[Gimp-user] Re: Repositioning image within it's canvas

2003-10-24 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-10-24 at 0936.41 -0500):
> How might I reposition an image (all layers simultaneously) within it's
> canvas?I can reposition a layer component by selecting and dragging;
> Is there a way to accomplish the same thing for the whole image? I am
> still a newbie with gimp and therefore probably haven't even explained
> it right. Any help appreciated.

Try clicking between the eye icon and the layer preview in the layers
list, you should get a four arrows icon, that means the layer becomes
affected by moving too. So lock all the others, then move your active
layer and see how the rest follow.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Noise reduction

2003-09-26 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-09-26 at 2131.40 +0200):
> Are there any built-in functions or scripts for the GIMP that can be
> used to remove or reduce noise in digital photographs?  Does anyone have
> a set of steps to follow to remove noise?  There are several stand-alone
> programs available for Windows that do this but I haven't found any for
> Linux yet.  Anyone know of any?

No scripts, but nice tutorials there.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Re: RGB to BGR script works, but how to run autolevels?

2003-09-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-31 at 0310.49 -0300):
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=119233

Yeah, found it too before your mail.

> Could someone please do the honors?  :-)

Sven added a comment today. Maybe when you get this mail it already
got in (with the slow mailing list, probably, at least before the list
copy arrives :] ).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Re: RGB to BGR script works, but how to run autolevels?

2003-09-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-30 at 2021.33 -0400):
> I might very well file a bug asking for an auto levels script-fu, I'm just 
> really surprized there isn't something available already!  And yes, I've 
> definately been browsing/searching for stuff, otherwise I'd have gotten 
> stuck and not gotten anything done.


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: RGB to BGR script works, but how to run auto levels?

2003-08-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-30 at 1406.58 -0400):
> I also run auto levels on the images when I'm done, but so far it looks like this
> is not possible from Script-fu.  Any updates on there?  At least now I just push
> two buttons instead of decompose, compose, pick images, etc.  

Always use the DB browser to search for things while coding, it is a
great help. You can find other interesting filters there, but I think
none is exactly what autolevels does. You could even try to do
something with histogram, but that would mean some kind of long loop
to analysis all the data.

If unable to find something that solves your problem, you should fill
a bug, asking for an enhancement ("levels should register a PDB call
for auto mode" or whichever useful description you can give).
> (set! new-image-red (car (plug-in-decompose 1 inImage inLayer "Red")))
> (set! new-image-green (car (plug-in-decompose 1 inImage inLayer "Green")))
> (set! new-image-blue (car (plug-in-decompose 1 inImage inLayer "Blue")))

Why not call only one time and work with the list? car gives you the
first element, but you can use cadr for the second, and caddr for the
third. Try typing (caddr '(1 2 3 4)) and (cadr '(1 2 3 4)) in the
Script Fu console to experiment (btw, arrow keys let you edit old

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Letter-Spacing with the Text tool

2003-08-21 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-21 at 1340.29 -0400):
> I'm using Gimp 1.3 on ximian Linux.
> How do I change the spacing between the letters?

Betweens lines you can, between letters no.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Cropping question

2003-08-20 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-20 at 1222.23 -0700):
> Is there an easy way?

For the moment, no, there is not a easy way, you get aspect ratio (via
rectangle select) or resizable (via crop tool), but not both. Check
bugzilla or mailing list archives, it has been covered at least a
couple of times.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: script-fu name

2003-08-19 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-18 at 2356.12 +0200):
> I was wondering: what does the "fu" stand for
> in the name "script-fu" ?
> Does it refer to "kung-fu"?
> or the computer sciencist's "foo"?
> or both? other?

http://manual.gimp.org/manual/GUM/write_scriptfu3.html ;]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: heigtfield texturing

2003-08-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-16 at 1317.19 -0700):
>   I am trying to texture ( for game development) a heightfield that I 
> made in terraform [ can only export like tga or png for gimp]( 3d) and 
> load into gimp.  I can load it into gimp but its greyscale and only 2d 
> which isn't going to help me with texturing 3d objects on the 
> terrain..any ideas?

It varies with the kind of final use you need. You do not specify
which game or how does it work, so all I can give you is some general

If your game can project the texture from the top, you can use the 2d
top view terraform renders as a template. This way is more frequent in
3D apps, not games, and only works with nearly flat surfaces (it is
called planar mapping), otherwise you get visible distortions. To get
an idea, check the first cube that has a beach image in

If your game requires UV mapping, then you will have to find an UV
tool. This tool will get the 3D mesh and create an unwrapped image
that you can paint. It will look like those paper scale kits, that you
cut, bend and glue to create 3D shapes. Look at the following tool
http://www.unwrap3d.com/tutorial_unwrap.html or 3dsmax tutorial
(starting in step "mapping the chest").

You do not specify the level of detail you need either. If the surface
is far away, a rough and small texture is fine. If the players will
walk over the surface, the right way would be to define groups of
polygons and apply tileable textures, cos a big texture will be

All GIMP can do is help you paint things, but you must have a 2d
reference in some way. There was an add on to help with Quake models,
but I have not heard about it in a long time. You will probably have
better luck checking sites and lists of people dedicated to game mods.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Simple Radial lines PS snippet

2003-08-14 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-06 at 1146.34 -0700):
> I tried using the PS snippet to do the radial lines thing, and it comes
> up with the error "PS: Can't interpret file."
> I am using the latest gimp for windows.  Will this affect my ability to
> use PS snippets on gimp? Am I supposed to put it somewhere other than my
> desktop? Thanks

IIRC you need Ghostscript or other PS interpreter.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Sources of Public-Domain Photography and Images

2003-08-10 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-08 at 0751.28 -0700):
> I'm looking for public-domain photography and drawings.  Not just
> royalty-free, because I'm wanting to include them in a collection
> (although it could be creative-commonsly licensed).  Does
> anyone know where such a repository might be?  Would anyone be interested
> in contributing if I were to start one?

Go to http://art.net/~jeremy/ and check the copyright note. You can
try http://www.xach.com/photos/gallery/2000-05-30-textures/ too or
http://home.globalcrossing.net/~jjens/Pics/index.html. There is also a
list in http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain_image_resources
but I have not verified any of them about the license.

I do not remember what is the status of the images used in Grokking
the Gimp, they were from USA governmental sites, dunno if they are OK
with derivative works if original authorship is declared or no
derivatives are disallowed or what. Verify yourself.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Interesting trick using new modes

2003-08-09 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

I have been playing with the new grain extract and merge modes, and I
think I found something interesting:

The idea is to start with a dirty image (dust in camera or scanner) or
old subject (scratches in a car, face wrinkles) and clean it up (but
no miracles).

Make a selection, remembering to use feather option (5-10 is fine),
over the area to clean up. Posibibly setting some help guides now is a
good idea for future steps.

Blur IIR the contents. The value varies with each case, sometimes 10
pix is fine, sometimes it is better 15, some others 10pix two
times. Despeckle or any other smoother filter can be used too.

Move the selection boundary to the place to use as source. Duplicate
the original two times (you have three layers), and set the top one to
grain extract.

Blur IIR the contents. As in the other "smoothing" step, use size and
do as many times as personal taste suggests. It should go from a plain
gray to a bumpy area inside the selection. Instead of blur iir, other
blurs can be used, or a convolution matrix (fill all with 1 and set
auto on, to get a box filter).

Merge down (the reason for two copies and not just one), cut and paste
as new layer. You can discard the layer that is gray with a hole. Set
the pasted layer to mode grain merge, and move it over the area to fix
(here the guides become helpful).

Now it can be left as is, or merged down, cut and pasted as new layer
over an original of the image (no the blurred at all, but the one with
problems), using modes like lighter only (ie to hide a dark spot).

The process can also be done in a different order, first extract the
grain from somewhere, then place over an area to fix, blurring the
damage just before merging the new noise. This way you know what you
have to blur, but maybe you have repeat the process some times cos you
did not extracted enough to cover all in one pass. This other path is
recommened for cases in which textures must match nearly 100% or
otherwise show bad discontinuities.

Anybody that have used latest versions of Photoshop will see this is
similar to healing brush and patch tool, just artesanal. I can not say
it is the same, cos all I have is demo images from friends, playing
some minutes in a machine from a mag office and lots of tutorials I
got from Inet.

My trick is not perfect cos sometimes the values you choose are not
enough, or too much. Having some kind of formula for them would be
better. There is also the problem of fixing areas that are really
damaged (a hole in a photograph), for which the only solution I have
found is to airbrush manually after the blur, with colours that hide
the error. If the colour does not change much, shaperburst gradient
from FG to transparent is a good solution too. In few words, hide the
problem without caring if it looks fuzzy, just make colours match

I have been thinking about selective blur, but changing the condition
(blur pixels that differ more than the setting, not less, as the
current filter). Or another variation in which the bigger the
variation, the bigger the blur (on a side note, selective blur could
be like that, to avoid a sharp cut). Other option would be an
interpolator that used the pixels in the border of the selection as
source to build some kind of web over the problem. Should there be
some kind of itereative colour bleeding filter, it could be tried too.

For those interested, the best sources I found, both as inspiration
and to check what PS does:

Conclusion just in case anybody got lost: modify the damaged area just
keeping the global look, without caring how blured it gets, then
extract the detail from a nice area using grain extract and apply over
the smoothed area with grain merge. Like the film grain tutorial, but
for image detail.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] PNG (Was: PNG and spam.)

2003-08-04 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-08-03 at 1923.01 -0400):
> Someone also suggested on another list that the PNG format precludes 
> CMYK color model. I know that Gimp does not produce CMYK images, but 
> I didn't know whether PNG was an RGB only format. Can someone 
> enlighten me?

It supports samples in RGB or gray.

In other part of the spec they talk about why it is ok for printing,
if the right data chunks are included in the file.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Primitive drawing in Gimp?

2003-07-29 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-07-29 at 1308.36 -0500):
>   I'm somewhat new to gimp (although not to computers). Is there any
> way to draw primitives (lines, squares, circles, etc.)? This would be very
> handy for creating some textures.

You should start with a tutorial about lines, like

Then apply the keys to rectangular and ellipse select tools (you will
see Gimp likes to use some keys a lot), or find some other tutorials
about selections, and fill the selections with the bucket.

Gimp is not a tool like other where you have circle or star or  shape tools. You have to combine the tools, and sometimes
filters, like GFig or Grid.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Bug with Sobel filter ?

2003-07-25 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-07-25 at 1633.12 +0100):
> I think I've found a bug with the sobel filter. However before I fill a bug
> report I'd like to know if it is just specific to the windows version. Can
> people on Linux reproduce this:

I think it is due the way pixels are initialized. Transparent has
colour, just not shown. ;]

Use unerase to see the colour, instead of sobel. In first case you get
the old area in white, then grow area in black. In second case all is
black. New area created by layer to image size is black, and text
function fills all with FG, and just does the heavy work in the alpha

Lots of code has to be reviewed and checked for this kind of problems,
But what do you do in text and grow cases? Fill with BG a pixel away
from text limit? Fill with black? You have to fill with something, the
RGB part of RGBA can not have a "undefined" (blame computers ;] ). In
sobel case, probably check Alpha channel to avoid operation in
transparent areas (supposing it makes sense and can be done), but that
is a different thing than text and grow operations.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: xaos and gimp animation

2003-07-16 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-07-16 at 1200.02 +0100):
> minute gimp can still handle to bits and pieces i'm doing. i need a 
> script to convert x amount of png files into a single xcf file, is that 
> possible ? also xaos outputs three types of file, png (raw image i think) 

You should try GAP's filters. Make sure your sequence has a naming
scheme like foo_0001.png, foo_0002.png, etc and then use Frames to
Image to put all the files as layers of a new one.

In worst case, you will have to use a shell script to rename your
files to something GAP likes.

> which isn't ideal, i would like to work with these files and obvioulsy
> opening them one by one in gimp is considering the amount niegh
> impossible.

GAP has a navigator and lets you apply a filter multiple times. Maybe
you do not have to load all the image into a XCF. Really, you should
give GAP a try, it sounds like want you want. That, and read mencoder
and ImageMagick's docs more, for small editing and compression you
should have enough.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Hex Drawing

2003-07-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-07-01 at 1953.26 -0300):
> hmm.. I think I will just write a Python plugin for drwaing the  hexes 
> straight into The Gimp. It seens that people like it at all.

A special purpose filter would be nice, like the Grid or Checkerboard
ones; a lot if it does not show the "small" size limits of Mosaic (see

> And yes, when I first designed this script, it was also for drawing a
> board for a game. :-)

There is another way to do hexagons (discovered it while trying to
make surfaces with holes in hex pattern): Mosaic filter with white
layer as input, set Tile Neatness to 1.0, Tile Spacing to the line
thickness you want, Tile Height to 1.0 and Color Variation to 0.0.
Sadly, max size is 100 pixels.

For the curious, after getting the basic shape, some blur+levels
iterations and you get round holes. I have the script if anybody wants
it (Perl one working, Scheme translation not finished :[ ).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Edit Alpha channel as Mask script

2003-03-22 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-03-22 at 1850.44 +0100):
> I've just completed a Script-Fu script that some people may find quite
> useful (I've missed this functionality myself several times). The
> purpose is to convert a layer's Alpha channel into a mask for editing
> it and later using Apply Layer Mask to put it back. The idea is
> similar to what QuickMask does with selections.

Maybe you can poke at the attached script, a bit old, for reference
see http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gimpi/message/1479 and other posts
about tribes 2 video game. This one does not lose the selection, IIRC.

 ;;; The GIMP -- an image manipulation program
;;; Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
;;; script-fu-alpha-to-mask
;;; Moves the transparency of a layer to the layer mask
;;; Copyright (c) 2001 Guillermo S. Romero
;;; famrom infernal-iceberg.com
;;; ### License  ###
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You can get a copy of the GNU General Public License from
;;; http://www.gnu.org/, the site of the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;; ### Versions ###
;;; 1.00.00 Initial release (bug in L,C&P thumbnails?)
;;; 1.01.00 Support for existent mask added (merges transp and mask)
;;; ### Inline Documentation ###
;;; # Intro #
;;; Tribes 2, a 3D game, uses RGBA PNGs as skins. The RGB are used for
;;; the colour, and the A for the quantity of environment mapping.
;;; Or at least that is what I have read.
;;; # Requirements #
;;; This plugin was developed with Gimp 1.2.1 CVS
;;; Check all your plugins and scripts in the DB Browser before reporting bugs
;;; It merges the current layer mask, if any, so you keep all info
;;; # Parameters #
;;; None the user can play with
;;; # Debugging and to-do #
;;; Look for ";; @" comments

;; Helper functions from neon-logo.scm
(define (set-pt a index x y)
   (aset a (* index 2) x)
   (aset a (+ (* index 2) 1) y)))

(define (AlphaSpline)
  (let* ((a (cons-array 6 'byte)))
(set-pt a 0 0 255)
(set-pt a 1 127 255)
(set-pt a 2 255 255)

;; The function
(define (script-fu-alpha-to-mask inImg inDrw)

  ;; Start
  (gimp-undo-push-group-start inImg)

  ;; Merge mask if any
  (set! OrigMask (car (gimp-layer-mask inDrw)))
  (if (not (= OrigMask -1))
  (gimp-image-remove-layer-mask inImg inDrw APPLY))

  ;; Create a new mask
  (set! Mask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask inDrw ALPHA-MASK)))
  (gimp-image-add-layer-mask inImg inDrw Mask)

  ;; Unerase
  (gimp-curves-spline inDrw 4 6 (AlphaSpline))

  ;; End
  (gimp-undo-push-group-end inImg)
  ;; @ The image thumbnail does not update nice
  ;; @ Undo then redo and it refreshes to the right state
  ;; @ Or change to another image and back, to force the refresh too
  ;; @ A refresh call is missing in the C code, maybe fixed for Gimp 1.4

;; Register!
(script-fu-register "script-fu-alpha-to-mask"
_"/Script-Fu/Utils/Alpha to layer mask"
"Moves the transparency of a layer to the layer mask"
"Guillermo S. Romero"
"2001 Guillermo S. Romero"
SF-IMAGE "Image where to work" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable to modify" 0)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: GIF format, where is it ?

2003-03-16 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-03-16 at 1434.43 +):
> > > Does gimp support GIF ?
> > If you are running gimp on windows, you must install the separately
> > available lzw to support gif.
> Im running gimp on Debian Linux 3.0 Woody,

apt-get install gimp-nonfree

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: color conversion tips?

2002-12-25 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-12-24 at 1531.58 -0800):
> You said you wanted to select the colors that were "close to" white.  To do 
> this, just use threshold on the value channel and pick up only that part of 
> the histogram that is "close to" white.  This will give you a bi-level image 
> from which you can then select the white parts, using the selection on the 
> original image and filling with white (or whatever other color you want).

I would use Levels or Curves to push to white, simpler and smoother
results than Threshold and Fill. For other colours, no, but for white,
or any colour you can control via channels (directly or decompose &
compose back), yes.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Gimp 2.0

2002-12-25 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-12-25 at 1127.35 +):
> What is the schedule for Gimp 2.0?

If what you want is dates, the old saying: when it is done [1]. First
is making 1.3 become 1.4 and then probably start a 1.5 or 1.9 series
that will become 2.0. 1.4 could appear by 2005... so you will be safe
if you think 2.0 will be ready in 2010 [2]. :]

1: Serious, it is the way these projects work. Global ideas, but no
fixed dates.
2: Joke, repeat with me: j-o-k-e.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] About subscriptions (Was: Re: Two Questions...)

2002-12-14 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-12-14 at 1801.32 +0100):
> I'm really mad now, it's fucking impossible to get of this mailing list. I
> have recieved this unsubscribe mail, and I have confirmed it. Still I get
> mail from this list.
> Get me off, or I'm going to spam you like you spam me..

You should mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or manish@xcf)
and tell him the problems you have.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Help with gimps perl-server

2002-12-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-12-01 at 1940.28 -0500):
> inside gimps gui.  The problem is this system has no xwindows and is a
> linux web hosting server without a display.  

For gimp 1.2 you must have X "running", but you do not need X with
video card, mouse and the full pack, VNC or Xvfb are enough. That way
you can run gimp with a fake display and keep it running there, with
server being launched in the same command line (use script-fu for
that) and the rest done via request to server.

The problem is that gimp always uses gtk, and that requires the
display, so no display, no gimp (1.3 can run without display... but
perl has not been updated yet, iirc).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: FireAnim.scm on Gimp 1.2.3

2002-11-27 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-11-27 at 1227.08 -0600):
> and I have the same problem. It will go through the motions of
> creating the animated image, but the final image is just an exact
> duplicate of the first. The only difference is there are now several
> layers set for animation.

The layers are the images of the anim. Movies are image after image,
Gimp uses layers as "grouping tool". You have to save as GIF and
follow the dialogs it will present (anim or merge, iirc), then web
browsers will play the anim (if configured to do so). You can also use
 / Filters / Anim / Animate to playback (you can try it in any
image with layers, it can be fun).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Re: tool-config cannot be saved

2002-11-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-11-12 at 1812.52 +0100):
> > Development versions are released so people can help find the
> > problems, not blindly complain.
> and who defines what a so called "problem" is? i cannot remember
> to"blindly complain" about things, i just told my thoughts as a gimp
> user in a gimp-user mailinglist - thats all.

Investigation and debugging do. Later you checked the console (that is
another mail I got now), but firstly you did not considerer "not
implemented yet".

>From your mail:
i wonder how i can save my tool-seetings, for example for "move" etc. -
i hit the save-button, but each time i reload the gimp, default settings
are used, my settings are not restored.

Running from a console is good thing, as is being able to run a
debugger or at least get stack traces. Also being able to poke inside
the code helps. Patches fixing the problem help even more.

If you do not feel happy with all that, use 1.2 and wait until 1.4 is
released, or 1.3 is announced to be in the final phase. Currently 1.3
is in constant change, so what works today can stop working for some
days. Font tool has been in that state for some time, ie, and now it
is not finished either.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Re: Problems with layer masks...

2002-11-08 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-11-08 at 1652.12 +):
> I forgot to say that I use gnome 1.4 and sawfish. Is this the case
> you're referring to in your message?

Could be. The real thing is to open the config tool or documentation,
and see if there is any Alt+Click in it (probably there is).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Problems with layer masks...

2002-11-08 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-11-08 at 1318.34 +):
> alternatevely framed in red. But Alt-clicking on the same tumbnail I
> do not see any effect. I expect to see the thumbnail framed in green
> and the mask appear in the image but nothing of the kind is occurring
> and nothing is signalled by the Gimp.

Moving selections could also fail (uses Alt too). Check the startup

> What should I do, check (or whatever verb you like)?

Probably your window manager is playing tricks. Some wm like to use
Alt+Click for things (and Alt+Move and so on), so the apps never see
that operation. You will have to change your wm to use some spare
keys. Super and Hyper are rarely used by apps, and you can do
remapping with xkeycaps..

Other way is loading via xmodmap the following (~/.xmodmap.changes
ie, "!" means comment):
! Alt works as Alt and as Meta
keycode 64 = Alt_L Meta_L
! Make the rare keys work as Hyper
clear mod4
keycode 115 = Hyper_L
keycode 116 = Hyper_R
add mod4 = Hyper_L Hyper_R

You can use Super_L and Super_R instead of Hyper_R and Hyper_L.

117 is the menu key, if you want to change that one too (for example
to Multi_key, aka compose key).

In init scripts you can run:
xmodmap ~/.xmodmap.changes
xset -r 115
xset -r 116
so the changes are applied and the keys do not repeat.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Unusual font

2002-10-29 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
Seems the reply got lost somewhere.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-10-25 at 2109.22 -0600):
> My husband does all the technical stuff for me, but we do have a font
> called Keystroke that came with Corel draw. There is another one
> called Keycaps. You might do a search and find a source for it.
> > In one of my previous installations of Gimp there was a font in which
> > each glyph looked like a keyboard key with a letter on it. Is was
> > intended no doubt for computer manuals and such. 
> > Does anyone remember the font, and have a current source of supply?

Judy gave me an idea:
xlsfonts | grep -i key

Maybe what you are missing is the freefonts and sharefonts packs, they
are in the GIMP FTP.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: mimicking gnome desktop feature

2002-10-29 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-10-29 at 1403.22 -0500):
> I want to mimic that effect with the gimp. I have a desktop background 
>and I would like to blend a photo into the background. The idea is 
> for the photo to have that hammered out (like an image made of 
> hammered out copper) look using the existing background color.

Try bumpmap or lightining effects (this last one is a pain).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: transparent

2002-10-16 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-10-16 at 1712.59 +0200):
> If you want to save an image with transparenz, save it as .gif or
> .png. Other formats don't allow transparent images.

Some other formats support transparency, but for web, gif and png are
the best (anybody seen mng in webpages other than demos?). As "work in
progress" format, use .xcf (gimp native format, supports layers,
guides and other interesting info) or its compressed versions .xcf.gz
and .xcf.bz2 (gimp handles all if you write a name like foo.xcf.bz2 in
the save dialog, and loads them back without extra job too, just write
the name or click the list).

Check for more info about formats:
http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/~mxr/gfx/ (fails for me currently)
http://www.audre.org/GraphicFAQ/ (mirror of first link)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: biggish images

2002-10-11 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-10-11 at 0037.23 +0200):
> At 300 dpi, it seems I have to create an image 9933 pixels wide by
> 14043 pixels deep (A0 being 33.11 x 46.81 inches), forgetting the
> margins for the moment. That's 140 megapixels, or about 3 gigabytes
> in 24bit colour. I fear my machine would be swapping until Doomsday.

Uh? What kind of maths do you use? Seems you have a problem with
megapixels and mega/gigabytes. 9933 (pixels) * 14043 (pixels) * 3
(bytes/pixel) = 418 467 357, around 400MB, never 3GB. You do not
multiply by 24, but by 3, the number of pixels you have. 3 bytes,
being each one composed of 8 bits, gives 24 bits. Computer RAM and
disks use that same unit currently, bytes made of 8 bits, not the
plain bits.

> Dropping it to 75 dpi works out at about 9 megapixels or about 200
> megabytes - much more manageable, but will it look any good?

At 75DPI you have 2484 * 3511 * 3 = 26 163 972 bytes, around 26MB. Of
course, as soon as you add the app, the layers, the data for things
shown in screen, the rest of the OS and apps, you require more, but
that is when you are already working, not just to start.

At 150DPI, a computer with 512MB is going acceptably, the image is
108MB. If you go for 200DPI (or better, ask which is the range the
printshop machines handle without giving bad results, and make sure
you get the number of pixels per inch of the image, not the dots per
inch of the printer) for a poster, you require around 185MB for the
image. A computer with a GB or more should be fine to work in it.

And after doing all the maths, I realized Gimp can be used as a
calculator for this with the new image dialog. Set the inches (or
whatever unit you have, A0 is more mm friendly), set the DPI (read it
as pixels per inch, or "image file dots") and it tells you the size of
the base layer.

> What do other people do for poster-size work?

Start with original images at the required size or use vector
graphics, for example.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Gimp SLOW!!!

2002-10-10 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-10-10 at 1811.23 -0400):
>  I hava very fast AMD & 1/2 gig mem & big swap space & am using SuSE pro 
> 8 OS. Normal for Gimp? soon to be fixed? continue to use PhS in windoz?

Did you tunned the cache config option (asked in first setup, or via
 / Preferences / Environment / Resource Consumption) or run
with the default value (32MB, iirc)? It is the classical "Gimp is
slow" problem, could be something else, but better start with the more
normal cases.

You should set it to something like 256 or 384MB (that means Gimp will
use up to that value of RAM+swap provided by the OS, and above that
would use its own swap system). You can even set it to 512MB or more,
so Gimp data will use OS swap, which could be faster than the app swap
(depends where OS swap is and where app swap file is, pretty clear
when OS swaps to a fast local disk and app swaps to network disk).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Crop & resize

2002-09-18 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-09-19 at 1057.04 +1200):
> I can not work out how to crop & resize with a constrained aspect ratio.
> In Photoshop, using the crop tool, I put in the width & height
> dimensions in pixels, make the crop selection and crop.  The resulting
> crop has the right dimensions to stick straight on my web page.  How can
> I do this in GIMP???

Start the crop and control the size and positions with the window that
appears. By moving the corners where two lines cross, you can change
the placement without changing the size.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Using script-fu-drop-shadow in another script

2002-09-18 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-09-18 at 1515.25 -0400):
> Hey Jeff, how come I am receiving all of your e-mails, and how do I stop
> it.

Do you mean unsubscribe from gimp user list?

>From the headers:
List-Unsubscribe: ,

>From the mail body, at the end:

Some day mail apps will finally understand what a mailing list is and
provide tools to help when you are subscribed, like unsubcribe from
list or search in archives (another header has that info, ie). :]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: is there a way to edit an existing textlayer created with freetype2?

2002-09-18 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-09-10 at 1417.25 +0200):
> i created one text-layer with: image->filter->render->freetype2. after some
> time i want edit the text. but the layer can not be edited only a new one
> will created. of course i've selected the right layer and right-clicked on
> it but the plugin shows only the settings of the last created text-layer!

No, there is no way with freetype. You can use the gdyntext filter if
you have it, that one allows editing. For gimp 1.4 there is hope that
the good rendering of freetype is mixed with the edit capabilities of
gdyntext, but for the moment, nothing yet.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: gimp-1.3.8 - where is gimp-remote?

2002-09-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-09-17 at 0028.20 +0200):
> as the subject says - i'm searching for gimp-remote - need it for
> gqview, a imageviewer which can load images via "edit in gimp" into
> gimp using gimp-remote.

Here I have gimp-remote-1.3 (use your shell completion and see what
you can get in your computer that starts with gimp).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: entering non-ascii symbols in text tool

2002-08-25 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-08-25 at 1543.17 -0400):
> I need to enter the trademark symbol as text.
> I know how to pop up the font/text selection dialog
> but don't have a clue re entering characters 
> that aren't on the keyboard.  

I think you are using Unix version, so you have to play with
Mode_switch key (AltGr) and Multi_key (Compose or RShift+AltGr), so
you can access the full X11 kbd mapping. Use xev tool to check where
are the keys, and xkeycaps if you need to remap or to get a full view
of your kbd.

Once you have that, press AltGr and other key (like Shift and other
key to get uppercase) to get some things, the 3th (AltGr) and 4th
(AltGr and Shift) item in xkeycaps KeySym field. Other things require
pressing three keys, like typing a three letter word (press and
release), Multi_key thing1 thing2. You can get the list of
combinations if you search for Compose in your disk (like
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-1/Compose). "thing1" and "thing2"
can be things that require Shift.

All this sounds weird, and probably a char picker would be nice, but
for those that use some chars frequently it is better than Alt plus
some number in NumPad. I think it is easier to remember "Multi_key /
o" (/ is Shift plus 7 here, btw) to get ø or Mode_switch plus s to get
ß (think german double s) or plus C (Shift plus c) to get ©. Macintosh
as something like this too (LeftAlt alone or with Shift plus a key).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: gimp plugin for creating tilable textures??

2002-08-18 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-08-18 at 2242.35 +1200):
> "texsynth" (http://www.bpeers.com/software/texsynth/)is the main one


And of course, all the manual approaches.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Fwd: GIF support under Linux?]

2002-07-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-07-13 at 1320.13 -0700):
> Thanks Jeff  the "indexed mode" changed enabled the GIF
> extension when trying to save.

Better trick: write foo.gif as name and leave the format as "by
extension", hit Save. Magic, a window asks you if there must be
conversion. :]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Using text and anchor layer

2002-06-18 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-06-18 at 1442.30 +0200):
> I have yet to see the "anchor layer" menu item activated. It seems
> always to be greyed out. Is this normal?

That is for floating layer, an old thing... I think it will disappear
in the future. Basically every time someone sees "floating layer" in
the dialog he should hit "new layer" button and keep working.

> When I use the standard text tool and click on my background, a font
> dialog pops up, and I can select all the desired font
> characteristics. None of these are reflected in the "preview"
> window, into which I've typed my text. Then when I click "OK",
> absolutely nothing at all happens, except that the dialog
> disappears. No text appears on the background. I'm fairly sure I'm
> not creating text in the background colour, too. So, is the standard
> text tool just unusably broken, or am I missing some vital step or
> doing something else really dumb?

Dunno, maybe out of screen or weird colour. You should forget about it
anyway, use GDynText or the FreeType one.

> So, I try the dynamic text tool. Much better, at least I can get
> text to appear, and the preview *does* show me all the selected
> characteristics. Placement is always at top left of the background
> layer, on a separate GDynText layer. To position the text I have to
> then position the text layer over the background. Not much of a
> problem. However, I can't anchor this layer. "Merge down" works, but
> then of course the text becomes one with everything and is no longer
> separately manipulable.

You can move it, and you can edit that layer and it will keep the new
position. Merging down the layer is bad if you really do not need, cos
you lose the edit feature, as well as the option to move the text. If
you use GDynText in a GDynText layer, you ented edit mode (it has some
bugs about forgeting the encoding, but it is pretty nice).

> Now, maybe I don't actually *need* to anchor the text - however, a
> great many articles and tutorials about the Gimp make use of this
> feature, which seems to me to be permanently disabled. Have I
> fundamentally misunderstood something here?

OK, my prefered method for text: GDynText and keep the layers as they
are, except renaming them to "T: ".
Plain tool is not an option, nor good rendering nor save info, and the
FreeType based text tool, while good rendering, does not keep the info
for edition (my usage requires more editing than very high quality).

For the record: what I have heard is that next version will have good
quality and save info feature. Current solutions are band aids and
will be kept in 1.2 (only bugs are solved in 1.2).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: modify text

2002-06-09 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-06-09 at 2215.05 +0200):
> is it possible to modify text we just added?


> if it is possible,then how can i do that?

...use GDynText and do not anchor, just keep the text layers. When you
use the text tools with GDynText on a GDynText layer, you edit the
contents. Other text tools (plain one and freetype) do not save the
info, so you have to reenter all the data, which is a pain. I am using
GDynText for the text of a comic strip, and I can not imagine working
without the save info feature GDynText implements (info is saved in
.xcf files, so it works from one session to another too).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Tutorial Pointers Page in PDF format (former : Re. Good tutorial in PDF format)

2002-06-08 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-06-08 at 1008.18 -0700):
>From his headers, Stephen Liu is on a windows machine, which means he
>may lack most of the nice linux/unix web tools such as wget, etc.
>Are there any other windows users out there who have tried to
>download/convert the various GIMP tutorials?

wget exists for Win32, so do lot of Unix tools (search for Cygwin or
POSIX or any other terms), like a decent shell. Dunno if NS is capable
of printing to PS directly under MS Windows, and that is a first step
towards the ps2pdf path.

But I know there are ways to print to PDF in Win32 quite easily:
http://hamgate.upc.es/aru/links/docs/pdf/pdf.html. It is in Spanish,
so not very useful as is (I have exams and the only Win32 I have
access to are in Univ, aka I will not able to translate it soon, and I
will need somebody to do screenshots). Other option is that somebody
create a new doc similar to the hamgate one with info from

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Tutorial Pointers Page in PDF format (former : Re. Good tutorial in PDF format)

2002-06-08 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-06-08 at 1726.04 +0800):
> They are web-pages.  Then I have to save all of them page by page.  It 
> shall take me a lengthy time to complete not including the time to print 
> them to a .pdf file.

There are tools to get web pages automatically, like wget. For
conversion too, like html2pdf or html2ps + ghostscript or htmldoc or
print from the browser to a pdf file (virtual printer trick). Just
search for the tools first, then let the computer work for you.

Also remember that the format of the web is HTML, not PDF, so it is
normal to find few things in PDF and a lot in HTML. OTOH, I just did a
quick test, hit print in NS, selected file, then converted the ps to
pdf. Not completly automatic, but not too long. For mass conversion, I
would print everything to ps, then run a script to convert all the ps
in the directory to pdf. And I would get the files with the proper
names, not some weird names, so I doubt it is really a waste of time.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: gimp slowing computer

2002-06-07 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-06-07 at 1410.55 -0400):
> When I boot into windows and use Photoshop, everything works well - I can
> open 10 images relatively quickly and without hanging the computer.
> Any idea why gimp is performing so poorly?  I don't really want to
> upgrade to 1.2.3 now because I don't have a broadband connection, and
> that might not fix the problem.
> Do you think it would help if I ran gimp with a lower job priority (or
> whatever they call that).  I forget how to do it, but I could figure it
> out.  But then the images might just open even slower.

What is the size of the gimp cache you have (check in preferences /

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Must there be a new toolbox for every new image I open?

2002-05-29 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-05-28 at 1937.18 -0500):
> Is there a command line switch you could use, so that if you're
> already running GIMP, and load a new image, it would be included in
> the current session, instead of having a new toolbox created?


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Gamma correction in GUI?

2002-05-22 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-05-22 at 1038.41 -0400):
> I would like to perform gamma correction on my scans.

For those operations use the Curves or Levels tools, in  /
Image / Colors. Gamma is in the Levels tool, the middle number of top
row (0, 1.0, 255; the 1.0), but both tools are good for adjusting

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: can't open jpeg file

2002-05-07 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-05-07 at 1756.22 +0200):
> Somebody has sent me about 20 jpeg images. I could open all of them
> except one. This one was bigger than the others (I don't know why),
> its size was 952041.

When in doubt, use file command ($ file filename) to detect what kind
of format the file has (not the first time someone names a file with
the wrong extension).

> Gimp's answer was: "don't know how to load JPEGSs with 4 color
> channels".
> What can I do?

If it really is a JPEG, I think ImageMagick's convert can read those
CMYK / RGBA files (it seems some app decided those in kinds of JPEGs
are readable by everyone without notification) and save to something
readable by Gimp, like PNG.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Pipes or tubes - plugins, tutorials, howto's?

2002-04-28 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-04-28 at 0905.11 -0700):
> Is there a better way of creating tubes|pipes within
> the gimp? Other programs offer plugins that
> specifically create tubes|pipes.

You can apply other apps' tutorials, or at least get ideas, ie:

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Scripted Gimp Protocol 1 error

2002-04-19 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-04-19 at 1906.42 +0200):
> >... the above 2 are less valuable as I DON'T want display.
> Well, but gimp does ;)

AKA it needs a VNC display or a Xvfb to be happy (it is not so hard to
get one of those), and that is a must in 1.2. :]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: tif2xcf (perl plugins don't register)

2002-04-14 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-04-14 at 0231.48 -0400):
> you need to have the pdl (perl data language) http://pdl.perl.org/ for
> many (not all) of the perl plug-ins to work.

I count around 6 with PDL and over 60 without in the basic distro. So
s/many/few/. Dunno if tif2xcf requires it, statistics always lie. :]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: what is optical resolution

2002-04-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-04-12 at 1217.06 -0400):
> I don't currently have a digital camera.  I use the new Kodak format and for

What Kodak format? Are you talking about typical relfex camera with
35mm film or another thing?

> the developing process I request digitized photos.  I don't now recall the
> size of each photo-file return (via CD) but I think each photo-file is a
> jpeg file under 1 Meg.

And in pixels? That is what really counts... and well, they could give
you too something better than JPEG too (aka something lossless).

> So my real question is should I buy a $200 HP camera at 1.3 Meg pixels or a
> $ 200 HP scanner?

If you can afford the development costs (both negative and a mid/small
size paper copy), the scanner. Also film has better range.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: what is dpi, ppi and lpi

2002-04-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-04-12 at 0919.27 -0500):
> >  Can anyone tell me the difference between dpi, ppi and
> > lpi ? If my intention is to print a picture measuring
> > 8"x10", at what resolution should I scan ?
> dpi = dots per inch

This causes confusion, some file formats say DPI, and monitors
too... but IMHO they should say PPI. Dots per inch, but what kind of
dots? Multilevel ones like pixels? Single level like ink jets? Single
level but mix capable like dye based printers (so multilevel)?

> ppi = pixels per inch

What monitors and files have.

> lpi = lines per inch

Or how many different lines of a set of shades you can have per inch
with a halftoning printer (newspapers, laser printers, normal ink
jets). The more shades (b&w, 16 grays...) you want the less lines you
can paint (the less fine the detail is), but more intensity levels
avaliable (always supposing same printer).

> to know the minimum you need to scan you'll need to know what sort of dpi
> your printer is capable of printing.
> 8000 x 10,000 pixels!

Umm, eek! The guys I know work at 300-400 DPI and A4 (210 * 297
mm) output, that gives around 3300 * 4700 pixels, less than 8000 *
1. And they do not use home printers, but professional machines
with good inks and papers. For home ones I guess 200-300 is more than
enough, and that means 2400 * 3300 for a full 8*10, so check what size
the original is, and scan so you get that many pixels.

> Pretty easy eh?

It is not. You will always find problems, due inexperience, not fixed
definitions or whatever. Some references are http://www.aim-dtp.net/
and http://desktoppub.about.com/library/weekly/aa101800a.htm, in this
last one they already say that terms are mixed, and they add SPI
(samples, about scanners, normally called DPI or PPI, being PPI the
most near, cos a "pixel is sample", IMO).

OK, I think I made it even more confusing now. :]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: what is optical resolution

2002-04-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-04-12 at 0549.14 +):
>  Can anyone explain to me what optical resolution means. I 
> am looking at the product specification of an Epson scanner 
> and it says that the optical resolution is 1600x3200 dpi. 
> What does this mean ?

It means the scanner can "see" that many real dots, it can sample that
info from the documents directly. In digital cameras the concept is
similar, the good thing is optical zoom, not digital zoom, cos it
performs the operation directly, not as post process or similar

Internally the hardware have some elements, not necessarily matching
the pixels you will get, but arranged and designed in such a way that
the maximum optimum number of pixels is what "optical resolution"

> The software that comes with the scanner I have gives me a 
> choice to scan upto 9600 dpi. How do I know whether this 
> value is the optical resolution or the software 
> interpolated resolution ?

If it is above optical specs, it is interpolated. I can think a case
in which app wants to give mid resolution at high speed, and scans at
low resolution and then fakes... which is a nasty trick. This trick
should not happen when using maximum quality settings with less or
equal resolution than declared "optical".

In some scanners interpolated is (a bit) better than scaling the image
afterwards, cos the driver has access to the full range of info (some
scan in 30 bits vs 24 of images, for example) as well as knowing how
it is made the hardware and thus can guess better. But you should
always pay attention to optical, it is the real limit, other things
are tricks.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: action files in GIMP

2002-04-07 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-04-07 at 1726.51 -0400):
> don't really know exactly what an action file is but it seems there might be
> a way to parse (or parse?) the action file to see what's in it. Then perhaps
> translate it to a fu-script? Can anybody clue me in on whether this type of
> thing would be possible. Or possibly already done? Please send me a response

Start with:

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: KDE-gimp

2002-04-01 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-04-01 at 0944.48 -0800):
> I think he might be asking when gimp will be able to "hook-in" to KDE such 
> that KDE themes, etc, will appy to gimp as with other KDE "aware" apps. In 
> other words, when will gimp be a "KDE-aware" app or will it continue to be 
> an X app on Linux?

Nitpicking? GIMP is not an X app on Linux either. It runs without X
and in other OSes, like Win32 family, MacOSX, IRIX, *BSD... :]

What he wants to know is when he will be able to remove the GTK+ parts
and put QT, I guess. As devel is going, I dunno when (I dunno when 1.4
will be ready either, and that is easier), but I guess that he will
still need GLib and just be able to remove the top GTK+ part, thus not
making it really QT but a frankenstein.

Probably it would be less time and better for everyone if a global way
to share GTK+ <-> QT themes was created, or a translator or something,
instead of trying to fix things app by app. If the problem is the look
and feel, fix that, not chop and rewrite the full app, cos that is
going to be nasty. About filsesystem access, well, maybe there should
be a way to do a generic, more OS level, lib and / or fs, instead of
doing one for GNOME, another for KDE and nothing for the rest.

When it is done, supposing it is possible. And it should be asked in
devel, not user.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Question about brushes

2002-03-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-03-30 at 0840.04 -0600):
> I would like to have more choices for brushes, for especially when I
> use the clone tool. I restore old photos for people here in Corozal,
> Belize. How can I make a different size brush?

Open the brushes dialog and you have a basic start set. There is a
"new" button to add more brushes (rounded shape only). And you can
create small images and save them in ~/.gimp-1.2/brushes/ as .gbr to
have even more diverse shapes (like stars, squares, fruits...).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: black and yellow stripes

2002-03-24 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-03-24 at 1459.22 -0700):
>   There is a black and yellow stripe border in gimp image windows,

It is the layer boundary and use  / View / Toggle Selection to
turn off and on. In next versions (1.3.x, what will be 1.4) it is
separated from the Selection option, so you control the selection
marching ants separately.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: How to move Script-Fu Directory?

2002-03-10 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-03-10 at 2147.05 +0100):
> That works very well with all the directories which are mentioned in the
> preferencies, but I don't  know, how to organise this for the Script-Fu
> directory.

Use a symlink, so your Linux ~/.gimp-1.2/scripts/ is not a real dir,
but a link that points to the MS Windows dir that has the scripts.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Gimp and dpi

2002-02-25 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-02-25 at 1427.56 -0800):
> In PhotoShop, it gives you a place to specify the dpi to use when saving a 
> file.  Does this same, or similar, function exist in Gimp?

In GIMP it is in the scale image operation and lives with the image.
Change the DPI resolution X and Y and leave the pixels fixed, GIMP
will recalculate the physical units. Then open the info window and
check, same pixels, different DPI.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Print Screen Option

2002-02-06 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-02-06 at 1102.38 -0600):
> I am working on a Linux Workstation (Red Hat 7.2) using GIMP version 1.2.1,
> Anyway i wanted to use the PrintScreen option to save the contents on the
> screen (Monitor) and paste it as a new image on GIMP. I am sure it's just a
> simple key i need to press along with PrtScn ?

The GIMP way is /File/Acquire/Screen Shot...

For doing it via keys and without GIMP, you have to use your window
manager or other application that will intercept the key and call a
screenshoter app. Yeah, sounds a weird method but X11 works that way,
and it is better in the end (you can screenshot via scripts, or other
machine monitors if you have access and lot of other things). Distros
just do not come with a sane default configured, and that is the
problem, not the way it is done.

Which reminds me to polish my shell + sawfish scripts and publish them
soon. I can send you a copy as they are, if you want. But it does not
open GIMP, just makes the shoot and saves to a file, then launchs an
app if you want (viewer, ie).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Announcement: New Mailing list script-fu@yahoogroups.com

2002-02-05 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-02-05 at 0610.54 -0800):
>However subscription to the mailing list is still needed
> if you want to post or upload files to the files area of
> the list.

Clarification: posting is allowed if you subscribe, uploading if you
subscribe *and* have a Yahoo ID. IOW how Yahoo Groups work.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: how to correct optical distortions of wide-angle lenses?

2002-01-24 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2002-01-24 at 2124.01 +0100):
> The spherical distortion and other , let me say "defects or 
> construction-bugs" of the lens are not what i ment, but the very common 
> effekt that the baseline of a building on the print is for example 5 
> inches, and the top floor is only 3 inches, but it should be 
> rectangluar.

Use the transform tool. Grokking the GIMP has some examples.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Plugin Problems / JPEGS

2001-12-21 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-12-21 at 1645.51 -0500):
> Well, i downloaded Kuickshow, opened and resaved the jpg's and gifs, but
> still no luck.  When i try to save as .xcf Kuickshow gives me an error about
> cannot save, see if disk is full (35 mb remaining, not full).  Also still
> cannot save images as other than *xcf.

If another apps fails, with that file formats... I would check that
libjpeg and other image libs are installed and working, cos it seems
your problem are not apps, but the libs used by those apps.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Re: truetype fonts & gimp

2001-11-25 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-11-22 at 1005.55 -0800):
> Hi, Guillermo:  Happy Thanksgiving Day wherever you are.

A place where we do not have that holiday. Thanks anyway. :]

> Well, I was expecting a change in the font selection list in Gimp1.2 after 
> running fetchmsttfonts.  Didn't see it.  So, I'm thinking there has to be 
> another step to take, to have Gimp see the newly installed fonts.  

Make sure your X sees the font, with "xlsfonts | grep arial" ie. The
steps should be in the X docs or howtos. Depending on the distro, they
create the necesarry files when they detect a new font dir when
restarting the font server, if not, only option is docs.

> Then tell Gimp something someplace? to see it.

Then restart Gimp so it gets the new list from X.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: truetype fonts & gimp

2001-11-22 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-11-21 at 2159.29 -0800):
> One question to ask.. which version of X does SuSE 7.1 come
> with? I'm not familiar with it, but if it's => 4.0, you won't need
> fetchmsttfonts, as Truetype font support is included in XFree86
> 4.*. Check the version of X first, and we'll get your fonts set up.

If IIRC, fetchmsttfonts is not about supporting fonts, but about
downloading and installing the MS fonts. For XFv4 you can use them
directly, and in older ones you can use a font server (in both cases
read the docs about how to add new font dirs). Anyway, with GIMP that
is necessary for the normal and gdyntext texts, freetype plug-in
supports the fonts by itself.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Howto convert 32 bit image to 16bit

2001-11-21 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-11-21 at 1546.45 -0500):
> Gunnar> I have a 32 bit PNG image that I wish to convert to a 16
> Gunnar> bit PNG image.  Can the GIMP do that for me (if so, please
> Gunnar> tell me how)? Or would you recomend any other tool for
> Gunnar> that?
> Really?  According to the libpng man page, PNG stores "RGB pixels
> packed into 3 or 6 bytes" and "PNG files reduce possible bit depths to
> 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16", i.e., there isn't any such thing as a 32-bit PNG
> image.  Are you *sure* its PNG?

Maybe he has a 8 bit per channel RGBA image (32 bits per pixel), and
wants to save as 4 bits per channel (16 bits per pixel)? Cos RGBA 8
bit (total 32) is possible under PNG. He should explain to what 32 he
is talking about. :]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Re: creating new brush?

2001-10-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-10-15 at 0829.49 +0200):
> Just go ahead and export it and see how it works.

You are right, Bex. :]

> > When I try to save the image as a brush, I get the "Export File"
> > dialog with message, "GBR can't handle layers Flatten Image". The
> > version of Gimp is 1.2.2 on linux.

Another option is to try to save as animated brush (.gih, gimp image
hose), a case in which layers make sense and you get a different
dialog, but I am trying to understand all the options of that dialog
(the URL I had is down).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: a little help

2001-10-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-10-17 at 1224.30 -0200):
> 1. how can i turn a coloured photo into black-and-white ?

Three ways at least: decompose to HSV, convert to gray scale or
desaturate. Grokking the GIMP talks about this, so visit it and check
the differences. http://www.gimp-savvy.com/

> 2. how can i change the gimp's language ?

Launch it with "LANG=pt_BR gimp" instead of "gimp".

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: effects, simple question

2001-10-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-10-17 at 0233.32 -0700):
> How to make a text embossed, If I use Distorts->Emboss
> it changes the color, and I need to keep the colour.

Use bumpmap or lightining effect plug-ins instead.

> How to make an image ligher in the center and darker
> in the corners?

Some playing with layers and a gradient... uum, I have to investigate
this, one idea is modes, another masks and another one selections.
Sorry, no clear which is easier and will work. :[

Tried http://www.gimp-savy.com/? Maybe you can learn that there, and
learn other basic ideas that can help in other cases.

> How to make a certai nlayer be 50% visible?

Open the layers dialog, and move the Opacity slider.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: creating new brush?

2001-10-14 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-10-14 at 1007.34 -0400):
> How do I create a new brush from an existing picture? Can this be done using
> Gimp? I am running Gimp 1.2.1 on Linux.

You can save any image as a brush (use .gbr extension, aka gimp
brush), then put it in ~/.gimp-1.2/brushes. So cut the area you want
as brush, retouch it and when ready, just save.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Channel mixer Re: (no subject)

2001-10-08 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-10-08 at 1747.56 -0400):
> With the photoshop channel mixer you can adjust the rgb values for the
> output channels. In other words, for each channel r, g, and b, you can
> adjust the rgb mix.

Could you make some shots and post them to a webpage so we look at
them? It sounds like Curves tool, but not sure, maybe it is somethind

Please add subject, btw.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: How do you draw on ONLY alpha channel

2001-09-22 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-09-22 at 1024.33 -0400):
> I noticed that there is an option to "Add Layer Mask"
> which does display a small image of the alpha channel
> in the "Layers" window.  But I cannot see how to 
> modify only this mask.  If I could, then I could use
> "Apply Layer Mask".

Add the mask then click in the mask miniature. BTW, I did a small
script to pass the alpha info to the mask, so you do not get double
effect (alpha in the image + alpha mask = ghost image), it was pretty
easy, add the mask based in the alpha, then use the curves tool to
remove the alpha.

I never remember the keys after some days of not useing it, but you
can also make the alpha become visible and deactivate it. Try click
with shift, control and alt, and watch the borders of the image and
mask miniatures (there should be white, red and green). Sorry,
sometimes I have bad memory. :]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Precise movement.

2001-08-07 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-08-07 at 0240.41 -0400):
> I oftentimes find myself requiring a lot of precision when moving selections.
> Ideally, I would use the arrow keys to move the floating selection; and
> therefore "nudge" as I see fit.  Unfortunately, I can't find a way to accomplish
> this through any of the menu items, preferences, documentation, or mailing list
> archives.  Is there a way to bind the arrow keys to act similarly?  

For moving with arrows, you must set the Move tool as the current one.
Shift + arrows does big jumps (25 pixels), btw. If you try with other
tool, it will not work.

If you do not make the selection float, you will move the layer. If
you float it, you will move the selection and its contents. If you
want to move only the selection, add Alt to the keys you use (Alt +
Shift + donw arrow, for example) like when moving it with the mouse,
and no need to float the selection.

Another note, each jump eats one undo step, so you can eat fast your
undo levels while moving selections or layers. So be sure that the
previous steps are right or use some kind of trick, like duplicating
the image, doing the test there, and if you like it, cutting and
pasting back to the original.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Curious

2001-08-06 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-08-06 at 1343.02 +0800):
> Having said that, there are a couple of negative points to add (I
> haven't used Photoshop much at all, so these may not be as favourable to
> PS as I think): there seem to many more filters available for the Adobe
> product than the GIMP. Often, the books I referred to above will say

Default GIMP distribution does not come with all the avaliable plugins
/ scripts. Sometimes you have to download and install them (maybe
compile too). With PS you have to buy them sometimes, get them free
other times. I remember the famous Alien or Kai plugins, you get
equivalent ones default in GIMP, but not the Refract one. Also, some
effects can be optained with a bit of imagination, and a script if you
want to reuse them, inner shadow can be obtained with drop shadow, for

> Secondly, from all the screenshots and descriptions of Photoshop I have
> seen, they seem to have more standard shortcuts than the GIMP. Now, I

Give menu paths, that way everyone can see what the operation
does. Saying "hit key x" does not help, saying "use this operation of
menu foo" does. Then the user will hit the keys (whatever they are) if
he wants.

> - GIMP does not and cannot really ever have colour separation. This is
>   dues to patent issues.

If somebody workarounds the problem, GIMP will be able to do that
jobs. I think that plugins could be propietary if done properly
(taking care of what libs are used), so someone could pay the fees, do
the prepress routines as a plugin and then sell it.

> - My understanding is that GIMP has better scripting capabilities.

I think the real things is that in GIMP you can program scripts, in PS
you can record them. That means different levels of complexity, both
to create them and what the script will be able to do.

I have not played much with PS, so I can be wrong too in the points
about PS. ;]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: beginner trying to use plug-ins

2001-07-29 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-07-29 at 2051.30 -0400):
> I'm a new user of The Gimp (running version 1.0 on Linux).  I have a

Ooops, I forget that line: then you can not tear off menus, IIRC. You
should get Gimp 1.2.2, it has lots of new things and bugfixes.

The right click creates the image menu, and it has a filters submenu,
that is sure.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: beginner trying to use plug-ins

2001-07-29 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-07-29 at 2051.30 -0400):
> But I see no way of invoking a plug-in from the menus while in The
> Gimp.  There is no icon for it, and I cannot seem to find a link to it
> through any menus while in the program.

Create a new image, then click the arrow in top left corner to get the
image menu. Also right clicking over the image will create the menu.
You can tear off the menu by clicking the dotted line it has on top,
if you want to keep it open. To make it disappear click its dotted
line or the close button it probably got as window.

Yeah, hard to see the first time, but fast to use after that, cos you
can put it where you want or get it directly below the cursor.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: color exchange

2001-07-26 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-07-26 at 1652.11 -0700):
> I'm not much of a graphics guru and I was wondering if somebody could help
> me figure out how to exchange a color in gimp.  The scenario I have is I

Sometimes it is a matter of playing with tools... first tool I would
try is  / Image / Colours / Colourmap Rotation. Also  /
Selection / By Colour could be used in other cases. Maybe even some
tricks with  / Filters / Colours / Colour to Alpha. It varies
with the image. Experiment. ;]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Learning new things!

2001-07-20 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-07-20 at 1650.31 -0400):
> I don't seem to have all my savers available to me in the "Save As" 
> selection window.  I don't have JPEG, AVI and several others there.  

It is not listed in the save as ? Well, most people should not
touch it, but leave as by extension (most usages are with open, when
the extension is wrong or there is no extension).

> I did check my libs in my Linux setup, so I do have the jpeg & tiff 
> installed.  I do have tiff available though, but not jpeg.  I can do 
> a jpeg save by putting the jpeg extension name on the file, but it 
> comes up with a requester saying it has to export the file first and 
> it goes thru that and then saves jpeg.  Is this normal for the jpeg 
> saver?  What about the other savers, like AVI and others, I am sorry 

Yes, otherwise it saves the active layer. BTW, if the image type is
not avaliable in JPEG, it also ask for the export thing. IE, you can
not save a RGB image as GIF, so it asks for "export - convert to

> I didn't write down the complete list, do they need a plugin or 
> something?  A library installed or will they do as the jpeg did if I 
> put that extension on the file name?

You needs libs that save avis, like you already have libs that save

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: transparency

2001-07-10 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-07-10 at 1634.30 +0100):
> Netscape has very ropey support for PNG format images.
> Save as GIF?
> (I know that's not really a fix, but it's that or one of those awful
> "You need ot use IE to view this webpage" popups. Yuk.

Last time I heard about IE, it did not support PNG fine either. What
about including a web browser module in Gimp? Browse the web with

/me runs :P

Until some years pass, the best solution is GIF, sad but true.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: importing postscript with transparent background

2001-06-28 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-06-28 at 1952.26 -0500):
> I want to load a postscript file with antialiasing and so that the
> background is transparent instead of white.  Is there any way to do this?
> In the postscript dialog there doesn't seem to be an option to set the
> background color.  (I believe I have version 1.2.1)

Have you tried the color to alpha plugin after loading? Sometimes it
need extra tricks, like preselection so it does not damage inner
areas, but I guess it is more or less what you want.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: "gimp for dummies" type of question

2001-06-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-06-12 at 2013.13 +0100):
> But if I make it biger I get a blur image.
> Can i enlarge an image without changing the quality of the picture ?

GIGO rule: garbage in garbage out. You can not extract from void.

Except in exams, when you have to "patch" the official help pages. :]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: opening files from the command line

2001-06-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-06-02 at 1416.21 -0400):
> Is there a command-line way of telling an (already-running) GIMP
> process to open a file?  Perhaps I need a script-fu script? If someone
> could send me such a script, I'd really appreciate it.

gimp-remote --help

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: posterizing effect

2001-06-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-06-02 at 0904.09 -0700):
> one effect that i have seen before, but am unable to achieve.
> i want a certain picture, in this case a hand to be colored, so that the light parts 
>are a kind of green, and the dark parts black, but i can not get it right. 

Try using gradient map ( / Filters / Colours / Map) & with
posterize plugin ( / Image / Colours). You will have to create
your own gradient, I guess. Maybe you have to preadjust the image with
curves tool, ie.

> http://www.opencube.co.uk

Next time post a direct link to image, cos there are many pages and
links inside any site.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: how to run animated gifs in Gimp

2001-06-02 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-06-02 at 1720.20 +0200):
> I have some animated gifs with each more or less 100 frames. I wanted to
> handle this animated gifs so, that I can run them in any direction, or
> stop, rerun, etc... In netscape it just run and you don't have any control
> on it.

 / Filters / Animation / Animation Playback. There is no
backwards play, mainly cos some GIFs use a trick that make hard to do
that (like any modern video format, use deltas instead of full
frames). You will have to unoptimize the anim first (same menu), btw.
Then with a script move the layers inverting the order.

> Is this possible with Gimp?? If not do someone knows of another program
> for linux where this is possble??

You can also use animate, from ImageMagick. And http://freshmeat.net/
has more utils for GIF tricks, like assemblers / disassemblers which
will make possible changing the order without having to mess with Gimp
script extensions (combined with plain perl, python, shell... instead
of Gimp ones). Sorry, but I do not remember the names, use the search

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Batch use

2001-05-20 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-05-20 at 1541.50 +0200):
> I'm not even shure whether I do have ImageMagic on my system
> (Toshiba TECRA DVD750 with RedHat 6.2).

ImageMagick is part of RH6.2, so maybe you only need to install if
from the CD. Try "rpm -q ImageMagick" to know if it is installed.
ImageMagick can be used with any script system that can launch other
apps, supposing it is needed, cos some things are a single command
(convert, ie). You wanted to do a contact sheet, no? I think
ImageMagick does that easily with montage command.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Fonts

2001-05-12 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-05-12 at 1502.27 -0500):
>   Anyone know why?  Would a newer version of Gimp fix this problem?

That is due GTK+ standard font selector. Use GDynText or Freetype
plugins (the first can be invoked from Text tool directly). And get
1.2.1 to make sure all if fine.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Moving transparent layer

2001-04-27 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-04-27 at 1834.32 -0400):
> I think the move tool needs something to hold on to.  Try some text or
> even just a spot of color, then click on that to move it.  The move tool
> doesn't hold on to transparency.
> > How can I set the transparent layer at the bottom right and add some transparent
> > text over the image?

Choose move tool, press shift, the pointer changes to move (not
select) and you can move the current selected layer, instead of
selecting a non transparent one then moving it.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: SV: Gimp-style menus

2001-04-23 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-04-23 at 1317.22 +0200):
> i have a little feature request on the gimp-menu's. When a user could
> add the document-menu (the one under right-click) on the
> document-window, it would become much cleaner how to use gimp for a
> novice user. A user could disable this feature to tune and optimize his
> UI. Putting the menubar into a handle-box would even enable us to have a
> horizontal menubar instead of my current tearoff-menu.

I just hope that if the option is included, the <= 1.2 menu type can
be choosen. For me the tear off menus is one of the biggest weird
things. The root level, in tear off, is horizontal and each item has
different size, and each window has one, so you can tear off the all.
The submenus are vertical and each item has the same space than the
neighbours. I preffer the "all vertical, move the same foe next item,
single menu" system (and even more with the triangle area of new GTK+
that provides better navigation).

The following is from GNOME GUI list, a talk about Gimp interface, or
more in general avout powerful (too much for some people) right click
menus (Yves, next time describe where the text comes from and why it
originated :] ).

> On 23 Apr 2001 12:18:09 +0200, Blad, John Erling wrote:
> > > Okay, how about making the menu but with the option that the
> > > popup menu pops up with the cursor next to the Object
> > > Methods (usually what the person wants to access in the
> > > first place).
> > 
> > > David Grega
> > 
> > There was also some attempts to use a more specific but much larger
> > menu system where you posted the menu to some "assumed" state. We called
> > this "click to post". This is more or less what you say but much more
> > complex.
> > You could for example post a menu with a submenu open.
> > 
> > That isn't really a good idea because the user often gets something he don't
> > want. To avoid this we had the idea to use some modifier key but then
> > we shifted the speed gain into an expert function. Not good at all.
> > 
> > Jeff is somewhat off by making assumptions about what items are more
> > frequent
> > than others. We had extensive use case analysis about frequency of use.
> > 
> > Shi

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Stitch images

2001-04-17 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-04-17 at 1454.13 +):
> Is it possible to stich images to create a panoramic view using gimp?

http://www.gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/ as something about that. And the paper
book too, of course. ;]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Testing, ignore.

2001-04-13 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

Sorry for the garbage.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Re: INT32 complaints

2001-04-11 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-04-11 at 1342.35 -0400):
> > Have you tried "$draw->plug_in_pixelize(10);"?
> This worked.  And so did this:
> plug_in_pixelize($draw, 10);

I have been using the -> latelly. As well as . in Python. It seems to
be the programming trend. Do not ask me the theory, nobody has
explained me OO so I know by practicing. :]

> I think that you had an advantage as (if I remember correctly) you do
> not have the PDB.  The listing for plug_in_pixelize in my PDB went like
> this:

I have the PDB, but the PDB does not tell you how to call each
function in each languaje. For example Scheme uses "-" instead of "_",
so you have to translate all names with that rule. It is a rough
guide, but it will be cool if it would give complete info.

> updated but not the PDB.  It wasn't what I expected.

Expecting that is too much for any doc.

> grep has always been an enigma to me.  I will read the man page, maybe I
> am ready to use it.  Usually, when I ask a question from my "local
> expert" about shell commands, I end up thinking about how "less is
> better than more because it does more".  I should probably move along in
> my thinking now.  I will read the man page. Thanks.

Unix is not learned easily without the explanation (which normaly
includes jokes) but then is hard to forget. "more" and "less" is one
of the best cases, man pages include some info luckly.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: INT32 complaints

2001-04-10 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-04-10 at 1216.26 -0400):
> > My (first) plugin crashes on this line:
> > plug_in_pixelize(1, $img, $draw, 10);

Have you tried "$draw->plug_in_pixelize(10);"?

> > How do I make it think that 1 and/or 10 are INT32's? I also tried this:
> > plug_in_pixelize(non_interactive, $img, $draw, 10);

non_interactive should be defined as the right value, probably 1. If
it is not, then it does not work.

> > I also tried this:
> > plug_in_pixelize("1", $img, $draw, "10");
> > and it really didn't like that.

The "" means string, not number.

> > I think that it is the 1, which I had hoped would mean non_interactive.

1 is non_interactive, IIRC.

> > But I am not certain of this. I can't think of an existing plug in using
> > the pixilize plugin, or I would have checked there.

Grep is you friend. Go to the dir where the Perl scripts are (the same
than the plugins, no the scripts dir), and "grep pixilize *". And the
ones I see use things like "$drawable->plug_in_pixelize($blocksize);".

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Re: Altering comment in jpegs

2001-04-06 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-04-06 at 1217.29 -0400):
> It was easier for me to think that the file was unchanged if all you did
> was look at it.  But this means that all you have to do is to run it
> through the jpeg library and the image data is changed?

No, the problem is if you do the color space conversion. And Gimp does
that when loading, cos it has to show you RGB. Gimp does not know how
to keep data untouched, when saving it tries to put in the file the
RGB data it has, not the original data.

> Even an Image Magick "command line" comment edit would not work?

No if it only touches the comment, which is posible, and I would say
the fastest and best way to do it. If you do not need to change image
info, why do it? It is like renaming files, why do you need to open a
file to rename it? You can, but you do not need.
> Is the error measurable?

At least in a per image basis, differencing before and after. And with
some maths, I guess you can do a global study.

> All of these questions, sorry.  One more, however: is there a LUser
> friendly place to read about such things?

It depend in what your background is, I read a FAQ and got a nice idea
(http://www.faqs.org/faqs/compression-faq/). JPEG is based in some
conversions (which, as anything computer based, has loses) and choping
data to reduce size (downsampling components, "forgeting" high level
frequencies... aka big loses of original data).

The trick is that humans do not see the loses, but try recompresing
JPEGs and you will see it. Zoom to a JPEG or save a flat colour image
and you will also see rare things. The magic lays in not losing too
much nor using to simple input images, but using photos and losing a

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Altering comment in jpegs

2001-04-05 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-04-05 at 1127.35 -0400):
> I don't think that you would loose quality in the jpeg by reopening it
> in the gimp, as long as the quality slider in the jpeg save dialog was
> set at 100%.

No, I finally understood the concepts of JPEG, it does a colorspace
conversion, so any time the data is passed to RGB and back, you loose
data, even if it is only due number rounding.

All this computer rounding is the reason why high level works are done
in float or big integers, cos you add error each time an operation is
performed, so the bigger the number space, less visible problems in
the end.

Any real life example are 20 and 24 bit sound systems (sometimes even
more, and in floating point) and 16 bit per channel images (Gimp Film,
IIRC) or even more. From time to time there is somebody asking the
list for help about processing > 8 bit images for a scientific job.

> There might be an easy script for it, however.

The best way would be to only touch the message data, not the image
data. I do not remember any tools for this, I remember tools for
recompressing PNG, for example. Maybe in http://freshmeat.net/ there
is something.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Processing the scanned textual images?

2001-04-03 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-04-03 at 2216.26 +0300):
> The batch work is not the problem. I need to interactively set those
> control/selection rectangles which are then used elsewhere (pbmplus,
> image magick).

Get Perlotine script, it examines the guides to cut the image. I guess
you could do the same, open image (or group), set some guides then run
your script to save the info.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: posterization

2001-03-30 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-03-30 at 1837.39 -0500):
> I'm not asking anyone to do this for me - even pointing me directly to
> the best tutorial will do the trick. Thanks.

I duplicated layer, set top layer to Value mode, desaturared and
posterized it (4 as value). The posterize function is  / Image
/ Colors / Posterize... . Yeah, extra steps, but for me it looks nice
this way, using the value of the posterized layer with the colours of
the other. Is that what you want?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Re: Slicing Images

2001-03-25 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-03-25 at 1742.22 -0500):
> > I do not have Guillotine, but Perl-o-tine. Are they different things?
> > Does Gimp Win32 have Perl?
> [menu] > image > transforms > guillotine

Latelly I am blind, it seems. 8]

> Enjoy. (:

Thanks, but I am lazzy, specially if computer can work for me, and
Perl-o-tine even writes the HTML table, so guess which one will be
more used. :]

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Slicing Images

2001-03-24 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-03-24 at 1755.56 -0500):
> > My question concerns the "multiselect" option mentioned in the 
> > GIMP User's Manual. My version of GIMP does not include this 
> > option, and I am wondering if there is another way to slice up a 
> > large graphic in preparation for the web in GIMP.
> The "Guillotine" plugin (standard with GIMP) will slice an image up
> into pieces along its guides.

I do not have Guillotine, but Perl-o-tine. Are they different things?
Does Gimp Win32 have Perl?

BTW, I have heard that the Win32 versions has different brushes than
the Unix one, true or false? If true, where are those other items?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: gimp and dead X

2001-03-23 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-03-23 at 2251.37 +):
> Unless you ran gimp as root there is nothing it can do that would harm your
> system. (With the possible exception that it could get stuck in a loop and
> spew out error messages untill you run out of disk space).

It can also capture the pointer and "hang" the system (it is not hung,
just becomes "hostage"). Or trigger a bug somewhere else (window
manager, X or kernel). Netscape is famous for this.

> > Has anyone else experienced this, who may possibly be able to suggest a
> > fix? 

When things go wrong in modern systems, my advice is to clean all
possible temp files, like the ones in /tmp cos some systems (like X,
GNOME, KDE, Sawfish, Esound, etc) create files there and if they are
damaged, next boot becomes a pain.

So there is a reason and a fix, you just have to find both. Uuum, btw,
it starts in text mode, but allows you to use startx in a text console
to get X up? If so, investigate deeply all files related to your DM
(XDM, KDM, GDM, ie).

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Using a gradient as a background

2001-03-20 Thread Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-03-20 at 1601.25 -0800):
> I don't get a "gradient fill" option when double clicking the bucket.  The
> most I get is solid color fill.

Bucket? Who said bucket? Gradient tool is "square with a gradient from
black to white, left to right" (damn icons, another demo of "word
'close' is better than icon 'cross'").

Better, use the  / Tools / Paint Tools / Blend. Or "l" (the
letter) if you have the default bindings. Now look which icon becomes
avaliable. And then try to forgot the icons, use keys instead. :]

I did it in Gimp CVS 1.2 just after creating a new image, and I added
a gradient to the image, without selecting anything (the Select All
step is for fills, not gradients).

> Still struggling.  I can't believe it's this hard to put a gradient as a
> background in a brand new image.

It is if the explanation is wrong. :]

1. Create new image.
2. Select Blend tool (see above).
3.  / Dialogs / Tool Options.
4. Configure Blend tool as desired.
5. Click, drag, release... tadaaa, a gradient!

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