Re: [Gimp-user] [rebellion attempt] Fight back!

2022-10-26 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Tue, 2022-10-25 at 21:28 -0500, Ross Martinek wrote:
> This debate is … absurd.


have you already signed up? A lot of users tested Discourse. I'm one of
them. Note, you can only send a request, if you reach "Level 1".

It's not absurd to fight gamification.

I'm absolutely not a mentally immobile dino. I way more often fight for

In this case there are several reasons to fight against this step into
the wrong direction. One reason is, that it does split the community to
gains absolutely nothing.

Btw. I'm using a major distro, that is a real rolling release, following
upstream as close as possible. It's approach isn't user-friendliness, it
does follow the user-centric approach. IOW I'm used to software changes
and I make my homework on my own.

Arch Linux migrated from Mailman 2, to Mailman 3, see


"Postorius Documentation"
[ ]


Postorius requires Python 3.7+.

The minimum Django version is 3.2.

Postorius needs a running version of GNU Mailman version 3.3.5."


Why HyperKitty?

Mailman is in need for replacement of its default Pipermail archiver. It
is over 10 years old, users’ expectations have changed and their
requirements are more sophisticated than the current archiver can
deliver on. Mailman3 is the currently under active development and it
offers a pluggable architecture where multiple archivers can be plugged
to the core without too much pain.

Some of the drawbacks of Pipermail :

It does not support stable URLs.
It has scalability issues (it was not suitable for organizations
working with hundred of thousand of messages per day, e.g, Launchpad)
The web interface is dated and does not output standards-compliant
HTML nor does it take advantage of new technologies such as AJAX.

The HyperKitty archiver addresses most of the drawbacks of Pipermail."

That the GNOME foundation spread untruth related to Mailman is already a
reason to fight back!

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Re: [Gimp-user] [Evolution] [evolution-users] What do I do now?

2022-10-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Tue, 2022-10-25 at 22:17 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Tue, 2022-10-25 at 14:50 -0500, Pat David via gimp-user-list wrote: 
> > Anecdata.  Unless you have some good  examples where this is actually
> > an "unmanageable mess".
> > My experiences have mostly been just fine with mixed ML/web access.
> Hi,
> how about "some good examples" of Discourse mailing list multipart
> emails with intact threads and some of those Discourse mailing list
> multipart emails with plain text that is unmodified and a few additional
> emails with proper quoting?
> I ask for emails, not for the way it's displayed by the forum.
> TIA,
> Ralf


Here is an email that describes the issue [1].

This are two examples of the way it's done by Discourse:



What we get is a thread

What we don't get is a complete thread tree

 Forwarded Message 
From: Pete Biggs via GNOME Discourse 
Reply-To: GNOME Discourse

Subject: [Site Feedback] Email usage of discourse - threading
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2022 13:33:30 +

  PeteB Pete Biggs 
October 21
I (and others from Evolution mailing list) are trying to get to grips
with using discourse in a mailing list type way.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the threading information on the emails
doesn’t seem to be working. None of the message IDs in the References:
header match up with other emails from the topic. I would expect a reply
to at least mention the message ID from the messages it’s replying to,
but it doesn’t seem to.
Things are made more complex in that I don’t seem to be notified about
my own posts - so that any threads that I reply to are essentially
The only consistent threading reference is to the original topic - i.e.
 so at least the specific topic seems
to stay together - but even that breaks occasionally.
Does anyone seriously use Discourse exclusively by email?
Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.
You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode.
To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.
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Re: [Gimp-user] You can follow the Discourse server in Thunderbird using RSS

2022-10-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Tue, 2022-10-25 at 10:29 -0400, Kat wrote:
> I have been a gimp user for years and been on the mailing list a long time.
> I like it better then having to go to a forum and log in I can keep 
> track of issues, updates and news
> I have also been a thunderbird user for years thank you ofnuts that I 
> can do a rss feed in here


you can use Discourse Gnome as a mailing list. The funny thing is, that
using it as a mailing list, it requires to turn of the mailing list
feature, not to enable it. Instead of enabling the mailing list feature,
you need to choose the wanted tag, in your case it's probably "gimp".

However, Discourse is not really a good mailing list, one of the
countless reasons was mentioned by Brad Rogers: "The problem with
discourse is when some ppl use it as a web forum and others use it as an
ML.  Especially within the same thread.  It all descends into an
unmanageable mess.   :-("

For example, if we format a plain text mail, the forum will reformat it
as a HTML mail, hence a lot of probably wanted spaces get lost.

Here's a nice example, I recently made for a project in German.

A simple simplified analog cam and a simple simplified digital cam [1].

Without a lot of spaces removed by HTML and without an appropriate mono
space font the ASCII graphics will become nonsense.

This already becomes an issue, if you indent text like commands:

   $ apt moo

Let alone it's output.

 / |||   
*  /\---/\ 
   ~~   ~~   
   ..."Have you mooed today?"...



   Sucher ││  ││
  │ │ │
  │ │ ├┬┐
  │││ │││
 Film und Vorhang │││ │ │ Objektiv mit Blende
  │││ │││
  │ │ ├┴┘
  │ │ │
Sucher mit Bildschirm ││ ││
  │   │
  │   ├┬┐
  ││  │││
   Sensor ││  │ │ Objektiv mit Blende
  ││  │││
  │  │├┴┘
  │  ││ Speicherkarte
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Re: [Gimp-user] [Evolution] [evolution-users] What do I do now?

2022-10-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Tue, 2022-10-25 at 16:02 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> losses will occur.
> Some of the people on some of the gnome lists, are being quite vocal 
> about all kinds of possibilities, but, seem to be doing nothing about 
> any of the possibilities.


an important part of the app communities are the app developers, the
admins and moderators of the current lists at, hence a first
step to get closer to a solution are statements from those people.

We all or at least most of us were surprised and disorganized, the next
step is to become more organised.


gimp-user-list mailing list
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Re: [Gimp-user] [evolution-users] [Evolution] What do I do now?

2022-10-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Tue, 2022-10-25 at 14:43 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 25/10/22 10:18, Ralf via wrote:
> > Temporarily we can continue to think about how to proceed at
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> Just to clarify - when I set up the replacement lists at (and, 
> I have set up another one, for a different gnome product), I did not set 
> them up to be as temporary facilities.
> The lists were set up to replace the applicable mailing lists 
> that are being shut down.


thank you again for your efforts.

The Evolution mailing list at Gnome has around 850 subscribers, hence can't be a non-transient solution for this list.

While I'm not against donations, I consider donations as a last resort,
that should be avoided. The day we spend more money for donations, to
keep FLOSS alive, than we spend for one time purchases to get
proprietary software and free as in beer lifetime support, FLOSS is dead

Somebody mentioned a proprietary replacement for Gimp, while I mentioned
another FLOSS project for Gimp. I can't speak for this other person, but
only for myself. It was not meant as trolling.

Actually I'm using both, the proprietary software mentioned by this
other person and the FLOSS software mentioned by me. I migrated a long
time ago from Gimp to those other solutions and a few more for other
reasons and I never bothered anybody by recommending to do the same.

Mentioning an alternative was done due to the step made by the GNOME
foundation, to drop the mailing lists without providing a reasonable
replacement. I'm not completely pissed off by a forum, I'm completely
pissed of by a forum with gamification.

The other FLOSS software I mentioned (Krita) provides a mailing list.

Btw. for those who are not only in pixel graphic, for photography there
are anyway IMO way better solutions available, FLOSS as well as
proprietary, to see just a few, take a look at . IMO a plugin for Gimp still doesn't
make it a good app for photography. YMMV!

I'm not aware of software to my taste, that can replace Evolution for me
and I used almost all known MUA software.

While I'm not a MC user, for this purpose I'm in favour of command line
with bashisms, I doubt that there's a replacement available for MC.

As GUI editor I replaced Gedit for other reasons a long time ago by
Pluma and Pluma by Xed and I even used Kate and similar. However, I
never joined a mailing list for any of these editors.

In a nutshell:

IMO a free as in beer mailing list is useful for some apps and I expect
it should be able to hold way more than 100 subscribers and not be
limited to 1 GiB.

Apart from replacing a dropped mailing list by a new mailing list
another workaround/solution could be replacing an app by another app.
For me and for some other users replacing a mailing list by Discourse is
no option. 

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Re: [Gimp-user] [Evolution] What do I do now?

2022-10-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Tue, 2022-10-25 at 08:31 +0800, Luigi via evolution-list wrote:
> Since we only have a few days left may I suggest the group focus on
> putting forwards what options we have and those actually doing the
> work can decide the best choice and we go for it (even if its not
> perfect).


Savannah was also mentioned by the MC mailing list (IIRC not for the
mailing list, but for tickets).

On the Gimp mailing list there was a pointer to .

It would be nice if former mailing lists migrate to the same
new location.

Temporarily we can continue to think about how to proceed at

IMO Savanna is a quite good idea, but FWIW Midnight Commander, Gimp,
Gedit and Evolution have got BSD ports, too.

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Re: [Gimp-user] New mailing list

2022-10-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Sun, 2022-10-23 at 23:20 -0400, SDA via gimp-user-list wrote:
> Why splinter up the user lists?

You need to ask this question the powers that be who are associated
withe the GNOME foundation.

> You do realize that its where the experts go 
> that is important, not you the user who needs the help!
> Crazy how you folks over react as if the sky is falling. Discourse is great 
> for user support and it doesn't work well as an email subscriber list. I 
> read the emails from Discourse, but if I want to reply I just click the link 
> in the email and respond directly on discourse. It's not like web forums of 
> old.

We are not only "users" who need "help" from "experts" on the GNOME
mailing lists. Some of us are "experts", who aren't associated withe the
GNOME foundation.

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Re: [Gimp-user] [rebellion attempt] Fight back!

2022-10-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Sun, 2022-10-23 at 19:21 -0400, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> The mailing list is moving to Discourse, yes. You can interact with
> Discourse using email.


a lot of the Evolution mailing list members, including myself, tested
the mailing list ability of Discourse. I was not allowed to start a new
thread by email, because my gamification level was 0. You are allowed to
start a new thread by email, after you reached level 1. This is not the
only annoyance. Discourse GNOME has got no real mailing list ability.

> IRC, Discord, Mastodon, Twitter, continue to exist.

IRC is as good as a mailing list, but no replacement for a mailing list
and a mailing list is no replacement for IRC. Both are very good, but
fit different needs.

I'm not per se against forums, but a forum is per se less good than a
mailing list. I'm completely against forums using gamification to fool
the subscribers.

Twitter and similar unsocial networks are hell!

If no new mailing lists will be available, I seriously doubt that a lot
of the Midnight Commander or of the Evolution mailing list subscribes
are willing to use Discourse in the future, let alone Twitter or
similar. Some might use IRC, other community members will be lost
forever. It might be different for Gimp or Gedit mailing list
subscribers. However, those used to command line, ncurses or ncurses
alike approaches and/or mail user agents will less likely be much
attracted by Discourse, Twitter and Co.

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[Gimp-user] Fwd: Re: Let's unite the power of all mailing list subscribers who are affected by GNOME's ruling

2022-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
 Forwarded Message 
From: Grzegorz Szymaszek 
Cc: Ralf Mardorf ,,
Subject: Re: Let's unite the power of all mailing list subscribers who
are affected by GNOME's ruling
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2022 19:01:11 +0200


FWIW, since a few years, Mutt's mailing lists[1] are hosted at Oregon
State University Open Source Lab[2]. From my limited experience, this
solution works quite reliably. In general, they provide hosting of
mailing lists and other services for free for open source projects[3].

Some alternatives off the top of my head to consider:
- Debian mailing lists[4],
-, as already mentioned by Yuri,
- SourceHut[5] (most likely paid).


Best of luck


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Re: [Gimp-user] Let's unite the power of all mailing list subscribers who are affected by GNOME's ruling

2022-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
On Sun, 2022-10-23 at 17:57 +0200, Yury V. Zaytsev wrote:
> * - way too expensive for us
> * - political organization
> * Google Groups - free, no positive / negative experience
> * Freedesktop - maybe they could accept a couple of low-traffic lists?
> If other lists find a good solution, please let us know. Thanks!

Hi Yury,

thank you for the summary. If something good should happen, I'll let you


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Re: [Gimp-user] [Evolution] Discourse and the situation for Mailman lists hosted by

2022-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list

it's worth to forward this [1] to other GNOME mailing lists.


 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Discourse and the situation for Mailman lists
hosted by
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2022 11:19:21 -0400

On Sun, 2022-10-23 at 11:01 -0400, dfc via evolution-list wrote:
> What other existing mailing list software can be used if Mailman is
> unavailable? 

Just to reiterate and clarify, there is no "Mailman is unavailable"
situation.  Mailman has versions that support Python2 and Python3, and
Python2 is still supported in many places (but maybe not in Gnome land).
Gnome appears to be blaming python2 and Mailman, but it really seems
that Gnome just really wants to give up email support in favor of
support via web browser (with future ads, click tracking, data
harvesting, etc?).

I've offered to host, for Gnome, for free, everything they currently
have at (all they would have to do is switch DNS for the
subdomain to my systems and provide me with a copy of
their current Mailman2 lists and archives).  I've been doing Mailman2
mailinglists for 2 decades, and have tons of experience in this area. 
Sadly, no one from Gnome has contacted me to take me up on this offer.

-Jim P.
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Re: [Gimp-user] New mailing list

2022-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
Well done Bret!

I posted the link
at the Evolution mailing list.

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[Gimp-user] Let's unite the power of all mailing list subscribers who are affected by GNOME's ruling

2022-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list

I'm a long time Evolution mailing list subscriber, who just recently
subscribed to the gimp and mc mailing list, since we all suffer from the
decision that the GNOME mailing lists get shut down this month.

Reading the MC archive I noticed the question regarding If
it's free as in beer or not depends on the count of subscribers and the
needed storage space. In short, it likely is not for free as in beer.

I opened a ticket with a request at .

On the Evolution mailing list a user asked
"What other Gnome lists (analogous to evolution-list) are currently
scrambling with the abrupt decision to switch to discourse?

[snip]" -

Let's unite our power{,lessness}!

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[Gimp-user] The system of levels, badges and presents of Discourse

2022-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list
By closing individual mailman mailing lists and replacing it with a
single forum, everything is under control of a single authority. There
even isn't the need to moderate or ban users with unwanted opinions,
since the users are educated by levels, badges and presents. IOW all
users are under general suspicion to express unwanted opinions, hence
everybody is moderated by a credit system. This Chinese alike approach
has nothing to do with the "libre" in FLOSS.

There are valid reasons to moderate or ban a user, but usually such a
user is barred by an individual part of a project, not by the whole
universe and before it happens a user must have expressed something that
is unwanted.

A credit system to stop individual opinions in the first place stops all
individual opinions completely. At the worst a "misbehaving" user gets
not only banned from one or the other part of the project, but from the
whole universe of the superior project.
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[Gimp-user] [rebellion attempt] Fight back!

2022-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf via gimp-user-list

it's possible to replace almost all GNOME software by software that is
more or less identically.

For example gedit can easily be replaced by pluma or even better by xed.
However, replacing GIMP is not that straightforward as replacing an

When the user interface of GIMP became more and more annoying and its
JPG export became freakish, I replaced GIMP by Krita a long time ago. In
the beging using Krita was frustrating, but on the long run this step
has proven its worth. Related to the mailing list issue, there isn't
really a good user mailing list for Krita, but at least there is one.
The list is .

IMO it's important to fight back when leading projects don't care about
the user base anymore. Dropping the mailing list after a Vogon-ish
announcement is not the first thing the GNOME project does to harms the
FLOSS community.

Btw. the Evolution user community tested using Discourse GNOME as a
mailing list replacement, see
. It's disgusting, Discourse GNOME is completely unsuitable as a mailman
replacement. Unfortunately Evolution can't be replaced. I tested almost

The alternative to replacing apps such as Gimp and Evolution by other
apps, are mailing lists run by the user base. However non-official
mailing lists competing with official support channels are a PITA.

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