Re: Gimp Lists?

2001-01-24 Thread clemensF

> Jonathan Gift:

> once again. On the Debian group it's invariably "how do I load
> Netscape?"

can't be.  debian sounds more like:  "who do i have to ask for using
netscape, and do we all agree on /usr/local/bin/. ?"


Re: [Fwd: Re: Auto Image resizing on webserver]

2000-11-25 Thread clemensF

> Vikas:

> ImageMagic? where to get it? will it work on win2000?

it's called ImageMagick.  google for it, or yaho..


Re: Pdf, eps, ps? (Was: xcf --> eps)

2000-10-08 Thread clemensF

> Carl-Johan Sveningsson:

> Well, it may sound confused, and is only sligthly gimp-related (it's my
> favourite tool), but can someone inform me of the best way to create
> _good_ portable documents, preferrably under linux, preferrably without
> spending thousands of bucks on Adobe software?

ASCII text.  you wouldn't want to trade the box for what's in it,
would you?


Re: Newbie question: Banners

2000-10-07 Thread clemensF

> Mark Drummond:

> I want to make a banner, say 640 pixels wide by 64 pixels high. I have a
> 64x64 pixel image that I want copied into that banner 10 times. Is there
> a simple way of doing this besides cut&paste?

this function is called tiling, like lining up tile after tile...


Re: Fog?

2000-10-05 Thread clemensF

> Jon Winters:

> > i tried this, but:  what is plasma?
> Its a filter.
> >  in generell, how do i do "special"
> > colors like "transparent", "opaque" or whatever.
> Each layer has an adjustment for its transparency.

ok, thanks!


Re: Fog?

2000-10-03 Thread clemensF

> Jon Winters:

> > What's the best method to add a fog-like effect?
> One idea that comes to mind would be to add a layer and then fill it with
> plasma, desaturate, and then adjust the transparency to a fog-like effect.

i tried this, but:  what is plasma?  in generell, how do i do "special"
colors like "transparent", "opaque" or whatever.  only thing i can handle
up to now is select and make a layer, but i have no intuitive feeling as to
how they are operated.  could someone please bring us intuition?



2000-09-12 Thread clemensF

> Wandered Inn:

> > PNG is pronounced Ping. Tell me this isn't pronounced Ming!
> First I've heard anyone refer to png as ping, I've always referred to it
> as P-N-G...

me?  i've always heard me say `pinch'.


Re: Problem building 'po' in 1.1.25

2000-09-09 Thread clemensF

> simon wood:

> Offensive bit in po/Makefile is:
>   GMSGFMT = PATH=../src:$$PATH no
the shell gets to see `path=... no', which makes it try'n'execute the program
`no'.  this has to be corrected.

>   file=$(srcdir)/`echo $* | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \
> && rm -f $$file && $(GMSGFMT) -o $$file $<  
> After typing 'make':
>   Making all in po
>   make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/packages/gimp-1.1.25/po'
>   file=./`echo ca | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \
> && rm -f $file && PATH=../src:$PATH no -o $file ca.po
   this is $GMSGFMT 's expansion.
try to locate more context info in the make file.


Re: New Gimp Tutorial

2000-08-17 Thread clemensF

> George Crary:

> >However, it seems to me that the swimsuit now
> >looks faked as a result. Is there any way to fix
> >that so that the swimsuit looks as good as the
> >skin and does not look like an afterthought?
>   Remove it, ... ?8-)

naa!  make her hide behind a power plant!


Re: The pics on the tutorial

2000-08-17 Thread clemensF

> Silvermist:

> Ok.. so, reguardless of the women on the list being offended by the
> sole use of busty women in tiny scraps of cloth and having perfect
> bodies; you're going to continue to use only those pictures? Why?
> Tell me what is wrong with a chubby baby in a diaper? a not so 
> perfectly built woman in a one piece swimsuit? A man, even a not so 
> buff one, in shorts of some kind? An old man? An old woman? A dog, 
> a cat, the hairless mounse? A bowl of fruit, a picture of landscapes?

a power plant!


Re: New tutorial at

2000-08-17 Thread clemensF

> Wandered Inn:

> guy, but in all fairness, how about some buffed up men in the next set
> of tutorials?  Better yet, a cute baby.

i want a plant.  nice and green.  or an atomic one!


Re: New tutorial at

2000-08-16 Thread clemensF

> James Smaby:

> a funny tutorial), I mean a closeup of thier face).  According
> to a slashdot observation, apache is the http server of choice
> of the porn industry; is the gimp the image editor of choice?

does that mean you are not the customer of choice?  what a shame, you
know so much about the industry...


Re: Antwort: Re: GIMP v1.1.24 RPM Take 2

2000-08-09 Thread clemensF

> Alexander Skwar:

> No, what I was thinking of, was it would be nice to be able to install a
> file in %{_mandir}, and that %{_mandir} would be expanded when the file is
> installed.  Currently %{_mandir} may expand to /usr/man or /usr/share/man,
> depending on the distribution and version/release of RPM installed.  Now, if
> %{_mandir} wouldn't expand at build time to, say, /usr/share/man,
> distributions where man's are still installed in the FHS violating location
> of /usr/man would still be fine.
> Did this make any sense to you?

it most definitely did, and this behaviour was what i fancied to call a
combination of postinstall-scripts and automake.  your proposed macro-
name %{_mandir} would be the convenient interface.  how else but with
some sort of automake functionality could it be possible to have packages
built on different hosts to be installed on a host which has already
installed packages with different directory-structures.

we can't even blame anybody, as we might want to install to a variety of
ever-changing places matching the sites evolution.  softlinks don't
solve every problem.


Re: Antwort: Re: GIMP v1.1.24 RPM Take 2

2000-08-08 Thread clemensF

> Alexander Skwar:

> > locations?  For example, SuSE puts binaries for X in /usr/bin/X11.  RPMs I've used 
> > upgrade apps keep putting X binaries in /usr/bin. (Is that the Red Hat standard?)
> And that's why an install time macro would be so handy.  If this would be
> used, it wouldn't so much matter where the distributor of the RPM places
> binaries.

what do you mean by an install time macro?  rpm's, but also tgz and the
debian packager specify postinstall-scripts.  you want propably a com-
bination of this and automake?


Re: ??? (??)

2000-08-07 Thread clemensF

> Carl-Johan Sveningsson:

> Hope I could help you some anyway.

thank you /very/ much!


Re: GIMP v1.1.24 RPM Take 2

2000-08-06 Thread clemensF

> Andrew J Fortune:

> Following up on a previous posting, I am still trying to install GIMP
> approach of installing an RPM.
> gimp-1.1.24-2.i686.rpm), I got the following errors :
> "error: failed dependencies:
> follows (rpm -Uvh gtk-1.2.8-24.i386.rpm), but got a long string of errors
> (rpm -Uvh perl-5.005_03-172.i386.rpm), and got errors like the following :
> dependency errors when installing GIMP ?

you lucky devil you!  rpm is soo smart!!!  think of all the errors
you might have done right!  no wait!  all the right things errornouous

> Thanks in advance,

yeah me too!


??? (??)

2000-08-06 Thread clemensF

many of you will not like to read this, as it is a set of newbie questions
of the most repelling sort.

some will hope to read the answers later...

1.  what is an alpha [channel]?
2.  what's the difference between layers, channels and paths?
3.  is there a reasonable functional complement regarding vectors?
reasonable is available on freebsd or some other unix, and functional
complement means:  if i want to specify objects and motion using
vectors, can i make and render pretty surfaces in a jiffy with the
gimp?  or have it cooperate in 2d?

(4. how do i make use of histograms?
 5. is there anything one can /not/ do with adequately defined brushes?
i'd like a broad, but memorable overview over defining and using brushes)

thanks in advance, and i really mean it.


Re: Welcome to

2000-08-02 Thread clemensF

> Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero:

> > font at all and count on the user's taste for a
> > default font.  I often exit a site without even
> > reading anything if the font is too small. (for
> > instance, I don't shop at CDW at all).
> We all should mail the webmaster of such sites that we would like to
> read but can not, maybe that way they will pay attention to visitors &
> content and not only coolness.

an alternative is to install those special fonts designed by some netscape
victim (big,large-fonts?) and to chop off image-loading in the preferences.


correcting lighting of photos

2000-07-26 Thread clemensF


my father took a picture of a technical device he built, but the
lighting was poor and he can't try again.  we have a good color
digital image, but no negatives, because he borrowed a digital
camera to do it.  i tried to give the dark parts more light, but
it shows too much.

i would post an image were it not so huge (half a megabyte).

how can i "lighten up" the dark parts, leave the good parts alone
and not have it show so much?


Re: Script-fu crashes

2000-07-19 Thread clemensF

> Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero:

> Did you tried the SUBmarine tactic? Alt+SysReq+S (sync disks), wait until

windows?  linux?  frebsd?


Re: photo retouch

2000-07-11 Thread clemensF

> Jon Winters:

> I did a quickie touch-up on the image you attached:
> First frame is the raw image
> Second frame increased saturation
> third frame... adjusted curves
> Fourth frame warp sharpened then whitened teeth with dodge tool.
> I think the warp sharp may have been a little over the top.  I would



Re: photo retouch

2000-07-10 Thread clemensF

> Feiyi Wang:

> I also want to point out that the author of the page (Carey Bunks) is
> the same one who wrote the book "Grokking the GIMP" and put it on-line
> for free. There is a whole chapter of it devoted to the topic of using
> GIMP for retouch and enchancement. I will encourage anyone interested
> to read it. The link for the free book is:

thank you *very much*!

Re: photo retouch

2000-07-10 Thread clemensF

> Feiyi Wang:

> the following link, titled "photo touch up and enhancement in the GIMP"
> should cover the basic stuff.

is this just happening to me?  when i try to get this page with netscape
i get redirected (after a 404) to some insane 'net-game.  happens even when
shortening the url back to  i know i could get into Silicon-
