Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] When conf files are copied from system to user the section headings should not be commented out ... (#2689)

2020-12-07 Thread Matthew Brush
Agree. It seemed like a good idea, but is proving troublesome with people who 
aren't familiar with GLib's keyfile format. At the very least the `[section]` 
lines shouldn't be commented.

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[Github-comments] [geany/geany] When conf files are copied from system to user the section headings should not be commented out ... (#2689)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr
... that way new users don't have to be told to uncomment the heading as well 
as the setting they need, just the setting line.  

And document this commenting behaviour in the manual.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr
@b4n now that you are returning `nullptr` from `pixels()` but you did not put a 
check for that on the return value of every use of pixels() all you have done 
is shift the problem. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 

Now we can explain it, I suspect that it would be best to pass it to Neil to 
decide the best solution for fixing drawing indicators on zero sized code 
points.  He can best determine determine a solution that fits with his 
aspirations of `noexcept` everywhere and other performance issues. 

@codebrainz yeah, well, everybody just says "Gee Fedora is slow" :grin:

@b4n @codebrainz just think of C++ as See++ a language which no longer has a 
connection to C, and that does its own thing, like Java or D, thats effectively 
what it has become :smile: 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread Matthew Brush
> But of course thats slower, whereas operator[] is as fast as C

Not true when distros enable debug assertions in release builds...

> reproducing syntax but with a whole other lot of constraint that only apply 
> in corner cases

Kind of like making the bitwise shift operators sometimes mean "read/write IO 
stream" :smile: 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread Colomban Wendling
> As I keep saying C++ is not C :grin:

I know, and I battle for avoiding this confusion.  I just see once more that 
C++ tries to be confusing for C programmers, reproducing syntax but with a 
whole other lot of constraint that only apply in corner cases :grin: 

Anyhow, a bad patch could be as simple as:
diff --git a/scintilla/src/Indicator.cxx b/scintilla/src/Indicator.cxx
index f72102772..5c076290b 100644
--- a/scintilla/src/Indicator.cxx
+++ b/scintilla/src/Indicator.cxx
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ void Indicator::Draw(Surface *surface, const PRectangle , 
const PRectangle 
const PRectangle rcSquiggle = PixelGridAlign(rc);
const int width = std::min(4000, 
+   if (width < 1)
+   break;
RGBAImage image(width, 3, 1.0, nullptr);
enum { alphaFull = 0xff, alphaSide = 0x2f, 
alphaSide2=0x5f };
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {

It solves the very problem here, but doesn't fix it more generally than just 
for the squiggles.

Unfortunately just fixing the pixels retrieval is not enough, there's at least 
one other instance of an empty vector access down the same code path.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread Lo0is
@elextr @b4n Correct me, yes I have now rebooted and everything works great, 
thank you guys.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread Lo0is
@elextr Even by removing
both lines, does not show me the underscore ...

Can any of you send me your filetypes.common?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr
@Lo0is next time please paste to a pastebin and only paste a link here instead 
of spamming every watcher of this repository with your whole file ... twice.

And to emphasise what @b4n is saying remove the `#~ ` from the `[styling]` line 
and the `line_height=...` line.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr
@b4n, yes, but std::vector is a library type, not a builtin, which keeps track 
of its size and its capacity (which is why it is possible to insert the assert, 
its has size to compare to, but in C since nothing saves the size of array you 
malloced no automatic assert can be inserted in an index operation).  
Operator[] on a std::vector is not a builtin, its an overloaded operator member 
function that returns a reference to the indexed member.  So your `[0]` 
has to call `vector.operator[](0)` before taking the address of the referenced 
object when it returns.  But of course you can't reference a non-existent 
object, which is why its UB to do so.  

The std::vector has an alternative member function `` that is always 
checked and which throws an exception if the index is out of range.  But of 
course thats slower, whereas operator[] is as fast as C, so all premature 
optimisers (basically all programmers :) use it.

As I keep saying C++ is not C :grin:

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread Lo0is
I also tried to put 1; 1; but it doesn't work anyway, I'll put the code back to 
you after changing the values.

`#~ # For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main 
#~ [styling]
#~ # use foreground;background;bold;italic or named_style,bold,italic

#~ # used for filetype All/None
#~ default=default

#~ # 3rd selection argument is true to override default foreground
#~ # 4th selection argument is true to override default background
#~ selection=selection

#~ # style for a matching brace
#~ brace_good=brace_good
#~ # style for a non-matching brace (a brace without a counterpart)
#~ brace_bad=brace_bad

#~ # the following settings define the colours of the margins on the left side
#~ margin_linenumber=margin_line_number
#~ margin_folding=margin_folding
#~ fold_symbol_highlight=fold_symbol_highlight

#~ # background colour of the current line, only the second and third argument 
is interpreted
#~ # use the third argument to enable or disable the highlighting of the 
current line (has to be true/false)
#~ current_line=current_line

#~ # translucency for the current line(first argument) and the selection 
(second argument)
#~ # values between 0 and 256 are accepted. Note for Windows 95, 98 and ME 
#~ # keep this value at 256 to disable translucency otherwise Geany might crash
#~ translucency=256;256

#~ # style for a highlighted line (e.g when using Goto line or goto tag)
#~ marker_line=marker_line

#~ # style for a marked search results (when using "Mark" in Search dialogs)
#~ # the second argument sets the background colour for the drawn rectangle
#~ # only the second argument is interpreted
#~ marker_search=marker_search

#~ # style for a marked line (e.g when using the "Toggle Marker" keybinding 
#~ marker_mark=marker_mark

#~ # translucency for the line marker(first argument) and the search marker 
(second argument)
#~ marker_translucency=256;256

#~ # colour of the caret(the blinking cursor), only first and third argument is 
#~ # set the third argument to true to change the caret into a block caret
#~ caret=caret

#~ # width of the caret(the blinking cursor)
#~ # width in pixels, use 0 to make it invisible, maximum width is 3
#~ caret_width=1

#~ # set foreground and background colour of indentation guides
#~ indent_guide=indent_guide

#~ # third argument: if true, use this foreground color. If false, use the 
default value defined by the filetypes.
#~ # fourth argument: if true, use this background color. If false, use the 
default value defined by the filetypes.
#~ white_space=white_space

#~ # style of folding icons, valid values are:
#~ # first argument:  1 for boxes, 2 for circles, 3 for arrows, 4 for +/-
#~ # second argument: 1 for straight lines, 2 for curved lines or 0 for none
#~ folding_style=1;1;

#~ # should an horizontal line be drawn at the line where text is folded
#~ # 0 to disable
#~ # 1 to draw the line above folded text
#~ # 2 to draw the line below folded text
#~ folding_horiz_line=2

#~ # first argument: drawing of visual flags to indicate a line is wrapped. 
This is a bitmask of the
#~ # values: 0 - No visual flags, 1 - Visual flag at end of subline of a 
wrapped line, 2 - Visual flag
#~ # at begin of subline of a wrapped line, Subline is indented by at least 1 
to make room for the flag.
#~ # second argument: whether the visual flags to indicate a line is wrapped 
are drawn near the border
#~ # or near the text. This is a bitmask of the values: 0 - Visual flags drawn 
near border,
#~ # 1 - Visual flag at end of subline drawn near text, 2 - Visual flag at 
begin of subline drawn near text
#~ line_wrap_visuals=1;0;

#~ # first argument: sets the size of indentation of sublines for wrapped lines 
in terms of
#~ # the width of a space, only used when the second argument is 0
#~ # second argument: wrapped sublines can be indented to the position of their 
first subline or
#~ # one more indent level, possible values:
#~ # 0 - Wrapped sublines aligned to left of window plus amount set by the 
first argument
#~ # 1 - Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent (use the same 
#~ # 2 - Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent plus one more 
level of indentation
#~ line_wrap_indent=0;1;

#~ # first argument: amount of space to be drawn above the line's baseline
#~ # second argument: amount of space to be drawn below the line's baseline
#~ line_height=1;1;

#~ # 3rd argument is true to override default foreground of calltips
#~ # 4th argument is true to override default background of calltips
#~ calltips=call_tips

#~ # error indicator color
#~ indicator_error=0xff

#~ [settings]
#~ # which characters should be skipped when moving (or included when deleting) 
to word boundaries
#~ # should always include space and tab (\s\t)
#~ whitespace_chars=\s\t!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~
#~ #wordchars=_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789

#~ [named_styles]
#~ # This 

Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread Colomban Wendling
@Lo0is lines starting with `#` are comment lines, they are not used.  You need 
to comment-out line 2 so it reads `[styling]`, and the line that has 
`line_height` so it reads `line_height=1;1;`.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread Lo0is
This is my file, I hope it can help you to understand what is happening to me. 
@elextr @b4n 

`#~ # For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main 
#~ [styling]
#~ # use foreground;background;bold;italic or named_style,bold,italic

#~ # used for filetype All/None
#~ default=default

#~ # 3rd selection argument is true to override default foreground
#~ # 4th selection argument is true to override default background
#~ selection=selection

#~ # style for a matching brace
#~ brace_good=brace_good
#~ # style for a non-matching brace (a brace without a counterpart)
#~ brace_bad=brace_bad

#~ # the following settings define the colours of the margins on the left side
#~ margin_linenumber=margin_line_number
#~ margin_folding=margin_folding
#~ fold_symbol_highlight=fold_symbol_highlight

#~ # background colour of the current line, only the second and third argument 
is interpreted
#~ # use the third argument to enable or disable the highlighting of the 
current line (has to be true/false)
#~ current_line=current_line

#~ # translucency for the current line(first argument) and the selection 
(second argument)
#~ # values between 0 and 256 are accepted. Note for Windows 95, 98 and ME 
#~ # keep this value at 256 to disable translucency otherwise Geany might crash
#~ translucency=256;256

#~ # style for a highlighted line (e.g when using Goto line or goto tag)
#~ marker_line=marker_line

#~ # style for a marked search results (when using "Mark" in Search dialogs)
#~ # the second argument sets the background colour for the drawn rectangle
#~ # only the second argument is interpreted
#~ marker_search=marker_search

#~ # style for a marked line (e.g when using the "Toggle Marker" keybinding 
#~ marker_mark=marker_mark

#~ # translucency for the line marker(first argument) and the search marker 
(second argument)
#~ marker_translucency=256;256

#~ # colour of the caret(the blinking cursor), only first and third argument is 
#~ # set the third argument to true to change the caret into a block caret
#~ caret=caret

#~ # width of the caret(the blinking cursor)
#~ # width in pixels, use 0 to make it invisible, maximum width is 3
#~ caret_width=1

#~ # set foreground and background colour of indentation guides
#~ indent_guide=indent_guide

#~ # third argument: if true, use this foreground color. If false, use the 
default value defined by the filetypes.
#~ # fourth argument: if true, use this background color. If false, use the 
default value defined by the filetypes.
#~ white_space=white_space

#~ # style of folding icons, valid values are:
#~ # first argument:  1 for boxes, 2 for circles, 3 for arrows, 4 for +/-
#~ # second argument: 1 for straight lines, 2 for curved lines or 0 for none
#~ folding_style=1;1;

#~ # should an horizontal line be drawn at the line where text is folded
#~ # 0 to disable
#~ # 1 to draw the line above folded text
#~ # 2 to draw the line below folded text
#~ folding_horiz_line=2

#~ # first argument: drawing of visual flags to indicate a line is wrapped. 
This is a bitmask of the
#~ # values: 0 - No visual flags, 1 - Visual flag at end of subline of a 
wrapped line, 2 - Visual flag
#~ # at begin of subline of a wrapped line, Subline is indented by at least 1 
to make room for the flag.
#~ # second argument: whether the visual flags to indicate a line is wrapped 
are drawn near the border
#~ # or near the text. This is a bitmask of the values: 0 - Visual flags drawn 
near border,
#~ # 1 - Visual flag at end of subline drawn near text, 2 - Visual flag at 
begin of subline drawn near text
#~ line_wrap_visuals=1;0;

#~ # first argument: sets the size of indentation of sublines for wrapped lines 
in terms of
#~ # the width of a space, only used when the second argument is 0
#~ # second argument: wrapped sublines can be indented to the position of their 
first subline or
#~ # one more indent level, possible values:
#~ # 0 - Wrapped sublines aligned to left of window plus amount set by the 
first argument
#~ # 1 - Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent (use the same 
#~ # 2 - Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent plus one more 
level of indentation
#~ line_wrap_indent=0;1;

#~ # first argument: amount of space to be drawn above the line's baseline
#~ # second argument: amount of space to be drawn below the line's baseline
#~ line_height=0;0;

#~ # 3rd argument is true to override default foreground of calltips
#~ # 4th argument is true to override default background of calltips
#~ calltips=call_tips

#~ # error indicator color
#~ indicator_error=0xff

#~ [settings]
#~ # which characters should be skipped when moving (or included when deleting) 
to word boundaries
#~ # should always include space and tab (\s\t)
#~ whitespace_chars=\s\t!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~
#~ #wordchars=_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789

#~ [named_styles]
#~ # This is the Default "built-in" 

Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread Colomban Wendling
@elextr sure, but my point is that in C `[0]` does *not* dereference 
anything, `pointer`could be anything so long as you d'ont 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr
@b4n, by default the C++ vector index is unchecked, but no index is legal on a 
zero length vector, its UB, as the spec says about operator[] `Accessing a 
nonexistent element through this operator is undefined behavior.`.

The assertions flag makes it checked, as the message you posted above says 
`Assertion '__builtin_expect(__n < this->size(), true)' failed`, and if size() 
is 0 its impossible for __n to be < 0.

The reason its UB is that the vector would have to have at least one member to 
have memory allocated be able to access vector[0], but if size() is zero it 
need not have any memory allocated, remember std::vector is dynamic.

The reason nothing fails without the assertion is that Scintilla uses resize() 
as one of my links above points out, which does not de-allocate the vector 
memory, and its extremely likely that the vector has some memory left from 
previous operations, so its internal pointer is not `nullptr`.

@hroncok yeah, I'm sure lots of other programs have bugs found when the flag 
makes vector indexing checked :grin:

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread Miro Hrončok

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread Miro Hrončok
IIRC the other issue when `-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS` caused a crash, it was caused 
by accessing `zero_length_vector[0]`. Let me try to find it.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread Colomban Wendling
@elextr for the moment your hint doesn't make much sense to me, you're just 
point out that a 0×H image will have 0 bytes of data, which makes sense.  I 
don't see how it would account for accessing past the buffer, as the given size 
is 0 in one direction.  Well, of course the can be a bug some other place, and 
likely is, but it makes perfect sense the data is 0 bytes.

Or maybe I'm just not C++-literate enough, but `[0]` should 
not cause any issue.  Though, maybe the problem is that `operator[0]` actually 
checks the value can be dereferenced, in which case it cannot…

Meh, writing this makes me think that either:
* with a C++ vector, `[0]` is not equivalent to getting a raw pointer on 
the vector's data
* glibc++ has a bug in that it should not assert in this case (yet, I don't see 
how it could then assert for valid cases)

I don't think there is an actual bug in accessing the memory as Valgrind's 
memcheck doesn't report errors; so I guess the calling code (at which I didn't 
look) does not access the memeory past its size.
I guess we *could* special-case the code not to dereference, but that sounds 
weird to the C guy I am :)

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr
@hroncok what that flag does is to make illegal indexing of vectors crash 
rather than be ignored, so Fedora using it is why your Geany crashes but others 
do not, but its not why the index was out of range in the first place.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread Miro Hrončok
> Without testing further, my money would go on `-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS`.

I recall seeing this in other places as well, so I concur this is the flag.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread Colomban Wendling
@elextr that's the next step, but I bet you can now debug it yourself as well 
:wink: :wink: :wink: 
I'll try and look at it maybe this evening if I find time.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr
@b4n neat, so now _why_ is the access to the vector out of range?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Splitting a snowman in half crashes Geany with Spell Check (inserting a space before Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR-16) (#1041)

2020-12-07 Thread Colomban Wendling
> FTR the cflags in Fedora are:
> […]
> And ldflags:

Ah-ah!  We got a winner.  If I build Geany with those flags (minus the `-spec` 
parameters that obviously don't work on my Debian):
$ export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed  -Wl,-z,now"
$ export CFLAGS="-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g 
-grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security 
-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fstack-protector-strong  
-m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection 
$ ./ --prefix=/tmp/_install
$ make -j4 install
$ /tmp/_install/bin/geany -c /tmp/_conf
/usr/include/c++/8/bits/stl_vector.h:950: std::vector<_Tp, 
_Alloc>::const_reference std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[](std::vector<_Tp, 
_Alloc>::size_type) const [with _Tp = unsigned char; _Alloc = 
std::allocator; std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::const_reference = 
const unsigned char&; std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::size_type = long unsigned int]: 
Assertion '__builtin_expect(__n < this->size(), true)' failed.

Without testing further, my money would go on `-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS`.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr
@b4n thats why I asked for it to be posted so we can check :) 

See also my edit 6 comments above :)

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread Colomban Wendling
@Lo0is wait, I think I know the issue: is that setting properly in a 
`[styling]` section?  By default the section itself is commented (on line 2), 
which then doesn't work.

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread elextr
@Lo0is post your filetypes.common in your favourite pastebin and post a link 

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread Lo0is
@b4n sure, I've tried many combinations that goes beyond 1 but it doesn't give 
me any kind of change

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread Colomban Wendling
@Lo0is did you try with bigger values than 1?

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Re: [Github-comments] [geany/geany] Can't see underscores on Ubuntu 20.04 (#2502)

2020-12-07 Thread Lo0is
the solution did not help much, considering that I used another value but 

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