more similarities than differences:

o Each has a palette of editing tools on one side of the screen
o Each has additional tool palettes on the other side (e.g., layers)
o And each has a main image window

 The UI differences, IMO, are minor:

o Distinct windows for palettes and image window
o Options moved from top of window to below editing tools
o Image window enhanced with its own menu bar.

 Even most of the icons are similar to Photoshop.  Unless your brand new
 to Photoshop, I don't see the problem.

Just because you don't understand it does not mean that it is not a large 
issue. I would tend to agree, but not with your conclusion.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-2.2 mistaken to be gimp-2.3?

2007-08-17 Thread Brendan
On Friday 17 August 2007, Olivier Lecarme wrote:
 I'm using a Debian Sid distribution, regularly updated. I have the
 gimp-2.2 Debian package, last modification on 2007-07-13:

 % ls -l =gimp-2.2
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3,0M 2007-07-13 19:26 /usr/bin/gimp-2.2*

 I have also gimp-2.3.19, installed in /usr/local and correctly working,
 but with an interface to gutenprint I cannot manage properly (I would
 like to enlarge a picture automatically to paper size, and it does not
 seem to work).

 When I call gimp-2.2, I get the flash picture of version 2.3, then the
 following messages:

 % gimp-2.2

 (gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type

 (gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
 g_type_interface_add_prerequisite: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE
 (interface_type)' failed

 (gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_add_interface_static:
 assertion `g_type_parent (interface_type) == G_TYPE_INTERFACE' failed

 (gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type

 (gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
 g_type_interface_add_prerequisite: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE
 (interface_type)' failed

 (gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_add_interface_static:
 assertion `g_type_parent (interface_type) == G_TYPE_INTERFACE' failed

 (gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type

 (gimp-2.2:15902): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_param_spec_internal:
 assertion `G_TYPE_IS_PARAM (param_type)  param_type != G_TYPE_PARAM'
 failed zsh: segmentation fault  gimp-2.2

 I removed and purged the Debian package, then re-installed it, without
 no success. Where is my mistake? What should I try?

 Thanks in advance for any help and suggestion.

Read the Release Notes for 2.3/2.4.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Question about GIMP CMYK support.

2007-08-15 Thread Brendan
On Tuesday 14 August 2007, John R. Culleton wrote:
 On Tuesday 07 August 2007, Chris Mohler wrote:
  On 8/7/07, Bhavin Suthar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Can someone tell me the truth behind this? Does this also mean
   that if you write text on image (like your jpeg Canon photos)
   then they can't be printed properly?
  Point #1 is almost accurate.  The true part: GIMP does not natively
  support CMYK yet.  It will in time, and there is a plug-in if you
  truly need CMYK separations.  The false part: you can't use GIMP to
  prepare for printing.  You certainly can, but be aware of the
  RGB-CMYK translation process - eg, there is no way to print the
  color #FF in CMYK.
  Point #2 is pretty much FUD.  I occasionally convert something to
  CMYK in PS just to check the shift, but if you are a graphics
  professional [sic] you should already be aware of the RGB colors
  that exist outside of CMYK color space and avoid them.  A cheap
  inkjet printer will show you the result of converting your RGB to
  CMYK if you really need to know - and this type of proof (a hard
  proof) is more accurate anyway, owing to the fact that all monitors
  operate on the principal of additive light (hence RGB), and most
  printers operate on subtractive light (thus CMYK).  A soft proof
  can easily[1] be obtained by using imagemagick[2].
  Short answer: I doubt you need CMYK.  You certainly won't be
  prevented from printing your photos by not using it.  Many desktop
  printers expect RGB input these days[3].

 I would expect that flesh tones would give the most trouble in
 converting from RGB to CMYK . Among free software programs Krita,
 TeX, Cinepaint  and Scribus handle CMYK natively, and all but TeX can
 use ICC color profiles.  Gimp and Inkscape don't yet, and that limits
 their acceptablity in the publishing world despite their other
 excellent features.  Book designers want CMYK plus ICC profiles and
 won't consider a product that lacks that capability for color work.

 The free programs listed above that most closely approximate Gimp are
 Cinepaint (a Gimp offshoot0, and Krita.  But neither has the range of
 other features offered by Gimp.  and Krita only runs under the KDE
 desktop found on many Linux systems.

KDE Libraries, not desktop. You do not have to run the desktop actively to use 
the program. Please be clear about that, or you will be spreading misinfo.

Krita is great, and going to be amazing, but right now, it fails on the 
basics. The developer is incredible, but has worked on some very high-end 
functionality, but not so much on the basic stuff like workflow, GUI design, 
ease of use and basic tools. He's working mostly alone, so it's 
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] installing GIMP-2.3.19

2007-08-07 Thread Brendan
On Tuesday 31 July 2007, Sven Neumann wrote:

 On Tue, 2007-07-31 at 08:38 -0400, John R. Culleton wrote:
  I would add that Ubuntu is user friendly only when you live within its
  boundaries.  For serious work I prefer Slackware, even with the
  absence of some Gnome libraries (and the Gnome gui itself of course
  but that is no great loss. ) In the Debian world I would prefer to
  either use Debian proper or else install Knoppix to  disk.

 This is your personal opinion and absolutely off-topic. Please refrain
 from such comments in the future. If you want to discuss Linux
 distributions, there are plenty of places where such a discussion is
 welcome. It doesn't belong here.

Besides the fact that it's equally hard in Slack and Ubuntu for a newbie to 
compile gimp 2.3.19 with pkg install paths, etc.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp - gimpshop - newbie

2007-07-09 Thread Brendan
On Sunday 08 July 2007, David Southwell wrote:
 On Sunday 08 July 2007 12:07:55 Sven Neumann wrote:
  On Sun, 2007-07-08 at 07:48 -0700, David Southwell wrote:
   I just want to make clear that people who are accustomed to be
   positively helpful deserve encouragement and others, not of that
   disposition,  IMHO contribute more to this worlld when they remain
  I just tried to help you by pointing out that gimpshop is a different
  application and that you should try to get support for it from the
  people who did the fork. If you did that you might have found out that
  there is no such support. You might then reconsider your decision, but
  that is of course completely up to you.

 Am I not correct in saying that gimpshop a tool using gimp?  Judging by the
 helpful replies I have received gimpshop is also of considerable interest
 to many users of gimp who use this list.

  It might be considerably improved by a being better supported by those who
 are advocates of gimp.

 I rather gather there are those who disparage gimpshop and wish it to fail
 and those who wish it to succeed but are afraid of offending some members
 of the former group.

 Maybe gimp could benefit from a more catholic and generous approach being
 espoused by everyone.

 IMHO the gimp community could benefit from the offer of an interface that
 more closely resembles photoshop. How that might be achieved maybe another

David, it's just not worth it. The powers on this list are frighteningly 
short-sighted when it comes to discussions like you are proposing. Even 
though a large chunk of the list feels differently, they will moderate you 
eventually into the ground.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp - gimpshop - newbie

2007-07-09 Thread Brendan
On Monday 09 July 2007, Alex Feldman wrote:
 Hi Brendan,

  David, it's just not worth it. The powers on this list are frighteningly
  short-sighted when it comes to discussions like you are proposing. Even
  though a large chunk of the list feels differently, they will moderate
  you eventually into the ground.

 Well, a large chunk is suitably vague, but I just want it clear that
 many of us also appreciate the moderation.  I don't appreciate people
 like David Southwell coming in and trying to turn the list into
 something that it is not, which is a list about Gimp.  It is not about
 Gimpshop, or ImageMagick, or CinePaint, or whatever.  The fact that he
 can find some help is not the point - you could probably find people on
 this list interested in political candidates or global warming, but this
 is not the place for those discussions.

 In my opinion.

David had Gimpshop in one thread, big deal. People get so sensitive about one 
guy discussing one topic which is confusing. If the topic doesn't get 
replies, then it dies. Now a wiki exists to explain to people like David why 
the people who run Gimp feel the way they do. All done. Now you can get back 
to discussing whatever you were discussing. If one topic on a mailing list 
ruins your day, perhaps you should look into lightening up.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP - appalling name?

2007-06-25 Thread Brendan
On Sunday 24 June 2007, John Meyer wrote:
 somebody actually puts together some numbers we're going to continue to
 scratch our heads as to why the GIMP is not as well accepted as we think
 it should be.

I won't be scratching my head and wondering. I know why. Just a chunk of the 
mailing list wants to pretend it's something else.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Wow Linux Journal not very enamoured with GIMP.

2007-06-21 Thread Brendan
On Wednesday 20 June 2007, Rachael H. wrote:
 Same here.  I read that article and felt like they were bashing the
 Gimp. I did download Krista to see how it worked.  I ended up
 uninstalling since it ran pretty slow.  Seems like everything for KDE

With Krita, what's exciting is how fast it progresses. It has insanely 
advanced features, but is still missing the basics in many ways. And now I'm 
so used to Gimp that I'm not sure if it was just me, or actual, but I felt 
the UI was veryrestrictive.

 runs slow! *LOL* Anyways I'm really used to the Gimp and it's fast

The only thing I would add is the fact that the progress bars that seem to 
move at wildly different speeds (move quickly, pause, move quickly, pause, 
then suddenly the operation is done) make the speed feel...slow. showfoto 
under KDE has a great progress bar, and it seems to judge how long something 
will take very accurately. Photoshop has a good one...It makes it feel like 
you can gauge how long something will take...

 compared to other image editing software I used. In fact Im going to
 college for Media Arts  Animation and they require you to use
 Photoshop..I have yet to use that program and even got some other

Still think that having a shortcut layout that mimics PS would be a great 
feature. Just a shortcut list that's easily loadable like the Theme selector 
in Preferences. Would make it so easy to get a bunch of people over...but 
alas, talking about that got me banned from the list by the Dynamic Duo, so 
I'll shut up about it.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Wow Linux Journal not very enamoured with GIMP.

2007-06-21 Thread Brendan
On Wednesday 20 June 2007, Eric P wrote:
  I really get peeved by these types of articles.  GIMP is GIMP.  Krita is
  Krita.  CinePaint is CinePaint.  Each is a tool.  Use the right tool for
  the job.  There are lots of hammers.  Some are good for some projects.
  Others are good for other projects.  None are good for all projects.  As
  an author, he should know that and write accordingly.  In this case, it
  looks like he's more interested in publicly bashing one tool (which
  would be an opinion piece, which this is not intended to be) instead of
  trying to help his readers (a reference piece or review, which this *is*
  intended to be).

 Nice retort.  You should consider sending that to LJ's 'reader
 letters' section (which I always read as soon as my sub arrives in the

 I've never been able to understand all the excessive bashing that GIMP
 regularly gets (UI complaints, color space limitations [which has

I don't see much more bashing than anything else. It's the Windows Virus 
Syndrome: Gimp is just about the only great image editor in the Linux world 
with any serious usage over time, so it's going to get nailed by opinions. It 
also has a very different UI from most, so...

And the color issues relate to it replacing PS for high-end work. I think 
people are saying Aww, shucks, I wish Gimp had this so I could ditch PS 
not Darn, I can't use Gimp to edit Little Susie's pictures because it 
doesn't have CMYK. Most newbies open up Gimp, see three weird windows pop up 
with a How-To dialog and say Yuck, what's this?. The name doesn't help 
either. Just basing this on countless interactions I've had with models or 
other photographers sitting here near my workstation, seeing me download my 
images and go through my workflow of digikam download - Gqview to delete the 
bad ones - Gimp to edit the good ones - showfoto to apply different color 
effects (Infra, BW conversion, etc.) 

In that context, it's quite easy to understand why people have strong opinions 
about it, especially since PS is a big chunkachange.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Oh man, i am very sad, that GIMP very often crash

2007-06-18 Thread Brendan
On Thursday 14 June 2007, Jozef Legeny wrote:
 I'm using 2.3.18 (and i was using the development version since 2.3.9
 ) and the only time gimp crashed was when i had 256MB ram and tried to
 manipulate huge (a 80MB xcf file is quite huge) images. However this
 isn't as much a gimp problem as hadware one.

I get windows disappearing sometimes (main, layers) but no crashes. No pattern 
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Oh man, i am very sad, that GIMP very often crash

2007-06-18 Thread Brendan
On Monday 18 June 2007, Simon Budig wrote:
 Brendan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  On Thursday 14 June 2007, Jozef Legeny wrote:
   I'm using 2.3.18 (and i was using the development version since 2.3.9
   ) and the only time gimp crashed was when i had 256MB ram and tried to
   manipulate huge (a 80MB xcf file is quite huge) images. However this
   isn't as much a gimp problem as hadware one.
  I get windows disappearing sometimes (main, layers) but no crashes. No
  pattern either.

 There is a feature that hides windows when hitting the tab key. Hitting
 the tab key again should bring the windows up again.

 So if you can continue to use the gimp in the image window you most
 probably have hit the tab key by accident.

 2.2 switches between three states, 2.3 between two states.

 Hope this helps,

It does help. Thanks.
Now, on to the compile issues with 2.3.18.
I'm still on .16.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp vs. Photoshop

2006-12-22 Thread Brendan
On Thursday 21 December 2006 23:51, Robert Smits wrote:
   Oh wait, Geoffrey says Get over it. Everybody with an opinion or
   actual relevent facts, forget it. Geoffrey said so.
  If you'll check the bloody archives, you'll see this same subject has
  been discussed ad nauseam more then once.  So, before you post, research
  the archives before wasting a bunch of bandwidth on a horse that's been
  beat to death.  Jerk.

 Whether you like it or not, I suspect that the subject will keep coming up
 because the name offends the sensibilities of a lot of potential users.

 Now I know that the name is an acronym, and I don't believe those who chose
 the name did so with any intent to offend, or even to be humourous. I
 suspect they didn't think all that much about the name at all. For many
 handicapped people, however calling one of them a GIMP is as offensive as
 calling a gay person a faggot.

 Most of us who are now on the list will have seen the discussion wax and
 wane, but in a month or two, someone else will come to the list and make
 the same observation, and predictably someone will have the intolerance to
 tell them to get over it, and that we've had the discussion.

 I really do think we need to find a better, less offensive name for GIMP,
 and the sooner the better, so that we can put energy into supporting it,
 and doing whatever we can to extend it's use instead of periodically having
 this disagreement.

Yes *points at best post in thread*
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp vs. Photoshop (Zombie Thread)

2006-12-22 Thread Brendan
On Friday 22 December 2006 02:44, jim wrote:
 Eric P wrote:
  I'm lazy, and I don't feel like reading this entire thread (it seems to
  show up on a regular basis on the list).
  Were any new, constructive insights brought up?  Anyone care to summarize
  this thread on this exhausting topic?

 Summary to date: Noobs keep joining the list and want the name changed
 to match their sensibilities.  They threaten to continue to add to the
 noise part of the signal to noise ratio until they get their way (see
 kill file).  I suggest a new list dedicated to their traffic;
 gimp-name-haters@, thereby relieving the rest of the users and devo's
 from actually having to slog through their repeated attempts at

It's good to see that this happens SO OFTEN that cutesy little paragraphs can 
be written about how a few people know so much better than the Noobs. God, 
what condescension and arrogance.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp vs. Photoshop

2006-12-22 Thread Brendan
On Thursday 21 December 2006 21:06, Tom Williams wrote:
 Brendan wrote:
  On Monday 18 December 2006 19:52, lists wrote:
  Carter castor wrote:
  This goes right to the heart of my biggest complaint about GIMP
  though: its name.  I don't understand why the developers would put so
  much time and hard work into creating a program as professional as
  GIMP and then name it after a slang word for a disabled person.  How
  do you sell that to a corporation?  How do you market that?  The
  people in business suits are going to chose a program named Photoshop
  over Gimp 11 times out of 10.
  Oh my God, let's not start this again.  It's an acronym, get over it.
  Oh wait, Geoffrey says Get over it. Everybody with an opinion or actual
  relevent facts, forget it. Geoffrey said so.

 Well, he's got a valid point.  I don't get why everyone is discussing
 the word Gimp from an English language standpoint when Gimp is an
 *acronym*, as I also pointed out earlier on in this discussion.

 For example,  Sarasota County Area Transit is a name of a transit
 agency and its acronym is rather interesting.  :)

What if they wanted to just call it SCAT, and then pretended to be so 
confused when people laughed? Jeez, it's just an acronym, even if 300 
million people might giggle and laugh when I say it. Oh well, those Indians 
won't laugh when I say GIMP or SCAT.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp vs. Photoshop

2006-12-21 Thread Brendan
On Monday 18 December 2006 19:52, lists wrote:
 Carter castor wrote:
  This goes right to the heart of my biggest complaint about GIMP
  though: its name.  I don't understand why the developers would put so
  much time and hard work into creating a program as professional as
  GIMP and then name it after a slang word for a disabled person.  How
  do you sell that to a corporation?  How do you market that?  The
  people in business suits are going to chose a program named Photoshop
  over Gimp 11 times out of 10.

 Oh my God, let's not start this again.  It's an acronym, get over it.

Oh wait, Geoffrey says Get over it. Everybody with an opinion or actual 
relevent facts, forget it. Geoffrey said so.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp vs. Photoshop

2006-12-21 Thread Brendan
 Speaking about Gimpression, it could be taken as a copy of the MS
 Expression at the time being. I think it is a great name, but people
 tend to exaggerate when it comes to stealing.

What? No. Gimpression would NOT be confused with that. I think it's a great 
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Running Gimp 2.2.12 and 2.3.12 on Windows

2006-12-16 Thread Brendan
On Friday 15 December 2006 17:06, D. Jones wrote:
 I am trying to run both versions of the Gimp in
 Windows XP SP2.  The 2.2 version runs with no
 problems, but the the 2.3 version indicates upon
 running that it is unable to locate libgimp-2.0-0.dll
 or libgimpui-2.0-0.dll.  I set in environment

Same here.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] New error with 2.3.11 and 2.3.10

2006-10-30 Thread Brendan
On Sunday 29 October 2006 14:18, Stephan Hegel wrote:
 Sven Neumann wrote:
  Not if you use the wrapper script that is suggested by the release notes
  and has already been mentioned here.

 Yes, I've posted a little wrapper by myself - you haven't read the whole
 thread carefully, have you ?

 Honestly: who is reading release notes ? This assumption is simply far from
 reality and real world does not work like this. Users/customers expect from
 release notes to get informed about changes, new features, etc. ... but not
 that they have to fiddle around with additional wrapper scripts to get the
 whole thing up and running. What they expect after installing is that the
 program is running out of the box. Right ?

I have to respectfully disagree here.
When something is being released and it's not even production, then yes, you 
should read them. In reading them, you would discover the wrapper script. I 
know because this is how I discovered it, and I am not a Gimp devel, just a 
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Please Change the Derogatory Name

2006-10-03 Thread Brendan
On Friday 29 September 2006 14:05, Sven Neumann wrote:

 On Fri, 2006-09-29 at 06:54 -0600, Roland Hordos wrote:
  While all other credible opensource projects are gaining ground in a
  professional IT setting, the GIMP is being held back because of the
  instant derogatory impact of the name.

 First of all, it's called GIMP, not the GIMP.

 Then, can you proove your claim? I very much doubt that you can because
 it's just FUD. For most people on this planet, GIMP doesn't have any
 special meaning.

Yeah, total disagreement on this one. Please, don't make your argument lack 
any sort of impact by lying.

Pulp Fiction: Bring out the Gimp. Guy in a leather outfit, with a mask. This 
is what 90% of the people say to me when I mention the Gimp for the first 
time. Hey, you remember in Pulp Fiction...Yes, I know. But it's an 
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Please Change the Derogatory Name

2006-10-03 Thread Brendan
On Friday 29 September 2006 15:10, Geoffrey wrote:
 I've also not heard anyone use the term gimp in the way you indicate in
 a very long time.   And I don't believe that's because people are more
 politically correct these days.  I think it's a term that just isn't
 used in this way any longer.

 I think you're blowing this way out of proportion.

Disagree. I just heard it used yesterday. It's a fairly common word. You NOT 
hearing it is not as important if others are hearing it. Granted, I think 
it's far too late to change the name for lots of reasons, but let's not try 
and talk ourselves into believing that it was a good name choice or that it 
doesn't have serious derogatory context to most English-speakers who 
graduated from the fifth grade.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Build Gimp 3.x

2006-08-25 Thread Brendan
On Friday 25 August 2006 19:04, Ben Conley wrote:
 I am trying to build the latest development version of Gimp, but can't
 figure out how to build it.  I am using WinXP, I have Visual Studio 2005,
 and know absolutely nothing about C (I'm a python guy).  Please help!

You might want to read up on it first. Google is your friend, I believe is the 

make sure you configure the program the way you want it first.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Trouble with Open Image box

2006-04-13 Thread Brendan
On Thursday 13 April 2006 06:59, hpv wrote:
 Is there a known solution for this or is it yet another reason why someone
 needs to come up with a replacement for gimp quickly before me and the rest
 of the Linux users switch back to mac or windows because gtk/gnome is
 destroying our desktop?

Quoting is SO last-season.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] important GIMP features for the future ?

2006-04-12 Thread Brendan
On Wednesday 12 April 2006 13:23, Allan Haverholm wrote:

 's all it needs.

No, don't worry about that. Krita has that now.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Time to stick a fork in the GIMP?

2006-03-11 Thread Brendan
On Saturday 11 March 2006 18:39, John R. Culleton wrote:
 On Saturday 11 March 2006 17:00, Michael Schumacher wrote:
  wayne wrote:
   Saw the above article on Newsforge.
  Well, it shows that the author doesn't read the OpenUsability
  forum. Of course, this makes it a suitable article for
  NewsForged, but without proof for the authors claims it is
  I'd highly recommend and appreciate it if anyone who wants to
  participate in the discussion that will take place in this
  thread reads the relevant sources (OpenUsability forum, GIMP
  mailing list archives, news group and Bugzilla for threads
  concerning GIMPShop) himself and in whole. Thank you.

 There has been a history of Gimp leadership downplaying the needs
 of the DTP world. In particular the CMYK color model has been
 avoided. Now there is (slow) movement in that direction, but CMS
 profiles are needed as well.

 Meanwhile other products are coming to the fore that have CMYK
 and CMS capabalities from the start. Among products usable today
 there is Inkscape the drawing program and Scribus, which is more
 of a Quark replacement.

  But a more direct alternative in terms of replacing Gimp
 functionality is Krita, part of the Koffice site but not normally
 distributed with it. Krita is buggier than a summer picnic and
 crashes are frequent. But development is proceeding rapidly and
 the feature set is already impressive. It calls itself a
 painting and image editing program, which is Gimp territory to
 be sure. And one of the principal developers asked me what plug
 ins I especially liked in Gimp, to give him some rainy day
 projects. And it already has CMYK and CMS profiles.

 By no means am I ready to jump ship. But I keep my eyes on these
 other alternatives. Gimp either meets the DTP challenge or will
 have to face a Photoshop port or clone someday. And keep an eye
 on Krita.

Totally agree with this post. When Krita matures, Gimp is going to have some 
insane competition.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimpshop (was: blue + yellow = green)

2006-03-01 Thread Brendan
On Wednesday 01 March 2006 06:01, Manish Singh wrote:
 Scratched an itch, and caused tons of confusion in a community.

Oh well, it's done. Bitching now isn't helping, so why not try to resolve the 
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Can't get this image sharp with GIMP. Any suggestions?

2005-11-01 Thread Brendan
On Tuesday 01 November 2005 04:48 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 09:36:27PM +0100, qeldroma wrote:
  i've got a bad digital camera and want to work over the results. Bad in
  this case means, that i've got good resolution and good results
  concerning the light, but a bad sharpness.
  My idea is, that if i've got a good resolution, what the fact is, there
  must be a way to sharpen it. Isn't it?
  As example you can take the following picture:

 It's blurred, no sharpening can fix that. AFAIK, there are no good methods
 to fix blurring, short of a tripod :-(

Or ditching that case...that thing vibrates the space-time continuum.
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